Oscar Orlando

This is a Christian Kingdom Business. We don't sell anything. Instead we enlighten people for free.

TikTok · OSCAR Orlando 17/04/2024

A must watch. Even Trump is disappointed in this ungodly act. Share with the world.

TikTok · OSCAR Orlando Check out OSCAR Orlando’s video.


If you enter my dm again, police go catch


Happy birthday 🎉🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂🎂 to me, myself, and I. More grace for the ministry.


We shall surely grow. Thank you all


Keep your distance from people who will never admit they are wrong and who always try to make you feel like it's all your fault. Walk away from people who put you down. Walk away from fights that will never be resolved. Walk away from trying to please people who will never see your worth. The more you walk away from the things that poison your soul, the healthier you will be. When someone speaks against you, speak well of them. When you are mistreated, treat them well. Repay evil with good, and God will fight your battles. Never hurt the people who stood with you in the dark days. Just because your life is better now doesn't mean you don't need them anymore, remember life is a circle. If you are free, you need to free somebody else. IF YOU HAVE SOME POWER, THEN YOUR JOB IS TO EMPOWER SOMEBODY ELSE. FILL YOUR MIND WITH TRUTH; FILL YOUR HEART WITH LOVE; AND FILL YOUR LIFE WITH SERVICE.
Followers Fox News Doamekpor Sabina Sitsofe Oscar Kuebutornye Everyone


New Year, New beginnings! Welcome to 2024. May your journey be filled with positivity, and may success and happiness be your constant companions throughout the year. Cheers to a fresh start and a year filled with exciting adventures. May this New Year bring you prosperity and success in all your endeavors. Happy New Year!

Peace and Joy.
From the Office of Fr Oscar Orlando
Followers Oscar Kuebutornye Doamekpor Sabina Sitsofe Everyone PURGATORY? What is that? Is it biblical?

Photos from Oscar Orlando 's post 31/12/2023

Oscar Kuebutornye Oscar Orlando Everyone
Thank you so much for being part of this journey. You were amazing in your support. We learned so much, I believe. All was possible because of your massive support. I believe that 2024 will give us better opportunities and open doors to explore and grow together.
From the bottom of my heart, I wish to express my unfeigned gratitude to you all for the support. As climb the Holy Sanctuary of the Lord tonight, as I offer the unblemished sacrifice of Christ in thanksgiving to God for a successful year (full of challenges and disappointments), I promise to present all of you my followers to God. Remember that you will remain in my prayers till thy kingdom come. Remember to use the hashtag froscar ( ) and you'll get all my posts. This family will surely grow bigger and massive by close of 2024. Happy and prosperous New Year



When things delay in your life, motivation can be difficult to maintain. It's tempting to give up and lose hope. However, it's essential to stay motivated during those times to keep pushing forward. Here are some ways to stay motivated when things are delayed:

1. Set smaller goals - When things are delayed, it can be helpful to break your larger goal into smaller and more achievable goals. This can help you stay motivated by providing a sense of accomplishment as you complete each smaller goal.

2. Focus on the reasons why - Remembering why you started in the first place can help you stay motivated. Think about your end goal and why it is important to you. Use this as fuel to keep you moving forward.

3. Celebrate the small wins - Take time to acknowledge and celebrate any progress you make, no matter how small. This can help boost your motivation and keep you pushing forward.

4. Surround yourself with support - Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you. They can help provide motivation and pick you up during difficult times.

5. Remember that delays are not permanent - Understand that delays are not permanent and that eventually, things will move forward. Stay positive and keep a hopeful outlook on the future.

By staying motivated, you can continue to move forward despite delays. Remember to stay positive, celebrate your progress, and focus on your end goal.
Followers Oscar Orlando


Don't give up; try until you succeed! Success doesn't come easy, and it is often the result of hard work, perseverance, and the willingness to push through obstacles. Remember that failure is not the end, but rather an opportunity to learn and grow.

Embrace the challenges you face, because they are what make success truly meaningful. Each time you encounter a setback, gather your strength and try again. Believe in your abilities, trust your instincts, and have faith in your potential.

Dream big, set your goals high, and never stop working towards them. Remember that every step forward, no matter how small, brings you closer to your dreams. Don't let self-doubt or fear paralyze you; use them as fuel to keep moving forward.

Surround yourself with positive influences and a support system that uplifts and encourages you. These are the people who will cheer you on during your journey and celebrate your successes. Stay motivated by seeking inspiration from others who have overcome obstacles and achieved their goals.

