Ray Dobson

THE GO TO GUY. Get rid of stress, anxiety, fears, phobias, panic attacks past Traumas and PTSD

Havening Techniques, healing the mind and body Ray Dobson. 07707595189 25/01/2024


Havening Techniques, healing the mind and body Ray Dobson. 07707595189 if other therapies have not worked how you wanted them tothe integration techniques of nlp hypnosis and havening will get results for you.the telephone numbe...

message about Traumatic memory removal - Ray Dobson. 25/01/2024

Do not suffer any more, we can help you.

message about Traumatic memory removal - Ray Dobson. [email protected] about Traumatic memory removal.

Soldier Lee cured of his PTSD. from Trauma Removal specialist Ray Dobson. rpdconsultants.co.uk 17/01/2024

I can tell you i can remove PTSD and you may think maybe or maybe not but listen to a veteran named Lee.

Soldier Lee cured of his PTSD. from Trauma Removal specialist Ray Dobson. rpdconsultants.co.uk An interview with veteran soldier LEE KELLY on how he got help to remove his crippling PTSD and how he is now finally free.A JOURNEY TO FREEDOM.LEE had trea...


laura morris

[email protected]
raymond paul dobson

Thu, Jan 11 at 10:44 AM

Good Moring Ray,

I am pleased to say I had a great holiday!!
Thank you so much for reassuring e that I could do it.
The morning I travelled, knowing I had the armour of havening techniques, I felt great and had a really nice travel day!
There was no anxiety / panic whilst away

Since getting back I have been able to return to work as normal, and resume normal activities.
The only time I have felt slightly anxious was yesterday when I woke up.
I have a slight cold, and therefore a feeling of nausea... this became a bit of a trigger.
I was able to pass it quite quick, although 'havening' weirdly made me feel like I had gone back a step.
I also wonder, as you mentioned, that I had had so many 'good' days that it made me feel weird - as you mentioned might happen

So it would be great to understand your thoughts on going forward.
I intend to stay on the tablets for a while
Perhaps I just need a few more sessions to ensure I have thoroughly mastered the techniques?

I am really chuffed with the progress we made and thank you for allowing me to have an awesome break away

Kind regards


Happy new year to everyone .make 2024 better than ever.
Take care and be well.


Ray Dobson MCMA.


Are you in a situation where you want more out of life. Are you someone who wants to be better or feel better?
Have you realised that life is just not how you want it to be. If so you’re in the right place.
I want to tell you what I can do for you. How i can help you change the way you feel. How i can show you how to change your life.
How i can teach you simple but effective ways to honestly take control over your future and happiness.
I can do this because I have not only been trained by the best in the world, but i went on that training because my life was Broken.
I almost drank myself to death and lost everything. I had no hope for my future and literally was at the lowest point in my life but more on that later because this is about you.
It’s about how you feel now and how you would like to feel. It’s about who you think you are and who you want to be.
It’s about what you believe you cannot do and teaching you how you can do it.
It’s about turning the disappointments in to achievements and it’s about taking your doubts and turning them into your destiny and It’s about changing the what if I’m not good enough into actually what if i am.
Everything you have ever wanted to be a feel can be gained with the help of R.P.D.Consultants.

RPD.Consultants therapy and counselling in Staffordshire 22/10/2023

Hi have you ever really thought about the difference between Sadness and Depression?
Sadness is something that comes from something happening to you. Like bereavement, losing a job or not keeping control of something.
DEPRESSION IS you body telling you enough is enough. Its telling you to stop doing something stop trying to be the character or person your not. Stop working this hard. Stop all this stres.the body is saying no.
It's your body telling you to get some deep rest.
So you can recover and learn that what you have been doing has not worked.
In fact its killing you.
When you body tells you know. You should listen.

RPD.Consultants therapy and counselling in Staffordshire Specialist in removing Complex P.T.S.D. stress & anxiety. Ray has over 30 years of training & experience to make sure he can help YOU.


When you get down to it, everyone who comes to me for help, comes because their life is not working how they want it too.
Stress.anxiety.trauma.ptsd.lack of confidence. Depression. bereavement and so on.
They really want a way to make it better.
If you are one of these people your not broken at all.
I tell my clients that it can be that they have forgotten who they are. They may have lost their way. Life may have taken something away that was not expected and it can leave them confused or afraid.
Suddenly after doing something for decades it stops and you feel lost or empty.
The good thing is there are ways to refocus yourself. Ways to relearn who you are.ways to rediscover yourself so that you have purpose again. So that you have connection with others and importance again. So that you have something to do again.
Never give up and get help when you need it.


