Sportsperformance Physiotherapy

Sportsperformance physiotherapy is a unique "one-stop-shop" multi-disciplinary allied health centre,

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 20/08/2024

選擇合適的 #返學鞋 不只是時尚或款式的問題,對您孩子的身體健康和發育也很重要。不合適的鞋子可能會導致腳痛和姿勢等問題。



With the new school year approaching, it's time to ensure your child's feet are well-supported and protected as they embark on the new school year.

Choosing the right school shoes is not just about fashion or style - it's important for your child's physical health and development. Inappropriate shoes can lead to problems, such as foot pain and posture issues.

How often do I need to replace my child’s shoes?
Depending on their age, children’s feet can grow up to one or two sizes per year, so we recommend checking their shoes against their feet every six months to make the judgement call on whether you need to replace the shoes to help prevent potential foot pain or damage.

Save the 8 tips for choosing the right school shoes!

#物理治療 #運動治療 #痛症 #腳痛 #痛症治療 #中環 #香港物理治療 #開學 #開學日 #開學季 #開學倒數 #開學用品 #足疾治療 #足疾 #上學鞋 #學生鞋

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 15/08/2024


在選擇和裝配 #書包 時,需要考慮以下幾個關鍵因素:
1. 合身和可調節性
- 選擇有兩條加墊寬肩帶的背包,可以舒適地背在肩上
- 確保背包緊貼背部
- 選擇有腰帶和胸帶的背包,因為這有助於將重量更平均地分配在全身

2. 最佳尺寸和容量:
- 背包的大小應與學童的體型成正比,底部應舒適地靠在其腰部
- 避免使用過大的背包,這會導致背痛和姿勢不良
- 選擇有多個隔層的背包,有助於更均勻地分配重量

3. 優先考慮舒適性和支撐性:
- 尋找有襯墊背板的背包,這樣可以讓背包緊貼其的脊椎
- 選擇以輕盈、耐用材質製成的背包,以減少額外的負擔

3. 以舒適性和支撐性為優先:
- 尋找有襯墊背板的背包,這樣可以讓背包緊貼您孩子的脊椎
- 選擇以輕量、耐用材質製成的背包,以減少額外的負擔

4. 書包的重量分佈:
- 教科書和筆記型電腦等較重的物品應放在最靠近背部的位置,而較輕的物品則可以存放在靠前的位置或外層的隔間中。
- 定期檢查書包內的物品,確保您的子女只攜帶當天所需的物品,減少不必要的重量和負擔

As the summer holidays nearly come to an end and the new school year approaches, it's time to start thinking about getting your child ready to head back to the classroom. One important item on the back-to-school checklist is choosing the right school bag. Selecting the proper backpack can significantly affect your child's comfort and posture throughout the school day.

When choosing and fitting a school bag, there are several key factors to consider:

1. Fit and Adjustability
2. Optimal Size and Capacity
3. Prioritize Comfort and Support
4. Weight Distribution in school bags

#物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #腰痛 #痛症治療 #中環 #香港物理治療 #開學 #開學日 #開學季 #開學倒數 #開學用品

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 09/08/2024

#奧運會 即將落下帷幕。對於運動員而言,這並非旅程的終點。他們在奧運會期間的努力、奉獻精神與成就,值得我們最大的尊重和欽佩。


1. 字母練習
2. 單腳平衡
3. 反向踝關節伸展
4. 抬高小腿訓練


The Olympic Games almost come to a close. This is not the end of the journey for the athletes. Their hard work, dedication, and achievements during the Games deserve our utmost respect and admiration.

Ankle Sprain is one of the common sports injuries that occur when the ligaments surrounding the ankle joint are stretched or torn. This can happen to anyone, regardless of age or fitness level, and is often caused by twisting or rolling the ankle. However, in many cases can be avoided by doing some ankle sprain prevention exercises.

