English Eastern Orthodox Community of Tbilisi, Georgia

The English language Eastern Orthodox community of Tbilisi was established through the blessing of Patriarch Ilia II, and currently meets bi-weekly at St.

George Church in Digomi.

5 Davit Rondeli St, T'bilisi

https://orthochristian.com/141181.html Friday
Vespers: 4 pm (confessions are heard afterwards)

English Divine Liturgy: 9:15 am to 11:00 am ("trapeza" fellowship is afterwards)

Link to the fundraising page for this Church:





Schedule of services at St. George Church in Dighomi (all are Georgian language unless specified):

30 December:
14:00 Paraklesis to St. George
16:00 Vespers (English language)

31 December:
8:00 Matins
9:00 Divine Liturgy (English language)
15:30 Litany for the Decesaed
16:00 Vespers

1 January:
8:00 Matins
9:00 Divine Liturgy


Services this week are in the Georgian and English Languages:

Friday July 1st
2:00 pm Paraklisis to St. George (English translation is available)
4:00 pm English Vespers

Saturday July 2nd
8:00 am Georgian Matins
9:00 am English Liturgy
3:30 pm Prayers for the Departed
4:00 pm Georgian Vespers

Sunday July 3rd
8:00 am Georgian Liturgy


Services this week are in the Georgian and English Languages:

Wednesday June 1st Feast of the Entrance of St. Nino to Georgia
8:00 am Georgian Liturgy

Thursday June 2nd The Ascension of our Lord
8:00 am Georgian Liturgy

Friday June 3rd
2:00 pm Paraklisis to St. George (English translation is available)
4:00 pm English Vespers

Saturday June 4th
8:00 am Georgian Matins
9:00 am English Liturgy
3:30 pm Prayers for the Departed
4:00 pm Georgian Vespers

Sunday June 5th
8:00 am Georgian Liturgy


24th Tuesday
2:00 pm Paraklisis to St. John the Baptist

25th Wednesday
4:00 pm Vespers

26th Thursday Feast of St. Ekvtime the Athonite
8:00 am Liturgy

27th Friday
2 pm Paraklisis to St. George (English translation available)
4 pm Vespers

28th Saturday
8 am Liturgy
3:30 pm Prayers for the departed
4:00 pm Vespers

29th Sunday
8 am Liturgy


Services this week are in the Georgian and English Languages:

Tuesday May 17th
Family Purity Day

10:00 am Meet in Rose Revolution Square, which is near to the Rustaveli Metro and Raddison Blue Hotel. A Paraklisis in Georgian will be done.


11:30 am to 12:00 pm walk to the Kashueti St. George Church


12:00 pm Paraklisis at Kashueti

After the Paraklisis there will be a walk to Sioni Cathedral where the stone of St. Davit Gareji from Jerusalem will be available to venerate along with that of St. George.

Thursday May 19th
4:00 pm Georgian Vespers

Friday May 20th Feast of the 13 Assyrian Fathers
8:00 am Georgian Liturgy
2:00 pm St. George Paraklisis
4:00 pm English Vespers

Saturday May 21st
8:00 am Georgian Matins
9:00 am English Divine Liturgy
3:30 pm Georgian prayers for the departed
4:00 pm Georgian Vespers

Sunday May 22nd
8:00 am Georgian Liturgy


Services this week are in the Georgian and English Languages:

Tuesday 3rd
14:00 Georgian Paraklesis to St. John the Baptist

Thursday 5th
4:00 pm Georgian Vespers

Friday 6th
8:00 am Georgian Matins and Divine Liturgy for St. George
4:00 pm English Vespers

Saturday 7th
8:00 am Georgian Matins
9:00 am English Divine Liturgy
3:30 pm Prayers for the Departed
4:00 pm Vespers

Sunday 8th
8:00 am Georgian Matins and Divine Liturgy


All Holy Week Services will be in Georgian.

The next English Liturgy will be Vespers on the 6th of May and on the 7th of May English Divine Liturgy. Feel free if you're willing to bring home-cooked food for the trapeza afterwards on May 7th!

