ERA International Scientific Conferences

International Synergy in Energy, Environment and Tourism and the contribution of Information Technology to Science, Economy, Society and Education is the

The Conference for International Synergy in Energy, Environment, Tourism and contribution of Information Technology in Science, Economy, Society and Education.


Καλά Χριστούγεννα και ευτυχισμένο το νέο έτος
Merry Christmas and happy new year
NETTIES Inernational Scientific Conference is scheduled for 4-6 / 05 /2017 ( Piraeus University of Applied Sciences Conference Center, P. Ralli & Thivon 250 ). Submission of abstracts to [email protected]


Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (P.U.A.S)
International Association for eScience (IAFeS)
co organize the International Scientific Conference


May 4 – 6 2017

P.U.A.S. Conference Center
Petrou Ralli and Thivon 250
Athens, Greece
Email: [email protected],
website: -

The year 2016 UNESCO celebrates the 2400th anniversary from Aristotle’s birth as “Aristotle’s Anniversary Year”. It is important to promote intellectual and cultural heritage of the whole world and the contribution of the Aristotelian Thinking in the Technological Evolution and Social Progress.
Main topics:
 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
 Social impact of ICT evolution
 Networking for Education
 Social Networking and Prosperity
Call for papers
 Call for papers: Those interested to present a conference paper must first submit an abstract preferably by email to: [email protected]
 The abstract should be submitted as an MS-Word document, typed in Arial, as follows:
• Title of the paper (16pt, bold) Author(s), including institution, postal and e-mail addresses (12pt)
• The word "Abstract" centered, 12pt The text of the abstract in 11pt, 200-400 words
• Keywords, 11pt, up to 5
Important Dates
 NETTIES 2017 International Scientific Conference will take place from 4th till 6th of May, 2017.
 • Submission of abstracts deadline: 31/12/2016
• Submission of Full Papers deadline: 30/03/2017
(Template for papers in
Who Could Attend:
 Private / public sector managers
 Scientists
 Researchers / Academics
 Educators
 Undergraduate and postgraduate students

Registration fees:
 IAFes member free of charge (membership fees: 50 euro’s individual member, 30 euro’s student member, 300 euro’s institutional members)
 Non members 200 euro’s
 Students non members 100 euro’s

Registrations for NETTIES 2017 at [email protected] .

Conference Info | eRA-11 It is great pleasure for us to invite you to participate and to present your activity at the International Scientific Conference eRA - 11, in Piraeus, 21 - 23/09/2016 ( Additionally you may see the program for Parallel Sessions that are of great value for students.


Καλή Ανάσταση από eRA-11 ( 21-23/9/2016)


Early registration in eRA-11 : > INTENTION/REGISTRATION


We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
The eRA-10 Conference Proccedings are ready at
eRA-11 International Scientific Conference 21-23/09/2016
Conference Center of Piraeus University of Applied Sciences


Program of Sessions

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Introduction Session /Plenary Session
Time: 10:00 - 12:00
Location: Conference Room A
Chair: P. Kervalishvili – V. Panagou – D. Tseles

Welcome Speech:
1. Professor L. Vryzidis, President of Piraeus University of Applied Sciences
2. Professor G. Kalkanis, President of Piraeus University of Applied Sciences Council

1. “The Contribution of E.C. in the Human Resources Development”, G. Ioannidis, Special Secretariat, European Social Fund
2. “Euro Mediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences Structure and Main Activities”, Professor P.J. Kervalishvili – President of EMAAS, S.A. Michailidis, K.N. Spentzas
3. “The P.U.A.S. Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory: activities and prospects”, Professor M. Rangoussi, Piraeus University of Applied Sciences
4. “TILOS: Technology Innovation for the Local Scale, Optimum Integration of Battery Energy Storage”, Professor J. Kaldellis, D. Zafirakis, Piraeus University of Applied Sciences
5. “Overview of |EMEA Region of IET (Europe Middle East Africa)”, G. Hadley, General Manager Community Relationship
6. “Horizon 2020: The European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation”, Ms Despina Adamidou, PRAXI Network – National Contact Point for Horizon 2020

