feelin KushTi

We all have the power within ourselves to heal but we can not do this journey on our own.

Photos from feelin KushTi's post 04/09/2024

Some Wednesday food for thought. I never meant for this post to be this long but I opened the can of worms.

There is only one of you in the whole world.
You are unique. Your health is unique.
Which is why Ayurveda makes so much sense.
It treats the whole person, body, mind and soul.

Are you balancing on the verge of adrenal fatigue? Burnout? Suffering from Migraines? Exhaustion? Insomnia? Anxiety? Foggy brain? Unable to release weight? Poor sleep?

These symptoms teach us that if they go unchecked, they become the pathway to disease.

Dis-regulation = Dis-ease

Acknowledging these subtle symptoms can help us catch imbalances before more serious symptoms show their ugly face.

Unbalanced doshas show up in many ways in the body…. But we need to LISTEN.
If we ignore it the screaming will get louder.
Trust me I know, I lost an organ.
We didn’t get this way overnight.
I didn’t get that way over night.
Most likely it’s been this way for a long time.
It was like this for me for 7 years.
I listened. I voiced my concerns. I was ignored.
I lost an organ and the ability to eat for a very prolonged period of time. I lost time with my kids.
How loud does the screaming need to get for you to care about your life??

We suffer.
We self sabotage.
We eat things that make us sick, we try quick fixes, we start and we give up, we become so
un balanced that we actually have no idea how amazing we could feel if we were balanced.
We get used to the pain.

Sometimes its really hard being honest with ourselves but really easy to continue to ignore and suffer.

Why would anyone want to suffer?

Because we’ve been programmed to believe it’s a “normal” part of life and to suck it up like everyone else does.

What you think you’re special because you do not want to be in pain when all of us our suffering?
Get back in line and keep your mouth shut or better yet, here’s some pills that will inevitably cause you more suffering. Come back when they don’t work, I’ve got a list here of more we can try.

I know. I’ve been in that chair. Handed prescription after prescription like it was candy.
Treated like it’s all in my head. Medical gaslighting at its best. Shush and take this pill.

We’ve been programmed to wait until the body is really screaming before we go to a doctor who is never going to look at you as a whole person, mind body and soul. Someone who won’t ask you what you eat or what supplements you take. Why do we trust them and leave our lives in their hands?
What did they ever do to gain our trust?

Our world is changing. The waiting lists are endless. An A.I will soon be diagnosing you over a phone. When you can’t see a dentist to fix the teeth that you’ve ruined with your sugar intake or lack of brushing, are you going to be okay paying privately, or being gumless?

We need to know how to listen and heal our bodies ourselves. Preventative medicine.
Prevent disease. Alkaline our body.
Nourish and treat our body like the temple it is. Love ourselves enough to make that change. Pass that knowledge to our children.

Communicate and share out knowledge with others so they can help heal themselves.
Inspire others to trust their intuition.

Staying the same is not an option anymore. 🙏

Photos from feelin KushTi's post 03/09/2024

September detox group has kicked off and what a group! I’m so inspired & just in awe of the amazing woman who have decided enough is ENOUGH!

There comes a time in a woman’s life when she says
“No more”.

No more excuses, no more fear, no more waiting for someone to save us. Instead of being annoyed & tired of listening to our bodies scream.. we say thank you.

Thank you body for showing us what we are doing isn’t working. Change is needed, I’ve had enough!

Time to hunt for ourselves, run with the wolves and put ourselves back together bone by bone. Hair by hair.

It’s not a detox… it’s a lifestyle.
It’s learning new skills, gaining new knowledge, filling our mental shelves with information that we can go back to and reference & use in times of need.

Ayurveda is a way of life. It’s the science of life.

Live with and align with nature. Go with the flow and truly listen to your body 🙏

Let’s return to wholeness ❤️


I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasnt for the love and support from not only friends and family but also people I’ve never met.

“Paying it forward is an expense we can all afford and one that humanity can’t afford to live without”.

Author ~ unknown.

I grew up paying it forward and in turn receiving pay it forwards and even as something as simple as going through a drive through and finding out the person in front of you paid for your order can change not only your day but your week. Kindness is priceless.

