Strong After Sixty

Strong After Sixty

A 73 year old personal trainer helping people be SASSY - Strong After Sixty, Seventy and beYond. Keeping active is vital for health. Healthier heart and lungs.

Stronger muscles. Better balance. More confidence. Good mental health. The benefits just go on on. As we get older, keeping active and maintaining strength, becomes more important. Becoming infirm in older age is not inevitable. Exercise, particularly strengthening exercise, is the key to keeping fit and independent. Loss of independence is the main thing that older people fear and keeping joints,

Legs: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 24/7/24 25/07/2024

Yesterday's class

Legs: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 24/7/24 20 minute class designed specifically for older people, but suitable for anyone. Over the age of about 35 we start to lose muscle mass unless we do specific...

Shoulders, biceps and triceps: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 22/7/24 23/07/2024

Yesterday's class

Shoulders, biceps and triceps: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 22/7/24 20 minute live online exercise class designed specifically for older people, but suitable for all ages and levels of fitness. As we age, we lose muscle mass...

Core and balance: 10 minutes standing, 10 minutes floor work. 19/7/24 20/07/2024

Yesterday's class

Core and balance: 10 minutes standing, 10 minutes floor work. 19/7/24 20 minute core and balance class designed specifically for older adults but suitable for everyone of all levels of fitness. As we age our balance deteriora...

Legs: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 17/7/24 18/07/2024

Yesterday's class

Legs: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 17/7/24 20 minute class designed specifically for older people, but suitable for anyone. Over the age of about 35 we start to lose muscle mass unless we do specific...

Shoulders, biceps and triceps: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 15/7/24 16/07/2024

Yesterday's class

Shoulders, biceps and triceps: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 15/7/24 A 20 minute live online exercise class designed specifically for older people, but suitable for all ages and levels of fitness. As we age, we lose muscle ma...

Core and balance: 10 minutes standing, 10 minutes floor work. 12/7/24 13/07/2024

Yesterday's class

Core and balance: 10 minutes standing, 10 minutes floor work. 12/7/24 20 minute core and balance class designed specifically for older adults but suitable for everyone of all levels of fitness. As we age our balance deteriora...

#470 BITESIZE | How To Control Your Blood Sugar, Cut Cravings and Get Your Energy Back | Jessie Inchauspé 12/07/2024

I'm listening to Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee | #470 BITESIZE | How To Control Your Blood Sugar, Cut Cravings and Get Your Energy Back | Jessie Inchauspé on Podbean, check it out!

#470 BITESIZE | How To Control Your Blood Sugar, Cut Cravings and Get Your Energy Back | Jessie Inchauspé CAUTION: The advice in this episode may not be suitable for anyone with an eating disorder. If you have an existing health condition or are taking medication, always consult your healthcare practitioner before making changes to your diet.Today’s guest believes that how you feel right now is direct...

20 minutes legs: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 10/7/24 11/07/2024

Yesterday's class

20 minutes legs: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 10/7/24 20 minute class designed specifically for older people, but suitable for anyone. Over the age of about 35 we start to lose muscle mass unless we do specific...

Shoulders, biceps and triceps. 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 8/7/24 09/07/2024

Yesterday's class

Shoulders, biceps and triceps. 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 8/7/24 A 20 minute live online exercise class designed specifically for older people, but suitable for all ages and levels of fitness. As we age, we lose muscle ma...

Legs: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with 04/07/2024

Yesterday's class

Legs: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with 20 minute class designed specifically for older people, but suitable for anyone. Over the age of about 35 we start to lose muscle mass unless we do specific...


Dr. David Unwin, Chair of our Scientific Advisory Committee, created several sugar infographics to give you an idea of how different foods can have an impact on your blood sugar.

Each teaspoon represents a 4g portion of white sugar. By visualising how sugary different foods are, we can make better dietary choices.

1. A banana (120g) has the same effect on your blood sugar as 5.7 teaspoons of sugar.
2. 2 slices of white bread (60g) equal 7.4 teaspoons of sugar.
3. A bowl of cornflakes (30g) is equivalent to 8.4 teaspoons of sugar.

Understanding the Glycaemic Index (GI) is vital in this journey. The GI is a score out of 100 that measures how quickly a food containing carbohydrates raises blood sugar levels after eating:

* Low GI: 1 to 55
* Medium GI: 56 to 69
* High GI: 70 and higher

Foods with a higher GI (like cornflakes at 93) raise blood sugar faster and higher compared to those with a lower GI (like a banana at 62). Combined with the quantity of food, this scoring helps you select foods that manage blood sugar more effectively.

For more insights and to read the original research paper see the comments.

Shoulders, biceps and triceps: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 1/7/24 02/07/2024

Yesterday's class

Shoulders, biceps and triceps: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 1/7/24 A 20 minute live online exercise class designed specifically for older people, but suitable for all ages and levels of fitness. As we age, we lose muscle ma...

