Department of Psychology, 6/F, the Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, the University of Hong Kong Telephone: 3917-2387 Fax: 2858-3518 Email: [email protected]

大家好! 歡迎來臨香港大學心理學系心理服務組的專頁。 無論大家是想尋找心理學服務,還是純粹地對臨床心理學感興趣,也歡迎大家追蹤我們的專頁。以後, 我們會和各位分享心理學方面的知識,在社區層面推廣心理健康!






Photos from HKU PSU's post 31/08/2024

相信大家近日都在不同的媒體上見到很多關於 腦朋友 的資訊。情緒可以是愉悅的,但也可以令我們感到不舒服。其實,你究竟有幾認識這些情緒呢?請參考我們這輯資訊,一起更深入瞭解我們各種情緒啦!

These few days, I’m sure we have all seen a lot about our emotions on all forms of media. Emotions can make us feel great, but also, not so great. So, how much do you really know about your emotions? Please refer to our latest information for a deeper understanding on our emotions!

#心理學 #臨床心理學 #香港大學心理學系 #精神健康 #玩轉腦朋友 #情緒 #憤怒 #快樂 #悲哀 #驚訝 #恐懼 #厭惡 #心理健康 #心理治療

Photos from HKU PSU's post 31/08/2024


The release of public examination results can bring lots of stress for students. We might feel uneasy and worried about the uncertainties in the future. How can we handle stress? How can parents support their child? Please refer to our latest information to find out more on how to manage the stress!

#心理學 #臨床心理學 #香港大學心理學系 #精神健康 #心理健康 #壓力 #擔心 #心理治療

Photos from HKU PSU's post 27/08/2024




“If a group of people have gone through the same traumatic event, will everyone develop Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

In reality, not every individual who experiences trauma will develop PTSD. So, what are the diagnostic criteria of PTSD? What is the actual prevalence of this condition?What factors influence a person’s response to a traumatic experience?

Let us explore this topic more deeply to gain better insight into PTSD.

#心理學 #臨床心理學 #香港大學心理學系 #精神健康 #創傷後壓力症 #急性壓力症 #心理健康 #創傷 #壓力 #心理治療

Photos from HKU PSU's post 02/08/2024


We often hear people say they're feeling sad or depressed, but what does it really mean to be depressed? How can we understand and recognize the signs of depression? It's important to educate ourselves about this mental health condition and learn practical ways to manage and overcome it. Let's dive into the topic and discover helpful information for dealing with depression.

#心理學 #臨床心理學 #香港大學心理學系 #精神健康 #抑鬱症 #憂鬱症 #心理健康 #抑鬱 #憂鬱 #心理治療

Photos from HKU PSU's post 02/08/2024

「高功能」 專注力不足及過度活躍症
ADHD是一種發展障礙, 症狀包括專注力不足、衝動、執行能力較弱。不過,近代研究發現,「高功能ADHD」的人似乎能夠克服ADHD帶來的困難 ,並與普通人相比擁有不少優秀面向,包括精力充沛、抗壓力高、有創意等等。我們也提供了一些提升執行功能的小貼士,立即向右滑了解更多!

“High-functioning” ADHD
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition with symptoms including difficulties in concentrating, impulsivity, and poorer executive function. Nonetheless, recent research revealed that “high-functioning” individuals among those with ADHD have their edges including higher in creativity, energy level, and resilience. We also have some tips to improve executive function. Swipe right to learn more!


Photos from HKU PSU's post 26/02/2024


When people always talk about having healthy lifestyles and achieving fitness goals, some may go to the extreme to achieve an idealized muscular physique. In this post, we hope to shed light on Muscle Dysmorphia, which is one of the specifiers categorised under Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Delving into the world of self-criticism and distorted perceptions, we explore the relentless pursuit of an idealized muscular physique and ways to intervene.

