Sarah McLintic, Clinical Massage Therapist, Tunbridge Wells Videos

Videos by Sarah McLintic, Clinical Massage Therapist in Tunbridge Wells. Following a comprehensive assessment and consultation, I create an individual treatment plan that ta

Treating the sternocleidomastoideus muscle (SCM for short) can really help resolve headache/migraine symptoms and a forward head posture, amongst other conditions. It's powerful work so please don't try at home unless you've been coached through the process by your massage therapist.

Find me at @thespringrooms or @tunbridgewellschiropractics

NB Filmed in a Covid-safe environment.

#nomorepain #headaches #migraine #massage #clinicalmassage #sportsmassage #rehab #relax #thepantiles #tunbridgewells

Other Sarah McLintic, Clinical Massage Therapist videos

Treating the sternocleidomastoideus muscle (SCM for short) can really help resolve headache/migraine symptoms and a forward head posture, amongst other conditions. It's powerful work so please don't try at home unless you've been coached through the process by your massage therapist. Find me at @thespringrooms or @tunbridgewellschiropractics NB Filmed in a Covid-safe environment. #nomorepain #headaches #migraine #massage #clinicalmassage #sportsmassage #rehab #relax #thepantiles #tunbridgewells