Shake Shack Hong Kong

We Stand For Something Good® in everything we do. Special Hour for CNY
11 Feb

That means carefully sourced premium ingredients from like-minded purveyors we admire and love; thoughtful, well-crafted and responsible design for its place; and deep community support through donation.

Photos from Shake Shack Hong Kong's post 13/07/2024

帶俾大家好多驚喜嘅卡邦尼奶昔好快就要同大家講再見啦😢 快啲趁住最後機會嚟飲番杯啦!​


Our fan-fave Carbonara Shake is about to say goodbye, so make sure to grab a cup before it’s gone!​ 😢

But don’t worry! One of your all-time favorite shakes is making a comeback soon 🤩 Any guesses? Drop 'em below! 👀​

📸 .xia

Photos from Shake Shack Hong Kong's post 11/07/2024

召喚提子愛好者﹐最適合炎炎夏日嘅期間限定自家製提子美式檸檬水,現已登陸全線Shake Shack!🟣​


The Grape Gods are in a good mood - 'cause Purple Rain is showering down at the Shack! 🟣​

Our new Concord Grape Lemonade has arrived to save your summer, with tangy grape blended into our signature lemonade perfection. Hurry and try this limited sipper before the grape grins vanish! 🍇



介紹翻近期最受歡迎嘅Shake Shack組合- 紐約扒房風味漢堡配卡邦尼奶昔! 😍 呢個期間限定組合包你一試難忘﹐仲唔快啲把握時間嚟試吓? 🍔🥤​

N.Y. Steakhouse + Italian Flavors 🤝​

There's a new fave at the Shack 😍 Introducing our N.Y. Steakhouse Burger and Carbonara Shake - an unexpected but totally tasty duo. Pop by today to try these limited-time specials! 🍔🥤

Photos from Shake Shack Hong Kong's post 02/07/2024


一個美滿嘅假期又點可以少得小毛孩嘅陪伴呢🐶?帶埋狗狗嚟到新都會廣場Shake Shack,我哋幫你同狗狗都準備咗不同滋味!🐾

Did the long weekend energize you? 💆🏻‍♀️

Well, if it involved puppy cuddles, it just had to, right? Come hang with us at Metroplaza Shack, where there are treats for both you AND your pup! 🐾

📸 .corgi


你準備好品嚐紐約扒房風味嘅漢堡未呢?😎 100%全天然安格斯牛肉漢堡,搭配白車打芝士及炒蘑菇,夾層加上香脆洋蔥配自家製辣根胡椒蛋黃醬🥚咁豐富嘅口感同滋味你可以一次過係期間限定嘅紐約扒房風味漢堡品嚐到🤠

Get ready for an epic flavor journey with our N.Y. Steakhouse Burger 😎 Brace yourself for 100% all-natural Angus beef, smothered in creamy white cheddar, sautéed cremini mushrooms, crispy fried onions, and a kick of horseradish peppercorn mayo🥚 It's the taste of New York, elevated to the next level of awesomeness! 🤠


想為你嘅紐約扒房大餐錦上添花? 不論係果香濃厚嘅Shack Red🍷紅酒定係清新輕盈嘅Shack White白酒,都能夠同鮮嫩多汁嘅漢堡同辣根醬互相襯托🔥,令你嘅扒房體驗昇華到另一層次🤌🏻

即日起,於Shake Shack購買紐約扒房風味系列並加配任何葡萄酒或啤酒,即享第二杯半價優惠🥂仲唔快啲即刻嚟體驗吓? 🥳


Wanna up your New York Steakhouse game? Whether you’re into a fruity Shack Red 🍷 or a crisp Shack White, both let our juicy burgers and spicy horseradish shine even brighter! 🔥 Take your feast to the next level, fam. 🤌🏻

Grab something from our N.Y. Steakhouse menu at your nearest Shack and score 50% off your second glass of any wine or beer on our menu! 🥂 Why wait? Dive right in and taste the magic! 🥳

Terms and conditions apply.