Archie wouldn’t have benefited from specialised therapy if people didn’t kindly donate to his just giving page, we wouldn’t have a home if it wasn’t for people’s kind generosity…

So with the launch and start of September’s month long detox and plant medicine journey I’m offering a free 10 day detox with a consultation! Now .. I don’t push or chase anyone for healing and I want to make it clear that this offer is valid for 1 year, so if you nominate someone who isn’t ready then that’s ok too! They will have this in their tool box for when they are ready, there is zero pressure to start now!

All you have to do is pm message me and nominate someone you feel would be open to this gift and who could do with a pick me up! You can give a reason or not. But please send me their address as well, & I will be choosing the winner at random and will announce the winner on Saturday after they receive their order!

Nominations close Thursday 5th so don’t waste time!!!

Much love tiny phone people 🙏❤️

"Barbara O'Neill: Full In-Depth Interview on Mastering Health & Upcoming Scotland Event" 30/08/2024

Barbara’s coming to scotland!!!

"Barbara O'Neill: Full In-Depth Interview on Mastering Health & Upcoming Scotland Event" Join us for an exclusive interview with Barbara O'Neill, renowned health expert and bestselling author, hosted by the Good Food Project—UK's official distrib...


Diane Lang thank you for trusting me ❤️
I’m so happy we crossed paths 🙏

Are you ready to change your health story ?

Are you fed up of complaining?

How long have you been suffering?

Are the meds working?

Do you know where to start?

Is it overwhelming ?

Do you want to live a long life?

Are you needing a crash course on how to
prevent diseases: heal diseases?

Are you tired of feeling tired?

Are you willing to change your lifestyle for one month to find out ?

Are you willing to continue to suffer?

If you are all out of excuses and ready to take back your power and thrive than please reach out !!

This program is a crash course on nutrition, plant medicine, parasites, toxins, disease, healing the gut, and most importantly knowledge.

Knowledge is power.
You don’t have to wait for disease to wreck havoc, you can prevent it !

A few spaces left 🙏


Thank you Emma for sharing and thank you for allowing me to be apart of your journey!

If 30 days is just too daunting & overwhelming for you at this present time… I GET IT!

Which is why I offer a 10 day detox or 2 weeks! It’s ONLY 10 days!

This is your journey and I’m just tagging along for the ride and can tailor it to YOU and where you are at right now! 🙏


Are you ready to change your health story ?

Are you fed up of complaining?

How long have you been suffering?

Are the meds working?

Do you know where to start?

Is it overwhelming ?

Do you want to live a long life?

Are you needing a crash course on how to
prevent diseases: heal diseases?

Are you tired of feeling tired?

Are you willing to change your lifestyle for one month to find out ?

Are you willing to continue to suffer?

If you are all out of excuses and ready to take back your power and thrive than please reach out !!

This program is a crash course on nutrition, plant medicine, parasites, toxins, disease, healing the gut, and most importantly knowledge.

Knowledge is power.
You don’t have to wait for disease to wreck havoc, you can prevent it !

A few spaces left 🙏

Diet Guide. - Dont be afraid of Cancer... 28/08/2024

Almost everyday I receive a message from someone asking me about purchasing cannabis oil to cure & eliminate cancer in either themselves or someone they love.

This article isnt just a cancer protocol this article clearly explains why many people get cancer and why our diet and lifestyle play a huge roll.

There isn’t 1 cure for cancer. The same as there isn’t 1 supplement that will fix your health issues.

Cannabis oil is amazing and definitely something I would consider incorporating into your lifestyle regardless of a “diagnosis”…


You also need to look at your lifestyle !!!

Treat the cause NOT the effect.

Your diet is just as important as cannabis oil.

It is a COMBINATION of many things that can give you a fighting chance to kill off cancer, and also prevent cancer. If you are truly ready to change your story & not let the diagnosis send you into a pit of despair, let’s thank your body for showing you it’s time to change your lifestyle!

Some information… (not everything but some highlights)

Cancer & many other diseases can not survive in a body with a PH balance of 7.5-11ph.
So alkalinity in the body is your goal.
80% Alkaline 20% Acid.

Acidic body will attract more diseases & illnesses.

Diet & education is key. But when isn’t it??!?

