Culture of Ambience is creating a space for the individual, of the individual, where the objects and the senses meet.


經典系列Stile 的瓶身設計,靈感源自創始人Alessandro 先生童年時每天早晨收到的牛奶瓶。這款設計以柔美纖細的外觀呈現,盡顯純粹低調的質感。簡單俐落的輪廓不喧賓奪主,讓此系列的香氛可融入任何居家空間,增添香氣以外的高雅裝飾效果。

The design of Stile is inspired by the milk bottles that our founder Alessandro received every morning during his childhood. Featuring a delicate and slender appearance, the bottle exudes a pure and understated elegance. Its simple and sleek silhouette never overshadows other elements of the space, adding not just a pleasant aroma but also a decorative touch.



踏入夏季,香港的相對濕度較高,而高濕度會影響香氛的擴散效果。在這樣的環境下要讓香氣更加濃郁,我們建議使用較大瓶的香氛,並且每兩週翻轉一次擴香棒 —— 翻轉得越頻繁,香氣就越濃郁。

The high humidity in Hong Kong during summer can affect how well fragrances diffuse. To enhance the scent in such conditions, we recommend using larger fragrance bottles and turning the reeds every two weeks. The secret to a richer aroma is in the frequency of flipping the reeds — the more often you do it, the more vibrant and enchanting the fragrance becomes.




這個父親節,Culti Milano 為你準備車用香氛禮贈,讓父親駕駛時享受更愜意的旅程。


Father's Day Fragrance Gift - Car Fragrance

This Father's Day, give the gift of comfort with Culti Milano's car sachet, designed to enhance your father's driving experience. Simply attach the fragrance sachet to the car's ventilation system, and as the aroma permeates the air, every drive transforms into a journey of comfort and imagination.

Now available online and in-store.

了解更多 Explore more:



THE 綠茶雅韻 — 受日本古老的茶道儀式所啓發,這款香氛捕捉了品茶藝術和待客之道中的優雅動作與緩慢節奏,融合了日本煎茶的清新、佛手柑的甜美以及癒創木的平靜氣息。

THE — Inspired by the ancient Japanese tea ceremony, this fragrance blends the crispness of Japanese sencha, the sweetness of bergamot, and the soothing aroma of guaiac wood.
The elegant, minimalist green bottle with its serene herbal scent blends perfectly into any living spaces, evoking a tranquil, rustic space where you can savour fine tea, find inner peace, and escape into a contented realm.

了解更多 Learn more:

#居家香氛 #綠茶雅韻



Culti Milano’s home diffusers blend art and aroma. Our diverse collection of exquisitely crafted bottles not only diffuses delightful aromas but also serves as elegant decor, enriching your living space and lifestyle.




Unveil the Elegance of Fragrance Mixology
Fragrance mixology invites you to blend unique essences, creating a lavish and personalised scent symphony that enhances your living spaces.
Visit Culti House on Hollywood Road and allow our fragrance consultants to guide you through the art of fragrance mixology, helping you craft an aroma that perfectly captures your essence.

#居家香氛 #香氛調配


CULTI MILANO 特別推薦三款母親節贈禮香氛,各獨具韻味,讓母親將喜愛的香氣賦予在屬於她的空間。

Linfa - 知性與婉約並存,呈現現代女人的優雅風範。
Tessuto - 溫柔且慈愛,將她帶進安逸縈繞的意境。
Onde Di Tessuto - 平和像海浪般,層層推進,享受清爽柔和的平靜氛圍。

香氛禮盒設有特別優惠,於CULTI MILANO 旗艦店及官方網站有售。

Perfect for Mother's Day gifts, CULTI MILANO introduces three exquisite fragrances that are specially crafted to enhance the unique spaces all mothers cherish.

Linfa - A refined blend of intelligence and grace, this fragrance captures the elegance of sophisticated women.
Tessuto - Gentle and loving, it envelops her in a comforting and tranquil sanctuary.
Onde Di Tessuto - Smooth and refreshing like the calm of fabric waves, providing a serene and gentle atmosphere.

