

the CLINIC | your eyes & skin expert | modern • wellness • bespoke

the CLINIC 醫薈 | 首創「眼 · 肌美學」,齊集醫學美容權威為每位現代男女打造個人化療程,讓雙眸與臉龐瞬間彰顯你的唯美個性。
the CLINIC | Cutting-edge technology and a wide range of non-invasive cosmetic dermatology, expertly tailored to each modern individual.





theCLINIC 提供由註冊醫生和醫學治療進行嘅專業全面眼部和皮膚評估📝,及時察覺任何早期老化跡象。根據你嘅醫療狀況和美容目標,定制專屬療程方案,重塑無暇美肌💖。療程期間所有美容儀器均為正品,保證為你帶嚟最安心舒適嘅護膚體驗🥰!


📞電話:+852 2538 8868
📱Whatsapp:+852 5108 6488
⏰營業時間:星期一至五:早上十一時至晚上九時|星期六及公眾假期 :早上十時至晚上八時

#360度素顏公式 #360度旋轉亮肌毛孔槍 #潔淨毛孔 #改善肌膚 #全面評估 #專業醫學團隊 #正版美容儀器



要維持肌膚嬌嫩,當然要選擇最優質、安全嘅美容儀器😉!theCLINIC 「360°素顏公式」,結合專業醫學團隊和正版美容儀器,輕鬆同毛孔講bye bye🥰!


theCLINIC 提供多款專業護膚療程,致力為你打造完美肌膚🌟。所有美容儀器均為正版‼️,確保你獲得最佳效果和安全保障。同時提供專業嘅全面評估📝,由註冊醫生和醫學治療師深入了解你嘅肌膚需求🥼,為你度身定制護理方案,共同解決肌膚問題💫!


📞電話:+852 2538 8868
📱Whatsapp:+852 5108 6488
⏰營業時間:星期一至五:早上十一時至晚上九時|星期六及公眾假期 :早上十時至晚上八時

#360度素顏公式 #360度旋轉亮肌毛孔槍 #潔淨毛孔 #改善肌膚 #全面評估 #專業醫學團隊 #正版美容儀器 #專業護膚療程



夏天容易出汗,怕汗水油脂阻塞毛孔🥺?嚟the CLINIC 體驗「360°素顏公式」,重新喚醒肌膚活力🤩!




📞電話:+852 2538 8868
📱Whatsapp:+852 5108 6488
⏰營業時間:星期一至五:早上十一時至晚上九時|星期六及公眾假期 :早上十時至晚上八時

#360度素顏公式 #360度旋轉亮肌毛孔槍 #潔淨毛孔 #改善肌膚 #毛孔阻塞


【夏日限時禮遇🎁:360°素顏公式 重現素顏美肌】


由即日起至9月30日,即可以夏日尊享價$360體驗 the CLINIC「360°素顏公式」療程,重現素顏美肌,無時無刻都keep住零死角💫!名額只有30位,先到先得,快啲預約啦🥰!




📞電話:+852 2538 8868
📱Whatsapp:+852 5108 6488
⏰營業時間:星期一至五:早上十一時至晚上九時|星期六及公眾假期 :早上十時至晚上八時

Photos from theClinicHK's post 06/08/2024


Plump and luscious lips always exude a sense of sensuality💋, particularly with the trendy European and American glossy lips. Many Asian girls naturally have thinner lips, and even with the application of dark lipsticks💄, they may not stand out. Volbella offered by the Clinic contains low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid, ensuring a smooth texture without any grainy sensation. Its filling effect adds fullness to the lips, resulting in a more refined and smooth appearance, while also softening the fine lines around the lips💯. Book now:

#醫薈 #眼肌美學 #透明質酸
#唇部豐唇 #飽滿唇部 #唇部填充 #唇部注射 #豐盈唇部 #誘人唇部
#唇部改造 #完美唇部

Photos from theClinicHK's post 20/07/2024

踏入九月,齊來捉緊夏天的尾巴!記緊做足防曬,不要讓紫外線有機可乘🌞。醫薈的Md:ceuticals 全物理抗氧防曬霜不油膩、零負擔,物理防曬成分能避免滲入肌膚而引致敏感或生暗瘡,更不會留下白色粒子,不知不覺間為您阻擋UVA和UVB 紫外線。放心追逐陽光,立即購買🛒:

Let‘s catch the tail end of summer! Even the hottest days are over, be sure to wear enough sunscreen to avoid UV radiations🌞. The physical filters in the non-greasy Md:ceuticals 3D Moisturizing Sunscreen Protection™ SPF50 can prevent irritations and acne.
It leaves no white cast and protects you against harmful effects of UVA and UVB radiations. Shop now and play under the sun without worry🛒: https://

💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #眼肌美學 #物理防曬 #皮膚敏感 #防曬


擺脫腋下色素沉著,重現均勻膚色!✨ theClinic的先進激光療程,專門針對腋下色素沉著問題,讓您的肌膚恢復自然光澤。告別暗沉,迎接自信!



💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#激光治療 #均勻膚色 #自信閃耀


【水桶腰救星!Legacy RF打造至firm身形​💯​】

許多人返office工作坐太耐👩‍💻​​📊​,容易令腰部胃腩突出,導致身材變成水桶腰?醫薈的Legacy RF對於脂肪厚、因衰老、減肥或孕婦生產後的皮膚鬆弛均十分見效,以專利VariPulse™️真空抽吸技術,將射頻推送至脂肪層,溶解脂肪,微溫感令過程中舒適,療程完全無痛。就算無時間去gym做運動,也能輕鬆擁有最勻稱、緊實的身形✨。


💖​肚腩Legacy RF


【Legacy RF: Your Waistline Transformation​💯​】

the CLINIC's Legacy RF offers a painless solution for addressing thick fat, skin laxity due to aging, weight loss, or postpartum recovery. This treatment utilizes patented VariPulse™️ vacuum suction technology to deliver radiofrequency energy to the fat layer, dissolving fat. The gentle warmth makes the process comfortable. Even if you don't have time for gym workouts, you can achieve a toned and sculpted figure✨.

Four key benefits of Legacy RF♨️:
⭐Eliminates fat
⭐Tightens skin and reduces wrinkles
⭐Improves cellulite appearance
⭐Reduces stretch marks

It's perfect for targeting these areas♨️:
💖Upper and lower back
💖Bra strap area
💖Waist sides
💖Under buttocks

Book now:

💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #時尚醫美 #射頻療程 #緊緻肌膚 #減少皺紋 #塑身 #燃燒脂肪 #皮膚再生 #多極射頻 #美容療程 #溶脂 #橙皮紋 #妊娠紋

Photos from theClinicHK's post 25/06/2024

【醫學級雙效亮白淡斑去印✨: Spectra XT美白激光 + dermaviduals®早晚護膚精華】

醫薈的Spectra XT醫學級激光去斑美白療程幫您有效擊碎黑色素,趕走暗沉、色斑,不反黑無傷口,從而增強皮膚彈性⚡​​。療程後早晚配合使用dermaviduals®的精華產品:dermaviduals® 左旋維他命C精華及dermaviduals® B3 + 傳明酸晶白精華,做好保濕補水再加上Md:ceuticals 3D全物理抗氧防曬霜🧴高效地抵擋紫外線,不用擔心反黑的情況,一個月後輕鬆實現透亮無暇肌膚!

​👉​​Step 1💖​:
✅​Spectra XT 醫學級激光去斑美白不但可以縮細毛孔,幫您震碎黑色素和擊退色斑更快更佳,均勻膚色令提升肌膚亮澤度。

​👉​​Step 2☀️🌜:
✅​早晚當然要好好把握黃金修護時刻,使用dermaviduals® 左旋維他命C精華及 dermaviduals® B3 + 傳明酸晶白,減少黑色素生成 + 抗氧化成份,發揮1+1>2的加乘效果,讓看起來黯淡無光的氣色,有助恢復肌膚健康膚色。

​👉​​Step 3💖:
✅加購購買Md:ceuticals 3D Moisturizing Sunscreen Protection™ SPF50+ 全物理抗氧防曬霜🧴,能阻擋UVAI、UVAII及UVB紫外線,全面保護肌膚細胞,預防光老化。


【Achieve Flawless Skin: Spectra XT + dermaviduals®✨】

Achieve a brighter, smoother complexion with the CLINIC's SPECTRA XT laser. This treatment effectively targets melanin, enhancing skin elasticity without causing hyperpigmentation. Complement your routine with dermaviduals® serums and Md:ceuticals 3D sunscreen for complete protection. Within a month, you'll achieve a radiant, flawless complexion💖!

Step 1 💖:
✅Experience the power of SPECTRA XT laser. This treatment not only shrinks pores but also effectively breaks down melanin and fades dark spots, and restore your skin's healthy glow.

Step 2 ☀️🌜:
✅Maximize your skin's repair with dermaviduals® Vitamin C Liposome Concentrate and dermaviduals® Complexion Skincare Liposome Plus B3 , applied morning and night. These serums work together to reduce melanin production, provide antioxidant benefits, and brighten skin for a healthy, radiant complexion.

