Zentral Club

The best venue to represent the heart of Central’s nightlife and creating excellent clubbing exper



This Friday and Saturday, let’s give a warm welcome our talented and professional DJs, let us immerse in some sickening and wild techno beats 😍!

DJs have countless experience performing at different big name clubs ✨, they has rich performance experience, also performed at different theme parties and festive events, which have received many good responses 🎧.

This time there are limited early bird tickets for free flow 🐥🍹(HK$100)
Free flow: 23:00-1:00

Entry after 1:00: 1 drink is included

Free entry ticket: 3 drinks will be included

Ming Wong
Eddie Tik
Joe Wong

Ming Wong
DJ B**g
DJ Kary

This is a rare opportunity, don’t miss it! 🙌🏼

大家一齊參與Zentral Last day 最後既一個活動喇 🍾🔥

今個星期五同星期六,我哋熱烈歡迎才華橫溢同專業的DJ 們, 等我哋沉浸於瘋狂嘅techno拍子裏 😍!

相信在LKF 裏,好多人都聽過依啲DJ 的大名 ✨。佢哋都有係大型夜店表演既經驗,包括不同的主題派對和節日派對活動,並收到了很多良好的迴響 🎧。

Ming Wong
Eddie Tik
Joe Wong


Ming Wong
DJ B**g
DJ Kary

今次仲有限量無限𣈱飲的早鳥門票 🐥🍹(HK$100)
23:00-1:00 無限𣈱飲
1:00 後包含一杯杯料

免費門票:包含3 杯飲料



This Friday and Saturday, let’s give a warm welcome our talented and professional DJs, let us immerse in some sickening and wild beats 😍!

DJs have countless experience performing at different big name clubs ✨, they has rich performance experience, also performed at different theme parties and festive events, which have received many good responses 🎧.

This time there are limited early bird tickets for free flow 🐥🍹(HK$100)
Free flow: 23:00-1:00

Entry after 1:00: 1 drink is included

Free entry ticket: 3 drinks will be included

DJ Ming

Ming Wong
DJ Mode

This is a rare opportunity, don't miss it! 🙌🏼

今個星期五同星期六,讓我們熱烈歡迎才華橫溢同專業的DJ 們, 為我們沉浸於瘋狂嘅拍子裏 😍!

相信在LKF 裏,好多人都聽過依啲DJ 的大名 ✨。佢哋都有係大型夜店表演既經驗,包括不同的主題派對和節日派對活動,並收到了很多良好的迴響 🎧。

DJ Ming

Ming Wong
DJ Mode

今次仲有限量無限𣈱飲的早鳥門票 🐥🍹(HK$100)
23:00-1:00 無限𣈱飲
1:00 後包含一杯杯料

免費門票:包含3 杯飲料







On Jan 27th, Let’s have our ultimate moment and toast at Zentral, see you all there and until we meet again 🥂🍾🎉 !

Free Entry Ticket: 3 drinks are included

Early Bird Drink Ticket 🐥🍹: HK$100
Free flow: 11:00pm-1:00 am
Entry after 1:00: 1 drink is included


免費入場門票:包含 3 杯飲品

無限暢飲:晚上 11:00 - 凌晨 1:00
1:00 後入場:包含 1 杯飲品



This Friday and Saturday, let’s give a warm welcome our talented and professional DJs, Yako Kit, Vboy, Elva and KC as our performers on these two days 😍!

Four DJs have countless experience performing at Zentral ✨, Everyone at LKF must heard of them before, they has rich performance experience, also performed at different theme parties and festive events, which have received many good responses 🎧.

This time there are limited early bird tickets for free flow 🐥🍹(HK$100)
Free flow: 23:00-1:00
Entry after 1:00: Includes 1 drink

This is a rare opportunity, don’t miss it! 🙌🏼

今個星期五同星期六,讓我們熱烈歡迎才華橫溢同專業的四位DJ, Yako Kit, Vboy, Elva 同KC為我們表演😍!

