Familiarisation Videos

Familiarisation Videos

Making the unfamiliar more familiar. We create detailed tour videos to help reduce anxiety & help you overcome barriers when going to new places.

A Familiarisation Video is a detailed tour video of a venue or public space that will help unlock the world and make it more accessible to everyone. Familiarisation Videos can help reduce anxiety and help people overcome any barriers they may experience when accessing somewhere new or unfamiliar. Although this initiative is targeted at people with disabilities or impairments, hidden illness, menta


We've listened to your feedback about Familiarisation Videos being too long in some instances. So we are now creating 'SHORTS'.

These videos are a whistle-stop tour of venues to accompany the full-length video.

So, if you watch this video and decide there are features you would like to explore in more depth, you can head to our website or YouTube channel to view the full version.

If you have any further feedback or would like to share where you would like to see a Familiarisation Video, please comment below or email us at [email protected]

This video is of Your Space Autism Charity based in Llay, Wrexham. They do fantastic work, providing activity sessions and support sessions for children and young adults with Autism, and their families.

Check out their page! Your Space

Familiarisation Videos 20/08/2024

🎥 Help Us Create Familiarisation Videos for a Cause! 🎥

We're raising funds to create engaging and informative familiarisation videos that will make a real difference. These videos will be a valuable resource, helping people navigate new environments or services with confidence! 🌍✨

Every donation, big or small, brings us closer to our goal. 🙌

💡 How You Can Help:

1. Donate: Even £1 can make a difference!

2. Share: Spread the word by sharing this post.

3. Support: Follow our journey and stay updated on our progress.


Familiarisation Videos To make unfamiliar places more familiar through detailed tour videos that are free to access.

TikTok · FamiliarisationVideos 06/08/2024

We are now on TikTok, so why not pop over and check us out!

TikTok · FamiliarisationVideos Check out FamiliarisationVideos’s video.


Sharing anonymously with permission from the author.

This post explains the importance of accessibility beyond wheelchairs, looking at accessibility for hidden conditions.

** a long post about the Suede/Manics gig in Llan, and inclusion & accessibility at gigs * *

A few vids (and massively s**t photographs 😬🤣) from the other night watching Suede / The Manics at Llan Pavillion 😍 A distinctly older crowd on the whole - let's just say that we weren't the only ones standing at the back 'cause it's less peopley there, or to make a quick getaway / take a breather / toilet / fag break as and when needed 🤣

On a serious note, the real reason we both stand at the back is anxiety-related, neither of us can handle being in the middle of crowds of people, and the fact we manage to do gigs at all is quite something. My loops were on duty as well, slight panic when I dropped one in some long grass at the back of the tent, but it was swiftly retrieved.

If I couldn't stand at the back, and wear loops (ear plugs that reduce noise sensitivity, for anyone not in the know), and be able to come and go as I need to (that bit's really important) gigs just wouldn't be accessible or doable for me. Call it noise sensitivity, call it being neurodivergent, call it anxiety, call it what you will, but the fact remains that gigs can potentially be really challenging for people who struggle with anxiety, high sensitivity and overwhelm / consider themselves to be neurodivergent or autistic.

The Llangollen Pavilion ticks plenty of boxes on accessibility in that sense. The location is a big part of that, and it being basically a massive tent,surrounded by greenery and fresh air, makes a massive difference. It feels more like a festival than the average bigger gig in an urban environment. You can come and go as you like, and it's just really chilled, yet the security is also efficient and it felt like a safe environment to be in. Focus Wales works really well for us too, because it's in multiple venues across Wrecsam and we can pick and choose which ones we can handle, and there is that flexibility and fluidity that really works for us.

I love live music and (generally speaking) I've missed bands I'd liked to have seen in the past due to the unsuitability of the venue, or the way that venues and events are managed, with little or no consideration to accessibility and inclusion for people who struggle with anxiety, overwhelm and high sensitivity (or who are diagnosed or consider themselves to be neurodivergent or autistic). But this was the most relaxed I've been in years at a big gig, and I was very pleasantly surprised.