Step 3 💖:
✅Protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays with Md:ceuticals 3D Moisturizing Sunscreen Protection™ SPF50+. This all-physical sunscreen blocks UVA I, UVA II, and UVB rays, safeguarding your skin cells and preventing photoaging.

Shop now👉🏻:

💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #眼肌美學 #改善肌膚 #面部護理 #時尚醫美 #醫學美容 #防曬 #保濕 #膠原蛋白 #去斑 #美白 #緊緻毛孔 #暗沉 #去斑

Photos from theClinicHK's post 21/06/2024



❤️​基礎療程: 改善臉部基本結構支撐,提升蘋果肌並能淡化法令紋、淚溝,修復緊緻輪廓
❤️​比例微調: 根據臉型黃金比例法則,將臉部分成上、中、下3部分來調整臉型比例,呈現輪廓和諧感
❤️​完美精雕: 微調細節部位,調整咀唇比例、進一步改善淚溝及緊緻眼周等


【Elevate Your Contour with JUVÉDERM®️💖💯】

Experience the power of JUVÉDERM®️at the CLINIC. Our expert team will tailor-made a bespoke approach to enhance your unique features and face shapes.

Kickstart Your Personalized Beauty Journey:
❤️ Step 1: Foundation Treatment: Enhance your facial structure, lift your cheekbones, diminish nasolabial folds and tear troughs, and restore a youthful, defined contour.

❤️ Step 2: Proportional Refinement: We will adjust the proportions of your face (upper, middle, and lower sections) based on the golden ratio principles, creating a more balanced and mature look.

❤️ Step 3: Perfect Sculpting: We will fine-tune details, adjusting lip proportions, further improving tear troughs, and tightening the eye area.

Book now👉🏻:

💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #眼肌美學 #改善肌膚 #面部護理 #時尚醫美 #醫學美容 #輪廓提升 #微調 #微整形 #雙下巴 #蘋果肌 #鼻整形 #皺紋 #嘴唇 #木偶紋


到了潮濕悶熱的天氣,一不小心滿臉變「痘痘肌」🥲​?醫薈的360° 旋轉亮肌毛孔槍發揮真空吸力、360度旋轉滾動及螺旋雙軌注噴🔫​🫧​,幫您徹底清潔每個毛孔的污垢,去除角質令您改善膚質。療程後28天在T字部位搽上dermaviduals® 杜鵑花精華​🌺,加強調理油脂分泌,改善光療後色素沉著,28天後膚色與膚質提升至完美無瑕,即使素顏也能輕鬆擁有透鑽光肌✨!




If you're experiencing acne-prone skin due to the hot and humid weather, the CLINIC's 360° Rotating Pore Refinement is an effective solution🔫​🫧, thanks to its strong suction, 360-degree rotation, and rollerball and dual-track injection, which thoroughly clean pores and remove impurities. After the 28-day treatment, applying dermaviduals® Liposome Concentrate Plus 🌺on the T-zone helps regulate sebum secretion, improve pigmentation after laser treatment, and results in flawless, radiant skin, even for fair-skinned individuals.

✨Treatment Results✨:
❤️Deep pore cleaning
❤️Removal of black and whiteheads
❤️Enhanced skin elasticity
❤️Greater absorption power

✨Product Results✨:
💟​Prevent black pigmentation
💟​Accelerate fading of dark spots
💟​Dissolve sebaceous filaments
💟​Improve acne-prone skin

Book now✨:

💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #眼肌美學 #痘痘肌 #暗瘡救星 #改善肌膚 #痘痘 #粉刺 #黑色素 #面部護理 #時尚醫美 #醫學美容

Photos from theClinicHK's post 06/06/2024






【SMAS Massage Welcome Offer🎊 Revolutionizing Facial Contouring✨​💆🏻‍♀️】

the CLINIC’s new SMAS Massage offers a 🆕new customer trial price of 💲6️⃣​​8️⃣​8️⃣ for a spa-like experience to relieve tension from within✨. Its unique technique releases tightened fascia that results from habitual facial expressions, reduces facial puffiness through encouraging lymphatic flow, and balances facial asymmetry. It also defines facial features and restores the skin's natural beauty. Limited spots💯, book now 📲!