Never ever ever give in. Or give up.
Stress anxiety and depression is like being in the pitch black of night.
You can't see your way ahead or out.
It's feeling helpless but not knowing why.
It's losing confidence with no explanation
It's losing yourself so you don't know who you are anymore.
And it's when you need help even though you don't think you do.
See someone. Ask for help and never ever give in

Photos from Ray Dobson's post 27/09/2023

Having a great meal and a quick beer at the RED BULL.
YUMMY..just the job.


OUR world is a huge place unless you are stressed and Depressed and then your focus can be tiny, only focising on your problems.
The world can be beautiful unless your internal thoughts and visions punish you with criticism and beliefs that don't support you.
The truth is the world outside our head is often different from the one inside.
The only one who can change that is you.


Never ever underestimate the importance of people.
We need conection, companionship. In person. Not just on the Internet.
The Internet connections are not a satisfactory replcement. They make us worse as our ability to socialise in person becomes less we begin to become fearfull of others.
There is so much depression and mental health issues in the world and it's increasing as our true connection to others declines.
Do not cut your self off from others. Society will do that all to quickly without your help.
I believe we are being led into a solitary life. Going out has declined and will continue to do so. The children and teens of today have not got a clue of how we lived and enjoyed ourselves. When I tell young family members and friends they often don't belive it.
People over 50 will have seen massive changes and decline. Imagine another 50 years of similar decline ir change.
Will life be real or simulated. Will we meet people in reality or through screens.
The next time you see someone. Smile and say hello. They may just need it.


We can walk away from people we know. We can decide to not listen to people around us but we can't walk away from ourselves and not listen to that internal voice that punishes us.
Sometimes it will make us afraid, put us under stress and even make us ill.
We may have many enemies but we ourselves can be the worst one of all.
Don't look out their for changes or improvement. We must look inside.


Sometimes we get talking about all sorts of things and beliefs.
Somehow we recently got talking about.
Near death or after death experiences.
There is interest and confusion in places about consciousness being within the brain?
There are cases when the brain has been SCIENTIFICALLY dead,
And people who have been dead for up to 30 minutes.?
I couldn't quite believe all this but listened with an open mind.
I have been in some strange situations over my long years and not being religious always had questions. Over time I considerd that perhaps we don't know everything. And perhaps there is something else that we can't understand or know of.
Perhaps the life Forse or energy is released when our body is no longer functional.
I'm sure many of you older people sometimes have a belief that you CAN DO SOMETHING.
only to realise the body actually can not anymore. I wonder what your thoughts are.


Did you know that lonliness is the the route to depression.
Don't you find it strange that with more people on earth than ever before, literally billions of us there are more people lonely than ever.
How can this be possible.
What is it that stops us from meeting others to get that connection we desire.
It can happen without us realising it.
But to much time alone creates fear of others.
Our imagination starts working against us and we begin to lose confidence. The phones and computers haven't helped either.
We need this. Its not a want ir should have. Its a HUMAN NEED that we must have.
The needs are .
When these are not forefilled we feel as though something is missing in life but we are not sure what.
Our brain will seek out these needs in any way it can which can create conflicting behaviour and habits.
I will talk more about these later and explain more.
Take care and be well.
And say hello to more people.
We were given speech for a reason.


Are you one who has caught the terrible crippling problem. Disease or virus. I'm not sure what it is but the symptoms are.

1. I have a massive problem and I know it But get no help.
2.I am in Denial about my mental health even though I know something is wrong.
3. I think its only me.
4. I think something is wrong with me but don't know what.
5. It getting worse.
6. I've lost my drive
7. I don't ever smile.
8. Life is just to much bother.
9. I'm not happy anymore.
10 I can't see a way out.
These systems gradually grow in you.
They can sometimes suddenly appear.
If you have these symptoms Always seek help.
It could Save your life. Your marriage. Your job. Your pride. Your long term sanity.

RPD.Consultants therapy and counselling in Staffordshire 06/09/2023

Mostly I'm not one for using Bad Language. BUT SOMETIMES you need to shock people into taking on board the information they NEED to make the changes.
And on occasions you need to join their world just enough to gain the Rapport needed for them to believe you understand them and their life, ffs if you need help then call me because I will help you.
RPD. 07707595189
[email protected]

RPD.Consultants therapy and counselling in Staffordshire Specialist in removing Complex P.T.S.D. stress & anxiety. Ray has over 30 years of training & experience to make sure he can help YOU.


Most people go about it all wrong.
I mentioned last time the 3 words
Being. Doing and having.
Our problem is mostly, we go about it backwards.
We start with the Having.
We think we want or must have. Something
A car. A job. A home A relationship etc.
And we think what will I have to do to get these things and then we realise that we must be a certain type of person to get them. We must learn to become a scholar a mechanic a doctor a plumber a nurse and so on.and in this way we can get what we want when infact
If we START WITH BEING someone first, a particular person with particular skills or traits or admirable character AND do first what we need to do, to be that person then we naturally get what we want much more easily and avoid a lot of pain and disappointment.

