DoTerra London

DoTerra London

Welcome! You can find here information about clinically clean aroma oils, and get advice or enquire

My phone number is 078 94 98 96 94, I am happy to answer your questions.

Photos from DoTerra London's post 26/02/2023

Would you like to know more about your mental-emotional and physical health and how you can improve your well-being?
Free one-to-one sessions of biometric scans are available on Saturdays.
For appointments call 07894 989694.

doTERRA Petal diffúzor + 5ml vadnarancs és levendula - 19/02/2023

We all know how important quality of sleep is for us.
Stress can affect our sleep patterns that leads to fatique and fatique leeds to drop in performance. struggling with performance causes stress and we find our selves in a vicious circle.
Luckily there is an easy solution:

doTERRA Petal diffúzor + 5ml vadnarancs és levendula - Petal diffúzor és alvást segítő levendula valamint vidámságot hozó vadnarancs olajok (5ml) egy csomagban!


The medical view means that you think illnesses are equal to symptoms. When you treat the symptoms (usually with medicine produced by big pharmaceutical companies) and when they disappear the job is done.
However, if we don't change our lifestyle, the symptoms are likely to return, or new illnesses may appear. As we age this happens more and more often, chronic illnesses appear, medication gets more frequent, and side effects may kick in... but with this view, we may not see the connection between these illnesses.
There is another view.
According to that one see illnesses as the way in which our body and soul communicate their needs or problems...
We pay attention to prevention, toxin-free life, and harmony between emotions, thoughts, and actions.
Are you interested in the latter?
Do you think about joining and using clinically clean aroma oils to support your healthy lifestyle and treat not only the symptom but also the cause?

If you buy the Home essentials kit, which contains ten potent essential oils, you will get a bottle of Frankincense for free.
Click on the link below and join us.


Who's excited about the holidays? I can't wait! I love using essential oils to get into the spirit of the season. Holiday Joy is one of my favourites. It's a blend of Siberian Fir, Orange Peel Oil, Clove bud, Cinnamon, Douglas Fir Oil, Nutmeg Kernel Oil, and Vanila– the perfect blend for the holiday season!


Thanksgiving is such an amazing idea and I think it should be celebrated all over the world.
It gathers the family around the same table just like Christmas or Easter, but the focus is on being grateful for what we have.

We definitely do regardless of where we live...
This year it falls on 24th November - so it is today!
You are lucky if you have your family around - so count your blessings... :)
Here is a mixture of essential oils that can enhance your presence in the moment, feeling festive and thankful.


Enrolment has never been easier, Paige Porter, doTERRA's web content manager shows us in this video! If you have any questions, please reach out!


These oils are classics and when I am not sure of what oils to use or turn to, I find myself drawn to these beautiful oils. Which one is your go to?


After a long day, I love to unwind with a warm bath. The Forest Breeze Body Wash and Konjac sponge set is designed to leave skin feeling clean and rejuvenated. Forest Breeze brings the fresh bliss of the outdoors inside, while the sustainable, biodegradable konjac sponge removes dead skin cells and dirt. Time for a luxurious bath!

Photos from DoTerra London's post 14/11/2022

There are several types of headaches.
You can use Deep Blue roll for migraines
Peppermint for the digestive type and sinus headaches, for this later you can add Frankincense or Motivate as well...
Whichever type of headache you have Past Tense will put it behind!


This DIY is so handy, cleaning my makeup brushes is always the last thing on my list. Niaouli is the Product of the Month, receive it for FREE with any single 125 PV or more Loyalty Order processed on or before 15 November 2022. You haven't got long!!


I have the perfect gift for a special man in your life. Offering a variety of Amāvī™ scents, the Amāvī™ Mini Fragrance Collection is ideal for any occasion and suitable to use on the go. Get this limited time offer collection while supplies last!