➡️ Loosens fascia adhesions, enhancing lymphatic flow
➡️ Restores fascia to its correct position
➡️ Enhances skin immunity
➡️ Relaxes tightened fascia and muscles from habits such as side sleeping, chin propping, and unilateral chewing
➡️ Ameliorates muscle laxity

❤️Reduces puffiness
❤️Soothes aches
❤️​​Fortifies skin
❤️Restores facial symmetry
❤️Sculpts facial contours

Book now✨:

💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #眼肌美學 #筋膜按摩 #消水腫 #改善肌膚 #大細面 #瘦臉 #緊緻 #淋巴排毒 #面部護理 #時尚醫美 #醫學美容

Photos from theClinicHK's post 27/05/2024

想靠化妝遮蓋凹凸洞,卻愈遮愈明顯,反而放大瑕疵?the CLINIC的註冊醫生👩🏻‍⚕️​🩺​首先會為你進行皮下分離(Subcision),再配合PROFHILO®️ 透明質酸逆時針,重點修復下陷疤痕組織、調理肌膚保濕度、回復彈性肌膚等​✨​💕,令膚質顯著提升,成為女生肌膚的救世主!


​⭐​PROFHILO®️ 透明質酸逆時針:在凹陷疤痕區域注入增加彈力蛋白的高濃度透明質酸,激活肌底細胞效果多12倍膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白。




the CLINIC's registered doctors employ a two-step approach for acne and scarring elimination. First, perform subcision to treat tissue defects, and with PROFHILO®️ hyaluronic acid can deeply hydrate your skin, promote collagen growth, and restore a smooth complexion​✨​💕!

​⭐​Subcision: By employing minimally invasive puncture techniques, the fibrous tissue at the base of depressed scars is separated and the pulled-down epidermis is removed, reducing the indentation.

​⭐​PROFHILO®: A collagen activator is injected in depressed scar areas to prevent fibrous tissue reformation. This boosts collagen production by 12 times, repairing and filling uneven spaces for a natural, blemish-free, and healthy skin appearance.

⚡Suitable Skin Types⚡:
✅ Acne scars
✅ Chickenpox mark depressions
✅ Long-term inflammatory damaged scars
✅ Indentations from surgeries/trauma

⚡Treatment Benefits⚡:
✅Softens scars
✅Smooths and fills indentations
✅Improves skin elasticity
✅Strengthens skin repair capacity

Book your complimentary consultation now:

💬Whatsapp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #眼肌美學 #凹陷 #疤痕 #水豆印 #暗瘡印 #凹凸洞 #膠原蛋白 #皮膚彈性

Photos from theClinicHK's post 22/05/2024


​💁‍♀️​市面上有很多防曬產品,如何選擇成分安全有效的防曬保護皮膚?the CLINIC全物理抗氧防曬霜🧴,結合物理和抗氧化劑的創新配方​✅,取代化學防曬成分,形成一層保護屏障折射紫外線,不會滲入肌膚造成刺激 / 堵塞毛孔,尤其適合敏感肌的你,做到全天侯對抗光侵害:

⭐​預防光害:高濃度全物理防曬,無刺激性,360°阻擋 UVAI / UVAII / UVB紫外線全面保護
⭐​抗氧補濕:含有維他命B5 + B3 + E,全方位內外抗氧補濕,提升水潤肌膚


Sunscreen's main purpose is to shield skin from the sun's harmful UV rays ☀️. It's important to apply it not just at the beach 👙🏖️, but also on cloudy days. Neglecting sun protection can lead to long-term skin damage like age spots, wrinkles, and sagging 💥, even on the face. Consistent sunscreen use is critical regardless of weather.

To choose a safe and effective one that protects your skin, consider the CLINIC Md:ceuticals 3D Moisturizing Sunscreen Protection™ SPF50+. Its formula uses physical and antioxidant ingredients instead of chemicals. This creates a protective barrier that reflects UV without irritating or clogging pores - making it great for sensitive skin. It provides all-day defense against sun damage.

⭐ Comprehensive UV Protection: High-concentration physical sunscreen blocks UVA/UVB rays without irritation.
⭐ Antioxidant Hydration: Vitamins B5, B3 and E provide internal and external moisture and nourishment.
⭐ Sensitive-Friendly: Alcohol, fragrance and dye-free formula suitable for all skin types, including acne-prone and pregnancy.
⭐ Lightweight, non-greasy texture.
⭐ Evens Skin Tone: Smooths complexion, can use as a base before makeup.

