Pause Pilates

Pause Pilates

A unique and friendly health and fitness studio offering a range of daily classes including yoga, p


I’m definitely guilty of not drinking enough water at times and hear this from a lot of my clients too.
We all know the benefits of drinking enough water throughout the day including:

💧Regulating body temperature
💧Healthier clearer skin
💧Regulated blood pressure
💧Lubricating joints
💧Helps deliver oxygen throughout the body
💧Helps cushion brain, spinal cord and other organs
💧Lowers risk of heartburn and constipation
💧Helps make mineral and nutrients accessible
💧Boosts performance during exercise
💧Can help regulate healthy heart rate & rhythm
💧Optimises kidney and bladder health

I always try to drink a glass of water as soon as I get up (cold in summer months, often with mint and cucumber,) warm with ginger in winter but I’m making a conscious effort to make it as easy as possible for myself not to get distracted and stay well hydrated throughout the day too 🙌🏻☺️🚰

I would love to hear any tricks you use to remind yourself to keep sipping the good stuff 🙌🏻


Photos from Pause Pilates's post 18/04/2024

Such brilliant energy in class night 💫 Love Thursday evenings 🙌🏻

Photos from Pause Pilates's post 11/04/2024

Almost time to be back in this incredible space. Cannot wait! 💫🥰🙏🏻

If you didn’t manage to get on this 5 week block and would like to join me on the next one beginning 16th May then please get in touch and I’ll add you to the wait list.

Photos from Pause Pilates's post 17/12/2023

Still looking for a unique Christmas present for a lover of wildlife and birds? Check out my brother’s website for brilliantly designed and completely original gifts 🎁 🦅👌🏻 Free first class P&P until midnight tonight for orders over £50 ( arrival for Christmas 🎄✨) Leo loves his T 🥰


⚽️ It was such a pleasure introducing the WBSC U11 football team to Pilates and functional movement to support them in their sport today.

They were really attentive, inquisitive and willing to learn, and we had plenty of laughs too 👏🏻💫

Understanding how to take care of the body, listening to its inner cues and maximising performance and recovery while reducing injury risk are invaluable life skills.


Wherever possible I try to introduce those who train predominantly in one sport (or movement practice,) to the massive benefits of Pilates.

All too often people seek out Pilates following a challenge or injury rather than it being an integral part of their training programme from the outset.

Having recently completed my training in Pilates for children and teens too this is relevant for ALL age groups.

A regular Pilates practice has been shown to:
✨ Improve movement patterns, efficiency and performance (across many disciplines.) Pilates helps you ‘move better,’ no question about it.

✨ Reduces the risk of injury and speed of rehabilitation / recovery following injury or strenuous work

✨ Helps to optimally balance muscles and areas of the body that are not working as effectively as they could be ( this may arise for various reasons including repetitive training patterns, injury etc.)

✨Improves both strength and mobility / flexibility ( the two should always go hand in hand.)

✨ Improves mood and reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression ( I witness this so often and it always surprises people how profound and immediate this effect can be. 🥰)

There are so many other benefits but I’ll leave the rest for another day 💫

Massive thanks to Adrian for a brilliant session today showing my teen how Pilates can support his football practice 🙌🏻💪🏻⚽️

Photos from Sarah Atkinson Photography's post 05/11/2023

Sarah takes incredible photos and has captured so many beautiful memories for our family. Hugely recommend👌🏻 ( and this is a bargain! ) 👏🏻🌟📷


Woke up today craving this amazing juice from in Wilmington that I loved on holiday 🌊🍎🥬 Wondering what my body’s trying to tell me it needs 🧐 (and no I wasn’t on the wine last night 😜)

Dusting off my juicer… sometimes all the pulp cleaning puts me right off and I get out of the habit of using it. Thinking lots of ginger and leafy greens to help ward off the winter colds doing the rounds.

