Athens Biennale

Athens Biennale

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The largest and most significant periodic international art festival of contemporary culture in Greec


Η έκθεση που «κατέστρεψε την Αθήνα» συνεχίζει το δόλιο έργο της μια εικοσαετία μετά 💣 Link στα comments ❗️

«Το 2007 πάλι έρχεται η έκθεση που συνδεόταν με την Μπιενάλε της Αθήνας – η περίφημη Destroy Athens («Καταστρέψτε την Αθήνα») –, που υπό το πρόσχημα της καλλιτεχνικής ουδετερότητας εγκωμίαζε το κιτς και τους κιτσοειδείς εκπροσώπους του. Ύστερα από αυτά τα «προτάγματα» δεν ήταν περίεργο που οι ταραχές το 2008 με αφορμή τη δολοφονία του Γρηγορόπουλου είχαν κύριο επικοινωνιακό μέρος την καταστροφή του εύσχημου και του ωραίου».

Photos from Athens Biennale's post 21/04/2024

Στέλιος Φαϊτάκης - Ένα αφιέρωμα στην ΕΡΤ3 / Ertflix

Σήμερα τα μεσάνυχτα, Η Εποχή των Εικόνων παρουσιάζει ένα αφιέρωμα στη μνήμη και το έργο του Στέλιου Φαϊτάκη (1976-2023), «που έφυγε από τη ζωή πρόωρα αφήνοντας πίσω του ένα ιδιαίτερο, μεγάλο και απολύτως χαρακτηριστικό δικό του έργο στην σύγχρονη ελληνική και διεθνή σκηνή».

Για τα στοιχεία του έργου του, τον χαρακτήρα του και τη σχέση του με την ζωγραφική μιλούν στην Katerina Zacharopoulou κοντινοί του άνθρωποι, φίλοι και συνεργάτες, μεταξύ των οποίων και ο Poka Yio, Ιδρυτικός και Καλλιτεχνικός Διευθυντής της Μπιενάλε της Αθήνας.

Όπως αναφέρει η Εποχή των Εικόνων, «Ο Φαϊτάκης ξεκίνησε την καλλιτεχνική του καριέρα με γκράφιτι, ζωγραφίζοντας στους δρόμους της Αθήνας. Κατά τη διάρκεια της ενασχόλησής του με τα γκράφιτι, άρχισε να ενδιαφέρεται για την ιαπωνική πολεμική τέχνη του Ninjitsu, καθώς και για τις μυστικιστικές και θρησκευτικές παραδόσεις της Ανατολής. Παράλληλα, παρακολούθησε μαθήματα αγιογραφίας καθώς και σεμινάρια Οστεοπαθητικής, Τσι Γκονγκ και λοιπών στοιχείων παραδοσιακής κινεζικής Ιατρικής, ενώ ασχολήθηκε συστηματικά και με πολεμικές τέχνες.

Άρχισε να καθιερώνεται στην ελληνική καλλιτεχνική σκηνή μετά την παρουσίαση της τοιχογραφίας «Ο Σωκράτης πίνει το κώνειο» στην Athens Biennale, το 2007. Συμμετείχε στην 54η La Biennale di Venezia το 2011, όπου απεικόνισε στην πρόσοψη του περιπτέρου της Δανίας την τεράστια σύνθεση «Symphony of Deception». Το έργο αναγνωρίστηκε ως ένα από τα πιο ενδιαφέροντα της Μπιενάλε και απογείωσε τη φήμη του σε διεθνές επίπεδο. Μόνιμη τοιχογραφία του κοσμεί το Palais de Tokyo στο Παρίσι».

Photos from Athens Biennale's post 17/01/2024

Read on Artsy the predictions for the art trends of 2024 from 15 leading curators, including Stefanie Hessler , co-curator of AB6: ANTI, and Larry Ossei-Mensah , co-curator of AB7: ECLIPSE.

In early 2023, curators anticipated technology's significant impact on the art world, driven by the growth of ChatGPT and advancements in AI. The year served as a "reset," prompting artists to reevaluate their practices.