👉🏻Shop now:

💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #時尚醫美 #抗老 #物理防曬 #防曬霜 #護膚
#防曬 #夏天 #醫薈 #眼肌美學 #香港醫學美容 #敏感肌 #敏感肌膚 #紫外線

Photos from theClinicHK's post 13/05/2024

夏季容易悶出令人尷尬的汗跡體味☀️?Botox能夠為面部除皺外,還可以抑制汗腺。市面上肉毒杆菌種類咁多,為何明明是同一款肉毒桿菌,功效卻往往有所不同 ? ➡️​the CLINIC的BOTOX®保妥適不但知名度高,而且肉毒桿菌素外有較多保護蛋白圍繞🧬,劑型擴散較慢,因此注射後穩定性高,配合技術以及美學優秀的醫生👩🏻‍⚕️,更能確保注射在精細部位有最佳效果。



Combat summer sweat☀️ and regain a youthful look with Botox. ➡️the CLINIC's renowned BOTOX® variant offers enhanced stability and effectiveness due to more protective proteins🧬 and a slower diffusion rate. Combined with doctors👩🏻‍⚕️ with sophisticated aesthetics and precise techniques, it ensures the best possible results when injected into delicate areas.

🌟Treatment Benefits🌟:
🎈Smooths dynamic wrinkles (forehead wrinkles/frown lines/crow's feet)
🎈Lifts facial contours (brows/lip flip/jawline)
🎈Slims face
🎈Relaxes muscles (masseter muscle/chin/turkey neck)
🎈Alleviates hyperhidrosis (scalp/underarms/palms)

Book now✨:

💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #眼肌美學 #時尚醫美 #肉毒桿菌 #止汗 #多汗症 #頭皮 #腋下 #皺紋 #提眉 #瘦面 #咀嚼肌 #瘦手臂 #瘦小腿 #護膚分享 #香港醫學美容


連小S都熱捧韓國的玩美電波Oligio,無痛感技術就連試過療程的客戶也讚不絕口,幫您撫平皺紋、收緊雙下巴及提升輪廓等各種神級功效,快啲嚟the CLINIC試下,訂製專屬您的完美體驗!



Experience the highly acclaimed Korean beauty treatment Oligio Painless Lifting, endorsed even by Dee Hsu. At the CLINIC, our pain-reducing technology has received rave reviews from satisfied clients. Achieve remarkable results like wrinkle smoothing, double chin tightening, and enhanced facial contours. Don't hesitate to try it at the CLINIC and create your perfect, personalized experience!

⚡Treatment Benefits⚡:
✅ Firm and lift contours
✅ Smooth wrinkles (including eye bags and fine lines)
✅ Restore skin's plumpness and elasticity
✅ Improve enlarged pores

Book now✨:

💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #時尚醫美 #收毛孔 #皺紋 #雙下巴 #醫薈 #眼肌美學 #香港醫學美容

Photos from theClinicHK's post 25/04/2024

引爆話題的韓劇《淚之女王》,看到女主角經常上鏡,無時無刻擁有零瑕疵肌膚令人羨慕不已。保持皮膚水潤緊緻就是韓國女星護膚的重點,醫學級的the CLINIC生物纖維保濕面膜能夠:



The popular Korean drama "Queen of Tears" has generated buzz, showcasing actresses with flawless, camera-ready skin. The key to maintaining firm and glass skin is hydration masks. the CLINIC's Bio Cellulose Facial Mask can:

✅ Enhances skin's self-repair for a holistic anti-aging approach.
✅ Intensifies moisture retention, keeping the skin hydrated.
✅ Effectively calms and improves sensitive skin, ideal for post-beauty treatment usage.

👉🏻Shop now:

💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #時尚醫美 #保濕鎖水 #抗老 #醫薈 #眼肌美學 #生物纖維保濕面膜 #保濕面膜 #香港醫學美容


醫薈的「一站式高效美肌方案」專注於個人化輪廓訂製,以多元、精準、速效針劑產品打造綜合肌膚及輪廓重塑 ——
💉 BOTOX - 針對性去除表情紋,回復青春改善肌膚質量,助抗衰老凍齡;
💉DERMA VEIL - 塑顏提肌緊致,擊退眼袋、法令紋,提升蘋果肌,塑造完美輪廓;
💉JUVEDERM - 微雕細琢,填充五官輪廓,即時變得飽滿,打造出水嫩雙唇;
💉PROFHILO®逆時針 - 即時收緊提升,追擊頸紋和雙手皺紋,零紋路絕美天鵝頸超有少女感,不再輕易暴露年齡。


The CLINIC's "The Total Solution" focuses on personalized contouring, utilizing a diverse range of precise and fast-acting injectable products to achieve comprehensive skin and contouring transformations:

💉 BOTOX - Targets and removes expression lines, rejuvenates the skin, improves skin quality, and helps in anti-aging for a youthful appearance.
💉 DERMA VEIL - Enhances facial contouring, tightens and reduces eye bags and nasolabial folds, lifts cheekbones, and creates a perfect profile.
💉 JUVEDERM - Precision sculpting, enhances facial features, provides immediate fullness, and creates soft, hydrated lips.
💉 PROFHILO® - Erase neck and hand wrinkles, revealing a graceful swan-like neck and a youthful look that conceals your age effortlessly.