Would love to hear your favourite juicing recipes 🙌🏻

Photos from Pause Pilates's post 28/10/2023

✨New Class✨

How incredible is this space! 🤍

I’ve been looking for a special place to hold an evening class for a while now and it wasn’t until I walked into this beautiful studio that I knew I’d found it 🙏🏻
Many of you have asked for an evening class to help see you through the cold, dark winter months and with this in mind I’ve decided to launch a 5 class Restorative Pilates course that will run on alternating Thursdays 7.30-8.30pm starting on 2nd Nov. The final session will see 2023 out in the best possible way on 28th Dec 🌲🌟

These 1 hour sessions will be suitable for all abilities and are designed to support both your body and mind through the often hectic lead up to Christmas and the end of 2023 💫 There will be an emphasis on back care, gentle strengthening and lengthening of the muscles, balancing the body and plenty of breath work to bring a sense of vitality and calm, even helping to reduce anxiety and improve your quality of sleep 🕯️💫

The full course with 1 hour sessions on ; Nov 2nd, 16th, 30th Dec 14th, 28th will cost £60.

If this sounds like something you need right now send me a message and I can help you book in.
I currently have 5 remaining spaces 🙌🏻


🌟 Exciting Evolution in The Zen Lounge! 🌟

Hello 🌼

As you may already know, for nearly three years The Zen Lounge has been a sanctuary for helping people to create more calm and clarity, and now, it’s time for us to take the next step! I’ve spent the last couple of months redesigning the lounge to make mindfulness even more accessible and to enable you to seamlessly integrate it into your daily life ...

🌈 Imagine a Life Transformed... Envision feeling more PRESENT, gaining CLARITY, fostering OPTIMISM, and handling challenges with more grace in just a few weeks. You'll be cultivating a robust self-care toolkit, feeling an inner confidence grow, and gaining control and empowerment in your life. That’s the vision we’re manifesting in the brand new Zen Lounge! Embracing the mantra "small steps lead to big results", I’m here to guide, support, and inspire you on your journey to mindful living.

🌟 What’s New in The Zen Lounge?

✨ Easier Integration into Your Life: Tailored practices for morning calm, afternoon reset, and evening relaxation.

✨ Exclusive Monthly Live Sessions: Join our community gatherings to explore transformative practices, pause, reflect, adjust and consciously create our future.

✨ Inspiring Monthly Masterclass: Strengthen your mental and emotional resilience, happiness, and confidence with me.

✨ Exclusive Access to the My Zendays App: All the latest content and inspiration, right there at your fingertips!

You can step into your personal transformation for less than £20 a month! That’s less than £5 a week – about the same as a mocha-choc-a-non-fat-latte from Starbucks - and the richness you’ll receive in return is immeasurable! Dive in before October 1st to lock in this incredible value! 💛

Can’t wait to see you in the brand new Zen Lounge!

Photos from Pause Pilates's post 11/07/2023

I’ve had a really lovely ‘break’ reprioritising some creative projects and getting the important things in my life a little more balanced (or at least in a little more harmony 👌🏻💫🌿)
One of the big things I had been neglecting for myself was regular strength training alongside my mat Pilates and usual functional movement routines.
So important, especially for women and especially if there’s a history of osteoporosis or osteopenia in the family 🦴🤍

I really want to do all the things I love for as long as possible, and staying strong (whilst maintaining good flexibility,) is a massive part of that.
So I’m very happy I’ve found ways to achieve this that don’t take up too much of my time and I really enjoy doing 🙌🏻

I’m working on creating a little space ( in what was the hot-tub hut 🤦‍♀️ blaming Covid for that trend!!) to make a little indoor/outdoor gym space.

It was actually my son’s idea and I think it will be a great use of the space that was created by 👏🏻

I’ll keep you posted …

Photos from Pause Pilates's post 07/05/2023

Morning! I hope you’re enjoying the long weekend 💫

I’ve wanted to write this post on visibility for some time but it’s really hard to know where to start…

For those of you that have been around here for a while, you’ll know I’m not good at regular social media posting and Melissa carried the Shilling & Black Insta presence which I was very grateful for; she would even sometimes do my own posts because I kept avoiding it.

I’ve tried to be really honest with myself about the reasons I find social media posting and marketing so uncomfortable and I’ve come to a few conclusions.
( I also know others who feel similarly so I thought I’d get it out there!)

At middle school I was bullied for an extended period of time, and one of the taunts that was thrown my way was “you think you’re so amazing.”
This couldn’t have been further from the truth at the time and back then, (and sometimes now,) I wanted to shrink away and draw as little attention to myself as possible.
Then in my later teens I was the subject of a stalker (we never discovered who this was and again it went on for a long long time.)

Sharing my life online feels incredibly vulnerable at times and sometimes very unsafe and braggy (I might have made that word up?!)

