
A Business Referral Platform

WeExpand is a B2B salestech platform that enables companies to develop a scalable and sustainable referral sales network by transforming people connections into on-demand virtual sales forces through social content sharing with viral effect.




WeExpand 是一個 #虛擬銷售 協作SaaS 平台,隨著 #香港 和 #東南亞 虛擬銷售生態網絡的發展,我們很高興地宣布現在可以保證銷售線索生產量:-

✅有效追蹤、分析和捕捉保證數量的 #銷售線索
✅幫助您建立可持續的虛擬 #銷售團隊來推動 #行銷活動
✅協助您 #培養潛在客戶 並安排預約客戶會議

如果您正在尋找促進銷售的解決方案,請在此處嘗試 www.weexpand.co/plan 並按月訂閱,您也可以隨時取消。

⭕️ Start-Ups/新創公司/中小企業
⭕️ 適合將業務從中國大灣區出海拓展至香港/東南亞市場,並需要增加銷售線索來填補管道、推動行銷活動以及加速收入成長的企業。
⭕️ 或其他海外企業

WeExpand 是香港科技園孵化的公司
HKSTP Partnerships Hong Kong Science Park


Come to Join the Launch Party! WeExpand will be there to demonstrate how our platform manage a larger scale of virtual to accelerate and better manage the process.

We are excited to participate the first-ever that has launched with our aim to empower local and accelerate in Hong Kong’s . The programme is designed to provide all-round infrastructure support to propel startups to and their businesses.

Party Highlight

Date : October 25, 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 15:00-17:00
Venue: WeWork Taikoo21/F, Cityplaza Three, 14 Taikoo Wan Road, Taikoo, Hong Kong


15:00-15:30 Registration and Drinks Reception
15:30-17:00 Launch Party
- Welcoming and Opening Remarks (Helen Lo, General Manager, Commercial, SUNeVision)
- Keynote Speech (Jayne Chan, Head of StartmeupHK, InvestHK)
- Startup Programme Introduction (Zena Cheng, Vice President, Channel, SUNeVision)
- Celebration & Lucky Draw


Photos from WeExpand's post 09/10/2023

x #新媒體: 如何連結世界,促進平權發展

WeExpand 有幸與來自不同界別嘅專家去分享以上題目的觀點。在席上有來自於NFT,教育,社交銷售平台,健康教育專家從不同角度去分析如何為相關行業引進科技促進平權發展。

是次WeExpand 從企業 #行銷策略 角度分享了以下的想法:

* 企業平權的重點在於為受到忽視的族群 #創造經濟機會
* #全民行銷 的價值鏈進一步為企業形成新的收益分配格局

WeExpand 是一個 #社群銷售平台 ,透過 #互連人脈網路尋找商機,加速行銷網路的擴張。讓老顧客、公司內部員工、產業上下游的銷售人員都為企業 #轉介紹客戶 | 讓外部更多人為你帶來商業機會

- #全民推廣
- #內部和外部銷售協同
- #佣金清分靈活用工
- #公司人脈網路管理

新意網推出首屆「初創飛航計劃」 04/10/2023

WeExpand 很高興能成為 #新意網集團有限公司(「 #新意網」;港交所股票代碼:1686) 推出首屆「 #初創飛航計劃」的服務支援合作夥伴,提供 #業務開發 工具、 #聯合營銷 支援及 #虛擬銷售 服務,協助初創企業通過獨有的 #合作交流、 #推薦機會, #拓展行業人脈網絡。


新意網推出首屆「初創飛航計劃」 新意網推出首屆「初創飛航計劃」|mediaoutreach 2023.09.28 by MediaOutReach 圖片: 培育初創企業加速創新 推動香港數字經濟發展 香港 - Media OutReach - 2023年9月27日 - 香港排名第一的數據中心服務商新意網集團有限公司(「新意網」;港.....

Photos from WeExpand's post 01/06/2023

中港恢復全面通關後,大批內地訪港旅客來港置辦 #保險,更有大型保險公司指出,相關業務有望於今年重返疫前的水平🤩!行業前景一片向好,步入下半年,作為 #理財顧問 的你,今年的Target達標了嗎👀?