A lot of people probably take it for granted being able to handle crowds and gigs - but for anyone who struggles with anxiety, overwhelm, and high sensitivity (or who considers themselves to be neurodivergent) it can be a massive achievement, and an experience that needs careful navigating if it's to be managed at all.

Who a person attends a gig with is massively important to accessibility and inclusion as well. (Name removed for anonymity) and I only manage to do gigs at all because we support each other. Neither of us would manage it on our own, or with many other people. Brilliant schemes like gig buddies are so important for accessibility and inclusion, as are reduced or free tickets for carers - which should also include those who are supporting someone with anxiety, overwhelm, autism etc.

Being able to leave and come back into a gig multiple times during a performance is also massively important. Any gig that says once you're in that's it, and no re-entry if you leave the building etc. isn't accessible for anyone like me. Being able to go out and take a breather when needed is massively important, as is the feeling of not being trapped in a space, or not being allowed to come and go as you need to.

I could be wrong, but I suspect a lot of people handle feelings of discomfort at crowded gigs by getting drunk? That's how I tried to mask my anxiety when I was much younger, and I wasn't the only one. But I barely drink these days and when I do drink alcohol (which would only be white wine) it's diluted with so much soda water it barely registers, and sometimes I don't drink at all at gigs. When you aren't masking the anxiety and overwhelm with alcohol anymore it soon became apparent what you're actually dealing with, and that's where accessibility and inclusion starts to be a major issue if it just isn't there.

I don't know if the pavilion knows it or not, but their accessibility and inclusion for anyone who struggles with these things was absolutely spot on - maybe some of that is a happy accident because the location lends itself so well to this, but I also think it was down to how efficiently the gig was managed, the production and the security was spot on. Really hope they do more of the same over the months and years ahead.

Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod

Advance Brighter Futures Familiarisation Video 09/06/2024

Check out Advance Brighter Futures familiarisation video. They're a fantastic mental health charity based in Wrexham.

Advance Brighter Futures Familiarisation Video Advance Brighter Futures is a mental health charity that helps people build happier and more fulfilling lives by improving mental wellbeing. The community bu...


We’d love to see you there!

(Bilingual post) Ydych chi'n awyddus i greu llefydd sy'n gynhwysol i bawb? 😊

♿️ Ymunwch â'n gweithdy am ddim : Hygyrchedd tu hwnt i'r Gadair Olwyn!
📆 Nos Fercher, Mehefin 5ed am 6pm.
📍 Campws Plas Coch, Prifysgol Wrecsam
✍️ Cofrestrwch: https://loom.ly/pU83OwA

Mae'r gweithdy hwn yn cael ei gynnal fel rhan o Light Night Learning gan y tîm Iechyd meddwl a lles cymdeithasol Prifysgol Wrecsam - cyfres o ddigwyddiadau dysgu dros yr haf sy'n archwilio materion lles cyfoes mewn ffordd greadigol ag atyniadol.

Yn y gweithdy hwn, byddwn yn archwilio:

- Y rhwystrau y mae pobl yn eu hwynebu wrth ymweld â lleoedd newydd
- Newidiadau bach y gellir eu gwneud er mwyn bod yn fwy cynhwysol

Mae’r sesiwn hon yn cael ei chyd-gynhyrchu gyda Karen Williams, cyfarwyddwr y fenter gymdeithasol Familiarisation Videos.


Are you passionate about creating inclusive spaces for everyone? 😊

♿️ Join our free workshop : Accessibility Beyond the Wheelchair!
📆 Wednesday, June 5th at 6pm.
📍 Plas Coch Campus, Wrexham University
✍️ Register: https://loom.ly/PE6I_hk

This workshop is being run as part of Wrexham university mental health and social wellbeing's Light Night Learning - a series of summer learning events which explore topical wellbeing issues in a creative and engaging way.

In this thought-provoking workshop, we'll explore:

- The barriers people face when visiting new places
- Small changes that can be made for greater inclusivity

This session is co-produced with Karen Williams, Director of the multi-award-winning social enterprise Familiarisation Videos.

