Smart Skin Expert

SMART SKIN expert is Aesthetic Medicine Cosmetologist - dedicated to provide exceptional customer service,high quality products & expertise!


Suzanne has recently quified in 3d Dermaforce Radio Frequency Microneedling and we are looking for comitted models that want to reduce :

Pitted Skin

✔️Pitted skin -as a result of acne is a common concern for many of us. 3d Dermaforce delivers Microneedling and RF energy, which allows it to target both the deep dermis and epidermis, to achieve fantastic results.

✔️ Fine Lines & Wrinkles- 3d Dermaforce Advanced Microneedling/RF stimulates the body’s natural healing process to encourage collagen production of the dermis, resulting in anti-ageing effect and skin tightening.

✔️Pores- For those concerned about the appearance of pores on the face, this treatment is also fantastic for smoothing the skin and reducing the appearance of pores on the skin.

✔️ Stretch Marks-Stretch marks are often difficult to treat, and effective treatment options are very limited. 3D Dermaforce can successfully treat stretch marks, with fantastic results to reduce their appearance, by stimulating the body’s natural collagen production.

✔️ Loose or Sagging Skin- This treatment is ideal for targeting areas of the body with loose or sagging skin, and can target a wide variety of areas. Examples include, hooded eyelids, jowls and neck, above the knees, or the abdomen.

✔️ What Else Can This Treatment Offer?
In addition to the wide range of concerns that 3D Dermaforce can treat, Microneedling / RF combined with cosmeceutical grade skincare, serums, and hyaluronic acid, can also aid skin hydration by delivering products directly into the skin once the channels have been opened following the micro-needling treatment.

For LIMITED TIME ONLY we offer this treatment at the reduced price £150 per session ‼️‼️‼️
Or a course of 5 for a price of 4 sessions !!!!
(Normally facial treatment is around£ £250 !)

For more information or to book message or email [email protected]

Photos from Smart Skin Expert's post 20/06/2024

Do you know that by regularly investing in various skin treatments such as hydraionC chemical peels, micro needling and laser you can turn the clock back NATURALLY! ??
It's true!
Over the course of a months or year and sometimes few with each appointment, we work together with the client to enhance natural beauty. We are a team of two me and the client and each visit include a open discussion on areas we can concentrate to keep looking your absolute best.
Peels and microneedling induses skin resurfacing and uses bodies natural wound healing to stimulate callogen production as well as cell devision and speed up turnover as well as laser reduce sun damage, uneven skin tone givinv clearer complexion!
And let's not forget about skincare - the backbone of any skin treatment . Consistent at-home care complements professional treatments, ensuring your skin stays radiant and youthful between visits and enchancing and prolonging the results.
So, if you're ready to embrace a more youthful, refreshed version of yourself, let's start this journey together!



Do you have a D U L L S K I N ?
Pro Luminfusion for £75 (usual price of £110 )

LuminFusion combines a targeted eye peel plus retinol and hydroxy acid blend to resurface and renew, NanoInfusion technology to deeply infuse active ingredients and LED red light therapy to visibly restore skin luminosity & diminish signs of skin ageing, with no down time.
1. resurface with PRO formula
Using a powerful retinol and hydroxy acid blend plus eye peel for advanced exfoliation stacking

2. infuse with PRO pen
NanoInfusion technology deeply infuses ingredients with no downtime

3 renew with LED​
LED red light therapy visibly restores skin luminosity to reveal glowing skin

recommended for

Increasing skin luminosity

Uneven skin tone

Dehydrated, dull skin

Bookings available with Suzanne Mondays/Tuesdays only!!!


Due to increase in recent late cancelations/rebookings, a booking fee will be required at the time of BOOKING! Non refundable booking fee will be required for all bookings including old/new clients. We do have 48hour cancelation policy in place, cancelations/resheduling within less then 48hour notice will result in loss of booking fee and new appointment and booking fee collection for new appointment will be required. More then 48hour notice for cancelation will be optional of the refund or resheduling to another date !
Thank you for your understanding and support!