就等我哋帶大家直飛紐約✈️,翻到Shake Shack嘅發源地,品嚐正宗紐約扒房嘅滋味!🗽🍔


From Shake Shack's original home to your plate, ✈️ our N.Y. Steakhouse Burger & Fries is your tasty ticket to the Big Apple! 🗽🍔

Available at all Shacks starting today! For a limited time only!🤠


有無煙燻焦香愛好者喺到?🙋🏻‍♀️咁你就要試吓我哋嘅雙重煙燻組合啦- SmokeShack®同卡邦尼奶昔🤯享受雙重蘋果木燻煙肉嘅滋味💕

Any smoke fiends in the house? 🙋🏻‍♀️ Then you've gotta try our double smoke combo - the SmokeShack® paired with the Carbonara Shake 🤯 It's a double dose of applewood smoked bacon bliss! 💕




While everyone's still riding the Carbonara Milkshake wave, we're whipping up something new for you all! 🤫

A next-level burger experience is in the works 🔪 Any guesses on what the new flavor might be? 😬


幻想唔到意大利卡邦尼意粉再加波本威士忌🥃嘅奶昔係咩味…? 🤯試過嘅朋友都話又鹹又甜嘅味覺沖擊真係


Ever thought of turning Carbonara into a milkshake with a splash of bourbon? 🥃🤯 Well, we've brought that fantasy to life! 😏 Our Carbonara Milkshake comes in both cocktail and mocktail versions, so why not swing by and dive into its funky flavor? 😎

Photos from Shake Shack Hong Kong's post 14/06/2024

大家知唔知20年前嘅Shake Shack其實係一個位於紐約麥迪遜廣場花園嘅熱狗檔呢?🌭

為咗慶祝Shake Shack 20週年,我哋推出咗現金禮券套裝(每套HKD/MOP$500),包括:
💚10張HKD/MOP $50 現金禮券
🍔 1張免費漢堡贈券
🍟 1張免費薯條贈券
禮券套裝於全線港澳分店有售。數量有張,售完即止。快啲買翻套自用或者送比朋友,一齊分享Shake Shack 20週年嘅喜悅啦 😎

Did you know that Shake Shack started as a humble hot dog stand in New York’s Madison Square Park 20 years ago? 🌭

To celebrate our 20th anniversary, we've cooked up Gift Certificate Sets for just HKD/MOP $500! Each set includes:
💚 10 vouchers worth HKD/MOP $50 each
🍔 1 voucher for a free burger
🍟 1 voucher for free fries

These sets are available at all our Hong Kong and Macau locations, but only in limited quantity - so once they’re gone, they’re gone!
Grab a set for yourself or share some Shack love with friends! 😎

Photos from Shake Shack Hong Kong's post 13/06/2024

有冇人成功搶到上星期喺ifc派嘅Shake Shack同Bar Leone聯乘布袋🙋🏻‍♀️ 搶唔到唔緊要, 我哋仲有機會!今個星期六(6月15日),頭三十位喺ifc店購買任何一款卡邦尼奶昔嘅顧客,即可獲贈限量版聯乘布袋一個!仲唔快啲把握機會?😎


Did you snag a Shake Shack x Bar Leone tote at IFC last week? 🙋🏻‍♀️ If you missed out, no sweat—we're giving you another shot!

This Saturday, be one of the first 30 customers at ifc to buy a Carbonara Shake and score one of our exclusive tote bags! 😎

Limited quantities available, so grab yours while they last! Terms and conditions apply.


牛油果煙肉系列正式加入Shake Shack嘅恆常菜單啦🥑🥓 你仲可以隨時將新鮮牛油果加入各款招牌食品🤫

In case you don't already know - your avocado bacon obsession has got upgraded from seasonal to PERMANENT! 🥑🥓 P.S. You can level up your order by adding fresh avocado slices too! 🤫


你冇聽錯,Shake Shack同@barleonehk一齊創作嘅卡邦尼奶昔今日正式登陸全港澳分店啦🦁💚 無論你係Boozy愛好者,定係卡邦尼Mocktail擁躉,我哋都兩手準備好俾你啦😎🥓


VANILLA, BLACK PEPPER, AND BACON, OH MY! We're rolling out the red carpet for our Carbonara Shake debut with ! 🦁💚 Whether you prefer it boozy or in pure mocktail form, we've got your taste buds covered. Now shaking up at !

Warning: watching may induce extreme cravings! 🎬 🤤

Photos from Shake Shack Hong Kong's post 31/05/2024


新口味除咗有無酒精版本 — Mocktail,亦都有含酒精版本 — Boozy😏 呢款新口味奶昔將於下星期三喺ifc店獨家搶先登陸!🥳 當日頭五十位喺ifc購買任何一款卡邦尼奶昔嘅顧客都可以免費獲得Shake Shack同Bar Leone聯乘布袋一個🤩


Carbonara in a shake?! 🤯

We're thrilled to unveil our newest (and most unexpected) creation - the Carbonara Milkshake - available with and without the booze! This exclusive debut is happening at the ifc Shack next Wednesday 🥳 where the first 50 guests to try it will receive a free limited-edition Shake Shack x Bar Leone collaboration tote bag to take home! 🤩

Quantities are limited, so don't hit snooze, or you'll miss out! Terms and conditions apply.

