Tung Wah College - TWC 東華學院




為保障同學私隱及能詳細解答個別查詢,有關課程及入學查詢,可致電 3190 6673 或電郵至 [email protected]

Photos from Tung Wah College - TWC 東華學院's post 16/01/2024

【傷健共融 關懷社區 🫶🏻】
#東華學院 #物理治療學 35位師生參與1月14日舉行的 東華三院「奔向共融」- 香港賽馬會特殊馬拉松 IRun🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀️,為大會提供駐場物理治療服務,即時為參賽者及受傷的運動健兒進行適切的治療,例如冰敷及伸展運動。在比賽開始前,物理治療學生亦帶領所有參賽者及伴跑員進行熱身運動,部分同學更成為伴跑員,夥拍智障跑手完成3公里賽事🎽,身體力行實踐 #傷健共融 的理念。

【Promoting Social Inclusion Caring for Community 💓】
35 teachers and students participated in the TWGHs “iRun” – The Hong Kong Jockey Club Special Marathon on 14 January 2024. They provided onsite physiotherapy services, delivering immediate and appropriate treatments such as ice application and stretching exercises to the participants and injured athletes. Prior to the race, the physiotherapy students also led warm-up exercises for all participants and guide runners. Some students even served as pair-up runners, partnering with runners who have intellectual disabilities to complete a 3km race, to promote the spirit of social inclusion and put it into practice.


據政府統計處最新數字,25年之後每三個香港人就有多過一個係65歲或以上嘅長者! 可見,未來同長者有關嘅就業機會只會有增無減。

#東華學院 #應用老年學(榮譽)理學士課程(https://www.twc.edu.hk/ag)內容一啲都唔老餅,反而著重應用同實踐,結合長者身心健康管理、醫療保健以及社會科學多元導向內容,培育針對銀髮市場嘅翹楚。同學將會安排到社福機構作臨床實習,累積實戰經驗,打穩升學就業根基。畢業生發展廣闊,唔只限於院舍工作,甚至可以係社企管理、活動設計、社會福利政策研究以至樂齡科技設計等新興行業大展拳腳。

課程提供靈活、多選擇嘅入學途徑,包括「過往資歷認可」以及相關工作經驗,依家仲獲納入政府資助嘅指定專業/界別課程資助計劃( ),成功入讀嘅本地學生除左每年可獲港幣45,810嘅學費資助外,仲可以自動拎埋 ,000,連埋資助,最高可免首年學費。自問有勇有謀,充滿諗頭,想為銀髮市場出一分力嘅你點可以錯過呢個捉緊新時代專業嘅絕佳機會,仲唔報名就走寶嫁啦!

課程資訊: https://www.twc.edu.hk/ag
入學獎學金: www.twc.edu.hk/educare
報名傳送門: https://www.twc.edu.hk/admission/

[The facts that you need to know, 1 out of 3 Hong Konger people will be aged 65 or above after 25 years!]

According to the latest statistics from the Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department, there will be more than one elderly of aged 65 or above for every three Hong Kong residents! It indicated that the potential in Gerontology related employment market is unlimited!

The programme content of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Gerontology of (https://www.twc.edu.hk/ag) is not something traditional. It emphasizes on application and practical learning, integrating with elderlies’ physical and mental health management, healthcare, and multidisciplinary social sciences knowledge. It aims to cultivate professionals who want to excel in the silver hair market. Students will have opportunities to gain practical experience through clinical internships in social welfare institutions and build a solid foundation for further studies and employment. Graduates have diverse career prospects, not limited to working in residential care homes for elderly, they can also pursue careers in social enterprise management, activity design, social welfare policy research, and emerging fields such as active aging technology design.

The programme provides flexible admission pathways, including recognition of prior learning and relevant work experience. It is also included in the government-funded “Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors” ( ). In addition to receiving an annual tuition subsidy of HKD 45,810, local students who successfully enrolled in the programme can also automatically receive the Entrance Scholarship of HKD 40,000, which means the first-year tuition will be waived. If you are courageous, ambitious, and eager to contribute to the silver hair market, don't miss the chance to apply the programme and seize the professional opportunities of the new era. Act now!