Core and balance: 10 minutes standing, 10 minutes floor work. 28/6/24 29/06/2024

Yesterday's class

Core and balance: 10 minutes standing, 10 minutes floor work. 28/6/24 20 minute core and balance class designed specifically for older adults but suitable for everyone of all levels of fitness. As we age our balance deteriora...

Legs: 10 minutes easy, 10 minutes a bit harder with weights 19/6/24 27/06/2024

Yesterday's class

Legs: 10 minutes easy, 10 minutes a bit harder with weights 19/6/24 20 minute class designed specifically for older people, but suitable for anyone. Over the age of about 35 we start to lose muscle mass unless we do specific...

Shoulders, biceps and triceps: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with weights. 24/6/24 25/06/2024

Yesterday's class

Shoulders, biceps and triceps: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with weights. 24/6/24 A 20 minute live online exercise class designed specifically for older people, but suitable for all ages and levels of fitness. As we age, we lose muscle ma...

Core and balance: 10 minutes standing exercises, 10 minutes on the floor. 21/6/24 22/06/2024

Yesterday's class

Core and balance: 10 minutes standing exercises, 10 minutes on the floor. 21/6/24 20 minute core and balance class designed specifically for older adults but suitable for everyone of all levels of fitness. As we age our balance deteriora...

Are ultra-processed foods that bad for us? | BBC Maestro 21/06/2024

Bread is an ultra processed food? If you only do one thing today, watch this. You can't outrun a bad diet.

Are ultra-processed foods that bad for us? | BBC Maestro Hear from Professor Tim Spector, as he dives into the realm of ultra-processed foods – explaining what they are and their negative impacts on our long-term h...


If you find some of the exercises in my classes difficult have a read of this. Don't give up, do a little every day. Consistency is the key to fitness.

Shoulders, biceps and triceps. 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 10/6/24 18/06/2024

Yesterday's class

Shoulders, biceps and triceps. 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 10/6/24 A 20 minute live online exercise class designed specifically for older people, but suitable for all ages and levels of fitness. As we age, we lose muscle ma...

Core and balance: 10 minutes standing, 10 minutes floor work. 14/6/24 15/06/2024

Yesterday's class

Core and balance: 10 minutes standing, 10 minutes floor work. 14/6/24 20 minute core and balance class designed specifically for older adults but suitable for everyone of all levels of fitness. As we age our balance deteriora...

Legs: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 12/6/24 13/06/2024

Yesterday's class

Legs: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 12/6/24 A 20 minute class designed specifically for older people, but suitable for anyone. Over the age of about 35 we start to lose muscle mass unless we do specif...

Core and balance: 10 minutes standing, 10 minutes floor work. 7/6/24 08/06/2024

Yesterday's class

Core and balance: 10 minutes standing, 10 minutes floor work. 7/6/24 20 minute core and balance class designed specifically for older adults but suitable for everyone of all levels of fitness. As we age our balance deteriora...


First race 10k since lockdown. About 68 minutes. Not sure because mucked up my watch at the beginning.

Core and balance: 10 minutes standing, 10 minutes floor work. 31/5/24 01/06/2024

Yesterday's class

Core and balance: 10 minutes standing, 10 minutes floor work. 31/5/24 A 20 minute core and balance class designed specifically for older adults but suitable for everyone of all levels of fitness. As we age our balance deterio...

10 balance exercises 31/05/2024

This just popped up on my You Tube channel. 10 balance exercises.

10 balance exercises 10 easy exercises to improve your balance. If you enjoy my videos you can 'buy me a coffee' to show your appreciation on this link https://www.buymeacoffee.c...


During a U2 concert in Glasgow, Scotland, Bono asked the audience for total quiet.

Then in the silence, he started to slowly clap his hands. Once every few seconds. Holding the audience in total silence, he said into the microphone "Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies."

From the front of the crowd, a broad Scottish accent pierced the quiet: "Well f ' stop doin' it then ya evil b !"

Getting up and down off the floor 1 30/05/2024

A short that I put on You Tube.

Getting up and down off the floor 1

Legs: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 29/5/24 30/05/2024

Yesterday's class

Legs: 10 minutes without weights, 10 minutes with. 29/5/24 A 20 minute class designed specifically for older people, but suitable for anyone. Over the age of about 35 we start to lose muscle mass unless we do specif...

Videos (show all)

Experimental video
How strong are you?
Have you got age related Sarcopenia?
If you are inspired to get a new habit for 2022, this shows you how to develop the walking habit.
New Year's resolutions?  Develop the walking habit
Do these 8 simple exercises every day to keep your joints mobile and your muscles working.  It only takes 5 minutes.  Do...
Not all exercise has to be in a formal class.  Here is my 'Daily Six' which you can do all at once, or one at a time, wh...
Getting up and down off the floor
Wall press-up
