Mind & Bodyworx

Mind & Bodyworx

Sports &Remedial Massage - resolve muscular injuries, aches & pains
Holistic Mind/Body Therapies - Relax, De-Stress

Deep Tissue Bodywork, Reiki, Meditation, EFT, Hypnotherapy. Treatments, self help courses and practitioner training. Treating the whole person from cause to effect.

Release the Baggage 15/05/2020

Release the Baggage Imagine how much lighter and brighter you would feel if you could offload some of that old emotional baggage you've been dragging around! - Tracy and Andy are back this week we are talking about letting go, whether you are carrying old baggage or creating your own new baggage to hamper your future!


It looks as though we are about to start experiencing the 'New Normal' - whatever that may be.

I'm thinking now is a good time to practice 'Letting Go' of past baggage as we dip our toes into whatever the next phase of 21st Century life is going to bring us.

Isolation and separation can cause us to go back over 'old hurts' or focus on things that frustrate and annoy us. If you have experienced this, I'd love to hear about it. Tell me what 'bugs' you - either about the current situation, or things that have happened in the past. - DM me if you prefer not to share publicly.

Cuddling up to Change 08/05/2020

Cuddling up to Change This week we are dealing with change, changes you want to make but keep avoiding, changes you didn't want to make, but they happened anyway, plus some exercises to help you move forward. You can find resources from this episode at https://www.mindandbodyworx.com/podcasts/


This week's podcast is all about change - can you let me know your thoughts on change - whether you leap in with both feet or avoid it like the plague - also if you have any common avoidance tactics, that you know you use! - Many thanks x

Cavaliers Tapdancing and Fear 01/05/2020

Cavaliers Tapdancing and Fear So what do Cavaliers, tapdancing and fear all have in common - well in truth, probably just this podcast and a mnemonic to help us combat fears and anxiety. Andy and Tracy are here again, discussing fears and how they can be influenced, reinforced and gradually released with some simple tricks 'of t...


I want to hear about what scares you!!
Tell me in the comments below -
1. What scares you in every day life
2. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?

Stress and the Tiger Effect 24/04/2020

Stress and the Tiger Effect What does stress have to do with Tigers? Is stress good or bad for you? How does it affect our health and what can we do about it? - Listen in as we discuss the physiological as well as psychological, effects of Stress in the 21st Century.


Tuesday Challenge: - What does the word 'anxiety' conjure up for you? - Answer in 5 words or less.


Can you help? - I am currently working on a series of Podcasts, which I would like to make as interactive and relevant as possible - the next broadcast focus is about Anxiety - I'd be really grateful for personal stories, comments or questions about coping with anxiety. If you don't mind sharing, please leave me a comment or send me a DM. Thank you, thank in anticipation

Welcome to my First Podcast 18/04/2020

Welcome to my First Podcast A brief introduction to Tracy Palazzo-Barnes, plus a 15 minute meditation

Balloon Meditation 06/04/2020

Monday Meditation - drift away on a hotair balloon and just watch those cares and worries disappear over the side.
Feel free to share with loved ones x


Balloon Meditation Dispel nagging worries and anxieties, to find peace and clarity.

Energy and Stress Management | Mind and Bodyworx 04/04/2020

Understanding Energy and Stress Management - free e-book, download and share.


Energy and Stress Management | Mind and Bodyworx These are exceptional times, understanding the stress overload that we are all experiencing is a good step towards feeling calmer and stronger.


For those of us missing our little munchkins..


✍written by
a class of 7-year-olds
You'll love it...

😘Grandparents are
a lady and a man
who have no little children of their own.

😘They like other people's children.

😘A grandfather is a man, and a grandmother is a lady!

😘Grandparents don't have to do anything except be there when we come to see them.

😘They are so old they shouldn't play hard or run.

😘It is good if they drive us to the shops and give us money.

😘When they take us for walks, they slow down past things like pretty leaves and caterpillars.

😘They show us and talk to us about the colors of the flowers and also why we shouldn't step on 'cracks.'

😘They don't say, 'Hurry up.'

😘Usually they are fat but not too fat to tie your shoes.

😘They wear glasses and funny underwear.

😘They can take their teeth and gums out.