As 2024 begins, 15 leading curators predict the art world will be influenced by global sociopolitical events, including ongoing conflicts and the U.S. 2024 election cycle.

Expectations include politically urgent art addressing violence and divisiveness. There is also a growing focus on environmental and social justice, particularly through the perspectives of female and Indigenous artists, reflecting a broader interest in bold, activist approaches to contemporary global challenges.

1/ Portrait of Stefanie Hessler by William Jess Laird. Courtesy of Stefanie Hessler.
2/ Portrait of Larry Ossei-Mensah. Courtesy of eStudio em Obra.


Photos from Athens Biennale's post 06/10/2023

Stelios Faitakis, 1976 - 2023

It is with great sorrow that we learned of the passing of the painter Stelios Faitakis, with whom we had the privilege to collaborate during the 1st Athens Biennale in 2007, presenting his work "Socrates Drinks the Conium."

Faitakis was one of the most significant artists of his generation, known for his distinctive personal style that blended various methods of artistic creation from different traditions. He has left an indelible mark on both Greek and international art.

Our heartfelt condolences to his family, friends, and loved ones.

Images: Installation views from the 1st Athens Biennale DESTROY ATHENS (2007).

‘I thought people would throw bottles’: o**y in Athens as ancient Greek drama strips off and lets rip 31/07/2023

The Guardian features an interview with Katerina Evangelatos, the artistic director of the Athens Epidaurus Festival Φεστιβάλ Αθηνών & Επιδαύρου, highlighting the festival's shift towards a contemporary perspective on theatre. According to the editor, Arifa Akbar, this move aligns with a broader trend in contemporary culture in Greece, which traces back to the Athens Biennale in 2007.

As Akbar mentions: "Evangelatos' drives towards the contemporary could be seen as part of a larger cultural push to escape the enormous "heritage" shadow of the Acropolis, and bring Greek culture fully into the 21st century. The Athens Biennale, launching in 2007, aimed to put the city on the contemporary art map, while the appointment of Nicholas Yatromanolakis in 2019 as secretary for contemporary culture bears its own symbolism."

‘I thought people would throw bottles’: o**y in Athens as ancient Greek drama strips off and lets rip Naked choruses, s*xual fantasies, rubbish tip wastelands and nods to refugee camps … Athens’ Epidaurus festival is thrilling audiences – and thrusting theatre into the 21st century


In 2023, let's embrace the infinite possibilities... From the Athens Biennale, we wish you a happy new year full of care, creativity, and sparkle!

Image: Devika at The New Infinity Athens, 2021 © Dimitris Michalakis


Samson Kambalu’s Antelope review – an imperial showdown on the fourth plinth 29/09/2022

5-STAR review for Samson Kambalu’s "Antelope" on Trafalgar Square’s fourth plinth!

We are very excited for Samson Kambalu, with whom we had the pleasure of collaborating on our last edition in 2021, the 7th Athens Biennale ECLIPSE.


Adrian Searle highlights in his review in The Guardian that "The Malawian-born artist’s traditional bronze figures might suggest a win for the culture warriors, but they subversively celebrate an anti-colonial hero."

Samson Kambalu’s Antelope review – an imperial showdown on the fourth plinth The Malawian-born artist’s traditional bronze figures might suggest a win for the culture warriors, but they subversively celebrate an anti-colonial hero


Jean-Luc Godard, the director, the legend 🙏🏽❤️✨

What Does It Mean to Be a ‘Biennial Artist,’ Anyway? Here Are the Traits That Unite the Most Successful Practitioners | Artnet News 10/06/2022

"The names that dominate Biennial World are not at all the names that dominate Art Market World. In fact, the two worlds don't seem to interact much at all, with the gallery-world sensations of the last five years having no special powers here."

Ben Davis examines the lists of biennials - including Athens Biennale's - over the past five years to highlight "What Does It Mean to Be a ‘Biennial Artist’."