相信在LKF 裏,好多人都聽過依四位DJ 的大名 ✨。佢哋都係蘭桂坊有豐富表演經驗,包括不同的主題派對和節日派對活動,並收到了很多良好的迴響 🎧。

今次仲有限量無限𣈱飲的早鳥門票 🐥🍹(HK$100)
23:00-1:00 無限𣈱飲
1:00 後包含一杯飲料





This Friday and Saturday, let’s give a warm welcome our talented and professional DJs, Yako Kit, Vboy and KC as our performers on these two days 😍!

Three DJs have countless experience performing at Zentral ✨, Everyone at LKF must heard of them before, they has rich performance experience, also performed at different theme parties and festive events, which have received many good responses 🎧.

This time there are limited early bird tickets for free flow 🐥🍹(HK$100)
Free flow: 23:00-1:00
Entry after 1:00: Includes with 1 drink

This is a rare opportunity, don't miss it! 🙌🏼

今個星期五同星期六,讓我們熱烈歡迎才華橫溢同專業的三位DJ, Yako Kit, Vboy 同KC為我們表演😍!

相信在LKF 裏,好多人都聽過依三位DJ 的大名 ✨。佢哋都係蘭桂坊有豐富表演經驗,包括不同的主題派對和節日派對活動,並收到了很多良好的迴響 🎧。

今次仲有限量無限𣈱飲的早鳥門票 🐥🍹(HK$100)
23:00-1:00 無限𣈱飲
1:00 後包含一杯飲料





For this Sunday’s New Years Eve, let us warmly welcome Thai beauty DJ Sana as our guest DJ 😍!

She is very active in the field of music and performing ✨🇹🇭 . who has a very strong sense of music, proficient in a variety of music genre 🎶! She has countless experience performing at well-known clubs and musical events around Asia ✨, she performed at Ying Club in Thailand, the Sodden Music Festival in Myanmar and Dragonfly Club in Malaysia etc. Which all of her performances have received a lot of positive responses 🤩.

Shawty will highlight this week’s Sunday night, everyone let’s get ready 🤘🏼!

Early bird tickets 🍹: HK$250
Free flow (22:00-00:00)
After 00:00 (1 drink will be included)

Door tickets 🍻: HK$500
Free flow (22:00-00:00)
After 00:00 (1 drink will be included)

This is a rare opportunity, don't miss it! 🙌🏼

喺今個週日嘅除夕,掌聲歡迎來自泰國索爆兼靚爆嘅DJ Sana為我哋的guest DJ 😍!

佢係音樂和表演領域非常活躍✨,而家亦多次為亞洲唔同嘅大型夜店同音樂活動演出 ✨ 佢係泰國Ying Club、緬甸嘅Sodden音樂節、馬來西亞Dragonfly Club等擔任表演DJ,而且都獲得了許多正面的迴響🤩!

有Sana 為Zentral 為大家增加熾熱氣氛,到時大家拭目以待啦 🤘🏼!

早鳥門票 🍹: HK$250
無限𣈱飲 (22:00-00:00)
00:00 之後 (包括1 杯飲料)

現場門票 🍹: HK$500
無限𣈱飲 (22:00-00:00)
00:00 之後 (包括1 杯飲料)




This Saturday, let us warmly welcome DJ Jenny,as our guest DJs😍!

Since 2013, Jenny has embarked on her musical journey as a DJ. Over the years, she has captivated countless fans with her unique musical understanding and keen sense of the atmosphere. Jenny possesses not only a stunning appearance but also remarkable musical talent and stage charisma. Her performances are a breathtaking audiovisual feast, providing fans and ravers in the audience with an unforgettable music experience.

Jenny's stage performances are filled with energy and vitality, each song leading the audience into a captivating music world. Whether on a grand music festival stage or in a pulsating nightclub party, Jenny effortlessly grasps the atmosphere and sets the entire venue ablaze. Join us in immersing ourselves in Jenny's magical music world and enjoy this unforgettable musical journey!

- Ranked #39 in 2022 China PYRO Top 100 DJs.
- Ranked #30 in the 2020 China PYRO Top 100 DJs.
- Ranked #42 in the 2019 China PYRO Top 100 DJs.

