Naturopathy In Greece

Naturopathic medicine is a system of health care that focuses on the promotion of health, the preven Instead of treating symptoms we strive to find the cause.

Naturopathic medicine is based on the belief that our bodies know how to be well and that the role of the doctor is to provide the support the body needs to direct its own healing process. Naturopathic medicine takes a holistic approach and as a result treats not just the symptoms of a disease but factors that often play an important role such as stress, poor sleep patterns and misinformed dietary



ΔΙΑΚΟΠΗ ΚΑΠΝΙΣΜΑΤΟΣ με την ειδική συσκευή βιοσυντονισμού BICOM

Κάθε λεπτό στον κόσμο πεθαίνουν 6 άτομα από παθήσεις που σχετίζονται με το κάπνισμα. Πολλοί θέλουν να διακόψουν το τσιγάρο αλλά δεν μπορούν λόγω του ότι η νικοτίνη που περιέχεται σε αυτό είναι εθιστική-ναρκωτική ουσία.

Η εθιστική νικοτίνη είναι μια ουσία η οποία προκαλεί ευφορία, ελαφρά διέγερση και αύξηση της πνευματικής συγκεντρώσεως, μέσω ειδικών υποδοχέων του εγκεφάλου, που σε μικρές δόσεις, δεν προκαλεί αξιόλογες βλάβες στην υγεία. Η κοινωνία, οι κυβερνήσεις, θεωρούν ανεκτή τη χρήση της εθιστικής νικοτίνης.

Το τσιγάρο, όμως, αποτελεί την χειρότερη-επιβλαβέστερη μέθοδο εισπνοής νικοτίνης, γιατί προσφέρει στον χρήστη και χιλιάδες τοξικές ουσίες (πάνω από 4.000) και από αυτές, τουλάχιστον οι 60 είναι καρκινογόνες.

Εάν έχετε αποφασίσει να σταματήσετε το κάπνισμα αλλά θέλετε μια βοήθεια στην προσπάθειά σας, η μέθοδος του βιοσυντονισμού μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει, με ποσοστό επιτυχίας 75% στην 1η επίσκεψη και μέχρι 86% με 2 ή 3 επισκέψεις.

Η θεραπεία στοχεύει στην απεξάρτηση του οργανισμού από την νικοτίνη ενώ παράλληλα επιτυγχάνει την ταχύτατη απομάκρυνση της πίσσας και των άλλων βλαβερών προϊόντων του καπνού που έχουν επικαθήσει στους πνεύμονες του χρόνιου καπνιστή.

Η μέθοδος είναι απλή και ανώδυνη.

Χρειάζεται μόνο τη στάχτη και τη γόπα από το τελευταίο σας τσιγάρο και με την βοήθεια ηλεκτροδίων στέλνει ηλεκτρομαγνητικά σήματα στον οργανισμό που βοηθούν στην αποτοξίνωσή του και στην μείωση της επιθυμίας για κάπνισμα.

Με αυτόν τον τρόπο αποφεύγεται το στερητικό σύνδρομο, οι πνεύμονες αποκτούν την αρχική τους αντοχή το συντομότερο, μειώνεται ο κίνδυνος εμφράγματος, από την 1η κιόλας μέρα χωρίς τσιγάρο. Και όλα αυτά χωρίς αύξηση βάρους!

Η όλη διαδικασία διαρκεί περίπου 35 λεπτά. Συνήθως απαιτούνται 1 εως 3 επισκέψεις.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες μην διστάσετε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας. Θα χαρούμε να σας ενημερώσουμε.


Heal your gut naturally

There are many contributing factors that affect your gut health,
factors such as diet, food intolerances, lifestyle, hormones, sleep,
stress and especially medications will affect the state of how your
body digests and eliminates what you eat and drink.

Simple ways you can improve your gut health

Lower your stress levels, chronic levels of stress
affects your whole body, including the gut...

Get enough sleep

Eat slowly, remove inflammatory foods

Exercise daily

Stay hydrated take a probiotic

Check food intolerances

Improve your diet, eating more fiber and a diverse
range of food

Avoid taking unnecessary Antibiotics

Photos from Naturopathy In Greece's post 14/07/2024

with Dr. Matina Chronopoulou, BSc., ND, PhD.

Thanks to the wonders of technology, you can attend an appointment with me from anywhere across the world in the comfort of your own home

How Does A Virtual Naturopathic Appointment Work?

A virtual naturopathic appointment works similarly to how an in-person appointment works. You’ll log into our secure video conference

During the consultation, we will discuss the following:

Any symptoms you may be experiencing
Your healthcare goals
Review of any blood work, ultrasound, or other lab tests
Changes to your supplement regimen
Changes to your lifestyle
Changes to your diet
Questions you may have about your health/treatment plan that involve more than a yes or no answer.