Course Details: https://www.twc.edu.hk/ag
Scholarship: www.twc.edu.hk/educare
Application Gateway: https://www.twc.edu.hk/admission/

#東華學院 #應用老年學 #自資
#樂齡科技 #學士學位 #升學

Photos from Tung Wah College - TWC 東華學院's post 12/01/2024

#東華學院 校長陳慧慈教授於2024年1月10日率領管理團隊到訪佛山暨大港澳子弟學校,開展座談交流,並分別與廣州、東莞及佛山三所 #暨大港澳子弟學校 簽署合作協議,落實東華學院於內地推行的首個「 #校長推薦計劃」,為就讀暨大港澳子弟學校的DSE學生提供升讀香港大專院校的機會。同時,雙方亦會積極安排學生參與交流實習、課程體驗等活動,推動香港與大灣區內院校的合作與發展。

On 10 January 2024, Professor Sally Chan, President of , led a delegation to visit the Affiliated School of Jinan University for Hong Kong and Macao's Students (ASJ) in Foshan and signed MoAs with (Guangzhou), ASJ (Dongguan) and ASJ (Foshan). TWC introduced its first School Principal’s Nomination Scheme in mainland China to support ASJ students in articulating to local tertiary institutions in Hong Kong.

TWC and ASJ will actively arrange activities such as student and staff exchanges and taster programmes to promote education collaboration between Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.







Great news! The first self-financing Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Medical Imaging programme in Hong Kong will be launched at this September!

Tung Wah College has received the first good news this year. The Chief Executive-in-Council has just approved that TWC’s new programme, BSc (Hons) in Medical Imaging. The first cohort will start in September 2024.

According to the Government forecast, there are increasing aging population and public awareness of disease prevention in the society. These have led to a growing demand for medical imaging services such as ultrasound, CT scanning, magnetic resonance imaging, and angiography. The demand for radiographers will only continue to rise in the future. The College will collaborate with different public and private healthcare institutions to provide more clinical practicum opportunities for students and thus nurture more professional radiographers.

Including Medical Imaging, is the only self-financing institution in Hong Kong that offers a full range of bachelor's degree programmes in Nursing and Allied Health (6 degree progarmmes in total) in training healthcare talents to cope with the needs of the society.

For those interested, please stay tuned for the application details to be launched on our College website~

#東華學院 #醫療影像學 #自資 #放射診斷師 #放射技師
#學士學位 #升學


仲諗緊讀Social Sciences 定Business? 唔駛做選擇,可以全部要晒!
#東華學院 獨創嘅 #社商企業持續發展(榮譽)管理學學士課程 (www.twc.edu.hk/sbs) 結合社會科學、商科同企業持續發展知識。除左學習管理知識外,同學同時需要學習創新方法識別同分析社會問題 (例如:貧富差距、人口老化、歧視等),結合商業理論,以可持續發展嘅方案解決社會、商業嘅共同挑戰。

課程著重創新設計思維,以系統化嘅科學分析鼓勵同學突破思考框架。另外仲有大量機構實習,海外交流機會豐富你嘅校園生活。等 #東華學院 做你追夢嘅神隊友,為夢想啟航!

本地同學只要成功入讀課程就可以自動獲得 ,而合資格嘅香港同學仲可以每年拎超過3萬4千嘅NMTSS政府資助。如果你都想將來運用知識貢獻社會,加入商業機構、社企或者非牟利組織,而家報名仲免報名費,即刻報名啦!

課程資訊: http://www.twc.edu.hk/sbs
入學獎學金: www.twc.edu.hk/educare
報名傳送門: https://www.twc.edu.hk/admission/

Are you still hesitant to choose between Social Sciences and Business? Why not both?
Here’s your chance! of Management (Honours) in Social and Business Sustainability of (www.twc.edu.hk/sbs) integrating Social Sciences, Business and Sustainable Development aspects. Apart from the classroom learning, students could also acquire innovative methods to identify and analyse social issues (for example: wealth gap, aging population, discrimination etc.), applying with business theories to solve common challenges in the society and business sector through sustainable approaches.
The curriculum emphasises innovative design thinking and encourages students to break through conventional thinking through systematic and scientific analysis. Moreover, there are plenty of opportunities for institutional internships and overseas exchanges to enrich your campus life. Let be your trustworthy ally in pursuing your dreams and sail towards a brighter future!
Local applicants successfully admitted to this programme will automatically receive the Entrance Scholarship of HKD 40,000. Local students can also be entitled to over HKD 34,000 NMTSS annual subsidies from the Government. If you aspire to apply your knowledge to give impactful in contribution to the society through business organisations, social enterprises, or non-profit organisations, come and join us! The Application Fee is now waived, act now!
Course Details: http://www.twc.edu.hk/sbs
Scholarship: www.twc.edu.hk/educare
Application Gateway: https://www.twc.edu.hk/admission/