Limited early bird and free entry tickets (with drinks) are here!

This is a rare opportunity, don’t miss it! 🙌🏼

依個週六,我們熱烈歡迎DJ Jenny擔任我哋嘅guest DJs 😍!


Jenny嘅舞台表演充滿能量同活力,每一首歌曲都可以帶領聽眾進入一個迷人嘅音樂世界。無論係喺宏大嘅音樂節舞台上定係緊湊嘅夜店派對入面,Jenny都可以輕鬆掌握氛圍,將整個場地燃爆。 一齊沉浸喺Jenny營造嘅音樂魔幻世界入面,享受呢段難以忘懷嘅音樂旅程啦!



Link in bio ✉️



This Friday, let’s give a warm welcome to the sexiest and sweetest DJ, DJ Ellie Y as our guest DJ 😍!

She is a professional DJ from Macau, which she well-mastered in play all kinds of music🔥! Moreover, she has great experience performing at clubs and commercial events. For example, She has been invited as a guest performer by Galaxy Macau, Macau MGM Cotai, Wynn Palace, Club Ultra 305 in Hong Kong and the famous clothing brand KENZO. 🎧. All of her performances have many positive response and feedback. Ellie will highlight this friday night, everyone let’s get ready 🤘🏼

Free entry (limited quota) and early bird tickets are here (all included with drinks)🍺

今個星期五,我哋熱烈歡迎索爆甜美 DJ,DJ Ellie Y為我哋嘅 guest DJ 😍

依位澳門女DJ精通多種類音樂 🔥!而且佢有豐富嘅商演同夜場表演經驗,例如佢被銀河娛樂,澳門美獅美高梅,永利皇宮, 香港嘅 Club Ultra 305以及著名服裝品牌 KENZO 等邀請為表演嘉賓,而佢多次的演出收到好多正面的迴響。今個星期五,有Ellie為Zentral 為大家增加熾熱氣氛,到時大家拭目以待啦 🤘🏼!





On this Sunday, let’s give a big round of applause to our sexy boomshell, DJ Shawty P as our guest DJ 😍!

Shawty is an international DJ from Thailand 🇹🇭 , who has a very strong sense of music, proficient in a variety of music genre, including: EDM and hardstyle etc 🎶!

She has countless experience performing at well-known clubs around the world ✨, she performed at Club Lunar in Singapore, ONYX club in Thailand and Midnight Black Club in Malaysia. Which all of her performances have received a lot of positive responses 🤩.

Shawty will highlight this week’s Sunday night, everyone let’s get ready 🤘🏼!

Early bird tickets 🍹: HK$250
Free flow (22:00-00:00)
After 00:00 (1 drink will be included)

Door tickets 🍻: HK$500
Free flow (22:00-00:00)
After 00:00 (1 drink will be included)

This is a rare opportunity, don't miss it! 🙌🏼

Link in bio ✉️

這個週日,掌聲歡迎性感尤物 DJ Shawty P 為我哋的guest DJ 😍!

身為一位來自泰國嘅國際級女 DJ 🇹🇭,佢有著強烈的音樂感,精通多種音樂style,包括:EDM同hardstyle 音樂等🎶。

Shawty亦多次為亞洲唔同嘅大型夜店演出 ✨,包括新加坡嘅Club Lunar、泰國嘅ONYX Club同馬來西亞嘅Midnight Black Club等 🎧, 而佢每次演出都獲好多積極既迴響 🤩。

有Shawty 為Zentral 為大家增加熾熱氣氛,到時大家拭目以待啦 🤘🏼!

早鳥門票 🍹: HK$250
無限𣈱飲 (22:00-00:00)
00:00 之後 (包括1 杯飲料)

現場門票 🍹: HK$500
無限𣈱飲 (22:00-00:00)
00:00 之後 (包括1 杯飲料)




This Saturday, let us warmly welcome DJ Deniz Koyu,as our guest DJs😍

DJ and producer Deniz Koyu has enraptured club culture for over a decade with his genre-defining remixes. Collaborating with the likes of Alesso, Nicky Romero, and DVLM, he has crafted high-octane bangers while amassing stage credentials at renowned events like Tomorrowland, Ultra Music Festival, EDC, and Creamfields.

