森流 Green Flow, Hong Kong Videos

Videos by 森流 Green Flow in Hong Kong. 🌱水陸動植物·生態造景專門店 - 森流是你接觸自然的友善第一站 無論大人小朋友、新手還是專業玩家,都可以在森流找到屬於自己的自然愛好 我們喜愛還原生態,將自然融入屋企、辦公室或學校,享受照顧與觀察帶來的寧靜 門市·網上商店·園藝/造景服務·工作坊 HK’s first cross-species store - Retail & Online Shop · Gardening/Landscaping Services · Workshops Let Green Flow In You!

[古法水陸缸系列 EP.1]🧘



✅簡單原始帶有古典嘅韻味 用以裝飾屋企或辦公室
✅照顧成本極低 純粹加水同埋餵魚

“Ancient Paludarium Ep.1”🧘

It’s peaceful to observe the paludarium after work😌😌
Meditate with the plants and fishes in the tank, a great way for stress relief🌱🐟

✅This ancient kind of paludarium is one of the best option for home and office decoration
✅Plants for air purification
✅Fishes fed by the juveniles of mosquitoes
✅Low maintaining cost, just feed the fishes and add some water when it vaporises
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You

🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)

GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop

Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-min

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Other 森流 Green Flow videos

[古法水陸缸系列 EP.1]🧘 做嘢做到攰想休息吓😴💤 就會望住呢個缸諗吓嘢🤔💭 望住啲植物越生越靚🌱✨ 睇吓水入邊嘅魚游來游去🫧🐟 即刻放鬆晒😌😌 古法水陸缸最適合返工返學嘅你: ✅簡單原始帶有古典嘅韻味 用以裝飾屋企或辦公室 ✅入面嘅植物可以淨化空氣 ✅魚仔會食蚊嘅幼蟲 ✅照顧成本極低 純粹加水同埋餵魚 “Ancient Paludarium Ep.1”🧘 It’s peaceful to observe the paludarium after work😌😌 Meditate with the plants and fishes in the tank, a great way for stress relief🌱🐟 ✅This ancient kind of paludarium is one of the best option for home and office decoration ✅Plants for air purification ✅Fishes fed by the juveniles of mosquitoes ✅Low maintaining cost, just feed the fishes and add some water when it vaporises ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You 水陸動植物專門店 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 營業時間: 星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息) 星期六、日:1:00-7:00pm 門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses __________________________________ 🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-min

缸底尋寶專員:鼠魚 🐠 鼠魚作為底棲魚類,好鍾意喺缸底度搵食物,例如食物殘渣或者係蟲仔等等。。。 等我話你知點解你需要養鼠魚: 清潔工:🧹 食晒魚缸底嘅殘渣、剩餘嘅食物同埋死咗嘅植物,保持魚缸乾淨衛生。 控制藻類生長:🌿 幫助控制魚缸入面嘅藻類生長,令到魚缸保持清澈。 有趣嘅行為:🔍 喺魚缸底探索、挖掘同埋覓食,令到觀賞魚缸更加有生氣。 顏色花紋選擇多:🎨 有唔同嘅顏色、形狀同埋大小,可以滿足唔同嘅喜好。 獨特嘅外觀:👀 有一對大大嘅眼睛,同埋好似有鬍鬚一樣喺個缸底度不斷尋覓吸食,感覺會非常可愛。 和平共處:🤝 性格溫和,可以同其他魚類和平共處。 鼠魚嘅飼養要求: 水質:💧 中性水(個別品種各有不同),水溫 22-28°C。 環境:🌱 適當嘅水草、岩石同埋洞穴,為鼠魚提供隱蔽空間。 食物:🍚 雜食性,可以食魚缸底嘅殘渣、剩餘嘅食物,亦可以餵食專用嘅鼠魚飼料。 注意:⚠️ 唔好餵食太多食物,避免污染水質。 Corydoras Catfish: The Tank Cleaners Corydoras catfish are great for cleaning your aquarium! They love to eat leftover food and debris, keeping your tank tidy. They also help control algae growth. These little fish are fun to watch as they explore the bottom of the tank. They come in a variety of colors and are very peaceful, getting along well with other fish. Caring for Corydoras Catfish: Water: Keep the water clean and at a temperature of 72-82°F. Environment: Provide some plants and rocks for hiding. Food: Feed them a variety of foods, including catfish pellets. Note: Don't overfeed!___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 ________________________