#東華學院 #社商企業持續發展 #夢想 #自資 #學士學位 #升學


你同Joyce 一樣,都想成為幼稚園老師嗎? Joyce 係我哋東華學院2021年嘅幼兒教育(榮譽)教育學士(www.twc.edu.hk/ece)畢業生,佢考完DSE之後就入讀左學院嘅幼兒教育,今日嘅佢已經實現夢想。佢同小編講過佢好欣賞學院強調遊戲教學同埋關顧有特殊學習需要 (SEN)小朋友嘅理念,所以佢未來希望可以進修更多關於SEN嘅課程,幫到更多有需要嘅小朋友。不如我哋一齊聽下佢嘅分享~
入學獎學金: www.twc.edu.hk/educare
報名隨意門: www.twc.edu.hk/admission

Do you want to nurture the children and equip them for future success like Joyce? Joyce graduated from TWC’s Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Honours) programme in 2021 (www.twc.edu.hk/ece). After her HKDSE, she enrolled in our BEd(Hons) in Early Childhood Education. Today, Joyce has already attained her dream. She endorsed the philosophy of our ECE programme in educating the kids through the play-based teaching approach and caring for children with special education needs (SEN). Joyce is planning to pursue further studies in SEN education to help those children in need. Let's hear her experience sharing.

Your application fee will be waived if you apply now. More than that, you will also be eligible for the EduCare@TWC Entrance Scholarship. Together with your NMTSS subsidy, you may not need to pay your first-year tuition fee. Why wait? Act Now!

Scholarship: www.twc.edu.hk/educare
Application: www.twc.edu.hk/admission

#東華學院 #幼兒教育



今日係冬至❄️ #東華學院 祝大家與家人團圓,共聚美好時光🥳!聖誕佳節亦快將來臨🎄,預祝大家聖誕快樂🎅,一起迎接新一年更好的自己🌟 !

As 2023 draws to a close, we hope you have enjoyed reconnecting with the world while also taking time for reflection on the challenges of post-pandemic recovery and caring for those in need in our society💓.

It’s the Winter Solstice today!❄️ TWC wishes you all a happy reunion with loved ones and a truly wonderful time together. With Christmas just around the corner🎅, we extend our warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. May the coming year bring the opportunity to welcome a better self and future for us all🤩.

Photos from Tung Wah College - TWC 東華學院's post 20/12/2023

係時候要為未來計劃吓 🧐
2023好快便成歷史,我哋係時候為未來作好準備。未來,你嘅夢想係咩? 可能你希望啟廸小朋友嘅世界、或者建立社企幫助弱勢、定係以所學為受害者伸張正義? 無論你嘅夢想係咩,東華學院係成就你夢想嘅起步點 https://bit.ly/47TxdUt 🥰 。
2024/25我哋繼續為你推出「EduCare@TWC入學獎學金」,無論你嘅夢想係咩,只要成功入讀指定嘅課程,都可以獲得最高6萬蚊嘅入學獎學金。而家報名仲免報名費 😎,你仲唔趁呢個聖誕假期踏出夢想嘅第一步?

報名傳送門: https://bit.ly/3RHjmdl

It’s time to plan for your future!
As we say goodbye to 2023, it's time for us to plan for our future. What would you like to be in your future? Would you like to inspire the kids as a kindergarten teacher, be a social entrepreneur to help the underprivileged, or want to advocate for justice with your profession? No matter what your dream may be, Tung Wah College will be your starting point to achieve them.
We will continue to offer the "EduCare@TWC Entrance Scholarship" in 2024/25 to support you in achieving your dreams. Regardless of your dreams, you can receive up to HKD$60,000 entrance scholarship as long as you enroll in our 9 designated programmes. What’s more? The application fee has been waived. Why wait still? Take your first step towards your dream now during this Christmas holiday season?
Application Gateway:

兒童情緒︱正向心理學家教路 培養兒童情緒管理由家長「自我關懷」做起 - 香港經濟日報 - TOPick - 親子 - 育兒資訊 15/12/2023

三年疫情之困為小朋友及家長的情緒都帶來負面影響😔, #東華學院 人文學院院長 #陳自強教授 現擔任 #香港救助兒童會顧問,他建議家長學懂 #自我關懷🫶,明白孩子及自身的情感需要,恰當地表達情緒,與孩子建立和諧善意的溝通🫂。 陳教授亦分享了育兒的親身經驗,想知道如何培養小朋友的 #情感社交能力,立即瀏覽以下報道了解更多啦👀!

The three-year pandemic has taken a toll on both children's and parents' mental well-being. Professor Alex Chan, Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities at , currently serves as an advisor for Save the Children Hong Kong. He advises parents to recognise the importance of self-care🥰, understand their own emotional needs as well as their children's, express emotions appropriately, and foster harmonious and compassionate communication with their children. Professor Chan also shares insights from his personal journey👨‍👩‍👧‍👦. Check out the following interview to learn more helpful strategies to build up children's social-emotional skills.