Odos “Booster” injekcinė procedūra greitai užvaldė estetinį pasaulį. Šios injekcinės procedūros sukelia revoliuciją odos priežiūroje ir siūlo paprastą, bet veiksmingą būdą pagerinti odos tekstūrą, elastingumą, drėkinimą ir bendrą išvaizdą.
Kas yra odos stiprintuvai?
Jie veikia švirkščiant po oda hialurono rūgšties (HA), minkštos, gelį primenančios medžiagos. HA natūraliai randamas organizme ir yra atsakingas už hidratacijos ir stangrumo palaikymą. Tačiau tokie veiksniai kaip amžius, saulės žala ir genetika gali sumažinti HA lygį, o tai gali sukelti sausumą ir dehidrataciją. Papildydami HA lygį, odos stiprintuvai atkuria drėgmę, pagerina elastingumą ir suteikia odai spindinčio, jaunatviško spindesio.
* Padidėjęs drėkinimas: padidinkite hidratacijos lygį, todėl jūsų oda atrodys putli, lygi ir spindinti.
* Stimuliuojama kolageno gamyba: Skatindami kolageno gamybą, odos stiprintuvai sumažina smulkias linijas ir raukšles, todėl oda tampa stangresnė, jaunesnė.
* Patobulinta odos tekstūra: jie pagerina bendrą odos tekstūrą ir tonusą, todėl veido spalva tampa lygesnė.
* Universalumas: gali būti naudojamas įvairioms odos vietoms ir tipams gydyti, įskaitant veidą, kaklą, krūtinę ir rankas.
* Ilgalaikiai rezultatai: nors vienos procedūros rezultatai gali išlikti iki šešių mėnesių, rekomenduojamos reguliarios priežiūros sesijos, siekiant užtikrinti maksimalią hidrataciją ir optimalius rezultatus.
Kaip veikia Skin Boosters?
Sušvirkščiama, kad hialurono rūgštis patektų tiesiai į odą. Tai ne tik drėkina odą, bet ir suaktyvina natūralų odos atsinaujinimo procesą, skatina kolageno gamybą ir gerina elastingumą.

Odos stiprintuvai ir odos užpildai – koks skirtumas?
Nors abu naudoja hialurono rūgštį kaip pagrindinį ingredientą, jie naudojami skirtingiems tikslams:
* Odos stiprintuvai: pridėkite drėkinimo, švytėjimo ir atkurkite elastiną, pagerindami odos tekstūrą ir tonusą.
* Odos užpildai: suteikia apimties ir sušvelnina linijas, atkurdami jaunatviškesnę išvaizdą.
Odos užpildai paprastai trunka nuo 9 iki 12 mėnesių, o stiprintuvai – iki 6 mėnesių ir reikalauja reguliaresnės priežiūros.

Odos stiprintuvų tipai
„Smart Skin Clinic“ siūlome platų „Skin Boosters“ asortimentą – populiariausi yra:

* Profilas
* Revitrane HA20
* INFINI Premium Aquabooster
* Apsukos PRO32
* Dermaren Lumi 10.0
* Septyniasdešimt Hyal 2000
* Lumi Pro
* Sunekos
* Jalupro
* Ir dar!
Norint užsirašyti vizitui rašykite i el.paštą: [email protected]
Arba skambinti telefonu : 01842337277