如果你想養隻肥肥白白的寵物, 角蛙可能係你嘅好選擇 🐸 佢哋胃口好好,可以食到成個波咁大, 好得意㗎 🥰 而且佢哋唔係太好動,可以好有耐性咁陪你工作添✨️ If you want to have a fat, white pet, Horned frogs may be your good choice.🐸. They have a good appetite and can eat sooo much, It's very cute. 🥰 And they are not very active. They can patiently accompany you to work✨️ # Horned frog #Pet #Cute #Healing #角蛙 #寵物 #可愛 #療癒 ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 營業時間: 星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息) 星期六、日:1:00-7:00pm 門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop* Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses __________________________________ 🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 Business Hours: Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off) Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery

## 🐢 想你嘅水陸缸/苔蘚瓶生機勃勃?養球馬陸就係不二之選! 各位愛好水陸缸/苔蘚瓶嘅朋友仔,你哋仲為咗點樣令到缸入面嘅環境更加生機勃勃而煩惱緊咩?🤔 養球馬陸就係你嘅最佳選擇!🤩 球馬陸,佢哋係一種超級可愛嘅生物,而且仲係水陸缸/苔蘚瓶嘅「生態小幫手」!💪 **點解養球馬陸咁好?** * **幫你分解落葉同有機廢物:** 佢哋會幫你食晒缸入面嘅落葉、死植物同埋其他有機廢物,令到環境更加乾淨衛生! * **幫你鬆土:** 佢哋喺土入面爬嚟爬去,可以幫你鬆土,令到植物嘅根部可以吸收更多養分! * **幫你控制苔蘚生長:** 佢哋會食啲過多嘅苔蘚,防止苔蘚過度生長,令到缸入面嘅環境更加美觀! * **超級可愛:** 佢哋圓滾滾嘅身體同埋慢吞吞嘅動作,真係超級可愛,睇住佢哋爬嚟爬去,心情都靚晒!🥰 **仲唔快啲嚟選購你嘅球馬陸?** 我哋嘅球馬陸全部都係健康活潑,而且品種齊全,一定有一款啱你心水!🥰 **快啲嚟我哋店舖/網店選購啦!** ## 🐢 Want your riparium/terrarium to thrive? Millipedes are the answer! Hey there, fellow riparium/terrarium enthusiasts! Still struggling to make your tank a vibrant ecosystem? 🤔 Millipedes are the perfect solution! 🤩 Millipedes, they are super cute creatures and also your riparium/terrarium's "eco-helpers"! 💪 **Why are millipedes so great?** * **Help decompose leaves and organic waste:** They'll eat all the fallen leaves, dead plants, and other organic waste in your tank, keeping it clean and hygienic! * **Help loosen the soil:** They crawl around in the soil, helping to loosen it up, allowing plant roots to absorb more nutrients! * **Help control moss growth:** They eat excess moss, preventing it from overgrowing and making your tank look more beautiful! * **Super cute:** Their round bodies and slo

魚仔唔食野? 魚仔準備要繁殖? 絲蚯蚓有豐富營養 平時餵食用途有得 用嚟比新魚仔開口用都得 如果有需要嘅快啲過嚟買啦 Are your fish not eating? Are they ready to breed? Bloodworms are rich in nutrients and can be used for feeding, even for new fry to open their mouths. Come and buy some if you need them! ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 營業時間: 星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息) 星期六、日:1:00-7:00pm 門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop* Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses __________________________________ 🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 Business Hours: Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off) Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details) ___________________________________

養鬥魚乸,真係好治癒!佢哋好似錦鯉咁搶眼,係游起水嚟真係好寫意,成個慢活嘅藝術家咁。 成日見到佢哋喺水缸入面四圍游,好奇心勁重,成日望住你,仲會用魚鰭輕輕咁碰你,好似想叫你放慢啲生活節奏咁。 養鬥魚乸真係可以幫你減壓,放鬆心情,感覺生活都慢落嚟,好正! Keeping betta fish is really therapeutic! They are as eye-catching as koi fish, swimming leisurely in the water is really pleasing to watch, like slow living artwork. Seeing them swim around in the water tank all day, very curious in nature, always looking at you, they will even gently nudge you with their fins, as if wanting to remind you to slow down your pace of life. Keeping goldfish can really help relieve stress and relax your mood. It feels like life slows down, which is great! ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 營業時間: 星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息) 星期六、日:1:00-7:00pm 門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop* Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses __________________________________ 🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-min