Cancer lives off sugar. (As do parasites)
If you can cut at least 90% of processed sugars from your diet, you will starve the cancer.

Cancer hates an oxygenated environment.

Good quality hydrogen rich water over tap water.
Cancer will find it hard to take a grip on your body with every cell in the body being fed with a much higher alkaline-enriched water.

Heavy metal detox and parasites cleanses are crucial for cleaning out your body.

Parasites use heavy metals to create a biofilm to coat themselves which allow them to hide from the immune system. Getting rid of these nasties is non negotiable. Research is showing a link between parasites and cancer.

Raw food & vegetable juicing alkalines the body.

Plant medicine & supplements.
Turkey tail for breast cancer
Sh*taki boost immune system
Milk thistle - cleans the liver & toxins
Spirulina & chorella- alkalines the body
Essiac Tea- immune system
Black seed oil - kills many cancers
High Vit C
Wheat grass - 80 trace minerals…

And much more.

Heal the Gut!! Your gut is your powerhouse and it is working in your favour given the right environment.

Kill of the yeast.

Red light therapy. Saunas. Sun nature. Water.

Other factors to consider..
Cutting out fluoride, aspartame, toxic deodorants, red & blue dye, microwaves, sun screen, toxic skin care products… etc etc.

There is a better and less harmful way of tackling cancer all it takes is you believing in yourself.
Loving yourself and educating yourself.

My 30 day program is all about alkalizing the body, healing the gut, detoxing heavy metals and starting the process of ridding your body of parasites. It is incredibly healing and by committing to loving your body for a month with a plan instead of going in blindly the knowledge you will leave with might change your story down the line.

I hope this article wakes up the Agni (fire) in your belly and fulls you with hope!

If you are interested in the 30 day Kleanse it starts September 1st and only few spaces remain!


Diet Guide. - Dont be afraid of Cancer... What to eat to Alkalise the body. Cancer cannot survive in a body with a Ph of 7.5Ph-11Ph so the cancer is unable to spread if you can achieve this thru diet. Then we can target the cancer specifically with C.I.T and a range of other natural ingredients. You will also feel 10X better, younger


Testimonials always make me cry!!
You did this not me! I just supported you and gave you some tools !! ❤️🙏 love to you my friend ❤️


Hi Everyone ,
Looking forward to getting back on the detox train after 4 months being off if !
This is more than a detox it’s a self nurturing , self care programme that you can fall back on time and time again .
I did the Kushti Cleanse back in March and remember how amazing and light my body felt after I nourished and looked after it !
I’ve not quite gone back to old ways but having no gallbladder requires me to take good care of my gut and liver and I know when I feel toxic !
Laura is amazing and helps everyone collectively and gives extra support personally if you need that too.
Her mantra is
“ Always listen to your body “
Laura’s wealth of knowledge, of herbs, plant medicine, no nonsense supplements she has gained while also being a full time mum and carer for her son Archie, who has complex needs is second to none .
Her pure empathic and gentle nature makes this cleanse nurturing whilst providing you with the tools to ultimately take care of your self .
The combination of nutritional advice ,herbal knowledge and emotional support makes this a worthy cleanse .
Remember you are ultimately investing in your future self !

Look forward to joining you all on the journey .


Cosmic cleanse .. Soul Sista Spiritual Healing
love it!! ❤️ Im already buzzing off your energy 🙏

Isn’t it about fooking time for all of us?!!??

Everything is expensive, you are literally paying to be sick these days.... WILLINGLY!!

When you start changing & educating yourself about what you eating … guess what folks???


You pay £10 for a Costa-crap muffin and overpriced coffee…£3 for a monster, Greg’s lunch .. no idea let’s say £8, throw in a take away a week at £20.. how much do you spend a week on poisoning yourself because it’s CONVENIENT?!?

Then you end up sick and you head to the GP who gives you a diagnosis & pharmaceuticals.

Dia - complete / through across
Gnosis - means the word of god.
Do not ignore the power of words.

The word Diagnosis in itself is dangerous. You give over your power and let/ give a stranger power over your story. Suggestive diagnoses are designed to control your mind and interrupt your bodies ability to naturally heal.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be the one that started a ripple effect of what health could look like!
Family friends, even internet friends see you looking vibrant full of energy and they start to believe & have hope again that their story can be different.