#健身 #健心 #身體臆形症 #肌肉臆形症 #心理學 #港大心理學系 #心理服務


【 Gear Up 統一認知行為情緒管理課程 (Unified Protocol) 】


Gear Up 正好幫上忙!在這個有系統而密集式的短期治療中,我們能在小組中和其他同行者一起互助陪伴,探討和學習如何有效應付壓力、減少情緒困擾、改善人際社交關係及工作效率,在緩解情緒困擾的路上不再感到孤單。

「 Gear Up」參照了認知行為療法大師 Dr. David Barlow 所編寫的一套實證為本的《統一認知行為情緒管理課程》 (Unified Protocol)。課程旨在幫助參加者學習不同的情緒管理和增加抗逆力的方法。本課程由香港大學臨床心理學研究生所提供,為期12週,每節2小時,專為受焦慮和抑鬱等情緒困擾的人士而設。

時間﹕上午10時至12時 或 下午2時至4時
節數﹕為期12週,每週一節 ,每節2小時
費用﹕課程為港幣500元 ,學員在詳細評估會談後需交付一張港幣1000元的支票( 500元作為按金),出席率達八成的學員可退回500元按金。

報名連結﹕ (名額有限)

閣下如有任何疑問,請致電 3917 2307 向史小姐查詢。

#心理治療 #焦慮 #抑鬱 #壓力 #情緒困擾 #心理健康 #心理治療 #小組治療 #認知行為療法 #心理輔導 #心理服務

Photos from HKU PSU's post 25/01/2024


It is noticed that men are less willing to seek help from family, friends or mental health professionals, due to certain myths or attitudes toward mental health. Through this post, we hope to provide a more balanced perspective and encourage help-seeking, as mental health matters for everyone!

#心理學 #臨床心理學 #香港大學心理學系 #精神健康 #精神健康好重要 #男性精神健康 #尋求幫助


【 Gear Up 統一認知行為情緒管理課程 (Unified Protocol) 】
Gear Up 正好幫上忙!在這個有系統而密集式的短期治療中,我們能在小組中和其他同行者一起互助陪伴,探討和學習如何有效應付壓力、減少情緒困擾、改善人際社交關係及工作效率,在緩解情緒困擾的路上不再感到孤單。
「 Gear Up」參照了認知行為療法大師 Dr. David Barlow 所編寫的一套實證為本的《統一認知行為情緒管理課程》 (Unified Protocol)。課程旨在幫助參加者學習不同的情緒管理和增加抗逆力的方法。本課程由香港大學臨床心理學研究生所提供,為期12週,每節2小時,專為受焦慮和抑鬱等情緒困擾的人士而設。
時間﹕上午10時至12時 或 下午2時至4時
節數﹕為期12週,每週一節 ,每節2小時
費用﹕課程為港幣500元 ,學員在詳細評估會談後需交付一張港幣1000元的支票( 500元作為按金),出席率達八成的學員可退回500元按金。
報名連結﹕ (名額有限)
閣下如有任何疑問,請致電 3917 2307 向史小姐查詢。
#心理治療 #焦慮 #抑鬱 #壓力 #情緒困擾 #心理健康 #心理治療 #小組治療 #認知行為療法 #心理輔導 #心理服務


HKU Master of Social Sciences (MSocSc) in Educational Psychology

If you are interested in the work of Educational Psychologists, you are welcome to join the EP Admission Seminar for the MSocSc(Educational Psychology) programme:

Date: 13 January 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 2:30 – 5:00pm
Format: Zoom

#心理學碩士 #教育心理學 #港大心理學系

Photos from HKU PSU's post 25/10/2023

🌟新學期,新成長機會! 🌟



了解改變階段模型 (Stages of Change Model) ,🎯 使我們更有效地朝著目標逐步推進,增加你成功的機會! 🚀

🌟 New Semester, New Opportunities for Growth! 🌟
Are you ready to make some changes or set new goals for the new semester?📚 It's time to embark on a journey of personal development and unleash your full potential! 💪

🤔 Do you remember the goal you made last time, but only to find that it was easier said than done? Don't worry, you're not alone. Turning aspirations into actions is no easy feat, but this time, we're determined to make it different!

Read about the Stages of Change model! 🎯 Navigate your personal journey more effectively and increase your chances of success! 🚀

#心理學 #臨床心理學 #改變 #改變階段模型 #新學期 #香港大學心理學系

Photos from HKU PSU's post 03/10/2023

「難離難捨,想抱緊些 - 囤積障礙」
相信大家從新聞、網媒也看過一些較為極端的囤積例子,包括家中囤積物品、垃圾,令加劇變成「老鼠屋」、「曱甴屋」。 難道喜歡收集物品,捨不得丢掉,就是囤積症的徵兆嗎? 是次內容會介紹囤積障礙的成因、特徵、風險因素、及如何幫助身邊有囤積障礙的家人/朋友。立即點擊以了解更多!

