
Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from BakerFish, Consulting Agency, 30A The Cross, Warrington.

Do We Need to Value Nature? 22/09/2022

If, as describes here recognising that 'natural' and 'artificial' is a damaging construct, is it useful to apply that thinking to the 'life' and 'work' divide? They are both in reality inseparable and interdependent, and one accrues an unacknowledged debt to the other.

Do We Need to Value Nature? Here’s something that we don’t talk about enough: all humans are biological beings. This fact is one that can never change, no matter how…

More Projects Delivered with Less Stress – Part 2: The Practicalities 05/07/2022

Realised we haven't posted anything from Zen Organisations for a while, which is a shame. So here's a snappy video on getting more shirt* done with less stress!

(*see: The Good Place)

More Projects Delivered with Less Stress – Part 2: The Practicalities Prefer to watch rather than read? Click here, five minutes, with captions. Last time I went through the principles which simply let you deliver more projects with less stress. Yes, totally true. …

Timeline photos 27/06/2022

Huge congratulations to our friend Louise Ebrey on her win as Quality Professional of the Year 2022 at the International Quality Awards! A well deserved moment of recognition for this quality human 🥰
Network Rail

Timeline photos 03/05/2022

Help us get into our stride. There's still time to send us a proposal for our marketing development work!

C&W Access to Finance & Grant Programme - Tender Opportunities - Blue Orchid 03/05/2022

FINAL CALL FOR MARKETING CONSULTANTS! Our tender opportunity closes tomorrow at 5pm. If your thing is co-developing marketing strategies for young B2B companies, please check out the link. Quick! 😉 🏃‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️

C&W Access to Finance & Grant Programme - Tender Opportunities - Blue Orchid C&W Access to Finance & Grant Programme – Tender Opportunities Home > C&W Access to Finance & Grant Programme – Tender Opportunities All Cheshire & Warrington Access to Finance & SME Grant programme applicants will be required to post any tender opportunities for the provision of services to imp...

C&W Access to Finance & Grant Programme - Tender Opportunities - Blue Orchid 27/04/2022

TENDER OPPORTUNITY ALERT! We're looking for a marketing consultant to help us get on the road to finding more amazing clients. If you can offer to see us through workshopping our new strategy and planning, and like what we're about, please check out the link

C&W Access to Finance & Grant Programme - Tender Opportunities - Blue Orchid C&W Access to Finance & Grant Programme – Tender Opportunities Home > C&W Access to Finance & Grant Programme – Tender Opportunities All Cheshire & Warrington Access to Finance & SME Grant programme applicants will be required to post any tender opportunities for the provision of services to imp...


Something to understand in our work places.

The following was written by Dr. Melissa DeBose Hankins, a psychiatrist:

“This is what the result of unresolved trauma looks like.

What many of us witnessed during last night’s Academy Award ceremony between Will Smith and Chris Rock was a TRAUMA RESPONSE.

While I am in no way condoning violence, I think this is a very public and very important opportunity for us to all understand what a trauma response can look like.

A trauma response can take many forms (some surprising) and look like:

Slapping someone for saying “the wrong” thing

Yelling at someone for not doing something “fast enough” or “up to your standards”

Avoiding or not responding to a boss’s emails about scheduling an upcoming performance review

“Having to” do everything “perfectly,” otherwise you feel anxious or unsettled in some way

Yelling at staff or throwing things around your office or OR when you feel frustrated or have a bad outcome at work

Not setting boundaries around your time and energy because you’re worried about confrontation and upsetting the other person

Working endless hours without taking time for yourself or the things and people you enjoy because your job is your primary source and measure of your own self-worth and value

When a person has experienced trauma (“Big T” trauma or “Little t”trauma) from their childhood (or, their adulthood), the brain and body store that traumatic memory in ways such that aspects of that memory can be re-activated by present-day interactions and situations.

When this happens, the person experiencing this re-activation is split-second processing (on a subconscious or unconscious level) the current event through the filter of that past trauma. This means that that person is, for all meaningful purposes, experiencing things as if they are right back in that previous circumstance of trauma. As a result, they are reacting (taking action)—emotionally, physically, and/or verbally—from that place of trauma.

Those past traumas can be diverse and range from:

Witnessing a parent being physically or verbally abused during your childhood

You, yourself, experiencing physical, sexual, or verbal abuse in your childhood or adulthood

Experiencing emotional abuse or neglect as a child

Being harshly reprimanded (this could include being spoken to by someones with an angry tone and demeanor) or shamed by others as a child for not doing a task “the right way” or not doing it “well enough”

Being told (and, perhaps, punished) as a child by an adult caregiver that it’s not polite and/or not acceptable to say “No” when an adult tells you to do something (including getting hugs from relatives, being made to attend events with your parents even when it’s clear your parents really didn’t want to go)

Being called out by a teacher in front of the class for having the wrong answer and feeling embarrassment and shame

While some of the above may be horrific, and other things may seem inconsequential, depending on the age of occurrence, the emotional, mental, and physical resources that person had at that age, as well as any prior traumas could determine the extent to which that person experienced trauma. A 2 year-old accidentally wandering into a closet with a door that shuts behind them that they can’t easily open, plunging them alone in darkness for 15 minutes before someone finds them is a far different experience than that of an adult in the same predicament.