They can write themselves a new story.
They are the author of their story not the “professionals”.

You can be the ripple. You can be the change ❤️

Have you ever done a Detox ? Xx

Time for a Cosmic Spring Clean ,
It's about Fooking time I gave energy time and effort into what I am putting in my body... I ditched the alcohol long time ago now it's the other crap 💖

Ditching the junk, No coffee , No Sugar and a whole lot of change that I am actually quite Excited about 🤩 which is a First for me 🤣

Let’s see where this cosmic cleanse takes me⚡

Detox Day 1 with KushTi 💗

Woop let's do this ✨✨


If you keep wondering why you are sick just get curious about what you are putting inside your body. It’s not rocket science folks!

This applies to a lot of people who continue to turn a blind eye to the hugely damaging additives, preservatives, gmo ingredients and artificial chemicals in supermarket food.

If you continue to "take it" when it comes to crap food then you fall right into their hands as the next wave of even worse food is on the way..

Fake processed food is just another delivery mechanism for the chemicals they want to pump into you. Don't be fooled.

Change your shopping habits today. Get your first grocery order in with The Good Food Project this weekend and taste the difference.


Another amazing testimonial from March’s
Kushti Kleanse! If you are the fence about starting .. keep reading!!

So… this has taken me a while to post as there are too many positive words…

I had been struggling with long Covid symptoms for the last 2 years, constant feeling of fatigue and fighting colds… I felt burnt out and tired (I also have 2 kids that don’t sleep so that is also a big factor).

I was tired of feeling lethargic and burnt out!

I found Feelin KushTi after I was gifted some of her magical supplements for a Christmas gift and I really noticed how they started to make me feel better.

I spoke to Laura about her 30 day cleanse/revamp and I was committed and excited for the challenge and results!

And I was not let down… after 1 week I felt lighter, clearer and had more energy to start building exercise back into my life.

I felt supported/ heard, and cared for not only by Laura but also by the fabulous community that went on the journey with me, we encouraged each other through the rollercoaster of emotions and cravings and it meant I stuck at it!

The results: weight loss, clearer skin, less eye bags, better sleep, joint pain much improved, more energy, less groggy, better focus…. The list goes on!

After the 30 days the support doesn’t stop, I still feel that I can maintain the positive changes that make for happier and healthier future…. Thank you Laura your an angel and to the other women who have also supported me on this journey! I feel I have my life back ❤️

Photos from feelin KushTi's post 16/08/2024

You can trust the screams, the loudness the pain and listen to it. It’s a sign.

If you have been making excuses and toying with the idea that you need to make changes but have no idea where to start please keep reading !

Life is full of signs testing you every single day.
In times of unexpected crises you can plan all you want but god always has other plans for you to test your willpower & love towards yourself. We need to adapt, have the skills and determination to trust the process no matter how hard it is.

Most of us know what it’s like to make excuses and use our circumstances as a reason to cave in. Life is tough, I deserve a cookie. Today has been so hard and stressful, I deserve a glass of wine. We are in a crises situation, just order take out, it’s less stressful. It’s CONVENIENT & EASY.

But it doesn’t serve us. Feed us. Or nurture us!
We push through stomach pain, toilet runs, migraines, irritability .. because everyone else does. Imagine if we stoped using that as an excuse and encouraged each other to be the best versions of ourselves.

The majority of us were never taught how to deal with big emotions properly without using food as a comfort/ go too. Also most folk are asleep to the dangers of what they are consuming that will ultimately lead to cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic pain, digestive issues etc.

By choosing to nurture over self sabotage you are giving your body a chance to feel good & to show you how it can truly feel, and how quickly the body can heal by ITSELF!

30 day revamp starts September 1st! Spaces limited!


Natures most potent Elixir 🍏 🫚 🍋‍🟩

How you start your morning & what you put in your body not only has long term lasting effects but also sets up your digestive system for the day … and you know what it is so damn easy & cheap!!!

This is a staple in my house and has been for over a decade. I’m so happy that ginger shots have garnered significant attention over the last few years and for very good reasons!