Ankle sprain prevention exercises:
1. Ankle Alphabet:
2. Single Leg Balance
3. Resisted Ankle Eversion
4. Calf Raise

💡The above information is for reference only. If you experience any sport-related injuries, you should seek guidance and advice from a professional physiotherapist or medical expert to obtain a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

#物理治療 #運動治療 #痛症 #運動康復 #奧運 #劍擊

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 30/07/2024

🎉恭喜江旻憓、張家朗、何詩蓓,並感謝所有香港運動員的付出。🤺 #劍擊 運動在香港再次備受矚目,藉著這個機會討論劍擊運動員的一些常見傷害。如果及早採取正確預防的方法,許多劍擊運動的損傷是可以避免的,可以加快康復速度,並加強重返賽場運動的能力。


- 腳踝外側即時疼痛、腫脹和瘀傷
- 腳部和腳踝無力或不穩定感
- 觸摸腳踝外側時有繃緊感
- 患足站立或行走困難
- 患肢承重困難
- 踝關節僵硬,休息一段時間後會加劇,輕微活動踝關節會緩解



Congratulations to Vivian Kong, Cheung Ka-long, Siobhan Haughey and thank you for all the efforts from HK athletes. 🤺With once again in the spotlight in Hong Kong, we take this opportunity to discuss some common injuries among fencers. Many fencing injuries can be avoided, the recovery can be speeded up, and the return to sport strengthened - if the right approach is taken early.

One of the most prevalent injuries in fencing is the lateral ankle sprain. The explosive lunges, rapid changes of direction, and uneven terrain of the field put fencers at high risk of rolling or twisting their ankles.

Check out the symptoms of lateral sprained ankles here.
Learn about the risk factors that contribute to lateral ankle sprains in fencers and how can help prevent lateral sprained ankles.

💡The above information is for reference only. If you experience any sport-related injuries, you should seek guidance and advice from a professional physiotherapist or medical expert to obtain a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

#物理治療 #運動治療 #痛症 #運動康復 #奧運 #張家朗 #江旻憓 #何詩蓓

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 26/07/2024

巴黎奧運會即將開始啦! 祝願所有參加奧運會的香港運動員取得優異成績,累積寶貴經驗!

🤺 #劍擊 運動在香港引起了廣泛關注。當我們準備觀看世界頂尖劍擊選手比賽的同時,也藉著這個機會討論劍擊運動員的一些常見運動傷害以及如何預防受傷的小貼士。

讓我們來看看劍擊運動員最常遇到的運動傷害 - #跳躍膝 (膝蓋骨腱炎)。



The Olympic Games is here! 🇭🇰 Wishing all the Hong Kong athletes competing in the games the best of luck. May you achieve incredible results and gain valuable experience!

🤺 has attracted widespread attention in Hong Kong. As we gear up to watch the world's top fencers compete, it's a great time to discuss some common fencing injuries faced by fencers and tips to keep you healthy on the field.

Let's take a look at one of the most common injuries fencers suffer, Jumper's knee.

What is jumper's knee?
Jumper's knee, also known as patellar tendinopathy, is a common overuse injury that affects the patellar tendon.

Learn more about the the causes of jumper’s knee, its common symptoms, how to prevent it and what our physiotherapist can do to help you,
#物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #扭傷 #運動康復 #奧運

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 23/07/2024

隨著 #奧運會 即將開幕, #劍擊 運動備受關注。因為上屆奧運的金牌得主 - 香港選手張家朗及香港擊劍隊的出色表現,越來越多的人參與劍擊運動。我們將探討一些肌力訓練和體能訓練計畫,了解如何在擊劍賽場上發揮最佳表現和預防受傷。

1. 變向速度(CODS):
- 組合式敏捷訓練梯: 透過組合式敏捷梯進行前進、橫向和之字形練習,訓練快速腳步移動。
- T 型練習: 這項經典的敏捷性測試,需要以 T 形模式進行短距離衝刺、側步移動和後退,可以鍛鍊全身協調能力。
- 側向跳躍著地: 進行側向跳躍並控制著地,,可鍛鍊下肢的離心力量和身體平衡,有助於快速變向。
- 阻力短跑: 利用阻力帶進行短跑,可鍛鍊加速和減速能力。