Reviewers Session
Time: 12:00 – 13:00
Location: Conference Room A
Chair: E. Christoforou – M. Ragoussi – A. Zisos
1. ICT I Session, J. Ellinas – Th. Ganetsos – D. Triantis
2. ICT II Session, P. Papageorgas – S. Savaidis – N. Stathopoulos
3. Engineering Session, P. Malatestas – C. Psomopoulos - C. Stergiou
4. Textile and Wearable Technologies Session, S. Potirakis - G. Priniotakis – S. Vassiliadis
5. Education I Session, D. Kantzos – Ch. Patrikakis – D. Stavroulakis
6. Education II Session, K. Koukouletsos – S. Michailidis – Y. Psaromiligkos
7. Economy I Session, D. Giannakopoulos – A. Kikilia – A. Ntanos
8. Economy II Session, S. Goumas – S. Patsikas – M. Rodosthenous
9. Magnetic Steel Health Monitoring Session, K. Spentzas – G. Vokas - P. Yannakopoulos
10. ELESYP Symposium I Session, A. Athanasoula-Reppa - O. Kalouri – A. Spyridakos
11. ELESYP Symposium II Session, M.Chalikias – A. Pamouktsoglou – M. Pilakouta
12. ELESYP Symposium III Session, A. Hyz – S. Panetsos – D. Stranis

1. ICT I Session
Time: 13:15 – 15:15
Location: Conference Room A
Chair: J. Ellinas – Th. Ganetsos – D. Triantis

1.1 “Some possible applications of quantum information technology”, P. J. Kervalishvili
1.2 “Electic Current and Acoustic Emissions when cement mortar beams are subjected to Three Point Bending loading of varius modes”, D. Triantis, I. Stavrakas
1.3 “Complex systems study through the analysis of time series of observable quantities characterizing their dynamics”, S.I. Andreopoulos, S.M. Potirakis
1.4 “Head Mounted Helmet Intelligent System He.Mo.Hel.I.S”, G. Roussos, A. K. Lazaris
1.5 “Identifying Risks Factors in Learning Design: A Case Study on CADMOS learning design method”, A. Voudouri, I. Vrettos, I. Psaromiligkos, I. Georgakopoulos
1.6 “Mining the Log Files of Moodle: Towards Moodle Analytics”, C. Kytagias, Y. Liomas, T. Livanis, Υ. Psaromiligkos, G. Dimakos
1.7 “A Tool for Re-Designing Courses in Moodle”, C. Kytagias, Y. Liomas, M. Boloudakis, Y. Psaromiligkos, S. Dimakos, S. Retalis
1.8 “Open source platforms and delay tolerant networks for an advanced Unmanned Air Vehicle realization”, A. Koulakiotis, P. Papageorgas
1.9 “Leap Motion Gesture Handling on an Android Mobile Device”, A. Archontis, J. Ellinas, E. Alepis
1.10 “Work function measurements using Scanning Kelvin Probe microscopy”, T. Ganetsos, N. Laskaris

2. ICT II Session
Time: 15:30 – 17:30
Location: Conference Room A
Chair: P. Papageorgas – S. Savaidis – N. Stathopoulos

2.1. “Performance Evaluation of MPLS networks”, K. Giannakopoulos, Ch. Patrikakis
2.2. “Internal Network Threads and Protection on lower layers”, S.P. Kanellopoulos, Ch. Katopodis
2.3. “Introducing intelligence to electrical devices through IoT”, V. Brantino, Ch. Patrikakis
2.4. “My social – net clone”, Ath. Delikaris, Ch. Patrikakis
2.5. “Features of Virtual Reality development tools”, S. Panetsos, S. Prycharis, K. Argiris, O. Tigas
2.6. “Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition for Virtual Reality Concepts in Education”, O. Tigas, S. Prycharis, S. Panetsos
2.7. “Cloud Based Security services in Smartphones”, Ch. Samaras, N. Merlemis
2.8. “Middleware support for the Internet of Things”, G. Samprakos, D. Adamopoulos
2.9. “Audio – video compression algorithms”, M. Tarousas, D. Kantzos
2.10. “On the design of an Bluetooth based Tele-Operation System in the context of Internet of Things”, C. Moldovan, L. Dolga, H. Filipescu, C.Sebu