But with the cost of living skyrocketing buying them in tiny wee bottles from Tesco is expensive & usually full of unnecessary sugar. Ginger shots from an average supermarket as an example, are made up of only around 10% ginger juice, the remaining 90% is apple juice (sugar).

Not only is it expensive but I truly believe when you choose to not buy convenience & put the effort into preparing your food or juices yourself the benefits it has on the mind body and spirit are amplified.

So what are the benefits of Ginger shots????

Ginger is rich in plant fibre and powerful compounds, specifically gingerol and shagols.
It has long been used as a remedy for digestive issues & can alleviate symptoms of indigestion, such as bloating, gas, and stomach discomfort. They act as a great digestive aide, and are particularly beneficial for gastrointestinal mobility.
For anyone that struggles with IBS, or if you’ve lost your gallbladder these shots will become your life savour!

Ginger is also an anti inflammatory, and has analgesics properties which can also aid in pain relief. Loaded with antioxidants this shot is a powerful immune booster and as we head into the winter you’ll be grateful you’ve incorporated these wee shots into your daily routine.

With my missing gallbladder and damaged valves most days I wake up feeling nauseas with bile in my stomach, so in order to get rid of the bile and inflammation & not suffer all day my morning routine is non negotiable.

I start my day with Tree bark herbs to heal my digestive tract, Ayurvedic triphala, ginger shots and warm lemon water.

You can take these at any point in the day not just the morning! If you don’t like ginger start off slow and work your way up. Not only does it aid digestion but ginger really gives you a natural boost of energy ! After a few days your body will be craving them!!!

Lime Benefits:
Constipation relief
Prevents peptic ulcers
Immune boosting
Relieves heartburn
Helps weight loss
Anti inflammatory

Recipe : (I make mine in bulk, bottle and put in the fridge for 3 days)

2 apples
1 inches ginger
1 lime

Bulk 10 apples 4 inches ginger 2 limes!!

Best purchase you can make to prevent GP visits, keep your immune system strong is to buy a juicer!!!

A juice a day has endless benefits and may just help you get off some of those nasty pharmaceuticals!!!

Happy juicing folks!! 🍎

Photos from feelin KushTi's post 15/08/2024

Meet the Herbs! Triphala

This is 1 of the supplements I take everyday religiously. After losing my gallbladder in 2021, I lost 4.5 stone in weight, I was failing to thrive and was in severe pain. My valves were damaged and I now had bile flowing freeing into my gut instead of going south. It’s a chronic life long condition that if not looked after properly could lead to stomach cancer & other health issues.

Every medication was thrown at me. Some I tried others I threw in the bin. It took awhile to find the right balance of supplements to allow me to eat!

Ayurvedic Organic Triphala truly saved me!!!
It is a true staple of Ayurvedic lifestyle.

Triphala is a herbal formulation of ‘three fruits’, Bibhitaki, Amalaki, Haritaki. In Ayurveda it’s known as ‘rasayaba’, a unique formula that not only detoxifies but also rejuvenates the body. It nourishes & is an effective gentle cleanser which balances all doshas, which makes it an excellent choice for everyone.

Triphala supports the digestive system, rejuvenates healthy tissues, maintains regularity, relieves occasional constipation, promotes healthy gut microbiome, supports health weight balance & immune system all while detoxing.
It also helps diabetes management, growth & repair, skin hair, great for oral health, improved vision health.

For those with sluggish digestion, triphala triggers the digestive fire which helps improves the agni.

The Sanskrit word for fire is Agni.
The gatekeeper of good health.
The source of life & awareness
The fire of intelligence & nutrition and one that governs all transformative processes.
At the root of every imbalance and disease is an impaired Agni. It connects lower consciousness to higher consciousness, body mind & soul. We could talk about Agni in depth but that’s a brief overview.

Back to Triphala!

Haritaki is the remover of disease, known for its detoxifying effect, and for restoring health.
The blessings of a long life & will nurture you like a mother. It provides support for all doshas as it has a warming nature.

Bibhitaki supports metabolic function and is great for kappa doshas.

Amla helps balance pitta doshas as it has a cooling efffect that boosts vit C, full of antioxidants and supports the immune system.

Triphala supports healthy elimination which is part of the cleansing detox effect. You can have some side effects when taking this supplement.