2. 高強度間歇訓練(HIIT)以增強力量和爆發力

3. 核心訓練: 包括平板支撐、空心托舉、俄羅斯轉體等,可以增強軀幹的穩定性,在保持最佳身體定位的同時,使下肢產生力量。

4. 對膝關節和踝關節的預防性強化和肌肉感覺訓練
- 深蹲和硬舉:針對膝關節和臀部伸展/屈曲
- 分腿深蹲練習:以臀肌為目標,共同訓練從弓箭步回到防守狀態的快速恢復

5. 旋轉力量練習: 實心球投擲、地雷管旋轉和伐木式都是針對這些動作模式。

6. 北歐式彎舉和直腿硬拉: 有助於減少高發生率的腿筋拉傷。這些練習可以幫助劍擊運動員減緩弓步動作,並從爆發性動作中恢復,而不會使腿筋超負荷。

7. 握力訓練: 農夫行走(Farmer Walk)、硬舉和壺鈴擺盪可以增強所需的前臂和握力。


As the Game commence, is capturing the spotlight, thanks to the success of gold medalist Cheung Ka Long and the strong performance of HK Fencing team. More people are playing fencing nowadays. We explore some strength training and conditioning regimens that support fencers in optimizing their performance and preventing injuries on the field.

Strength and conditioning program for fencers:
1. Change-of-direction speed (CODS):
- Agility ladder drills
- T-drills
- Lateral bound-and-stick
- Resisted sprints
2. HIIT for strength and power
3. Core exercises
4. Prophylactic strengthening and proprioceptive training of the musculature of the knee (hamstring and quadriceps) and ankle
- Squats and deadlifts: target the knee and hip extensors/flexors
- Split squat exercises: target the gluteal muscles and collectively train a fast recovery from the lunge back toon-guardd
5. Rotational Power exercises
6. Nordics and stiff-leg deadlifts
7. Grip Strength exercises

By incorporating these elements, fencers can maximize their performance while keeping themselves healthy and injury-free.

#物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #扭傷 #運動康復 #奧運

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 16/07/2024

患有 #網球肘?試試這些有針對性的練習,減輕疼痛,恢復力量。參看圖中這套動作可以幫助你重返賽場。

1. 手腕伸展 (強化)
2. 手腕關節屈伸
3. 啞鈴旋後
4. 壓力球擠壓
5. 手指伸肌- 用橡皮筋拉伸手指


Suffering from tennis elbow? Try these targeted exercises to alleviate pain and regain strength. This routine can help you get back in the game (Refer to the images).

1. Wrist Extension (Strengthening)
2. Wrist Flexion Stretch
3. Supination with a Dumbbell
4. Stress Ball Squeeze
5. Finger Stretch with Rubber Band

💡The above information is for reference only. If you experience any sport-related injuries, you should seek guidance and advice from a professional physiotherapist or medical expert to obtain a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

#物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #扭傷 #運動康復 #溫布頓 #奧運 #網球手

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 09/07/2024

您有觀看近期的 #溫布頓網球錦標賽 嗎? 我們上篇分享了一些常見的網球運動傷害。以下是簡單的小貼士,從適當的熱身到賽場上的策略,以預防網球運動時受傷。

1. 糾正技術 - 使用正確的肌肉群來產生更大的動力,而不會過度負荷使用同一組肌肉。這將減少受傷的機會,因為肌肉、肌腱和韌帶所承受的壓力和張力度會更少。一名優秀的網球教練能夠幫助和指導您進行技術上的改變,並最終提高你的比賽水平。

2. 比賽前後做好熱身和降溫 - 可以降低受傷的機率。熱身可以提高心血管系統,提高體溫,讓血液流向肌肉,使更多氧氣到達肌肉,使肌肉做好準備。降溫則可以讓心率逐漸降低,有助於清除肌肉中的廢物,並使肌肉恢復到原來的長度。

