Phatt & Fab with Hayley

Phatt & Fab with Hayley

Gut health & weight loss programme accompanied by daily mentoring for maximum support and results.


I am sat here this morning with my cup of tea watching Her Majesty's Jubilee celebrations. What a fabulous concert and a wonderful few days of celebration.
At various times I have looked back at my time in London and have felt very privileged to have attended events with incredible people in amazing places.
Watching the celebration outside the Palace, I felt a bit nostalgic (I used to walk by the gates of the Palace every day, I loved that spot in St James', or.. the crane outside my old house has finally moved!). I have felt a real sense of joy watching the weekend's festivities (and naturally wish to have been back there!)

Her Majesty The Queen at 96 years old and still working and serving is an incredible example of a person for whom keeping good physical health means she can live out her commitment to our service and still be joyful in the things she loves.

Congratulations Ma'am ❤


If you're familiar with our programme you will know all about Goop!

Recently I ran out of the Phytogreen product we usually add to our morning drink. As the name suggests, it produces an green coloured drink.

Now I dont know about you but I always find the colour a challenge to drink - thankfully it tastes ok!

Enter Phytogold... I bought this as a great alternative. Similar to Phytogreen this product supports a balanced microbiome and anti-inflammatory diets and has a great taste (and isnt green!)

I was thoroughly impressed with the taste!

Try this as an appropriate alternative or addition to your morning goop!


Holy Moly I'm behind the 8 ball on this - sorry PHATTIES!

We have a HUGE weight loss challenge starting:

🍏 March 14 - April 13 2022 (30 days)
🍏Lose weight - meal plans included (workouts are optional)
🍏Has been organised and will be run by our Phatt Founder
🍏Weekly weigh-ins on a Monday are mandatory to stay in the running for...
*Prizes for the 'biggest losers' are donated by the Phatt Founders!

The weigh-loss challenge is being run WORLD WIDE within our Healthy Living facebook group (circa 460K members)

To join:
Flick me a message to be added to our Healthy Group (if you're not already a member)
Click GOING in the 'Event'
Let me know you've done this so we can get your sorted before starting day!!!


Delivery Day! I love it when there's a parcel on the door step!

Mum asked about collagen the other day and had heard it could help with skin and hair. It was her birthday recently so I decided I'd grab her a bottle of our Liquid Biocell - liquid collagen supplement to try for a month.
You can learn more about asgard winning liquid collagen and see if it's right for you 👇👇

Along with the other goodies, I'm almost ready to start my Reset Round!


Phew... Happy New Year - can I still say that even though we are more than half way through January?!

I've taken a LONG rest over the holiday period. I don't know about you but I was extremely exhausted after another bizarre year of cov.id19 and 5 long months of separation from my family due to lockdown and domestic travel restrictions.
The cat and I managed to get a lot of gardening and knitting done and miracle of miracles, I even managed to maintain my weight (until Christmas haha!)

We are well into 2022 now and it's time.

It's time to get cracking into 2022 with some new achievable and sustainable weight loss goals.

Join us for a Reset Round :) send me a message for more information!


100 and something days in lockdown and I just have to share this as a reminder that funny stuff happens every day that will release you from whatever stress you may be experiencing (even just for a moment).

I havent seen my husband for nearly 5 months now because of lockdown. Most of the time I manage perfectly well and other times I kind of sit and wish there was another pair of hands around the place (of course, he means more to me than "just" that!).

Have a laugh!


Over lockdown I have rediscovered knitting and I am LOVING it.

I no longer had knitting needles so I bought some new ones with everything I need in a monthly knitting subscription I've signed up for.
When adding the needles to my cart I became a little confused about what I should choose. What is an "interchangeable", why and what length of cable is needed and what does that even mean?! The art of knitting has improved and changed a bit since the last time I knitted!

I needed a bit of help from.the business owner who added what I needed to my cart and with the instructions she sent I was able to figure the rest out.


When I started I had to get my head into reading a pattern, remember how to cast on, get my tension right and remember to look at my work to check it looms right.

