Yoga collective

Yoga collective

We offer great online yoga classes with that ' in studio' feel. Our teachers are very experienced and knowledgeable and we offer a variety of classes.

Join us for outdoor and 'pop up' yoga in Lichfield.


Tonight's Yin class at St Mary's is cancelled. If you regularly attend please check your emails. Back as usual next week.
Thanks for your understanding


Here is Wendy HillStart Nutrition Health & Wellness explaining more about our collaboration - Detox Retreat Day - Saturday 19th March.
As well as amazing food, nutrition & wellness expertise, of course there will be loads of yoga Yoga collective
We only have 2 places left, want a kickstart to your spring? Contact me or Wendy HillStart Nutrition Health & Wellness to book now.


Yin & Sound Bath experience Monday 4th April.

The evening starts at 7pm, and closes at 9pm and costs only £18.

Clare will guide you through 1 hour of Yin Yoga and Relaxation.
At 8pm Jen will take you on immersive sound experience, until 9pm.

Sound baths are an emersion of sounds, played live as you relax. This will facilitate healing on a cellular level, and bring you to a
deep state of relaxation.

Sound baths can release blockages of tension on a physical, spiritual & emotional level.
More benefits of Sound Healing can include:
Stress reduction
decreased anxiety and depression
meditation aid
improved memory
sleep aid
rebalance the energy body

Please bring your own mat/blanket/pillow and dress in warm comfortable clothing. If you are unable to lie on the floor chairs will be provided.

* Sound therapy is a natural method of energy balancing for the purpose of stress reduction and relaxation. It is not meant as a substitute for medical, or psychological, diagnosis and treatment.

Please note that this event is not suitable for people with epilepsy (specifically sound induced), pregnant (specifically first trimester), a pacemaker (or any other electronic fitted devices) & 14 years or younger.

​Please contact prior booking if have any enquiries.

We have a limited amount of places for this event, please book now
at [email protected]


Need a spring clean, fresh start or a little motivation to make some changes in your life. Maybe you just want to enjoy a full day of great yoga, yummy food, beautiful surroundings and learn a little more about health and wellness?

Join us at The Nook, in the heart of the Staffordshire countryside on Saturday 19th March from 9.30am to 4pm

The day starts with an energising yoga practice that includes breathwork, mantra meditation and intention setting. This practice sets the scene for the day ahead. You will also learn about the importance of establishing a morning ritual, and how to start.

A break for a detox tea is followed by a lovely walk on Cannock Chase, time to tune into nature.

A delicious lunch cooked by Wendy, serving great tasting clean food. Your lunch will continue to support your body and enable it to naturally detoxify and cleanse the body.

After lunch Wendy will talk to you about how the body naturally detoxifies and discover what we can do to support our bodies detoxification pathways through diet and lifestyle.

Wendy is always keen to help you keep it simple and you will leave feeling empowered with plenty of easy to action tips to help you continue with the good work you start on day with us.

The day draws to a close with a calming, restorative yoga practice with Clare. Yoga nidra, and meditation practice, that reflects on the day. You can then take the practices you have learned with you, into your daily lives along with all the recipes, hints, and tips from Wendy.
Places are limited, and go fast. Book now by following this link


"This yoga should be practiced with firm determination and perseverance ,without any mental reservation or doubts "
- Bhagavad Gita

You are stronger than you think!

Through the practice of all aspects of yoga we become stronger.
This starts with us! What we should not do, to ourselves, and others.
Moving onto what we should do, observances.
This forms a "moral code" of conduct that is the foundation of yoga.

This is tough, and before we have even thrown a "shape" on the mat!

Once we become morally and physically stronger, then comes the really hard part - the mind stuff.
This comes from practice, practice ,practice.
Pranayama or breathing practices, withdrawing the senses, concentrating the mind.
If we really practice, finding moments of meditation, mental stillness, complete absorption.

Showing up to regular practice is hard work, life gets in the way.

Yoga is not only practiced on the mat, take it into your life, everyday.
Life is practice, practice is life.

Then you will make real progress.


Join Clare & Geraldine for this wonderful Yoga Retreat Day.
Practicing yoga will help to improve your joint range of movement. This will allow you to move faster and stay injury free.
Your balance will also improve, and you will become stronger. This will provide a better centre of gravity, and golf swing.
Yoga will help you to think more clearly and reduce anxiety.
On this day Clare will guide you through several yoga practices based on many of the movements your body makes during a game of Golf.
You will be well fed with healthy, tasty, and nutritious vegetarian food throughout the day. Of course, there will be cake! And energising walks on Cannock Chase with Geraldine.
You do not even need to be a Golfer to enjoy this day.
We only have a few places remaining so please message to book now.


