Helen Sanderson Associates

At Helen Sanderson Associates, we support individuals, teams and organisations to put people - and w


In a world where words have the power to heal or hurt, the way we communicate truly matters. We warmly invite you to join us for a special FREE webinar on Compassionate Communication.

This session will explore how speaking and listening without judgement can transform workplace conversations.

We hope you will join us for this Free one hour webinar, running from 10:00am - 11:00am PST!
Please RSVP here https://www.helensandersonassociates.com/event/hsa-usa-introduction-to-compassionate-communication/

Person-Centred Approaches to End of Life Planning 22/08/2024

Person-Centred Approaches to End of Life Planning with Sher Brown is coming up September 12th. Secure your spot here

Person-Centred Approaches to End of Life Planning In this session you will learn how to support people to plan for end of life that will be meaningful for them.


We are excited to share with you our Spring/Summer HSA USA Newsletter! Its been a busy few months. We are thrilled to be working with so many passionate and committed individuals and organizations that are supporting people to live their best lives! We hope you enjoy hearing about these impactful programs and people.
~Julie Tomlinson, HSA USA

HSA Canada 26/07/2024

We have a couple of summer sessions coming up. The Impact of Language on July 30 from 10-12 and Person-Centred Approaches to End of Life Planning on August 15 from 1-3 pm.

You can view all of our upcoming events here https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/hsa-canada-40312454603

or on our website at www.hsacanada.ca

HSA Canada HSA Canada

The Impact of Language 15/07/2024

Be sure to secure your spot for our Impact of Language session coming up on July 30. We will be diving into the language that we use in the service world and how it impacts the lives of those we support.

The Impact of Language Diving into the language that we use in providing support to others and considering the impact it has on societal beliefs.

July newsletter 04/07/2024

HSA Canada July newsletter

July newsletter Values are, in the words of Dr. Jackie Lefevre, “emotionally rich, energy laden abstract constructs - which means they are ideas, ideas which are HOT, these are things we get excited about”. They are not beliefs, ethics, morals or principles. They are why we do the things we do. They are why we ...

The Impact of Language 02/07/2024

Our Impact of Language session is coming up at the end of the month. Join us to discuss how the language we use impacts the lives of the people we support.

The Impact of Language Diving into the language that we use in providing support to others and considering the impact it has on societal beliefs.


During a recent Person-Centered Thinking training session, we were discussing what had resonated with the participants from the previous session. A young gentleman shared how he took the challenge of being more intentional in honoring others’ morning routines and helping others have more good days than bad.

He revealed how his Morning Ritual and Routine includes watching Tik Tok videos and how this is Important TO him. However, after attending the session, his eyes were opened to the fact that his wife did not necessarily appreciate having to listen to his videos in the morning. He acknowledged that his morning ritual was impacting how his wife’s day began. As a result of his learning, he divulged that he is simply going to use his ear buds to listen to his videos, so he and his wife have a better balance.

In Person-Centered Thinking training, we share how the skills we are learning are for everyone. Person-centered approaches help people find balance and encourage curiosity and creativity in developing those strategies. This was such a great example of putting the PCT skills into practice so that person-centered thinking becomes a part of one’s life philosophy!

~Tammy Forcum, HSA USA

To learn more about Person-Centered Thinking skills visit https://www.helensandersonassociates.com/person-centered-thinking-tools/

Company values in the hotseat 26/06/2024

Values are a hot topic. I have been fortunate enough to study under Dr. Jackie Lefevre (PHD in human values psychology) in the UK and gain a deeper understanding of values and how they impact our lives. Clarity in personal and organizational values is a game changer. Values are not just concepts that we believe in, values are deeply engrained in who we are. Taking the time to explore, discover and consciously align with them improves personal wellness and organizational success.

Check out this podcast with Dr. Jackie for some more insight.

We are exploring how we can support organizations in Canada to dive deep and craft their values. If you are interested please reach out to [email protected]

Barb, HSA Canada

Company values in the hotseat 23% of U.S. employees strongly agree that they can apply their organization’s values to their work every day, and only 27% “believe in” their organization’s values.…


The changes to employment supports in Ontario continue to negatively impact people receiving services and the organizations providing services. It’s time for evaluation and creating change that will improve outcomes.


