happy healthy outdoors

happy healthy outdoors

Giving women the skills and confidence to enjoy the outdoors more. Nature mindfulness teacher


Did you promise yourself that you would be healthier this year?

How’s that going?

Did you know that spending time outdoors can have significant benefits for your health, wellbeing and productivity?

Come and join me for a few hours to find out how it can help and learn some skills so that you can you enjoy it more as we walk around the countryside. The first workshop of the year is on Sunday 21 January from 10am until 1pm and is just £25.

Message me for more information or to book your place.



If you’re interested in what I do, come and find me on instagram 💚

Photos from happy healthy outdoors's post 31/03/2023

I often suggest having the OS Maps app on your phone for safety and it’s definitely my most used app but here’s a few more of my favourites for when I’m out walking on my own.

1. OS maps to find where you are and where you need to go
2. OS locate if you use maps and know how to use a six figure grid reference
3. Gridpoint GB works well for this too
4. what3words to locate you in case of an emergency but take care to pass on the words accurately
5. AccuWeather for short term forecasts
6. Met Office for detailed forecasts and longer term forecasts
7. YR (Norwegian Met Office) for lovely graphics and clear forecasts
8. Find My iPhone, not strictly an app but useful for personal safety

Please feel free to add the ones you use in the comments!


When I asked what concerns people had about getting out more on their own, the most common answer was personal safety. So I thought I would share a few tips that may help.

* Plan a route in advance and try to have alternatives to take if you feel at all unhappy.

* Stay on Public Rights of Way. You are more likely to meet other walkers just like you and you have every right to be there.

* Carry a map with you or have OS maps on your phone so you always know where you are. If you really don’t want to carry a full size map, at least take a photo of the area you are in.

* If you can, tell someone where you are going and approximately how long you will be.

* Make sure your phone has enough battery power!

* Trust your instincts. If you feel at all uncomfortable about a path or someone you see, change direction.

* Be aware of your surroundings as you walk. If there is evidence of unsocial behaviour, think about changing your route.

* Don’t take risks by walking on paths where you could be injured. Know your capabilities and respect them.

* Be careful where you park. If you are concerned about personal safety then start and finish somewhere public, perhaps where other people will be.

* Walk with confidence and purpose. Make eye contact with people you meet and say hello, it will remind you that the people you meet are also enjoying being outdoors.

* Remember that although we hear about negative incidents, they are tiny in number when you consider all the time that people spend outdoors, often solo, enjoying nature.

* And my final one…take a dog if you can! Even my scruffy little pair that run up to everyone we meet can make me feel confident because they see and hear everything before me ❤️

The benefits of being outdoors more are definitely worth it. If you’d like to develop your skills and confidence, message me.


Do you have plans for the Easter weekend?

Would you like to get out and enjoy the Spring weather?

Come and enjoy a relaxed walk and learn some new skills at the same time.


Have you been loving the lighter early mornings?

I definitely have!

At this time of year I am always slightly disappointed when I realise that we’re about to switch to British Summer Time and sunrise will be an hour later 🤦‍♀️ BUT only for a while and we’ll soon be back to waking with the birdsong.

So this is your gentle reminder of the change this weekend AND that getting outside first thing is good for your health. Morning light resets your circadian rhythms helping you sleep better and feel more energised during the day.


Do you wish you felt more confident outdoors?

I spend so much time outdoors on my own it’s completely natural to me, but I forget that for many people, especially women, it can seem quite intimidating to get out.

I’m interested to know what aspects are a concern.

🌿 Is it the planning?
🌿 Wondering where to go?
🌿 Thinking about how safe it is?
🌿 If there is parking?
🌿 Or about where any facilities are?
🌿 Worrying about getting lost and running out of time?
🌿 Getting caught in bad weather?

Add a comment or message me to let me know what worries you.

And if you need some help or advice, do ask, I'd love to help.


I know it doesn’t feel like it at the moment but Spring is almost here…

So let’s keep believing it really is on the way and start planning more time outdoors. And it doesn’t have to be big adventures in spectacular scenery. I mean I love those too but it can be just as good for us to get out locally and explore the area around us.

How much have you explored your area?
Are there any paths you have seen but haven’t been down?
Have you looked on a map to see what’s nearby?
Could that be a starting point?

If you like the idea but don’t know how to start, message me, I’d love to help you.

And if you're local to St Neots then look out for my regular workshops - the next one is Friday 17th March.


Want to get outdoors more but don't think you have the confidence or skills? Come and join me for a half day to learn some skills, get some tips and develop your confidence.

The next workshop is on Friday 17th March at 2pm in Colmworth.


Building good habits

Tiny Green Breaks. I think about this idea a lot and talk about it endlessly. I’m a fan. So much benefit for a small and achievable action.

But I also think of some of James Clear’s ideas in Atomic Habits - that few things can have a more powerful impact on your life than improving your daily habits. And that you don’t need to do something every single day to benefit, you just need to do it the majority of time, more often than not.