兒童情緒︱正向心理學家教路 培養兒童情緒管理由家長「自我關懷」做起 - 香港經濟日報 - TOPick - 親子 - 育兒資訊 三年疫情「困獸鬥」使已習慣線上學習的小朋友而言,社交和情感能力可能受到影響,甚至退步。面對回復面對面交流的生活,他們需要適應的時間。香港救助兒童會顧問、東華學院人文學院院長陳自強教授教路,家長培養子女


年青,當然就應該滿懷夢想。無論你嘅夢想係成為幼稚園老師、成立社會企業幫助弱勢、以科技提昇醫療服務質素、以法證科學為受害者伸張正義、以生物科技為醫療科學出一已之力、以心理學輔導人心定係以同理心及科技為長者嘅晚年生活注入色彩, #東華學院 都可以幫你成就夢想。

而家報讀學院指定嘅自資學士同高級文憑課程,仲可以獲得「EduCare@TWC 入學獎學金」, 連埋政府嘅NMTSS或者SSSDP 資助,最高可以首年免學費,而家報名仲唔洗報名費,你仲唔快啲報名,開始實現你嘅夢想?
獎學金傳送門: https://bit.ly/3Thq1gF
報名隨意門: https://bit.ly/3t8soYx

Dare to Dream, Dare to Act!

Hey, dream catchers! Have you ever imagined your future? Unleash your dreams now! No matter your dream may be becoming a kindergarten teacher, helping the underprivileged by establishing social enterprise, enhancing medical services through cutting-edge technology, championing justice with forensic science, revolutionising medical science with biotechnology, providing comfort through counseling and psychology, or brightening the lives of our beloved elders with empathy and geotechnology, Tung Wah College can make this come true!

Apply for our self-financing degree and higher diploma programmes. Pursue your dreams and enjoy the "EduCare@TWC Entrance Scholarship." First-year tuition fees could be waived after adding government subsidies such as NMTSS or SSSDP (for the eligible students). No application fee is required. Why wait? Actualise your dream now by making the online application via:

Scholarship: https://bit.ly/3Thq1gF
Admission: https://bit.ly/3t8soYx

Photos from Tung Wah College - TWC 東華學院's post 06/12/2023

香港正面對人口老化挑戰👵👴, #樂齡科技 漸漸成為主流趨勢。第七屆樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會( )博覽於11月23至26日舉行,協辦機構 #香港科技園公司 邀請 #東華學院 48名 #物理治療 學生,與嶺大長者學苑的長者組成「 #樂齡科技大使」🤝,在「居家復康」互動展區介紹方便長者在家使用的復康用品🦿,讓公眾體驗創新的樂齡科技解決方案,同時展現跨代共融🫶。

Hong Kong is facing the challenge of an aging population, and is gradually becoming a mainstream trend. The 7th Gerontech and Innovation Expo Summit (GIES) was held from 23 November to 26 November. Co-organised by the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation ( ), they invited 48 students from , along with elderly individuals from Lingnan University’s Elderly Academy, to form the "Gerontech Ambassadors." In the "Rehab@Home" thematic zone, they introduced smart rehabilitation technology that is convenient for the elderly to use at home, allowing the public to experience innovative gerontech solutions and demonstrate intergenerational integration.

Photos from Tung Wah College - TWC 東華學院's post 05/12/2023

有興趣讀法證嘅同學要留意喇📢!兩位 #東華學院 #法證生物醫學(榮譽)理學士課程四年級生周煦樺及王亦龍獲邀擔任 #香港電台第一台 開心日報 日日發放正能量「同學仔傾吓偈」嘅節目嘉賓🎙️,分享選擇呢個學科嘅心路歷程,仲會講吓課程所學到嘅知識🔬,點樣分析犯罪現場同採集指紋等🔎。一連三集嘅訪問將會由今日起,逢星期二早上11點40分播出,有興趣嘅朋友歡迎到時收聽🎧!