Happy New Year to you all. Now lets just ease ourselves gently into 2022.
"Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 day book.
Write a good one!"
- Brad Paisley
This month we are taking stock, getting back to regular practice and enjoying moving our bodies again.
Expect to practice a longer mobilisation to get those joints moving.
Standing postures to strengthen and ground, longer held postures that help improve flexibility.
Meditation, pranayama, and intention setting (sankalpa) will
help to concentrate busy, anxious, agitated minds.
"Yoga teaches you how to listen to your body"
See you on the mat, Clare x


“What is Christmas ?
It is the tenderness of the past, courage for the present, and hope for the future"
-Agnes M .Pahro
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Whatever you are doing this Christmas, I hope you have a happy,
and joyful time.
I would like to thank you all for your continued support , and
Classes will return on Tuesday 4th January.
I am signing off for this year now, have a great one and be kind.
Clare x
Clare x


Yoga can help you to improve your golf game in many ways.
Spend the day with me and Geraldine Nickless on our Wellbeing day for Golfers at The Nook Yoga Retreat in Longdon on 26th February.
You may not be a golfer, just fancy a lovely day filled with yoga, walking. and tasty nutritious food .
We only have a few spaces left so please DM myself or Geraldine Nickless to book your place.


Christmas Timetable
Our last week of practice will be w/c 13th December.
Monday 7pm Yin has now finished until the new year, and will return on Monday 10th January.
Wednesday 9.15am Yoga basics : last class is Wednesday 15th December. Returning on Wednesday 5th January.
Tuesday & Thursday 7am online Vinyasa will return on Tuesday 4th January.
If you pay for a monthly online pass you will have 2 pre-recorded Vinyasa classes and one Yin class to enjoy over Christmas.
Please note that Tuesday 14th class is cancelled.
This is replaced (for 1 week only) by a class on Monday 13th at 7am.
If you have paid for a month of classes your pass will be paused until we return in the new year.
Christmas Coffee Catch up
Wednesday 15th December is the last Yoga Basics class before we break up for Christmas. Please join me and Lynny after the class at 10.30am at Coffee 1 in Lichfield for a catch up.
We would love to see you.
Clare x


Happy December
It's over to you!

This month its all about you. What would you like to practice?
Maybe what you don't like (which is often what you need to practice most)
There maybe a posture you want to try, or gain more understanding of. Or a pranayama, chant or meditation technique that you would like to try?


"The best thing you could do is master the chaos within you.
You are not thrown into the fire, you are the fire"
- Mama Indigo
Happy November - As the weather gets a little colder, let's stoke the fire within.

Tapas is one of the 8 limbs of yoga, translated as "discipline" or
"Burning enthusiasm".
This evokes a sense of passion ,or courage, to help "burn away" things that do not serve us, tackle obstacles that maybe in our way.
This does not mean we need to "push" ourselves physically, we may want to discipline ourselves to practice a regular meditation or eat more healthy foods.

This month we will be practicing asana and pranayama that help to
build heat ,and strength in our bodies.
Helping to burn away negative thought patterns and create more
"discipline", helping to create the life we want to lead.

In our Yin classes we will be working with the Meridian lines
from TCM, ( traditional Chinese medicine) in particular the kidneys.
These energy lines can affect us on all levels of our physical and non- physical body, want to find out more?
Join me.
Clare x


Emergency First Aid updated today. What a great course!
Never have I found First aid training so engaging.
Thank you John😁
If anyone fancies joining me for Mental health first aid course in 2022, please DM me.

JPF First Aid JPF First Aid is a training provider supporting businesses, schools, students & the general public.

Photos from Yoga collective's post 23/10/2021

Meridian line playtime: guess the Yin organ?
"Be humble, be teachable, and always keep learning"
Inspiration and knowledge passed down from the amazing Dawn Wright Yoga 😁
Cannot wait to pass it onto my students 😁


Yin yoga is NOT restorative yoga.
If you thought that Yin was an hour of sleepy time propped up like the princess and the pea, think again.
If you want to create change in your body, there must be some challenge. This can be quite uncomfortable for our physical bodies, as well as the deeper layers: subtle, mind, emotional and spiritual.
However we must remember that Yin and Yang are comparative. Some Yin postures maybe more Yang than others, and vice versa. Also some people may find some "shapes" more uncomfortable than others, requiring props to hold them there.
One thing is certain ,if you want to get more "open" in your body and concentrate your mind then Yin is for you.
It maybe just a little uncomfortable