Photos from DoTerra London's post 11/11/2022

Bazsalikom olaj
A krízisek megoldója és az önkifejezés olaja.
A bazsalikom olajat évszázadok óta a következő betegségek és állapotok esetén használták: légzési-, emésztési-, és vesebetegedésekre, krónikus fáradtság kezelésérea, görcsök esetén, fülfájás, fülgyulladás esetén, sebek gyógyulásának felgyorsítására, mellékvese kimerülésnél, mentális kimerülésnél, idegfeszültség, hányinger, köszvény, szaglás elvesztése, nyugtalanság, szorongás, depresszió, álmatlanság esetén, vérnyomás szabályozására, mellkasi fájdalomnál, kötőhártya-gyulladásra, Crohn-betegség esetén, szoptatási problémáknál és utazási rosszulléteknél, petefészek ciszta, poszttraumás stressz, sokk, autizmus esetén.
Az egyik leghatásosabb fejfájás csillapító és a migrént is enyhítheti. Segít a szellemi kimerültségen, tisztítja az elmét, és főleg a kimerültség okozta idegi zavaroknál hat nagyon jól.
Láz, kígyó-, méh-, vagy mérgező rovarok csípése esetén használják.
A malária egyik ellenszere.
A bazsalikom fűszeres illata érzelmileg az aggódásra hat.
Magas linaloltartalma miatt a halántékra, vagy a nyak hátuljára kenve segíti a feszültségoldást a testben és lélekben egyaránt. Párologtatása stresszoldó hatású.
A bazsalikom ereje a nehéz pillanatokban ragyog fel.
Biztonságérzetet és bizonyosságot ad, ami a kaotikus időszakokban a leghasznosabb.
Persze akár napi szinten is ízesíthetjük vele ételeinket (nem kell több, mit amennyi egy fogpiszkálóra ráragad amikor belemártjuk, majd az ételben kicsit megforgatjuk) - hiszen a rendezettség és problémamegoldó-készség mindig jól jön - és a bazsalikom támogatja ezt.
Egyébként azonban akkor használjuk, amikor az élet kezelhetetlennek, zavarosnak és túl soknak tűnik és olyan érzésünk van, mintha az események és gondok maguk alá temetnének.
Ezekben a kaotikus pillanatokban a lélek levegőért kiált miközben összecsapnak a hullámok a fejünk felett és elkeseredetten küzdünk, hogy felszinen maradjunk.
A bizonytalanság és a nyugalom hiánya miatt a központi idegrendszer összezuhan és az ember elveszíti a képességét hogy tisztán gondolkodjon, logikus lépéseket tegyen és gondoskodjon magáról.
Most mi legyen? Mit tehetnék? - A gondolatok zavarosan üldözik egymást és a félelem bénító, mintha elhagyna az életerőd és belecsúsznál a tehetetlen apátiába.
A bazsalikom megmentő hősként jelenik meg ezekben az elkeseredett pillanatokban. Meleg szeretete fokozatosan átjárja a testet és a belső szerveknek elegendő energiát ad a normális működéshez.
A betegség ami csírájában megjelent válaszként erre a mélységes elkeseredésre, most megáll, kialakulása megszűnik.
Akkor is fontos ez, ha még nem látszik az a betegség és nem lett tudatos!
A bazsalikom olaj akár a jó anya, minden szervről egyaránt gondoskodik és visszaáll a homeosztázis és harmónia.
A sebzett lélek kicsit megpihen. A bazsalikom olaj segíthet hogy kisírd magad, hogy úgy érezd át a gyengeségedet, hogy közben tudd, hogy minden meg fog oldódni, akkor is, ha még nem látod hogy hogyan.
Ítélkezésmentes és segít neked is hogy ne ítélkezz magadon és másoknak is megengedd, hogy ott legyenek veled - vagy ne legyenek ott.
Visszaadja a saját erődbe vetett hitet és a bizalmat, hogy akinek kell, az majd segít. Azt a tudatot nyújtja neked, hogy biztonságos szétesned, mert majd összeszeded magad és mindenből fel tudsz kelni. És itt jön létre az igazi elengedés.
A könnyek maguktól felszáradnak és megkönnyebbülés tölti ki a tüdőd.
A bazsalikom a MINDEN RENDBEN LESZ békéjét hozza el neked.
A legjobb ajándék a megkeseredettek számára.
Ki szeretne egy pici üveggel?
Nyugodtan írjon és még Karácsony előtt kaphatsz tőlem egy mini üveggel - de ez a 20 csepp rengeteget segíthet! 😃
Figyelmeztetés itt is van:
Érzékenyíthet és irritálhat, ezért fürdővízben vagy érzékeny bőr esetén felkenéses használata nem ajánlott.


I'm obsessed with this diffuser! This doTERRA Train Diffuser comes with Peppermint essential oil. The diffuser mimics a locomotive releasing 'steam' from its stack. It even has a push-button-activated train whistle. The train track can hold up to three 15 ml or 5 ml bottles on display.
However remember, it you have a pet in the house, yo'll have to change the peppermint to something else though as Peppermint is poison to pets.