WeExpand 的虛擬銷售引薦平台能助你一臂之力:

✅ 透過「病毒效應」開拓潛在客戶
✅ 減省獲客成本(CAC)
✅ 追蹤你的銷售業績
✅ 提供詳細的數據分析

Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Since the full resumption of cross-border travel between Mainland China and Hong Kong, many Mainland tourists have been coming to Hong Kong to purchase . One of the major insurance companies has stated that the business is expected to return to pre-pandemic levels this year 🤩. As a financial advisor, as we enter the second half of the year, have you met your yearly targets 👀?

Our virtual sales referral platform offers a range of benefits:

✅ Generate new leads with the Viral-Effect
✅ Reduce your customer acquisition cost (CAC)
✅ Track your sales performance
✅ Provide detailed analytics

Let us help you reach more clients and job seekers, thus maximizing your potential in the insurance industry 💰. Contact WeExpand today for a complimentary consultation!

Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority AIA Hong Kong and Macau Prudential Hong Kong AXA 安盛 - Hong Kong and Macau 10Life
FWD Hong Kong & Macau Manulife Bowtie
FWD Hong Kong & Macau #保險 #人壽 #儲蓄 #醫療 #投連險 GAMA HK


作為 #批發商 的你,希望打破傳統,開始數碼營銷,又不知道該怎樣起步?我們 WeExpand 的虛擬銷售推薦平台,便能助你一臂之力,為你引流更多採購商、 #零售商,創造生意機會!


✅ 簡單易懂的著陸頁
✅ 容易操作的界面
✅ 廣泛的觸及率
✅ 直接為潛在客戶名單付費
✅ 輕鬆分發銷售佣金

Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Are you a wholesaler seeking to break free from traditional marketing methods and transition to digital marketing? Do you find yourself stuck at the very first step? WeExpand's virtual sales referral network can provide you with the support you need to attract more buyers and retailers, opening up new business opportunities for you.

5 Benefits of WeExpand’s Platform:
✅ Simple Landing Page
✅ User-friendly Interface
✅ Wider Reachability
✅ Pay-per-lead Model
✅ Easy Distribution of Commission

Don’t hesitate to capture more sales opportunities!
Contact WeExpand today for a complimentary product demo 🤗.
Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority #批發 #內銷 #外銷 #外貿 #採購 #貨運 #入貨 #供應鏈



Whatsapp +852 6511 2521 或按 https://bit.ly/3VN5TlP

作為中小企的銷售夥伴,WeExpand的虛擬銷售推薦網絡有多項優勢,可以助你隨時隨地開展副業,成為Freelance IT 銷售顧問,輕鬆賺取佣金!

✅ 免費註冊 無任何隱藏收費
✅ 無需學歷和工作經驗
✅ 無固定工作時間和辦公地點
✅ 分享連結吸客 輕鬆賺取佣金
✅ 多勞多得 沒有收入上限
✅ 由平台分發佣金 安全可靠

填妥問卷即享 YOOVmall 港幣$100 電子現金券一張
*以上禮遇由 Bowtie 贊助,詳情請參看內文 YOOV Mall 電子購物禮券之條款及細則

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority #科技 #佣金 #業務拓展 #數碼港 #科學園 Cyberport 數碼港 Hong Kong Science Park


【即填即賞】為支援本地中小企業發展, WeExpand 特地送出以下禮品🎁作為業務發展初體驗。由即日起,任何香港本地中小企代表填妥以下問卷(只需1分鐘!),便可免費換領價值HK$100的文儀電子購物禮券並自動成為WeExpand平台Company會員!名額有限,先到先得!

Whatsapp +852 6511 2521 或按 https://bit.ly/3VN5TlP


✅ 簡單清楚的 Landing Page
✅ 通過分享連結 生成病毒效應提高觸及率
✅ 開發到潛在客戶才付費
✅ 透過口碑推薦增強可信度
✅ 輕鬆地分發佣金

填妥問卷即享 YOOVmall 港幣$100 電子現金券一張
*以上禮遇由 Bowtie 贊助,詳情請參看內文 YOOV Mall 電子購物禮券之條款及細則

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority #秘書 #文具 #中小企 #送 #禮物 #問卷 #免費 #訂購


希望為你的 #電商 #引流 更多生意?已經試過許多不同的數碼營銷方法😶?我們 WeExpand 可以提供另一種替代方案,讓你的營銷預算可以更用得其所!我們的虛擬銷售推薦平台有多項優勢:

✅ 開發到潛在客戶才付費
✅ 透過病毒效應接觸廣泛的 #潛在客戶
✅ 從 #口碑行銷 贏得信任
✅ 隨時隨地追蹤推薦的成效

Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Looking to increase your sales revenue? Already trying various types of online advertising 😶? We have a cost-effective alternative for you. Our virtual sales referral marketing system offers a wide range of benefits, including:

✅ Pay as you acquire leads
✅ Reach to a wider audience through the
✅ Earn trust from word-of-mouth referrals
✅ Track referral performance anytime & anywhere

Don’t hesitate to capture more sales opportunities!
Contact WeExpand today for a complimentary consultation 🤗.
Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority #電子商貿 #網店 #店主 #開店 #零售 #批發 Shopify Boutir 掌舖


你的媒體想吸引更多廣告商或贊助商的垂青嗎 👀?除了僅僅依靠內部的業務拓展團隊,你亦可以考慮採用我們的 #虛擬銷售網絡 助你繼續擴張🙌🏻!


✅ 簡單清楚的著陸頁(Landing Page)
✅ 通過病毒效應提高 #觸及率
✅ 透過口碑推薦增強可信度
✅ 通過病毒效應提高 #觸及率 的成效
✅ 輕鬆地分發轉介紹 #佣金

立即聯繫我們 WeExpand ,安排免費諮詢🤗!
Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Are you seeking to increase your media's reach and capture more leads on advertorials/sponsorships 👀? Rather than relying solely on your internal team, consider adopting our model to expand your brand 🙌🏻!

Our platform offers a range of benefits, including:
✅ A simple and clear landing page for free
✅ Wide reachability through the viral effect
✅ Trustworthiness from word-of-mouth referrals
✅ The ability to track referral performance anytime & anywhere
✅ Easy distribution of referral commissions.

Let us help you boost your sales revenue. Contact WeExpand today for a complimentary consultation 🤗.
Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority #紙媒 #網媒 #自媒體 #雜誌 #報紙 #報章 #全媒體 #寫稿 #拍片 #出版社 South China Morning Post 香港經濟日報 hket.com 01新聞


今天 #美聯儲 再度提高利率,不過市場已經廣泛認為息口見頂,加息浪潮將要迎來尾聲。樓市壓力即將減輕🏬,你是否也在尋找方法擴大客戶群?WeExpand 便能助你掌握更多銷售機會!

✅ 減低成本
你只需為實際獲得的成果付款,最低化你的獲客成本 (CAC) ,優化營銷預算

💥 提升觸及率

▶️ 自動開發潛在客戶

📊 改進分析

Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Today, the raised the interest rate once more, but it is also widely believed that the trend of increasing interest rates may be coming to a close. Are you looking to expand your client base as the real estate market is expected to rebound 🏬? WeExpand will be the perfect tool for you to capture more sales opportunities!

✅ Reduced Costs:
Minimize your customer acquisition cost (CAC) by only spending for what you got, optimizing marketing budget

💥 Increased Reach:
Reach out to a wider audience quickly through the viral effect. Every time a virtual sales facilitates a sale, more virtual sales, and potential buyers will get to learn about the units you are selling

▶️ Automated Leads Generation:
The large group of virtual sales will spread your properties to their own networks and generate new leads for you automatically.

📊 Improved Analytics:
Track and analyze referral behavior, preferences, and interactions, to reinforce your marketing strategies and improve sales.

Contact us now for a complimentary product demo!
Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority 中原地產 - 職人秘訣 宅谷地產資訊網 property.hk 28Hse.com House730 利嘉閣 世紀21香港 Century 21 Hong Kong


各位保險專才請注意!📢 今年你對行業榮譽目標 的進展如何?是否正為擴展團隊而苦惱? 正能夠解你所需!我們的虛擬銷售引薦平台能夠為你:

✅ 透過「病毒效應」開拓潛在客戶
✅ 減省獲客成本(CAC)
✅ 追蹤你的銷售業績
✅ 提供詳細的數據分析


Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Attention to all insurance agents! 📢 Are you on track to achieve this year? Are you finding it difficult to expand your team? Look no further than ! Our virtual sales referral platform offers a range of benefits:

✅ Generate new leads with the Viral-Effect
✅ Reduce your customer acquisition cost (CAC)
✅ Track your sales performance
✅ Provide detailed analytics

Let us help you reach more clients and job seekers, thus maximizing your potential in the insurance industry 💰. Contact WeExpand today for a complimentary consultation!

Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority AIA Hong Kong and Macau Prudential Hong Kong AXA 安盛 - Hong Kong and Macau 10Life FWD Hong Kong & Macau Manulife Bowtie FWD Hong Kong & Macau #保險 #人壽 #儲蓄 #醫療 #投連險 GAMA HK


你有想過將傳統的推薦系統,升級至 #虛擬銷售網絡系統 嗎?🤔 快來看看你為何應該盡快將 #銷售流程 電子化!

✅ 減低成本
你只需為實際獲得的成果付款,最低化你的 #獲客成本 (CAC) ,優化 #營銷預算

💥 提升觸及率
透過病毒效應,你能夠更快地觸及大量 #目標群眾。每次虛擬銷售專員參與銷售過程,便會有更多虛擬銷售專員和潛在客戶認識到你的產品或服務。

▶️ 自動開發潛在客戶
虛擬銷售專員會透過自身的人際網絡推廣你的產品或服務,自動為你開發 #潛在客戶。

📊 改進分析

💯 安全支付
直接透過平台發放和賺取 #佣金,產品公司和虛擬銷售雙方無需向另一方透露財務信息。

撥打/Whatsapp +852 65112521 預約免費的產品示範

Have you considered transforming your conventional referral business model to a virtual sales network model? 🤔 Here are the reasons why you should adopt digitalization earlier than later:

✅ Reduced Costs:
Minimize your customer acquisition cost ( ) by only spending for what you got, optimising marketing budget

💥 Increased Reach:
Reach out to a wider audience quickly through the . Every time a virtual sales participates in the selling process, more virtual sales and potential customers will get to know your products/services.

▶️ Automated Leads Generation:
The large group of virtual sales will spread the product/service information to their own networks and generate new for you automatically.

📊 Improved Analytics:
Track and analyze behavior, preferences, and interactions, to reinforce your marketing strategies and improve sales.

💯 Secure Payment:
Release or earn commission through the platform, ensuring that neither party needs to disclose financial information.

Want to know more?
Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521 for a complimentary product demo!

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority 中原地產 宅谷地產資訊網 property.hk 蘋果地產王 28Hse.com House730 利嘉閣按揭代理 Ricacorp Mortgage Agency 世紀21香港 Century 21 Hong Kong


通關後港府大力推動旅遊業,「Hello Hong Kong」的宣傳更是鋪天蓋地🎉,近日有「 #蘭桂坊之父 」之稱的 #盛智文 受訪時指出,「香港3、4月舉辦了不少活動如Art Basel、國際珠寶展、 #國際七人欖球賽 等,各種活動真的幫助本港快速復蘇」,可見大家對於本港經濟回彈均十分樂觀📈!

WeExpand 作為本地初創的一份子,專門為本地及海外大中小及初創企業提供B2B #商機 交流平台,加速銷售配對,正正能協助大家在經濟回春的時候,捉緊更多商機 💪🏻!

立即聯絡我們登記成為 WeExpand 免費會員:
Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

The government of Hong Kong is currently implementing ‘Hello Hong Kong’, a major campaign to boost the travel industry, in the wake of the border reopening 🎉.

Notably, Allan Zeman, known as the 'father of Lan Kwai Fong', has highlighted the recent success of popular events in Hong Kong, such as Art Basel, the Hong Kong International Jewellery Show, and the Hong Kong Sevens. It has rejuvenated the local economy and it is also clear that many people are optimistic about the economy's recovery 📈.

As a Hong Kong-based startup, WeExpand offers a B2B matching platform that can be a valuable tool for capturing more sales opportunities in this growing economy💪🏻.

Schedule a free 1-on-1 consultation/ product demo for more information now:
Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority #初創 #中小企 #企業 #銷售 #銷售額 #生意 #旅遊業

Photos from WeExpand's post 20/04/2023

「年輕人是社會未來的棟樑」💡,我們很高興能夠參加由 CoCoon Foundation 和 #陳廷驊基金會 合辦的「 」的計劃,為有意追夢的年輕人提供實習機會 📚.。

透過為期兩個月的實習,參加者能夠在實戰中更了解自己的能力,學習到解難的技巧,為正式步入職場作好準備。我們相信今次的計劃對於一眾參加者來說,是一次難能可貴的經驗,WeExpand 在是次計劃中作為給予工作經驗的機構也感到萬分感恩!感謝這班年輕人的追夢熱誠和決心,在此我們㊗️福大家事事順利!前程似錦!