Backed by science, natural solutions address a multitude of conditions, opening the door to a world of natural health possibilities to resolve or manage your concerns.

Conditions Treated Through Naturopathic Therapeutics

Menstrual Problems, PMS, Infertility, Menopausal Problems, PCOS, Uterine Fibroids, Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

Cardiovascular Health
High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Arrhythmia, Anemia, Prevention, and Cardiovascular Disease

Metabolic Disorders
Type II Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

Energy disorders
Thyroid dysfunction
digestive disorders
Autoimmune disease
Immune challenges
Weight gain
Mood disorders
Environmental toxicity
Mycotoxin & mold illness
Stress illness

If you’re a new patient with a chronic medical condition that requires a physical examination, you can still book an appointment for the initial consultation over telemedicine.

We will focus on education about your health condition as well as diet and lifestyle-based treatment advice. This allows you to get started on pursuing your health goals without delay.

Diet and lifestyle strategies are key focal points to any naturopathic treatment plan for the majority of chronic health conditions and are often the most difficult strategies for patients to implement.

Some of the health issues NOT appropriate for virtual consultation include:

Acute health conditions – infection, trauma, sudden onset of pain/debilitating symptoms
Any undiagnosed medical condition that is leading to extreme symptoms that seriously impede your daily functioning.

You can contact me:

Athens Greece:
30 210 6400411
30 693219174

New York City
(929) 505-2236
Email: [email protected]


Stress Affects Your Body and Mind

Stress is a natural physical and mental reaction to life experiences — everyone experiences it. Anything from everyday responsibilities like feeding your family to more serious life events like a car accident can trigger stress. In immediate, short-term situations, stress can benefit your health. It can help you cope with potentially serious situations.

Your body responds to stress by releasing hormones that increase your heart and breathing rates and ready your muscles to respond; however, if this response continues longer than necessary for survival, it can take a toll on your health.

Chronic stress can cause even more symptoms affecting your overall well-being, such as irritability, anxiety, depression, headaches, or insomnia, digestive issues, muscle tension,
change in appetite, skin issues, weakened immune system,
low libido, elevated blood pressure, fatigue


Living in harmony with the cycles of nature is one of the key principles of health cultivation. Attuning with the seasons is attuning with life itself.

In Chinese Medicine, Winter is recognized as a time of cooling contracting energy, of inward direction. In other words, the essence of Winter is extremly Yin, and so this icy, wet, dark season
has an association with Water, the most Yin of the Five Element
System of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The organs that govern our own waters, our Kidneys and Bladder, are most vulnerable to the cold of Winter, and most in need of fortifying in the months ahead. We tonify these organs and build our Yin reserves with rest, and by sustaining the warmth of our bodies.


STRESS AND IMMUNITY: In particular chest infections, bronchitis and asthma.

Stress has a huge impact on our overall health and our immunity is definitely impacted by it. Stress makes us more susceptible to infections by suppressing our immune system response. Recently I have been treating clients with reoccurring, annoying and persistent chest infections that they are finding difficult to shake- no coincidence that stress has played a role here too. So by working on strengthening and boosting their immunity and white blood cells to fight the infection, I am also treating their nervous system and reducing their cortisol levels so to help them manage stress better therefore to prevent reinfections.

If this is you we would love to help. Naturopathy has so many tools to help boost your immunity, help calm your nervous system and increase your overall resilience this winter and the next!

New Documentary on WHO Exposes Widespread Corruption, Massive Funding by Bill Gates 27/01/2023

New Documentary on WHO Exposes Widespread Corruption, Massive Funding by Bill Gates “TrustWHO,” a documentary film produced by Lilian Franck, reveals the clandestine influences — including Bill Gates’s role as No. 1 funder — controlling the World Health Organization, to the peril of public health.


Εγώ και οι συνεργάτες του Global Naturopathy ευχόμαστε σε όλους σας το νέο έτος να φέρει υγεία, χαρά, και αγάπη. Χρόνια πολλά.

Natural Healing for the Individual and the World - Global Naturopathy 19/12/2022

Learn about different natural therapies from around the world...

Natural Healing for the Individual and the World - Global Naturopathy Our Mission What We Do Provide information and educational resources on how natural ways of healing can lead to improved lives, health and lifestyles. Learn about different natural therapies from around the world which can aid and promote well-being of mind, body and spirit. See how simple recipes c...

Αν σας λείπει η ενέργεια... - Global Naturopathy 15/12/2022

Αν σας λείπει η ενέργεια...

Αν σας λείπει η ενέργεια... - Global Naturopathy Οι χυμοί, τα φρούτα και τα λαχανικά μας δίνουν την απαιτούμενη ενέργεια, ώστε να μπορούμε να ανταποκριθούμε στην καθημερινότητα, αλλά και να καταπολεμήσουμε διάφορ...