Great Monday April 18th:
8:00 am The Hours and Pre-Sanctified Gifts Liturgy (roughly 11 am)
4:00 pm Great Compline

Great Tuesday April 19th:
8:00 am The Hours and Pre-Sanctified Gifts Liturgy (roughly 11 am) 4:00 pm Great Compline

Great Wednesday April 20th:
8:00 am The Hours and Pre-Sanctified Gifts Liturgy (roughly 11 am) 4:00 pm Great Compline

Great Thursday April 21st:
8:00 am The Hours and Divine Liturgy
4:00 pm Great Compline

Great Friday April 22nd:
8:00 am The Hours (no Pre-Sanctified or Divine Liturgy)
4:00 pm Vespers

Great Saturday, descent into Hades
8:00 am Liturgy

11:30 pm Paschal Liturgy (lasts roughly 4-5 hours with a feast being afterwards)


Services this week are in the Georgian and English Languages:

Tuesday 12th
2:00 pm Georgian Most Holy Theotokos Akathist
6:00 pm Georgian Holy Unction Anointing Service

Friday 15th:
4:00 pm English Great Compline

Saturday 16th:
8:00 am Georgian Matins
9:00 am English Divine Liturgy
3:30 pm Georgian Prayers for the Departed
4:00 pm Georgian Vespers

Sunday 17th:
8:00 am Georgian Liturgy

Photos from English Eastern Orthodox Community of Tbilisi, Georgia's post 10/04/2022

Faithful from the St. George English Community delivered today food for an angel (disabled invalid blind man who became blind in Ossesia during the 2008 War; Georgian/Ossesian by ethnicity) by the name of Vladimir. Afterwards, they visited the Tsilkani Cathedral 1 kilometer from the Ossesian refugee village of Akhalubani where Vladimir lives near to Mtskheta.

Proverbs 19:17 - He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.

1 John 3:17-18 - But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

Proverbs 14:31 - He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor.

Deuteronomy 15:10-11 - Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him: because that for this thing the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto.

Isaiah 58:10 - And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday.

Acts 20:35 - I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Proverbs 22:9 - He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.


Fr. Silouan from the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) and the Director of Orthodox Africa with our priest Fr. Archil.

Father Silouan is currently on a pilgrimage trip to Tbilisi, Georgia. While here Father is going to visit the various ecclesiastical stores and pick up the many liturgical items that are needed for the Orthodox Africa Mission. As you can imagine Eastern Orthodox liturgical items are not available on the African continent so everything must be sourced from Orthodox Christian countries like Georgia.

Photos from English Eastern Orthodox Community of Tbilisi, Georgia's post 16/03/2022

Progress from just today on the altar frescos. The left hand side ones had part of their vestments completed. They used to look like the ones on the right hand side (last photo).


Services this week are in the English and Georgian Languages:

Tuesday 15th
2:00 Paraklesis to St. John the Baptist

Thursday 17th
4:00 pm Great Compline

Friday 18th
8:00 am Hours and Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts
4:00 pm English Language Great Compline

Saturday 19th
8:00 am Matins
9:00 am English Divine Liturgy
2:00 pm Prayers for the Departed
4:00 pm Vespers

Sunday 20th
8:00 am Matins and Divine Liturgy


Services this week are in the English and Georgian Languages:

Thursday 3rd:
8 am Liturgy for the Feast of St. Shio (one of the Thirteen Assyrian Father's)

Friday 4th:
2 pm Paraklesis to St. George
4 pm English Vespers

Saturday 5th:
8 am English Liturgy
3:30 pm Prayers of the Departed
4:00 pm Vespers

Sunday 6th:
8 am Liturgy


Services this week are in the English and Georgian Languages:

Monday 14th: 4 pm Vespers for the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord

Tuesday 15th: 8 am Liturgy for the Major Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord

Friday 18th: 2 pm Paraklesis to St. George; 4 pm English Vespers

Saturday 19th: 8 am Liturgy in English; 3:30 pm Prayers of the Departed; 4:00 pm Vespers

Sunday 20th: 8 am Liturgy


Monday 17th: 4 pm Vespers

Tuesday 18th Eve of Theophany: 8 am Liturgy; 4 pm Vespers

Wednesday 19th Holy Theophany: 8am Liturgy

Friday 21st: 2 pm Paraklesis to St. George; 4 pm Vespers in English

Saturday 22nd: 8 am Liturgy in English; 3:30 pm Prayers of the Departed; 4:00 pm Vespers

Sunday 23rd: 8 am Liturgy


Schedule of Services for this week at St. George. All of them will be in Georgian with the exception of the ones indicated to be in English (Friday Vespers and Saturday Liturgy). May God bless you all in this week of Nativity!

*Tuesday - 14:00 Saint John the Baptist Parakleses
*Wednesday - 16:00 Vespers
*Thursday - 8:00 Matins, Royal Hours, and Divine Liturgy
23:00 Overnight Christmas Liturgy
*Friday - 16:00 Vespers (English)
*Saturday - 8:00 Matins
9:00 English Divine Liturgy
15:30 Prayers for the Departed
16:00 Vespers
*Sunday: 8:00 Matins and Georgian Liturgy


The first English Community trapeza (feast) above ground in the history of the Church 🙂


Our Church has been added to Yandex Maps!