Remember, success is not an endpoint but a continuous process. Stay persistent, keep trying, and never stop striving for greatness. You have the power to accomplish incredible things, so keep going until you reach the top.
Followers Followers Awudza Samuel Oscar Kuebutornye MTN Ghana Doamekpor Sabina Sitsofe Free-Nation Pays-librecsfAfrica Excellency Nnamdi Ekwunife


Never blame a day in your life. Good days give you happiness, Bad days give you experiences, the worst days give you lessons and all are God's blessings. It took me a long time to realize that not everything in life is meant to be a beautiful story. Not every person we feel something deep for and moving with is meant to make a home with us or is meant to be with us forever. Sometimes, people come into our lives to teach us how to love; and sometimes, people come into our lives to teach us how not to love. How not to settle, how not to shrink ourselves ever again. Yes, sometimes people leave--but that's okay, because their lessons always stay, and that is what matters. That is what remains. DIRTY WATER DOESN'T STOP PLANTS FROM GROWING , SO DON'T ALLOW NEGATIVE WORDS, NEGATIVE ENERGY, NEGATIVE PEOPLE, AND NEGATIVE EXPERIENCES TO STOP YOUR PROGRESS. BE FOCUSED AND USE THOSE NEGATIVITY AS FERTILISERS FOR YOUR INCREASE. YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO RAISE A FENCE WALL WITH THE STONES PEOPLE THROW AT YOU. ENJOY YOUR DAY.
everyone Everyone

Photos from Oscar Orlando 's post 09/12/2023


Followers Followers
Never mix your words with your mood because you’ll have many options to change your mood but you’ll never get any options to replace your spoken words. Nothing makes a new day more beautiful and promising than having the right heart, the right spirit, the right mind and the right strength from God. When you are wrong and you surrender, it means you are honest. When you are in doubt and you surrender, it means you are wise. But when you are right and you surrender, it means you value relations. The world’s greatest achievers have been those who have always stayed focussed on their goals and have been consistent in their efforts. In all your efforts, do not forget to include God in your decision making. If you want to achieve success then don’t doubt your dreams. Your dreams are a poetic reflection of your souls wishes. Be courageous enough to follow them. Keep the secret of your dreams to yourself, your best friend has another best friend. Gone are the days when a problem shared is a problem solved. Now a problem shared is a topic for gossip. Be grateful that you don’t have everything you want. IT MEANS YOU STILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE HAPPIER TOMORROW THAN YOU ARE . HAVE A STRESS FREE SATURDAY & GOOD MORNING.

Photos from Oscar Orlando 's post 06/12/2023


The season of Advent is a period of preparation and anticipation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is observed in many Christian denominations, primarily in the Western church, and typically begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, which is usually the Sunday closest to November 30th. Here is everything you need to know about the season of Advent:

1. Meaning: The word "Advent" comes from the Latin word "adventus," which means "coming" or "arrival." It represents the anticipation of the coming of Christ into the world.

2. Duration: Advent spans four weeks, each week representing different themes related to the coming of Christ.

3. Liturgical Color: The liturgical color of Advent is purple. It symbolizes penitence, preparation, and royalty.

4. Advent Wreath: One of the most recognizable symbols of Advent is the Advent wreath. It consists of a circular wreath with four candles, often three purple and one pink (or white). The candles are lit on each Sunday of Advent, with an additional one being lit each week to signify the increasing light of Christ coming into the world.

5. Themes of Advent: Each week of Advent has a specific theme represented by a candle. The traditional themes are Hope (or Prophecy), Peace, Joy, and Love. Some traditions assign specific biblical figures to each week, such as Isaiah, John the Baptist, Mary, and the shepherds.

6. Advent Calendar: Another common tradition during Advent is the use of an Advent calendar. It is a special calendar with numbered windows or doors that are opened each day leading up to Christmas. Behind each window, there is often a small gift or scripture verse to reflect upon.

7. Observances and Practices: During Advent, Christians are encouraged to deepen their spiritual preparation for the celebration of Christ's birth. This can include prayer, fasting, reading scripture, attending Advent services or liturgies, engaging in acts of charity and service, and participating in other devotional practices. Some churches also hold special concerts, pageants, or events to mark the season.

8. Advent Hymns and Music: Many hymns and carols specifically relate to the themes of Advent. Popular Advent hymns include "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel," "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus," and "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming." Advent choir music often focuses on the anticipation and longing for the Messiah.

9. Relationship to Christmas: Advent is distinct from the actual Christmas season. It is a time of preparation and abstinence, while the Christmas season is a period of joyful celebration. Advent prepares Christians to fully appreciate and understand the significance of Christ's birth.