Natural Healing for the Individual and the World - Global Naturopathy 28/11/2022

See how simple recipes can bring change to diet, health and treat common ailments. while filling your tummy with delicious food... .org

Natural Healing for the Individual and the World - Global Naturopathy Our Mission What We Do Provide information and educational resources on how natural ways of healing can lead to improved lives, health and lifestyles. Learn about different natural therapies from around the world which can aid and promote well-being of mind, body and spirit. See how simple recipes c...

Blog - Global Naturopathy 14/11/2022

What is Naturopathic Nutrition...

Blog - Global Naturopathy About Me Hi, I’m Lillie. Previously a magazine editor, I became a full-time mother and freelance writer in 2017. I spend most of my time with my kids and husband over at The Brown Bear Family but this blog is for my love of food and sharing my favorites with you! Subscribe to My BlogContinue readi...

A Naturopathic Approach to Depression - Global Naturopathy 09/11/2022

A Naturopathic Approach to Depression...

A Naturopathic Approach to Depression - Global Naturopathy What is Naturopathic Medicine? Naturopathic medicine is complementary medicine. Naturopathic practice may include a broad array of different modalities, including, hydrotherapy, herbalism, acupuncture, counseling, environmental medicine, orthomolecular medicine, nutritional counseling, homeopathy, a...

Natural Healing for the Individual and the World - Global Naturopathy 07/11/2022

Natural and healing for the individual and the world... .org

Natural Healing for the Individual and the World - Global Naturopathy Our Mission What We Do Provide information and educational resources on how natural ways of healing can lead to improved lives, health and lifestyles. Learn about different natural therapies from around the world which can aid and promote well-being of mind, body and spirit. See how simple recipes c...


Welcome to Virtual Naturopathic appointments via phone and skype..

Not sure where you should start?

Schedule a free 15-min consultation with Dr. Matina


15 Ways To Reset Your Gut Today

Quick and easy solutions to digestive wellness


The Power Of The Gut

Looking after your Gut could be the most important factor in maintaining long-term overall health and wellness. From aiding digestion to preventing chronic diseases, the basis of good health may reside in your Gut.

How Gut Health Affects Sleep…

Switching off your devices , creating a dark, cool space, and having adequate time to unwind before bed are important for a good night’s sleep, but did you know your gut microbiota plays a role in how many ZZZZ’S you get as well? Keeping your gut bacteria healthy and thriving will support the production and function of your sleep related hormones, and potentially even influence your
sleep quality and your circadian rhythm.


As a naturopath I also help patients with hormone balancing, using a holistic approach to natural cortisol balancing. Some ways to balance cortisol naturally include—
Keep a regular sleep schedule - going to sleep and waking up within the same time frame every day - creates a proper circadian rhythm, which optimizes your hormone production and secretion levels naturally.
Alcohol increases cortisol levels and interrupts your sleep cycle, by limiting or eliminating alcohol consumption can be an easy way to address a cortisol imbalance.
Dietary supplements such as vitamin B complex, vitamin C, fish oil and Ashwagandha have been found to help regulate cortisol levels.
Meditation, deep breathing, and other nervous system balancing techniques also help to manage the stress response and, in turn, balance cortisol levels.
A healthy balanced diet and regular exercise are also paramount to modulating cortisol. However, be aware that overexerting without enough rest can increase cortisol, as the constant demand for glucose from the muscles can create chronic stress.
By examining patient’s daily habits and looking at the full picture of what is causing a cortisol imbalance, I can help you create a holistic, natural approach to rebalancing your levels and remedying the symptoms that go along with a cortisol imbalance before you come down with adrenal burnout.


Ketones are like gold!
Ketones will:

- increase microbiome and gut health
- decrease oxidative stress
- increase longevity
- help brain function
- regulate hormone production
- fight cancer cells
- preserve aging nerve cells
- help stabilize mood
- promote healing and regeneration
- have an anti-aging effect

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Nature Cure, (Naturopathy) is a unique profession of health care that emphasizes prevention and the promotion of optimal health through the use of natural therapeutics.

What is naturopathy?

“ I believe that every single one of us can benefit from incorporating the principles of naturopathy into our lives. But what is naturopathy? For me naturopathy is the foundation of medicine, particularly in treating chronic illnesses. Naturopathy uses natural elements in treatment, such as diet, fasting, exercise, massage, stress management, sunlight, herbs and water. All of these things are “natural,” so to speak. The principle is to apply natural support and stimulation to mind and body, with the aim of enhancing self-healing.” Andreas Michaelson, MD, PhD, internationsl bestseller “The nature Cure”2019.

For thousands of years health has been managed by complementary medicine, based on ancient wise traditions. The traditional methods of Naturopathy is urgently needed than ever before, these treatment methods of naturopathy have kept people alive throughout the centuries and have addressed various illnesses with astonishing efficacy, even though the methods were based solely on practical experience.

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Xenias 18

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00

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