In the case of Will Smith, he detailed in his autobiographical book, “Will,” that he witnessed trauma as a child in the form of violence at home. In his book he writes:

“When I was nine years old, I watched my father punch my mother in the side of the head so hard that she collapsed,” he wrote. “I saw her spit blood. That moment in that bedroom, probably more than any other moment in my life, has defined who I am.”

“Within everything that I have done since then — the awards and accolades, the spotlights and attention, the characters and the laughs — there has been a subtle string of apologies to my mother for my inaction that day. For failing her in the moment. For failing to stand up to my father. For being a coward.”

So, while the “joke” Chris Rock said was about Will’s wife, the fact that she was being targeted in combination with the look on her face (signaling to Will her level of upset and distress about what was said), triggered a split-second accessing of (and instantly being placed inside of that) memory to an earlier time when he was 9yo and wasn’t able to protect his mom (the woman he loved).

Will’s reaction last night was that of that 9yo traumatized little boy who simply reacted in the way that 9yo boy wanted to react back then.

Does having a history of trauma (big or little) give a “free pass” for the present-day trauma reactions that involve the harming (physically, verbally, or emotionally) of another? No, of course not.

However, it does highlight the extreme importance of understanding trauma and it’s many manifestations, and addressing it with effective trauma-informed approaches that address the emotional, physical (because we hold emotions in our body), and mental aspects of trauma.

Hopefully, rather than simply vilify Will, and say he has “an anger problem,” people close to him can help him recognize that this is “A TRAUMA PROBLEM,” and help him get the trauma-informed help in the form of therapy in combination with modalities as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques, or “tapping”), EMDR, or other somatic modalities that can effectively and efficiently release the traumatized aspects held in his memory and body.

Once his trauma and his emotions are no longer dictating his actions, he could have a much more measured and effective response to situations such as that that occurred at last night awards ceremony.

My further hope is that if anyone reading this finds that they are stuck in patterns of extreme reaction (such as Will experienced), or even less severe reactions, but you recognize are getting in the way of you living life the way you really want, please consider getting trauma-informed support.

Even if you’ve not experienced “Big T” trauma, ALL of us have experienced various “little T” traumas that have impacted each of us in various ways personally and/or professionally—some with mild behaviors and impacts, some not so mild.

As physicians, we are masterful at suppressing so many of our emotions, and the thoughts and memories associated with them. However, trauma has a way of impacting us in great big obvious ways (as we saw with Will Smith), and not such obvious ways (perfectionism, workaholism, lack of boundaries).

I’m not suggesting any of us go unearthing swaths of past trauma (please don’t do this unless you are working with a trauma-informed individual).

Simply be aware that it may be impacting you in ways you recognize and have yet to address, or in ways you never quite thought of as being associated with trauma. And, if needed, allow yourself to get the support you need by working with a trauma-informed therapist, trauma-informed coach, or other trauma-informed practitioner/modality.”


Now published by here:

This was shared from Dr. Judy Melinek

How companies can support neurodiverse employees who choose to ‘come out’ 23/03/2022

"Every single one of us has a unique thinking process. Recognizing this difference can reduce the stigma for those with disabilities and create space for honest feedback." From an article by Cara Pelletier 😍

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Timeline photos 21/03/2022

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An invisible bias with real implications for women leaders 08/03/2022

A good article for anyone wanting to delve a little deeper into on - 2nd generation gender bias is probably what we're* more familiar with and/or inadvertently perpetuating. Have a great 😁

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Timeline photos 17/02/2022

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Timeline photos 16/02/2022

How can we as managers and leaders navigate the future of work? We're going to be here getting stuck into the discussion, and it's not too late to join us!

Timeline photos 22/12/2021

Hope you've enjoyed 9 Lessons (No Carols) for De-crappifying work. We're finishing with a concept from 1970 that underpinned the leadership philosophy of many large companies from that era. If you want engaged people and improved productivity, take a look at what Servant Leadership means today

Timeline photos 21/12/2021

Can you and your team feel engaged and happy at work if you don't feel appreciated? Just as in our personal relationships we express appreciation for colleagues in our own way - our language - and maybe sometimes that gets lost in translation...

Timeline photos 20/12/2021

We've all had meeting that could have been an email, at best. But when meetings are a genuine sharing of perspective, experience and intuition, they can be transformational. Have a look at Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott, or check out this blog post for a taster:

Timeline photos 16/12/2021

Not had the telepathy upgrade at your workplace yet? Us neither. That's why we're thinking about the symbiotic relationship between communication and trust. As the article describes, trust is the basis of good communication, but vice versa too - need a good diagram here.