“If only I could keep it forever…”
As Marie Kondo once asked, “does it spark joy?” we can let go of old belongings even if it still meant tribute to specific memories. However, for some, letting go is simply impossible and they may end up piling objects over objects, creating habitats no longer fitting for humans, but rats and roaches. Such behaviors may resemble hoarding traits. In this current edit, you will get to learn more about the pathology, traits, risk factors, and treatment for those with hoarding disorder.

#心理學 #臨床心理學 #囤積障礙 #精神健康 #囤積症 #囤積症 #香港大學心理學系



講者: 陳忠明博士 (臨床心理學家、家庭治療師、內觀修習者)
張可瑩小姐 (臨床心理學研究生)
地點: 香港大學
日期: 2023年11月4、11、18、25日 (星期六)
時間: 上午10-12時
語言: 廣東話


1. 請填寫此簡單問卷報名。
2. 報名後您將獲邀進行約一小時的甄選面談;若兩星期內仍未獲通知,則作落選論。
3. 面談中亦會簡介工作坊內容,工作坊費用為港幣400元。



Photos from HKU PSU's post 07/09/2023


Summer is so hot that may make people become more irritable and have difficulties in focusing on work or studies. We often hear people say, 'A calm mind naturally makes one feel cool,' but is this really true? Let's explain from a psychological perspective.

#心理學 #臨床心理學 #香港大學心理學系 #精神健康 #夏天 #炎熱 #消暑 #大自然 #放鬆練習 #靜觀

Photos from HKU PSU's post 08/07/2023
Photos from HKU PSU's post 07/06/2023


Staying conscious keeps us aware of our surroundings and allows us to react accordingly, which is why reading the news is important. However, the more we catch up on the news, the more we could be tired out by certain negative, violent, or even disturbing news. How have you dealt with the impacts brought upon by negative news? Are these news too frequent that your emotions are insidiously numbed? If you are interested in learning how negative news affect our mood and how we could act counterproductively, stay put~

#心理學 #臨床心理學 #負面新聞 #精神健康 #照顧好自己 #香港大學心理學系

Photos from HKU PSU's post 03/05/2023


The mask mandate has been lifted for two months, how are you responding to it? We may have different thoughts about not wearing masks, and these thoughts can lead us to have different emotions and reactions. Does 'no-mask anxiety' exist? How are our thoughts affecting us? How do we face a 'no-mask' life?
Let's take a look at this post to learn more about the new normality of living without masks!

-19 #心理學 #臨床心理學 #心理健康 #港大心理學系 #焦慮 #口罩

Photos from HKU PSU's post 10/02/2023


The new year offers a blank slate for all to start afresh. Most have tried to make new year resolutions - or goals they hope to achieve in the coming year. Research has shown, however, most people have lost track of their resolutions by February every year. How then should we set more attainable goals? Check out our latest post for new insights on goal-setting, and wish you a fruitful and meaningful year ahead!

#臨床心理學 #心理學 #價值 #新年 #目標


【 Gear Up 統一認知行為情緒管理課程 (Unified Protocol) 】


Gear Up 正好幫上忙!在這個有系統而密集式的短期治療中,我們能在小組中和其他同行者一起互助陪伴,探討和學習如何有效應付壓力、減少情緒困擾、改善人際社交關係及工作效率,在緩解情緒困擾的路上不再感到孤單。

「 Gear Up」參照了認知行為療法大師 Dr. David Barlow 所編寫的一套實證為本的《統一認知行為情緒管理課程》 (Unified Protocol)。課程旨在幫助參加者學習不同的情緒管理和增加抗逆力的方法。本課程由香港大學臨床心理學研究生所提供,為期12週,每節2小時,專為受焦慮和抑鬱等情緒困擾的人士而設。

節數﹕為期12週,每週一節 ,每節2小時



閣下如有任何疑問,請致電 3917 2307 向張小姐查詢。

#心理治療 #焦慮 #抑鬱 #壓力 #情緒困擾 #心理健康 #心理治療 #小組治療 #認知行為療法 #心理輔導 #心理服務

Photos from HKU PSU's post 18/01/2023


Daily life is full of challenges, with various media headlines in recent years exacerbating stress and worries. Have you been experiencing more worries in your life lately? What are the effects and impact of worry? Please refer to our latest information to find out how to manage worries, such that our lives won't be burdened by them!