Ana Mendieta, Cao Fei, Korakrit Arunanondchai, and Monira Al Qadiri, who have been featured in the last two editions of the Athens Biennale, are some of the mentioned "Biennial Artists".

For more insights into the Biennial World, read the full article at artnet.

What Does It Mean to Be a ‘Biennial Artist,’ Anyway? Here Are the Traits That Unite the Most Successful Practitioners | Artnet News We examined the lists of more than 200 biennials over the past five years. What do the leading artists actually have in common?

Περιβαλλοντική Αφήγηση, Εσωτερικά Τοπία, Υδροφοβία: Συζητώντας με τον Jakob Kudsk Steensen. 08/06/2022

«Νομίζω πως αυτό που κάνει το Aquaphobia είναι να φέρνει τον θεατή σε άμεση επαφή με ένα περιβάλλον και ένα στοιχείο – σε αυτή την περίπτωση, το νερό. Υπό αυτή την έννοια, έχει μια ανιμιστική ιδιότητα, όπως όταν στοχάζεται κανείς στη θάλασσα».

Λίγους μήνες μετά την 7η Μπιενάλε της Αθήνας ECLIPSE, ο Γιάννη Ανδρονικίδης από το συνομιλεί με τον Jakob Kudsk Steensen για το Aquahphobia, που παρουσιάστηκε στην έκθεση το περασμένο φθινόπωρο, αλλά και την τέχνη του συνολικά, τα εξωτερικά και εσωτερικά περιβάλλοντα.

Περιβαλλοντική Αφήγηση, Εσωτερικά Τοπία, Υδροφοβία: Συζητώντας με τον Jakob Kudsk Steensen. Στο πλαίσιο της 7ης Μπιενάλε της Αθήνας – «ECLIPSE» (24.09–28.11, 2021), συζητήσαμε με τον καλλιτέχνη Jakob Kudsk Steensen για την περιβαλλοντική αφήγηση, τα εσωτερικά ψυχολογικά τοπία...


“Every time a sound comes out of my hands, it has been and is always instinctive. There is no thinking and I don’t have any preconceived ideas or any preconceived plans or construction. I follow this flow until the music doesn’t need me any more.”
– Vangelis Papathanassiou (1943-2022)

RIP, maestro ✨

Photos from Athens Biennale's post 06/05/2022

🏆 Sakis Stritsidis performed his miracle and the catalogue of the 7th Athens Biennale ECLIPSE received an award at this year's Greek Communication Design Awards, 2022.


Our expectation for the AB7 catalogue was to create a "magical object" that would condense the overall experience of ECLIPSE, embodying its immersive and multi-sensory identity.

A big thank-you to the jury of the EBGE awards and Dimitris Fakinos for this acknowledgement.

To the Athens Biennale team, thank you for your vision and commitment to creating such an inspired exhibition catalogue!

Editors: Christopher Marinos, Omsk Social Club, Larry Ossei-Mensah, Poka-Yio
Coordinating Editor: Christopher Marinos
Design: Sakis Stritsidis
Translations: Antonis Mozer, Dimitris Saltabasis
Editing: Dimitris Saltabasis
Paper Supplier: Perrakis Papers SA
Printing: Pletsas – Kardari GP
Published and Distributed by: Athens Biennale

1-2: Alexandros Papadakis
3-9: Yannis Zindrilis


Γιατί αναζητάμε τα φαγητά της παιδικής μας ηλικίας 07/04/2022

«Όταν η φετινή Μπιενάλε της Αθήνας έφερε για ένα απόγευμα τους λουκουμάδες του «Αιγαίον», του ιστορικού καταστήματος της Αθήνας που έκλεισε μετά από σχεδόν έναν αιώνα λειτουργίας, το εγχείρημα στέφθηκε με επιτυχία».

Ένα αφιέρωμα της Μάρως Παρασκευούδη στο OneMan μάς γυρίζει πίσω στις μυρωδιές και τις γεύσεις των παιδικών μας χρόνων, εκεί που συνεχίζουμε να βρίσκουμε παρηγοριά.