Please review this joint report by Community Living Ontario and Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN) on the state of the employment supports system in Ontario. CASE - Canadian Association for Supported Employment Inclusion Canada APSE CCRW Hire for Talent / Optez pour le talentOpen Future Learning Office of the Chief Accessibility Officer of Canada Employment Accessibility Resource Network - EARN Ottawa Board of Trade Ontario Nonprofit Network People First of Canada


In our recent Compassion@Work session with participants from Northeast Kingdom Human Services, we explored what courage and vulnerability can look like in challenging workplace conversations. Inspired by Brene Brown's Dare to Lead program, we discussed how to navigate these conversations with compassion and courage.

We reflected on how we can feel discomfort when beginning challenging conversations, and we considered ways to initiate these conversations that focus on genuinely understanding each other's perspectives. Together, we thought about conversation starters that are thoughtful, kind, and aim to learn about the other person's feelings and needs.

We also reflected on what happens if we're taken by surprise with a challenging conversation. And considered how can we hit pause to give ourselves space to regulate before responding, rather than reacting. Having some helpful phrases to “pause” a conversation can give us time for self-compassion, to recognize our feelings and needs, or to process the other person's perspective.

Together, we created our own resource of compassionate phrases to begin and pause courageous conversations. The dedication and excitement participants shared to explore this topic was so inspiring!

~Holly Matecko, HSA USA
To learn more about Compassion@Work, please connect with Holly at [email protected]

The Impact of Language 11/06/2024

The Impact of Language - a 2 hr session offered in July. In this session we will consider how the language we use and the behaviour we model impacts the lives of people living with disabilities including how we share on social media. Please join us for this conversation.

The Impact of Language Diving into the language that we use in providing support to others and considering the impact it has on societal beliefs.

June newsletter 06/06/2024

Here is our June newsletter. Enjoy!

June newsletter There seems to be a lot of discussions happening internationally about aging in place, dying with dignity, living well and end of life planning. Very important discussions to have so that we can ensure people are in control as much as possible. A study by Stanford University found that 80% of people...


We are currently in the middle of facilitating Planning Live: Person-Centered Planning Facilitator Training creating plans for each other. Participants are sharing how eye-opening it is to experience the planning process as the focus for the plan. Sharing that they have never considered how they want their life to be, what kind of person they want to be or what things they might want to change to have the future they want. Such a wonderful reminder that person-centered practices can be constructive and illuminating for all of us striving to create lives that fulfill our hopes and dreams. Visit https://www.helensandersonassociates.com/person-centered-approaches-programs/planning-live-facilitator-training/ to learn more about Planning Live and available resources.
~Andrea Schact, HSA USA


In our Just Enough Support training I often use this cartoon to illustrate the roles that we sometimes take on in supporting others. It is a great reminder that sometimes we take on a “mothering” or parenting role. It’s important that we are checking in with ourselves to ensure that the supports we are providing are truly needed.

Often we hear of people who have been allocated a number of hours for support and want to keep that entitlement even if they don’t need it.

It’s ok to have conversations and help people explore their own strengths, assistive technology, natural and community relationships to ensure that the amount of paid support they receive is justified and necessary.

Barb, HSA Canada


We recently completed the first series of Community Connecting, partnering with the San Andreas Regional Center, and I am filled with gratitude and new learning.

The participants' dedication, expertise, and enthusiasm for learning were inspiring and reflected the outstanding work they bring to their roles every day!

What I loved about Community Connecting is it truly is all about connection. We all need a sense of belonging and connection to different places and people. During our time together, we explored how to connect and build community in our own lives, realizing that Community Connecting skills aren't just beneficial to the people we support - these skills empower and are applicable to everyone.

Some of the ideas explored in Community Connecting were:
Community and Belonging
Celebrating Who a Person Is
How to Make Meaningful Contributions
Sustaining Best Practices
Person-Centered Reviews

By using practical skills with people we support, we can better understand what matters to them, how to find meaningful spaces in their community, who to involve, and what it looks like to contribute and feel welcome in their community fully.