3. Engineering I Session
Time: 17:45 – 19:15
Location: Conference Room A
Chair: P. Malatestas – C. Psomopoulos - C. Stergiou

3.1. “Thalis Project”, A. Zisos
3.2. “Indoor air pollution: ozone levels in dwellings in three regions in Greece”, D. Koulougliotis, S. Potozi, R.S. Lorilla, G. Kefalas, A. Kalimeris, K. Pouliezos, P.H. Yannakopoulos, D. Nikolopoulos
3.3. “Indoor air pollution: pollutant affection on humans due to various types of dwellings”, N. Temenos, D. Nikolopoulos, D. Koulougliotis, P. H. Yannakopoulos
3.4. “Indoor air pollution:modelling Radon and Formaldehyde as high risk health indoor pollutants for humans”, N. Temenos, D. Nikolopoulos, D. Koulougliotis, P. H. Yannakopoulos
3.5. “Autonomous Intelligent Lawn Mower”, A.E. Gkampletsas, C. Efraimidis, G. Smyrnaiou, M. Papoutsidakis
3.6. “Pb, Fe and Cu γ ray absorbers revisited. Plans for γ ray attenuation in Hg”, E. Adamides, A. Kavadjiklis, S.K. Koutroubas, N. Moshonas, A. Tzedakis
3.7. “Feasibility study and presentation of a bioclimatic building”, M. Griseld, A. Kokkosis
3.8. “Evaluation of the insulation condition of the two ONAN transformers of PUAS”, A. Papadopoulos, C. S. Psomopoulos, S. S. Kaminaris
3.9. “Pilot Prototype of a medium scale induction heating machine”, P. Fergatiotis, A. G. Theodorakis, G.A. Vokas

Thursday, 24 September 2015

A.1. Archimedes I Session
Time: 09:30 - 11:30
Location: Conference Room A
Chair: C. Alafodimos – D. Tseles –G. Voglis

A.1.1. “Archimedes III Program”, D. Tseles
A.1.2. “DC Motor Drive Utilizing SiC Semiconductors, Applying Conventional and Fuzzy Control Techniques”, G.Ch. Ioannidis, C.S. Psomopoulos, S. Kaminaris, S. Tsiolis, P. Pachos, H. Villiotis, P. Malatestas
A.1.3. “Information System Sustainable Development Model Design”, C. Demakos, V. Kavvadias, C. Alafodimos, C. Arvanitis, D. Papachristos
A.1.4. “Transition metal and molecular oxides as novel, highly efficient, interfacial layers for hybrid organic photovoltaic cells”, L. C. Palilis, M. Vasilopoulou, A. M. Douvas, P. Argitis, G. Papadimitropoulos, D. Davazoglou, I. Kostis, N. Stathopoulos, S. Savaidis
A.1.5. “Design of a Switched Beam Array for Wireless Sensor Networks Applications”, S.G. Vassiliadis, I.P. Igglesis, S.A. Mitilineos, S.P. Savvaidis, N.A. Stathopoulos
A.1.6. “Interface engineering for highly efficient hybrid polymeric light emitting diodes”, M. Vasilopoulou, D. G. Georgiadou, L. C. Palilis, A. M. Douvas, P. Argitis, D. Davazoglou, S. Savvaidis, N. Stathopoulos
A.1.7. “Embrittlement due to hydrogen diffusion; effect on mechanical properties of the aeronautical aluminum alloy 2024”, C. Stergiou, N. Alexopoulos, P. Papanikos, V. Sagias, A. Kermanidis
A.1.8. “Intelligent garments for Ex-hospital care”, G. Priniotakis, I. Chronis, D. Pyromalis, C. Drosos, D. Tseles
A.1.9. “Concrete Reinforcement Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings and Corrosion Inhibitors”, S. Kalogeropoulou, P. Pantazopoulou, G. Batis