3. 進行良好的強化和調節性體能訓練計劃有助於預防肌肉受傷

4. 佩戴正確的裝備 - 穿著正確的鞋襪和使用適合的球拍是非常重要。正確的鞋子將增加腳踝支撐,減少腳踝扭傷和應力骨折的可能性。挑選適合自己的球拍,正確的握柄尺寸、球拍弦線張力、球拍尺寸和重量有助於預防揮拍時拉傷手腕肌腱。如果球拍的張力過大,您會需要花更大的力氣擊球,從而對手肘和肩膀造成不必要的壓力。

5. 間歇性休息 - 讓身體和大腦得到休息和恢復。疲勞會導致技術的無意識變化,並對身體造成不必要的壓力和應力,更容易受傷。


Are you watching ? As we introduced some common tennis injuries previously. Let's learn about some prevention tips to avoid injuries, from proper warm-ups to court-smart strategies.

1. Correcting the technique
2. A good warm up and cool down before and after a game
3. Have a good strengthening and conditioning exercise program can help prevent muscle injuries
4. Have the correct gear
5. Intermittent breaks

💡The above information is for reference only. If you experience any sport-related injuries, your should seek guidance and advice from a professional physiotherapist or medical expert to obtain a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

#物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #扭傷 #運動康復 #溫布頓 #網球手

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 03/07/2024

#溫布頓網球錦標賽 正在火熱開打,這是令網球愛好者最興奮的時刻之一。打 #網球 會從擊球時的肩膀,到發球時的背部,對全身施加壓力和應力。一同了解最常見的網球運動傷害。

#網球肘 (肱骨外上髁炎) - 前臂與肱骨(肘部和肩膀之間的上臂骨)外側相連的肌腱受到刺激。它也可能是由於訓練量增加、技術不佳或球拍尺寸或張力不正確而造成的過度使用傷害。

踝關節扭傷 - 分為1-3級。第1級為較輕微的損傷害,第3級是完全斷裂。扭傷可能涉及單一或多個韌帶,最常受傷的是外側韌帶。扭傷的原因是腳踝關節有時會向內扭轉,可能是由於踝關節不穩定或穿著不合適的鞋子。患者會因為組織受損,而感到踝關節前部疼痛。

肩袖撕裂 - 肩部肌肉在訓練和比賽中會大量使用。它可能是慢性損傷,也可能是急性損傷。症狀包括該區域疼痛、肩膀乏⼒、移動肩膀時發出磨擦聲。

背部扭傷 - 網球發球時需要脊柱過度伸展(向後彎曲),同時還要旋轉和側彎軀幹。這對脊柱造成很大壓力。如果球員沒有良好的控制能力和柔軟度,在上場時的旋轉動作可能會造成肌肉微小撕裂,進而導致肌肉緊繃和不適。


Wimbledon has started and it's one of the most exciting times of the year for tennis lovers. Playing tennis puts stress and strain on the whole body, from the shoulder, when striking the ball, to the back when serving. Let’s talk about some of the most common injuries in tennis.

- Tennis Elbow (Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy)
- Ankle sprains
- Rotator cuff tears
- Back sprain

💡If you experience any sport-related injuries, you should seek guidance and advice from a professional physiotherapist or medical expert to obtain a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

#物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #扭傷 #運動康復 #溫布頓 #網球手

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 26/06/2024

#五十肩 可能會令人沮喪,但適當的運動可以幫助改善活動能力並減輕疼痛。以下有3個改善五十肩的運動,可以嘗試跟著一起做:
1. 鐘擺運動
2. 拉毛巾運動
3. 手指爬牆運動


Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) can be a debilitating condition to live with, but the right exercises can help improve your mobility and reduce pain. Here are 3 exercises that you can do to improve frozen shoulder:

1. Pendulum exercise:
2. Towel Stretch Exercise
3. Finger walk

The above exercises aim to increase the mobility of the shoulder joints, the exercise frequency and repetition shall be tolerable at all time.