Κατά την αρθρογράφο, αυτό αναδείχθηκε και στην AB7: ECLIPSE με την ανταπόκριση που έδειξαν οι κάτοικοι της πόλης στην αναβίωση των λουκουμάδων «Αιγαίον» και τη συζήτηση περί ατομικής και συλλογικής μνήμης.

Γιατί αναζητάμε τα φαγητά της παιδικής μας ηλικίας Από τα τηγανητά κεφτεδάκια και τα μακαρόνια με κιμά μέχρι το τσουρέκι, συνεχίζουμε να βρίσκουμε παρηγοριά στα φαγητά της μαμάς.



On this day six months ago, the , in partnership with , opened the doors of its seventh edition, welcoming for two months nearly 40.000 visitors into the multiverse of .

For those who couldn't visit the exhibition and for those who wish to revisit ECLIPSE, we are now pleased to present you the whole experience of the 7th Athens Biennale through a video retrospective.

Video credits:
Direction: Nysos Vasilopoulos
Filming and editing: Alekos & Christos Mpourelias
Music: ILIOS
© Athens Biennale 2021

Photos from Athens Biennale's post 16/02/2022

Dream Team 🪄 The Athens Biennale got the lucky coin 🧿 In 2022, let the magic sparkle ✨


What will the future look like, if we reconnect to our roots?

In AB7: ECLIPSE, the bruja Marissa Malik along with Yeshe Bahamon-Beesley created a meditative experience. Through the art of divination and eerie soundscapes, they invited the audience to reflect on how our terrestrial experiences tie in with cosmological journeys.

Inspired by their shared Latin American heritage, the two artists reclaim what has been demonised by Christianity: astrology, tarot reading, and the strength of feminine power.

Marissa Malik & Yeshe Bahamon-Beesley, DESENTERRADA (DISCRADED), 2021. Sonic lecture and sound performance, ~40'.

Direction: Nysos Vasilopoulos
Filming and editing: Alekos & Christos Mpourelias
© Athens Biennale 2021

AB7: ECLIPSE | Open Mic 08/02/2022


In Open Mic nights of AB7, Mestisa Oliha & Jessica Onyinyechi Anosike welcomed Athenian locals to share testimonies and recollections of their life experiences.

In this communal experience, a multiplicity of voices that inhabit the city participated in a collective "cleansing" procedure by sharing memories, personal and collective experiences, and daily rituals. At the same time, participants' testimonies served as a testament to the transforming nature of the city of Athens.

Direction: Nysos Vasilopoulos
Filming and editing: Alekos & Christos Mpourelias
© Athens Biennale 2021

AB7: ECLIPSE | Open Mic In Open Mic nights of AB7, Mestisa Oliha & Jessica Onyinyechi Anosike welcomed Athenian locals to share testimonies and recollections of their life experienc...

AB7: ECLIPSE | Astrit Ismaili 07/02/2022


Astrit Ismaili welcomed the visitors of AB7: ECLIPSE, leading them to their playful reality where norms are transformed or questioned.

Inspired by Kosovo’s endeavours to be recognised as an independent state, Ismaili's alter-ego ‘Miss Kosovo’ explores the commodification of nature and power relations in connection to war and gender identity.

AB7: ECLIPSE | Astrit Ismaili Astrit Ismaili welcomed the visitors of AB7: ECLIPSE, leading them to their playful reality where norms are transformed or questioned.Inspired by Kosovo’s en...

''The Living Necrologue'' Sound Score by Happy New Tears (Commissioned for Athens Biennale, 2021) 31/01/2022


Happy New Tears revealed one out of four sound scores she made for "The Living Necrologue" (2021), an interactive immersive installation created by the collaboration of herself, Omsk Social Club, and Jonas Schoeneberg, commissioned and produced by the Athens Biennale for AB7: ECLIPSE.