#心理學 #臨床心理學 #心理健康 #港大心理學系 #焦慮 #擔心 #生活壓力

Photos from HKU PSU's post 28/12/2022

隨著防疫措施放寬,大家都想去去旅行減壓! 但在放假後的你在第一日上班時,有沒有感到失落和乏力呢?難道是放假沒有用嗎?
使用以下的技巧掃走假期後的blue mood 🧹

Ever felt despondent after a nice long vacation? Yes, you are not the only one!
As we spend most of our time engaged in fun activities, it’s easy to forget about taking care of ourselves. Sometimes we just need to take a hint from our bodies, and take a real break. Don’t feel bad to plan some time to rest and eat well. Your body will thank you for the extra exercise you put in too! Also, planning ahead and having a good routine during vacation is always a nice way to get yourself ready and energized for your next great task!
Although the holiday will not make stress magically disappear, it allows us to take a breath from our busy schedules. We hope that you can try out our tips and adjust well after the holidays, so that you can deal with your stress better when returning to your daily life!

#心理學 #臨床心理學 #心理治療 #心理服務 #心理健康 #放完假 #不想上班 #工作壓力 #日常 #適應 #調整 #減壓


HKU Postgraduate Studies in Clinical Psychology

Photos from HKU PSU's post 14/12/2022



The brain is made up of three regions—the rational, mammalian and reptilian. Under a stressful condition, the reptilian brain is very active, and they go into a “Fight, Flight and Freeze” state. People might find it difficult to calm down, act rationally, relax or think clearly when their body is in this survival state. When children are under stress for a long time, it can damage their body and mind. Let us share some tips to cultivate children to have a healthy brain.

Photos from HKU PSU's post 15/11/2022

孩子愛打機,家長點算好? 打機不一定是壞事,但打機成癮就後果嚴重! 孩子沉迷打機是一種病態嗎? 怎樣與孩子約法三章才有效用呢? 面對孩子的打機問題,家長有不少疑問和迷思。讓我們一起走進打機的世界,與家長一起抵抗打機的誘惑。

Children love to play cyber games, what parents can do? Playing cyber / video game is not necessarily a bad thing, but cyber addiction will lead to serious consequences. Parents have many questions and worries when facing with unhealthy video gaming issues. Let's walk into the world of cyber games and against the temptation of playing cyber games.

Photos from HKU PSU's post 11/11/2022


There are inevitably times when children get angry or throw tantrums. Having to handle these emotions can give parents a headache. Parents might have even tried soothing and chastising their children during those moments, and yet remain unsuccessful in their quest to calm their children. Here, by understanding the reasons behind children’s “anger”, we venture with parents together into the inner world of children so as to help children grow holistically.

#情緒 #生氣 #發脾氣 #育兒 #情緒管理 #情感指導 #心理學

Photos from HKU PSU's post 10/10/2022

在過去3年,大家曾否因來自四方八面的壓力而感到無奈、迷惘、擔心、失落、恐懼等。面對不同的壓力來源,我們可以怎樣應對? 請大家放下思緒,留一點時間,與我們一起尋找適合自己的應對策略。

During the past 3 years, have you ever felt helpless, confused, worried, lost, fearful, etc. due to pressure from all directions? Faced with different sources of stress, how can we cope with it? Let’s take a break and find a suitable coping strategy with us.

Photos from HKU PSU's post 26/09/2022


Hong Kongers work around-the-clock under huge stress. Some employees have the urge to escape as long as they think of work...
This phenomenon was common, but it is indeed a sign of job burnout.
Who is more likely to suffer from job burnout? Do you, your friends or colleagues have these symptoms?

#工作 #壓力 #倦怠 #工作倦怠 #工作 #職業 #職業健康 #心理學 #教育心理學 #臨床心理學 #心理輔導 #心理治療 #心理服務

Photos from HKU PSU's post 19/09/2022


Learning motivation, in other words having passion and independence to learn, comes from three important elements, namely competence, autonomy and relatedness. Let us share some tips in building up our children intrinsic motivation to learn.

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Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Tuesday 08:35 - 17:30
Friday 08:35 - 17:30
Saturday 08:45 - 00:45

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