10. Universal Significance: While Advent is primarily observed in Christian traditions, its themes of hope, peace, joy, and love can hold broader significance for people of various beliefs. It can act as a reminder of the importance of spiritual preparation, reflection, and appreciation during the holiday season.

Overall, Advent is a period of expectant waiting and preparation that allows Christians to focus on the true meaning of Christmas and prepare their hearts and minds for the coming of Christ.


33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mass at St Paul's Senior High School and Minor Seminary. Are you ready to render a good account of your life to the Master?


No matter how small, acknowledge the achievement. Most people who succeed in life get off to a bad start and pass through many heartbreaking struggles before they succeed. Most often breakthroughs come during moments of crisis. The way you react to crisis determines your increase or decrease. Don't look back on your past mistakes and heartaches, don't even dwell on the schemes and machinations against you, for it is only people who lack confidence in themselves who believe their well being is tied to bringing someone down. Look into the mirror, see strength, learned lessons, and have pride in yourself. Never allow your past mistakes to bring you down, rather acknowledge the fact that you made a mistake, change your ways and move forward. After all the only person who never made a mistake is God. WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS, LEARN FROM THE EXPERIENCE AND THEN MOVE ON. THE WORLD MUST MOVE FORWARD, AND IT WILL DO SO WITH OR WITHOUT YOU. GOOD DAY STAY ALERT AND HAVE A BLESSED THURSDAY.

Photos from Oscar Orlando 's post 11/11/2023

Everyone Highlight
Do not let your limited and myopic view deceive you, find out to know your limitations in order to intensify your zeal to know and to grow.
You have the universe inside, you hold an untamed ocean, you are home to endless mountains, you house the wildest river..you feel in waves of sunshine or in an unrelenting rains... You are the universe in motion. Life will throw you some punches. Don't quit on your dream, yourself, or your family. Refuse to be moved and stand your ground. Stay focused. Keep on working your plan. Ignore those who don't believe in you and your ability to achieve your dream. No matter what you are facing. Believe this you have more in you, more energy, more power, more spirit, more courage and more determination to turn your life around. The greatest secret of life is never give up. Don’t give up on yourself, your dreams and your family. Continue to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward, despite the obstacles you are facing. Work through it, you can do this, you really can! You have something special, you have greatness within you!Don't surround yourself with someone who doubts everything but accomplishes nothing at all. The magic of achievement is persistent endurance. Have a wonderful and a lovely day. GOOD MORNING AND BLESS YOU.


Building and maintaining lifelong friendships requires effort and commitment. Here are some tips to help you keep friends for life:

1. Be a good listener: Pay attention and show genuine interest in your friends' lives. Give them space to express themselves and make them feel heard and understood. Avoid interrupting or constantly shifting the focus back to yourself.

2. Be supportive: Be there for your friends during both their triumphs and struggles. Offer a shoulder to lean on, celebrate their achievements, and provide comfort in difficult times. Show empathy, offer advice when requested, and encourage their personal growth.

3. Stay connected: Regular communication is crucial in maintaining friendships. Reach out to your friends through phone calls, texts, emails, or social media to keep the connection alive. Make plans to meet up in person whenever possible and take an interest in their lives.

4. Show appreciation: Express gratitude for your friends and let them know how much they mean to you. Celebrate their strengths and accomplishments, and recognize the positive impact they have on your life. Small gestures of kindness and acknowledgement can go a long way.

5. Be trustworthy: Trust is the foundation of any lasting friendship. Be reliable, keep your promises, and respect your friends' confidentiality. Avoid gossiping or betraying their trust. Foster an environment where your friends feel safe and secure within your friendship.

6. Be forgiving and understanding: No friendship is perfect, and misunderstandings or conflicts may arise. Learn to forgive and understand your friends' perspectives. Practice open and honest communication to resolve differences respectfully. Holding grudges or refusing to let go of past mistakes can strain friendships.

7. Share common interests: Engage in activities or hobbies that you both enjoy. Participating in shared interests can create bonds and deepen your connection. It also gives you opportunities to create new memories together.

8. Accept and embrace differences: It's natural for friends to have different opinions, beliefs, and lifestyles. Embrace these differences and respect each other's choices. Celebrate the diversity within your friendship and learn from each other's unique perspectives.

9. Give and receive support: Be willing to offer help and support when your friends need it, but also be open to receiving help from them. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance or advice when necessary. Mutual support fosters trust, vulnerability, and a deeper bond.

10. Be patient and understanding: Friendships go through ups and downs, and people evolve over time. Be patient and understanding during challenging phases or when life pulls you in different directions. Recognize that relationships require effort and adaptability to withstand the test of time.