A.2. Archimedes II Session
Time: 11:45 – 13:45
Location: Conference Room A
Chair: S. Dimakos - G. Ioannidis - A. Paliatsos

A.2.1. “A Low-cost Lightning sensing network using cloud technology”, Ch. Hatzigeorgiou, K. Bosioli, P. Papageorgas, K. Agavanakis
A.2.2. “Power quality field measurements in Greece: Measurment Review and Analysis”, P.A. Kontaxis, P.A. Langouranis, G.A. Vokas, F. V. Topalis
A.2.3. “Power quality Experts Questionnaire: Results and discussion”, E. Fezos, G.A. Vokas, P.A. Langouranis
A.2.4. “Development of a contemporary solar map for the Greek Region”, A. Paliatsos
A.2.5. “Numerical simulation of a solar water heating system (SWHS)”, K.A. Kavadias, D. Zafirakis, A.G. Paliatsos
A.2.6. “MEMS Acceleration Sensors for studying the Simple Pendulum in a General Physics Laboratory”, P. Amprachamian, A. Lazarou, K. Yiasemides, K. Prekas, P. Papageorgas, K. Zachariadou
A.2.7. “Open source platforms and Delay Tolerant Networks for an advanced Unmanned Air Vehicle realization”, A. Koulakiotis, P. Papageorgas
A.2.8. “Analytical Simulation of a Combined Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production – H2 Storage”, D. Apostolou, K.A. Kavadias, J. K. Kaldellis
A.2.9. “Spatial interpolation methods applied over Greece for solar potential mapping”, F. Maleviti, K.A. Kavadias
A.2.10. “Production of Hybrid RES-based Energy Storage Solutions for Representative Aegean Sea Islands with the use of a Novel Sizing Software”, D. Zafirakis, E. Zafeiraki, J.K. Kaldellis
A.2.11. “Hybrid Energy And Desalination Configurations for Solving the Energy and Water problems of Remote Islands: Development of an Advanced Sizing Software”, D. Zafirakis, E. Zafeiraki, J.K. Kaldellis
A.2.12. “An Optimal Hybrid Renewable Energy System Analysis in Aegean Sea Islands. A GIS and Developer’s Perspective”, G. Tzanes, G.A. Xydis, D. Zafirakis, J.K. Kaldellis

A.3. Textile and Wearable Technologies Session
Time: 14:00 - 16:00
Location: Conference Room A
Chair: S. Potirakis - G. Priniotakis – S. Vassiliadis

A.3.1. “Market Survey for Aromatherapy Products in North-East Romania”, A. Cerempei, R. M. Ciobanu
A.3.2. “Heating Conductive Textiles with Polypyrrole”, D. Negru, D. Avram
A.3.3. “Software for Designing Fibre Blends - Useful Tool for Yarn Engineering”, C. Piroi
A.3.4. “Design of Collars in Big Sizes”, Z. Kazlacheva
A.3.5. “The Golden and Fibonacci Geometryin Fashion and Textile Design”, Z. Kazlacheva, J. Ilieva
A.3.6. “On the use of Peltier elements in wearable applications”, S. Vassiliadis, D. Kossyvakis, C. Vossou, S. Potirakis, C. Migault
A.3.7. “Signals from piezoelectric textile fibres: acquisition, conditioning and process”, S. Vassiliadis, D. Matsouka, K. Prekas, S. Potirakis, J. Rolland, G. Martelly, C. Ahmedin
A.3.8. “Optical method for analyzing of fiber distribution in the structure of nonwoven materials with medical destination”, R. Bulacu, D. Farima, M.Ciocoiu, G.Priniotakis
A.3.9. “Romanian traditional patterns reinterpreted and stylized using computer graphics programs”, L. Indrie, O. Stan, L. Doble

A.4. Education I Session
Time: 16:15 - 18:15
Location: Conference Room A
Chair: D. Kantzos – Ch. Patrikakis – D. Stavroulakis

