Pixie Belle Style & Image

Pixie Belle Style & Image

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Allyn 1
Allyn 1

Discover YOUR Personal Style and create a Capsule Wardrobe you love! I can show you just how beautiful you really are - no diets, no weight loss, no surgery.

You know how you look in the mirror and all you see are imperfections and how you're just not that good looking? And no blah about being a beautiful person on the inside. You're gorgeous! Totally gorgeous! You just can't see it yet…

Why not start with a complementary 'Beautiful You Wardrobe Review' - give me just 30 minutes of your time and I'll get you falling in love with your reflection. Promise!


It's time to say goodbye...

We've had a great 6 or so years with Pixie Belle and all things related to Personal Style and it's been great to have you with us for so much of the journey.

But as we all grow, develop and adapt, it's time to move on.

Pixie Belle Style will cease to exist after today.

It's time.

But i you've enjoyed being a part of our community, why not come and join me, Sam Bell, over here https://www.facebook.com/thesamanthabell/

I'll be sharing thoughts, musings and advice to help you get threw another day without killing someone or without giving up.

Because, like High School Musical taught us...

"We're all in this together"

And in the words of Soft Cell...

"Say Hello, Wave Goodbye" (no pink flamingoes though)

Love you lots!

Sam x


I got really upset a few weeks ago when I saw that a Personal Stylist had been working with a former client of mine.

I didn't initially understand what I was upset about. Was it just because my former client was now working with someone else? Couldn't really be that when I decided a few years ago to STOP seeing clients...

It took me a few days to unravel the ball of spaghetti but when it hit me, so much made sense and in fact it helped me realise another factor in my decision to stop working as a Stylist.

It was the labels. And in my opinion, the other Stylist had got it wrong.

You see, when we train as Personal Stylists we are taught categories. For colour, for body shape and for personality. And it's good to teach this - it helps us understand which category our clients fit within.

But if you don't blur the lines, if you make up rules, if you only ever put people in categories...

You're doing people a disservice.

You're limiting them.

You're giving them a place to belong but then telling them they can't ever leave that place.

It hurts my heart.

Because when I worked with clients I started with the boxes, the categories, the labels. And then I listened. To them. And what they wanted.

I learned so much by listening to what they said. And often what they didn't say.

And I took all that they said and interpreted that into how they wanted to be seen and how they wanted to feel.

Now this thing about labels seems to be a bit of a theme for me at the moment. I'm noticing the labels people use about themselves. Particularly women.

The label has become an identity.

The label has become an excuse.

"I would never do that because I'm an introvert"

"I can't do that because I'm not a physical person"

"I have to do this because I'm not very clever"

So many labels. So many limitations. So much unfulfilled potential.

Don't get me wrong - I like to know why I like or dislike things or am better at certain activities than others. I do all the profile things. I know I'm an extroverted introvert. I know I'm a Creator/Star/Mechanic. I know I'm a high D&I.

But I also know that I am not limited by these. I know that as a human being I can learn new things, dress in a different way, adapt to my surroundings.

I don't like how labels limit us. Which is why I've recently been learning about personality types and inherent behaviours. I want to help people break free from their labels, the ones that aren't helpful.

I want to help people get clear on what they want from life and then find a way to make that real. It's my passion. And that's what I'm doing over here https://www.facebook.com/thesamanthabell/ so if this sounds like something you want to know more about it, come on over and say Hi.

Love you! No matter what you've labelled yourself.

Blogfest 11: Sam Bell and Her Biz Her Way - Judith Morgan 08/02/2018

I am DELIGHTED to be a contributor in Judith Morgan's Blogfest and what an interesting blog to write - an opportunity to reflect, grieve, breathe deeply and roll up my sleeves.

I do hope you enjoy reading my blog - take a look at the others too, they are fabulous! Oh - Judith's book is flipping marvellous too!

Blogfest 11: Sam Bell and Her Biz Her Way - Judith Morgan Sam Bell is my 11th contributor and wow! If you’ve read my Odd One Out intro to my book Your Biz Your Way you’ll see that we have SO much in common, something I sort of half-knew as Sam and I have achieved a friendship and rapport on FB, PMing each other often with shared thoughts and interests,...

Sam Bell – Events 01/02/2018

Join Sam LIVE over on her page at 12.45 for a chat about why style matters!

Sam Bell – Events 211 followers

How To Wear Red This Valentine’s Day - Pixie Belle Style 30/01/2018

You'd be forgiven if you'd forgotten that Valentine's Day is approaching (is it REALLY almost the end of January????) so here's a little helping hand for wearing red on the most romantic day of the year...

How To Wear Red This Valentine’s Day - Pixie Belle Style Red is the colour of romance. The colour of love. And it’s the perfect colour to wear this Valentine’s Day, whatever you have planned. If the Coca-Cola shade makes you nervous, don’t panic; you don’t have to deck yourself head to toe in red, unless you want to, and if you’re thinking, “I...