Progress was a but slow but thoroughly enjoyable as I felt the work grow. On a colour and pattern change I had to unpick my work a couple of times because the results were not correct! Once underway again, progress was steady.

The frustrating part of a subscription is you can't race ahead of the project. I want to knit until I've run out of wool and have it finished as soon as possible! I have to be patient though. Work the pattern a little but each day, enjoy the peaceful process, admire my progress, learn, rework the spots I've made a mistake and keep going.

Soon enough I'll reach the end and will be able to admire all my hard work 😍😍

What project have you got on the go right now?


Its Day 3 of 30 for me today and another 400gms down (1.4kg loss).
Tomorrow I start on Step 2 of our programme which also involves following a meal plan. This is the part of our programme where prep is king and sticking to the plan are two keys to your weightloss success.

Yesterday I did my groceries for the week. I was gazing out my pantry window as I put my fruit away and thought about today's weather.

Bizarre, right?! Well, not really.

The weather has been off and on this week and the thunder storms we were supposed to have (along with today's average forecast) haven't eventuated.
It got me thinking about the plans I have and the tasks I want to achieve while I'm on leave and how they don't need to be interrupted because of bad weather that, as it turns out, hasn't even arrived.

It's similar to following the meal plan. Stick to your plan regardless the 'weather' and you'll gradually cross off the grams (and kilos) a bit at a time.

So, feeling motivated by 1.4kg loss on Day 3 weigh-in and inspired by an unexpected sunny morning, I'm going to push ahead with today's plans and look forward to feeling tired and satisfied at the end of the day 👍


.... and that my friends is why I'm back on my programme!
I can't go around wrapped up in a scarf all summer!

There are a few things little things that let me know I need to take a look at what I'm putting in my mouth but one things stands out straight away. I see my weight increase in my face - can you relate to that?

It's been hard to stay motivated during lockdown, especially when locked down by myself with the cat - who doesn't care what I eat really. In many ways it should be easier to stay on plan when it's only me I'm cooking for - but, to be honest with you, it's been a hit and miss grind.

And now it's a bit of a chubby grind that I'm not happy about.

So, I've just made my grocery list for the next week. I've put a lovely warm and roomy jumper on and I'm heading to the supermarket. I'm inspired by my Day 2 weigh in that sees me 1kg lighter than I was yesterday 😱👍👍👍


If you'd like to know more about the nutritional support supplements we use on our programme and what they do, then tune in for a run-down. If you're not already a member of our Healthy Living page, let me know!

Wednesday 22nd Sept 9PM NZ Time. 👍👍


We are that close to summer holidays!
There is time to carve out a new you before Christmas!

🍓 $10 off your first order
🍓 Daily weigh-in and mentor support
🍓 Join an active online community for additional inspiration
🍓 Nutritionist designed meal plan for optimal weight loss
🍓 Excellent nutritional support

Contact me today for more information!


Whether you're eating on plan or (slightly) off plan, keep drinking your 'Goop' with breakfast. 👍
Liquid mineral supplement, phytogreens, aloe vera (great anti-inflammatory qualities) fibre - all fabulous ingredients to add to your breakfast to support a great start to the day.

Auckland has turned on a stunning lockdown morning. Enjoy!


I saw this on a friend's timeline this morning and had to chuckle at myself.

I started this lockdown with the best intentions of getting out to walk more regularly, staying on my weight loss meal plan (because it's only me here to feed, as my family are all stuck in the last place they were at before not being able to travel) and being intentional about getting some reading in, finishing my knitting.

Now in week 4? the reality is more obvious and I can see myself having moved through almost all of the Mona Lisa stages below.

I'm currently sitting at the Cruella DeVille hair style and working with greater urgency to avoid gaining weight!!

Have you moved through all these lockdown stages too??


Drinking water every day is one of the critical elements of our programme.

I've noticed during this period of lockdown that I'm not drinking as much water as I usually would (3L daily). I'm out of my usual routine, my eating pattern is a little bit all-over-the-place too.

I also noticed that my eyes were more itchy than usual. Could it be coincidence that a reduction in my daily water is linked to my itchy eyes?

Check out the video!


How is everyone doing this lockdown?