Discover these special fragrance gift sets with exclusive offers at our flagship store or through our official website.

探索更多 Discover more:


由居家香氛到蠟燭,探索CULTI HOUSE 精心挑選的禮品系列。

母親節香氛禮盒設有特別優惠,於CULTI MILANO 旗艦店及官方網站有售。

Discover ideal Mother's Day gifts in our collection, ranging from home diffusers to candles, curated to delight every mother. Whether she is fashionable, elegant, or gentle, here you can find a fragrance that is uniquely hers.

Exclusively available for Mother's Day, customise a gift set with her favourite scents that will accompany her at home and in her life. Available at CULTI HOUSE and our online shop with special value offers.

探索更多 Discover more:



The waves are perceived in the sinuous and relaxing shapes of the soft and relaxing pattern, where the contrast of white and blue completes the soft movement of the fragrance. The delicate design is imprinted in the glass, highlighting its preciousness, as if it were porcelain.




The fragrance opens with the delicate elegance of transparent bergamot and cassis leaves, weaving into a heart of soft cotton flower accents sweetened by fresh pear. It settles into comfort with white musk and cashmere wood for a feeling of well-being.



CULTI MILANO 全新「ONDE DI TESSUTO」香氛系列,意指「織品波浪」,是受到珍貴織品如漣漪般隨風拂動的姿態所啟發,孕育出令人喜愛的全新香氣。


CULTI MILANO’s newest Capsule Collection — ONDE DI TESSUTO, meaning ‘fabric waves’ in Italian, is inspired by the play of ripples of the precious fabric.

The morning breeze slips in lightly through the window, setting the elegant fabric curtains into a gentle dance. They ripple gracefully, framing the window as the soft and light fabric enfolds the product, its movement echoing the whimsical nature of water.

#全新香氛系列 #氛圍文化

Photos from CULTI MILANO HONG KONG's post 28/03/2024



CULTI MILANO 的藝術香氛系列 Irises 以梵高油畫名著《鳶尾花》為藍本:由前調到尾調都一一呼應著梵高透過油畫表達對生命滿懷熱忱的混沌內心世界。

Vincent van Gogh, born in the Netherlands in 1853, lived a life as vivid and tumultuous as his paintings. A self-taught artist, Van Gogh pursued his unique vision with passion, created over 2,000 artworks, including around 900 oil paintings, in just over a decade. His life was plagued with mental anguish and poverty, yet his posthumous fame cemented him as a giant in the art world, influencing Expressionism, Fauvism, and early abstraction.

This painting ’Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear’ was created in 1889 shortly after Van Gogh mutilated his own ear. The self-portrait not only reveals the artist’s problematic psyche, but also narrates his perseverance and the relentless pursuit of artistic expression in the face of life's adversities.

CULTI MILANO’s private label home diffuser - Diffuser Van Gogh, Irises pays tribute to the artist and his painting. The fragrance itself is crafted to resonate with Van Gogh's passionate and tumultuous inner world as expressed through the painting and his fervent embrace of life.



藝術與香氣交織 塑造全感官饗宴
The Synergy of Art and Scent


CULTI MILANO透過嗅覺品味藝術 — 向畫家梵高致敬的Irises 香氛系列,揉合視覺藝術及香氣傳繹梵高於精神療養院與抑鬱的抗爭。

The relationship between art and scent is rooted in the multi-sensory nature of human experience. Both tap into our deepest emotions, intertwining to shape moods and memories. Art captures the eye, while scents seize the atmosphere, both senses enhance each other to craft a full-bodied experience.

Inspired by the genius of Vincent Van Gogh and one of his masterpieces — Irises, CULTI MILANO's meticulously designed home diffuser embodies a beautiful marriage of visual art and fragrance.