With a background in education and involvement in inclusion efforts within my own classroom, I see Community Connecting as a powerful reminder. When people with disabilities are valued in places, spaces, and with people that matter to them with the support of Community Connectors, it enriches the lives of everyone involved.

I am excited to keep supporting the amazing efforts of Community Connectors each day!!

If you would like to learn more about Community Connecting, please feel free to connect with me at [email protected]
~Holly Matecko, HSA USA


Join our JUNE One-Page Profiles Masterclass!

Ever ask yourself how you can improve the care you provide in your role?
Do you sometimes feel like, with the right information about a person, you could change how you care for them?

Look no further than One-Page Profiles. We have partnered with Helen Sanderson Associates Canada to add One-Pages Profiles Masterclasses to our professional development and training lineup

Two 90-minute sessions and a certificate upon completion!

Contact us today, or visit our website to learn more! www.personcentreduniverse.ca

Photos from Helen Sanderson Associates's post 16/05/2024

Mission "Helping our community welcome people with intellectual disabilities and autistic persons to live, work and play as valued citizens." LiveWorkPlay

How does this differ from other Mission statements you have seen? They typically start with "supporting people" in some way. This mission struck me. How would your daily work change if the mission was to help your community be welcoming to all people? What would you do differently?

I know people often are not consciously working toward the mission daily but it is a critical piece of a Strategic plan and drives the work we do. If our unconscious message is that we support people vs we help our community be welcoming, how does that affect the work we do?

"But if thought corrupts language, then language can also corrupt thought." George Orwell

How is the language in our Mission, Vision and Values shaping our thoughts, beliefs and behaviour and in turn shaping societal perceptions?

~ Barb, HSA Canada


During this week's Leading Person-Centered Change, we had a lovely conversation with participants from San Andreas Regional Center and San Gabriel Pomona Regional Center, exploring the concept of bringing your whole self to work.
As professionals, we often hear familiar views: being fully present, maintaining integrity, giving our best effort. However, we also hear that we are supposed to keep work and personal life separate, leaving what’s happening in your life at the door. While these are valuable ideals, it leaves us questioning: if we compartmentalize our personal lives apart from work, are we truly bringing our whole self? Can we genuinely thrive when we suppress significant aspects of who we are? After all, we spend a substantial portion of our lives within the workplace and with our work colleagues.
So, how can we reshape our perspectives and create an environment where authenticity flourishes? How do we foster a workplace where individuals feel empowered to bring their whole self—their past, present, and future—to the table? By embracing this philosophy, we not only nurture authenticity but also foster a more cohesive and supportive workplace culture.
In our session, we introduced four essential skills to facilitate the journey of bringing your whole self to work:
• Work Histories
• Gifts of the Head, Heart, Hands, and History
• Stress and Support
• One-page Profiles
Stay tuned as we will share more about these skills next week.

We’d love to hear from you: What does bringing your whole self to work mean to you?

~Jamie Markey, HSA USA

Photos from Helen Sanderson Associates's post 09/05/2024

Sharing some photos from our Gathering this week. Thank you so much to all that attended and our HSA Canada team as well as, of course, Helen Sanderson, Jackie Lefevre and our other speakers. Also a huge thank you to our sponsors, LifeCourseOnline, Go Easy Care and Trillium Support Services. We are so grateful and thrilled for such a successful event. Hope to see you all at our next Gathering.


Thank you for your support Trillium Support Services

Trillium Support Services is an exhibitor at the Helen Sanderson Associates Gathering 2024! We're excited to be here in Ottawa learning more about strategic planning, person-centred planning, trauma informed practices, community connecting, storytelling and much more! Stop by our booth to say hello to our COO, Kim Lalonde and our Coordinator of Services, Allison Teal.