From his explosive debut hit "Tung!" in 2011 to progressive house anthems like "B**g" and "Hydra," Deniz Koyu has become a sought-after artist in the global EDM scene. He boasts a strong presence on esteemed labels such as Axtone, Refune, Spinnin' Records, and Big Beat, consistently ranking in DJ Mag's Top 100, currently holding the #72 position in 2021.

Don't miss his chart-topping collaborations "I Wanna Know" and "Paradise" with Alesso and Nicky Romero, which have accumulated over 5 million streams.

Early bird tickets 🍹: HK$200
Free flow (22:00-00:00)
After 00:00 (1 drink will be included)

This is a rare opportunity, don’t miss it! 🙌🏼

依個週六,我們熱烈歡迎DJ Deniz Koyu同擔任我哋嘅guest DJs 😍!

DJ同音樂製作人Deniz Koyu嘅混音風格喺過去十年間已經深深影響咗唔同嘅夜店文化。由於過往同Alesso、Nicky Romero、DVLM等人深度合作過,喺Tomorrowland、Ultra Music Festival、EDC同Creamfields等知名大型音樂節都會經常播佢嘅作品。

由2011年嘅爆紅單曲《Tung!》到《B**g》到《Hydra》等經典嘅Progressive House,Deniz Koyu已經成為全球EDM界嘅熱門搶手合作藝人。佢嘅歌曲長期位居Axtone、Refune、Spinnin' Records同Big Beat等知名唱片公司,並持續位列DJ Mag嘅「百大DJ」排名中,2021年更位列第72位。

千祈唔好錯過佢分別同Alesso同Nicky Romero嘅冠軍合作單曲《I Wanna Know》同《Paradise》,已經累積超過500萬次瀏覽量!

早鳥門票 🍹: HK$200
無限𣈱飲 (22:00-00:00)
00:00 之後 (包括1 杯飲料)




On Friday (22/12), let’s give a big round of applause to the attractive DJ, DJ Xavier as our guest DJ 😍!

Every YouTube lovers must heard of her name, she is a popular member from Bacalhau.ent 📽️, she is a well-known content creator and DJ from Macau, also with over 33k Instagram fans. She is professional DJ who has a very strong sense of music 🎧, with having great experience performing at major musical events, such as the IM International Music Show 2023 at Victoria Park, which her performance many positive feedbacks 🤩 !

Limited early bird and free entry tickets (with drinks) are here 🍺!

This is a rare opportunity, don’t miss out! 🙌🏼

喺星期五(22/12),我哋熱烈歡迎索爆女DJ ,DJ Xavier 為我哋嘅 guest DJ 😍!

咁多位YouTube 嘅粉絲一定聽過佢個大名,Xavier 係著名YouTube channel 歡樂馬介休嘅人氣成員 📽️,佢喺一位來自澳門嘅內容創作者同DJ。Xavier 係一位實力雄厚的DJ,音樂感非常強,佢有豐富的演出經驗 🎧。早前喺維多利亞公園舉行IM Music International Show 擔任表演嘉賓,而佢嘅演出收到好多正面的迴響 🤩!





This Friday, let us warmly welcome DJ B**g and DJ Pizza as our guest DJs 😍!

The talented B**g is also very active in the field of music and performing ✨. He developed his career as a music mixing tutor, the one on one class makes many students benefited from his professional DJ skills and experience 🎶 For Pizza, this skilful and attractive DJ will help highlight this Friday night and add fiery vibes into the party! 🥳

This Friday, these two professional DJs will definitely push the decibel rate of Zentral to the limit! 🔥

Limited early bird and free entry tickets (with drinks) are here!

This is a rare opportunity, don't miss it! 🙌🏼

依個週五,我們熱烈歡迎DJ B**g同DJ Pizza擔任我哋嘅guest DJs 😍!