Photos from CULTI MILANO HONG KONG's post 26/03/2024

適逢 #香港藝術月,讓我們一探「印象派」與「後印象派」的精髓差異,兩個在藝術史上你必定要認識的風格。

印象派,以捕捉光線和色彩的即時印象為特點,捕捉那稍縱即逝的視覺印象。代表畫家有莫奈(Monet)、德加 (Degas)等。
🖼️ 艾德嘉·德加 (Edgar Degas),《舞蹈課》,1875

後印象派,則用大膽色彩與果敢線條,將所觀察到的世界視為一面鏡子,更著重於表達藝術家的深層情感和心理狀態。代表有藝術大師梵高 (Vincent van Gogh)、塞尚 (Cézanne) 等。
🖼️ 文森·梵高 (Vincent van Gogh),《夜間露天咖啡座》,1888


Dive into Arts Month with a snapshot of Impressionism vs. Post-Impressionism, two pivotal movements in art history that you should know about.

Impressionism, epitomised by artists like Monet and Degas, captures the fleeting effects of light and atmosphere with brisk brushstrokes, emphasising the momentary visual experience.
🖼️ Edgar Degas, The Dance Class, 1875

Post-Impressionism, advanced by visionaries such as Van Gogh and Cézanne, ventures beyond to express deeper emotional truths with vivid colours and deliberate forms, seeking to convey inner emotions and ideas.
🖼️ Vincent van Gogh, Café Terrace at Night, 1888

Art appreciation is not solely visual, but a multi-sensory experience.

#藝術三月 #印象派 #後印象派

Photos from CULTI MILANO HONG KONG's post 08/06/2023

Awakening the senses through prints and fragrance.

We have teamed up with publishing powerhouse TASCHEN to create an immersive aromatic experience at their flagship store located in Tai Kwun.

Visitors to are now invited to inhale the aromatic fragrances carefully crafted by our olfactory experts to complement TASCHEN’s finest publications. Let our soothing scents transport you to distant lands through reading illuminate art, history and culture over the pages. From calming sencha to warm guaiacum wood notes, the fragrances have been specially curated to heighten the relaxed reading experience.

Ambience pioneers and cultural archaeologists come together to awaken the senses in this unique collaboration between Culti Milano and TASCHEN.

Step into TASCHEN Hong Kong now to be enveloped by the harmonious union of words, imagery and scent to nourish mind, body and soul in this multi-sensory world.

The perfect blend of aroma and print awaits.

Photos from CULTI MILANO HONG KONG's post 30/05/2023

Cubo Design Architect 設計的 C4L House 是位於東京的一座現代住宅,融合了傳統日式建築的美感和自然元素。房屋採用極簡主義風格和天然材料,如石頭和木材,展現了日式建築的和諧與寧靜,讓人感受到生活的美好和簡單。

C4L House 的設計靈感來自日本的“體屋一如”概念,將粗糙的石牆和光滑的混凝土表面等對立元素融合在一起,創造出協調的張力和平衡感。整個空間充滿動態和和諧之美,帶給人們寧靜和平的感受。

庭院中的禪園和水景是對日本侘寂美學的致敬,強調了發現不完美之美的重要性。 C4L House 是現代建築與日式設計原則完美融合的傑出典範,創造了一個既優雅又寧靜的空間,展現了自然元素和簡單和諧之美,讓人們感到放鬆和心靈寧靜。

The C4L House in Tokyo, designed by Cubo Design Architect, celebrates the beauty of Japanese design principles and the natural world. The house's minimalist style and use of natural materials such as stone and wood reflect traditional Japanese architecture, creating a sense of harmony and tranquility that invites visitors to relax and appreciate the beauty of simplicity.

Drawing inspiration from the Japanese concept of teioku ichinyo, the house combines contrasting elements to create balance and harmony. Rough stone walls and smooth concrete surfaces coexist in perfect unity, creating a dynamic yet peaceful space that inspires a sense of serenity and calm.