In addition to these deep rooted emotions there are the usual blocks, such as boredom, not wanting to tie myself to a routine, and the fact I question if what I might share is interesting enough or if anyone cares what I’m eating for breakfast or where I bought my new leggings 😂

But, I absolutely do know that I have skills and knowledge that can help others and I know the value I find in other people’s social media accounts 🙌🏻✨

So I just wanted to say that although I may not show up everyday (or even every week,) I will try to share the good stuff with you all that I hope will be useful, give you a lift or even make you smile & laugh at times.

If you want daily content, I’m probably not your person and please feel free to unfollow, no hard feelings at all ☺️
Instead of promising myself that I’ll post 3-4 times weekly I want to free myself and allow space to post when I feel inspired and when it feels right.

I hope you understand.


The progression and improvements I’ve witnessed in this class at Whitley Bay Golf Club has been phenomenal 👏🏻✨
Most people had no previous Pilates experience and have embraced the practice with open minds and open hearts; they’re now already feeling and seeing the benefits. The improvement in technique in a few short weeks has been incredible.

This class is open to the general public too and comes with great views 🤩⛳️

If you would like to try it on either a Monday or Thursday at 8.45-9.45am just send me a DM. We would love to welcome you. Suitable for all levels and abilities including complete beginners 💫


Come and join me tomorrow at 9.15 - 10.15 at Whitley Bay Golf Club for a full body Pilates and functional training class.

It really is the best possible way to start your week and you don’t need to be a club member (or even play golf for that matter,) to come along.

All levels and abilities are welcome, the only thing I would say is that it’s best if you can transition up and down from the floor relatively easily. If you can’t I have a standing and chair based class coming very soon too so watch this space 💫😉

The benefits of a regular Pilates practice are well proven and include:

🌟Improved strength & flexibility
🌟Better posture & core strength
🌟Increased balance & coordination
🌟Enhanced athletic performance
🌟Reduced risk of certain injuries
🌟Boosts mood & quality of sleep

The list really could go on a lot longer!

If you’re curious but not sure if Pilates is for you please get in touch by email or DM, I would be more than happy to chat to you.

I truly believe that Pilates can benefit all, it’s just finding the best way to harness the benefits for your body and personal situation 🥰

Booking for Whitley Bay golf club classes are £9 drop in or you can purchase 6 credits for £48 ( £42 to club members. ) Book via the Gymcatch App searching for ‘Pause Pilates.’

I would love to welcome you to a session soon 🙌🏻



Those of you that have received our latest newsletter will already be aware of the up and coming changes . , But for those of you that haven’t received it and follow us on social media, we just wanted to let you know that change is afoot .

We are allowing our horizons to expand, and embracing new ideas as we navigate individual pathways in both of our businesses. This page will soon become Pause Pilates and will be run by Steph, and is where you can keep up to date with all of the latest Pilates info and events that Steph is running. My page will remain , and is the place where you can find out about barre, Yoga, dance and any movement and well-being events run by myself.

We are sure that there will be future collaborations, so keep your eyes peeled, but for the time being we will be rebuilding as movement practitioners in our own brands rather than Shilling & Black, and what to thank you all for your support and participation along the crazy journey that the last few years have been!

“To infinity and beyond” 🤣

(Couldn’t help myself, love a bit of buzz light year!)


We are retreating again for a day in Northumberland at the lovely on the 19th of Feb. IT’s a gorgeous space just a stone throw away from the A69, overlooking the Northumbrian countryside, and we’ll be taking bookings from 12pm on Sunday.

Join us for a fully catered for day by , (I think our favourite rosti salad boxes are making an appearance), and get ready to move through a day a energising, and strength focussed movement classes on true Shilling & Black style?

Get ready to


⛳️ Pilates and golf are a perfect match for one another and many professionals use Pilates in their regular training programmes, including a lot of the big names in the sport.

However those who practice golf recreationally have so much to gain too- it’s not just for the pros!
I read a statistic that around 50% of those who practice golf play with some form of pain. I’m not claiming that Pilates can address all causes of pain- that would be ridiculous!

However regular Pilates has been shown to reduce pain from many causes including postural strain, muscle imbalances and poor technique due to weak core muscles etc.

Pilates emphasis on core strength, effective rotation, spine flexibility and muscle stability are all highly relevant to the requirements of golf.

