Sacred Stones Videos

Videos by Sacred Stones. Shamanic practitioner, Fire walking instructor, Traditional drum crafter, Sacred space holder.

Gratitude song ❤️

A little Gratitude song came to me as I stood on the beach this morning and thought I’d share it with you lovely people ❤️

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Gratitude song ❤️
A little Gratitude song came to me as I stood on the beach this morning and thought I’d share it with you lovely people ❤️

REVIVE & RENEW RETREAT EVENT Saturday 14th/15th September 2024 (2 FOR 1 OFFER) Purchase a ticket for £150 and your friend or partner goes free 😃🥰 Arrive on Frid 13th from midday and get settled ready for the Saturday from 10am. Free camping or caravans for two nights Tickets include all workshops, circles and activities plus a powerful fire walk, (watching or participating opportunities) After a long busy summer, children are back to school and we are all planning and setting intentions for the rest of the year. This renew and revival retreat event will be key to harnessing and manifesting all those desires to heal, recharge and transition in a positive and powerful way. We guarantee you will find this event to be all you need to tick all those boxes and more. This is ‘A MUST GO’ event, and one that will remain in your hearts and memories for a life time! ❤️ Day 1 - Sat (10am-10pm) This is a full day/evening of scheduled workshops, sacred circles, trade stalls, empowering activities, healing and craft sessions, finishing with a powerful fire walk which participants can choose to take part in or simply observe. Day 2 - Sun (10am - 12pm) There will be a delicious variety of chakra balancing yoga, Pranayama breathwork and Shavasana relaxation before lunch. Then from 2 - 4pm it is free time and an opportunity to reflect, relax and enjoy the quietness of just being and connecting with the land, an observation of the deep healing and transformation that has taken place before packing up and saying our goodbyes. SITE CLOSES AT 4pm Watch the short video here. Or go straight to securing your tickets here Limited tickets available so book soon.

A perfect example of the challenges of life, death and rebirth ❤️

REVIVE & RENEW RETREAT EVENT Saturday 14th/15th September 2024 (2 FOR 1 OFFER) Free camping or caravans for two nights Tickets include all workshops, circles and activities plus a powerful fire walk, (watching or participating opportunities) Day 1 - Sat This is a full day/evening of scheduled workshops, sacred circles, trade stalls, empowering activities, healing and craft sessions, finishing with a powerful fire walk which participants can choose to take part in or simply observe. Day 2 - Sun (closing at 4pm) This day is for reflection, relaxation, nourishment, quietness, connection with the land, observation of the deep healing and transformation taken place before saying your goodbyes. Watch the short video to reveal this amazing offer by Sacred Stones. There are limited spaces and tickets are going fast so please don’t wait and avoid disappointment. Love & blessings xx

Thank you to everyone who attended the strawberry moon drum circle last night. It was wonderful to see old and new faces and enjoy a beautiful summer evening of powerful drumming, healing ceremony, medicine songs, delicious soup, (and strawberries of course) whilst bathing in the energies of sacred circle once more. 😋❤️ The strawberry moon is the full moon that occurs in June every year, coinciding with the short berry-harvesting season. It symbolizes life, fertility, and abundance, as well as the element of water. The name “strawberry” comes from the fact that June marks the beginning of summer in North America, when strawberries begin to bloom. Shamanic drumming is a time-honoured method of healing and empowerment. There is power in drumming alone, but that power multiplies on many levels when group of drummers unify. Come and join me within the power of the sacred drum circle. Connect with other likeminded people. Learn sacred medicine songs to feed your soul and spiritual path. Release unwanted energies through the power of sound. Step into your warrior self and feel empowered. Receive healing on a deep level. Walk the path your ancestors have walked before you and learn their ancient ways. Be part of sacred ceremony Reconnect to source and manifest a future that you have only dreamt of before now. In our Sacred Stones drum circles you can expect to go on a journey of healing, empowerment and transformation, meet and connect with your spirit allies and guides, learn sacred medicine songs, experience the powerful energy within the drum circle, experience guided meditations and enjoy wholesome soup and valuable connection with likeminded people in your area. (No experience of drumming necessary) Rachel Streeter is a Shamanic Healing Practitioner, a Fire Walking Instructor & Empowerment Coach, author and Shamanic drum crafter. She loves to share the power of the drum in circles with other like minded people and believes fully in supporting awakened

The next drum birthing workshop only has two places left on Saturday 18th of May 2024 in East Sussex. Using hides from deer killed on the roads, (not hunted) Rachel fleshes and prepares her hides herself, always honouring the life of the deer and ways of the old. Watch this short video to learn more and visit website to see full information and how to secure your drum birthing journey.