📌節目重溫:https://www.rthk.hk/radio/radio1/programme/happydaily/episode/921461 (Part 2: 11:45-12:00)
https://www.rthk.hk/radio/radio1/programme/happydaily/episode/922729 (Part 2: 11:40-12:00)

#東華學院 #法證生物醫學 #法證 #香港電台 #開心日報 #同學仔傾吓偈

If you are interested in studying forensic science, don’t miss this programme! Eva Chow and Ricky Wong, Year 4 students of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Forensic Biomedical Science at , have been invited as guests on the “Chat with Students" segment of the Happy Daily programme on 🎙️. During the interview, they will share their journey in choosing this field of study and discuss the knowledge they have acquired, including crime scene analysis and fingerprint collection. The interview consists of 3 episodes and will be broadcast every Tuesday at 11:40am starting today. Join us in listening to their journey and gain a deeper understanding of forensic science.🎧

📌Programme catchup:
https://www.rthk.hk/radio/radio1/programme/happydaily/episode/921461 (Part 2: 11:45-12:00)
https://www.rthk.hk/radio/radio1/programme/happydaily/episode/922729 (Part 2: 11:40-12:00)

Photos from Tung Wah College - TWC 東華學院's post 01/12/2023


重要嘅事要講3次,各位應屆DSE同學,記得記得要將東華學院七大SSSDP課程( https://bit.ly/3uGa1uk ) 擺入你哋嘅JUPAS Band A,以提昇你哋嘅面試嘅機會。根據2022年我哋畢業生就業調查報告,畢業生平均起薪逾港幣3萬元以上,同時,多個課程獲專業團體認可,同學畢業後可申請註冊專業資格。有部分課程仲有入學獎學金,連埋政府SSSDP資助,首年學費全免~

我哋七大SSSDP課程包括: 護理學(榮譽)健康科學學士 醫療化驗科學(榮譽)理學士 放射治療學(榮譽)理學士; 職業治療學(榮譽)理學士 物理治療學(榮譽)理學; 應用老年學(榮譽)理學士士 同埋 醫療資訊及服務管理(榮譽),總有一個課程適合你。如果你唔係應屆DSE同學而又想報名,咁就Click 呢條Link 啦 https://bit.ly/46FKq1Y 靜雞雞話你知,而家仲免報名費架。

Attention!! DSE students, to enhance your chances for the interview, be reminded to put 's seven SSSDP programmes (https://bit.ly/3uGa1uk) in your JUPAS Band A choices by 6 Dec. According to the 2022 graduate employment survey data, the average starting salary is over HKD 30,000. Some of our progammes have also been accredited by the relevant professional bodies for the professional registration after graduation. Selected programmes also provide entrance scholarships to enrolled students. It covers the first-year tuition fee with the SSSDP subsidies and scholarships.

Our seven SSSDP courses include:
Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) in Nursing
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Medical Laboratory Science
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Radiation Therapy
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational Therapy
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Gerontology
Bachelor of Health Information and Services Management (Honours)

If you are a non-(current) DSE applicant and would like to apply, click here: https://bit.ly/46FKq1Y. The application fee has now been waived, so do take advantage of the chance.


今日Angel帶大家參加醫療資訊及服務管理體驗工作坊外仲會同你殺入科學園,同Novelte Robotics 嘅CMO Albert了解最新嘅醫療科技資訊,如果你同Angel 一樣都對醫療科技有興趣,咁一定要留意 #東華學院 嘅醫療資訊及服務管理(榮譽)學士( ) (https://bit.ly/3uFWUJG)

呢個課程涵蓋三大範疇,包括醫療科學、資訊科技及醫療服務管理。課程提供實習機會、業界參觀,等你可以獲得實戰經驗同了解行業現況。成功入讀 JSST07 醫療資訊及服務管理課程嘅同學唔單止可以有每年港幣$45,810嘅SSSDP政府資助,仲可以獲得入學獎學金。提提應屆DSE考生記得喺12月6號或之前透過JUPAS 平台報名,而非聯招同學可以透過學院報名平台遞交申請。
報名隨意門: https://bit.ly/47CiaOV
#學士學位 #聯招 #非聯招 #醫療資訊及服務管理

【Taste a one-day Health Information and Services Management programme】
Let's follow Angel to join the taster workshop on Health Information and Services Management. She will also bring you for a chat with Albert, CMO of Novelte Robortics, to get a better understanding of the latest trends in the Health Information and Technology industry.

If you are also interested in joining the field, don't miss the chance to study our Bachelor of Health Information and Services Management (Honours) ( ). The programme nurtures tomorrow's leaders specialising in medical science, information technology, and healthcare service management. We also offer practicum and industry visit opportunities to equip students with practical experiences.