Your little ones are going to love this amazing duo! The Warm-Up Soft Toy Rabbit comes with Lavender (15 ml) and has a removable pad that is fully microwavable. Once it's heated, you can add essential oils to it. I am sure kids will love snuggling this cosy companion all winter!


Just a friendly reminder again...
We are going to start in an hour!
What do you need?
- Approximately 2 ml. carier oil - the best is the fractionated Coconut oil of doTerra, but basically any oil will do, e.g. the extra virgin olive oil
- Any doTerra essential oil - please in your best interest do not use any essential oils that don't have the CPTG sign.
- a partner - although you can massage your own hand too if there is no other option
- Access to ZOOM
9th November, Wednesday, 9:30 h
Meeting ID: 899 3798 4225
Passcode: One2One
Everyone is welcome!


Just a friendly reminder...
We are going to start in two hours!
What do you need?
- Approximately 2 ml. carier oil - the best is the fractionated Coconut oil of doTerra, but basically any oil will do, e.g. the extra virgin olive oil
- Any doTerra essential oil - please in your best interest do not use any essential oils that don't have the CPTG sign.
- a partner - although you can massage your own hand too if there is no other option
- Access to ZOOM
8th November, Tuesday, 19.30 h
Meeting ID: 246 028 8680
Passcode: One2One
Everyone is welcome!


Just a friendly reminder...
We are going to start in an hour!
What do you need?
- Approximately 2 ml. carier oil - the best is the fractionated Coconut oil of doTerra, but basically any oil will do, e.g. the extra virgin olive oil
- Any doTerra essential oil - please in your best interest do not use any essential oils that don't have the CPTG sign.
- a partner - although you can massage your own hand too if there is no other option
- Access to ZOOM
7th November, Monday, 16.00 h
Meeting ID: 246 028 8680
Passcode: One2One


Many published scientific studies have shown that doing something as simple as giving yourself a 15-minute daily hand massage can greatly improve not only your hand health but also your overall health. So grab some oil, lean back, and get ready to learn what the ancient Egyptians started doing 4,500 years ago, and what modern science has finally proven!
What do you need?
- Approximately 2 ml. carier oil - the best is the fractionated Coconut oil of doTerra, but basically any oil will do, e.g. the extra virgin olive oil
- Any doTerra essential oil - please in your best interest do not use any essential oils that don't have the CPTG sign.
- a partner - although you can massage your own hand too if there is no other option
- Access to ZOOM
7th November, Monday, 16.00 h
Meeting ID: 246 028 8680
Passcode: One2One
8th November, Tuesday, 19.30 h
Meeting ID: 246 028 8680
Passcode: One2One
9th November, Wednesday, 9:30 h
Meeting ID: 899 3798 4225
Passcode: One2One
Everyone is welcome!


If you want to take your oils with you everywhere, you need the perfect travel case.
This chic, compact travel case is the ultimate meaning of 'hybrid'.
I love the removable inserts to keep the oils secure or to utilise the large space.
You also get Magnolia Touch as a bonus!
I love the aroma of Magnolia - it reminds us that we are wordy of love...
She invites us to acknowledge our beauty and recognize our divine nature.
Get these holiday products for yourself or someone you would like to help with self - love - the product is available for a limited time only!
I am ordering it for my dear friend today... But I am not going to tell you now who is it...
I'll post her happy face when she gets it from me!

Photos from DoTerra London's post 31/10/2022

Happy Halloween Everyone!


Lemon Oil
Lemon oil is the oil of purity, efficiency, practicality, productivity, and presence in the present moment.
As soon as you smell it, it will bring your consciousness into the current moment, it won't let you hide from situations, it will help you to face them.
This oil is extremely useful in case of constant procrastination - when you put off studying for exams or finally starting that diet or sport.
It gives focus and energy and prevents you from getting tired, or giving up.
Lemon cleanses the body and the cardiovascular system. It easily cuts through the fat and prevents clogging of veins and also gently cleanses kidney stones, gallstones, etc.
According to Chinese medicine, lemon awakens chi: in the spleen to get rid of heavy fat, or in the lungs to free it from mucus.
With regular use, we will find absolute clarity, and ease, and see with precision the values we want to represent.
"Regular use" means that we drink or smell it daily, and the length of time it takes us to achieve this clarity of our true life goals depends on our past, how long we delayed that clarity and believed in other people's views of the world and followed goals they set for us.
Lemon cleanses the body.
It also clears the fog in our head that prevents us from being 100% what we are meant to be: absolutely happy in every moment.
Why not drink lemon juice, or eat whole lemons then?
One drop of peppermint oil equals 28 cups of peppermint tea... I am not sure how many lemons are needed for one drop of essential oil, but sure it would be impossible to consume that many whole lemons safely. Their acid would damage our tooth enamel and interfere with our digestion.
So drinking daily 2-3-4 glasses of water with one drop of lemon oil is the quantity you want to go for in order to cleanse and keep healthy and wholesome your body and mind.
Don't forget that only oils with the CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade) mark can be safely consumed.