A.4.1. “Open Courses in Piraeus University of Applied Sciences”, Y. Psaromiligkos, C. Patrikakis, C. Kytagias, Y. Liomas, M. Litsardaki, T. Xanthopoulos, A. Short, M. Garofalaki
A.4.2. “A Framework for Quality in Education: Applying Quality Function Deployment to a Higher Education Institute”, M. Skordoulis, P. Sparangis, O. Stampolis, I. Mougolia, A. Papageorgiou, C. Chondreli
A.4.3. “The Relations between Greece’s Higher & University Education, and how they affect Young Entrepreneurship”, K. Ntoutsos-Oikonomou, G. Vasiliadis
A.4.4. “Combing Art and Teaching: Practical examples in the classroom”, V. Brinia
A.4.5. “Bullying in Higher Education – The Role of the Counseling Service at the Liaison Office – SEC (TEI) of Piraeus”, L. K. Soumeli
A.4.6. “Comparative Analysis of the Training Needs Concerning New Skills Issues Between the Headmasters and the Vice-headmasters in Post-Secondary State Vocational Training Institutes (IEKS) in Greece”, A. Anastasiou, V. Brinia, E. Valkanos
A.4.7. “Teaching Techniques: The opinion of teachers in Second Chance Schools and Evening Education Schools in the Greek district of Ioaninna”,V. Brinia, S. Ntaflou
A.4.8. “Job Fair as a form of interaction between educational institutions and companies: the case of the Belarus State Economic University”, V. Sadovski , A. Yanchuk
A.4.9. “The role of Social networking in Higher Education”, K. Boulouta, D. Stavroulakis
A.4.10. “MPLS: The dominant technology over Ethernet Networks”, P. Angelidakis, Ch. Pappa

A.5. Education II Session
Time: 18:30 - 20:30
Location: Conference Room A
Chair: K. Koukouletsos – S. Michailidis – Y. Psaromiligkos

A.5.1. “Museum Learning and Adult Education”, I. Tagara, V. Brinia
A.5.2. “Aesthetics, creativity and neuroscience in the age of knowledge (21st century)”, S. Michailidis
A.5.3. “What Education Technology Could Look Like in the near future?”, K. Kalemis
A.5.4. “Storytelling in teaching Economics”, V. Brinia
A.5.5. “Women in leadership positions in educational units of the Greek district of Ileia”, V. Brinia, M. Saravanou, C. Vasilopoulou,
A.5.6. “Human Resource Management practices in the sector of public secondary education in Greece: weaknesses and possible remedies”, A. Anagnou, P. Chountalas
A.5.7. “Teaching Economics in Secondary Education Through Modern Music: An innovative proposal”, V. Brinia, M. Sokou, K. M. Stavrakouli
A.5.8. “Enhanced technological practices for the class of the 21st century: the Flipped classroom approach and its benefits”, K. Kalemis
A.5.9. “Technology Advantages of Distant learning”, N. Yekibayeva, Z. Zhunussova, D. Madiyarova
A.5.10. “Technology and learner’s dictionaries in terms of the general theory of lexicography”, Z. Zhunussova, D. Madiyarova, N. Yekibayeva

B.1. Economy I Session
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Location: Conference Room B
Chair: D. Giannakopoulos – A. Kikilia – A. Ntanos

B.1.1. “A Risk Management Approach Using Property Market Analysis : A Case Study (Ath_RPM in the periods 2001 & 2015)”, A. R. N. Molson, P. Merekoulias
B.1.2. “Evaluation of the Economic Chamber of Greece: Role, satisfaction and intensions”, V. Brinia, E. Chalioulia
B.1.3. “Analysis of the Factors Affecting Customers’ Satisfaction from Greek Banks”, M. Skordoulis, V. Pekka-Economou
B.1.4. “Financial Effectiveness and Areas of Improvement in Greek Municipalities”, Ch. Palis, P. Pallis
B.1.5. “The Framework of E‐Government Services Utilization: The Case of TAXISnet”, P. Alasonas, M. Skordoulis, V. Pekka-Economou
B.1.6. “Implementing Total Quality Management in Higher Educational Institutes”, V. Brinia, N. Soundoulounakis
B.1.7. "Marketing & Consumer Behaviour: The Effect of Consumer's Psychology during Recession”, L. Sideri
B.1.8. “Destination Re-Branding Through Experiential Tourism: An Alternative Solution For Greek Tourism?”, D. Kyriakou, L. Sdrolias, A. Koustelios, N. Blanas, D. Belias
B.1.9. “A Generic Process Protocol for Developed Bui2SPsA© Cost Location Modeling”, A. R. N. Molson