你唔知佢哋會唔會嚇你一跳? 🤔 但係呢啲就係糖果惡魔蟹保護BB嘅方法!🤩 為咗有更加好嘅機動性,佢哋會帶住啲BB一齊走,🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ 同時都好好咁顯示到佢哋同一般惡魔蟹嘅分別。 🦀 糖果惡魔蟹佢哋係偏向陸地生嘅, 就習性而言,佢哋基本上唔會太落水,💧 脫殼都可以喺陸地上面進行。 🏖️ You don't know if they'll scare you, right? 🤔 But this is how candy demon crabs protect their babies! 🤩 To have better mobility, they carry their babies with them as they move, 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ which also clearly shows their difference from regular demon crabs. 🦀 Candy demon crabs are more terrestrial, in terms of their habits, they rarely go into the water, 💧 and they even molt on land. 🏖️ ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 營業時間: 星期一至五:12:30-8:00pm (星期三休息) 星期六、日:1:00-7:00pm 門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop* Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses __________________________________ 🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong S

一個簡單的灘塗缸也可以如此精彩! 經過我們多次實驗,彈塗魚、辣椒蟹、啦啦蟹、巴西火龍、招潮蟹,牠們都能在缸中和平共處。如果你有一個淺水的水陸缸,可以考慮將牠們作為你缸中的小夥伴。牠們活潑的姿態和有趣的行為,一定能為你的小世界增添不少色彩! A simple mudflat tank can be so amazing! Through our many experiments, we've found that mudskippers, pepper crabs, fiddler crabs, Brazilian fire dragons, and fiddler crabs can all coexist peacefully in a tank. If you have a shallow water land and water tank, you can consider them as companions in your tank. Their lively postures and interesting behaviors will surely add a lot of color to your little world! ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 營業時間: 星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息) 星期六、日:1:00-7:00pm 門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop* Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses __________________________________ 🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 Business Hours: Monday to Fr

新朋友仔 鬆獅蜥 非常適合新手入門 性格會比較穩定 仲好乖添 如果有興趣的話 可以黎門市到睇下 😊想養寵物,但又唔知邊種好? **鬆獅蜥** 係一個非常適合新手嘅選擇! 佢哋性格溫和,唔會太過活躍,而且仲好乖添! 如果你對鬆獅蜥有興趣,歡迎嚟我哋門市睇吓! 保證你會愛上佢哋! 😊 Looking for a pet but not sure where to start? **Bearded dragons** are a great choice for beginners! They have a gentle personality, aren't too active, and are very well-behaved. If you're interested in bearded dragons, come visit our store! We guarantee you'll fall in love with them! 😊 ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 營業時間: 星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息) 星期六、日:1:00-7:00pm 門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop* Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses __________________________________ 🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 Business Hours: Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off) Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM The ret

😱😱😱唔好衰左都唔知咩事,你以為你嘅植物飲飽水? 睇真啲,佢可能仲係口渴緊! 💦💦💦 好多人都以為見到盆栽表面濕濕哋就代表佢飲飽水,但係實際上,中間可能仲係乾㗎! 🤯🤯🤯 😱😱😱 Don't be fooled! You think your plant is hydrated? Look closer, it might still be thirsty! 💦💦💦 Many people think that seeing the surface of the pot wet means the plant is well-hydrated, but in reality, the middle might still be dry! 🤯🤯🤯 ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 營業時間: 星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息) 星期六、日:1:00-7:00pm 門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop* Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses __________________________________ 🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 Business Hours: Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off) Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (fr