We all agree that the youth represents the future of our society 💡. It's our pleasure to participate in the 'Pursuit of X' program, which is co-hosted by the CoCoon Foundation and the DH Chen Foundation. This program provides internship opportunities to talented individuals who want to pursue their dreams📚.

Through this two-month program, participants gained a better understanding of themselves, acquired hands-on experience, and developed skills to tackle workplace challenges 💻. We believe that this opportunity is very valuable for the participants. As one of the companies that provided the work experience, WeExpand is grateful for the youngsters' enthusiasm and determination. We wish them all the best in their future endeavors 👀.
Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority #非牟利 #實習 #學習


#海南 零關稅自由貿易港將於2025年年底前建成,對於香港的零售和貿易行業,將會帶來新的挑戰和機遇 🙌🏻。 #全國政協 副主席 #梁振英 先生便指,香港企業不妨透過此機會進軍海南的市場🏝️,由「Sold in Hong Kong」轉型成為「Sold by Hong Kong」。

你有甚麼計劃或想法嗎? 能為有意於海南拓展業務的各大企業建立業務配對網絡,建立更緊密聯繫的生意夥伴。讓我們一起探討合作的可能性吧!
Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

The establishment of the by the end of 2025 presents both a challenge and an opportunity for the retail and trading industry in Hong Kong 🙌🏻. Mr. CY Leung, the vice president of the CPPCC National Committee, suggests that now is the right moment to shift from “Sold in Hong Kong" to “Sold by Hong Kong" and to explore business expansion opportunities in Hainan 🏝️.

Any ideas in mind? WeExpand can assist any interested corporations in building a business-matching network in Hainan and thus establish/strengthen relationships with different business partners. Let’s explore some possible collaborations now together!
Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority #貿易 #關稅

Photos from WeExpand's post 15/04/2023

一連兩日的 #數字經濟峰會(DES)已經完滿結束。我們很高興見到灣仔會展又能回到疫情前來往不絕的盛況 🤝🏻!相信陸續將會有更多大型商界活動舉行,希望下一次可以跟你見面 😄!

The two-day Digital Economy Summit ( ) was a resounding success. We were delighted to see the Wan Chai Convention and Exhibition Centre packed with attendees, just like in pre-Covid times 🤝🏻. We look forward to participating in more events like this and meet with you in person soon 😄!

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK #會展 #灣仔 #灣仔會展 #展覽 #會議 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority Digital Economy Summit

Photos from WeExpand's post 13/04/2023

今天我們很高興能夠參與 #數字經濟峰會(DES),與眾多高瞻遠矚的企業家見面和交流,亦見到無論是立法會、商會或是像我們一樣的商家,都朝著 #智慧香港 的共同目標進發 😇!

若你亦打算將公司的 #銷售流程 數碼化,我們 WeExpand 的虛擬銷售推薦網絡便能助你一臂之力 🙌🏻!透過我們的平台,你能夠輕易接觸到更多目標群眾,從而帶動銷售增長和銷售額!

致電/Whatsapp +852 65112521

It’s our pleasure to participate in the Digital Economy Summit ( ) today and connect with many visionary entrepreneurs!
We’re very glad to see the collective efforts of the registration council, commerce chambers, and businesses, including our own, towards building a smarter city 😇.

If you’re looking for ways to your sales cycle, then you should look no further than the virtual sales referral network of 🙌🏻 ! Our innovative platform can help you reach out to a wider audience, ultimately driving sales growth and boosting revenue.

Schedule a complimentary one-on-one consultation with us now:
Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK #銷售 #推薦 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Photos from WeExpand's post 11/04/2023

好消息 🎉!在剛發佈的2023年度IMD智慧城市指數報告中,香港的排名從去年的第33位大幅躍升至今年的第19位 🤩!正如 創新科技及工業局Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau 局長 孫東教授所言,最新排名肯定了本港在智慧城市建設上的不斷進步,亦是香港數字經濟開啓新發展的重要標誌👏🏻。

如果您亦希望能夠一起建設 #智慧香港 ,便不能錯過這週四在會展舉行的 #數字經濟峰會(DES),我們將會在現場跟大家分享打造 #虛擬銷售網絡 的心得,以及探討進一步合作的可能性。期待能夠在會場見到您📍!