As Happy New Tears wrote about this piece, titled Universe 3.0: "The 9-minute body of work accompanied an intuitive gaming board. One may perceive the sound of mechanical dragonflies as you’re beaming through your version of utopia or maybe it’s the sound of your perception glitching and cracking into a new alternative reality. This is entirely up to you just like navigating the experience of the multi-sensory installation."

''The Living Necrologue'' Sound Score by Happy New Tears (Commissioned for Athens Biennale, 2021) Sound score by Happy New Tears for multisensory installation ''The Living Necrologue'' created by Jonas Schoeneberg, Omsk Social Club and Happy New Tears. Commissioned for the Athens Biennale, 2021.

Building a Hub for New Art ‘Under the Shadow of the Acropolis’ 10/01/2022

"ATHENS — “Sea, sun and s*x, with some Greek columns in the background,” said Poka Yio, the artistic director of the Athens Biennale. He was summing up the Greek government’s tourism campaigns in the 2000s as he led a visitor around a rambling former department store that was one of the sites of the 2021 edition. Part of the motivation for starting the biennale in 2007, he said, was to change that stereotype: “We wanted to put Athens on the contemporary art cultural map.”

Fifteen years later, Athens is certainly on the international art crowd radar, though more as a curiosity than a major hub. Despite the pandemic, 40,000 visitors attended the monthlong Biennale, which ran through November."

Read the full article in The New York Times to explore how a hub for New Art is being built 'Under the Shadow of the Acropolis'.

Building a Hub for New Art ‘Under the Shadow of the Acropolis’ Many associate culture in Athens with ruins and ancient artifacts. But the Greek government and several big philanthropic foundations want to put the city on the international contemporary art map.

Photos from Athens Biennale's post 06/01/2022

Η AB7: ECLIPSE στην Εποχή των Εικόνων στην ΕΡΤ2 σήμερα στις 20:00 🪄

Η Katerina Zacharopoulou συνομιλεί με τον Poka-Yio, διευθυντή της Μπιενάλε της Αθήνας και καλλιτεχνικό διευθυντή της ΑΒ7, στο εμβληματικό κτήριο των πρώην Δικαστηρίων Σανταρόζα.

Στην εκπομπή μιλούν επίσης οι επιμελητές της ΑΒ7, Larry Ossei-Mensah και Omsk Social Club, καθώς και οι καλλιτέχνες Πέτρος Μώρης, Αλέξανδρος Ντούρας, Ευγενία Βερελή, Εύη Καλογηροπούλου και Navine G. Khan-Dossos.


Wishes for a bright year from all of us. May 2022 be the beginning of healing and regeneration.

📸 Ayesha Tan Jones in their shooting for their new project 'The New Elementals' (2021), commissioned and produced for the 7th Athens Biennale 2021 ECLIPSE. Photo: Nysos Vasilopoulos.

Photos from Athens Biennale's post 14/12/2021

As the ECLIPSE completed its full circle, we felt kind of reflective. So, we made a throwback to this enchanting experience of the 7th Athens Biennale, captivating all the moments that made us believe that the future is full of possibilities.

Read the retrospective text for the 7th Athens Biennale 2021 ECLIPSE here:

To our curators, artists, team, partners, supporters, collaborators, as well as the 40.000 visitors and thousands of digital users who participated in AB7: ECLIPSE, a thank-you is not enough to capture our gratitude for the volume and the impact of your embracement.

Until the next Athens Biennale edition, AB8, in 2023, never stop visiting sideline stories and imagining unrevealed potential worlds and futures.

7η Μπιενάλε της Αθήνας: Ανασκόπηση μιας έκλειψης | LiFO 06/12/2021

Ο Γιάννης Κωνσταντινίδης, λίγο μετά το τέλος της μεγάλης αυτής έκθεσης, επανέρχεται στην LIFO στο πώς και στο γιατί η 7η Μπιενάλε της Αθήνας ECLIPSE προκάλεσε τόσο θόρυβο στα διεθνή ειδησεογραφικά μέσα των εικαστικών τεχνών και στους καλλιτεχνικούς κύκλους, καταλήγοντας:

«Το ουσιώδες, πάντως, είναι ότι και στα τρία κτίρια της έκθεσης ο επισκέπτης νιώθει εκείνο τον ζόφο μιας έκλειψης και το άγχος που είναι ικανή να δημιουργεί ως προάγγελος απρόβλεπτων μεταβολών που προκαλούν δυνάμεις τις οποίες ούτε γνωρίζει ούτε ορίζει. Και αυτό είναι πρωταρχικός στόχος της επιμέλειας».