Local students admitted to the programme could be entitled to the Government SSSDP subsidy of HKD 45,810 annually and the entrance scholarship.
For current DSE candidates, please be reminded to apply through JUPAS. Non-JUPAS students can apply via our application portal.
Programme Details: https://bit.ly/46wWDWA
Application Gateway: https://bit.ly/47CiaOV
Programme Detail: we believe that it could equip you to be tomorrow's leader in the fiel

Photos from Tung Wah College - TWC 東華學院's post 30/11/2023

在2023年11月24日,環球領袖發展計劃 🌎和環球學生大使計劃的高桌晚宴暨 #環球學生大使 就職宣誓儀式於校園廣場順利舉行。是次活動集合了約60名教職員和學生,一起度過了一個難忘的晚上🍴。


在陳校長演講之後,環球學生大使 #就職宣誓 儀式隆重舉行。22名東華學院環球學生大使在校長的見證下宣誓就職。作為東華學院傑出學生大使,他們承諾要用心服務學院、社區和全世界。


【TWC High Table Dinner for GLAP and TWCGSA cm TWCGSA Swearing-In Ceremony🎊】
The High Table Dinner for the Global Leadership & Advancement Programme (GLAP) and Tung Wah College Global Student Ambassadors (TWCGSA) cm TWCGSA Swearing-In Ceremony was successfully held at the Campus Square on 24 November 2023. The event brought together approximately 60 staff and students for an unforgettable evening filled with inspiration, connection, and camaraderie.

One of the highlights of the evening was the inspiring talk delivered by our President, Professor Sally Chan. With the theme “A World We Bond in a Challenging Era”, Professor Chan shared her visionary insights on finding common ground amidst diverse challenges. Her words resonated deeply with our students, encouraging them to reflect on their roles as global citizens and the contributions they can make to the world.

The TWCGSA Swearing-In Ceremony took place following the inspiring talk. 22 TWC Global Student Ambassadors were inaugurated under the witness of the President. They pledged to serve the College, the community, and the globe as Outstanding Student Ambassadors of Tung Wah College. This ceremony symbolised their dedication to representing our College with distinction and making a positive impact on the world.

The High Table Dinner marked a significant milestone as the first-ever dining experience at Tung Wah College. The delightful food added to the overall ambiance, creating an atmosphere of warmth and conviviality. The Campus Square provided the perfect backdrop for fostering meaningful connections and conversations throughout the evening.

Our student representative, Wendy, graciously shared a heartfelt speech of gratitude towards the College. Wendy’s words exemplified the transformative experiences and valuable opportunities she has gained during her time at Tung Wah College. Her speech marked a memorable conclusion to the dinner, leaving a lasting impression on all participants.

港台電視 31 醫生與你 - 【醫學.人】關耀祖 29/11/2023

不少人都對認知障礙抱有刻板的想法,例如年紀大了就自然會無記性👵🏻,認知障礙症無法根治,治療只是浪費時間等。東華學院護理學院副院長(課程) #關耀祖教授 曾任職護士👨🏼‍⚕️,之後專注研究 #老人護理 同 #認知衰弱 等領域,係咩契機令佢對呢個範疇產生興趣?

關教授早前獲 #香港電台 邀請擔任節目《醫學.人》嘉賓📹,節目已於昨晚港台電視31播出!關教授在節目上分享佢多年嚟努力不懈推廣老年學同老人護理👴🏻,點樣利用科技幫助長者改善生活質素🤖,大家千祈唔好錯過!



Many hold mistaken beliefs about cognitive impairment, assuming memory decline comes automatically with age, that cognitive disorders can't be cured, or that treatment isn't worthwhile. Professor Rick Kwan, Associate Dean (Programmes) at School of Nursing, previously worked as a nurse and later specialized in gerontological nursing through research and education on cognitive frailty and dementia care. What sparked his interest in this field?

Professor Kwan was recently a guest on RTHK's "Medicine and People." In the episode airing last night on RTHK TV 31, he discussed his dedication to promoting gerontology and elderly care, and how technology can enhance quality of life for older adults. Tune in to gain insight from his experience making a difference on these impactful issues!

👀 Please visit the following webpage to check out the full episode:

📌About Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Gerontology: https://www.twc.edu.hk/tc/Programmes/bsag

港台電視 31 醫生與你 - 【醫學.人】關耀祖 東華學院護理學院關耀祖教授曾擔任註冊護士,之後專注研究老人護理和認知衰弱等領域,是什麼契機令他專注這個範疇?他之前任職香港理工大學護理學院副教授時,參與了跨學科團隊,和博愛醫院安老服務共同研發「虛擬實...