Great news 🎉! Hong Kong has made significant progress in the IMD Smart City Index, jumping from 33rd place last year to 19th this year 🤩. This achievement is a symbol of Hong Kong's entry into a new age of digital economy, according to Professor D**g SUN, the Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry 👏🏻.

If you want to be a part of this technical advancement, don't miss the opportunity to join us at the Digital Economy Summit (DES) this Thursday. We will share our experience in building the virtual sales network there. Come and explore the possibilities for collaboration in person! We look forward to seeing you📍!

Here are the details of the event:
Venue: Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
Date: April 13th, 2023 (Thurs)
Time: 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Registration: https://www.digitaleconomysummit.hk/en/registration

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority #會展 #展覽 #灣仔 #香港 Cyberport 數碼港 #智慧城市 #智慧城市指數


我們很高興能在即將舉行的 #數字經濟高峰會議(DES)中,成為 #商會論壇 的參展商之一🤝🏻。非常期待跟您和更多熱衷數碼化的企業家交流,一起開拓「 #智慧未來」的新機遇💻📱!會展見!✅


We're thrilled to announce that we'll be exhibiting at the upcoming during the ( ) 🤝🏻. This event provides a great opportunity for us to connect with you and other digital-savvy entrepreneurs, and explore how we can create a together 💻📱. We look forward to meeting you there! ✅

Details of the event are as follows:
Venue: Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
Date: April 13th, 2023 (Thurs)
Time: 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Registration: https://www.digitaleconomysummit.hk/en/registration

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority #會展 #展覽 #灣仔 #香港 Cyberport 數碼港


復活節快樂!🐰 WeExpand ㊗️各位的生意能夠在這個銷售旺季節節上升,跟親朋好友歡度這個長假期 🥳🐣

Happy Easter everyone! 🐰 May this long holiday bring you joy, happiness, and peace. As you celebrate with your loved ones, hopes you also achieve great sales growth in your businesses. 🥳🐣

HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK Brand Hong Kong 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority #復活節 #長假 #假期 #增長 #生意 #銷售


根據 ManpowerGroup的調查報告指出,本港的 #人才短缺 達至17年來的最高峰 🫠。過去3️⃣年,由於移民潮及疫情影響,香港的 #就業人口 已銳減19萬人,而有關的情況,相信在未來一兩年會更為嚴峻。若然你在招聘銷售人員的時候亦遇到難處,或者單純想提前部處,就不能錯過WeExpand 的虛擬銷售機制。

簡單數個步驟,你便可以輕鬆邀請到經驗豐富的銷售人員加入你的團隊,更只需要在他們成功轉介業務的時候,才需要支付報酬,令你可以靈活拓展業務 🙌🏻!

立即預約Demo,看看 WeExpand 怎樣為你的公司提供助力:
Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

A report conducted by the reveals that Hong Kong’s shortage rate hits a 17-year peak 🫠. Due to the and pandemic, the working already reduced by 190,000 in the past 3️⃣ years. It is expected the shortage will be more severe in the next one or two years.

If you also have a hard time recruiting , or simply want to plan ahead, you should utilize WeExpand’s virtual sales mechanism. With a few simple steps, you can hire experienced sales representatives and only pay them when they successfully refer business to you. It will provide more flexibility for you when expanding your company 🙌🏻.

Schedule a demo today to see how WeExpand can benefit your company:
Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK #生意 #生意額 #老闆 #管理層 #高層 #銷售 #就業 #工作 #返工 #翻工 #求職 #請人 #聘請 Brand Hong Kong 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority


自從港府於去年12月推出 #高端人才通行證計劃 ,至今已經批核超過1萬宗相關申請 🇭🇰。作為企業家/公司高層的你,是不是也想邀請這批高學歷、高收入的新力軍,加入你的 #銷售 隊伍,為你帶來更多客戶🤝🏻?

我們 WeExpand 的虛擬銷售平台,正正能夠能想你所想!透過數碼化的推薦營銷,我們可以將整個「搵客」的過程自動化,讓你的產品/服務迅速地在 #高端人才 的圈子中傳播!作為你內部的銷售團隊,便也能省卻額外的時間和精力,全力專注於成交✍🏻!