Information on the English Liturgy in Tbilisi:
-Vespers are held every other Friday at 4pm (afterwards is confession and occasionally fellowship).
-Liturgies are held every other Saturday at 9am with Georgian Matins beginning at 8am.

-A fellowship/coffee-hour/"supra" is almost always held immediately after Liturgy, and we often get together on Friday evenings after vespers as well. The Saturday liturgies are entirely in English, the Sunday liturgies are entirely in Georgian, but the two language communities of the parish are very well integrated with many parishioners attending liturgies in both languages.

-Please, feel free to contact any of the admins, or to post a question, at any time with questions or for additional details.
-The address is 5 Davit Rondeli Lane in the Digomi district of Tbilisi. The new, small church can be a bit hard to find as it isn't on a main road. It is located one street behind the "Frego" gas station on Aghmanshenebeli Ave. just NW of Didube bus station.

41.7713224, 44.7713145

St. George English Language Eastern Orthodox Church (Georgian Patriarchate)

The parish priest is Mamao (Fr.) Archil, who speaks English very well, and has lived in both the US and the UK. He does excellent pastoral work for both the English speaking as well as ordinary Georgian language (on Sundays weekly) community.

Below is the page specifically for the English liturgy, with upcoming Vespers/Liturgy announced the week in advance. Please like the page to get the liturgy "Event" notifications when posted.


Orthodoxy and the World published the OrthoChristian article about our Church and community.

An English Speaking Community in Orthodox Georgia

Within the history of the Georgian Orthodox Church, there have been several difficulties faced by the Georgian people from nearly constant invasions and internecine wars, from the Zoroastrian Persian Empire to the atheist Soviet Union. This has made it difficult for the Georgian Church to conduct evangelization on a large-scale. With this being said, there have been notable historical examples of the evangelization of foreigners within Georgia, such as with St. Abo of Tbilisi, and this Gospel commandment to evangelize all peoples within Georgia has continued into the present day.[1] This can be seen most of all with the English language Orthodox community of Tbilisi (the capital of Georgia), which was established in 2014 through the initiative of three English-speaking converts to Orthodoxy and Fr. Joseph Fester. Before the start of the English language community, the liturgical languages found within Georgia were Georgian, Church Slavonic, Greek, and Aramaic, because of the Patriarch’s desire to have each Orthodox minority hear the Liturgy in its native language. From 2014 to 2016, Fr. Fester was residing in Tbilisi, and received a personal blessing from Patriarch Ilia II to begin a community that would meet once a month on Saturday at the Blue Monastery (dedicated toSt. Andrew the First-Called) for Divine Liturgy. Because Fr. Fester moved from Tbilisi to Thailand in 2016, the English Orthodox Community has been led since 2016 by Fr. Archil, who is an English-speaking Georgian priest, and the pastor of the newly built Church of St. George in the Digomi area of Tbilisi.

Continue reading: https://www.pravmir.com/an-english-speaking-community-in-orthodox-georgia/

An Anglophone Community in Tbilisi. Kyrylo Myazha 18/08/2021

An Anglophone Community in Tbilisi

Kyrylo Myazha

Before the start of the English language community, the liturgical languages found within Georgia were Georgian, Church Slavonic, Greek, and Aramaic, because of the Patriarch’s desire to have each Orthodox minority hear the Liturgy in its native language.

An Anglophone Community in Tbilisi. Kyrylo Myazha Before the start of the English language community, the liturgical languages found within Georgia were Georgian, Church Slavonic, Greek, and Aramaic, because of the Patriarch’s desire to have each Orthodox minority hear the Liturgy in its native language.

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5 Davit Rondeli Street

Opening Hours

Thursday 16:00 - 18:00
Friday 16:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:15 - 12:00

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წმინდა მიქაელ მთავარანგელოზის ეკლესია წმინდა მიქაელ მთავარანგელოზის ეკლესია
დ. უზნაძე 47
Tbilisi, 0102

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წმინდა ნიკოლოზის ტაძრის საეკლესიო მაღაზია წმინდა ნიკოლოზის ტაძრის საეკლესიო მაღაზია

ძვირფასი დაწერილი ხატები ცნობილი ხატ

Persian Orthodox Church Persian Orthodox Church

آشنایی با اطلاعات اصلی و پایه ایمان ارتدوکس ازقبیل: دعا، اعیاد و مناسبتها، رسومات، آوازهای مذهبی

ფოთისა და ხობის ეპარქია ფოთისა და ხობის ეპარქია
გურიის ქ. 1
Tbilisi, 4400

საქართველოს სამოციქულო ავტოკეფალური მართლმადიდებელი ეკლესია - ფოთისა და ხობის ეპარქია