feelin KushTi, Stirling Videos

Videos by feelin KushTi in Stirling. We all have the power within ourselves to heal but we can not do this journey on our own.

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Other feelin KushTi videos

If you’ve got time to complain.. you’ve got time to change! #feelinkushti #timeisnow #loveyourlife #peace

If you’ve been waiting to make a change, you need to realise that sometimes you have to do it even though you are afraid. Do it regardless of your fear! Waiting around for your fears to go away could mean years of being stuck, years wasted. The alchemist is one that transform their pain into wisdom. Use the energy of fear to take the next step, you might look back and realise that being afraid was only a wee part of your story, and if you want to change your story you need to get out of the spiral of complaining, whinning, stewing and write yourself a new story. Sometimes saying the truth out loud hurts. But the truth shines light on the darkness, the truth is an opportunity to grow. 🙏 #doitanyways #feelinkushti

Another amazing testimonial from March’s Kushti Kleanse! If you are the fence about starting .. keep reading!! So… this has taken me a while to post as there are too many positive words… I had been struggling with long Covid symptoms for the last 2 years, constant feeling of fatigue and fighting colds… I felt burnt out and tired (I also have 2 kids that don’t sleep so that is also a big factor). I was tired of feeling lethargic and burnt out! I found Feelin KushTi after I was gifted some of her magical supplements for a Christmas gift and I really noticed how they started to make me feel better. I spoke to Laura about her 30 day cleanse/revamp and I was committed and excited for the challenge and results! And I was not let down… after 1 week I felt lighter, clearer and had more energy to start building exercise back into my life. I felt supported/ heard, and cared for not only by Laura but also by the fabulous community that went on the journey with me, we encouraged each other through the rollercoaster of emotions and cravings and it meant I stuck at it! The results: weight loss, clearer skin, less eye bags, better sleep, joint pain much improved, more energy, less groggy, better focus…. The list goes on! After the 30 days the support doesn’t stop, I still feel that I can maintain the positive changes that make for happier and healthier future…. Thank you Laura your an angel and to the other women who have also supported me on this journey! I feel I have my life back ❤️

Aud Guray Nameh 🙏 I was wondering where this new journey would take me, knowing it was the right path I trusted the signs and the universe and I’ve been blown away by how incredibly powerful mantras are & kundalini is for Archie. You don’t need to understand the meaning behind the mantras to benefit from them.. and our non verbal children clearly show us that! Archie! He is the most willing free soul just waiting for the next magical experience. The perfect student for Kundalini Yoga classes. It’s been over a year now we have been on this journey and it has than us to teaching other families in schools new different ways to help our children expand and heal. Archie has started chanting with me, breathing more deeply, limbs more relaxed.. such a calmness that sweeps over him after and during a session is goosebump worthy. Primordial rhythms of creation 🙏 Family all inclusive yoga sessions are starting up! After the feedback from Archie’s school friends and the encouragement to bring new and innovative ways to join communities like ours together in a much relaxed environment… this is family healing. You don’t need to understand it all to experience the energy ! #yogaforchildrenwithdisabilities #inclusiveyoga #soundtherapy # specialchildren #community

Connecting and nourishing my sons nervous system has to be the most soothing experience for my nervous system ❤️

Learning to love yourself and be the author of your story, it does take dedication, resistance, responsibility and lots of love. Listen to your body. Listen to yourself and never let fear take over. Be more observant, stop & think, make better choices and choose to love yourself instead of self sabotaging in order to heal. Your body is never trying to kill you! If you have been making excuses and toying with the idea that you need to make changes but have no idea where to start please keep reading ! Spring is approaching, it’s the ideal time to work with nature, plant the seeds, soak up her medicine and blossom. My 30 day revamp started March 4 with an amazing supportive group of incredible woman. I was all pumped. Super excited for all the members joining and had groceries sorted & meal plan organised/ supplements etc. I put my heart & soul over into this program as it not only saved me once but many times. Most of us know what it’s like to make excuses and use our circumstances as a reason to cave in. Life is tough, I deserve a cookie. Today has been so hard and stressful, I deserve a glass of wine. We are in a crises situation, just order take out, it’s less stressful. It’s CONVENIENT & EASY. But it doesn’t serve us. Feed us. Or nurture us! We push through stomach pain, toilet runs, migraines, irritability .. because everyone else does. Imagine if we stoped using that as an excuse and encouraged each other to be the best versions of ourselves. 30 days to rewire your system. Heal your body and learn new skills that give you your power back ! .. .. Next 30 days starts April 15th. Spaces limited ! #plantmedicine #30days #revamp #supplements #nutrition #feelgood #trustyourself

How sound frequencies can heal 🙏 Worth watching!

Teachers gift sets!!! Smudge off… Serenity NOW…. Sacred Herbal tea blends… Tranquil Bath Rituals .. and much more!!

Unique sacred healing Yuletide gift boxes ! Pre order yours today for Xmas 🎄 Why not save some time and allow me to personalise & wrap the gift for you complete with a card and message for your loved one 🙏🧡

Plant medicine isn’t just for woman 🪻🍂

Mushroom Blends Available to order 🍄