森流 Green Flow

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from 森流 Green Flow, Aquatic Pet Store, 香港觀塘偉業街172號, 堅德工業大廈14樓C室&天台 , , 14C Cantake Factory Building , 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong.

🌱水陸動植物·生態造景專門店 - 森流是你接觸自然的友善第一站




HK’s first cross-species store - Retail & Online Shop · Gardening/Landscaping Services · Workshops

Let Green Flow In You!

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 04/09/2024

覺得啲魚仔好似少啲生氣? 🤔


其實,只要加啲群游魚,你個魚缸就會瞬間生猛好多! 🤩



Do you ever feel like your fish tank is a little… lifeless? 🤔

Just a few fish swimming around, not much going on? 🐟🐠🐡

Well, adding some schooling fish can instantly make your tank come alive! 🤩

A whole group of fish swimming together is really beautiful and impressive, and it can add so much life and fun to your tank!

Want to learn more about schooling fish? Follow us and PM us!

森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You

🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)

GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*

Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM

The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 04/09/2024









Raising Animals: More Than Just Love, but Also Design Thinking

Recently, a mother contacted us about enrolling her child in our store assistant training. Upon learning that he is 12 and a half, I thought this might be too old for the program.

I asked what animals he liked, and it turns out his favorite is fish! The mother even sent us a design sketch!

I truly admire this mother for guiding her child to design and budget himself rather than deciding everything for him. This fosters a sense of ownership!

Franco reviewed the design and suggested adding a lamp (for plant photosynthesis) and a fan for the aquarium (since it can get hot in Hong Kong, and air conditioning might destabilize the water temperature). We shared these suggestions with the mother, hoping her child can refine his design!

Stay tuned: Greenflow will hold workshops on animal and plant care starting in October, with a schedule to be announced in mid-September. We hope to see kids who love fish there, along with all of you! ❤️

#森流 #親子 #親子日常


[古法水陸缸系列 EP.1]🧘



✅簡單原始帶有古典嘅韻味 用以裝飾屋企或辦公室
✅照顧成本極低 純粹加水同埋餵魚

“Ancient Paludarium Ep.1”🧘

It’s peaceful to observe the paludarium after work😌😌
Meditate with the plants and fishes in the tank, a great way for stress relief🌱🐟

✅This ancient kind of paludarium is one of the best option for home and office decoration
✅Plants for air purification
✅Fishes fed by the juveniles of mosquitoes
✅Low maintaining cost, just feed the fishes and add some water when it vaporises
森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You

🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)

GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop

Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 01/09/2024









🙋‍♀️ 活動形式其實點㗎?





🙋‍♀️ 價格呢?





冇問題, 只有小朋友參加我哋都歡迎, 亦都可以請工人姐姐/家人前後接送就可以, 森流嘅哥哥姐姐都具備教育經驗,小朋友可以喺森流渡過開心難忘嘅兩小時


森流擁有多元化嘅生物,唔止係昆蟲, 亦都有水生動物,爬蟲類,兩棲類等等☺️見學既理念係希望小朋友學識尊重動物,同佢哋互動🦀我哋都唔會強迫小朋友一定要接觸小動物,可以先了解同觀察,其後再鼓勵更親密嘅接觸,不過通常一大班小朋友一齊上堂,見到其他朋友仔都咁勇敢,最後都會鼓起勇氣嘗試一下💪🏻 #森流 #親子好去處

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 31/08/2024

《多謝我們的第一位實習生 Devin!》

暑假完結了,我哋都傷感地同第一位實習生 Devin 拜拜。



Devin 雖然只係幫手一個禮拜,但佢嘅工作態度完全滿分。開始時可能有啲怕羞,但到後來佢主動去服務客人,甚至同 Disney 嘅園藝主管談論土壤中的蚯蚓。見到佢建立起自信,我哋都非常開心。


Devin 只有 13 歲,但對於自己熱愛嘅事物,年齡根本唔係問題。



森流 GreenFlow-Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:


Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 29/08/2024

最後優惠 - 如果你呢個禮拜日上午10-12有時間,就快D參加森流見學 - 小店員活動。

我地仲有4個位,暑假優惠$308(一大一小)最後一日,九月開始報名就會係$388。有興趣請whatspp52172219 ❤️

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 28/08/2024



👧🏻:諗咗3秒,遞起四隻手指4️⃣ 「我覺得有4.5」

小朋友想養動物係可能一時衝動,呢個衝動真係好正常,始終動物可愛嘛。但作為大人,我哋係要同佢合理地講解佢嘅責任,希望有佢嘅同意,咁先至有endorsement, 呢個先至係 win-win-win-win: 小朋友、小動物、家長同埋森流。


Let Green Flow In You!