Photos from Shake Shack Hong Kong's post 30/05/2024

我哋今個月嘅「最佳員工」就係嚟自@barleonehk嘅@lorenzoantinori_🥁🎉佢將會為Shake Shack推出一款超乎想像嘅新飲品,包你一試難忘🤌🏻

Drumroll, please! 🥁 Our staff of the month is none other than from ! 🎉 He's the brains behind our newest treat, and trust us, it tastes like amore 😉🤌🏻


為咗慶祝香港Shake Shack嘅6歲生日﹐ 一個”意”想不到嘅合作秘密製作中👀 你哋又估唔估到係咩? 😎

👀 Hold onto your buns, Shack Squad! 🍔
It’s our 6th birthday and we’re serving up our usual favorites with an extra side of mystery. Spot something intriguing? 👀


仲記唔記得之前同大家講笑話Shake Shack要準備開酒吧 ?🤫我哋已經將大家嘅願望轉達咗俾啱啱獲得@timeouthk Trailblazer Award嘅@lorenzoantinori_知,並宣布會同@barleonehk合作!🦁❤️ 大家又估唔估到我哋即將會推咩新口味呢? 留言話俾我哋知啦!😎

Remember when we teased about opening a bar? 🤫 Well, we just told , winner of ’s Trailblazer Award, and YES, WE'RE COLLABORATING with ! 🦁❤️ We're finalizing the flavor now, and will be announcing it soon. Any guesses? Comment below! 😎


下星期二(28/5) 就係國際漢堡日,我哋準備咗啲驚喜比大家🥳 Follow我哋IG再係下面留言輸入“🍔”,就可以快人一步收到當日嘅快閃優惠資訊!👀 仲唔快啲留言?🫵🏻 *優惠受條款及細則約束

It's International Burger Day next Tuesday, and we've prepared SURPRISES for our beloved Shack Fam!🥳 Follow our Instagram and comment "🍔" down below to learn about the secret deal before others 👀 *Terms and conditions apply




When bacon sizzles and avocado shines, you know it's true love 🤤💚

📸 Shake Shack



Life's sweeter with a sip of our Pink Lemonade! It's the perfect sidekick to your summer adventures 💕🍋


你最鐘意嘅Shake Shack組合係咩呢?🤔

What's your go-to pair? 🤔
Comment down below and let us know which is your favorite 😎


SmokeShack®究竟有幾吸引 ?

全天然蘋果木燻煙肉,加上櫻桃辣椒粒、100%全天然安格斯牛肉同自家秘製ShackSauce,滋味滿分 🔥

Who thinks the SmokeShack® deserves more attention? I do!

It's all about the sizzle of applewood smoked bacon, the bite of cherry peppers, stacks of 100% all-natural Angus beef, and ShackSauce magic 🔥



Crinkle-cut fries and cheese, please! ✨
Dining in or on the go, they're sure to steal the show✨



Smoky, crispy, creamy, and a whole lot of colorful yum! Turn up the flavor dial with our Avocado Bacon Burger. 😎🥑🥓



就等我哋稍稍歇息,買塊Bag O' Bones 狗餅乾俾心愛嘅毛孩,一齊享受天倫之樂啦!🐾

Let's paws for a moment and appreciate the joy of giving your best fur-iend a piece of Bag O' Bones dog biscuit! 🐾


無論係製作滋味漢堡,定係為大家帶嚟歡樂,我哋都秉承住Stand for Something Good 嘅理念 ,務求將最好帶俾每一位🌟

Whether flipping burgers or serving smiles, our team members are all about doing what’s rad, while standing for something good! 🌟


Shake Shack嘅紅石榴柚子美式檸檬水返嚟喇💕喺陰沉嘅天氣下為生活加添啲粉紅朝氣啦!

Ready to add a pop of pink to your day? Shake Shack's Pink Lemonade is coming right your way! 💕

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Shop 4018, Podium Level 4, Ifc Mall, 8 Finance Street
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 22:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 22:00
Thursday 11:00 - 22:00
Friday 11:00 - 22:00
Saturday 11:00 - 22:00
Sunday 11:00 - 22:00

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