The Zen garden with its water feature is a beautiful tribute to the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi, which emphasizes the beauty of imperfection and impermanence. This concept is reflected throughout the design of the house, which creates a tranquil environment that encourages visitors to slow down and appreciate the simple yet profound pleasures of life. The C4L House is a stunning example of contemporary architecture that seamlessly blends Japanese design principles with modern aesthetics, creating a space that is both elegant and serene.



基調以煎茶香氣為主調的香氛系列,宛如身處日式茶屋。 其天然純粹的煎茶香氣可以放緩你繁忙都市生活中的步調。



Inspired by the tranquility of tea ceremonies, our Thé home fragrance line evokes the relaxing ambiance of a Japanese tea house.

With subtle notes of green tea, mandarin and cedarwood, Thé gently soothes the mood swings and restlessness of a busy urban life. The concentrated fragrance with a long-lasting aroma, allowing the rich layers of green tea to unfold and envelop you in serenity.


傳奇的Knoll Barcelona Day Bed 完美融入 CULTI MILANO 香港旗艦店包浩斯風格設計,其流暢曲線和簡約線條賦予空間優雅氣派。


A timeless modern design

The iconic Knoll Barcelona daybed fits perfectly into the Bauhaus-inspired design of our flagship store in Hong Kong, adding a touch of modernist elegance with its fluid curves and minimalist lines.

The Barcelona daybed blends seamlessly into the space, imparting a fashionable and contemporary feel.

The store welcomes both new and familiar faces, shaped by a design vision that balances contemporary simplicity with nods to classical influences. A novel yet familiar space shaped by timeless aesthetics.

Culti Milano - Official Hong Kong Store 17/05/2023

CULTI MILANO新旗艦店的設計師Alexis Dupont,將傳統零售空間和傢俱展覽廳交織一體,營造出獨特而溫馨的氛圍。以溫潤的色調為基底,運用常見的機械榫接、楓木材料和大理石,營造出典雅而溫馨的空間。創辦人Alessandro Agrati對香港店的設計理念是一個寧靜且沉思的空間,運用包浩斯風格設計了休息區,讓客戶可以感受不同的香氛如何塑造空間和氛圍。進入店內後,柔和的香氛放大了空間的親切感,營造出新的但又似曾相識的嗅覺體驗。該店將家居的舒適環境以CULTI MILANO獨有的經典美學再創新。

A sensory journey in timeless style.

The new flagship store of CULTI MILANO in Milan, designed by renowned architectural designer Alexis Dupont, brings together a vintage ambience and a contemporary presentation of home fragrances. The warm light with hints of gold illuminates maple wood panels and travertine floors inspired by traditional Italian architecture, transporting you into a cosy and sophisticated setting.

Founder Alessandro Agrati envisaged the Hong Kong store as a place of calm and reflection, with a Bauhaus-inspired lounge area for customers to discover how aroma shapes both interior spaces and moods.

Stepping into the store, you are enveloped in an atmosphere of familiarity and belonging as the gentle perfume molecules create an alluring olfactory experience that feels at once novel and nostalgic. A reimagining of the everyday comforts of home, filtered through the timeless aesthetic vision of CULTI MILANO.

Culti Milano - Official Hong Kong Store Explore the enticing essences of Culti Milano's ambient perfumers. Diffuser sticks, sprays, and candles with distinctive fragrances


歷經風雨後,更加自我凝聚。城市生活不再冷漠,即珍惜每個片刻。 香薰該點綴生活,不只停留在回憶。

Culti Milano 在香港推出了我們的第一家亞洲旗艦店 CULTI HOUSE,將意大利的優雅與人文的感性融為一體,以「氛圍文化」體現我們對生活的詩意追求。

We awake renewed from the slumber of plague, city life now savoured in each precious moment. Fragrance should grace life, not merely memories.

Culti Milano debuts our first Asia flagship, CULTI HOUSE, in Hong Kong, blending Italian elegance with Chinese sensibilities, elevating homes through design and delicate aroma. "Culture of Ambience" defines our modern vision, a poetry of living.


