Aussizz 移民&留學顧問 - 香港
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九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號 星光行東座14樓1430室
Salisbury Road
No. 3 Salisbury Road
Lai Chi Kok Road
Salisbury Road
Salisbury Road
Salisbury Road
No. 3 Salisbury Road
Salisbury Road
Tsim Sha Tsui
Tsim Sha Tsui
🥇澳洲簽證代辦 🥇全澳課程代辦 🥇留澳諮詢
👍澳洲移民留學 👍IELTS 雅思 👍PTE
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活
8-9月份維州擔保 -190及491簽証邀請最新情況
澳洲技術移民除了由政府發出邀請的189簽證外,還有各州政府提名的190及491簽證。上個月澳洲Western Australia就向200多位申請人發出了190和491的邀請。
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
“DISCLAIMER: This disclaimer applies to all social media posts from Aussizz Group and its associated entities. The content in these posts does not constitute immigration or legal advice, is not intended as a substitute for such advice, and must not be relied upon as such.
The material is designed to provide an informative guideline (current at the time of publication and subject to changes) for general informational purposes only.
Please consult an OMARA Registered Migration Agent or Australian Practicing Migration lawyer for professional advice before you make any type of application. We would like to emphasize that our platform does not engage in the unauthorized disclosure or leakage of any client’s personal information.
Any instances where personal details are shared or discussed within the context of our conversations are solely for the purposes of character-playing and understanding various scenarios. “
Thanks, QUT Elsie, for visiting us and we enjoy the mooncake! 🥰
9月17日 (中秋節):營業時間至下午四時
9月18日 (中秋節翌日):休息
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
“DISCLAIMER: This disclaimer applies to all social media posts from Aussizz Group and its associated entities. The content in these posts does not constitute immigration or legal advice, is not intended as a substitute for such advice, and must not be relied upon as such.
The material is designed to provide an informative guideline (current at the time of publication and subject to changes) for general informational purposes only.
Please consult an OMARA Registered Migration Agent or Australian Practicing Migration lawyer for professional advice before you make any type of application. We would like to emphasize that our platform does not engage in the unauthorized disclosure or leakage of any client’s personal information.
Any instances where personal details are shared or discussed within the context of our conversations are solely for the purposes of character-playing and understanding various scenarios. “
九月份西澳州擔保 及189獨立技術移民邀請情況全面分析!
詳情可scan QR Code了解各職業受邀請分數。
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
“DISCLAIMER: This disclaimer applies to all social media posts from Aussizz Group and its associated entities. The content in these posts does not constitute immigration or legal advice, is not intended as a substitute for such advice, and must not be relied upon as such.
The material is designed to provide an informative guideline (current at the time of publication and subject to changes) for general informational purposes only.
Please consult an OMARA Registered Migration Agent or Australian Practicing Migration lawyer for professional advice before you make any type of application. We would like to emphasize that our platform does not engage in the unauthorized disclosure or leakage of any client’s personal information.
Any instances where personal details are shared or discussed within the context of our conversations are solely for the purposes of character-playing and understanding various scenarios. “
StudyPerth, Western Australia
StudyPerth, Western Australia on LinkedIn: #studyperth #internationalstudents #studydestination #perth We're super excited to share our latest video, showcasing Perth as the incredible study destination it is. Thanks to our marketing team Andrew O., Prasanna…
📌📌📌下個intake:30 Sep 2024、4 Nov 2024📌📌📌
📍投入全英語環境,就是學習英語的最佳方法,西澳大學 (University of Western Australia) 旗下的英語學習中心 (CELT),位於西澳洲首府 - 柏斯 (Perth),跟香港零時差,方便課餘時間跟進工作或跟親友溝通,CELT設有多種課程,針對不同需要。
👌持旅遊簽證 - 可報5 - 10星期 (全日/兼讀課程)
👌持工作假期簽證 - 可報5 - 15星期 (全日/兼讀課程)
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
"DISCLAIMER: This disclaimer applies to all social media posts from Aussizz Group and its associated entities. The content in these posts does not constitute immigration or legal advice, is not intended as a substitute for such advice, and must not be relied upon as such.
The material is designed to provide an informative guideline (current at the time of publication and subject to changes) for general informational purposes only.
Please consult an OMARA Registered Migration Agent or Australian Practicing Migration lawyer for professional advice before you make any type of application. We would like to emphasize that our platform does not engage in the unauthorized disclosure or leakage of any client’s personal information.