Triphala addresses dozens of different health concerns, boosts overall health, keeps your digestive tract in working order by nourishing & cleansing 🙏

Photos from feelin KushTi's post 14/08/2024

Kids are back to school and I don’t know about many of you but my body is definitely screaming for some routine alongside a detox!!!

For those of you who are on the fence about detoxing because it seems like such a commitment I am going to waken you up over the next few weeks and bring you along by sharing my detox journey with all of you. The highs the lows, recipes, which plants medicines I’m using, as well as other healing modalities that are part of my daily routine.

Whenever I say the word detox people cringe at the thought. Oh I can’t do that, I don’t have time for that, it’s too much work, all while they are struggling from a toxic overload which can look like this….

💩 constipation or diarrhea or both DAILY
🛌 poor sleep
🤕 migraines headaches & foggyness
🤬 agitation or angry outbursts
😭 mood swings
🤧 poor immune system
🏃‍♀️ lack of motivation / energy
🤚 skin issues

Do you really have time to suffer from headaches or a leaky gut daily? No one does. No one should.
More importantly ask you want to continue on this way or do you want to reach a higher vibration in not only your body but your entire life?!!!

The mindset that feeling this way is “normal” needs to be wiped out of our minds!
It’s not normal!

Our bodies are struggling daily with toxins everywhere, and if you give your car an oil change every few months or de worm your dog, clean out your vacuum… why aren’t you loving yourself enough to look after your body & clean it out???

I started a detox a few days ago as I’ve been feeling really blah the last few weeks and already I’m feeling so much cleaner. I genuinely eat really healthy 90% of the time, limit my sugar & processed foods & do not eat anything white or pre packaged but coffee, wine even in small amounts and skipping meals really messes up my already fragile system.

When you start detoxing it’s important to have a plan, as when you start overloading your system with good stuff you stir up the yucky stuff (toxins, parasites, even emotional wounds) Those parasites that you are killing off release gases that can go back into your blood stream if you aren’t using proper binders and eliminating them (which can ultimately create a worse environment).

Detoxing isn’t just about getting rid of nasties, it’s also about healing the gut. Our gut is our powerhouse and our weakest link. Unhealthy gut is usually the underlying cause of many health problems.

You want to clear your skin? Clear your gut!

It is possible to do a gentle detox with the right supplements, plan & support it doesn’t have to be such a horrendous experience. Don’t let others horror stories prevent you from taking the leap and loving your body!

The body always wants to heal and if it’s given the right environment it can heal a lot quicker than we think! 🙏❤️

The next Feelin KushTi Kleanse starts September 1st, limited spaces so if you are interested please reach out!

Photos from feelin KushTi's post 10/08/2024

Another last minute decision and the SUN is shinning!! 🌼 ☀️

Mummy daughter duo at the Dalbeattie Civic Daze all day and into the evening!
Pop along and say hi if you are in the area !!
We also dragged along Andrew and the dogs! 😂

Feelin Kushti has also teamed up with Kirkgunzeon Canines and we have lots of amazing treats & plant medicine superfoods for your furry friends. 🐶

If you miss us here there will be products stocked in the shop! 🙏


Oh the arguments I’ve had around butter over the years… folk complain about butter but instead end up eating engine lubricant ! 🤦‍♀️

Butter is GOOOD folks!
Eggs are good…
Meat is good…

You’ve been lied to! Stop counting calories and start reading labels! You’ll very soon start seeing insects on the list of ingredients 😉


Photos from feelin KushTi's post 30/07/2024

Feelin KushTi is back after a very much needed digital detox 🌼

Totally not planned but I was over loaded with orders, paired with itchy feet so I decided to go with the flow and start the “summer” holiday off with a wee break from social media and let me tell you ….it has felt so damn liberating!

I truly believe in going with my own flow of life and not putting any expectations or pressure on myself to keep up with the flow of social media.

Even though we know this & have good intentions, sometimes our bodies revert back to old unhealthy habits to cope. My body goes into hyper vigilance survival mode which is really dangerous for me as it can trigger a relapse or a Trigeminal Neuralgia attack which then leaves me really vulnerable. After months of no carer or support for Archie my body was just crashing with exhaustion & I knew that it was time to slow down.

