Find arts & entertainment in Hong Kong. Listings include Não vou me rebaixar ao seu nível, Celestial Pictures' Shaw Brothers Universe Film Library, 亞洲兒童才藝交流網 Asia Kids Talent, Bruce Lee Club 李小龍會, Make Centre, Princess Rose DIY 手作素材 正版韓國精品文具.
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Like our page for exclusive interviews, clips, top lists, and more from your favorite classic Shaw Brothers martial arts, kung fu, and wuxia. Cult favorites and more! Presented by ...
Make Centre擁有3500尺創作空間,提供木藝、鐳射切割、花藝、皮藝、手創精品等工作坊,以及機器租用。為設計者提供發佈和生產的平台,推動創意工業跨界增值。
本店Princess Rose 主營歐美日韓 手作 DIY Zakka 素材 印章 BIG SHOT 手工機等等 另有日韓正品優質文具及精品, 店鋪地址香港北角電氣道233號城市中心 1-3座 Maxi Base 地庫shop127號鋪 what's app 91811439
3小時速成彈奏流行曲 無需音樂根基,六至八十歲也可輕鬆學懂鋼琴彈奏 十七年教學經驗,超過 14,000名學生實證 佐敦、天后、沙田、荃灣全新裝修琴室上課,歡迎免費試堂
✨️荔枝角✨️👉獨立包場👈 🏃♀️離地鐵5分鐘🏃 ✨️近1800尺✨️ ✨️特大露台✨️ 🎪小朋友充氣城堡🎪 ❤️🔥燒野食 🫕打邊爐 🀄電動麻雀 📺 75吋大電視 🖥 🕹Switch 🎮 xbox Whatsapp: 9096 9805
Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation (HKYAF) is a charity that provides high quality, non-competitive arts experiences for all young people aged 5 to 25.
Teapot Art & Craft Workshop 尖沙咀柯士甸道130號嘉碧大廈6樓B室 http://www.teapothk 真實逃離房間遊戲,由超過6年經驗的設計者主理。Real Room Escape Game, created by veterans with over
全港場地最大最多服裝及道具,價錢最平自拍館,獨立房間,自助形式拍攝,想點影就點影,全部由你話事。 [如需要超過我地特營業時間可以提早講,我地會因為個別時間作出調動] 注意預約
Your alternative Hong Kong experience... Come to 135 Lai Chi Kok Road.
Hong Kong China International Tattoo Exhibition.
「環星音樂國際集團有限公司」(WSM Music Group Limited)— 香港著名唱片及娛樂機構,以『滙聚金曲、打造經典.精彩娛樂.創意無限』為宗旨,不遺餘力推廣音樂。1992年成立,「環星」致力發展多元化音樂及娛樂業務,涵蓋唱片錄製及發行、音像版權貿易、出版代理、演唱會製作、大型宴會、多媒體製作、藝人經紀管理等。
Curtir! Se Você Acha que ninguém é perfeito! Você Vai se divertir!! Metas Fixas: 17.000(x) 20.
A páginas Para os Brasileiros :D
SNAPARTY 1⃣自拍&Party場地租借/佈置/氣球用品 2⃣兼歐美日韓泰代購/交收中心 歡迎查詢
We supply top quality bags and other accessories, reasonable price and best service for you. Please
Located in the heart of Soho, it will be the new dining and entertainment landmark in Hong Kong. is a community designated for e-sports fans and players to share and exchange
REIGN | Digital Art is an esteemed luxury brand in Hong Kong at the forefront of the digital art revolution, merging China's national brand, Western art, and wine-tasting culture w...
Sundance Institute and The Metroplex to present the official Sundance Film Festival: Hong Kong
1995年成立於香港的非牟利劇團,2005年起以專業劇團模式獨立運作。 自2012年
Founded in 2000, Hong Kong Open Printshop is Hong Kong’s first non-profit open printshop run by artists.
Since 2003. We offer classes daily: Jazz Funk, Hip Hop, Contemp... We also provide dancers & choreo