Photos from DoTerra London's post 24/10/2022

Photos from our Health Day


The beautiful October is here and it is packed with events that help you care for your health naturally and live a toxin-free life...
Join us for the "FIND YOUR ESSENCE" - information-packed online ZOOM meetings to find out how to readjust your household, beauty regime, and nutrition to be free of toxins and find solutions to any health issues. Every participant will get tailor-made samples posted.
We welcome you every Wednesday at 7PM.
Find Your Essence Discovery Session
Wednesday, 5 October⋅7:00 – 8:00pm
Weekly on Wednesday, until 30 Nov 2022
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 3798 4225
Passcode: One2One

You are also welcome to join the free Online 2022 Autumn Wellness Conference on 26th October.

Photos from DoTerra London's post 24/07/2022

You have one more day to order the BOGO aroma oils - so here is a little reminder of what are they...
Buy a Jasmine roll - get a free Passion roll it will free and ground on your feminine energies

Buy Copaiba - get Wintergreen - get rid of shame and get ready to embrace new energies into your life
Buy Citrus Bloom - get a Beautiful roll

Buy Spearmint - get a Tangerine - create a refreshingly high-quality environment

Buy Zen Gest and get a free Zendocrine - start detoxification and rejuvenation of your body (so much easier in the Summer than any other season), get rid of toxins that slow down your systems and make you feel heavy, and deal with your digestion and tummy aches.


DoTerra's great "tummy-blends" are now available for the price of one:
Why should you add ZenGest® oil blend to your collection? ZenGest essential oil blend is one of the few doTERRA blends that you can use aromatically, topically, and internally.
Health, discomfort and pain relief
Dilute two drops of ZenGest oil with Fractionated Coconut Oil and use for a soothing abdominal massage after meal, during your period or in case of any bowel discomfort. (I use this a lot whenever I cannot resist pasta or bread...)
Apply one drop of ZenGest oil to your wrists and pulse points during travel for a pleasant, calming aroma.
Add one drop of ZenGest oil to water and drink to freshen breath after enjoying a large meal.
Combine one drop of ZenGest oil with honey and warm water to create a sweet-tasting herbal tea.
Add three to four drops of ZenGest oil to a car diffuser for an invigorating aroma during a road trip.
Diffuse in your room for a sweet, minty, calming aroma after a stressful workday or tension in the house...
Zendocrine is a proprietary blend that combines the cleansing benefits of Tangerine, Geranium, and Cilantro with the calming properties of Rosemary and Juniper Berry.
Health and discomfort
Apply topically to the stomach for a soothing massage after a large meal or nervousness
Apply topically to skin to enjoy Zendocrine’s cleansing benefits.
Add one drop to water daily to kick-start a lifestyle change.
Combine with honey and warm water to create a soothing herbal tea.
Place three to four drops in a diffuser to freshen a room.


Doterra has this summer some amazing BUY ONE - GET ONE free offers...
My biggest favourite is the Ylang Ylang touch / Passion touch combination. This is an AMAZING opportunity to buy those two ESSENTIAL oils in every woman's bag!..
Ylang Ylang teaches you to embrace your femininity and helps you to be in that energy, be flirtatious and soft (ah..I need that) without overdoing just enjoying being who you are!
If you know me in person, I am sure I told you about brings out from you the ability to give the whole of you with trust to a man - and from him to be gentle and responsible for your pleasure... ..
It IS mind-blowing...beautiful!
Again it is such an opportunity to buy the two for the price of one! Love life issues? Get these oils and there are NO more problems... Roll these perfume-like scents on your pulse points and see the effects... your heart will be singing all day long.😃