#物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #關節痛 #腰痛 #關節炎 #中環 #運動康復

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 20/06/2024

雖然兩者的症狀相似,但卻有所不同。 肩關節夾擊綜合症是由肩旋肌肌鍵腫脹、增厚或撕裂,與肩峰磨擦或被夾擊所致。 它會在一定的活動範圍內引起疼痛,痛楚或源於肩旋肌肌腱發炎(肌腱炎),或是肩峰下滑液囊(肩膀頂端下一囊液體)發炎 (滑液囊炎)。 而五十肩通常沒有明顯原因所致。

您可能患有 #五十肩:
- 原因: 通常沒有明顯原因所致,但可能與不活動或外傷有關
- 逐漸出現疼痛和僵硬,導致手臂活動範圍減少; 在最後階段可能會出現肩膀非常僵硬和無力的情況
- 前舉,外轉,內轉都受限,難以將手臂舉過頭頂/ 將手臂橫跨身體/ 伸向背後
- 肌肉僵硬感勝於無力感
- 疼痛持續較長時間 (以月至年計)

您可能患有 #肩關節夾擊綜合症:
- 原因: 重複高舉過頭的活動、骨刺、肌腱發炎
- 肩部疼痛會在活動時加劇,尤其在手臂高舉過頭頂的時候; 疼痛可能是突發性的,也可能逐漸加劇
- 高舉過頭或向背後伸手的動作會有影響
- 肌肉無力感勝於僵硬感
- 疼痛持續時間因人而異,通常較短


【Is Shoulder Impingement the Same as Frozen Shoulder?】
Although shoulder impingement and frozen shoulder have similar symptoms, they are different. Shoulder impingement is caused by a swollen, thickened, or torn rotator cuff tendon that rubs against or catches in the acromion while the cause of frozen shoulder is often unknown.

Knowing the features can help you differentiate between the two:
Frozen Shoulder:
- Causes: Often unexpected, but can be linked to immobility or trauma
- Gradual onset of pain and stiffness, leading to decreased range of arm movement. At the end stage can present with a very stiff and weak shoulder.
- Difficulties in lifting your arm above your head and extending your arms across your body or behind your back in most directions
- Stiffness more than muscle weakness
- Pain duration tends to be long (months to years)

Shoulder impingement:
- Causes: Repetitive overhead activity, bone spurs, inflammation of tendons.
- Shoulder pain tends to worsen with movement, especially overhead activities. The pain can come on suddently or gradually
- Difficulties in overhead movement or reaching behind your back
- Muscle weakness more than stiffness
- Pain duration varies, often shorter

To properly diagnose your shoulder's pain, you should make an appointment to seek advice from a professional physiotherapist or medical expert.

#物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #關節痛 #腰痛 #關節炎 #中環 #運動康復

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 18/06/2024

您有沒有中這些 #五十肩 的症狀?在大部分的病例中,肩部動作的受限大都伴隨著嚴重疼痛,且會干擾到睡眠。患者也會因疼痛及關節活動度的喪失,嚴重影響日常生活。

1. 肩關節疼痛:這是最常見的症狀之一。疼痛通常在肩膀的頂部或外側感覺最明顯,並可能向上臂延伸。疼痛可能會逐漸加劇,導致肩關節活動受限。
2. 手部向外轉和內轉特別緊硬及痛楚
3. 肩膊幅度受限: 如無法舉高、拿高處物品
4. 夜間疼痛:睡覺時壓力施加在患有五十肩的肩膀上可能導致疼痛加劇,甚至夜間容易痛醒,影響睡眠品質。

Do you have any of these symptoms of "Frozen Shoulder"? In most cases, limited shoulder movement is accompanied by severe pain, which can disrupt sleep. Patients also experience significant pain and loss of joint mobility, severely affecting daily life.