Photos from Tung Wah College - TWC 東華學院's post 29/11/2023

【 #東華學院 第十一屆畢業典禮👩‍🎓🧑‍🎓】

【 11th Graduation Ceremony】
Congratulations to all our graduates of the 2022/2023 academic year 🥳! The 11th Graduation Ceremony was successfully held yesterday (28 November)🎉. A total of 664 graduates were conferred Bachelor Degrees and Higher Diplomas by Mr. Wai Ho Man Herman, Chairman of Board of Governors of TWC. Dr. Pang Fei Chau, Commissioner for Primary Healthcare of the Health Bureau, was the Guest of Honour of the Ceremony. Addressing at the Ceremony, Professor Sally Chan, President of TWC, remarked on the imperative for graduates from different disciplines to take action in addressing crucial public health concerns in our society. She also encouraged the graduates to leverage their expertise and experience to achieve profound impacts on thousands of individuals, their professions, and the well-being of our society.

#2023畢業生 #東華學院畢業禮


近日一套熱播全城嘅本土電影引起全城熱話,令人再度關注護老問題。其實,隨住社會人口老年化,我哋需要更多好似Brian 咁熟知長者身心靈專業知識嘅專才。所以東華學院一早已經推出左結合樂齡科技同照顧銀髮一族身心靈知識於一身嘅JSST06 應用老年學(榮譽)理學士課程 (課程資料: https://bit.ly/40XkRrV ),入讀呢個課程嘅同學每年仲可以有港幣$45,810嘅政府SSSDP資助。課程仲設有獎學金!!
咁吸引,作為應屆DSE考生嘅你,記得係12月6日前將我哋嘅課程放入JUPAS (大學聯招) Band A 內,如果你係非應屆DSE考生,即刻上我哋網頁報名啦。
#白日之下 #應用老年學 #樂齡科技 #東華學院

A recent local film has sparked the discussion and reignited the attention for elderly care. As Hong Kong's population ageing is expected to continue, we need more professional practitioners like Brian, who are familiar with elderly care, whether physically or psychologically. The BSc (Hons) in Applied Gerontology JSST06 (Programme Details: https://bit.ly/3Gisfo5) under nurtures you to be a professional in gerontology, with the multi-disciplinary knowledge and skills of gerontech and physical and psychological well-being. . All enrolled students can receive an annual government subsidy of HKD 45,810 through the Scheme and an entrance scholarship.
Current DSE candidates, please be reminded to apply through the platform before 6 December. Non-JUPAS students can also apply through the College's application portal. (Application Gateway: www.twc.edu.hk/admission)


【畢業快樂🎓 為你的特別日子留下紀念💕】
適逢今天是慈善星期二 (Giving Tuesday),購買東華學院「積木人」慈善義賣畢業系列,你不但可以為東華學院未來發展出一分力,更可以為你的畢業禮留下美好紀念。

立即購買: https://www.twc.edu.hk/tc/Administration_Units/giving_to_twc/Campaigns/brick

【Congratulations on your graduation! 🎓💕 】
What a memorable moment for our graduates and parents! May your dreams fly as high as your caps!
Coincidentally, today is Giving Tuesday. By supporting the TWC "Brick Figure" charity sale graduation series, not only can you contribute to the future development of Tung Wah College, you will also create a beautiful memory for your graduation!
Wishing you all a bright and brilliant future!

Order Now: https://www.twc.edu.hk/en/Administration_Units/giving_to_twc/Campaigns/brick


要打贏病疫,唔單止靠前線醫生護士,仲有佢哋 - 醫療化驗師。



如果你都想成為病人背後嘅英雄,同時又自命夠冷靜細心並對醫療化驗充滿熱誠,咁就要報讀 #東華學院嘅醫療化驗科學(榮譽)理學士( ) ((課程資訊: https://bit.ly/3R97dyx )。課程獲得醫務化驗師管理委員會認可,畢業生可以註冊成為醫務化驗師(第二部分)。

應屆DSE考生記得喺12月6號或之前透過 平台報名,而非聯招同學亦可以透過學院報名平台遞交申請。

#學士學位 #醫療化驗科學 #醫療化驗師

【Our Unsung 】
Apart from medical doctors, Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs) also play a crucial role to test the patients’ specimens to help doctors make accurate diagnosis. The accuracy of their test results directly affects the lives of patients. A MLT must possess personal attributes such as attentiveness, precision, and high stress-resistant capability. The Medical Laboratory Science student in the video might have made a mistake in his final examination 5 years ago, he managed to correct that, passed the examination, finally graduated with a degree with a professional licence to practice as a MLT.
If you are interested in medical laboratory science and would like to become an unsung hero for the patients, apply for TWC’s Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Medical Laboratory Science ( ) (Programme information: https://bit.ly/46sIOIK ) now! The programme is recognised by the Medical Laboratory Technologists Board of the Supplementary Medical Professions Council (SMPC). Graduates are qualified for registration as Medical Laboratory Technologist (Part II).
Current DSE candidates please be reminded to apply through the platform before 6 December. Non-JUPAS students can also apply through the College's application portal.
# medicallaboratorytechnologist