Photos from DoTerra London's post 19/07/2022

DoTerra has some amazing summer offers: Buy one - get one free for the following products:
DoTerra has some amazing summer offers: Buy one - get one free for the following products:
Citrus Bloom - an amazing sweet scent for your room - you will love it most in the autumn/winter when you want to re-create the atmosphere of a charming Mediterranean summer and create feelings of warmth, openness, and acceptance. Comes with free Beautiful oil that is not on the palette and can be purchased only occasionally. Apart from its soothing effect on your skin, it relieves feelings of anxiety.
It can be used as a perfume, the ingredients are Bergamot, Frankincense, Osmanthus, and Lime. Bergamot is a unique citrus oil. It has chemical constituents that are simultaneously energizing and calming. It uplifts the mood and reduces stress when inhaled. The oil’s rich concentration of linalyl acetate and linalool contribute to its ability to influence mood...
Lime has a refreshing and energizing aroma that also lifts the mood. Its aroma is balanced by the fruity and floral scent of Osmanthus essential oil, which relieves feelings of stress.
Frankincense rounds out the aromatic profile of Beautiful Touch. The rich scent balances mood and calms emotions. It also gives a sense of focus. It is the oil of truth, youth, and trust but also heals the relationship with the father on the deepest level. It restores trust in the masculine energy.
It helps the man around you to become the MAN, to find his true masculine center - gentle, loving, caring, and providing. Nowadays men are often afraid of this energy as they are deeply afraid of strong women and life seems too complicated to step into that provider role. This oil smelled by a man on a woman helps him get rid of the fear, let it go, and realize their strength and feel needed even beside a strong woman.

I highly recommend this to all of us 😃..
I don't see the UK price yet (the offer starts tomorrow) but the USA price is $24.50 for the two together, so I think it will be similar here too.

Photos from DoTerra London's post 13/03/2022

DoTerra Business Conference 11/12. 03. 2022


Buy One Get One free...
Apart from the amazing buy Yarrow Pom - get the expensive (and worth every penny) Salubelle... there is another amazing beauty -realated BOGO offer:

With the spring around the corner we all want to loose a bit of winter weight and be confident when the coats come off:
Buy Smart and Sassy - Doterra's amazing slimming, brain fog clearing oil and get a free Grapefruit oil that is the oil of CONFIDENCE!
What an amazing opportunity!!!!
It is a MUST in every single kitchen.
Drink a drop in every glass of water - one glass with Smart and Sassy, then one with Grapefruit, then one with Smart and Sassy, one with Grapefruit and so up to 8 glasses/day.

Don't miss it - the offer lasts only 4 days from 22nd till 26th February.

Photos from DoTerra London's post 18/02/2022

OmG...what amazing opportunities we have at doTerra in February!
For an all over rejuvenation - when you buy Yarrow Pom, you wil get Sallubelle for free...
!!! WOW !!!
Yarrow Pom: combines the benefits of blue yarrow essential oil and cold-pressed pomegranate seed oil. This expertly crafted proprietary blend is beautifying to the skin and helps reduce the appearance of blemishes. Yarrow Pom may also have soothing benefits; add to a massage to create a relaxing experience.
Add to your moisturiser for added hydrating benefits.
Use as part of your skin care routine to help promote healthy, young-looking skin or reduce the appearance of blemishes.
Apply two drops to the face, chest, neck, and hands each morning and night.
This proprietary blend combines rare essential oils that have been used throughout history for their beautifying benefits. Salubelle Beauty Blend is formulated to support the skin while helping to reduce contributing factors to the appearance of aging skin. These unique essential oils were expertly selected to benefit skin. The convenient roll-on application makes it easy to apply it on the face, neck, and décolletage.
Rub Salubelle under arms before working out or outdoor activity.
Use Salubelle topically for a clean, smooth base before moisturising.
Apply a thin layer of Salubelle to the face, neck, and décolletage, and then repeat application to targeted areas of concern.
Apply Salubelle to reduce the appearance of blemishes and problem areas.
Use Salubelle as part of your morning and night facial routine.
!!! WOW!!!
Salubelle would cost you £ 86.50 - so it is a quite pricy present, right?
I need that!
What about you???

Timeline photos 17/02/2022

Valentines might be over - but romantic evenings are not at all!
Create a romantic atmosphere with aroma oils, dimmed lights and some gentle music...and see the difference for yourself :D

How do you set the mood on Valentine’s Day?

Diffuse these blends to create an irresistibly sweet atmosphere over your romantic dinner. Comment below to tell us your favorite romantic diffuser blend! 💝




28 Forest Croft