Book now:

💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #眼肌美學 #量膚定制 #美容療程 #護膚分享 #護膚 #保養 #美容院 #時尚醫美


感謝 💕。經常要出席Event,挨夜又不夠精神,容易令毛孔粗大。醫薈的360° 旋轉亮肌毛孔槍為皮膚快速打開並徹底深層清潔毛孔,感覺就像在做水療按摩一樣。再配合Aqua Injector無針水光槍,利用專利高聚焦電穿孔技術,令您每一寸肌膚能夠均勻吸收透明質酸和維他命C精華,營養瞬間滲透肌膚底層,就像敷上10張保濕面膜,上妝顯得更加貼服。


Thank you for the love and support💕. Frequent event attendance and lack of sleep can leave your skin tired with enlarged pores. Try the CLINIC's 360° Rotating Pore Refinement for a refreshing water massage feel that effectively cleanses pores. Pair it with the Aqua Injector Brightening Rejuvenation, using patented high-focus electrical perforation technology. This allows your skin to absorb hyaluronic acid and vitamin C essence evenly, providing instant nourishment to the deep layers, equivalent to the hydration of 10 masks, resulting in smoother makeup application.

Book now:

💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #無針水光槍 #深層清潔 #保濕 #醫學美容


每天塗厚厚的遮瑕膏遮暗瘡、紅印,反而會令細菌刺激痘痘復發,紅印、啡印變得更顯眼🤷‍♀️​!the CLINIC Spectra XT 醫學級激光消炎去印療程,以專用波長的納米激光抑制發炎痘痘、控油、一站式去紅印、啡印,同時令肌膚自行產生膠原蛋白♨️​​⚡​,不但暗瘡、痘印減少、膚色明顯提亮,毛孔也變得十分細緻✨,令肌膚瑕疵感大減💕!



Using thick concealer daily to cover acne and red marks can backfire by stimulating bacteria and causing acne to reappear, making the marks more prominent 🤷‍♀️​! the CLINIC’s SPECTRA XT Laser tackles inflammation, reduces scars, and targets red and brown marks with precise nanosecond lasers. It also boosts collagen production ♨️​​⚡​, resulting in diminished acne, brighter complexion, minimized pores ✨, and reduced skin imperfections 💕!

⚡Treatment Benefits⚡:
✅​Skin rejuvenation
✅​Shrink pores
✅​Increase Skin Elasticity
✅​Reduce sebum secretion
✅​Improve acne problems

Book now✨:

💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #時尚醫美 #醫薈 #收細毛孔 #毛孔粗大 #膠原蛋白 #油光滿面

Photos from theClinicHK's post 23/03/2024





The beauty products at the regular counters may no longer meet your needs, you need medical-grade skincare products! the CLINIC dermaviduals® D-Panthenol can:
✅Increase skin hydration in the epidermis
✅Regulate sebum production, improves enlarged pores, and prevents acne
✅Repair skin damage and dehydration caused by laser treatments

Simply apply sparingly with other serums and massage until absorption, and you can restore skin health and radiance in no time✨.

👉🏻Shop now:

💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #時尚醫美
#保濕鎖水 #抗老 #輔酶

Photos from theClinicHK's post 20/03/2024

想短時間擊退頑固凹凸洞,theCLINIC註冊醫生👩🏻‍⚕️​🩺​首先會為你進行皮下分離(Subcision),再配合PROFHILO®️ 透明質酸逆時針,重點修復下陷疤痕組織,讓你逐漸回復白滑美肌👋💕!


​⭐​PROFHILO®️ 透明質酸逆時針:在凹陷疤痕區域重點注入膠原激活劑,防止頑固纖維化組織再次聚合,同時增加12倍膠原蛋白,重新修復及填滿凹凸洞空間,實現自然無痕、健康肌膚。




theCLINIC's registered doctors employ a two-step approach for acne and scarring elimination. First, perform subcision to treat tissue defects, and with PROFHILO®️ hyaluronic acid can deeply hydrate your skin, promote collagen growth, and restore a smooth complexion👋💕!