We live in fast paced world and “keeping up with the jones” was the reason I moved to Africa at 18….I didn’t want to keep up (I still don’t!).

We are no longer keeping up or competing with the Jones.. we are competing with technology (AI)…. and suddenly I question whether or not what I’m reading is genuine or written by a machine.

Suddenly the game has changed yet again.

I’m sure there are many of us who struggle to find balance in this technological minefield while ensuring our sanity & sovereignty is at the forefront.

For me the idea of having to post everyday or product push to keep folk engaged just makes me feel icky, it doesn’t feel authentic.

I have never wanted to be further from the system than I do in this very moment, but still wanting to help others and share my knowledge while keeping my energy balanced is tricky!

Just as self preservation isn’t selfish, disconnecting from your “social responsibility” isn’t irresponsible or selfish it’s necessary.

We need to disconnect.
We need to satisfy our own soul not societies.

So when my son went to his dad’s for his summer break I could feel the travel itch….
I needed out of my 4 walls.

Since I was 17 I have lived by the saying..
if something good happens, travel.
If something bad happens, travel.
If you are bored, travel.
If life is good travel.
If you are confused… TRAVEL!!

I asked my daughter if she was up for an adventure & she said yes! So we packed up Big Mama, Frida & Buddy, & took Feelin Kushti on the road!

We foraged, frolicked, swam, hiked, created new healing potions together, checked out abandoned places, saw our first soap box derby, charity shopped, cooked played survival games and washed dirty mucky dogs & enjoyed the sun when it appeared!

We all need breaks like this. The teenage years are challenging and there are many times I feel so out of my depth and some days I feel like I’m losing my sweet little girl… this week showed me what a talented amazing young woman my sweet girl is becoming ❤️ I’m so proud of her 🙏

For many of us this season & recent full moon is a period of change. Whether that be financial change, grief, acceptance, new adventures, new locations, new relationships, new unexpected hurdles… but regardless of what change is taking place these changes ultimately change YOU!

Lots of exciting new stuff happening here so keep your eyes on this space!!! 🌼🌱🙏

* not allowed to post recent teenage pics so one of my favs is in its place! ❤️

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TheraPlate works from the inside out using vortex wave circulation therapy.

The Wellbeing Circle The Wellbeing Circle

Genius Insight Health App Training & Support - book your free trial today.

The Reiki Retreat The Reiki Retreat
The Studio, 49 St John Street
Stirling, FK81ED

At The Reiki Retreat we help people relax, unwind and de-stress from modern everyday life. Either in person at our Stirling clinic or via distance healing.

K W Hypnotherapy K W Hypnotherapy
Manse Road
Stirling, FK83XA

Helping you live the life you want, free from excess weight, anxiety, habits & fears.

Well Beings Reiki For All Souls Well Beings Reiki For All Souls

I offer healing to every living soul, big or small, in person or via distance healing. Please contact me for more information or to book an appointment.

Natural Mamma Natural Mamma

I work with individuals or couples at any stage of their journey to parenting. Whether it’s those wishing to naturally enhance fertility, expectant parents preparing for birth or n...

Creating Calm Therapies Creating Calm Therapies
Gladstone Place
Stirling, FK82NN

The pain and heaviness of Grief is hard to bare alone, let me help you find a life worth living again

Oxygen Experience Oxygen Experience
2 Pitt Terrace

The Unknown

ASYou Reiki ASYou Reiki
Kings Park
Stirling, FK82QT

ASYou Reiki is based in Stirling and offers in person and distance Reiki Sessions #bethebestyou

Meridian Wellbeing, Counselling & Hypnotherapy Meridian Wellbeing, Counselling & Hypnotherapy
57 Caltrop Place
Stirling, FK77XS

A person-centred, professional, friendly and confidential counselling and hypnotherapy service.

Braithe Retreats Braithe Retreats
Southwood Studio
Stirling, FK82NN

Mindful and Relaxing Retreats in Scotland and Spain. Yoga, Nia, Pilates, Meditation and more... Lea

Laura S, Life Reset Specialist Laura S, Life Reset Specialist
Stirling, FK79NG

Brain Working Recursive Therapy Solutions Level 1 & 2. Rewire your brain with quick,