The symptoms of "Frozen Shoulder":
1. Shoulder joint pain: This is one of the most common symptoms. The pain is most noticeable at the top or outer side of the shoulder and may extend to the upper arm. The pain can gradually worsen, leading to restricted shoulder joint movement.
2. Difficulty with external and internal rotation of the hand: E.g. the inability to reach the back to scratch an itch or women having difficulty unfastening their bras independently.
3. Limited range of motion in the shoulder: e.g. Inability to raise or reach objects at a high level.
Severe cases may result in difficulty combing hair or dressing.
4. Nighttime pain: The pressure exerted on the affected shoulder while sleeping, leading to disrupted sleep and reduced sleep quality.

#物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #關節痛 #腰痛 #關節炎 #中環 #運動康復


#父親節快樂! 👨🏻祝所有爸爸們擁有強健的身體, 感謝您們對家庭無盡的愛與支持!💪❤️
👨🏻Happy Father's Day to all the incredible dads who inspire us on and off the field! 🏆Celebrate your dad's dedication, keeping him strong, agile, and ready to conquer any challenge. 💪❤️

#物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #關節痛 #腰痛 #關節炎 #中環 #運動康復 #香港物理治療

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 13/06/2024

#五十肩 的正式名稱是「肩沾黏性關節囊炎」,當肩關節囊發炎時,身體會產生纖維母細胞修復發炎位置,但這反而會使關節受黏住,導致肩部活動受限。因為它常見於50歲左右的患者,故俗稱為「五十肩」或冰凍肩。



The formal name for 'frozen shoulder' is Adhesive Capsulitis. When the shoulder joint capsule becomes inflamed, fibroblasts will be produced to repair the inflammed part, but this can lead to progressive pain and stiffness in the shoulder, resulting in a decreased range of motion in the shoulder. It is commonly seen in patients around the age of 50, so a common Chinese term ‘50-years-old shoulder’ is used.

However, it does not only affect those age of 50. Young people may also have shoulder joint injuries due to improper exercise techniques, and people who frequently raise their arms for housework may also suffer from frozen shoulder. Factors such as poor posture, excessive strain, and inadequate rest can also contribute to a frozen shoulder.

Frozen shoulder can generally be classified into 'primary frozen shoulder' and 'secondary frozen shoulder'. Learn about the causes of Frozen shoulder.

#物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #關節痛 #腰痛 #關節炎 #中環 #運動康復


端午節快樂!🚣‍♀️🚣 慶祝端午節,除了吃粽子,香港每年都會舉行國際龍舟公開比賽,大家可以親身參與或觀賞這項最應節的活動,期待更多精彩的龍舟競技和文化交流。一同為龍舟選手打氣!!😃

Happy Dragon Boat Festival!🚣‍♀️🚣 Today, other than enjoying rice dumplings, let's also honor the rich heritage of dragon boating and look forward to many more seasons of competitive excitement and cultural exchanges. Cheer on the dragon boat racers!😃

#端午節 #划龍舟 #龍舟賽 #運動表現物理治療
#物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #關節痛 #腰痛 #運動康復 #龍舟

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 07/06/2024

就快到 #端午節,隨著龍舟賽賽季進入高潮,新手和經驗豐富的划手都必須注意常見的龍舟運動傷害。



As the dragon boat racing season kicks into high gear, it's important for both novice and experienced paddlers to be aware of the common injuries.

The repetitive nature of the paddling motion, combined with the intensity of training and racing, can lead to a variety of overuse injuries. Understand the most common dragon boating injuries and try to prevent them.

Paddlers! If you suspect you might have any of the above injuries, don't hesitate to reach out to your healthcare professional to make a proper assessment.