Skin boosters are quickly taking the aesthetic world by storm. These injectable treatments are revolutionising skincare, offering a simple yet effective way to enhance your skin’s texture, elasticity, hydration, and overall appearance.
What are Skin Boosters?
They work by injecting hyaluronic acid (HA), a soft, gel-like substance, under the skin. HA is naturally found in the body and is responsible for maintaining hydration and firmness. However, factors like age, sun damage, and genetics can deplete HA levels, leading to dryness and dehydration. By replenishing HA levels, skin boosters restore moisture, improve elasticity, and give your skin a radiant, youthful glow.
The Benefits:
* Increased Hydration: Boost hydration levels, leaving your skin looking plump, smooth, and radiant.
* Stimulated Collagen Production: By stimulating collagen production, skin boosters reduce fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in firmer, younger-looking skin.
* Improved Skin Texture: They improve the overall texture and tone of your skin, giving you a smoother, more even complexion.
* Versatility: Can be used to treat various skin areas and types, including the face, neck, chest, and hands.
* Long-lasting Results: While the results of a single treatment can last up to six months, regular maintenance sessions are recommended to ensure maximum hydration and optimal results.
How Do Skin Boosters Work?
Injected to deliver hyaluronic acid directly into the skin. This not only hydrates the skin but also triggers the skin’s natural repair process, stimulating collagen production and improving elasticity.
Skin Boosters vs. Dermal Fillers – What’s the difference?
While both use hyaluronic acid as a key ingredient, they serve different purposes:
* Skin Boosters: Add hydration, glow, and restore elastin, improving skin texture and tone.
* Dermal Fillers: Add volume and soften lines, restoring a more youthful appearance.
Dermal fillers typically last between 9 to 12 months, while boosters last up to 6 months and require more regular maintenance.
Types of Skin Boosters
At Smart Skin Clinic, we offer a wide range of Skin Boosters- the most popular being:
* Profhilo
* Revitrane HA20
* INFINI Premium Aquabooster
* Revs PRO32
* Dermaren Lumi 10.0
* Seventy Hyal 2000
* Lumi Pro
* Sunekos
* Jalupro
* And more!

What are the benefits of skin boosters?

Skin Boosters are a fantastic way to improve your skin's overall appearance and quality.

✔️Radiant, glowing complexion
✔️Improved skin tone & texture
✔️Improve skin firmness
✔️Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles
✔️Reduce dry, crepey skin
✔️Tighter/lifted skin
✔️Fight signs of ageing
✔️Better hydration
✔️Improved the appearance of dark circles
✔️Stimulate collagen & elastin production for healthier skin overall
✔️It can be used to treat face, hands, neck & chest/decolletage

For more information or to boom contact us by emails: [email protected]
Or call 01842337277!


One Session of Laser Hair Removal 😉


Message to book !

Photos from Smart Skin Expert's post 13/06/2024

At our clinic, we're all about holistic result driven skincare! ✨ Our aesthetic practitioners don't just focus on injecting – we're dedicated to understanding your skin's unique needs and offering a range of treatments beyond aging concerns. From tailored skincare routines to non-invasive procedures such as peels, cryotherapy, laser, micro-needling , Mesotherapy, laser skin treatments and more , we're here to help you look and feel your best at every age !!!
"🌟 Beyond skin-deep connections! 🌟 As your aesthetic practitioners, we're your trusted guides, understanding your skin inside out and know your concerns.
But beyond that, we're your therapists, friends, and empathetic listeners. Your comfort and privacy are our top priorities, ensuring a safe and confidential space for your skin journey. 💖 Let's embark on this path together! "

💫 Mūsų klinikoje visapusiškai rūpinamės jumis ir saugia odos priežiūra! ✨ Mūsų estetikos specialistai nesikoncentruoja tik į injekcijas – mes stengiamės suprasti unikalius jūsų odos poreikius ir pasiūlyti daugybę procedūrų atitinkačių jusu lūkesčius. Nuo pritaikytų odos priežiūros priemonių iki invazinių bei Neinvazinių procedurų, tokiu kaip pilingas, krioterapija, lazeris, mikroadatinė terapjija, mezoterapija, odos gydymas lazeriu ir kt., esame tam, kad padėtume jums atrodyti ir jaustis geriausiai bet kokiame amžiuje!!!
!🌟 Kaip jūsų estetinės praktikos specialistai, esame jūsų patikimi eksperati, suprantantys jūsų odą ir rūpesčius.
Be to, mes esame jūsų terapeutai, draugai ir empatiški klausytojai. Jūsų patogumas ir privatumas yra mūsų svarbiausi prioritetai, užtikrinantys saugią ir konfidencialią erdvę jūsų odos kelionei. 💖 Ženkime šiuo keliu kartu! "

Photos from Smart Skin Expert's post 12/06/2024

Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. It can manifest in various forms and severity, affecting millions of people worldwide. Here's an in-depth look at understanding acne.