Remember, friendships evolve and change over time, and some may naturally drift apart. It's important to accept this as a part of life while cherishing the friendships that remain strong and meaningful.


Everyone How to use social media platforms
1. Identify your purpose: Determine why you are using social media and what you hope to achieve. It can be for connecting with friends and family, staying informed, sharing ideas or promoting business, etc. Having a clear purpose will enable you to focus on positive engagement.
2. Choose your platforms wisely: There are numerous social media platforms available, each with its own purpose and audience. Select the platforms that align with your goals, interests, and target audience. This will help you make the most of your time and energy.
3. Create meaningful content: Instead of mindlessly scrolling, take the opportunity to share valuable and positive content. It could be informative articles, uplifting stories, inspiring quotes, or personal experiences that can help others. Focus on creating content that educates, entertains, or motivates your audience.
4. Engage with others: Social media is all about connecting with people. Engage in meaningful conversations, reply to comments, and interact with others' posts. Show appreciation, support, and empathy. By fostering genuine connections, you can build a positive online community.
5. Spread positivity and kindness: Use social media as a platform to spread positivity and kindness. Share encouraging words, compliments, and support to others. Celebrate their achievements and offer a helping hand to those in need. Small acts of kindness can create a ripple effect and contribute to a more positive online atmosphere.
6. Be mindful of your online presence: Remember that everything you post or share reflects who you are. Consider the impact your online behavior may have on others. Avoid engaging in negative conversations, spreading hate or misinformation. Use social media responsibly, respecting diverse opinions and promoting constructive dialogues.
7. Limit your screen time: Social media can be addictive and time-consuming. Set boundaries for yourself and limit the amount of time you spend on social media. Instead, prioritize your offline life, engage in hobbies, spend time with loved ones, and focus on personal growth.
8. Protect your privacy: Be cautious about the personal information you share online. Adjust your privacy settings to ensure that your data is protected. Stay updated on the privacy policies of the platforms you use and take steps to secure your online presence.
Remember that social media is a tool that should enhance your life, not dominate it. By using it positively, you can create meaningful connections, share knowledge, and contribute to a more uplifting online community.


On my 40th birthday, my students demanded to know my real age, which I willingly gave them. The expected reaction came like a chorus to a new hit song: "Whaaaaaat!" Some of them said "But you look like you are in your twenties". There is a secret to looking young, even at 60.
Looking young at 60 involves taking care of your overall health, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and maintaining a positive mindset. Here are some tips to help you look young at 60:
1. Prioritize skincare: Develop a consistent skincare routine that includes cleansing, moisturizing, and using sunscreen daily. Consider using anti-aging products containing retinol, antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid.
2. Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and maintain its elasticity.
3. Eat a balanced diet: Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in your diet. These provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote healthy skin, hair, and nails.
4. Exercise regularly: Engage in regular physical activity such as walking, swimming, or cycling to improve blood circulation, maintain muscle tone, and increase your overall fitness level. Exercise can also help reduce stress and boost your mood.
5. Get enough sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body to repair and regenerate. Sufficient rest can help reduce wrinkles, under-eye puffiness, and dark circles.
6. Protect yourself from the sun: Limit your exposure to the sun and always apply sunscreen with a high SPF before going outdoors. Wear protective clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses to shield yourself from harmful UV rays.
7. Quit smoking: Smoking accelerates the aging process by damaging collagen and elastin, leading to premature wrinkles and sagging skin. Quitting smoking can help improve your overall health and preserve your youthful appearance.
8. Maintain a healthy weight: Strive to maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise. Extra weight can make you look older and take a toll on your overall health.
9. Practice good posture: Stand tall, pull your shoulders back, and maintain good posture. This can make you appear more youthful and confident.
10. Embrace a positive mindset: Having a positive attitude and maintaining a youthful outlook on life can radiate through your appearance. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people, pursue hobbies that bring you joy, and stay mentally active.
Remember, looking young at 60 is not about trying to look like you're in your 20s or 30s. Aging is a natural and beautiful process. The goal should be to take care of yourself and age gracefully, embracing the wisdom and experiences that come with it.