Practiced regularly Pilates will help lower injury risk, improve power and performance and reduce pain and imbalances in the body 🙌🏻

I’m launching a new class at Whitley Bay Golf Club starting this Thursday 9.15-10.15am. Non-members and single class drop-ins welcome but pre-booking is required.

Please note you do not need to play golf to join, this is a general mat Pilates class which I will tailor to the needs of the clients in the sessions on a weekly basis.

For more information please DM or email:
[email protected]


Photos from Pause Pilates's post 18/01/2023

Fantastic Vinyasa Flow class last night at John Spence…What a difference the lights make!!

We’ll see you tonight for Pilates and Barre from 6pm. If you fancy joining us we only have a handful of spaces in both classes , for more info click on the link in the bio.


I love catching moments like this…

Kirsten is smiling through the wobbles, shakes and she’s not showing the burn at all, but I’m my word did we rediscover our quads in tonight’s return to the Barre at John Spence. For the next 5 weeks I will be teaching a whole series of new strength and ballet focussed combinations at the barre, honing technique and using the ball for extra resistance.

Let’s start as we mean to go strong 💪!


Here’s to 2023! 💫🙌🏻

So much to look forward to… more classes, more workshops, more retreats,
More freedom and joy through movement 💪🏻🤸‍♂️🌿⛰

Wishing you all a very healthy, happy and peaceful year 🤍


You may have noticed a slight glitch with our booking system for this evenings classes at John Spence. Sorry to those of you that have tried to book and couldn’t due to a system error, we can assure you that this has now been resolved-so feel free to book away!!

See you tonight either on the Mat for Pilates or at the Barre .


Feeling the cold today? ❄️

When the temperature drops we can feel sluggish and a little flat.
Join me for an energising full body mat Pilates class at John Spence High School tonight to raise your spirits and get the body moving 💫💪🏻

All levels and abilities welcome 6-7pm
Bookings via Gym Catch, our website or send me a DM ☺️


Steph’s favourite juice…

I’ve been a bit lazy with my juicer of late, but definitely going to get back on it after seeing her story this morning.

I could definitely do with some new juice recipes though, if you’ve got one let us know in the comments below 👇


If you’re feeling a little less mobile than you used to, or have noticed your recovery time increasing after a session in the gym or performing your favourite sport it might be time to start looking at the bigger picture 😳💫

Cross-training including strength combined with mobility / flexibility work is so important to keep our bodies functioning efficiently and with as much ease as possible. Increased stiffness isn’t an inevitable consequence of ageing either, our bodies are so adaptable ( & incredible 💫👌🏻;) there is so much we can do to maximise our performance, recovery time and longevity within our favourite sports and activities.

Certain activities when practiced for many hours will cause some tissues to develop and strengthen while a relative weakness may develop in others ( part of the body’s amazing ability to adapt which I’ve mentioned.)
Often that’s ok and we don’t need to aim to create global ‘balance’ or an aesthetic balance of the whole body.
Those areas of strength are often what allows a sports person or athlete to excel in their chosen arena. When I say ‘athlete’ or sportsperson I’m talking about us all- taking Nike’s definition:

‘If you have a body, you are an athlete’

However, if these areas of strength and relative weakness become too mismatched for the demands of the sport ( or even everyday life,) then injuries and pain can develop.

Cross-training and working the body in a holistic way can help to minimise these effects. A regular Pilates practice will improve your muscular strength, balance and alignment while also creating increased mobility, joint stability and reduce your risk of future injury.

There are many more benefits too but I’m aware this is already longer than I intended!

I am currently running two sessions at John Spence High School on a Wednesday evening.
5-6pm: Pilates and Functional Training ( ideal to address those imbalances and niggles that may have crept in.)
6-7pm: Full Body Mat Pilates 💪🏻

Both sessions are suitable for all abilities ages 16 and over.
No need to block book a drop-in class is £9 and bookable via our website


There’s no point in being flexible if you don’t have the strength to control your limbs and the way they move.

If you place as much emphasis on your strengthening work as you do lengthening you’ll notice so much more progress.

Photos from Pause Pilates's post 05/11/2022

Pilates is a brilliant practice to support your performance and longevity within other sports
⚽️ 🏉🚴🏻🏌🏼🏃🏼‍♀️

Many athletes use Pilates to compliment training within their discipline, be this footballers, dancers, rugby players, golfers etc and there is good reason for this; the benefits are huge and include:

🔹Improved core strength (so movements can be executed with increased power and stability.)