B.2. Economy II Session
Time: 16:15 – 18:15
Location: Conference Room B
Chair: S. Goumas – S. Patsikas – M. Rodosthenous

B.2.1. “The Project Technique: An ancient idea for modern implementation”, N. Dukakis, V. Brinia, E. Valkanos
B.2.2. “Top destinations for Nightlife tourism among European islands. Why do Ibiza and Mykonos stand out?”, I. Giannoukos, Th. Koutsobinas
B.2.3. “Redefining the term of Successful & Efficient Management in Greece’s 2015 situation”, G. Vasiliadis, K. Ntoutsos-Oikonomou
B.2.4. “Retail strategies of companies operating in the gasoline industry: The case of EKO S.A.”, E. Stavrakakis, P. Chountalas
B.2.5. “A Review of Graffiti Impact for Real Estate Advisory Services: Local Government Case Study”, A. R. N. Molson
B.2.6. “The Contribution of Social Media to promote Corfu tourist destination. The case of tourists from the four countries of the European Union, Greece, G. Britain, Italy and Germany”, Ch. Pikoula
B.2.7. “Renewable energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth: Evidence from Europe and Greece”, S. Ntanos, G. Arabatzis, T. Ziatas, A. Merkouri
B.2.8. “The Use of Modern Music to Teach Economics in Secondary Education: An innovative proposal”, V. Brinia, M. Sokou, K. Stavrakouli

3. Magnetic Steel Health Monitoring Session
Time: 18:30 – 20:30
Location: Conference Room B
Chair:K. Spentzas – G. Vokas - P. Yannakopoulos

B.3.1. “Correlation of the microstructural features with both mechanical and magnetic properties in ferromagnetic welded steels”, P. Vourna
B.3.2. “Development of burnable absorbing nanosystems for small – sized nuclear transportable installation”, V.V. Gelenava, Tamar M. Berberashvili, P.J. Kervalishvili
B.3.3. “A new magnetic sensor for stress measurements”, S. Aggelopoulos
B.3.4. “Stress state evaluation by magnetic permeability method in welded low carbon steels”, M.E. Kouli
B.3.5. “Correlation of the magnetocrystalline energy with the magnetic parameters in electrical steels”, E. Mangiorou
B.3.6. “Understanding of the magnetization mechanisms of the electrical steel in the presence of mechanical strains”, S. Papadopoulou
B.3.7. “Determination of the magnetic anisotropy by magnetic Barkhausen noise measurements”, C. Sokos