Artworks can transcend space and time to convey emotion and thoughts, softly telling each and every different beautiful story. Fragrance is not only a work of art that carries stories and aesthetics but also an invisible symbol representing memories, feelings and moods.


Photo: .andre


Airy space and warm heat sources can perfume every corner of the space.


Photo: .andre

Photos from CULTI MILANO HONG KONG's post 04/03/2023

Diffuser Tip:
How to create your desired ambience by controlling the intensity of the diffusion? We recommend inverting the reeds every day for high intensification, every 3 days for medium intensification, and every 7 days for low intensification.

如何通過控制擴散強度來營造您想要的氛圍?我們建議每天倒置蘆葦 枝來達致高強度,每 3 天倒置一次來達致中強度,每 7 天倒置一次來達致低強度。

Photos from CULTI MILANO HONG KONG's post 01/03/2023


Exclusive design objects characterised by clean lines and elegant simplicity, which enhance every room with soft, dreamlike atmospheres. The fragrances of the candle evoke different worlds that can be blended together harmoniously in a dance of scented light. Velvet: Touching the soft petals of a flower with your fingertips and feelings its smooth consistency, like an enveloping piece of velvet. Letting yourself be cradled in a swaddled world of curving softness.


Photos from CULTI MILANO HONG KONG's post 23/02/2023

Alterstudio Architecture 的設計為這座房子呈現了獨一無二的環境,提供一個同時居住在大自然與都市的機會。這所房子的設計初衷是最大限度地利用房子後面獨有的懸崖、小溪和自然景觀,並通過光線、反射、環境和景觀的偶然性為房子的生活呈現一個神秘的春天背景。大自然原素帶來的慰藉能讓人們想起如今難以前往的遠方花園和風景亦可以充當春天來臨的幻覺。

The opportunity given by the design of Alterstudio Architecture to live simultaneously in the centre of the city and in an isolated refuge presented a unique circumstance. This home is oriented to take maximum advantage of the unexpected escarpment, creek and natural views offered at the rear of the property and presents a mysteriously springly backdrop to the life of the house by the serendipity of light, reflection, circumstance and view. The comfort of nature's elements reminds us of distant gardens and landscapes that are now inaccessible, and can serve as an illusion for the spring to come.

Photos from CULTI MILANO HONG KONG's post 08/02/2023

用一份隆重的禮物來擁抱香氛的藝術和創造力。Culti Milano 與Mr Floral 合辦一場獨特而繾綣的花藝體驗班Muses Of Spring。2023年疫情過後的情人節,生活重新踏上軌道,結合鮮花、香薰和工藝留住專屬你和他的幸福時刻。

· 由來自Mr Floral經驗豐富的專業人士指導
· 工作坊主要包含插花技巧及家居香氛的應用
· 使用厄瓜多爾玫瑰和鮮花,親手製作一個以情人節和春天為靈感的花籃
· 對鮮花、香氛和插花感興趣的個人或團體
· 適用於所有水平的參與者,無需經驗
· 涵蓋插花的基本原則
· 基本的花材處理技術
· 在花卉設計中融入層次和空間
· 贈送Culti Milano香薰圈(HKD270)和Alba家居噴霧50ml(HKD150)

Embrace the art of fragrance and creativity with a gift so grand. The Muses of Spring Workshop offers a unique and luxurious affair, where memories are made and love shines fair. Join us for a workshop experience on Valentine's Day, inspired by the essence of love and spring, guided by Mr Floral. Let us show you the beauty of flower basket arrangement, enhanced by the allure of Culti Milano’s fragrances.