Photos from Tung Wah College - TWC 東華學院's post 24/11/2023

東華學院醫療及健康科學學院於10月期間與新加坡理工大學合辦了兩次網上研討會及交流,分別有超過60名物理治療學師生及34名放射治療學師生參與。東華學院醫療及健康科學學院署理院長司徒佩玉教授及新加坡理工大學健康及社會科學系高級講師 Jade Soh博士於物理治療學網上交流會中分別介紹香港及新加坡的醫療系統,並引導學生就比較兩地醫療系統異同作熱烈討論。🤝

東華學院放射治療學課程主任鄧福禧教授、助理教授譚丞佑博士,以及新加坡理工大學健康及社會科學系副教授Sharon Wong博士出席放射治療學網上交流會,並邀請兩校學生作匯報分享,透過交流增潤學生在學科上的相關知識,並拓闊他們的國際視野。🧠

【Virtual Exchange between TWC and Singapore Institute of Technology】
In October, the School of Medical and Health Sciences of TWC co-organised two sessions of online seminars and virtual exchanges with the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT). Over 60 teachers and students from Physiotherapy programme and 34 from Radiation Therapy programme participated respectively. Professor Grace Szeto, Acting Dean of the School of Medical and Health Sciences of TWC, and Dr. Jade Soh, Senior Lecturer from the Health and Social Sciences Cluster of SIT, shared an overview of the healthcare system in Hong Kong and Singapore respectively at the Physiotherapy exchange session, and guided students to have an in-depth discussion on the similarities and differences between the two healthcare systems.

Prof. F*k Hay Tang, programme leader of the Radiation Therapy programme of TWC, Dr. Marco Tam, Assistant Professor of Radiation Therapy, and Dr. Sharon Wong, Associate Professor from the Health and Social Sciences Cluster of SIT, attended the virtual exchange programme, and invited students from both schools to share on different topics through presentations, enriching students' relevant knowledge in their disciplines and broadening their international perspectives through the exchange.

#東華學院 #新加坡理工大學 #物理治療 #放射治療

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仲諗緊讀Social Sciences 定Business? 唔駛做選擇,可以全部要晒!#東華學院 獨創嘅 #社商企業持續發展(榮譽)管理學學士課程 (www.twc.edu.hk/sbs) 結合社會科學、商科同企業持續發展知識。除左學習管...
你同Joyce 一樣,都想成為幼稚園老師嗎? Joyce 係我哋東華學院2021年嘅幼兒教育(榮譽)教育學士(www.twc.edu.hk/ece)畢業生,佢考完DSE之後就入讀左學院嘅幼兒教育,今日嘅佢已經實現夢想。佢同小編講過佢好欣賞學...
【一日醫療資訊及服務管理課程體驗】今日Angel帶大家參加醫療資訊及服務管理體驗工作坊外仲會同你殺入科學園,同Novelte Robotics 嘅CMO Albert了解最新嘅醫療科技資訊,如果你同Angel 一樣都對醫療科技有興趣,咁一定...
近日一套熱播全城嘅本土電影引起全城熱話,令人再度關注護老問題。其實,隨住社會人口老年化,我哋需要更多好似Brian 咁熟知長者身心靈專業知識嘅專才。所以東華學院一早已經推出左結合樂齡科技同照顧銀髮一族身心靈知識於一身嘅JSST06 應用老年...
【幕後英雄】要打贏病疫,唔單止靠前線醫生護士,仲有佢哋 - 醫療化驗師。醫療化驗師主要負責化驗病人嘅樣本,協助醫生對病症作出準確嘅診斷。醫療化驗師一定要膽大心細,仲要有好強嘅抗壓力。一旦出錯可以影響到病人嘅生命。片段中嘅醫療化驗科學同學雖然...
同樣屬於復康專業嘅,仲有物理治療師。物理治療師會以物理媒介配合針對性的康復運動及手力治療,去幫病人舒緩痛楚,加強活動能力和心肺效能,令病人可以更快恢復日常活動能力。#東華學院 的 #JSST05 #物理治療學 (榮譽)理學士 (https:...
下一個最型嘅就係你~有咩至型得過結合醫療理論同創科,用科技幫到更多有需要嘅人。剛過去嘅暑假,讀緊物理治療(#JSST05) 嘅Parco 同埋讀緊應用老年學 (#JSST06)嘅Sau Yee就去咗 #香港科學園 Hong Kong Sci...
東華學院 - 7大SSSDP課程



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