Tara Paonessa

Tara Paonessa

International Conscious Living Life Coach


Do you have any plans for tonight?

If you fancy going off the grid for an hour, you would be so welcome to join me

From 19:00 - 20:00 GMT, on zoom, on the last Thursday of each month, I host a gentle guided meditation

We go on a journey within

To feel rest.

To feel nourishment

To connect into our beautiful wisdom

It is most likely someone from the animal kingdom will come and join you on your guided journey, for a little sol conversation

If this feels like something you fancy doing, everyone, including you, are most welcome.

Simply follow this link to take you to my sign up page, and your zoom link will follow. https://tarapaonessa.com/connect-to-yourself/

Tara x


Would you like to come and join me online tomorrow night for an hour?

This is an invitation to come out of your mind and go within.

A space to remember who you are and, see yourself from your soul's perspective.

Join me for a gentle process which will enable self-validation.

Go to the place where you don’t just hear yourself and what you want, but a place where you learn to trust yourself, in what you want.

Switching off our limited minds is where possibility and potential begin.

Everyone is welcome.

To receive your zoom link, click here https://tarapaonessa.com/connect-to-yourself/

Tara x


So you feel the shift? At 1.45pm today Pluto made the move into Aquarius. No one on the planet was alive when this last happened. Pluto - the dark lord of the underworld - challenges us to reform, renew, and transform. There is no escape from this. This is our eleventh hour on planet earth. As Pluto moves into Aquarius, the sign of humanity, healing and technology, he is shaking things up down here. Things have been falling and the corruptions are tolerated no more. This offers us the chance to do the inner work and heal. Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn once more later in the year, so expect some more upheaval in the world of business and politics. But as the sun also moves into Aquarius today, we are given the chance to reclaim who we are at our core. Who we were before life got to us. Who are you? Who are you meant to be? Now is the time to move into this new phase and embrace the shadow self. Stay strong and keep the faith as there may be bumpy times ahead but it is so worth it. If you wish some support on your path, I am always here. 🌹💚

Grateful 19/01/2024

I walk into my office, light my candles and invite in connection. I sit quietly and I play this song. Then I start work.

I am so blessed that I worked it out, that connection, ritual and routine is the backbone of creativity and expression.

I wonder what new rituals will develop as I expand and grow.

Feeling so blessed today. To my core ❤️

Grateful Provided to YouTube by DistroKidGrateful · St. FinnikinRemember℗ kingdomReleased on: 2023-01-11Auto-generated by YouTube.


Soooo excited to be working with the fabulous team at Whitehouse Studios.

We start recording next week, for my upcoming course on advanced intuition.

If you would like to be informed of the dates for my events and courses, here is the link to my news letter. No spam, no automation, pure news from my desk to yours.


Tara x


It’s ok to give yourself permission to have early nights.

Permission to close the curtains when you get in from work.

Permission for warm blankets, hot chocolate and curling up.

Permission to leave work on time, even if the boss is full of inspiration for a new year with goals and projects. They might not have got the memo, it is Winter.

It’s ok not to run around at the weekends busy as a bee. Because even the bees are hibernating.

It’s ok to give yourself permission not to walk the dog at night in the wind and the rain, they will thank you, as they too have a circadian rhythm which they are programmed to follow.

We are mammals, we are programmed to follow the rhythm of the seasons.

Shhhhhh… the animals are sleeping 😴


Good morning and welcome to Winter. May we embrace the new season as nature intended, with a slowing down and gentleness.

Noticing the animal kingdom here in the UK, I am feeling their encouragement towards a deeper self care practice of rest and letting go. Taking only that which serves us into our hibernation cave, leaving the rest behind.

Solstice blessings,

Love Tara x


If we keep going in the same direction, we get to our destination.
If you want to alter your destination, but not too sure how or where or what you might need (confidence, courage, intuition) I run free sessions on the last Thursday of the month.
They are an hour, they are called “Connect to yourself” and they help you go within and… connect to yourself.

All welcome, the link below takes you to my “dates” page where you can sign up for the zoom links.

One is running next Thursday, it would be lovely to see you,

Love Tara x



She said, "From the first day, the circle felt like a sanctuary—a place where openness and vulnerability were not just accepted, but embraced". (All participant's identities remain confidential)

If this feels like the place you would like to start your year, we meet in a small private group, on zoom, once a week for four circle sessions of connection and deep diving, starting January 5th.

With daily journal rituals sent directly to your inbox for 22 days, you will find yourself carving out time you never knew you had - for yourself.

Your candle will become your guiding light. cacao will speak soft words to you.

A delicious deep dive into releasing what no longer serves you for 2024 as you go on to reclaim and reveal your true self.

Please do contact me in any way which feels right to you, if your soul is nudging you to you pick up your pen and hear its quiet whispers.

Love Tara x

£250 with payment options available

Photos from Tara Paonessa's post 16/12/2023

🌜🌓Competition time - Calling all lunar lovers 🌗 🌛

I love this calendar so much, every year the new version hangs proudly on my wall so I can see at a glance where our beautiful moon is and what's next.