7η Μπιενάλε της Αθήνας: Ανασκόπηση μιας έκλειψης | LiFO Λίγο μετά το τέλος της μεγάλης αυτής έκθεσης, αξίζει να επανέλθουμε στο πώς και στο γιατί προκάλεσε τόσο θόρυβο στα διεθνή ειδησεογραφικά μέσα των εικαστικών τεχνώ...

Susanne Pfeffer’s highlights of 2021 03/12/2021

“Nothing can exist without a cause” 🔮
Timotheé by The Critics Company featured in the 7th Athens Biennale ECLIPSE in Susanne Pfeffer’s highlights of 2021 in Artforum 🚀

The Critics Company, a group of nine young sci-fi filmmakers in Kaduna, Northern Nigeria, ranging in age from seven to twenty-seven, shot their debut film on a cell phone in 2016 and have since gathered thousands of fans. Their recent short film chronicles the tribulations of Timotheé, a humanoid alien who is beamed down from a spaceship into the West African landscape. Exiled from his home planet, he attempts to survive on petty crime and soon loses his leg in a minefield while fleeing a man he robbed. “Nothing can exist without a cause,” Timotheé says. But nearly everything in the short film happens for reasons he cannot control and is not responsible for.

Susanne Pfeffer’s highlights of 2021 Susanne Pfeffer is the director of the Museum MMK für Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt. She recently curated the group exhibition “Crip Time” (with Anna Sailer).1BROTHERS SICK (EZRA & NOAH BENUS), PAREIDOLIA (VACCINATE NOW) (PRATT MANHATTAN GALLERY) vaccinate now, real-life brothers Ezra and Noah Ben...

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Athens Biennale

The Athens Biennale is the most significant periodic international event of contemporary culture in Greece. It is held every two years in Athens and in each edition it activates various locations in the city. It functions as an observatory of collective issues and as a platform for the designation of the contemporary culture of the Athenian metropolis, promoting experimental formats and various curatorial approaches. It has contributed to the establishment of Athens as a major cultural destination for contemporary art, on a par with the biggest capitals of Europe.

The Athens Biennale is the international contemporary art event of Greece through which the local artistic production is connected with the international art scene of contemporary art. It has been acknowledged as one of the most significant and innovative cultural initiatives in Europe by the European Cultural Foundation (2015 Princess Margriet Award for Culture).

In 2007, the Athens Biennale founded the European Biennial Network (EBN), a collaborative structure aiming to promote dialogue, interaction and collaboration between contemporary art Biennials in Europe. It is also a member of the International Biennial Association (IBA), a platform intending to use the knowledge, experience and wealth of information accumulated by organisers of large-scale periodic art events in order to support the communication and mobility of artists and art professionals.

It is organised by the Athens Biennial Non-Profit Organization, which was co-founded by Xenia Kalpaktsoglou, Poka-Yio, and Augustine Zenakos in November 2005.

Videos (show all)

AB7: ECLIPSE Retrospective
AB7: ECLIPSE | Marissa Malik & Yeshe Bahamon-Beesley
AB7: ECLIPSE closing event
Untitled (in rage)
AB7 WALKTHROUGH: Santaroza Courthouse
Walkthrough AB7: ECLIPSE | Former Department Store FOKAS
Billy Bultheel, Athens, Song I-IV, 2021
Interview w/ Taka Taka
Simon Denny at AB7: ECLIPSE
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23 Mavrommateon Str

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday 11:00 - 21:00
Friday 11:00 - 21:00

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