Friday, 25 September 2015

1. MODIP/DASTA Session
Time: 09:30 - 11:45
Location: Conference Room A
Chair: Α. Λυκερίδου – Δ. Τσελές

1.1. “Αξιολόγηση και Πιστοποίηση Α.Ε.Ι.”, Π. Γιαννάς
1.2. “Ποιότητα στην Εκπαίδευση και Οικονομική Κρίση”, Κ. Οικονόμου
1.3. “Η εμπειρία της Μονάδας Διασφάλισης Ποιότητας στο Τ.Ε.Ι. Αθήνας”, Α. Λυκερίδου
1.4. “Μονάδα Καινοτομίας και Επιχειρηματικότητας”, Κ. Αλαφοδήμος, Επιστημονικός Υπεύθυνος Μ.Κ.Ε., Α.Ε.Ι. Πειραιά Τ.Τ.
1.5. “Πρακτική Άσκηση”, Α. Κοκκόσης, Επιστημονικός Υπεύθυνος Π.Α., Α.Ε.Ι. Πειραιά Τ.Τ.
1.6. “Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης”, Γ. Πρινιωτάκης, Αναπληρωτής Επιστημονικός Υπεύθυνος Γ.Δ., Α.Ε.Ι. Πειραιά Τ.Τ.
1.7. “Μονάδα Διασφάλισης Ποιότητας”, Μ. Σιγάλα
1.8. “Δομή Απασχόλησης και Σταδιοδρομίας”, Ι. Λαρίσση
1.9. “Knowledge Management of Firm’s Innovation Performance”, Th. Karpathiotaki, G. Papadourakis
1.10. “Connecting Greek Higher Education and Industry: The Case of Liaison Office Sec Piraeus University of Applied Sciences & its Mutation to Liaison & Technology Transfer Office. The Present and the Future”, M. Kaltsogianni, Ch. Tsitsis, G. Nikolaides, G. Priniotakis, D. Tseles
1.11. “Improving the IT Infrastructure of the Liaison Office Sec Piraeus University of Applied Sciences: Going from EUEDOS to NOVUS”, M. Kaltsogianni, A. Stergiopoulos, E. Moulou, G. Nikolaidis, D. Tseles

2. ELESYP Symposium I Session
Time: 11:45 - 13:45
Location: Conference Room A
Chair: A. Athanasoula-Reppa - O. Kalouri – A. Spyridakos

2.1. “Fostering EFL learners’ writing skills using word processing within a computer-assisted process-writing framework”, M. Tzotzou, M. Tourabelis
2.2. “Promoting collaborative learning from a "wiki way" in the training of preschool educators”, M. Vitoulis
2.3. “Modelling the application of Blended-Learning in Career Guidance projects of the Hellenic Secondary Education”, E.C. Papakitsos, P. S. Makrygiannis, D.I. Tseles
2.4. “Participation of preschoolers in traditional and electronic book reading”, T. Natsiopoulou, M. Vitoulis
2.5. “The Contribution of Person-Centered Counselling to the Client's Professional Development”, D. Samiotaki
2.6. “The Pedagogical Character of Beauty According to Plotinus”, L. Platipodis
2.7. “The philosophical and pedagogical dimension of existential thought as an ethical stance towards the human subject in the contemporary age of technology”, P. Xirogianni
2.8. “Using Information and Communication Technologies in the development of students’ Multiple Types of Intelligence”, C. Gkortsa
2.9. “Teachers in Secondary Technical and Vocational Lyceums and their Educational Needs of Training and Development. The case of Thessaloniki prefecture/ Greece”, Papadopoulos, G. Reppa, N. Vasilakis, A. Athanasoula
2.10. “An examination of the perceived leadership styles of Greek public secondary school principals as determinants of teacher job satisfaction”, G. Tsingopoulos, A. Argyriou, D. Andreadou, A. Athanasoula-Reppa
2.11. “Empirical research in the programmes of Environmental Education Centres”, G. Kadigiannopoulos, M. Karavida, G. Farsaris

3. ELESYP Symposium II Session
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Location: Conference Room A
Chair: M.Chalikias – A. Pamouktsoglou – M. Pilakouta

3.1. “Secondary Education Teachers’ perceptions about the validity of the principle of gender equality in education”, T. Champidis
3.2. “School headmaster in Secondary Education System - Theoretical framework and current reality”, P. Galitis
3.3. “Experiential social representations and representations -Utilization of experiential learning”, S. M. Nikolaou, I. Ziogas
3.4. “The subject of Career Counselling in Secondary Education curriculum: Existing framework - modulated necessity - emerging demands”, P. Galitis
3.5. “Counseling for self-improvement teachers and students with PLN assistant”, M. Manou, T. Theofanellis, A. Athanasoula- Reppa, R. Kalouri
3.6. “Guidance and Counseling for young people to create a Social Enterprise: A model-proposal”, I. Papavassiliou-Alexiou, A. Lazaridou
3.7. “Computer Based Assessment in Art therapy”, A. Botou, N.Tsergas, R. Kalouri, A. Antonopoulou
3.8. “Diachronic Control of Recognising Emotions on Face”, K. Dimoulas, T.Papadimitriou, E.Dimoulas, D. Liovas, K. Zampakas, P. Katsalis, D.Katsakoulis, A.Karapetsas, E.Kourkouvelou, G.Skapetis, N.Agrafioti, I. Trigas, V.Giannoulas, V.Exarchou, S. Kanella, S.Xagremmenakos
3.9. “Counseling in the school micro-level as a case study: Structural adjustments and settlements in a collaborative environment”, C. Galanis
3.10. “The educational , didactic and philosophical thought of Parmenides”, M. Papa, V. Papas
3.11. “The function of speech in early electronic art. The case of Woody Vasulka’s “The Commission””, A. Antonopoulou