I love it so much I bought an extra one (like last year) so that I could give it away for free to a member of my community.

It is beautiful and beauty is to be shared.

If you follow the cycles of the moon or want to reconnect to the moon as your guide, this is a beautiful visual guide to magnify the momentum of your 2024 year.

If you are a community member who follows me and you would like a chance to own it, drop a moon lover note in the comments below and I will enter you into the draw. If you aren't yet part of the community, you can join us conscious living beings by following my page any time before the draw closes.

I'll do the draw at 21st December at noon GMT.

I am blessed that my community extends worldwide, so there is no restriction on postal location.

Love Tara x


A Woman's Voice really is a Revolution.

If you are celebrating Christmas and wondering what the perfect gift might be for your sister, mum, bestie (or FOR YOU because you too deserve wisdom and clarity as much as the next woman) this book is a real gem and I can highly recommend it.

Ok, I am biased, I am one of 50 women who have contributed to it.

And the truth is, I couldn't be prouder. It is such a gem and a daily companion of love, compassion and inspiration.


Love Tara x

p.s. All the money raised in the sale of the book goes to an incredibly children's charity. Beautiful ❤


The more of who we are, the more we become who we are.

This might be a drop the mic moment for some.

Let me try that again…

The more of who we are, the more we become who we are.


The thoughts, emotions, beliefs and motivations we have right now is exactly what we are attracting more of into our life.

If I believe I am love, then I am love and I will attract more love.
If I believe I am abundant then I am abundant and I will attract more abundance.
If I believe I am busy then I am busy and I will attract more busy.

I never use to so consciously create my days, or hand pick my words.
Nor did I check in on my beliefs and see if I wanted these beliefs, never did I ask if they were relevant or check in to see if they need updating.

Nope. I was the kid in the sweet shop who would choose the sweets closest to the checkout because I didn’t know what I wanted.

I lived unconsciously.
Ouch. But so true.
So why did I change?

If I believe I am happy, I am happy and I will attract more happiness.
Because if I believe I am successful, I am successful and I will create more success.

I have been using the hashtag all year. It means I have consciously stopped and thought about what it is that I am wanting in my life. Or journalling on who I want to be and what I might need to let go of, or replace.

So beautiful beings, we attract who we are.

As we head into 2024 my deepest hope is that we consciously create ourselves, to be the best versions of ourselves that is possible in that moment.

Perhaps use the hashtag. There is a certain pride about making exquisitely intended decisions for ourselves and showing up in the world how we intend to – in the way that brings us happiness and joy.

If you are a little stuck or unsure on how to get started on your journey of conscious living, I am a conscious living (life) coach and would be thrilled to have a conversation. My calendar link is at the bottom of this post.

Love Tara x



Get ready for

With an intentional format to deepen our practice. All welcome 🙏


My coach gave the most beautiful lesson back in August on the subject of Faith. As beautiful as the teachings were, it gave me weeks of discomfort as I just wasn’t ready for the deep dive into faith and discovering actually, I might not have quite as much as I thought.

My journalling unveiled a path of resistance and confusion in the name God.

Conversations extended to a lot of my friends, asking them how they get on with the name God.

Over the weeks of inquiry, as I discovered my faith, the path did reveal itself and, with a lot of wriggling with discomfort in my chair, it went something like this:

I am sacred in my body.

The vessel which carries me throughout my earth walk.

Emanating from God
Consecrated in my beliefs
I am devoted to my journey to raise my vibration, my frequency.

I am devoted to my desire to be connected to Source. And devoted to my faith in the Divine, the Great Spirit, and the love of the Universe. I am devoted to practicing my faith and mastering it.

God wants me to have it all. God wants me to enjoy the planet that has been provided for us.

God or Spirit?

God is Spirit.

Wait what????

If God is Spirit, where does Source and the Universe fit in? Or Jesus? Is Spirit the Holy Spirit?

I am so confused.

And why do I have such a hard time saying the word God?

It makes me wriggle in my chair as I write, I am so uncomfortable.

I want to be a woman of faith and yet I can’t say the word GOD?

I rang my friend Jessi at the point and she didn't help. Well, in the long run she did, but not in the short term. She confirmed there are over 175 names for the higher power greater than us a.k.a. God. She chucked at my confusion.

Man has done so much in God’s name, I can’t see past it.

Oh how religion has tainted all my perceptions of the creator.

How the titles, the preaching and the bias have given me such judgement

AND my own bias.


And yet I believe in an unseen substance?

In meditation, God came to me and suggested that I rename him/her/them.

So I did and the answers flowed.

If you are curious and want to read on, the blog is in the link below.

Love and blessings,
Tara & Margaret



Black Friday is my reminder that it is "that time of year".

Winter is coming in just 4 weeks.

So I surrender to the longer nights.

To the colder days.

To my circadian rhythm which is programmed for slowing down, for more rest.

I surrender to going within, just as nature goes to ground.