Photos from Helen Sanderson Associates's post 07/05/2024

Helen Sanderson kicks off our


In a recent conversation with a colleague, I was asked, “Do you ever get nervous before you facilitate? It seems so natural.”
My response was - “ALL THE TIME!”
I firmly believe that nervousness doesn't have to be a negative; for me, it shows how much I care. If I didn’t feel those nerves, I’d question my commitment. Nervousness only becomes a hurdle when we let it control us.
I thought I'd share what I do before every training session. Grounding myself by reflecting on these questions;
What am I trying to achieve today? Reconnecting to my why and purpose.
What is the best possible outcome? Identifying what I want participants to leave with keeps me focused.
What might get in my way of accomplishing that? Identifying potential challenges helps me prepare for them.
What actions can I take, and what support do I need to overcome these obstacles? Being proactive and seeking support ensures I’m ready for whatever arises.
Embrace those pre-facilitation nerves—they’re a sign that you’re invested in making a difference.
~ Jamie Markey, HSA USA

How do you ground yourself before facilitating? Share your tips below!

Photos from Helen Sanderson Associates's post 03/05/2024

As I make final preparations for the HSA Canada next week I am reminded of who made all of this possible. Thank you to Julie Malette for starting HSA Canada in 2009. The first Canadian Gathering she planned was in 2013 with the team pictured here. The team has changed but the purpose hasn't. We continue to bring this event to the human service sector as a way to learn together and ensure we stay on the right path in helping people live meaningful lives.

Julie retired in 2021 and we continue to bring her passion to this work along with our International teams and The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices

Looking forward to seeing you all next week for our 10th Gathering.

~Barb, HSA Canada


Working on creating Appreciation books today. I received one of these a number of years ago from Emily McCardle (one of our UK colleagues) when she came to Canada to do some team building with us. It was such a thoughtful way to help us to share appreciations with each other. Over time, if it is available to others, the book gets filled up with great reminders of what you are appreciated for.

~Barb, HSA Canada


Last call for HSA Canada Gathering registrations. We are so excited to see you all next week. Registration closes tomorrow, April 30th at 11:59 pm. Don't miss out on your space.



HSA USA was thrilled to share resources for person-centered planning, person-centered organizations, and the many applications of person-centered practices with the participants of the Southern California Gathering. You can view all HSA resources available for purchase here https://helensandersonassociates.com/shop/


Final preparations under way for and sweet treats for the If you are already registered I hope you saw your email about adding to the Spotify playlist here https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5ttG0nXseXTLo5DL7hFrGj?si=bac25fd955f340bf&pt=f040aec8d98600e655f879965427ed32

We would love to build a playlist of songs that inspire us to do the work we do and play during the Gathering. Also, don't forget about Photo Booth props that reflect our theme of "the new face of human services". Get creative and have fun. Share your preparations and photos during the Gathering with so we can see them all.

If you are not registered yet, you still have 6 days to get your space. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/669504204097?aff=oddtdtcreator

Photos from Helen Sanderson Associates's post 23/04/2024

HSA USA at the California Gathering 2024 Gallery Walk!
Holly was part of the Gallery Walk sharing the Stop Light Tool from our Supported Decision-Making program currently taking place through San Diego Regional Center. This tool provides Person-Centered questions to help guide what supports might be needed or wanted. We share the full Stoplight Tool for identifying alternatives to guardianship from a collaboration with the DC Department on Disability Services as part of the program and you can access the handout herehttps://helensandersonassociates.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/SDM-Stoplight-Handout.pdf

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Videos (show all)

HSA USA was thrilled to share resources for person-centered planning, person-centered organizations, and the many applic...
Here's a little taste of what you can expect at our HSA Canada Gathering in May. Dr. Jackie Le Fèvre talks about how val...
During a Progress for Providers session with an organization today, we had some interesting conversation about values. I...
Exploring a couple of Community Connecting tools. See comment section for images of these tools.~ Barb, HSA Canada
HSA International Learning Event 2022 Speaker Highlight
Sometimes I find myself "running" from one meeting to the next, then one task to the next? And with zoom I don't even ha...
A short story about the power of one-page profiles in long term care.
I love the Thursday clap for key workers. Down my lane people fot more effort in each week. As well as the clapping and ...
Over the last decade HSA has been involved in different ways to address the challenges of transition - from person-centr...
I heard about Circle from Hilary Cottam’s book Radical Help and immediately went to meet the remaining Circle in Rochdal...
I am going back to my Occupational Therapy roots! We are recruiting for Wellbeing Workers in South Oxfordshire and I par...



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