Timeline photos 14/12/2021

Well we're rapidly heading towards Christmas crunch time, so what better than a diamond to resist the pressure... and it could be a improvement to your organisational structure too 💥 Anyway, happy 14th day of advent, and this is your 5/9 lesson (no carol) 🎅

Timeline photos 10/12/2021

For today's 9 Lessons (No Carols) we're thinking about Integrity... find out more on the link! 🎄

Timeline photos 08/12/2021

🎄 Ready for lesson 3?! 🎄 Are we laying responsibility for their inability to cope on workers in failing systems? Done well resilience is "built by organisations helping employees thrive collectively" More here:

Timeline photos 03/12/2021

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Timeline photos 01/12/2021

Happy 1st December! This year we're celebrating Advent with a series we've called 9 Lessons (No Carols) for De-crappifying Work. We're kicking off with this beauty - for what says Christmas spirit better than Connection 🎄

Is Culture Fit Discrimination? 26/10/2021

With the importance of engagement being understood more widely it's temping to take a shortcut down 'hiring for culture fit', but you could be sacrificing diversity and slip into discriminatory practices. Thanks to Matt Bush at for this piece 🙂

Is Culture Fit Discrimination? Is culture fit discrimination? Culture fit is discrimination because, even when it isn’t explicit or intentional, it is biased toward what is comfortable and familiar. It is difficult for some people to get their foot in the door if a workplace is implicitly restrictive about who will “fit in......

5 Truths About Employee Engagement That No One Wants to Hear 22/10/2021

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5 Truths About Employee Engagement That No One Wants to Hear When you can accept these truths, you can create a culture of sustainable success.

Want To Improve Your Business Outcomes? 13/10/2021

Should we improve employee engagement because "...the real goal of employee engagement is improved business outcomes.”? Or because we care about the people we work with. And, does it matter? (A few thoughts raised by this article)

Want To Improve Your Business Outcomes? Last week I wrote about the new Gallup report, State of the American Workplace, and discussed some of its broader findings. This week, we’ll dig in a little more specifically. Two of the chapters, …

Mindset – Zen Organisations 13/10/2021

Dipping into the ZenOrganisations archive for this 5 minute gem, which is a nice fit for things we've been thinking about recently. Thanks !

Mindset – Zen Organisations Indulge me in a little work fantasy, which combines two very unlikely sources – authors Jan De Visch and Otto Laske…and Jim Carrey!.

High-Performing Teams Need Psychological Safety. Here’s How to Create It 04/10/2021

Just a couple of additional points: all forms of teams need psychological safety to perform at their best; and people will probably have experienced workplaces with a profound lack of it, and that can have a lasting impact on their ability to trust.

High-Performing Teams Need Psychological Safety. Here’s How to Create It Five ways to build trust.

Analytics & Advice About Everything That Matters 04/10/2021

Anyone seen the new Gallup State of the Global Workplace report? Some urgent findings re employee engagement and mental health in and out of work. What can employers and HR teams do to support their people through these challenges?

Analytics & Advice About Everything That Matters Unlock the full potential of your people and organization. We help leaders improve their employee and customer strategies through analytics, advice and learning.

Know Where to Focus – how to spot the Pacesetter in your process 01/10/2021

Happiness is knowing who 'the Barrista' is in your system. This point in your process is the pacesetter and the key to making things work better... All snippily explained here by . Also, new fave Aussie word: Tradie 😀 Have fun!

Know Where to Focus – how to spot the Pacesetter in your process Prefer to watch rather than read? Click here – 5 mins with captions. You don’t want to waste your money and your people’s time by not working on the highest leverage point of the system.  Her…

Webisodes with Alec Sharp: Tips and Techniques for Business Process Design 29/07/2021

Want to improve your business process design or approaching it for the first time? Some great info here from for blog 🙌

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Solve Team Work-From-Home Stress with Dyslexic Design Thinking 28/07/2021

Love this blog post from which brings together themes of Zoom/WFH fatigue and the role PLAY has in happiness at work 😍

Solve Team Work-From-Home Stress with Dyslexic Design Thinking A Sure-Fire Way to Keep Creative Culture From Dying

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Videos (show all)

Looking forward to seeing all our amazing speakers over the next 3 days - so much to learn about servant leadership and ...
Nearly there! We're so excited! #SL2021 #servantleadership
Please to have our Servant-leadership conference 21 sponsor Naked Leader on board!
Big thanks to our friends and sponsors for the Greenleaf Servant-Leadership Conference 21! 🤩 #servantleadership #leaders...
Big thanks 🙌 to our friends and sponsors for the Greenleaf Servant-Leadership Conference 21! #servantleadership #leaders...
So many thank to our Servant-leadership conference 21 sponsor Naked Leader for this lovely thought 😊
Big thanks to our friends and sponsors for the Greenleaf Servant-Leadership Conference 21! 🙌 #servantleadership #leaders...
Lovely words from our Servant-leadership conference 21 sponsor Naked Leader
Big thanks to our friends and sponsors for the Greenleaf Servant-Leadership Conference 21! #servantleadership #leadershi...
Lovely thoughts from our Servant-leadership conference 21 sponsor Naked Leader 💗
Lovely words from our Servant-leadership conference 21 sponsor Naked Leader 😍
Big thanks to our friends and sponsors for the Greenleaf Servant-Leadership Conference 21!😁 #servantleadership #leadersh...


30A The Cross

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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