AdvenTree Studio

Proudly based in Hong Kong✨
We love making:
- 2D/3D Animation
- (Motion)


[Person 3602]
Oil on canvas, 2023
40cm x 50cm

#油畫 #油絵


【自家印刷 We print as well】

Btw上次推出嘅to do list 其實係來自其他印刷品嘅紙頭部份印製呢,即係原紙同埋印刷品之間嘅雞肋部分,因為面積唔大唔細,用嚟做memopad啱啱好唔洗嘥♻️

Thanks to our printing department, we have been able to try different upcycle products and paper products.
Our print house is located in Kwai Hing of Hong Kong for years. Printing collaborations are welcome ヾ(・ω・*)

Btw the to-do list memo pads was made from leftover parts of other prints. So happy we could give a second life and save them from waste♻️

#本地製造 #本地印刷 #香港製造 #香港印刷 #香港設計

Photos from AdvenTree Studio's post 09/04/2024

【To-do List 每日計劃🌿】

覺得每天都很忙亂或是混混噩噩便過去嗎?我們工作時覺得訂立一個to-do list很有效,所以想分享給大家。它不只能提醒你當天要做的事,完成後剔走格子更有一種滿足感,感覺能更善用每天有限的時間,便能更好享受每一天。
Feeling messy and disorganised every day? We find using a daily planner helps and want to share with all of you. Not only does it remind you the to-dos, it also creates a sense of satisfaction when you checking the boxes.

"Your fate is what you make of it so seize your day." - Forever is Today by Stratovarius

紙張  |100gsm 書紙
紙張大小|11.5cm x 20cm
每本頁數| 50 頁
圖案  |正反各一款插圖
版本  |漢英/英文

Paper   |100 gsm woodfree paper
Paper Size|11.5 cm x 20 cm
Pages. | 50 pages per booklet
Color. | Full color double sided
Variant. | Chinese-English/ English

〖香港設計 Designed in Hong Kong with heart|香港製造 Printed in Hong Kong with love〗
*我們的訂單一律預設使用重用包裝/廢紙包裝寄出,響應環保!如果介意的話請私信我們轉換喔 ヾ(・ω・*)

#香港設計 #香港製造 #香港插畫 #插畫 #貓 #猫 #水彩 #イラスト

Photos from AdvenTree Studio's post 07/02/2024

【舂坎角炮台 Chung Hom Kok Battery】

模型部分由再生木及廢置木板組合而成,取材自位於 #港島徑 南區沙灘段嘅 #舂坎角炮台 ,呢座香港二級歷史建築曾經喺二戰香港保衛戰發揮重要作用,依家已經改建成公園,路程全程平路,睇海景同日落一流🌅

多謝 邀請我哋設計連製作;多謝 提供再生木~

This model consists of upcycled and abandoned wood, with dedication to the Chung Hom Kok Battery which had protected Hong Kong during the WWII. The site had been converted into a park as a magnificent spot for scenery and sunset 🌅

#香港製造 #香港設計 #模型 #木工 #環保 #減廢


(最近我哋都有啲忙咁做緊啲開心project所以好懶update haha e.g.前排整咗啲手造紙嘢遲啲share)
呢排keep住落雨,好應景🤣畫果陣想有種好平靜嘅感覺, 就算落雨都可以有另一種心情
#今年又好多朋友走 #定會再見

It’s halfway through 2023. How are you guys doing?
Here is our favorite drawing from our calendar. It rhymes with the weather lately :D Love this serenity blue feeling so much!