Any instances where personal details are shared or discussed within the context of our conversations are solely for the purposes of character-playing and understanding various scenarios. “
📚✈️ 港人去澳洲讀書,酒店管理係出路?🏨💼
知道你哋最擔心嘅就係畢業之後搵工嘅問題。但係今日就同大家分享個勁掂嘅秘密🤫🤫🤫 酒店管理課程😎
1️⃣ 實習機會多,畢業即可上手
2️⃣ 行業發展空間大,升職快
3️⃣ 學到嘅技能可以用喺世界各地
4️⃣ 薪酬福利通常都唔錯㗎
5️⃣ 高薪行業,通常學習期間就賺返學費啦!💰
#港生出路 #酒店管理 #澳洲求職 #畢業有工 #升學攻略 #打工度假 #香港學生 #海外升學
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
“DISCLAIMER: This disclaimer applies to all social media posts from Aussizz Group and its associated entities. The content in these posts does not constitute immigration or legal advice, is not intended as a substitute for such advice, and must not be relied upon as such.
The material is designed to provide an informative guideline (current at the time of publication and subject to changes) for general informational purposes only.
Please consult an OMARA Registered Migration Agent or Australian Practicing Migration lawyer for professional advice before you make any type of application. We would like to emphasize that our platform does not engage in the unauthorized disclosure or leakage of any client’s personal information.
Any instances where personal details are shared or discussed within the context of our conversations are solely for the purposes of character-playing and understanding various scenarios. “
想行Hong Kong Stream移民澳洲,但本身得Higher Cert / Higher Diploma / Assoc Degree畢業😭,職業課程又行唔通,除咗讀3年Bachelor,仲可以點算?
🧐只要有至少一年工作經驗,就可報讀澳洲大學的短期銜接課程,然後跳級升讀Master。可接駁business、accounting、marketing、human resources、IT、communication等實用科目,有助將來事業發展,進升至管理階層。
Master畢業後就可以申請485簽證,住夠3年後就可以透過Hong Kong Stream申請成為PR。
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
“DISCLAIMER: This disclaimer applies to all social media posts from Aussizz Group and its associated entities. The content in these posts does not constitute immigration or legal advice, is not intended as a substitute for such advice, and must not be relied upon as such.
The material is designed to provide an informative guideline (current at the time of publication and subject to changes) for general informational purposes only.
Please consult an OMARA Registered Migration Agent or Australian Practicing Migration lawyer for professional advice before you make any type of application. We would like to emphasize that our platform does not engage in the unauthorized disclosure or leakage of any client’s personal information.
Any instances where personal details are shared or discussed within the context of our conversations are solely for the purposes of character-playing and understanding various scenarios. “
📍投入全英語環境,就是學習英語的最佳方法,西澳大學 (University of Western Australia) 旗下的英語學習中心 (CELT),位於西澳洲首府 - 柏斯 (Perth),跟香港零時差,方便課餘時間跟進工作或跟親友溝通,CELT設有多種課程,針對不同需要。
👌持旅遊簽證 - 可報5 - 10星期 (全日/兼讀課程)
👌持工作假期簽證 - 可報5 - 15星期 (全日/兼讀課程)
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
"DISCLAIMER: This disclaimer applies to all social media posts from Aussizz Group and its associated entities. The content in these posts does not constitute immigration or legal advice, is not intended as a substitute for such advice, and must not be relied upon as such.
The material is designed to provide an informative guideline (current at the time of publication and subject to changes) for general informational purposes only.
Please consult an OMARA Registered Migration Agent or Australian Practicing Migration lawyer for professional advice before you make any type of application. We would like to emphasize that our platform does not engage in the unauthorized disclosure or leakage of any client’s personal information.
Any instances where personal details are shared or discussed within the context of our conversations are solely for the purposes of character-playing and understanding various scenarios. “
西澳本財年州擔保總共獲得5000個名額🙋當中3000個屬於190簽證,2000個則分配給491簽證🎉 🎉至於其他洲分的名額,各位小伙伴可以參考下圖📃
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
會展中心 5G 展覽廳
Aussizz Group Booth D03
西澳2024-25財年共獲得10000 Skilled Migration Places❗️
👉 州擔保:190 類別 和 491 類別 共有5000個名額!
👉 DAMA (WA Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA))此次有5,000個名額
新財年從今天開始啦 💼
👉還沒有遞交EOI 或 澳洲移民之路未計劃的小夥伴們,速速來找我們Aussizz!
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
1️⃣ 寄宿家庭 Homestay
2️⃣ 學生宿舍 Student Accommodation
3️⃣ 共享公寓 Shared Flat
4️⃣ 獨立租屋 Rental House
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
“DISCLAIMER: This disclaimer applies to all social media posts from Aussizz Group and its associated entities. The content in these posts does not constitute immigration or legal advice, is not intended as a substitute for such advice, and must not be relied upon as such.