🔹Improved general strength and mobility / flexibility ( it’s important that these develop in tandem.) This helps to reduce injury risk as well as improve performance.

🔹 Better balance

🔹 Improved posture and alignment

🔹 Increased energy levels and decreased anxiety and depression

🔹 Facilitates recovery and pain following tough sessions

Pilates affords an excellent option for cross training to compliment other forms of exercise because of the emphasis on quality of movement, effective breathing and control through movement.

Stability both through the core and lumbopelvic regions are essential in more dynamic sporting activities. Pilates enhances other workouts such as long distance running and Hiit training since it encourages recruitment of deeper stabilising muscles and provides better kinetic chain mobility of the limbs.

Our new session at John Spence Community High School on a Wednesday 5-6pm is ideal to support you in this way, however if this is too early the the following full body mat class at 6-7pm will also provide these benefits.

See link in bio to our website for bookings ☺️

All those aged 16+ welcome 🙌🏻


Feeling pretty fresh after a brisk dog walk in the chillier temperature this morning. Time now for a quick coffee, a spinach and 2 egg omelette for my breakfast, then off to Newcastle to begin our new corporate contract with UNW as Shilling & Black.

We’ve had our corporate well-being, and well-being in the workplace packages in the pipeline for quite a while, so it’s pretty exciting to start working with quite a big company, that have created such an inspirational office space for their employees, and are so progressive with well-being in the workplace.

Something we’re both passionate about is utilising our backgrounds in Education and Dentistry to design well-being programmes for teachers and clinicians, but all that is underway.

One day at a time! 😁



Feeling pretty fresh after a brisk dog walk in the chillier temperature this morning. Time now for a quick coffee, a spinach and 2 egg omelette for my breakfast, then off to Newcastle to begin our new corporate contract with UNW as Shilling & Black.

We’ve had our corporate well-being, and well-being in the workplace packages in the pipeline for quite a while, so it’s pretty exciting to start working with quite a big company, that have created such an inspirational office space for their employees, and are so progressive with well-being in the workplace.

Something we’re both passionate about is utilising our backgrounds in Education and Dentistry to design well-being programmes for teachers and clinicians, but all that is underway.

One day at a time! 🤣

Photos from Pause Pilates's post 19/10/2022

With only 2 spaces left for the Thriller Dance Social on the 30th, and November’s dates for Meet Me at the Bar(re) and The Dance Social coming soon, I’m so pleased to officially announce the details for our a Wednesday night take over at John Spence Community High School.

Shilling & Black are landing with a full evening of Barre and Pilates planned for you all to enjoy from the 2nd of November.

For those of you attending classes at my home studio I will be creating a special bundle for you lot that will include these classes too. For everyone else you can book PAYG or a bundle of 6 to reduce the price, please copy and paste the the link below or click on the link in the bio for further info:

Videos (show all)

Steph’s favourite juice…I’ve been a bit lazy with my juicer of late, but definitely going to get back on it after seeing...
The most important message from today’s adult class has to be to take a risk and dance it out! It really doesn’t matter ...
Getting ready for our, Beast the Barre 21 Day challenge which starts on Monday the 8th of August. 21 Days to get  strong...
Well I do feel pretty lucky to be able to do end our day here, despite how crazy busy #whitleybaybeach  was tonight.I’ll...
Enjoying the last of my retreat tea this morning in a mini tea ceremony for one 🤍🫖✨This was something introduced to us b...
A retreat or movement immersion allows us to invite you into the Shilling & Black world, and to bring all of the things ...
What an absolutely fantastic afternoon at Shilling & Black. Not only did we spend it dancing to one of my favourite Kand...
What a pleasure it is to get to dance with you all, and tomorrow we’re dancing again in our, Cabaret workshop. We’re goi...
I’m feeling excited for our upcoming retreats after meeting with the Paula, aka the plant based fairy,  Fig leaf plant b...
Yay it’s Friday, and what a beautiful start to the day here in #tynemouth.I’m just pulling the last minute bits and piec...
In class tonight we caved and succumbed to a Tik Tok ballet challenge.. It was so much fun, so we’re doing it all again ...



Whitley Bay