立即預約一次會議 Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

The Top Talent Pass Schedule has already granted approval to more than 10,000 applicants since its launch last December 🇭🇰.

As an entrepreneur/ senior executive, are you looking for ways to turn this group of newcomers with high qualifications and disposable incomes into your sales workforce and bring you more customers 🤝🏻?

’s virtual sales network is what you need! Our digital referral marketing mechanism can automate the process of prospecting for you. With that said, your products/services can be easily spread out in the circle of these top talents!

It will free up the time and energy of your internal sales team so that they can focus on closing deals ✍🏻! To learn more about how we can help your business grow,

Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521 to schedule a meeting

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority #人才 #優才 #留港 #香港 #營銷 #數碼營銷


香港通關加上內地經濟增長改善, 恒生銀行Hang Seng Bank 最近將今年本港的經濟增長預測調高至4%,可見整體經濟復甦已是大勢所趨 😎。

作為公司創辦人/高層的你,也想把握機會,拓展業務?WeExpand 能夠幫到你!我們專門為中小企和初創企業提供一站式的銷售管理,透過 #虛擬銷售網絡 ,助你輕鬆接觸和管理龐大的銷售夥伴們,開展「 #聯盟行銷」(Affiliate Marketing)🎉。

企業客戶只需要上載產品資訊到WeExpand 平台上,我們平台便會為客戶自動生成一條產品連結 🔗。只要簡單地將這條連結分享出去,我們的平台便會生成 #病毒效應 (Viral Effect),裂變整個分享過程,讓更多人參與這個宣傳過程,並增加 #銷售 機會。當有銷售機會出現時,系統便會自動派發獎勵給他們,讓你更有系統地管理自己的銷售聯盟團隊。

Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Thanks to the reopening of borders in Hong Kong and economic improvements in mainland China, has increased its forecast for Hong Kong's economic growth to 4% for this year, indicating an overall recovery in the local economy 😎.

As a founder or senior executive of a company, you may be looking to seize this opportunity and expand your business. This is where can assist you! We specialize in providing a one-stop solution for sales management for SMEs and startups. We can help you reach out and manage a large group of sales partners simultaneously, starting with ease 🎉.

Our platform will generate a product link 🔗 automatically once the corporate clients upload the product information. As the virtual sales share these links with their audience, they create a viral effect that draws in more customers throughout the process, thus increasing . Whenever a sales opportunity arises, our system will distribute the automatically, allowing you to easily manage your affiliate marketing teams in a systematic way.

Schedule a complimentary one-on-one consultation with us now:
Call/Whatsapp +852 65112521

Brand Hong Kong HKTDC 香港貿發局 Startmeup.HK 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority #恆生 #恆生銀行 #經濟預測 #內地經濟 #網紅 #意見領袖 香港經濟日報 hket.com #香港經濟日報

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Videos (show all)

#AI x #新媒體: 如何連結世界,促進平權發展WeExpand 有幸與來自不同界別嘅專家去分享以上題目的觀點。在席上有來自於NFT,教育,社交銷售平台,健康教育專家從不同角度去分析如何為相關行業引進科技促進平權發展。是次WeExpand...
Come for the tool, stay for the networkOur platform aims to assist you in initially transacting with your #resellers. Ov...
🤖 'Referral Marketing is an effective and cost-efficient way for businesses to sustain long-term growth. It helps to est...
【人手有限?銷售額停滯不前?】WeExpand為你解決銷售痛點輕鬆低成本組建龐大 #B2B 銷售網絡!✅ 連接和管理更多實體銷售人員✅ 實現病毒式營銷效應(Viral Marketing)✅ 協助派發銷售人員佣金預約免費一對一咨詢/產品De...
Merry Christmas to Everyone !! Have a good one this year, Cheers.
ICT Expo Day 2 key notes:* Several oversea companies from #India, #Japan, #dubai  and #spain are preparing to expand int...
WeExpand 祝你的成功如月光般揮灑自如。🤩中秋喜事喜延綿,一帆風順送給你。🤩祝樂事連連、闔家團圓,中秋節快樂!#businessreferrals #virtualsalesplatform #businessnetworking #...
🏆 Vietnam Startup Wheel 2022 Top 50 🏆WeExpand has been selected as one of the Top 50 in the Startup Wheel International ...
Expand Your Business With WeExpand
WeExpand at Business GoVirtual Expo & Conference


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