The material is designed to provide an informative guideline (current at the time of publication and subject to changes) for general informational purposes only.
Please consult an OMARA Registered Migration Agent or Australian Practicing Migration lawyer for professional advice before you make any type of application. We would like to emphasize that our platform does not engage in the unauthorized disclosure or leakage of any client’s personal information.
Any instances where personal details are shared or discussed within the context of our conversations are solely for the purposes of character-playing and understanding various scenarios. “
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
“DISCLAIMER: This disclaimer applies to all social media posts from Aussizz Group and its associated entities. The content in these posts does not constitute immigration or legal advice, is not intended as a substitute for such advice, and must not be relied upon as such.
The material is designed to provide an informative guideline (current at the time of publication and subject to changes) for general informational purposes only.
Please consult an OMARA Registered Migration Agent or Australian Practicing Migration lawyer for professional advice before you make any type of application. We would like to emphasize that our platform does not engage in the unauthorized disclosure or leakage of any client’s personal information.
Any instances where personal details are shared or discussed within the context of our conversations are solely for the purposes of character-playing and understanding various scenarios. “
澳州出名戶外活動,除咗歷奇活動和雨林外,亦以優良滑雪場見稱,滑雪場位於澳州東面Snowy Mountain。
當中最大的滑雪場是位於Kosciuszko國家公園內的Perisher Ski Resort滑雪度假村,由7座主峰及4個滑雪村組成,一共133條滑雪道,其中22%屬初學程度,距離悉尼只有5.5小時車程,距離首都坎培拉則約2.5小時。
Perisher的一大特色是雪山火車Skitube,由Bullocks Flat前往Perisher Valley及Blue Cow兩大滑雪村,山上兩站都自由出入,即不用另外付費。此外Perisher Valley逢週二及週末有晚間滑雪及煙花表演。
希望大家都享受到澳洲冬日的樂趣,cheers !
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
“DISCLAIMER: This disclaimer applies to all social media posts from Aussizz Group and its associated entities. The content in these posts does not constitute immigration or legal advice, is not intended as a substitute for such advice, and must not be relied upon as such.
The material is designed to provide an informative guideline (current at the time of publication and subject to changes) for general informational purposes only.
Please consult an OMARA Registered Migration Agent or Australian Practicing Migration lawyer for professional advice before you make any type of application. We would like to emphasize that our platform does not engage in the unauthorized disclosure or leakage of any client’s personal information.
Any instances where personal details are shared or discussed within the context of our conversations are solely for the purposes of character-playing and understanding various scenarios. “
澳洲日前公布本年度 (2023-2024) 最後一輪189技術移民名單,本公司合共協助139位客人成功收到邀請,經整理後數據如下,謹供參考。
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
“DISCLAIMER: This disclaimer applies to all social media posts from Aussizz Group and its associated entities. The content in these posts does not constitute immigration or legal advice, is not intended as a substitute for such advice, and must not be relied upon as such.
The material is designed to provide an informative guideline (current at the time of publication and subject to changes) for general informational purposes only.
Please consult an OMARA Registered Migration Agent or Australian Practicing Migration lawyer for professional advice before you make any type of application. We would like to emphasize that our platform does not engage in the unauthorized disclosure or leakage of any client’s personal information.
Any instances where personal details are shared or discussed within the context of our conversations are solely for the purposes of character-playing and understanding various scenarios. “
Aussizz Group HK x QUT Open Day
19 July 2024
2:00pm - 3:00pm
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
“DISCLAIMER: This disclaimer applies to all social media posts from Aussizz Group and its associated entities. The content in these posts does not constitute immigration or legal advice, is not intended as a substitute for such advice, and must not be relied upon as such.
The material is designed to provide an informative guideline (current at the time of publication and subject to changes) for general informational purposes only.
Please consult an OMARA Registered Migration Agent or Australian Practicing Migration lawyer for professional advice before you make any type of application. We would like to emphasize that our platform does not engage in the unauthorized disclosure or leakage of any client’s personal information.
Any instances where personal details are shared or discussed within the context of our conversations are solely for the purposes of character-playing and understanding various scenarios. “
Subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate)
Subclass 600 (Visitor)
Subclass 601 (Electronic Travel Authority)
Subclass 602 (Medical Treatment)
Subclass 651 (eVisitor)
Subclass 771 (Transit)
Subclass 988 (Maritime Crew)
Subclass 995 (Diplomatic Temporary) – primary visa holders only
Subclass 403 (Temporary Work) International Relations)) – Domestic Worker (Diplomatic or Consular) stream
Subclass 426 (Domestic Worker (Temporary) – Diplomatic or Consular)
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
“DISCLAIMER: This disclaimer applies to all social media posts from Aussizz Group and its associated entities. The content in these posts does not constitute immigration or legal advice, is not intended as a substitute for such advice, and must not be relied upon as such.
