Videos by Insight Unlimited in Causeway Bay. A personal & professional development company
#九型人格第四型 #九型人格小秘訣 #JacquelinCheung
We are currently seeking respondents to participate in our questionnaire for a statistical test. If you are interested in taking part, kindly complete the Google Form provided, and we will promptly email you the test link directly. Your participation is greatly appreciated!
九型人格奇遇記 - 3,7,8 號行動型示範表現 Assertive Types (行動型)的人是會積極爭取自己的需要!今天的主角是一名十多個月大的小朋友,她的名字叫火火姐。我不知道火火姐真正的型號,不過,她就示範了行動型的行為形態;在『我要食薯條」一片中,火火姐雖然面有傷痕,仍然勇敢地去叫媽媽:整條薯條來!而在『斷捨離』一片中,更顯出行動型那份豪氣,「唔要,就唔好阻住我」呢份壯志!當然,火火者還有『溝仔篇』,遇到心儀嘅男仔,就馬上衝過去,一點都不害羞!(不過原來為了他身上嘅八達通!)還有『我要揸 Hand cream』,唔俾佢,同你死過的激烈表情,簡直發揮得淋漓盡致! 呢集就俾住『我要食薯條』大家睇住先。 #九型人格