After a workshop at Green Flow, a little girl said she wanted to get a gecko.

We showed her the geckos we had in the store, and she even got to interact with them a little. Finally, she picked one to take home! Her mom was all ready to pay...

Me: "Are you sure you want to take him home?"
👧🏻: *Determined nod*
Me: "You'll need to feed him every few days, change his bedding when it's dirty, refill his water when it's low, and play with him every day. Do you think you can do all that?"
👧🏻: ... "I think so."
Me: "On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being super confident, how confident are you?"
👧🏻: *Thinks for 3 seconds, then holds up four fingers* "I think a 4.5!"
Me: "Okay, you can take him home!"

It's totally normal for kids to get excited about having a pet—animals are adorable! But as adults, it's our job to explain the responsibility involved and make sure they understand. It's all about getting their agreement and making it a positive experience for everyone: the child, the pet, the parents, and Green Flow!

We hope that at Green Flow, every journey of pet ownership starts with confidence and love ❤️

Let Green Flow In You!

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 27/08/2024

🦎 打造你嘅守宮天堂! - 新手必備套裝,輕鬆養爬寵! 🦎



📸 想睇更多詳細資訊?快啲去我哋嘅 Facebook 專頁睇吓啦!📸

#守宮 #爬蟲 #爬蟲用品 #香港爬蟲店 #新手套裝 #飼養指南 #健康成長

🦎 Create a paradise for your reptile pets! - Essential starter kit for easy reptile care! 🦎

Are you ready to welcome your new family member? We have put together essential equipment for beginners to help you easily create a comfortable and safe environment for your reptile to grow up healthy and happy!

📸 Want to see more detailed information? Visit our page for more! 📸

森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You

🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)

GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*

Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM

The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 24/08/2024

🌿🐾 生命教育從小寵物開始 🐾🌿

大家好呀! 其實大部份小朋友都想養寵物,但好多家長都會問:「小朋友養得掂咩?」「佢哋咁快死,會唔會令小朋友傷心?」

但諗深一層,生命總有終結,所以,今日想同大家分享下我哋店入面嘅小動物嘅平均壽命 (只係平均,都要睇小動物本身嘅健康情況,同埋如何飼養):

🦀 惡魔蟹: 1-2年
🐚 寄居蟹: 15年
🐸 角蛙/樹蛙: 5-10年
🐠 觀賞魚: 3-5年 (因品種而異)
🦎 守宮: 大約10年
🕷️ 跳蛛:1-3年
🦐 米蝦:幾個月至1年


1️⃣ 責任感: 合適餵食、清潔都要做足
2️⃣ 愛心: 用心照顧,建立感情
3️⃣ 尊重生命: 明白每個生命都係獨特而珍貴嘅
4️⃣ 接受生死: 了解生命有限,更懂得珍惜當下



一齊來感受生命嘅美好,學習成長吧! 🌱💖 let green flow in you!

#生命教育 #小寵物 #親子成長 #珍惜當下

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 23/08/2024

講水陸雨林缸 我哋最明白你嘅需要

我哋有齊你所需要嘅植物 可以慢慢打造你心目中嘅造景缸
冇落農藥 唔需要擔心毒死自己嘅小寵物
有專業嘅知識同埋經驗 可以話你知點樣嘅植物配搭先係最合適

除咗水陸雨林植物之外 我哋都有其他唔同嘅植物 例如多肉植物 或者 盆景等等

咁多選擇等你過嚟睇 快啲上嚟森流門市度睇下啦森流 Greenflow 天台植物專區,打造你的綠色天堂!

🌿 想擁有夢幻的水陸雨林缸,卻苦於找不到合適的植物?

森流 Greenflow 了解你的需求!我們擁有豐富的植物種類,讓你輕鬆打造心目中的造景缸。

🌱 **水陸雨林植物專區**:

* 嚴選無農藥植物,安全健康,讓你的小寵物安心玩耍。
* 專業團隊提供專業知識和經驗,教你如何搭配植物,打造最適合的生態環境。

🌵 **更多植物選擇**:


快來森流 Greenflow 天台植物專區,尋找你的綠色寶藏吧!