The material is designed to provide an informative guideline (current at the time of publication and subject to changes) for general informational purposes only.
Please consult an OMARA Registered Migration Agent or Australian Practicing Migration lawyer for professional advice before you make any type of application. We would like to emphasize that our platform does not engage in the unauthorized disclosure or leakage of any client’s personal information.
Any instances where personal details are shared or discussed within the context of our conversations are solely for the purposes of character-playing and understanding various scenarios. “
📌7 月 1 日起的新限制:
* 旅遊簽證持有者,將無法再在境內申請學生簽證。
* 485臨時畢業生簽證持有者,將無法再在境內申請學生簽證。
1,申請人的年齡限制降低(從原先的50歲減少至35 歲)
👉請盡快在6月28號之前聯繫我們哦! !
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
最新消息!189邀請出爐 🥰
大家請緊貼Aussizz Group專頁更新❗️
💁Aussizz Group 你的澳洲移民留學專家💁
📍Whatsapp:+852 6162 7873
📪 地址: 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行15樓1508室
📩 電郵:[email protected]
#香港 #香港移民 #升學資訊 #升學攻略 #升學顧問 #移民
#移民顧問 #香港人在澳洲
#澳洲 #澳洲升學 #澳洲留學 #澳洲移民 #澳洲生活 #澳洲教育
#珀斯 #悉尼 #墨爾本 #阿德萊德 #布里斯班 #黃金海岸
#澳洲移民中介 #澳洲移民顧問 #澳洲升學顧問 #澳洲簽證
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Tuesday | 10:00 - 19:00 |
Wednesday | 10:00 - 19:00 |
Thursday | 10:00 - 19:00 |
Friday | 10:00 - 19:00 |
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EF Education First 提供各式各樣的遊學課程予7 -17歲的同學,而16歲以上的同學及在職人士更可選讀一系列的升學及成人遊學課程。
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Every organisation, whether Education setup or a business, needs 3Rs at some point of time. "Reimagine" what's needed right now. "Rethink" what the original intent is. "Resta...
九龍旺角山東街38號38廣場803室. Room 803, 8/F, 38 Plaza, 38 Shantung Street, Mongkok, Kowloon
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1302/03 Pilkem Commercial Centre, 8 Pilkem Street, Jordan
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HKIES 海升國際教育服務中心成立於2001年,致力為有志出國留學英國的人仕提供專業及一站式的服務。我們會因應學生的條件及要求,提供專業意見和讀書計劃,選擇最合適的學校,減省所費的時間及精力。
Unit 1012, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
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AEA 澳洲教育協會成立超過二十年,專為有志到海外升學同學提供留學咨詢及協辦申請院校。姊妹公司ISEC 國際學生交流中心接辦及提供遊學團服務,讓學生或教師團安心體驗外國上課模式及了解當地生活和文化。
13/F Chinachem Hollywood Centre, 1 Hollywood Road
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We specialize in the application for overseas education in the United States, the United Kingdom, Can
No. 14, Lane 65, Guilin Rd, Wanhua District, Taipei City, Taiwan
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Chúng tôi cung cấp công cụ thấu hiểu bản thân và giải pháp giáo dục chuyển đổi cho trẻ em, gia đình, cặp đôi, trường học và doanh nghiệp.
Suite 1520, 15/F, Ocean Centre, Harbour City, 5 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong
尚智V Brain 關注小朋友的身心和大腦健康,通過具科學基礎的神經反饋原理,以高效及科學方法幫助更多小朋友訓練大腦反應,讓身心保持健康,學習能力得以提升。
701b, 1 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay
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Tutorline is an application that creates a seamless online tutoring platform linking students and tutors worldwide, mainly targeting IB, A-levels and IELTS students in Asia-Pacific...
Unit 1603, 16th Floor, The L. Plaza, 367/375 Queen's Road Central, Sheung Wan, Sheung Wan
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The UMT MBA program is powered by Prowess & Celerity Consultancy Limited (PnC) 勇捷顧問有限公司
Room 1309, , Tai Yau Building, , 181 Johnston Road, Wan Chai,
Hong Kong, 00000
英國專業升學顧問🇬🇧 16年+經驗 40個國家設立 | 83 個升學中心 + 58,000名學生考入英國頂尖大學🏫 免費英國升學諮詢服務