Hey there Style fans - if you love what we do here at Pixie Belle, why not pop on over to like Sam's page where she talks about life, business, passions, family and ULTIMATELY how to create YOUR extraordinary life!

Sam Bell Chronic over-sharer, dancer, marketer, wife, mum, lover of words - sharing stuff for business & life


This year's Colour Of The Year from Pantone is ULTRAVIOLET but you might not know how to wear it!

Wearing a colour doesn't necessarily meaning covering yourself in it from head to toe.

Using a statement colour in your accessories is a smart, sophisticated way to nod to a trend with overdoing it.

Ultraviolet - You or Boo?


Morning all 🙂
I’ve just shared this in my Soul-Full Living Group (link in first comment if you would like to join - women only at present - sorry chaps!) and decided to share more widely as it’s such an important message 💗

A beautiful reminder that you are more than your body.... which may seem a bit odd when we usually focus on self care on a Saturday!

But you can do both 🙂

You only have one body so do need to care for it but it doesn’t need to become the sole thing you define yourself by 💗

Have a great Saturday x


Join us tomorrow for Out With The Old!


Does your foundation contain SPF?


Introducing - ULTRAVIOLET with GOLD!

This year's Colour Of The Year from Pantone is ULTRAVIOLET but you might not know how to wear it!

For those of you who love to glam it up (and have somewhere to wear it) this sexy, sassy outfit has the perfect pairing of colours for a luxurious vibe!

Ultraviolet - Yes or No?


What items of clothing are you wearing to stay warm?

How I Went an Entire Year Without Buying New Clothes or Makeup – Mixed Up Money 11/01/2018

With an proposed move to Oz in 2019, our very own style pixie, Samantha Bell, has decided to take on a challenge of NOT buying any new clothes this year.

Here's how someone else faired in a No Clothes, No Make Up spending ban.

Could you do it?


How I Went an Entire Year Without Buying New Clothes or Makeup – Mixed Up Money Normally I’m the type of person who would spend hours in her closet, staring at her clothing, and obsessing over the fact that I had nothing to wear. I’d mutter how each of my accessories were old and boring, and opt to go n**e. But normally, I’m not spending over half of my monthly income pay...


Did you buy anything in the Sales? What was it?


Diane von Furstenberg's iconic wrap dress is a wardrobe staple BUT...

it CAN end up looking a little frumpy if you get it wrong!

Here's a few tips to help you get it RIGHT!

1. Pattern - if choosing a patterned fabric, make sure the pattern flatters your natural body profile. A geometric pattern on a curvy silhouette can look awkward and a pattern that is too small or too large can leave you looking you've raided the dressing up box!

2. Length - first things first, NEVER wear a dress with a hemline finishing on your calf! It will make you look short and dumpy. Opt for something finishing just above, or just below, the knee.

3. Hair - believe it or not, your hairstyle can make or break a wrap dress. Make sure your hair is in a style to flatter your face shape and height to avoid looking like a dowdy, Mumsey figure.

And of course, if you have any tips of your own, please share!


Sort your wardrobe out!

Starting Saturday - Out With The Old, our complementary 5 day challenge will leave you with a wardrobe FULL of clothes you love, and brand new outfits WITHOUT spending a penny!

We'll be looking at:

1. What to keep and what to discard

2. How to fix those garments in need of some TLC

3. Neutrals and Fashion colours

4. How to coordinate your clothes

5. Why starting with JOY is the way forward

Out With The Old is a 5 (non-consecutive) challenge/course delivered via email and has it's little group here on Facebook.

Guided by our team of experts, you'll learn the exact same steps we take with our 1:1 clients when we style their wardrobes.

Comment YES to receive joining instructions via Messenger today!

Alternatively you can sign up here - https://pixiebellestyle.com/out-with-the-old/

We are so looking forward to helping you create your ideal wardrobe!


Wouldn't you just LOVE a wardrobe as neat, tidy and organised as this?



Join us with our free, fabulous online challenge 'Out with the Old' and learn from the experts how to...

Declutter your wardrobe
Choose what stays
Choose what goes
Understand Neutral vs Fashion colours
Create new outfits from clothes you already own

Sound good?

Sign up (link in comments) to receive your How To via email, over 5 (non-consecutive) days.


This year's Colour Of The Year from Pantone is ULTRAVIOLET but you might not know how to wear it!

Here we've got a cute, light, pastel pairing of a violet top with candy pink skinnies, worn casually with white trainers. Wearing strong colours doesn't ALWAYS have to be about making a statement!

Ultraviolet - Yay or Nay?



Before you spend any more money in the sales on stuff you know you're not really gonna wear, take a little time to sort out what you've already got, with our wardrobe challenge.