#香港設計 #香港製造 #香港插畫 #イラスト


【兔年平安套裝 | 水彩風 質感 揮春四入 利是封八入】


紙張   |Polytrade Graffiti FSC 125gsm再生環保細紋紙
揮春大小 |14.7 x 14.7 cm
利是封大小|9 x 17 cm
價格   |$100 包平郵

FSC 混合來源70%
無氯氣漂染 (ECF)


#新年 #農曆 #揮春 #利是封 #香港設計 #香港製造 #貓 #兔兔 #猫 #ウサギ #イラスト

Photos from AdvenTree Studio's post 11/01/2023

【家肥屋潤 | 貓咪與港式小食 插畫 質感 利是封】


紙張  |Polytrade Graffiti FSC 125gsm再生環保細紋紙
大小  |17 x 9 cm
數量  |8入
價錢  |$45 包平郵

FSC 混合來源70%
無氯氣漂染 (ECF)


Photos from AdvenTree Studio's post 11/12/2022

[2023 Calendar!!]
今年我哋都繼續整月曆 (雖然有啲遲haha但都仲喺2022內面世),想要嘅朋友可以dm我哋,每本$85包本地平郵,會於12月19號開始發貨


紙張  |韓國FSC 140gsm再生書紙
頁面大小|15 x 21 cm
頁數  | 8 頁
紙座大小|16 x 21 x 6.5 cm

*我們的訂單一律預設使用重用包裝/廢紙包裝,響應環保!如果介意的話請私信我們轉換喔 ヾ(・ω・*)

Photos from AdvenTree Studio's post 22/11/2022

【魔王莊正ZinG! 11/24爆誕同樂✡️】

為咗慶祝魔王大人@lester_zz 降臨人間周年,仲有佢同friends今年喺音樂上做咗啲好成績✨我哋一齊祝佢生日快樂!!!!整咗啲小小應援物,希望大家繼續咁支持佢,鼓勵佢繼續做好音樂
特別多謝又靚又叻嘅女魔王 一直喺背後默默付出,魔王先可以專心做好音樂; 同埋多謝地獄眾一齊放盪野蠻

11/24(四) - 11/27(日)

- 植作茶 (尖沙咀) 尖沙咀山林道10-12號山林閣地下2B號舖
- crew (灣仔) 灣仔皇后大道東156-164號安興大廈地下9A號舖 .hk
- 呦呦鹿鳴の布丁燒 (葵涌廣場3樓3069號T5-T6舖 )

- 歌詞咭(靚字by .pill )
- 偽yes card咭 (記熟啲歌詞live一齊唱! 背後用咗mv入面嘅契約書,估唔到又幾似yes card個logo haha)
- 少量紋身貼紙(官方圖 & by 官方認證firm的山並先生)

Design and printing/production by us! AdvenTree Studio
Made in Hong Kong with love♥

#魔王爆誕 #莊正 #香港音樂 #香港應援 #應援 #香港設計 #香港製造 #紋身貼紙 #歌詞咭

Photos from AdvenTree Studio's post 22/06/2022


[A wild OTTER appeared!]
Sharing another spread from otter storybook with you~
Researcher could only record 7 wild Eurasian otters in Hong Kong in 2021. It’s super hard to witness one.

#香港設計 #香港製造 #香港插畫 #插畫 #水獺 #濕地 #保育 #繪本 #香港繪本 #動物 #カワウソ #イラスト

Photos from AdvenTree Studio's post 30/05/2022

呢排我哋join咗個 嘅project畫緊繪本推廣濕地教育,介紹水獺同埋佢哋面對緊嘅生存危機,倒咗成擔心機落去,終於差唔多畫完喇╰(*´︶`*)╯開心share其中一個spread先~

[HK do have otters in the wild]
We’ve been busy drawing storybook for a wetland education project. Wanna share a spread with you~

#香港設計 #香港製造 #香港插畫 #插畫 #水獺 #濕地 #保育 #繪本 #香港繪本 #動物 #カワウソ #イラスト



平時去旅行我哋好中意寄啲有當地特色 俾香港嘅朋友。依家冇得去旅行,朋友又移民去海外,可以寄番啲有香港特色postcard俾佢哋喇🥲
一直好喜歡The Cranberries,也好喜歡港式奶茶,所以佢係向Wake Up and Smell the Coffee致敬~特選充滿質感又厚厚剛古紙!