Greenflow Rooftop Plant Zone: Create Your Green Paradise!

🌿 Dreaming of a magical riparium, but struggling to find the right plants?

Greenflow understands your needs! We offer a wide variety of plants, making it easy for you to create your dream aquascape.

🌱 **Riparium Plant Zone:**

* Carefully selected pesticide-free plants, safe and healthy, allowing your small pets to play safely.
* Our professional team provides expert knowledge and experience, teaching you how to combine plants to create the most suitable ecological environment.

🌵 **More Plant Choices:**

Besides riparium plants, we also offer succulents, bonsai, and more, satisfying your diverse green needs.

Come to Greenflow Rooftop Plant Zone and find your green treasure!

森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You

🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)

GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*

Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 22/08/2024

白襪 (7隻一組)
帝虎 (7隻一組)
可樂 (7隻一組)
黃斑 (7隻一組)
奶牛 (7隻一組)
血櫻桃 (7隻一組)
大木紋 (7隻一組)
拳擊 (7隻一組)





到貨日期:9月 第3個星期

森流 GreenFlow-Let Green Flow in You
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 20/08/2024







**New Arrivals! Miniature Flower Plants, Add Natural Detail to Your Micro Landscape!**

Looking to add a touch of nature to your landscape tank? These miniature flower plants are perfect for you! They're small in size, perfectly complementing the proportions of your tank, making them ideal for detailed micro landscapes.

Come visit our store to check them out! Limited quantities available, while supplies last!

森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You

🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)

GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*

Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM

The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)


新朋友仔 鬆獅蜥
非常適合新手入門 性格會比較穩定 仲好乖添
如果有興趣的話 可以黎門市到睇下 😊想養寵物,但又唔知邊種好?

**鬆獅蜥** 係一個非常適合新手嘅選擇!



保證你會愛上佢哋! 😊

Looking for a pet but not sure where to start?

**Bearded dragons** are a great choice for beginners!

They have a gentle personality, aren't too active, and are very well-behaved.

If you're interested in bearded dragons, come visit our store!

We guarantee you'll fall in love with them! 😊

森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You

🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)

GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*

Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM

The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 16/08/2024

# # 老爺蛙蛙回歸啦!🐸🎉

大家嘅最愛,肥嘟嘟嘅老爺蛙蛙又返嚟啦!😍 今次佢哋仲比之前更加肥白,可愛到不得了!🥰 每隻老爺蛙蛙都肥肥白白,圓滾滾,睇住佢哋真係會心都融化!🥰

想親眼見證老爺蛙蛙嘅可愛魅力?快啲嚟門市啦!🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ 保證你會被佢哋嘅可愛征服!🥰

# # The chubby Old Master Frogs are back! 🐸🎉

Your favorites, the chubby Old Master Frogs are back! 😍 This time they're even chubbier and whiter than before, so cute you'll melt! 🥰 Each Old Master Frog is plump and white, round and round, just looking at them will melt your heart! 🥰

Want to witness the charm of the Old Master Frogs with your own eyes? Come to our store now! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ We guarantee you'll be conquered by their cuteness! 🥰

#老爺蛙蛙 #可愛 #肥嘟嘟 #門市 #歡迎光臨

森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You

🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)

GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*

Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM

The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 16/08/2024






Succulents: The Geometric Art of Nature

Succulents are not just cute green sprites, they are also imbued with stunning geometric art. Their leaves, with their precise proportions and arrangements, interpret the geometric laws of nature, presenting a breathtaking visual feast.

Spiral arrangements, radial symmetry, like precise mathematical formulas, are perfectly displayed on their leaves. Their shapes, whether round and full, or slender and elongated, each exudes a unique charm, captivating us with the wonders of nature.

The geometric art of succulents is not just a visual delight, but also a spiritual elevation. Their leaves seem to tell of the order and balance of the universe, allowing us to find peace and contemplation in our busy lives.

As a plant shop, we are committed to bringing these masterpieces of geometric art to your living space, so that you can feel the ingenious design of nature every day. Welcome to visit our shop, witness the geometric beauty of succulents with your own eyes, and feel the mystery and power of nature.

#多肉植物 #幾何藝術 #大自然 #藝術 #植物店 #美學

森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You

🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)

GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*

Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 14/08/2024

你哋有冇見過手指咁細嘅蛙蛙?😍 我哋舖頭新返咗一隻超迷你嘅青蛙,細細隻,萌萌噠,簡直係可愛到犯規!