If you're fed up of having nothing to wear DESPITE having an overcrowded wardrobe...

And you're tired of the guilt when you look at those clothes that STILL have the labels on...

Join our FREE (online) 5 Day Challenge!


We're sharing our PRO TIPS when it comes to editing wardrobes - in fact the exact process we use with our clients - so that you can create your dream closet FOR FREE and in your own time!

Starting 13th January, you'll be emailed simple, easy to follow tasks to help you streamline your wardrobe and create brand spanking new outfits from the clothes you already own.

You'll end up with a super-stylish wardrobe full of clothes you LOVE! And you'll save a whole tonne of time, money and effort.

Join in - it's free! Simply message us here for info and click on the link in the comment!

Out With The Old - Pixie Belle Style 03/01/2018

Are you fed up of looking at your overcrowded wardrobe and STILL having nothing to wear?

Do you feel like you where only a small portion of clothes, on repeat?

Is 2018 the year you decide to sort out your clothes, organise your wardrobe and create new outfits without buying new clothes?

Wahoo! You're in the right place!

Starting 13th January we at Pixie Belle Style are hosting our first every online wardrobe challenge - Out With The Old! And you can join in!

It's completely free, easy to do, and will save you so much time and money! All you have to do is join the challenge to receive your tasks (over just 5 days!) and get stuck in!

Find our more here:


Out With The Old - Pixie Belle Style Is your wardrobe overflowing with clothes and ready to burst? Do you find yourself wearing the same few outfits on repeat, despite having so many clothes? Have you had enough of saying “I’ve Got Nothing To Wear”? Introducing…. Out With The Old A 5 day guide to editing your wardrobe and coord...


And may 2018 be your




To all our lovely fans and customers, have a wonderful Christmas!


Hands up!


If you could ask the Style Pixies ANYTHING about Capsule Wardrobes, or have them wave their magic wands over your clothes, what would that be?

Answers in the comments please!



Primark has THICK leggings which are NOT see-through and cost just £5!!!!!

They are ‘Cosy’ leggings, super soft and super comfy - one of our li’l Pixies went and got some to try and we are in love!

🧚‍♀️ 🧚‍♂️


Feeling active in my active wear...

But seriously - how gorgeous are these nifty little tops from Ted Baker and Biba?

Which one is your fave?


Us too!

Do you know what really grinds our gears and actually upsets us a little?

Watching people limiting themselves to squeeze into a box of ‘society acceptance’, trying so desperately to change their body to match the ‘perfect’ images they see constantly pervading the media.

Doing things they actually hate doing to try and change the way their body looks, not because they really want to but because they feel they should.

Because they’ve been told so many times that when they can change their body and make it ‘perfect’ that THEN they will happy.

Only then will they be able to do everything they’ve been putting off.

Only then will they be able to live the life they want to live.

When did it become okay for the media to constantly throw out shame filled messages getting people to believe their body just doesn’t measure up?

When did it become an acceptable thing to just resign yourself to this ridiculous way of thinking?

You are alive now dammit, you won’t get this day back.

Why waste it doing things you don’t want to be doing, eating things you don’t even like the taste of, and fighting to change your body.

What if you could learn to communicate with and to nurture your body - to look after it as you would your child - to love it as you do your family and friends.

How freeing would it feel to not waste any more time and energy hating the amazing vehicle that is your body that is carrying you through this life?

Just take a moment today, to thank your body for all that it does for you.

To appreciate the strength of your bones that hold you up, the intricate movement of each muscle, ligament and tissue that allow you to move. Think of all the neural pathway connections doing their job to allow you to feel, smell, touch and see the world.

Thank that little extra bit of fat that is actually keeping you safe – yup it’s actually protecting you.

Okay, that’s all from me for now, I'll stop ranting!
off to finish the processes for our e-book launch on Monday!

Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. Enjoy your body!

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Videos (show all)

Join us tomorrow for Out With The Old!
Just over a week ago I started my brand new programme, SHIFT, with a totally kick-ass 16 minute workout.  I was on the b...
My Style 360 - New Group!!!!
At my recent Colour Confidence workshop, participants were invited to bring a selection of their clothes to see what wor...
Amelia bought this lovely little velvet dress and a very trendy jacket - pop on over to Instagram and search for @LoveYe...
Personal Shopping isn't always about paying a fortune and buying everything brand new - and today we went shopping in......
We're off to the shops with @loveyeovil and @stride.mea why not join us?#pixiebellestyle #stylechallenge #style #persona...
Follow me on @loveyeovil today as I head into town for a special shopping session in the charity shops! #personalshopper...
**Gok & Sam** Style Master Class with Sam, 2 Course Lunch, Gok Wan!  Book here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/sam-and-go...
And our favourite @esteelauder consultant, Natalie, completes our #colourconfidence workshop with a fabulous and glowing...




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