Bushy Park Videos

Videos by Bushy Park. Bushy Park is one of London's eight Royal Parks, cared for by The Royal Parks charity.

Operation Bushy Park - Plotting D-day in a Royal Park

On this day 80 years ago D-Day began.

During the Second World War, Bushy Park was home to a sprawling military base and it was from here where General Dwight D. Eisenhower plotted Operation Overlord - the invasion of Normandy.

Discover more about how the park was involved in our digital exhibition, here ▶️ https://shorturl.at/VprO6.


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Other Bushy Park videos

Operation Bushy Park - Plotting D-day in a Royal Park
On this day 80 years ago D-Day began. During the Second World War, Bushy Park was home to a sprawling military base and it was from here where General Dwight D. Eisenhower plotted Operation Overlord - the invasion of Normandy. Discover more about how the park was involved in our digital exhibition, here ▶️ https://shorturl.at/VprO6. #DDay80

Operation Bushy Park - Plotting D-Day in a Royal Park
During the Second World War, Bushy Park was home to a sprawling military base. This is where General Dwight D. Eisenhower came to work on a top-secret plan called ‘Operation Overlord’. We’re delighted to announce the launch of a new digital exhibition to tell this D-Day story. Take a look via the link here ▶️ https://shorturl.at/VprO6. #DDay80

Duck swimming across pond
This video is the personification of 'Tra-la-lal-la-la'! 🎵🤩 📍 Woodland gardens, Bushy Park

Favourite trees in Bushy Park
🌳 Between 25 November - 3 December we're marking The Tree Council's National Tree Week. 🌲 There is a clear standout favourite tree in Bushy Park for Apprentice Gardener, Zac – a Japanese Emperor Oak in the Woodland Gardens. 🗣️ “It grows to about 25 metres in size and has really big leaves. It has bene planted here to add some interest and I’m looking forward to seeing it grow.” 🎥 Watch on to learn more. #NationalTreeWeek

Keep safe in Bushy Park during the deer rutting season
Bushy Park Volunteer Ranger, Graham recently took this video and it illustrates how vital it is to keep your distance during the deer rutting season. These stags were spotted parallel walking, but this very quickly escalated to fighting. Please always remember to #Stay50mAway and be particularly vigilant at this time of year. Graham says: "Towards the end of my shift these two stags strode out into the open, still walking side by side and it became obvious that the contest had moved up a notch. My fellow ranger and I advised everyone to move back, much further back! "Seconds later what you see took place. There had been people standing on the path right where the stag entered the water. If ever proof were needed that the situation can be unpredictable and change suddenly, this is it." To learn more about the deer rutting season, read our blog ▶️ https://bit.ly/3SWkY20.

Why dead wood is good

Bushy Park - Head Gardener Sharon Evans

This summer please help take care of your parks the way they've taken care of you during lockdown. Find out how: https://www.royalparks.org.uk/home/bekindtoyourparks

Volunteer Ranger, Sandra Wright, on the deer birthing season.
Volunteer Ranger, Sandra Wright, has recorded this short video on the deer birthing season and how visitors can keep safe. Due to the pandemic, the Volunteer Ranger service is currently suspended, but we hope to welcome them back soon. For more info on the service visit www.royalparks.org.uk/rangers

Thank you for visiting Bushy Park responsibly and for your continued support over the Easter weekend. Enjoy your day and if you're going out for daily exercise today please, Stay safe Stay local Stay active Be kind www.royalparks.org.uk/follow-the-royal-parks-code #Keepyourparksopen #stayHomeSaveLives