# # Tiny Frogs, Big Love! 🥰

Have you ever seen a frog as small as your finger? 😍 We just got a super mini frog in our shop, so tiny and adorable, it's almost illegal!

It's got amazing camouflage, making it a pro at hide-and-seek! Spend a little time looking for it every day, and all your stress will melt away. 😌

Want to see this mini frog in person? Come visit our shop! 😉

#迷你蛙 #青蛙 #雨林缸 #寵物 #可愛 #萌 #捉迷藏 #放鬆 #壓力 #新貨 #歡迎光臨

森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You

🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)

GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*

Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM

The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 14/08/2024

金錢活門蛛- 入門級蜘蛛


Golden Trapdoor Spider - Beginner-Friendly Spider

Ground-dwelling spider, gentle in temperament, non-venomous, suitable for those new to keeping spiders 🥰

森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You

🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)

GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*

Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM

The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 13/08/2024

Chinese fighting cricket season is coming. Let us know if if you’re having any interest
鬥蟋蟀之前需要先養蟋蟀、訓練、挑選。 唔同蟋蟀牙齒嘅硬度會因為時間,訓練,食物不同。
而家仲係夏天,係揀蟋蟀同樣蟋蟀嘅時間。鬥蟋蟀需要去到深秋,初冬最適合。 到時蟋蟀嘅體格同牙齒都強咗好多,唔多怕痛。
#鬥蟋蟀 #香港鬥蟀

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 11/08/2024


以上嘅都係呢期嘅精品, 有興趣嘅快啲pm我哋

new A Grade black night gecko

inbox us if you're interested in it

森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You *水陸動植物專門店* 提供水族/植物/爬蟲造景或課程和門市導賞,歡迎學校和商業機構查詢 __________________________________
🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00pm (星期三休息)
門市提供部分現貨,歡迎參觀選購;您也可以在網站訂購後到門市自取或安排送貨(達到購物金額免運費,詳情請參閱網站) ___________________________________ GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*
Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses __________________________________
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00pm (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00pm

The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details) ___________________________________

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 11/08/2024

推薦呢幾種植物畀你 希望佢雨林缸點解成日都出現小飛蟲呢?





Why do I always have tiny insects in my terrarium?

I'm so careful with it, cleaning it regularly, but they keep appearing! It's really frustrating.

Don't worry! It's actually quite normal for terrariums to have some insects. But don't fret, these plants can help solve the problem:

Venus Flytrap:These carnivorous plants use their traps to catch small insects, especially mosquitoes and flies.
Pitcher Plants/Nepenthes: Another type of carnivorous plant, their leaves form little "pitchers" that attract insects, trapping them inside.

These plants are relatively easy to care for and can effectively reduce the number of insects in your terrarium, making it even more beautiful.

森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You

🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)

GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*

Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM

The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)

Photos from 森流 Green Flow's post 10/08/2024



Have you ever seen the "haha" on a jumping spider? 😂

Take a closer look, and you'll discover more surprises! 👀

#跳蛛 #笑哈哈 #自然界 #神奇

森流 GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You

🌱門市(部分商品和造景展示):觀塘偉業街172號堅德工業大廈14樓C室&植物天台 (觀塘站APM出口步行8分鐘)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 營業時間:
星期一至五:12:30-8:00PM (星期三休息)

GreenFlow - Let Green Flow in You
*Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants and Animals Specialty Shop*

Provides aquarium/plant/reptile landscaping or courses and in-store guidance, welcome inquiries from schools and businesses
🌱 Retail Store (partial product and landscape display): Unit C, 14/F, Kin Tak Industrial Building, 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong & Rooftop Greenhouse (8-minute walk from Kwun Tong Station APM exit)
🌱 WhatsApp: +852 52172219
🌱 Business Hours:
Monday to Friday: 12:30-8:00PM (Wed Off)
Saturday, Sunday: 1:00-7:00PM

The retail store provides some in-stock items, welcome to visit and make purchases; you can also place an order on the website and pick up at the store or arrange delivery (free delivery on orders above a certain amount, please refer to the website for details)