歡迎DM或經 購買


[Sending the taste of Hong Kong📮]

Hong Kong style milk tea is the favourite to some people who love Hong Kong~ Whenever you think of the rich creamy mixture, you just can't help mouthwatering and craving for a cup!

Title is a salute to an album by The Cranberries called Wake Up and Smell the Coffee.

Feel free to DM us or via for purchase.

#勿念 #香港設計 #香港製造 #香港插畫 #明信片 #插畫 #貓 #猫 #水彩明信片 #イラスト #葉書 #ポストカード



Manning是一隻小肥貓,成日都掛住食,閂咗運動場果排仲肥咗好多,大家千祈唔好好似佢咁,趁 #勞動節 一齊郁多啲



[ Don't steal! ]

Manning is a little fat cat that loves eating. It's gained so much weight lately. Let's get more exercise instead of endless eating!


#香港設計 #香港製造 #香港動畫 #動畫 #貓 #猫 #食べない


【Carpe Diem 手繪燙金 | 手造紙書簽✨】

今日係 #地球日 ,所以今次又有真.環保手造書簽分享番!Carpe Diem 意思係seize the day,即係活在當下。生活有時好無常,希望大家都可以好好珍惜每一日。向Dead Poets Society 暴雨驕陽呢套戲致敬

又要多謝 嘅靚靚手寫燙金書法,仲有手繪花!細聲講我哋忍唔住j咗好多次實物!
今次有兩隻色:裸白同埋牛油果粉紅,真係用牛油果染㗎。同上次嘅手造咭一樣,每張嘅質感同設計都獨一無二,仲係100%再生紙,製作過程完全零廢!想買嘅話可以DM我哋或者去 度買~

[ Handmade Bookmark with Gold Stamping Calligraphy and Drawing]

Sharing you our new 100% recycled handmade bookmark on . Tribute to , hoping you all can seize the day just like Mr Keating had taught us.

They come in two colours: organic white and avocado pink. Every bookmark is with unique texture and design. Feel free to DM us or via for purchase.

#手造紙 #香港製造 #ハンドメイドペーパー

Photos from AdvenTree Studio's post 30/03/2022

研究咗一段時間,我哋嘅真.環保手造咭終於登場✨配合@aimerletters 嘅靚靚手洗燙金書法,真係昇華唔少!每張嘅質感同設計都獨一無二,仲係100%再生紙,製作過程完全零廢!想買嘅話可以DM我哋或者去 度買~

Pinkoi商店名: adventreestudio

Here comes our 100% recycled handmade card✨The art is elevated thanks to handwritten gold-stamped calligraphy by ! Every card is with unique texture and design. Feel free to DM us or via for purchase.


顏色Color   | 裸白 Organic White
表面Finishing  | 質感 + 燙金 Textured w/ Gold-stamping
大小Size   | 10.5 x 15 cm
厚度Thickness   | 約Around 180-210gsm

#手造紙 #香港製造 #ハンドメイドペーパー



Lemme slumber deeper while waiting for the ever-changing policy to ease~

#香港設計 #香港製造 #香港插畫 #イラスト #海豹

Photos from AdvenTree Studio's post 22/02/2022


圖中係@phoebehk 設計嘅靚靚禪風甜品,提醒我哋活在每個當下,放鬆嘅時候就要放鬆~


Life is bitter. You have to treat yourself some sweets.

We probably are in frustration these days. Take a little break when being too tired! This (designed by ) is so soothing!

Cooking may help you in another way - to laugh at the failed cakes haha! Swipe to check our failed and

#香港設計 #香港製造 #香港插畫 #甜品 #甜品插畫 #水彩 #水彩イラスト #抹茶 #抹茶スイーツ #ケーキ




Wish you all strong and healthy like tigers🐯 in this again!