#划龍舟 #龍舟賽 #運動表現物理治療
#物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #關節痛 #腰痛 #中環 #運動康復 #龍舟


👏Congratulations to our physiotherapists Tim Lam and Simon Brouwer for their outstanding performance in the HYROX men’s DOUBLES challenge on May 25th! 🎉🏆
HYROX, an elite full-body fitness competition, brings together top athletes from around the world. Participants tackle an arduous 8km course featuring 8 different functional fitness movements and races. The physical and mental fortitude required to conquer this challenge is truly remarkable.

Tim and Simon’s seamless teamwork and unwavering determination serve as genuine inspirations. Their achievement as first runner-up is a testament to their hard work and dedication. 👏🏅


Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 29/05/2024

#背痛 是 #懷孕 期間的常見症狀,影響高達 50-70% 的孕婦。它通常在妊娠中期左右開始,隨著子宮的生長並對脊柱、骨盆和支撐肌肉施加新的壓力。隨著胎兒體重持續增加以及母親在妊娠晚期的重心轉移,背痛往往會加劇。要如何減輕懷孕期間的腰背痛呢?




Back pain is a common complaint during pregnancy, affecting up to 50-70% of pregnant women. It usually begins around the second trimester as the uterus grows and places new pressure on the spine, pelvis and supporting muscles. Back pain often intensifies as the foetus continues to gain weight and the mother's centre of gravity shifts in the third trimester. How to manage back pain during pregancy?

Seeing an obstetrician is important if back pain suddenly intensifies quickly or is accompanied by new symptoms like numbness, leg weakness, incontinence, fever or vomiting. These could indicate more serious conditions like herniated discs, compression fractures from softening bones, pelvic girdle pain or early labour contractions.

Most back pain during pregnancy is musculoskeletal and resolves shortly after delivery or within a few months postpartum. However, staying active as tolerated and prioritising self-care can preserve mobility and functionality during this time.

Women can optimise their physical and mental health during pregnancy by getting adequate sleep, eating a balanced diet, and practising relaxation techniques. With the proper guidance from healthcare providers and support from family, mothers-to-be can find ways to manage back pain that honours both their physical limits and emotional needs. With patience and persistence, they can nurture their babies while nurturing themselves.

#母親節 #物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #關節痛 #腰痛 #懷孕 #懷孕運動 #中環 #運動康復

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 20/05/2024

#懷孕 可能是一段美好的時光,但它也會帶來一系列身體變化和挑戰,包括 #背痛。由於荷爾蒙的變化,穩定脊柱的韌帶鬆弛,導致關節變得不穩定,容易錯位。成長中的嬰兒增加的體重也會給脊柱、骨盆和骶髂關節帶來壓力,髖骨與下脊柱相連。這會導致中背部、下背部、臀部和骨盆底的肌肉疲勞和疼痛。還有甚麼原因導致懷孕期間會背痛?


Pregnancy can be a wonderful time, but it can also bring about a host of physical changes and challenges, including back pain. The ligaments that stabilise the spine loosen due to hormonal changes, causing the joints to become less stable and prone to misalignment. The added weight of the growing baby also places strain onto the spine, pelvis and sacroiliac joints where the hip bones connect to the lower spine. This can cause muscle fatigue and pain in the mid and lower back, hips and pelvic floor.

Stay tuned for our next sharing on tips to tackle back pain during pregnancy!

#母親節 #物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #關節痛 #腰痛 #懷孕運動 #中環 #運動康復

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 15/05/2024

近年來愈來愈多人鼓勵 #母乳餵哺,但餵哺母乳的過程中,很多新手媽媽有時受到 #乳房脹痛 的問題困擾。

乳房腫脹有三種主要成因: #乳房充血, #乳腺管阻塞, #乳腺炎。

物理治療師可以利用無痛手法來舒緩乳房脹痛,同時幫助媽媽排出多餘的乳汁,讓餵哺過程更加順利。這種治療方法主要利用 #淋巴引流 手法,通過溫和的手部運動向特定方向延展皮膚,隨著皮下壓力的變化,使組織產生抽吸作用,以促進皮下淋巴管的流通。


In recent years, there has been increasing encouragement for . However, many new mothers often experience the problem of breast engorgement during breastfeeding.