I have managed to stave off the desire to bake all day, especially since it's just me and the cat here and I know she's not a fan of shortbread!

There is never a perfect time to start a weightloss programme. If you wait til that party is done, that dinner function is over or after that birthday - you'll never get started.

The beauty of this programme is your free mentor support.

You've started, you have a party, you'll be eating off-plan, totally fine - what could you be eating, what could you do to help lessen the impact of stepping away from the plan without ruining your progress?

Here is where checking in with your mentor and having some options really helps people!

🥂 have sparkling water in a champagne flute instead of alcohol
🍽 eat your meal before you go
🍏select foods or canapes that are close to what you would usually eat

Whatever you choose to do, have fun, dont stress and be ready to weigh in again the very next morning and start back on plan at your next meal.


Are you trying to keep a normal-ish diet at the moment?

I am!

But what happens in your head when this image pops up in your inbox with a message to say delivery times available? This is the email I got this morning....

Oh... Grownup Donuts... can be delivered... temptation is real!

Diets are often associated with this need to tell oneself that we have 'given up' something that we love in order to chase after this sometimes unrealistic image we aspire to. The more we convince ourselves we need to 'give this up' to 'get to there' the harder it becomes to stick to.

And then we cave in after reading an email like this. Especially when you don't even need to leave your house right now!

On our programme we almost never tell anyone they can't ever eat their favourite thing ever again (unless there is a health issue and then only their qualified health practitioner has the delegated authority to say those things).

What I often say to my clients (and to myself) is: you can eat that donut but just 'not yet'.

Telling yourself if you want to remain healthy and within x-y weight you can never eat donuts again is a sure fire way to set yourself up for failure. Instead, remind yourself that you can eat everything you love (in moderation) once you've hit your goal. This means the path to achieving your goal isn't anywhere near as traumatic as we think we need to make it in order to succeed.

I can have my donut and I can eat it too - just not yet :)


I've had a huge influx of enquiries about our amazing weight loss programme over the last two days!
My webpage is being updated at the moment but you can still send an enquiry through or send me a message today!
Looking forward to hearing from you! 👍

Exercise 21/08/2021

It's been a while peeps.
I often under estimate how busy I am. I'm no different to anyone else involved in multiple roles and no different in saying there are some things we have to let slide for a time in order to recalibrate.

So lets have an update!

My programme is going well. I have had initial weightloss of 4kg and have switched to maintenance while my calendar was busy with functions to attend. I look forward to picking it all up again while in Level 4 lockdown.

And speaking of lockdown - how are you all? I've found working my day job to be a bit of a challenge actually. I have so many Teams calls and phone calls that I can't seem to settle in to good flow. This week I'll be limiting my conference calls so I cam get some work done.

In my various groups often the question around exercise crops up. How can we safely exercise during NZ Level 4 lockdown. Here is some advice from the Ministry of Health.

Dont forget too - there are a lot of resistence exercises you can do at home using your own body weight and every day equipment to help you.

Remember - eat a moderate and healthy diet with plenty of vegetables, plenty of water and get some good quality sleep in.

Our supplement supplier for those on programme is classed as an essential service. Apart from some slight delays in shipping you will still be able to make your purchases online.

Exercise How to keep safe


Have you ever thought about how you actually go about setting all these goals you wrt for yourself?
Have a watch of this short clip and see if it resonates with you.


I know it looks like something out of the creek that has been strained through a dirty sock but I promise, it does not taste like it (not that I should know how the alternative tastes 😏)

Goop! Our morning drink made up with fiber, phytogreens, aloe vera, mineral supplement and a great way to start your breakfast. I have this before I eat my protein full meal. It sets me up til lunch time.
I also take these ingredients with me when I travel.

Supplements - by their very name, do not replace good quality food and a well balanced diet.

What's your go-to breakfast?


It has been a physically and emotionally exhausting several weeks with me having to pull back slightly on some of my work elements (sadly, including this page!).

On my facebook memories today this picture popped up.

Oh dear, oh dear, ooohhhh dear.... I was in Carnaby Street in London, UK drinking gin in the middle of the afternoon with friends. I mean, it's the perfect thing to do in Carnaby when you're surrounded by such a vibrant atmosphere (pre covid of course).