多材多藝的B**g 係音樂及表演範嚋都很活躍。佢既係一個有豐富演出經驗嘅專業DJ ✨, 更開辨一對一DJ 混音課程 🎶。而打碟技巧同樣勁爆既Pizza 當晚亦為派對增添亮點同熾熱氣氛 ! 🥳

實力爆登嘅兩位必將Zentral 嘅分貝率推至極限! 🔥




On this Saturday, let’s give a big round of applause to our DJ Goddess, DJ Senna as our guest DJ 😍!

Everyone must heard of the great legacy of this superb Japanese DJ, she is 1st DJ in Japan for two consecutive years and world ranked 19th at DJaneTop 🏆. She is a professional DJ who has a very strong sense of music, especially she is proficient in hardstyle and raw style remix 🎶.

She has countless experience performing for different major musical events and clubs, such as Ultra Japan, Ultra Bali and Para Club in Macau etc, which all of her performances have received a lot of positive responses 🤩.

Senna will highlight this Saturday night, everyone let’s get ready 🤘🏼!

Free entry (limited quota) and early bird tickets are here (all included with drinks)

This is a rare opportunity, don’t miss out! 🙌🏼

今個星期六,我哋熱烈歡迎DJ 女神,Senna為我哋嘅 guest DJ! 😍

大家都一定聽依位日本女DJ 的傳奇史,佢係連續兩年日本排名第一嘅女DJ,而係DJaneTop 世界排名中,更位於第 19 位 🏆。Senna 係一位實力雄厚的DJ,音樂感非常強,特別精通hardstyle和raw style remix🎶。

佢曾多次為大型音樂節同夜店表演,包括Ultra Japan, Ultra Bali 同澳門的Para Club等🎧。佢多次的演出收到好多正面的迴響。今個星期六、Senna 為Zentral 為大家增加熾熱氣氛,到時大家拭目以待啦 🤘🏼!





On this Saturday, let’s give a big round of applause to our sexy boomshell, DJ J.Wan (Janet) and Elva as our guest DJ 😍!

Janet is professional DJ who has a very strong sense of music, proficient in a variety of music genre, including: future rave and hardstyle etc 🎶.

She has countless experience performing at well-known clubs in LKF ✨, she performed at Zentral for the “Spaceport Carnival” pre-party and “The Next Wave” beach music festival in Discovery Bay. This will be her comeback after performed in Zentral last month, which all of her performances have received a lot of positive responses 🤩.

For Elva, she is well-mastered in playing Techno, EDM, Psytrance music🔥! Besides she has experience performing in LKF, her existence has reach across in many Asian regions, including South Korea’s B One Lounge Club, Race Club and Para Club in Macau etc 🎧.

Janet and Elva will highlight this weekend, everyone let’s get ready 🤘🏼!

Free entry (limited quota) and early bird tickets are here (all included with drinks)🍺

This is a rare opportunity, don’t miss out! 🙌🏼

今個週六,掌聲歡迎性感尤物 DJ J.Wan (Janet) 同DJ Elva為我哋的guest DJ 😍!

身為一位專業既 DJ,Janet有著強烈的音樂感,精通多種音樂style,包括:future rave 同hardstyle 音樂等🎶。

Janet 曾經亦為蘭桂坊多間大型夜店演出 ✨,佢今年亦曾在Zentral 為「太空港嘉年華」pre-party 同在愉景灣的大型沙灘音樂節 - “The Next Wave” 擔任表演嘉賓。此外,今次會係佢上月係Zentral 表演後既回歸, 而Janet 每次演出都獲好多積極既迴響 🤩。

Elva 精通Techno、EDM、Psytrance音樂 🔥!除了在蘭桂坊有表演經驗外,她的足跡遍布亞洲不同地區,包括韓國的B One Lounge Club、Race Club同澳門的Para Club等🎧。

有Janet 同Elva 為Zentral 為大家增加熾熱氣氛,到時大家拭目以待啦 🤘🏼!





This Friday, let’s welcome the talented DJ Michael Powter as our guest DJ 😍!