3 major causes of Breast engorgement: Breast congestion, Blocked Duct and .

Physiotherapists can use painless techniques to alleviate breast engorgement and help mothers expel excess milk for a smoother breastfeeding process. This treatment method primarily utilizes manual lymph drainage, gently stretching the skin in specific directions through manual movements. By varying the pressure beneath the skin, a suction effect is created in the tissues, promoting the circulation of the subcutaneous lymphatic vessels.

If you are a breastfeeding mother, it may be worth considering to seek the assistance of a physiotherapist to enhance your breastfeeding experience, making it more relaxed and enjoyable.

#產後 #物理治療 #塞奶
#母親節 #運動治療 #頸痛 #痛症 #懷孕 #運動康復


🌹母親節快樂!🌹 感謝所有母親們的偉大和對家庭的愛。我們鼓勵您花點時間照顧自己,擁有健康強壯的身體!🌸藉著這個機會,讓我們一同關注母親的健康!

🌹Happy Mother's Day! 🌹 Today, we celebrate the incredible moms who bring love, strength, and inspiration to our lives. Thank you for your unwavering support and for cheering us on during our journey. We also want to encourage you to take a moment for self-care. Stay tuned for more mother's wellness tips throughout May!

💕Let's spread the love and appreciation for all the remarkable moms out there.

#物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #關節痛 #腰痛 #中環 #運動康復 #香港物理治療

Photos from Sportsperformance Physiotherapy's post 09/05/2024

【哪些運動於 #懷孕 期進行是安全的?】
以 #臨床普拉提 為基礎的低衝擊度練習是為孕婦設計,相當安全,目標是強化身軀核心的肌肉(如腹橫肌、多裂肌、盆底肌) 。

【What kind of exercise is safe during ?】
Low impact clinical based exercises are designed to strengthen the “core” muscles. The inner core muscles are the transversus abdominis, multifidus, the diaphragm and the pelvic floor muscles. The exercises are modified to be safe during pregnancy.

Our physiotherapists are qualified clinical Pilates instructors, and will guide you through a progressive, individually tailored programme of exercise designed both to address your particular problems and aim to prevent problems in the future.

As every pregnant woman's situation is different, it is recommended to consult a physiotherapist or doctor to find the exercises that work best for you.

#母親節 #物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #關節痛 #腰痛 #懷孕運動 #中環 #運動康復 #普拉提


#孕婦 可以做物理治療嗎?其實懷孕期的物理治療,就是為了防止妊娠期間產生問題及治療有關疼痛而設計的。它還能幫助改善您的活動能力,使懷孕和分娩更加順利。




Can women have physiotherapy? Physiotherapy during your pregnancy is designed to prevent problems and treat any aches and pains which occur as the pregnancy progresses. It can also help to improve your mobility, making for a much smoother pregnancy and birth.

In fact, as long as the foetus is stable after 3 months and there is no abnormal bleeding, a pregnant woman can safely undergo physiotherapy. Experienced physiotherapists will avoid over-twisting of the lower back, and the treatment will not cause severe pain or contractions.

The physiotherapist will assist in correcting their tilted pelvis, minimizing muscle imbalance and providing guidance on maintaining the correct posture to ensure long-term stability of the pelvis and lumbar spine.

However, it is important to tell your Physiotherapist that you are pregnant as your treatment will need to alter.

#母親節 #物理治療 #運動治療 #肩痛 #頸痛 #痛症 #關節痛 #腰痛 #懷孕 #懷孕運動 #中環 #運動康復 #香港物理治療

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8/F, China Building, 29 Queen's Road Central
Central District

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday 08:00 - 20:00
Friday 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00

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6/F, EC Healthcare Tower, 19-20 Connaught Road, Central
Central District

Official Physiotherapists of the HK Rugby 7’s (1981-2016). Proud to be HK’s front-runner and first-choice provider of quality physiotherapy since 1980.