The 2-hour Floral Experience will include:
· Led by experienced professionals from Mr Floral
· Focus on home fragrances, flowers, floral arrangements, and hands-on guidance throughout the workshop
· Creation of Valentine's Day and Spring inspired flower basket in Korean style, using Ecuadorian roses, Sakura and other seasonal flowers
· Aimed at individuals or groups interested in flowers, fragrances, and floral arranging, particularly for Valentine's Day
· Suitable for participants of all skill levels, with no prior experience required
· Covering the basic principles of floral arranging
· Basic flower material handling techniques
· Incorporating layers and space in flower designs
· Complimentary Culti Milano Scented Circle (HKD270) and Alba Home Spray 50ml (HKD150)


Seasonal flowers, presented in various pots by local florist , fill CULTI HOUSE Hong Kong. The Blossoms have come in celebration of Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day, which welcome the arrival of springtime.

Discover and shop fresh blooms for this festive season at our CULTI HOUSE Hong Kong, 70A Hollywood Road, Central till 20th February.


初夏的陽光從密密層層的枝葉間透射下來,坐於茂密的無花果樹蔭下感受微風的輕撫, 於灼熱的日光下漫散著陣陣青澀的草木香氣。


"When you're building a room, you're building character, and character is the strength and wisdom of a home."
- Rose Tarlow, interior designer

- 室內設計師 Rose Tarlow

Design by Anthology Creative Studio


Supreme Amber 將一瞬即逝的落日餘暉留下,化爲一縷溫暖煙熏氣息與香草粉質甜香糅合而成的香氣於空氣中飄散。

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踏入夏季,香港的相對濕度較高,而高濕度會影響香氛的擴散效果。在這樣的環境下要讓香氣更加濃郁,我們建議使用較大瓶的香氛,並且每兩週翻轉一次擴香棒 —— 翻轉得越頻繁,香氣就越濃郁。The high humidity in Hong Kong ...
香氛調配的優雅藝術香氛調配不僅是混合香氣,更是一種創造個性化香氣交響的方式,塑造質感居家生活。歡迎親臨我們於中環荷李活道門市,讓我們的香氛顧問引導您挑選和調和專屬香氣,重新定義您的生活空間,展現您的獨特品味。Unveil the Elega...
以您最喜愛的香氣為新的一年增添色彩。#cultimilano #cultihk #homefragrance #homedecor #interiordesign #lifestyle #lanecrawford #lanecrawford...
小蒼蘭和薰衣草襯托着燦爛盛開的千葉玫瑰,嬌嫩欲滴卻又淡雅脫俗。#cultimilano #cultihk #homefragrance #reeddiffuser #homedecor #interiordesign #lifestyle ...



70A Hollywood Road, Central
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 20:00
Thursday 11:00 - 20:00
Friday 11:00 - 20:00
Saturday 11:00 - 20:00
Sunday 11:00 - 20:00

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Shop F, G/F Phase 1, Kaiser Estate, 41 Man Yue Street, Hung Hom
Hong Kong

Our company specializes in congratulations flower baskets, festive fruit and gourmet hampers, wedding flower bouquets and flower arrangements etc.

Fantasy Island 小島樂園 Fantasy Island 小島樂園
Hong Kong


Cartcarthk Cartcarthk
Hong Kong


Agnes's Workshop Agnes's Workshop
Hong Kong

Agnes's Workshop Handmade

Unit 02, 17/F Grand Place 558-560 Nathan Road, Mongkok. 九龍旺角彌敦道558-560號譽發廣場17樓 02
Hong Kong

自2003年開業。由店主Athena親自設計多類不同飾物。 而新娘wedding用嘅珍珠訂製套裝向來極受歡迎。另鑽石鑲嵌,婚介設計,925飾物則以清雅簡潔為主

He She Gifts 易送禮 He She Gifts 易送禮
Hong Kong

He She Gifts 易送禮 於2009年正式成立,目的是為廣大網民提供一個方便而簡單?

Hong Kong

店主成日周圍揾貨 志在薄利多銷 買得多平得多 揾埋朋友一齊買,批發價都?

Fine Wine Corner Fine Wine Corner
Hong Kong

Shop 49-D1, G/F, 15 Glee Path, Mei Foo Sun Chuen, Phase 2, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 3486 2601 Fax: (852) 3486 2602 email: [email protected] website: www.finewinecor...