Michael is a DJ who has strong music sense with great skill set 🎧, also has countless experience performing for many international clubs 🤩, such as Macau’s Para Club, China’s Psyworks Club, Faye and Void in LKF etc. Besides, this will be his comeback after his November performance in Zentral, which all of his performances have received a lot of positive responses ✨👏🏼.

Limited free entry tickets and early bird tickets are here (included with drinks)🍺 !!

This is a rare opportunity, don't miss it! 🙌🏼

這個週五,大家熱烈歡才華橫溢嘅DJ Michael Powter 為我哋的guest DJ 😍!

Michael 係一位充滿音樂感同技巧高越既DJ 🎧, 佢曾經亦為多間大型夜店演出 🎧,例如:澳門的Para Club, 杭州的Psyworks Club, 同LKF 的Faye 同Void 等。此外,今次將會係佢11 月係Zentral 表演後既回歸, 而佢每次演出都獲好多積極既迴響 ✨👏🏼。





This Saturday, let’s give a warm welcome to DJ Quintin as our guest DJ 😍!

He is a legendary DJ from Hong Kong, as the champion of Pioneer DJ Hong Kong, he has over one million streams on Spotify and has gained many supporters 🥳. He is a powerful DJ who mastered in many music genres, also he performed for many music events and theme parties at Zentral, also has received a lot of positive responses🎧.

After he performed in Zentral on September, Quintin will come back on this Saturday and everyone lets get ready for it 🤘🏼!

Limited Free entry and early bird tickets are here (included with drinks)🍺 !!

This is a rare opportunity, don't miss it! 🙌🏼

今個星期六,我哋熱烈歡迎DJ Quintin降臨於Zentral 😍!

Quintin 係一位來自香港的傳奇DJ, 身為Pioneer DJ 香港區冠軍的 DJ 佢喺Spotify 有過百萬串流量,擁有多的支持者 🥳。依位實力派DJ 精通多種音樂類型、多次係Zentral 的音樂活動同主題派對擔任表演DJ,更獲得很多正面的迴響🎧。

今次係Quintin 繼 9月表演後既回歸,大家一起準備佢既降臨啦 🤘🏼!





Splash everything that you got 🍾💦


This Friday, let’s give a warm welcome to DJ Khazed (Jimmy) as our guest DJ 😍!

Jimmy is a professional resident DJ in Zeus, he is proficient in playing drum and bass music 🔥 ! He performed in well-known clubs, like Macau's Para Club and countless clubs in LKF 🎧.

He also performed at different commercial events, including this year’s S20 and Anovva Records event, which he is able to boost great vibes at different venues ✨. After he performed in Zentral on November, Jimmy will come back on this Friday and everyone lets get ready for it 🤘🏼!

Free entry (limited quota) and early bird tickets are here (included with drinks)🍺 !!

This is a rare opportunity, don't miss it! 🙌🏼

今個星期五,讓我哋歡迎DJ Khazed(Jimmy) 作為的嘉賓 DJ 😍!

專業的Jimmy係 Zeus 的常駐DJ,佢精通drum 同 bass 音樂🔥!佢係不同著名的club, 例如:澳門的 Para Club表演同LKF 多間夜店擔任DJ 🎧。

同時,Jimmy 有多次大型活動中表演的經驗,包括今年的S20和Anovva Records活動,佢都能夠為不同的表演場地帶出激昂的氛圍✨。今次係Jimmy 11月表演後既回歸,大家一起準備佢既降臨啦 🤘🏼!




Party as hard as there’s no tomorrow 🤘🏼🔥


This Saturday, let us warmly welcome the talented and youthful DJ James Thomson and DJ Leishah as our guest DJs 😍!

James is very passionate in the field of music ✨. He have experience performing for clubs in LKF and in different events like beach party 🎧 For Leishah, this sexy beauty and DJ will help highlight this Saturday night and add fiery vibes into Zentral 🎉 !

This Saturday, these two professional DJs will definitely push the decibel rate of Zentral to the limit! 🔥

Limited early bird and free entry tickets (with drinks) are here! 🍺

This is a rare opportunity, don't miss it! 🙌🏼

依個週六,我們熱烈歡迎年輕既有實力DJ James Thomson 同DJ Leishah 擔任我哋嘅guest DJs 😍!