Causes of Acne

1. **Hormonal Changes:** Fluctuations in hormones, especially during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and conditions like polycystic o***y syndrome (PCOS), can increase oil production in the skin.

2. **Genetics:** A family history of acne can increase the likelihood of developing the condition.

3. **Diet:** Some studies suggest a link between certain foods (e.g., high glycemic index foods, dairy products) and acne, though this can vary between individuals.

4. **Stress:** Stress can exacerbate acne by causing hormonal changes that lead to increased oil production.

5. **Skincare Products:** Using comedogenic
(pore-clogging) products can contribute to acne.

Managing acne involves a combination of skincare practices, lifestyle changes, and sometimes medical treatments. Here are some effective strategies:

Skincare Routine

1. **Gentle Cleansing**: Wash your face twice daily with a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser to remove excess oil and dirt.
2. **Exfoliation**: Use a mild exfoliant to remove dead skin cells, but avoid over-exfoliating as it can irritate the skin. Opt for BHA leave on serums or exfoliation to unclog pores and encourage cell turnover.

3. **Non-comedogenic Products**: Choose skincare and cosmetic products labeled as non-comedogenic to prevent clogged pores.

4. **Moisturizing**: Use an oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated without adding extra oil.

5. **Sun Protection**

Lifestyle Changes
1. **Healthy Diet.

2. **Hydration** Do not dry out the skin !

3. **Stress Management

4. **Avoid Touching Your Face

Professional Procedures available such as chemical peels, laser therapy, light therapy to treat acne, micro-needling for reduce scarring. Consistency is a key and regular courses and maintenance is required!



Training done for New updated Cosmelan treatment today Me and Suzanne have enjoyed it very much and cannot wait to introduce it to you all fully 🫶
Want more information or interested of being one of the first to try this amazing depigmentation treatment which can treat MELASMA , HYPERPIGMENTATION, FRECKLES or SOLAR LENTIGES ON FACE ! Message us to find out more 🫶😉


Photos from Smart Skin Expert's post 10/06/2024


Do you have a D U L L S K I N ?
Pro Luminfusion for £75 (usual price of £110 )

LuminFusion combines a targeted eye peel plus retinol and hydroxy acid blend to resurface and renew, NanoInfusion technology to deeply infuse active ingredients and LED red light therapy to visibly restore skin luminosity & diminish signs of skin ageing, with no down time.
1. resurface with PRO formula
Using a powerful retinol and hydroxy acid blend plus eye peel for advanced exfoliation stacking

2. infuse with PRO pen
NanoInfusion technology deeply infuses ingredients with no downtime

3 renew with LED​
LED red light therapy visibly restores skin luminosity to reveal glowing skin

recommended for

Increasing skin luminosity

Uneven skin tone

Dehydrated, dull skin

Bookings available with Suzanne Mondays/Tuesdays only!!!


Since its Acne Awareness month i would like to offer a few free consultations and skin analysis for anyone suffering with Acne !
Message to book only available on the dates stated on the poster ! 💙

Photos from Smart Skin Expert's post 07/06/2024


Do you have a D U L L S K I N ?
Pro Luminfusion for £75 (usual price of £110 )

LuminFusion combines a targeted eye peel plus retinol and hydroxy acid blend to resurface and renew, NanoInfusion technology to deeply infuse active ingredients and LED red light therapy to visibly restore skin luminosity & diminish signs of skin ageing, with no down time.
1. resurface with PRO formula
Using a powerful retinol and hydroxy acid blend plus eye peel for advanced exfoliation stacking

2. infuse with PRO pen
NanoInfusion technology deeply infuses ingredients with no downtime

3 renew with LED​
LED red light therapy visibly restores skin luminosity to reveal glowing skin

recommended for

Increasing skin luminosity

Uneven skin tone

Dehydrated, dull skin

Bookings available with Suzanne Mondays/Tuesdays only!!!