4. ELESYP Symposium III Session
Time: 16:15 – 18:15
Location: Conference Room A
Chair: A. Hyz – S. Panetsos – D. Stranis

4.1. “Career Counselling and Health Workforce in the Digital Era”, D.Gennimata, R. Kalouri
4.2. “Clients’ Attitudes towards Online Counseling,its Benefits and Effectiveness”, I. Kabitis, E. Katakis, A.Simiri, G.Kougioumtzis
4.3. “Juvenile communication through social networks: A ritualistic performance of a communicative process”, E. Kalerante
4.4. “Applications of telework and the implications concerning gender, sector and seniority level – A qualitative approach”, E. Kamarinopoulou, K. Marioli
4.5. “The tyranny of the new and its effect on family estate”, M. Katsipis, I. Kouremadi
4.6. “Yong People and Place: Identities and Social Action”, A. Pamouktsoglou
4.7. “Wrongful convictions in Greece. The role of the police and the judiciary”, M. Papadopoulou
4.8. “The use of fairy tales in adult counseling–«Selfish Giant» as empowerment tool”, A.Patrikakou
4.9. “How communities of practice can enhance education and counseling: A case study with health visitors’ students”, K. Perdikuri, K. Perdikuri, D.Gennimata
4.10. “Phoneme awareness ability and reading time processing in Grade one of Primary School. A longitudinal study”, A. Palaiothodorou


Abstracts and papers submission for eRA-10 to:
[email protected], [email protected] and general information in


eRA - 10 23 - 25 / 09 / 2015 Piraeus University of Applied Sciences ( former T.E.I. of Piraeus ) / Conference Center
Abstracts submission 30 / 06 / 2015 and full papers 30 / 08 / 2015

Timeline photos 11/02/2015

Η προθεσμία υποβολής φακέλων υποψηφιότητας για νέες συμμετοχές στο Εαρινό Εξάμηνο του Π.Μ.Σ. "Αυτοματισμός Παραγωγής και Υπηρεσιών" είναι έως και τις 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2014.
Κατεβάστε την αίτηση εδώ:


Health, peace and prosperity for 2015

Timeline photos 24/12/2014

Τα μαθήματα του ΠΜΣ "Αυτοματισμός Παραγωγής και Υπηρεσιών" ξεκινούν πάλι στις 7 Ιανουαρίου 2015 και μαζί με αυτά και η υποβολή αιτήσεων για νέες εγγραφές στο Εαρινό μας τμήμα.
Μέχρι τότε Καλές Γιορτές σε όλους!!!

Timeline photos 19/12/2014

Από την παρουσίαση των στελεχών της Modus Γ. Παούρη και Μ. Κηρύκου


eRA - 10,
Conference Center T.E.I. of Piraeus,
23 - 25 / 09 / 2015

Πολιτισμός 01/10/2014

Πολιτισμός δυναμικη πορεια στην αυτοδιοικηση Πετρος Σαμολης

Mobile uploads 01/10/2014

Έτοιμο για το διήμερο!!!!



Hosted by:
T.E.I. of Piraeus (T.E.I. PIR)
Conference Center of T.E.I. PIRAEUS

22 September 2014


eRA-9 - The SynEnergy Forum
The Conference for International Synergy in Energy,
Environment, Tourism and contribution of Information Technology in Science, Economy, Society and Education

Hosted by:
T.E.I. of Piraeus (T.E.I. PIR)
Conference Center of T.E.I. PIRAEUS

22- 24 September 2014

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