James 係音樂界都很活躍同充滿熱誠。佢仲有係蘭桂坊的club的演出經驗,更為唔同的活動例如:為沙灘party 擔任表演DJ ✨🎧。而索爆女DJ Leishah 星期六亦為派對增添亮點同熾熱氣氛🎉

兩位實力爆登嘅DJ 必將Zentral 嘅分貝率推至極限!🔥





Let the wild beats turn you up 🎧🔥


This Friday, let’s give a warm welcome to the sexiest and sweetest DJ, DJ Elva as our guest DJ for this weekend 😍!

This Hong Kong DJ is well-mastered in playing Techno, EDM, Psytrance music🔥! Besides she has experience performing in LKF, her existence has reach across in many Asian regions, including South Korea’s B One Lounge Club, Race Club and Para Club in Macau etc 🎧. All of her performances have many positive response and feedback. After a short period, Elva will highlight this friday night, everyone let’s get ready 🤘🏼!

Free entry (limited quota) and early bird tickets are here (all included with drinks)🍺

This is a rare opportunity, don’t miss out! 🙌🏼

今個星期五,我哋熱烈歡迎索爆甜美 DJ,DJ Elva 為我哋嘅 guest DJ 😍

這位香港DJ精通Techno、EDM、Psytrance音樂 🔥!除了在蘭桂坊有表演經驗外,她的足跡遍布亞洲不同地區,包括韓國的B One Lounge Club、Race Club同澳門的Para Club等🎧。
佢多次的演出收到好多正面的迴響,相隔不久,今個星期五,Elva 為Zentral 為大家增加熾熱氣氛,到時大家拭目以待啦 🤘🏼!





Come out from your outer shell 🐚 and ….BURST❗️❗️❗️


This Friday, let us warmly welcome DJ B**g and DJ Ball as our guest DJs 😍!

The talented B**g is also very active in the field of music and performing ✨. He developed his career as a music mixing tutor, the one on one class makes many students benefited from his professional DJ skills and experience 🎧 For Ball, this newly-minted and sexy DJ will help highlight this Friday night and add fiery vibes into the party 🎉.

This Friday, these two professional DJs will definitely push the decibel rate of Zentral to the limit! 🔥

Limited early bird and free entry tickets (with drinks) are here! 🍺

This is a rare opportunity, don't miss it! 🙌🏼

依個週五,我們熱烈歡迎DJ B**g同DJ Ball 擔任我哋嘅guest DJs 😍!

多材多藝的B**g 係音樂及表演範嚋都很活躍。佢既係一個有豐富演出經驗嘅專業DJ ✨, 更開辨一對一DJ 混音課程 🎧。而新晉的索爆女DJ, Ball 當晚亦為派對增添亮點同熾熱氣氛🎉

兩位實力爆登嘅DJ 必將Zentral 嘅分貝率推至極限!




This Saturday, let’s give a warm welcome to DJ K3NJI (Kenneth) as our guest DJ on this weekend 😍!

Kenneth is a DJ genius from Malaysia. He superb musical talent ✨. He is the music director at .kl in Kuala Lumpur and often performs in many celebrated nightclubs🤩, such as in Thailand, in Malaysia and .taipei in Taiwan and more. Kenneth has received a lot of positive responses from his performances👏🏼! Everyone let’s get ready for his arrival!

Free entry and early bird tickets are here (with drinks)🍺 Don’t miss it! 🙌🏼

今個星期六,我哋熱烈歡迎 DJ K3NJI (Kenneth) 為本週未的guest DJs 😍

Kenneth 係來自馬來西亞的天才派DJ, 音樂天分滿溢既佢 ✨ , 係吉隆坡的 .kl 音樂總監, 而且經常為著名的夜店演出 🤩,例如泰國的@hollywoodpattaya、馬來西亞的 .Taipei 演出等。係佢眾多演出中,Kenneth 都獲得好多正面迴響👏🏼,大家一起期待佢的來臨啦!