Sometimes it's better to just let things be, let people go, don't fight for closure, don't ask for explanation, don't chase answers and don't expect people to understand where you're coming from. I'm slowly learning that life is better lived when you don't center it on what's happening around you and centre it on what's happening inside you instead. Work on yourself and your inner peace. We all have bad days every now and then. All of us. No matter how perfect we aspire to be, and no matter how many things we promised ourselves we would do, sometimes all the things we wanted to achieve just can't happen in one day and that is perfectly okay. That's called being realistic. So your day was bad, well pick yourself right back. Chances are, you achieved more than you think you did and you're just being hard on yourself. Am I right? I think I am. Today was a bit of failure. OH WELL, TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY. GET THAT CHIN UP . YOUR MINDSET IS YOUR MOST UNDERVALUED ASSET. MONEY DOESN'T CHANGE PEOPLE. IT UNLOCKS CHARACTERS WHICH WERE JAILED BY POVERTY. GOOD MORNING ,STAY STRONG AND HAVE A BLISSFUL TUESDAY. #


People have microscopic vision when it comes to the flaws of others. Nothing escapes their eyes. They’ll pick on the minute blemish and find fault with it, but they will stay clear of their own shortcomings. One of the marks of excellent people is that they never compare themselves with others. They only compare themselves with themselves and with their past accomplishments and future potential. It is time to recondition your mind. Clear your mind of fear, doubt, and negative thoughts; drop the bag and baggage. If you really want life to take on a new meaning for you, then positively change your mind. What is broken can be mended. What hurts can be healed. And no matter how dark it gets, the sun is going to rise again. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. SOMETIMES IT HURTS. NEVER STOP TRUSTING GOD AND THE DIVINE PLAN. GOOD MORNING, AND HAVE A GREAT Monday.


Negative thinking gets you nowhere. You are so blessed. Just because one thing isn't going the way you want it to, that doesn't mean life is a trick or a scam. I need you to get it together. You have come too far to start acting like someone who doesn't know the Lord. I need you to look back at every lesson your life experiences have taught you and let it snap you back into the reality that your God is good, He is faithful to His promise, and He cares deeply about you and everything you're going through. Don't spend another day down in the dumps. You've got people to meet, and you've got places to go. Even for s*x workers, the worth calculated on their bodies is strictly with respect to their profession and doesn’t and shouldn’t speak to their value as human beings. Fundamentally, we all have value because we’re human. Plain and simple. That is all. We need to stop this dangerous thing where we humanize and treat people (especially women) with basic respect and dignity based on what we deem to be the purity or RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THEIR s*xual LIVES. IT’S SO STUPID, AWFUL, BACKWARDS, AND DEGRADING TO LOOK DOWN ON PEOPLE BECAUSE OF THEIR PROFESSION. GOOD morning, and HAVE A PLEASANT FRIDAY.


and , you are amazing. Thank you for being a part of my life these past eight (8) years! Thank you for the anniversary wishes! Your total show of love on my anniversary has been a tremendous source of hope for me. This journey has not been easy: disappointments, betrayals, rejections, mistrusts, lost of confidence and dear ones, just to mention a few. Despite all of these, the Lord has remained faithful in his promise to remain with us till the end of the age. I love you so much.

Congratulations on your priestly anniversary! As we commemorate this milestone, we are reminded of your remarkable commitment to shepherding our souls and nurturing our faith. Your compassionate heart, sincere prayers, and insightful guidance have touched the lives of so many, bringing us closer to God and inspiring us to live with purpose and love. May God continue to bless you abundantly and grant you the strength and wisdom to carry out your sacred mission.


As long as there is light there is hope and there is a way. Whenever you’re in a position to help someone, be glad and always do it because that’s God answering someone’s else’s prayer through you. People will not always appreciate the good that you do but will put you down for the one mistake you make. Rise above their criticisms and stay strong. Don't amplify that one mistake. Remember that when you made a mistake doesn't mean your life is a mistake. Never allow people's compliments get to your head nor their criticisms get to your heart. People who are secured in themselves don't put others down; they lift them up. You must be careful that you don't destroy other people's image and confidence through careless words or actions. Don't judge others because they think differently than you do. Don't look back and wonder why things went wrong. Don't have any regret for not doing more. It happened for a reason. Your better days are ahead of you. A FINGER THAT WIPE AWAY YOUR TEARS DURING HARD TIMES IS GREATER THAN THE THOUSAND HANDS THAT CLAPPED FOR YOUR SUCCESS. HAPPY THURSDAY . STAY ALIVE & GOOD MORNING. Shared as received.

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MOTIVATIONAL MESSAGE FOR THE DAY Never blame a day in your life. Good days give you happiness, Bad days give you experie...
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mass at St Paul's Senior High School and Minor Seminary. Are you ready to render a good ac...
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Africa rise. We are not poor. Thieves are stealing our wealth. What are we doing? #highlights
Are leaders our greatest problem in Africa?
You want to be rich? Join the clsss. Remember that you have to take this class and subsequent ones seriously.





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