森流缸-秘密考慮大公開 🤫 想打造一個獨一無二的水陸缸,但又怕揀錯植物?🤔 森流團隊想分享三個打造森流缸嘅關鍵: 1. 🌱 植物濕度 2. 🌿 植物比例 3. 🌺 植物開花 時間有限講唔到太多,快啲follow我地,留意下一次講解嘅重點啦 森流團隊希望透過這些分享,等您更了解水陸缸植物的特性,打造出理想中的水陸缸啦! ## Mori Flow Tank - Secret Considerations Revealed 🤫 Want to create a unique riparium but afraid of choosing the wrong plants? 🤔 The Mori Flow team wants to share three key points for building your Mori Flow Tank: 1. 🌱 Plant Humidity 2. 🌿 Plant Ratio 3. 🌺 Plant Blooming Time is limited and we can't say too much, so follow us quickly and stay tuned for the next highlight! The Mori Flow team hopes that through these sharing, you can better understand the characteristics of riparium plants and create your dream riparium! #MoriFlowTank #Riparium #Aquascaping #Plants #Tips #MoriFlow #森流缸 #水陸缸 #造景 #植物 #秘訣 #森流 ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 營業時間: 星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息) 星期六、日:1:00-7:00pm 門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop* Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inq

你個水陸缸,都可以變埋有機菜園?!🌱🐟 你屋企個水陸缸,唔止係靚景,仲可以變埋你嘅有機菜園! 試諗下,喺陽台度,一邊睇住水陸缸入面啲魚仔游嚟游去,一邊摘吓自己種嘅新鮮有機菜,真係爽到爆! 我哋有日本嚟嘅優質有機菜種,喺屋企輕鬆種,食得安心,仲健康又美味! 日本種,真係唔同啲: * 日本嘅農產品標準勁嚴格,保證種子乾淨,冇農藥殘留,種得安心。 * 日本嘅品種獨特,食落去味道同營養都豐富啲,試過就知唔同! * 種日本有機菜,唔止係食得健康,仲係一種生活態度,對大自然同健康嘅尊重。 魚菜共生,你個廚房就係有機農場: * 用魚缸嘅水嚟種菜,慳水又環保,仲可以創造生態平衡。 * 簡單易學,就算新手都輕鬆種得。 * 你個廚房充滿生機,仲可以自給自足,真係正! 即刻嚟我哋度買日本有機菜種,體驗下唔同嘅種植樂趣啦! 歡迎嚟我哋店舖選購,或者私訊我哋了解更多資訊! 關注我哋嘅 Facebook 頁面,有更多種植資訊同優惠活動等緊你! Turn your aquarium into an organic garden! 🌱🐟 Grow fresh, healthy veggies at home while watching fish swim. Our Japanese organic seeds are perfect: - High standards, no pesticides - Unique flavors and nutrients - Sustainable gardening lifestyle Your kitchen can be a self-sufficient farm - reuse aquarium water, easy for beginners. Get Japanese organic seeds from us. Follow our Facebook for tips! ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219

有時候無需過多嘅修飾 返璞歸真 先會搵到嗰一種獨特嘅風味 古法養魚就係咁樣嘅原理有時,簡單才是最美的。✨ 返璞歸真,才能找到獨特的風味。 就像古法養魚一樣,回歸自然,才能孕育出最純粹的美感。 🐟 Sometimes, simplicity is the ultimate beauty. Returning to the basics, we find unique flavors. Just like traditional fish farming, going back to nature, we cultivate the purest beauty. #TraditionalFishFarming #NaturalFarming #PureBeauty#古法養魚 #自然養殖 #純粹美感 ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 營業時間: 星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息) 星期六、日:1:00-7:00pm 門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop* Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses __________________________________ 🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 Business Hours: Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off) Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up

擺脫膨脹膠!瞬間黏合劑幫你快速打造完美造景! 好多朋友仔學緊造景,都只係會用膨脹膠,但其實瞬間黏合劑都好重要㗎!佢可以瞬間幫你定型,慳返好多時間之餘,仲會非常牢固! 想快速固定樹枝?瞬間黏合劑幫到你! 想將石頭黏貼得更加牢固?瞬間黏合劑幫到你! 想打造更精緻嘅細節?瞬間黏合劑幫到你! 立即入手瞬間黏合劑,打造完美造景,唔洗再等啦! Say goodbye to expanding foam! Instant glue helps you quickly create perfect landscapes! Many friends are learning to create landscapes, and they only use expanding foam, but instant glue is actually very important! It can instantly help you shape, save you a lot of time, and it's very strong! Want to quickly fix branches? Instant glue can help you! Want to stick stones more firmly? Instant glue can help you! Want to create more delicate details? Instant glue can help you! Get instant glue now to create perfect landscapes, don't wait anymore! #landscaping #DIY #instantglue #fastshaping #strong #savetime #landscapingtutorial #handmade #creative #造景 #DIY #瞬間黏合劑 #快速定型 #牢固 #省時 #造景教學 #手作 #創意 ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 營業時間: 星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息) 星期六、日:1:00-7:00pm 門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *Aquatic an