This Friday, let’s give a warm welcome to talented local DJ, DJ Khazed (Jimmy) as our guest DJ on this weekend 😍!

Jimmy is a professional and comprehensive DJ, who mastered in playing drum and bass music. He performed at well-known clubs, like Macau's Para Club and he is the resident DJ at Zeus, LKF etc 🎧.

He also have experience performing at different commercial events, including this year’s S20 and Anovva Records event, which he is able to boost great vibes at different venues ✨. This will be his come back after performed in Zentral last September, everyone lets get ready for his comeback 👍🏼!

Free entry (limited quota) and early bird tickets are here (included with drinks)🍺 !!

This is a rare opportunity, don't miss it! 🙌🏼

今個星期五,讓我哋歡迎才華橫溢的嘅DJ Khazed作為的嘉賓 DJ 😍!

最後,來自香港的Khazed 係一個全面既專業嘅DJ,佢精通drum 同 bass 音樂🔥!佢係不同著名的club, 例如:澳門的 Para Club表演及佢亦係LKF Zeus 擔任常註DJ 🎧。

同時,Jimmy 有多次大型活動中表演的經驗,包括今年的S20和Anovva Records活動,佢都能夠為不同的表演場地帶出激昂的氛圍✨。今次係Jimmy 9月表演後既回歸,大家一起準備佢既comeback 啦 👍🏼!




For this year’s “Double 11” festival 🎊, Zentral offers you the highest CP value deal on Nov 10th & 11th ! All the alcoholic lovers listen up! With just HK$110, you can enjoy 11 drinks 🍹 , alongside with your clubbing mates 👯👯‍♀️ and immerse in awesome beats 🎶. This double 11 festival is gonna be the best day for y’all, what are you waiting for 😆?

Limited quota, don't miss out!

Disclaimer ⚠️: Guests need to redeem package before 1:00am (Nov 10th or 11th) (entry is not included).

今年既「雙11」節日 🎊,Zentral 係11月10號及11號俾你最高CP值既優惠!咁多位鍾意飲嘢嘅朋友聽住喇!只需 HK$110 ,即可享用多達11 杯飲品🍹,再約埋你哋clubbing 嘅朋友仔👯👯‍♀️,一齊enjoy 正爆既音樂 🎶。今個「雙11」會係𣈱快既一日,你仲等D咩 😆?


聲明⚠️:客人需於係11月10號或11號的凌晨 1:00am之前兌換套餐 (不包括入場)



Immerse yourself in all those beaming lights ✨and wlid beats 🎶


On this Saturday, let’s give a big round of applause to our Queen, DJ J.Wan (Janet) as our guest DJ 😍!

She is professional DJ who has a very strong sense of music, proficient in a variety of music genre, including: future rave and hardstyle etc 🎶.

Janet has countless experience performing at well-known clubs in LKF ✨, which she performed at Zentral for the “Spaceport Carnival” pre-party and “The Next Wave” beach music festival in Discovery Bay. This will be her comeback after performed in Zentral last month, which all of her performances have received a lot of positive responses 🤩.

Limited free entry and early bird tickets are here (included with drinks)🍺 !!

This is a rare opportunity, don't miss it! 🙌🏼

這個週六,掌聲歡迎混音女皇 DJ J.Wan (Janet) 為我哋的guest DJ 😍!

身為一位專業既 DJ,而且有著強烈的音樂感,精通多種音樂style,包括:future rave 同hardstyle 音樂等🎶。

Janet 曾經亦為蘭桂坊多間大型夜店演出 ✨,佢今年亦曾在Zentral 為「太空港嘉年華」pre-party 同在愉景灣的大型沙灘音樂節 - “The Next Wave” 擔任表演嘉賓。此外,今次會係佢10 月係Zentral 表演後既回歸, 而Janet 每次演出都獲好多積極既迴響 🤩。




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Videos (show all)

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4-5/F. , California Tower, 32 D’Aguilar Street, Central
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Tuesday 21:00 - 04:00
Wednesday 21:00 - 04:00
Thursday 21:00 - 04:00
Friday 21:00 - 04:00
Saturday 21:00 - 04:00

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