😘Grandparents don't have to be smart.

😘They have to answer questions like 'Why isn't God married?' and 'How come dogs chase cats?'

😘When they read to us, they don't skip.

😘They don't mind if we ask for the same story over again.

😘Everybody should try to have a grandmother, especially if you don't have television because they are the only grownups who like to spend time with us...

😘They know we should have snack time before bed time.

😘They say prayers with us and kiss us even when we've acted bad.

😘Grandpa is the smartest man on earth!

😘He teaches me good things, but I don't get to see him enough to get as smart as he is.

Send this to
📲other grandparents,
📲almost grandparents,
or send it to


This made me laugh til I cried, share away, this family deserves a medal xx

Autogenic Meditation 26/03/2020

Time for a little meditation I think - make sure you are in a quiet comfortable place for 15 mins, then play - and switch yourself off from the tips of your toes to the top of your head - enjoy x

Autogenic Meditation Relax your body and mind and journey to inner peace x

Let’s stay in and support one another | Mind and Bodyworx 23/03/2020

Staying in - altogether, but apart ..


Let’s stay in and support one another | Mind and Bodyworx Let’s stay in and support one another The Social Distancing Requirements now in place and the possibility of imminent lockdown, makes mine and everyone else's work that doesn't fall under essential services untenable. The best thing we can all do for those working on the front lines and indeed for...

LBC - Dr Jack 23/03/2020

For anyone not sure about the importance of social distancing - please listen and share ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=tQD4B_hmdvo&feature=emb_logo

LBC - Dr Jack Please help Dr Jack and all of his colleagues in the NHS by making a donation to NHS Charities Together at https://www.nhscharitiestogether.co.uk/ and then S...

Coronavirus Update | Mind and Bodyworx 22/03/2020

It is with a heavy heart that I am closing my doors for the first time in 16 years. - This is a temporary response to the current unprecedented situation. I am still available via email or phone for advice and support, I have also set up the ability to conduct consultations via video link - full details here https://www.mindandbodyworx.com/coronavirus-update/https://www.mindandbodyworx.com/coronavirus-update/ Stay safe and I look forward to seeing everyone again, soon xx

Coronavirus Update | Mind and Bodyworx Coronavirus Update It is with great sadness that I have to confirm that all face to face appointments will cease for the time being. With schools, pubs, restaurants and leisure centres all ordered to close to slow the spread of the coronavirus, I must honour and adhere to these guidelines and close....

Mind & Bodyworx 19/03/2020

Want some help with aches and pains or need to de-stress, but can't come and see me? - Try a Video Link Consultation

Mind & Bodyworx Schedule your appointment online Mind & Bodyworx

Open for Business | Mind and Bodyworx 17/03/2020

Let's pull together, be kind to strangers, and check in with our neighbours ...

Open for Business | Mind and Bodyworx Open for Business Wow - What on Earth is going on? So much change, so quickly - worldwide! I really hope as you are reading this, that you and your loved ones are safe and well. If you are self isolating or have become ill, I send you my heartfelt good wishes for a speedy recovery. It's not just the...

Infection Control & Coronavirus/COVID19 | Mind and Bodyworx 16/03/2020

Wow - what a lot is going on... business as usual here, if you'd like to know what measures I'm taking to protect clients, take a look here:

Infection Control & Coronavirus/COVID19 | Mind and Bodyworx Infection Control and Coronavirus - what we are doing to keep clients safe and how we are responding to the current crisis situation.


Wouldn't it be great if we could just unzip all that stress and frustration and feel calm and peaceful instead...?


Some people have a massage to iron out the knots, others wait til it's too late and they can hardly move.
Some people like to chat and get things off their chest, while others like to drift away and have a snoozy rest.
Whichever you are, I am so glad you're you, 'cause you pay me for the work I love to do!


Our feet are very complex structures, keeping them supple and strong can change the way the rest of our body moves at work rest and play.


Oh I WISH I could do that!!


I love to be by the sea in any weather, it's my favourite 'back to nature' fix. Whenever I need a proper reset, you'll find me by the sea - what's your peaceful 'go to' place?


News update - Massage for Couples Workshop is now available through online booking, so take a look at your diaries and book a FAB half day with your FAB other half!