[Conservation note]: Tigers are not as invincible as they seem. Sadly they are on the edge of extinction - less than 3,900 alive⚠️What we individual can do? Let’s consume less forest resources like paper and wood starting from this . Leave forests for tigers!🌲

#香港動畫 #動畫 #香港設計 #設計 #香港 #香港製造 #虎年

Photos from AdvenTree Studio's post 27/01/2022

又要感謝專業奴才 提供靚相

It is Ah Pao again! is just a few days away. We may excuse to stay home for rest during the long weekend because of recent wave of pandemic :P
Let’s stay healthy together! ✨
Photo credit goes to our professional
Swipe and check out the other photo!

#香港設計 #香港製造 #香港插畫 #插畫 #貓 #猫 #貓揮春 #揮春 #水彩揮春 #新年 #農曆新年 #插畫 #康復香港

Photos from AdvenTree Studio's post 13/01/2022

我哋啱啱新開咗Pinkoi商店✨今次新出咗年年有🐈魚 揮春,嚟緊會推出多啲唔同得意嘢,請大家多多指教!!想買嘅話可以DM我哋或者去Pinkoi度買~
Pinkoi商店名: adventreestudio


【年年有 貓 魚 | 水彩風 質感 揮春】


紙張  |Polytrade Graffiti FSC 125gsm再生環保細紋紙
大小  |21 x 21 cm

FSC 混合來源70%
無氯氣漂染 (ECF)



#貓 #貓揮春 #揮春 #水彩揮春 #新年 #插畫 #貓魚 #原創設計 #香港設計 #香港原創 #香港貓奴 #貓奴 #香港 #設計 #紙品



The year of 2022 may be tough after the shocks towards the end of 2021. Uncertain about happiness. Wish you all stay strong and stay healthy in 2022.

#祝你在亂流下平安 #平安健康 #香港動畫 #動畫 #香港設計 #設計 #香港 #香港製造


Merry Christmas✨🎄

#香港設計 #香港製造 #香港插畫 #插畫 #貓 #猫

Photos from AdvenTree Studio's post 29/11/2021

介紹番!佢係阿豹✨ - 月曆入面11月嘅model
要特別表揚最佳主子aka攝影師 影到咁靚!!引人犯罪!

*Drumrolls* This is Ah Pao/ Panther✨ - The model of November from our calendar
The best way to fight monday blue is to "suck" your cat after work!
Credit goes to the almighty slave aka photographer !


[你哋做啲咩㗎- IG/FB Filter✨]

開心share前排整咗個IG/FB filter game, 希望大家浮潛/潛水嘅時候Mind Your Fins, 唔好傷害到珊瑚‼️因為佢哋每年嘅生長速度只係得1-10cm🤧

想玩嘅話,大家可以喺 度玩~

仲有得瘋狂睇 玩😍

[What we do - IG/FB Filter✨]

Happily sharing one of our projects: IG/FB filter game - just want you to MIND YOUR FINS and protect corals‼️since they only grow 1 to 10cm each year🤧

How to play:
- Go
- Open and close your mouth to control the height of the diver
- Get 1 mark for every obstacle you dodge

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Videos (show all)

Happy Shark Awareness Day
【唔好偷食呀!】Manning是一隻小肥貓,成日都掛住食,閂咗運動場果排仲肥咗好多,大家千祈唔好好似佢咁,趁#勞動節 一齊郁多啲#見字運動#其實勞動節係表揚勞工嘅辛勞#希望大家worklifebalance[ Don't steal! ]M...
Wish you all strong and healthy like tigers!
Stay Strong Stay Healthy in 2022
[你哋做啲咩㗎- IG/FB Filter✨]開心share前排整咗個IG/FB filter game, 希望大家浮潛/潛水嘅時候Mind Your Fins, 唔好傷害到珊瑚‼️因為佢哋每年嘅生長速度只係得1-10cm🤧想玩嘅話,大家可...




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