This is absolutely true of building a habit to take tiny green breaks. Maybe think about how you could incorporate a tiny green break into your day? If you'd like to know more message me. Or if you need some motivation I'll be running a Tiny Green Breaks Challenge as we start Spring...


Looking for something to do this weekend?

I have a couple of places left on tomorrow’s workshop. The weather is looking good so come on outdoors for the day!

Message me to book your place.


We all know that getting outdoors is great for our mental and physical health. But many women and girls feel they don't have the confidence or skills to get out on their own or to lead a group of friends or family. I want to change that so more people can feel the benefits of spending time outdoors. And I don't mean on challenging expeditions or activities, I mean a good walk, probably locally.

Did you know I run workshops to help you with planning a route, reading a map with confidence and making the most of your time outdoors? We look at personal safety, kit and apps that can help make your walk safer and more enjoyable. At the end of the three hour workshop you will be able to plan, lead and enjoy walks in the country for your family and friends. Everyone will leave the workshop with an OS map of the local area and plenty of ideas for new adventures. Spring is coming, lets be ready to make the most of it.

Workshops are local to St Neots and surrounding villages, please DM me to find out when and where.


Who else loves a blue sky?

The blue skies have been glorious on some days this week. Don’t they make you feel happier?

When I said something to that effect earlier in the week, a friend asked why? Was there any evidence that blue skies affect mood? Some quick research from both of us and we agreed that yes, there is plenty of evidence to support what we already instinctively felt!

The effect is from the blue light reaching our eyes (it’s the shorter wavelength blue light that causes the sky to look blue). Blue light can affect mental health by interfering with the way our brain regulates mood, emotions and sleep, mostly in a positive way. In fact, blue light therapy has been effective in treating depression and in helping to regulate sleep, making us feel better during the day. Bright days also have higher light intensity, another proven mood enhancer.

So that’s another lesson from nature - get out more and look at the sky…


It’s chilly again this week but has it stopped you getting out?

As well as all the usual brilliant reasons for getting outdoors during the winter, did you know that walking in the cold weather is good for fat burning?

Brown fat cells are more effective at fat burning than anything else and they are particularly activated by cold. If you go out in the cold regularly you are likely to have good stores of brown fat cells and so will burn off any excess fat more quickly than usual.

I mean, this is not the main reason to get out in these beautiful, clear, frosty days, but it is a bonus. Let’s wrap up well and get out there.


How is the start to the year going? Do you need some time to yourself?

Would you like to spend 90 minutes on a guided mindful walk with me?

Feel the benefits of a walk in nature to focus on your health and wellbeing. I will guide you through some breathing and mindfulness practices as well as some gentle stretches.

Mondays and Fridays in the St Neots area. Small groups only. Don't forget to dress appropriately for the weather.

Message me to book your place.


Did you start 2023 with a resolution to be healthier?

How’s it going?

Does that include getting outdoors every day? Perhaps it should…

More and more evidence is showing that spending time outdoors (even a few minutes) is beneficial for our physical and mental health. Moderate physical activity like walking can help to improve your sleep and your mood, manage stress, anxiety and intrusive thoughts, promote better self-esteem and reduce the risk of depression.

So if you haven’t included getting out more in your healthier lifestyle, perhaps you could?


Are you looking for something to do this weekend?

How about a few hours outdoors learning a bit of navigation and how to plan a better country walk for friends and family?

A few places remaining on this weekend's workshop, get in touch to book.


It may be getting colder and wetter but it still feels amazing to walk barefoot on the ground.

Personally I view it as part of my mindfulness practice but many believe in the powerful impact of grounding the body regularly.

Well it definitely can’t hurt, can it?


Want to feel more confident about getting outdoors?

Either on your own or with family and friends?

Come and join us at a relaxed workshop to find out more about planning a route, reading a map with confidence and how to make the most of your time outdoors. We will look at personal safety, kit and apps that can help make your walk more enjoyable.

The workshop is entirely outdoors, lasts three hours and will include some walking so please dress appropriately!

Cost £20.

Please message to book.


How’s your balance?

Did you know that recent evidence shows that a loss of balance as we grow older can indicate a decline in health? With one particular study showing that middle-aged people with an inability to balance had an almost twofold increase in the risk of death?

Many people’s balance appears to decline from midlife onwards, so it’s another thing we should try to guard against. And as with other factors affecting health and wellbeing, it’s better to start sooner rather than later.

There are some simple moves that can help maintain balance as we grow older. And guess what? Walking outdoors in nature is one of them! Walking on uneven ground and on varied surfaces can really help maintain good levels of balance that will be valuable in time.

So, let’s get out there on the trails and in the woods. Let’s slip and slide through the mud and splash through the puddles. I promise it’s fun as well as good for your physical health 😊


Have you been outdoors this week?