Photos from Wrexham university mental health and social wellbeing's post 27/05/2024
Wrexham Glyndwr University Familiarisation Video © 23/05/2024

Wrexham Glyndwr University Familiarisation Video © This Familiarisation Video was created by Wrexham Glyndwr University, year 1 Social Work Students and Outside In, using smart phones. We want to thank them f...


We don't assume you can't do anything...
We know you can...
But some of us need a little help, some us a lot more help...
But we want to encourage you to be all you can be in an ever changing world.

Familiarisation Videos is just a small way we can help promote independence.


Thank you again Fjones_initiative for a spectacular evening surrounded by magnificent people
It was a true honour to meet and

Advance Brighter Futures Fideo Ymgyfarwyddo 11/04/2024

Mae Advance Brighter Futures yn elusen iechyd meddwl sy’n helpu pool adeiladu bywydau mwy boddhaus a hapus drwy wella eu lles meddwl. Mae’r adeilad cymunedol yn cynnwys llefydd i logi yn ogystal â darparu rhagor o wasanaethau iechyd meddwl, gweithgareddau grŵp lles, gweithdai a chyrsiau. Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i’w gwefan.


Advance Brighter Futures Fideo Ymgyfarwyddo Mae Advanced Brighter Future yn elusen iechyd meddwl sy’n helpu pool adeiladu bywydau mwy boddhaus a hapus drwy wella eu lles meddwl. Mae’r adeilad cymunedol...

Advance Brighter Futures Familiarisation Video 11/04/2024

We are very pleased to present our latest Familiarisation Video to you. This video takes you on a tour of Advance Brighter Futures based in Wrexham.
Advance Brighter Futures is a mental health charity that helps people build happier and more fulfilling lives by improving mental wellbeing.
The community building has rooms available to hire and provides a range of mental health services, including one-to-one talking therapy, parent support groups, one-to-one coaching, wellbeing group activities, workshops, and courses. For more information, please visit their website https://www.advancebrighterfutures.co.uk/


Advance Brighter Futures Familiarisation Video Advance Brighter Future is a mental health charity that helps people to build happier and more fulfilling lives through improving mental wellbeing. The commu...


Today is the day...

Tonight Karen and Sarah will be attending the Fjones_initiative Wrexham Recognition Awards evening and we can't wait to see everyone and enjoy an evening of celebrating all that's great in Wrexham.



Please click on the original post and comment why Familiarisation Videos should win this fantastic award.

We greatly appreciate your continued support

This week our amazing judges Sian Lloyd & Humphrey Ker have chosen the FOUR overall winners for the 2023/24
WREXHAM RECOGNITION AWARDS COMPETITION and will be announcing the winners at the Awards Evening, next month at Maesgwyn Hall Wrexham

BUT you can influence the outcome of the remaining THREE awards.

This weekend, find your favourite monthly winner at Fjones_initiative
then leave a great comment on our post of their story, as to why they should win!

Wrexham.com Welcome to Wrexham


Are there places that you avoid because you are unsure
if they’re accessible, or they’re simply unfamiliar to you?

We’d love know what type of places are most avoided by people with disabilities, chronic illnesses and neurodivergence. Let us know your thoughts in the comments…


A future that is accessible to everyone is possible!

We just need to keep pushing forward…

Find out how we’re pushing accessibility forward with familiarisation videos at www.familiarisationvideos.co.uk


The Inaccessibility Cycle… a cycle that needs to be broken!

Visit our website to find out how we’re part of the change www.familiarisationvideos.co.uk


🎄 Merry Christmas everyone! 🎄

Wishing all our followers a wonderful Christmas, filled with love, happiness and peace 🕊️

From the team at Familiarisation Videos ❤️


'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...

Wishing everyone a magical Christmas Eve 🎄✨🎁🎅


We're here to ease you in to the cheesy cracker jokes ready for Christmas Day!

Why are Christmas Trees rubbish at sewing?