​⭐​Subcision:By employing minimally invasive puncture techniques, the fibrous tissue at the base of depressed scars is separated and the pulled-down epidermis is removed, reducing the indentation.

​⭐​PROFHILO®:A collagen activator is injected in depressed scar areas to prevent fibrous tissue reformation. This boosts collagen production by 12 times, repairing and filling uneven spaces for a natural, blemish-free, and healthy skin appearance.

⚡Suitable Skin Types⚡:
✅ Acne scars
✅ Chickenpox mark depressions
✅ Long-term inflammatory damaged scars
✅ Indentations from surgeries/trauma

⚡Treatment Benefits⚡:
✅ Softens scars
✅ Smooths and fills indentations
✅ Improves skin elasticity
✅ Strengthens skin repair capacity

Book your complimentary consultation now:

💬Whatsapp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #眼肌美學 #凹陷 #疤痕 #水豆印 #暗瘡印 #凹凸洞 #膠原蛋白 #皮膚彈性







【Say Goodbye to Acne Scars and Huge Pores with Fractional CO2 Laser】

Rely on filters and photoshop on visible pores and acne scars in photos? It's time to address the issue with the CLINIC's CO2 fractional laser treatment - Targets at minimizing pores, scars, and fine lines, by stimulating the skin's self-repair mechanism. Based on different skin concerns, this treatment helps to fade pigmentation, also works on enlarged pores on the t-zone area.

🔶 Stimulate skin's self-repair mechanism
🔶 Skin generates abundant collagen during recovery
🔶 Short to little down-time post treatment

✨⭐Treatment Benefits⭐✨:
✅Reduce wrinkles and fine lines
✅Improve skin tone
✅Enhance skin elasticity
✅Improves pores, acne scars, and texture

Book now✨:

💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #時尚醫美 #美容醫學 #改善毛孔 #暗瘡印 #凹凸洞 #淡化色素 #脫疣 #毛孔粗大






Gary, the fitness trainer, faces constant mockery due to his progressively noticeable dark circles, which people attribute to his habit of staying up late. If you want to effectively eliminate those stubborn dark circles, explore the revitalizing Legacy™️ RF for Eye🥽 provided by the CLINIC. This treatment employs multi-polar radiofrequency technology 🥽 to deliver targeted heat energy to the deep layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and enhancing microcirculation around the eyes. Bid farewell to dark circles effortlessly, and witness Gary's renewed and energetic appearance. Can you feel his newfound confidence? 🤩

⚡Revitalizing Multi-Polar Radio frequency: Boosts Eye Circulation
⚡Relieves Eyelid Vein Dilatation
⚡Eliminates Eye Area Toxins

✨Treatment Benefits✨:
✅Diminishes Dark Circles
✅Tightens Under-Eye Bags

Book now✨:

💬WhatsApp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #時尚醫美 #美容醫學 #黑眼圈 #眼袋 #緊緻眼部 #抗皺 #眼部美容 #抗衰老



The CLINIC wishes you a prosperous Year of the Dragon🐉 Wish you good luck, great fortune and a flawless complexion. Discover our star products and treatments on our website:

💬Whatsapp: +852 5108 6488
☎️Phone: +852 2538 8868

#醫薈 #眼肌美學 #新年快樂 #秋冬護膚 #專屬 #派對化妝 #香港醫學美容 #量膚定制 #美容療程 #護膚分享 #護膚 #保養 #美容院 #時尚醫美


醫薈的「一站式高效美肌方案」專注於個人化輪廓訂製,以多元、精準、速效針劑產品打造綜合肌膚及輪廓重塑 ——
💉 BOTOX - 動態表情紋管理,𣊬間擊退歲月紋理、預防靜態皺紋;
💉DERMA VEIL - 塑顏提肌緊致,複製膠原蛋白重建輪廓承托,飽滿太陽穴、蘋果肌,撫平淚溝及法令紋;
💉JUVEDERM - 微雕細琢,勾勒迷人精緻五官及輪廓線,360度零死角綻放魅力;
💉PROFHILO®逆時針 - 一針逆轉衰老頸紋,打造氣質「天鵝頸」


The CLINIC's "The Total Solution" focuses on personalized contouring, utilizing a diverse range of precise and fast-acting injectable products to achieve comprehensive skin and contouring transformations:

💉 BOTOX - Effectively manages dynamic expression lines, reducing signs of aging and preventing static wrinkles.
💉 DERMA VEIL - Lifts and tightens facial muscles, reconstructing collagen support for a fuller appearance in the temples and cheeks, while smoothing tear troughs and nasolabial folds.
💉 JUVEDERM - Delicately sculpts and refines facial features and contours, highlighting charm from every angle.
💉 PROFHILO® - Reverses neck wrinkles with a single injection, creating an elegant "swan neck" and turning back the clock on signs of aging.