Mudra of the month
Jnana Mudra / Wisdom Gesture
Jnana mudra grants wisdom, knowledge and grounding.
Generally practiced during meditation it can be useful at anytime,
to feel more grounded and peaceful.
The hands are turned downward for an enhanced sense of grounding.
To practice join the tip of each index finger with the thumb of the same hand, forming a circle. Rest the insides of your wrists lightly on your knees or thighs so your fingers and palms face downward.
Stay for 3 - 5 minutes whilst focusing on your natural breath.
The fire element of the thumb joins the the airiness of the index finger generating a burning desire for inner peace.


Today is World Mental Health Day.

The benefits of yoga on our mental health are immeasurable.
Yoga is a way to help create a calm, uncluttered mind through lifestyle choices, physical movements and the breath.
Yoga is for everybody, and is not just about the body and how flexible or strong you may be.

Never tried it? Take a few minutes each morning to sit and observe your breathing, very soon you will want to do more.

"Yoga does not transform the way we see things. It transforms the person who sees them"


Happy October 😁
Those feet that kick the fallen leaves are attached to legs, that in turn attach into the pelvis.
We are literally one huge kinetic chain.

This month we focus on the "Pelvis", the centre of physical and energetic aspects of life.

We will be practising asana which have a relationship with the pelvis - that's the majority then !
Looking at how we can improve stability and mobility.

Join me on the mat 😁


As the days get shorter practicing at home may become more attractive ?
Roll out of bed and join me on the mat 7am Tuesday & Thursday's for 45 min of Vinyasa.
It certainly wakes you up, and gets you in the right mindset for your day ahead 😁


Classes are now getting pretty busy. I strongly recommend that
you pre book your place.
Call, text or whats app 07877 627990.
See you on the mat 😁


"Every leaf speaks bliss to me,fluttering from the autumn tree"
- Emily Bronte

Photos from Yoga collective's post 12/09/2021

Thanks so much to everyone who joined us for our Wellness Retreat Day.
What an amazing day we had.
Cannot wait for the next one😁


What has 26 bones and 32 joints?
Your FEET!

Tune into our base of support, tune into the earth, feel the stability (or lack of it) , how does this affect the rest of your body?
Our feet create stability, foundation, the platform upon which we walk around.
When we stand, (sometimes on one leg) 100% of our body weight passes through our feet.
They are constantly adapting to change, different surfaces uneven terrain.
This constant change and adaptation help to strengthen not only our feet and ankles, also the whole of our physical, and nonphysical body.

This month we will explore the relationship between our feet as foundations for our whole body.
We will be practicing standing balances, pranayama (breathing techniques) mudra and meditation to create strength and stability of the body, mind, and spirit.
And we will giggle and laugh a lot as we wobble around, while we stand on one leg!

Timeline photos 02/09/2021

The power of our thoughts is incredible! We are the captain of our own ships! I've been working alot with affirmations and gratitude in our yoga practice this month. X

Every thought, word and action is an affirmation of one kind or another. The more you understand that everything you think, say and do is either enhancing or diminishing your reality the more you’ll take care with all three. Everything about your life is either positively or negatively affirming you so pay attention to what’s happening in and around you.

Avoid the negative affirmations and embrace the positive ones…. it’s your choice to make.🧡💚


Thank you for joining us at the Fuse.
Looks like the weekend was a huge success.
Hope you had a lot of fun 😁


And so, after the challenging times we’ve all had to endure over the past 18 months, we were finally able to bring a ray of sunshine into people’s lives via our wonderful free community festival over the weekend. Fuse concluded on Sunday evening with a sublime set played to a packed audience by local heroes Fred Zeppelin – what an end to a brilliant three days of live music, dance, poetry, children’s activities, community groups, wellness, food, drink and so much more in a safe, family-friendly environment.

In no particular order, we would now like to say a massive thank you 🙏 to the following for their support in making Fuse 2021 so special:

Our amazing team of volunteers – you worked so hard, and we’re humbled by your commitment and good humour.

The hugely talented performers who entertained you on our two stages and, with Midlands Open Mic, in the Centrum marquee. Many are local, and in most cases Fuse was their first event since the pandemic struck!