If we do it backwards we feel frustrated, disappointed. Disillusioned.not good enough, not clever enough etc.
What do you think.?


Look out for the Next post.
The 3 life steps do the them in the correct order or feel disappointed and fail.

RPD.Consultants therapy and counselling in Staffordshire 03/09/2023

Are you on The Helter-skelter of life.?
What am I on about here.
Well it's a life that repeats itself.
One bad relationship after another.
One bad decision after another.
One bad job after another.
Just like the helter skelter. Every so ofter your down at the bottom, stressed, anxious, hurt, let down and so on and then you have to struggle to get back up to the top again or at least to a higher or better level/place.
Many of us go through this type of existence and sometimes to the point of giving up.
We get to know what's going to happen so why bother.
This goes back to we are creatures of habit.

LETS US TEACH YOU a different way so you DO NOT have to get on that helter-skelter again.
07707 595189
[email protected]

RPD.Consultants therapy and counselling in Staffordshire Specialist in removing Complex P.T.S.D. stress & anxiety. Ray has over 30 years of training & experience to make sure he can help YOU.


We are creatures of habit.
All of which have been learned and most of them unintentionally.
Our habits create our outcome. Our lifestyle and our results
What are your habits bringing you.
Succes or failure.
Happiness or pain.
A good life or a boring life.
What ever your life is like it's because of your habitual behaviour and decisions.
Doing the same thing all the time gets you the same redults.
If you want tobe better learn new habits.
Have you ever been abroad and spoken to someone who doesn't understand.you.
So you shout the same words as if volume will change the understanding of your words for them.
If it doesn't work. IT DOESN'T WORK.
If its a bad or a wrong habit, doing it more. Harder, longer or louder still won't make ut better.
07707 595189
[email protected]

RPD.Consultants therapy and counselling in Staffordshire 01/09/2023

Have you noticed.
That the bad times are getting more frequent.
The depression is lasting longer.
That life is not as good as it was.
That the doubt about yourself is setting in.

This is just the start of the decline.
07707 595189
[email protected]
Contact us now.

RPD.Consultants therapy and counselling in Staffordshire Specialist in removing Complex P.T.S.D. stress & anxiety. Ray has over 30 years of training & experience to make sure he can help YOU.

RPD.Consultants therapy and counselling in Staffordshire 01/09/2023

Happiness. Confidence. Contentment.
Where do we get them from.
We are not born with them. We learn about them.
In reality. Its an electro chemical thing.
It's a dopamine thing, it's an environment thing and it can be a choice thing.
Find out how to get them.how to learn them and how to choose them.
Contact Ray.
The go to Guy for mind and emotion training.
07707 595189
[email protected] .
Time for a change.

RPD.Consultants therapy and counselling in Staffordshire Specialist in removing Complex P.T.S.D. stress & anxiety. Ray has over 30 years of training & experience to make sure he can help YOU.


Mental health.
You can seem fine whilst talking to someone and suddenly you can't stop the tears.
One moment to another. One emotion to another. Zero Control.
The feeling of helplessness. Of loss of who you Once were. The confusion of why is it like this.
I was fine until I wasn't.
Things out of your control can change your life seemingly in a moment, without warning. Without reason. Without options.
Why me, what have I done to deserve this.
My determination gone. My drive gone. My life force gone. My hope my dreams.
My fight is Gone and i cant see a way out. I just want to feel better. I can't take this much longer.i know Drugs and alcohol will make it worse eventually but they may help now. And I'm hurting now.
I'm lost. Forgot how to be happy or to be hopeful.
It's not a good place to be , is it.
It's even worse to stay there.



Stop feeding your Demons.
Let's face them.
Stress. Anxiety. Fear. Lack of confidence. Mental health conditions.
Yes let's look at them as Demons.
Demons that can imprison you. That can hurt you. They can take everything you have, from you.
So let's stop feeding them and making them stronger.

How are you feeding them.
You keep playing the same program that you have learned. You allow that internal voice to Dictate what you can do.
It convinces you that you CAN NOT be good enough or strong enough or good looking enough or thin enough. On and on it goes.
It's not real. It may feel real but it's not real.
It's imagined. It's fictional and it's usually in the future. Even though you are remembering something from the past without realising it.
You imagine doing something or saying something will be bad in some way. It will have consequences of physical or emotional pain which stops you from even trying. The imagined pain is enough thank you very much.
I'm not stupid, and so these imagined scenario's become you Demons.
So we teach you to stop feeding them.
Infact let's starve them. Weaken them so much that we overpower them and take back Control.
07707 595189.

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