新嘅鬥魚乸返到門市呀 比起配種 佢哋嘅觀賞程度都係一流 整體感覺都好寫意 有興趣就快啲過嚟睇下啦 there are some new betta fish just arrived in our store, feel free and come to have a look 😊 ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 營業時間: 星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息) 星期六、日:1:00-7:00pm 門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop* Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses __________________________________ 🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 Business Hours: Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off) Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details) ___________________________________

舖頭新返咗稻田魚!🐟 抵住嚴寒酷暑都唔怕嘅 💪🏻💪🏻 稻田魚 💪🏻💪🏻 終於返到嚟啦! 呢種魚真係超級粗生,無論天氣點都一樣咁生猛! 🤩🤩 快啲嚟試下啦!😋😋 New Arrival: Paddy Field Fish! 🐟 💪💪 Paddy Field Fish 💪💪 is back, ready to brave any weather! This fish is super hardy, thriving no matter the temperature. 🤩🤩 Come try it out! 😋😋 #PaddyFieldFish #稻田魚 ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 營業時間: 星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息) 星期六、日:1:00-7:00pm 門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop* Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses __________________________________ 🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 Business Hours: Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off) Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please

📢 好消息!好消息!📢 🌵🌿 新一批多肉植物和塊根植物已經到店啦! 🌿🌵 🌱 多款罕有品種,等你嚟發掘! 🌱 每一棵都健康飽滿,等你帶佢哋返屋企! 快啲嚟參觀啦! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ #多肉植物 #塊根植物 #新貨到 #植物控 #綠色生活 #家居植物 #室內植物 #園藝 #花店 📢 Good news! Good news!📢 🌵🌿 A fresh batch of succulents and caudex plants has arrived!🌿🌵 🌱 Lots of rare varieties for you to discover! 🌱 Each one is healthy and full, waiting for you to take them home! Come visit us soon!🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ #succulents #caudex #newarrivals #plantlover #greenlife #houseplants #indoorplants #gardening #flowerstore ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 營業時間: 星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息) 星期六、日:1:00-7:00pm 門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop* Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses __________________________________ 🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 Business Hours: Monday to Friday: 12:3

新蟹仔又返嚟喇 今次返嘅係南海溪蟹 new stocks of crabs are in our store now ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 營業時間: 星期一至五:12:30-8:00pm (星期三休息) 星期六、日:1:00-7:00pm 門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop* Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses __________________________________ 🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 Business Hours: Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00pm (Wed Off) Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00pm The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details) ___________________________________

廣東南海溪蟹 Warrior Crab 黎左門市啦 南海溪蟹個性比較敏感暴躁,如果鍾意一啲好好反應嘅蟹仔嘅話,佢就係你嘅好選擇啦 warrior crab has just arrived in our store. it has a pretty white arm and blue legs . welcome to visit our store and have a look ___________________________________ 森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________ 🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 營業時間: 星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息) 星期六、日:1:00-7:00pm 門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop* Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses __________________________________ 🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit) 🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219 🌱 Business Hours: Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off) Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details) ___________________________________

Ladies & Gentlemen - 隆重介紹我哋嘅守宮動物明星- 紫芋BB。講個秘密俾你聽,紫芋BB曾經走失過,終於有一日搵得返佢,但佢變得瘦猛猛😭經過悉心照料兩個月,而家龍精虎猛,又可以上手互動。 亦都因為咁嘅經歷,我哋決定舖頭自己收養紫芋BB,升佢即時嚟我哋嘅動物明星代言人。飼養守宮嘅設置並唔複雜,最簡單嘅:👉一個爬盒👉底墊👉飲水盤👉冬天要加暖墊/燈 🍽️ 飼養食物方面,講究嘅話,就係係蟋蟀/麥皮蟲,我地都有售賣架。最近我哋都有唔少守宮BB喺舖頭等大家帶佢返屋企,由一開始好怕人,到而家已經可以上手照顧,係好時候有個好主人帶佢地番屋企喇,大家有時間上嚟睇吓啦 ❤️ #守宮 #守宮寶寶 #爬蟲 #greenflowhk #森流