Book now:

#醫薈 #眼肌美學 #量膚定制 #美容療程 #護膚分享 #護膚 #保養 #美容院 #時尚醫美

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Our Story

the CLINIC 醫薈 | 首創「眼 · 肌美學」,齊集醫學美容權威為每位時尚男女性打造個人化療程,讓雙眸與臉龐瞬間彰顯你的唯美個性。
the CLINIC combines cutting edge eye-rejuvenate technology and a wide range of non-invasive cosmetic dermatology, expertly tailored to each modern, stylish and skin-savvy individual.

Videos (show all)

頭髮容易出油扁塌😢洗完頭都覺得唔乾淨,用太多清潔產品又容易敏感😵‍💫360° Glow使用全新負壓技術👩‍🔬深層清潔頭皮,秀髮蓬鬆有彈性一步到位😆:✨輸出雙軌蒸餾水水流💧✨即開即棄治療頭,乾淨衛生🫧✨水流比頭髮絲幼6倍✨輕鬆去除毛囊中嘅油脂...
夏日炎炎🥵,嚟theCLINIC享受身體嘅Hydrafacial💆🏻‍♀,深層清潔後,配合意大利醫學護膚品牌Renlive注氧Gel Mask,還你白滑美肌❤‍🔥立即預約:
【🎈無針水光槍禮遇✨改寫乾燥肌命運🌊​🫧​】想要還原BB白滑肌,貪靚又不想挨痛打針?🆕全新客戶可享 💲8️⃣​8️⃣​8️⃣超值優惠體驗 ✨無針水光槍療程🚿,不再需要忍受針劑注射的痛感,迅速改善暗黃乾燥肌膚,提亮膚色,輕鬆回復水潤肌。趕走乾...
連小S都熱捧韓國的玩美電波Oligio,無痛感技術就連試過療程的客戶也讚不絕口,幫您撫平皺紋、收緊雙下巴及提升輪廓等各種神級功效,快啲嚟the CLINIC試下,訂製專屬您的完美體驗!⚡療程功效⚡:✅緊膚及提升輪廓✅​撫平皺紋(收緊眼袋及減...
【HIFU逆齡緊緻禮遇✨送 MultiShape RF膠原療程🎈】踢走「包包臉」變回緊緻小顏!🆕全新客戶可享 💲9️⃣​8️⃣​8️⃣超值優惠體驗 ✨HIFU緊緻提升療程,針對逆轉歲月痕跡 —— 下垂眼眉、蘋果肌、法令紋、木偶紋、嘴邊贅肉及...
感謝 @alicemapy對醫薈的支持💕。經常要出席Event,挨夜又不夠精神,容易令毛孔粗大。醫薈的360° 旋轉亮肌毛孔槍為皮膚快速打開並徹底深層清潔毛孔,感覺就像在做水療按摩一樣。再配合Aqua Injector無針水光槍,利用專利高...
12月是派對及婚禮旺季👰‍♀️,聚會都排得滿滿👯‍♀️,想要擁有韓國女星的水光肌,以最美的狀態迎接2024年的來臨🎊🥳。醫薈推出了「水光蛋白肌」組合🥚✨,全面提升皮膚整體緊緻度和光澤度之餘,有助顯著收細毛孔💯。1️⃣首先以360° 旋轉亮肌...
著名模特兒 Angie Ng 伍靜麗 / Li 作為時尚界內熟悉的臉孔💫,擁有多重身份的她,除了是名模,也是一位潮媽。經常出席活動和進行拍攝的Angie📸💃,要長期上妝難免會使皮膚抵抗力變差,甚至脫皮。早前她到醫薈進行360° 旋轉亮肌毛孔...
激光祛斑後的「反黑」現象是治療後常見的不良反應,坊間傳統激光祛斑治療因能量太高使血管擴張,繼而刺激色素細胞增生是原因之一。 theClinicHK 的Spectra XT激光祛斑療程,所使用的660 nm Ruvy Touch 紅寶石激光,...
the MEN series - Laser co2


Unit B, 16/F, Emperor Watch And Jewellery Centre, No. 8 Russell Street
Causeway Bay

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 21:00
Thursday 11:00 - 21:00
Friday 11:00 - 21:00
Saturday 10:00 - 20:00

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