Videos by BOLDkids. BOLDkids (Brain Organisation in Limb Differences) is a research collaboration dedicated to learning more about the remarkable motor skills and brain development of children with limb differences.
Can you help us finish our brain scanning project? We are looking for our final three volunteers.
We are looking for 5-8 year old children with an upper limb difference to visit us in Cambridge to help us learn more about how the brain adapts to limb differences.
Taking part is a great experience for your child, and is fun introduction to what the brain looks like. You will receive a picture of your brain to take home.
If you are interested in finding out more drop us a message or contact us on 07833 968229
BOLDkids Scan
Can you help us finish our brain scanning project? We are looking for our final three volunteers.
We are looking for 5-8 year old children with an upper limb difference to visit us in Cambridge to help us learn more about how the brain adapts to limb differences.
Taking part is a great experience for your child, and is fun introduction to what the brain looks like. You will receive a picture of your brain to take home.
If you are interested in finding out more drop us a message or contact us on 07833 968229