The days are getting shorter but it’s been lovely to have lighter mornings this week. I’ve really enjoyed getting out walking early and seeing the sunrise (on the days it wasn’t raining anyway 😆)

Have you been outdoors? Even for a short walk?
How about getting out this weekend?
Maybe somewhere local.
Follow a new path or visit a nearby village.
Getting out boosts your mood and your health.
Got to be worth it, surely?

If you’re not confident about your skills to get outdoors then do get in touch. I can help you plan the most amazing day outdoors ❤️🌿


So now it’s November. I have to admit I’m not really a fan…

If I could hibernate until February I probably would. But what a waste that would be. Instead I make the most of the shorter days and spend as much time as possible outdoors. I know I’m lucky to be able to do that.

But how about you?
Do you get outdoors in these darker months?
Even for a few minutes in the day?

My three top reasons why you should make the effort…

1. Natural light, especially first thing in the morning, will help reset your circadian rhythms and your sleep will be better so you’ll be less tired during the day
2. The light on your skin will boost your Vitamin D levels. We should all be taking a supplement during Winter but this will help.
3. Natural light will also protect against Seasonal Affective Disorder, lifting your mood and motivation levels during the winter months

It’s definitely worth it 💚


Have you been out enjoying the mild weather?

Hasn’t it been glorious lately? I have loved being outdoors walking in the mild Autumn weather. It even looks like it will continue into November!

Are you making the most of it?

As the days get shorter, it’s more and more important to find time to get outdoors during the day. Even if it’s just a few minutes with a coffee.

Did you know that natural light reduces stress levels and can even lower blood pressure over time?

One good reason to spend some time outdoors this month.


Have you noticed the days getting shorter?

I have really noticed the shorter daylight hours over the last couple of weeks. I can feel the effect on my circadian rhythms, I feel like I need to be outside as much as possible during daylight hours. Like I can’t miss a moment.

I am lucky, I spend a good deal of time outdoors and I’m still camping on DofE expeditions most weekends. I love to get up early, often before sunrise and I love to see a quiet campsite before our students are awake and preparing for a busy day.

Do you camp? Are you still enjoying the outdoors as we move through Autumn? If you don’t because you’re not sure how to go about it, but the idea appeals, then do get in touch. I can help you have the confidence to enjoy this beautiful season outdoors.


It’s been a hell of a week.
We all need to take care of ourselves and each other.
I need time to myself in nature to process everything.
Could it help you?

Seek out the quieter places near you to enjoy a mindful walk.
Look up to the sky.
Notice nature as you walk.
Notice your breath.
Notice your heart rate.
Feel better?


When we notice nature and seek it out, we feel happy when we are in it.

There is a rapidly growing body of research that shows that the strength of a person’s connection to nature is linked to their wellbeing and environmental behaviour.

Noticing the simple things in nature matters more than how much time we spend in it.

Simply noticing the good things in nature each day for a week brings sustained and clinically significant improvements in mental health.

Did you know that people who connect with nature regularly see these benefits…

* Improved mental wellbeing
* Exhibit more pro-environmental behaviours
* Have greater vitality and happiness
* More pro-nature conservation behaviours
* Are more satisfied with life
* Have a greater meaning and purpose in life.

People who watch wildlife, listen to birdsong or take photos of nature feel closer to nature than those who don’t do these things.

It’s about what you do, not how long you take. We need to notice nature, not just visit it.


I’ve just come back from a few days on the Norfolk Coast. One of my favourite places ever.

Walking on the beach at sunrise is just so good for my soul. I think it’s a combination of the early sunlight, the sound of the waves, the sea salt aerosols, the space, the peace, the big skies and the feel of the waves washing over my feet. It really is a full sensory experience and a complete immersion in nature connectedness.

I always come back feeling inspired and refreshed and vowing to visit more frequently. Does being in nature do that for you? Do you think it could?

If you want to find out more, message me.


Everyone’s talking about it.

It’s almost Autumn. Meteorological Autumn anyway.

And have you noticed it’s really starting to feel like it?

I LOVE summer but I love the changing seasons too so bring it on!

There’s so much to see changing over the next few weeks - are you noticing nature? Don’t forget that connecting with nature is amazing for our wellbeing and happiness. If you want to know more about connecting with nature and getting out more then get in touch.


Is there anything better than stopping for a paddle on a walk?

So good for us in so many ways!

For me its about mindfulness. Really feeling the uneven ground beneath my feet and the flow of the cold water around my ankles. Listening to the sound of the river flowing, smelling the the scent of the flowers nearby and the water rushing over the weir. Feeling the sun on my skin, especially as my feet dry off as I wander across the grass in the bank.

Take some time to practice nature mindfulness in your day, it can change your life.

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Are you back to your usual routine today?Are you feeling a little overwhelmed?  There’s a lot going on.Have you thought ...
Mindful Moments