Message Demuza Beauty for your eyebrow needs x

If you find yourself battling with wild and unruly eyebrows that refuse to stay in place, brow lamination could be the answer.
This treatment is particularly beneficial for individuals with eyebrow hairs that grow in different directions, creating a messy and unkempt appearance👏

Photos from Smart Skin Expert's post 30/05/2024


Do you have a D U L L S K I N ?
Pro Luminfusion for £75 (usual price of £110 )

LuminFusion combines a targeted eye peel plus retinol and hydroxy acid blend to resurface and renew, NanoInfusion technology to deeply infuse active ingredients and LED red light therapy to visibly restore skin luminosity & diminish signs of skin ageing, with no down time.
1. resurface with PRO formula
Using a powerful retinol and hydroxy acid blend plus eye peel for advanced exfoliation stacking

2. infuse with PRO pen
NanoInfusion technology deeply infuses ingredients with no downtime

3 renew with LED​
LED red light therapy visibly restores skin luminosity to reveal glowing skin

recommended for

Increasing skin luminosity

Uneven skin tone

Dehydrated, dull skin

Bookings available with Suzanne Mondays/Tuesdays only!!!


Laser Hair reduction before 7th session x
Real results no promises 😘😅

Why Do You Need Multiple Laser Hair Removal Sessions?

Multiple sessions allow the laser to treat the hair at the anagen stage. This is essential, as it’s the only point at which the hair follicle remains attached to the bulb and the laser’s light can disrupt future growth properly.

Undergoing multiple sessions creates better coverage and makes laser hair removal more effective. Stopping at just one or few treatments could leave you with unwanted growth in visible areas over time, no matter how well the initial treatment goes.

How Often Should I Have Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is usually performed at different frequencies, but enough time should be allowed for hairs to pass through the different growth stages. If you don’t leave enough weeks between sessions, hairs in the treatment area may not be in the anagen phase and the treatment might not be effective.

Growth rates in the area to be targeted dictate how regular your sessions should be, too. For example, laser hair removal tends to be performed every four weeks on the face and every six weeks on the body.

Session length varies based on the size of the target area, too, so broad men with unwanted back hair can expect longer treatments than women looking to smooth their bikini line.

What Should I Expect Before Laser Hair Removal?

Before laser hair removal, you’ll be guided through the procedure by an expert for your total peace of mind.

This is crucial so that you know what to expect and feel comfortable during the treatment.
What Should I Expect After Laser Hair Removal?

Following laser hair removal, you may see signs of swelling and redness develop within the first few hours. This is temporary, and nothing to worry about.

If you experience any discomfort during this period, you can apply ice to the area to soothe the skin.

It’s also crucial to avoid direct sunlight for several weeks, or as directed, because laser hair removal leaves treated skin more vulnerable. This includes natural and artificial sunlight (such as from a tanning bed), and sunscreen should be worn when going outdoors.


Do you know that here Smart Skin Expert we are not just about beauty and we do go into more than skin deep to educate you and give you understanding about the processes that causes your skin to look as is does !!
We care about you and always provide honest advice and recommendations to aid your journey not only to fix a concern but aid health and long term solutions not just a quick fix!