All of the local groups that made Fuse 2021 such an inclusive, colourful and fun community event: Nurture Community CIC with their fabulous range of community partners (Little Sprouts Forest School, Primrose Cottage Art, Little Green Frog cafe, Purple Panda Bookshop, Worship Food Cookery School, Our World and Willow with Ellen), Liberty Jamboree, BFAB Performing Arts Streetdance School Fun Club Hub CIO Charity, The Big Red Bike, Transition Lichfield, Fusion Dance School, Lichfield Fitness Community, Nature Makers - Lichfield & Walsall, NCT Lichfield & Tamworth branch, Silhouette Dance Academy - SDA and The yoga collective.

The Lichfield Litter Legends for keeping the arena tidier than it’s ever been before and giving our team one less thing to worry about.

Cannock Chase Radio FM for handling MC duties and generally bigging us up on the radio.

Those who have donated so generously, either in advance via our GoFundMe campaign or at the festival itself. If you’ve not yet done so, you can still donate via the GoFundMe campaign

Our funders who play such a big part in helping to cover our costs: A-Plan Insurance, Barratt Homes, Footsteps Nurseries, Keelys LLP, Lichfield Conduits Land Trust, Lichfield District Council, Lodge Park Homes, Somerton Jones, Staffordshire County Council, Swinfen Broun Trust, Taylor Wimpey and We Love Lichfield.

The invaluable in-kind support from Adrian Brown, Hayley Dodds and Mark Lear for photography, Agate Media for videography, South Staffs Water for the water bar, Freedom Brewery for bar tech support, Tesco for volunteer snacks and BT for our contactless payment system.

And finally, big thanks go out to all the food and market traders, infrastructure suppliers and our brilliant site security and first aid team from CSS UK who made our festival complete.

Thank you one and all - and please PM us if you want to volunteer or be involved in any way in Fuse 2022!


Getting “bendy” in your back.
You may have heard the words “Sthira” and “Sukha” used by your yoga teacher.
Sthira means strong, steady, stable. We can think of this as the strength aspect of our bodies.
Sukha, comfortable, happy, relaxed. This the flexibility we also need to create balance in our body and mind.
When we move our spine in back bends, we need both qualities in play. As well as strengthening the muscles of the spine and back body, the muscles of the front body, hips, quadriceps, abdominal muscles, chest, and front shoulder become more open and flexible.
Here are a few things we need to remember to achieve safe, effective back bends:
- Spend time warming up effectively. Include movements of the spine, hips, chest, and shoulders.
- Thighs should rotate inwards to create space in the lower back. Should we squeeze our buttocks or not? Get to know how both tightening and relaxing your buttocks helps or hinders you in asana? There needs to be some firmness, just not too much as this can force the thighs to rotate outwards (putting pressure on the sacroiliac joint)
- Create length in the spine always before moving into a backbend. Actively lengthen the crown of the head away from the tailbone, keeping the chin in (allow the head to follow the spine last of all)
- Keep the breath steady and easeful, there’s your Sthira, Sukha again. Use the breath as a barometer for your practice, can you breathe, are you forcing?
You can get many more great cues and tips on how to develop and safe and effective practice – join me LIVE or online.
Clare Whitehouse Yoga
Clare x


Yoga Lichfield Fuse Festival
Our calm haven amongst the hustle and bustle of the festival.
Great to see you all on the mat 😁

Your home studio

Want to avoid the stress of practising under social distancing guidelines,being rushed in and out of classes,constant hand washing and sanitising. Then why not stay at home with us ?
Get that intimate 'in studio' feel at home with professional, knowledgeable and very experienced teachers.

We are a very friendly online yoga studio based in the historic city of Lichfield.​

But it really doesn’t matter where you are. We are online so you can practice with us anywhere and anytime.

As well as classes we also run regular yoga retreats, wellness days, workshops and yoga teacher training.​

Videos (show all)

Here is Wendy HillStart Nutrition Health & Wellness explaining more about our collaboration -  Detox Retreat Day - Satur...
Remembering a wonderful day of yoga, food in the most gorgeous surroundings.We have another "Retreat Day" coming in Sept...
BUILD A BETTER BRIDGE.This month we are practising bridge pose or Setu Bandhasana.Want to build a bigger, stronger bridg...
NEW Gua Sha facial massage.


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 12:00
18:00 - 20:15
Tuesday 09:00 - 11:00
19:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 12:00
18:00 - 20:15
Thursday 07:00 - 11:00
18:00 - 22:00
Friday 10:00 - 12:00
Saturday 09:30 - 10:30
Sunday 09:30 - 12:00