Because they're always dropping their needles!

Ho ho ho 🤣


How does the Eskimo put the decorations on his Christmas tree?

Igloos em on



✨Such a magical time of year ✨


As Disability History Month draws to a close, the team at Familiarisation Videos are very much looking to the future of accessibility.

Over the past four decades, significant steps have been made in enhancing accessibility and creating a more inclusive and accommodating society for people with diverse needs.

Looking to the future, Familiarisation Videos are emerging as a new and powerful tool to further improve accessibility. We provide valuable insights into the layout and features of physical spaces, helping people plan their routes and navigate unfamiliar environments more confidently.
The videos also contribute to creating a more inclusive mindset within society by fostering understanding and empathy. By highlighting the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, familiarisation videos serve to promote awareness and encourage businesses and organisations to continue investing in accessibility initiatives.

Find out more at www.familiarisationvideos.co.uk


A little reminder… don’t get lost in the hype. Make your own traditions. Have Christmastime your way 🎄❤️🎄❤️


We’re continuing on our mission to break down barriers, paving the way for a more accessible world.

We want inclusivity, and to empower everyone to access information and opportunities effortlessly and navigate a world without limitations



Come and get your groove on and test your music knowledge tonight at Saith Seren Wrexham

Find out more on our website... https://www.familiarisationvideos.co.uk/events

Saith Seren


How do we know that Familiarisation Videos will make a huge impact on how so many people navigate the world?

Because we get comments like this… We don't underestimate the value of familiarity and information when people are trying to plan to visit new places.


Adult education has undergone a fascinating transformation throughout history, adapting to societal changes, technological advancements, and the diverse needs of adult learners.

Looking towards the future, Familiarisation Videos can contribute significantly to reducing anxiety and promoting a positive and confident mindset among students in adult education.

Find out how https://www.familiarisationvideos.co.uk/post/adult-education-and-easing-anxiety-with-familiarisation

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

We've listened to your feedback about Familiarisation Videos being too long in some instances. So we are now creating 'S...
We don't assume you can't do anything... We know you can... But some of us need a little help, some us a lot more help.....
We want to take this opportunity to thank Roxanne for all her hard work, passion and dedication to Familiarisation Video...
Life would be so much easier for people if they could see these things BEFORE they get to a venue! A great video illustr...
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Today is the first day of Crohn's and colitis awareness week. Please give this video a watch to try and better understan...
Today is the first day of Crohn's and colitis awareness week. Please give this video a watch to try and better understan...
We love Nick's videos. He highlights issues wheelchair users face in the outside world.These types of displays are mostl...
Did you know the number one thing you guys want to see on our Familiarisation Videos is the inside of toilets...Toilets ...
This is fantastic, and would be a brilliant feature in many places. This tactile and interactive map, helps people with ...
This is Sebby, he struggles with social anxiety. Put yourself in his shoes for a minute and imagine how difficult it mus...





Other Disability services in Wrexham (show all)
Dsl Mobility Ltd Dsl Mobility Ltd
141 Holt Road
Wrexham, LL139DY

Aatgb Aatgb
Community Enterprise Centre Office 3, Well Street, Cefn Mawr
Wrexham, LL143YD

AAT- not just the stairclimber people. Stairs, posture, bathing made better for disabled people

ShopmobilityWrexham ShopmobilityWrexham
Shopmobility Wrexham, The Bus Station, King Street
Wrexham, LL111LF

Shopmobility Wrexham's page.

Dynamic Wrexham Dynamic Wrexham
Bradbury House, 23 Salisbury Road
Wrexham, LL137AS

A centre for children and young people with disabilities in Wrexham, North Wales.

Kinderkey Healthcare Ltd Kinderkey Healthcare Ltd
Advance Park Park Road Unit B
Wrexham, LL143YR

For more information, please call 01978 820714, email us on [email protected]

DSL Mobility DSL Mobility
141 Holt Road
Wrexham, LL139DY

We provide Stairlifts, Scooters, Rise & Recliners, and more to North Wales and beyond. We are also a