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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[古法水陸缸系列 EP.1]🧘做嘢做到攰想休息吓😴💤就會望住呢個缸諗吓嘢🤔💭望住啲植物越生越靚🌱✨睇吓水入邊嘅魚游來游去🫧🐟即刻放鬆晒😌😌古法水陸缸最適合返工返學嘅你:✅簡單原始帶有古典嘅韻味 用以裝飾屋企或辦公室✅入面嘅植物可以淨化空氣✅...
缸底尋寶專員:鼠魚 🐠鼠魚作為底棲魚類,好鍾意喺缸底度搵食物,例如食物殘渣或者係蟲仔等等。。。等我話你知點解你需要養鼠魚:清潔工:🧹 食晒魚缸底嘅殘渣、剩餘嘅食物同埋死咗嘅植物,保持魚缸乾淨衛生。控制藻類生長:🌿 幫助控制魚缸入面嘅藻類生長...
如果你想養隻肥肥白白的寵物,角蛙可能係你嘅好選擇 🐸佢哋胃口好好,可以食到成個波咁大,好得意㗎 🥰而且佢哋唔係太好動,可以好有耐性咁陪你工作添✨️If you want to have a fat, white pet,Horned fro...
## 🐢 想你嘅水陸缸/苔蘚瓶生機勃勃?養球馬陸就係不二之選! 各位愛好水陸缸/苔蘚瓶嘅朋友仔,你哋仲為咗點樣令到缸入面嘅環境更加生機勃勃而煩惱緊咩?🤔 養球馬陸就係你嘅最佳選擇!🤩 球馬陸,佢哋係一種超級可愛嘅生物,而且仲係水陸缸/苔蘚瓶...
魚仔唔食野?魚仔準備要繁殖?絲蚯蚓有豐富營養 平時餵食用途有得 用嚟比新魚仔開口用都得如果有需要嘅快啲過嚟買啦Are your fish not eating? Are they ready to breed?Bloodworms are ...
養鬥魚乸,真係好治癒!佢哋好似錦鯉咁搶眼,係游起水嚟真係好寫意,成個慢活嘅藝術家咁。 成日見到佢哋喺水缸入面四圍游,好奇心勁重,成日望住你,仲會用魚鰭輕輕咁碰你,好似想叫你放慢啲生活節奏咁。 養鬥魚乸真係可以幫你減壓,放鬆心情,感覺生活都慢...
你唔知佢哋會唔會嚇你一跳? 🤔但係呢啲就係糖果惡魔蟹保護BB嘅方法!🤩 為咗有更加好嘅機動性,佢哋會帶住啲BB一齊走,🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ 同時都好好咁顯示到佢哋同一般惡魔蟹嘅分別。🦀 糖果惡魔蟹佢哋係偏向陸地生嘅, 就習性而言,佢哋基本上唔會...
一個簡單的灘塗缸也可以如此精彩!經過我們多次實驗,彈塗魚、辣椒蟹、啦啦蟹、巴西火龍、招潮蟹,牠們都能在缸中和平共處。如果你有一個淺水的水陸缸,可以考慮將牠們作為你缸中的小夥伴。牠們活潑的姿態和有趣的行為,一定能為你的小世界增添不少色彩!A ...
新朋友仔  鬆獅蜥非常適合新手入門 性格會比較穩定 仲好乖添如果有興趣的話  可以黎門市到睇下 😊想養寵物,但又唔知邊種好?  **鬆獅蜥** 係一個非常適合新手嘅選擇! 佢哋性格溫和,唔會太過活躍,而且仲好乖添! 如果你對鬆獅蜥有興趣,歡...
😱😱😱唔好衰左都唔知咩事,你以為你嘅植物飲飽水?  睇真啲,佢可能仲係口渴緊! 💦💦💦好多人都以為見到盆栽表面濕濕哋就代表佢飲飽水,但係實際上,中間可能仲係乾㗎!  🤯🤯🤯 😱😱😱 Don't be fooled! You think yo...
森流缸-秘密考慮大公開 🤫想打造一個獨一無二的水陸缸,但又怕揀錯植物?🤔 森流團隊想分享三個打造森流缸嘅關鍵:1. 🌱 植物濕度2. 🌿 植物比例3. 🌺 植物開花時間有限講唔到太多,快啲follow我地,留意下一次講解嘅重點啦森流團隊希望...


香港觀塘偉業街172號, 堅德工業大廈14樓C室&天台 , , 14C Cantake Factory Building , 172 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 12:30 - 20:00
Tuesday 12:30 - 20:00
Thursday 12:30 - 20:00
Friday 12:30 - 20:00
Saturday 13:00 - 19:00
Sunday 13:00 - 19:00

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