What a powerful spring equinox event on Saturday. So many beautiful and powerful moments and many breakthroughs witnessed. Thank you to Emma Madeleine for hosting on your beautiful land, Jamie Willcox for your delicious vegan catering, Anita Lock for all your support assisting me on the day, Kate Mcleary for tending fire so brilliantly, Holly Svensen for taking beautiful photos and all participants that attended and who trusted in me to hold sacred space for them all day. For more information on this and other workshops, events and healing opportunities go to or send a message. Love and blessings ###x


New shamanic drums with healing crystals birthed and ready for their new owners 🥰. All ethically sourced deer hide from 1066 country. Rachel Streeter from Sacred Stones will be bringing them to the next Christmas holistic market on Saturday 9th Dec 10 - 4pm at Robertsbridge Community college, Knelle Road TN32 5EA. Hope to see you there 🙏🥰

Drop us an email with your interest and we will let you know as soon as the bookings are open.

Update: A perfect venue and land has been found. Watch this space for more information............................................. HELP NEEDED PLEASE! Dear friends, I am currently looking for a suitable venue and land to host an empowering day/evening event for spring equinox next March 2024 in East Sussex. I am a shamanic healing practitioner, fire walking instructor and empowerment coach and love nothing more than to hold space for people looking to come together in sacred circle to experience healing, transformation, and development on their spiritual paths. I like to offer things that are a little different in my groups and believe that deep and lasting healing is more possible when we push through barriers and blocks such as fear and self-limiting beliefs. Sometimes our healing paths are not an easy one, but I intend to support everyone’s journey in a safe and nurturing way. And I guarantee that people will walk away at the end feeling incredibly empowered and ready for whatever comes their way. The things I intend to offer at this equinox event are: Powerful drum circle Healing medicine songs Guided shamanic meditation Transformative glass walk Empowering fire walking Closing fire ceremony of love As a qualified Fire walking instructor, I will ensure all activities listed are done safely and ethically for all participants and for the land which will be left unharmed when the event comes to a close. What I need: A clean/warm inside space that will hold up to 20 people in circle. Parking Toilets and kitchen Grass laid flat land which is approximately 10 metres sq and clear of bushes and trees. If anyone knows of such a space that ticks all these boxes and owned by a person/company that is encouraging of holistic/spiritual events, then please send me a private message. Also if this is an event you would like to experience and would like to put your name on the list then feel free to contact me also. Thank you. Love and blessings Rachel Streeter www.

Having recently completed my Sundoor Fire Walking Instructor training with Logi Firewalking I am thrilled to offer this service for all those wanting to face fears, break down barriers and smash self limiting beliefs. This activity is extremely empowering and life changing and is best suited for groups such as private events, parties, festivals and team building activities for businesses. For more information go to

Final night of fire walk instructor training with Logi Firewalking and what better way to celebrate than a 12 metre fire walk with all my peers 🥰❤️

Hello dear friends. I have now embarked on my new journey of fire walking instructor training in Northumberland with an amazing group of people and a fantastic teacher at I arrived yesterday and was invited to a fire walking event they hosted outside Chillingham castle. Was so honoured to be there and take part in the walk. We walked for personal freedom from our fears and what holds us back. We walked for all those who have told us we are not valued. We walked for our self worth. We walked for our loved ones past and our ancestors who walked before us. The sky was packed with stars and the milky way shone brightly above us, marking our way and unfolding our futures into the sacred fire. What a night! And today we begin our training. If you feel the call and want to walk the fire to overcome blocks and fears you can book your event here ❤️ 🔥

What a magnificent deer skin I’ve been working on for our next medicine drums. Had to share it’s beautiful markings with you all 🥰❤️ For more info on our drum birthing workshops go to

What a magnificent deer skin for the next medicine drums ❤️ for more information on our drum birthing workshops go to

Only 9 days to go for Sacred Stones new Community Drum Circle in Bexhill-on-sea. Venue tbc Drums provided if you don’t have one. £25 (incl food) 2 x hours of powerful healing through the drum, learning medicine songs, shifting negativity, remembering the ways of our ancestors, developing diving wisdom and building worthwhile friendships, all washed down with delicious vegan soup, chunky bread and refreshments. Email [email protected] to secure your place. For more info go to

We had a wonderful day holding space for all the Sacred Moon participants on Saturday under the energies of the Buck and super moon. We hope you enjoy the photo's from the day and a huge thank you to everyone involved. Much love xx For more info on services, workshops and events go to

Was honoured to hold a sacred drum birthing workshop last Saturday at Mantel farm with some beautiful participants. Here is a short video of the day. The next workshop day will be held at Sacred Stones practice on the 9th of September and there are two places left. Contact Rachel via the website with inquiries.