But check out that pic... the glass looks great of course but I was shocked at the fact that my stomach quiet obviously stuck out from under my b***s and I just don't look that good.
I had never been that confronted with my chubby guts before. I couldn't deny what I already knew to be true (but was ignoring).
I needed to start losing weight (but the thought of giving up my summer gin in town was a little depressing).

Fast forward three years and as I settle back into a far more manageable routine I'll be heading back to the grass roots of our weight loss programme.

The beauty of the meal plan we provide is when you need to put yourself back on programme to help manage a few extra kilos, you can do it quickly and easily and the weight will start to come off as soon as you start.

The tricky bit is making sure you have your food prepared and you have some strategies in place to help manage those tricky 'self sabotage' times. I'm pleased I have a plan I know works!

Keep following along as I launch in to 'Term 3' (school term) with my food plan. The goal is to lose weight before our school trip to Queenstown in October!


Sunday is a great day to prep your meals for the week.

I like to do meatballs with a homemade tomato sauce from my fruit allowance for my lunches (remember, no red meat at dinner). Since we only have red meat a couple of times a week I've got about 3 weeks worth of lunches sorted!

Scotch eggs are still my favourite breakfast, especially when the yolk is soft! It's the ultimate grab 'n go for when I'm heading out the door to work at 6am and don't quite feel ready to eat.

Along with a couple of work colleagues we are getting ourselves ready to start a new round. Weve had some good success in Round One and looking forward to peeling away more kgs in Round Two!


Do you need a reset?
Do you need to refocus on your goal?
Do you need some help to restart?

Send me.a message today!


This resonated with me.
Thinking about this video today has made me a bit more anxious to get into the goals I have on my list!
I'm in Step 2 of my PHATT programme and am seeing this through to the end!


We have a few nee people starting in the programme this month which us amazing!

Today I chatted to two of my ladies about the reality of what weight loss looks like.

Its not a perfect downward graph. Its punctuated by ups and downs, some flat spots too. This is completely normal. What we look for is a downward trend.

When our weight increases slightly it can be for any number of reasons but we stick to our meal plan always.

If your graph looks a little bit like this one - dont panic! Stick to your plan 👍


It's often hard for us to want to take, what we might call the 'Ugly Photos' of ourselves but when starting on my programme, it's really important to do this.
Sometimes we don't notice how far we've come until we look back on some photos.

I'm starting a reset round again.

After the year we have all had - I just feel like it's time to genuinely recalibrate. Often overhauling our diet is a great way to create a sense of clarity in our mind and body. Frequently this flows through to other areas of our lives and then we start to notice increased energy and clarity. And it feels good!

If you want to reclaim your health goals, and enjoy all the benefits that come with losing a bit of weight, then contact me today for information about how we can help.


Well - don't we all love a bit of credit now and then??

We are offering a $15 credit to your account if you have been a client of mine and have not purchased the programme in a while!

Do you need to join me post-Easter for a bit of a reset??!

Why not get in touch today and let's get you started!
(Offer also applies to any of our other products outside of our programme)


Hhmmm I love Easter and I love Hot Cross Buns (Good Friday today which traditionally is the day Hot Cross Buns are eaten)....

I'm not such a fan of burpees though - especially 205 of them 🤣🤣🤣


Do you know the feeling of knowing you have to do something, trying, failing, feeling bad and then just giving up?

It’s exhausting and somewhat demoralising.

It’s ‘too hard’ and there’s not much to show for the effort you do put in. Makes giving up quite easy. Well, it did for me anyway.

Something’s gotta give. And the last thing I wanted ‘giving’ was the seat of my trousers or the zip of my dress bursting open in the least opportune time. You have to be pragmatic about these issues when you’re tipping the scales and not doing anything seriously about it. But something really did need to give.

Videos (show all)

This is perfect laughing tonic!
Signs you're dehydrated
Weigh in day be like...
Practical tips for helping you reach your goals
Dont get stuck in a time loop
Why breaking old habits is hard
Welcome to the LIVE CLEAN Tribe