I go within to nurture myself, to tend to my inner world, to connect to my dreams for 2024.

It's that time of year to consciously let go of what I do not want to take into my winter hibernation cave.

To be really conscious about what I do want to take into my winter hibernation cave.

That time of year when we want earlier nights and more curling up.

That time of year when the sparking lights of the festive season remind me how dark the nights are.

That time of year to surrender to the next season.

Happy Black Friday,

It really is that time of year.

Love Tara x


Good morning beautiful souls. Another day of our earth walk, it is a beautiful sunrise here today. Taking in the magnificent sight of the sky, listening to the dawn chorus. Blessed for a this beautiful connection in nature. Tara x


To the Women

To the women who sit behind closed doors
To the women who lost confidence
To the women who recognise confusion
To the women who know hopelessness

To the women who met anxiety
To the women who know overwhelm
To the women who are out-resourced
To the women who are so busy they meet themselves in the middle
To the women who know what it is like to walk in their shoes, alone

To the women who have scars

To the women whose voice is silent
To the women who want to be heard
To the women who want to hear their own voices
To the women who don’t want to speak their words
To the women who speak others' words
To the women whose secrets weigh them down

To the women who are numbed by routine
To the women who are stuck
To the women who know where to start
To the women who don’t know where to start

To the women who want something different
To the women who want to lean in for support
To the women who know there is another way
To the women who want to calm their minds
To the women who want to remember the way of putting themselves first
To the women who are ready to do the work
To the women who aren't

To the women who know what it is like
To the women who are ready to meet themselves
To the women who are ready
To the women who aren't

To the women who are scared
To the women who have fear
To the women who know they are brave

To all the women

Every morning, with Mama Cacao, I hold you in my heart, you are my morning prayer

You are never alone

Love Tara x

📷 Oracle card Credit Melinda Jacobs, chosen at random for this prayer. Confirming nothing is random. Ever.


May you welcome in permission to show up for yourself this week, putting yourself first, in the ways which are right for you.

They may be be small ways, they may be big ways. But in this moment, give yourself permission to choose something for yourself.

Consciously, with intention.

What is possible?

What would you like to do for yourself this week?

With love
Tara x


I love the word Kairos.

It is a Greek word which can be translated as the right time, an opportune or critical moment.

Kairos “time” is a moment of heightened significance.

I think that it can be a moment in time when something shifts inside us.

The greatest love story of all time is the one where we choose ourselves.

Do remember how to do that, you are so important, so needed on this planet, and so loved.

And I am inviting you to have a Kairos moment, just for you, where it makes your life that little bit better. Often.

Tara x


One of my favourite oracle decks, curated by my dear wise friend Melinda Jacobs.

Love how this card appeared for me when I am calling in simplicity.

Tara x



My soul may have a quiet voice, but it has a mighty message.

It has a divinely guided purpose and it is meant to be free and to be heard, to do what is mine to do.

I choose to master myself.

I choose to listen to the quietest voice inside of me.

I chose to let go, be present and surrender.

I choose to put down that which keeps me small.

The mental chatter, the busy busy busy busy.

My mind’s desire is to have control, when control is a fallacy.

In the quietest space of my day, my loudest voice is heard.

With ease and grace, with kindness and gentleness.

With love.

Tara x


This Friday we begin our final 22-day sister circle of 2023.

All places are now filled.

The candles are lit.

The journals are ready to hold the innermost of thoughts and feelings, so secret they will never be heard.

The sister circle promise is soon to be made.

Mama cacao is ready to listen to the whispers of your deepest desires.

If the quietest part of you is calling to be in circle, please let it be heard as dates will soon be set for January.

With love
Tara x


Imagine creating time.

Imagine gifting yourself 1% of each beautiful day, just for you.

14 minutes and 24 seconds each day for you to connect to yourself without distraction or a to-do list.

I’m not taking about going down the gym, out for a dog walk or off for a manicure.

My love I am taking about 1% of your day where you go within and hear what you are thinking, hear what you are saying to yourself.

1% of your day where you silence the world around you.

1% of your day where you take some deep breaths, say hello to yourself and find out what is going on in your world.

Creating space for ourselves can feel daunting.

For so many reasons we can tell ourselves a story.

I’d like to suggest a new story.

You are worthy of 1% of your day being dedicated to you.

With your hand on your heart, imagine creating time.

What one small thing which takes 1% of your day will make the difference?

Tara x

If you like to read more, you will find the link to my 1% blog here https://tarapaonessa.com/blogs/


In the way which is right for you

In the natural way

Embrace your change

We are not meant to stand still

Nature is our gifted teacher

Tara x

Videos (show all)

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It’s ok to give yourself permission to have early nights. Permission to close the curtains when you get in from work. Pe...
Shhhh…. The animals are sleeping. #animalwisdom
Winter Solstice. A night of celebration in circle with beautiful women 🙇‍♀️, with cacao, journeying, messages from the w...
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When we quiet our mind, magic can be heard. Join me in January for 22 days of going within to release, reveal and reclai...
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