You should be choosing SMART SKIN CLINIC , and here’s why:

* We offer in depth skin consultations using Observ 520x skin analyser, in depth questionnaire, visual and manual skin inspection and personalised skin journey planning with skin care prescriptions individually tailored to your skin concerns! No obligation consultation ensures clarity and understanding before your treatment as well as give opportunity for your to learn more about your skin, its needs and preparation requirements for treatments.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

* We dedicate time to our clients to fully explain the positives as well as risks and unwanted reactions prior treatment. It’s important to us that all treatments are undertaken with a high level of consideration for clients needs and safety, as well as alternative options is always cover to make sure client has made and Informed Decisions !

* Products used during treatments have been purchased either directly from manufacturers, are reputable brands (no fakes), is safe and effectively chosen ensuring safety. All products used is dispensed in front of clients, no hiding what we use, there is no leftover storage and disposable items used where appropriate to avoid any cross contamination!

* Only researched, products & clinically proven and researched medical devices is used, following good practice conduct standards as per official bodies requirements!
* We proudly follow official safe practice standards as recommended by British Laser Association with annual inspections from Laser Safety Advisor, following standards from Joint Council of Cosmetic Practitioners and more…
You can be assured-You are in the safest hands.

Your care will always be tailored individually, professionally and with respect and understanding. The care does not end when you leave the clinic we will always follow up and you leave clinic knowingly that we are reachable and are here for support!
And finally, The results speak for themselves. For more information visit


Some real progress of Laser Hair removal 🫶🫶🫶


Proud moment for me 📚📚📚🤓👩🏼‍🎓👩‍🏫👩‍🏫


Some of the recent feedback for us 🫶🫶🫶😘 thank you so much for taking time to review you time at Smart skin Expert Clinic x


Hey it Skaiste Smart Skin Expert Skin &Laser Clinic owner and Aesthetic practitioner expert in Skin and Laser Hair removal treatments!
With over 10 years of experience in the industry, extensive never ending list of internationally recognised qualifications (not a few day courses!) Offering selection of tried tested and result driven results with proven records of medical research and clinical trials !
You can be assured that your safety is top priority on any treatments offered here!

✅Chemical Peels
✅Acne Treatments
✅Pigmentation treatments
✅Age Management
✅Radio Frequency Skin Tightening
✅Radio Frequency Microneedling
✅Mesotherapy /Skin Boosters
✅SKIN Tag Removal
✅ plus more please ask if not sure x


Dear Customer
It has come to my attention that a post in one of the Thetford Forums has been shared regarding inappropriate parking outside the clinic today!
1.Firts of all the pictures shared showed someone license plate which is personal item and cannot be shared freely online without a consent !
2. Secondly it is my belief the person who took the pictures and moaned about it has actually damaged one of the cars as the mirror was smashed coincidentally!
3. just because the cars is parked inappropriately it does not mean it is always clinic’s customer as residents around the building unfortunately constantly parking there too and school drop off and pick up times also becomes impossible!
4. I cannot control where customers are parked as the car park is public and does not belong to the smart skin!
5. It is drivers responsibility where to park and they as the driver has to make appropriate decisions! I DO ADVISE ALL OF MY CUSTOMERS TO PARK RESPONSIBILITY!
6. If anyones has concerns about parking please contact Highways and they can request the council to put pay machines which actually sort out my parking problem as currently I cannot use my private parking myself as worried to be blocked in!!!
7. For person who took the pictures if you do have any issues with the clinic next time I would appreciate you let me know rather than anonymously posting a post !


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SPECIAL OFFER FOR JUNE AND JULY!!!!Do you have a D U L L  S K I N ?           Pro Luminfusion for £75 (usual price of £1...
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This treatment creates you a porcelain dolls complexion! The Carbon Laser treatment is a laser procedure for enhancing t...
SPECIAL OFFER FOR JUNE AND JULY!!!!Do you have a D U L L  S K I N ?           Pro Luminfusion for £75 (usual price of £1...
SPECIAL OFFER FOR JUNE AND JULY!!!!Do you have a D U L L  S K I N ?           Pro Luminfusion for £75 (usual price of £1...
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