CUZ Production

Cuz Production is a boutique event management company mainly caters bespoke wedding event services s CUZ Production Co Ltd.

is a creative branding and design company mainly caters bespoke marketing services, with its unbounded creativity and conscientious work ethic, the firm has rapidly grown from an individual personnel into a small, yet successful enterprise. ​

We offer a full spectrum of services include trademark design and visual identity
development, creative brand strategy with promotional and marketing event





#田豪祖 表示:「唔係話開唔到飯,快啲救濟我哋,唔係!公開係因為我哋係其中一個受害人,其他同佢哋合作嘅人、內部(員工)、供應商受苦更多,希望發聲後,員工追破欠等等,追得更順利。」

#貴花田 最初認識「閨.家湯包」,是因他們被阿布泰拖數,「佢哋入稟追數,咁慘,咪叫叫佢哋直播講件事。」後來田豪祖試過湯包,認為質素幾好,於是跟他們合作,在節目中供寶粉(田豪祖3寶粉絲暱稱)網購。

第一次他們有找數,之後在去年6月首度合作,尚未付分成,但再請求田豪祖趁中秋(去年9月)幫幫手,再合作賣多一次湯包。第二及第三次分成,至今未付,田豪祖已接觸不到他們,所有訊息均已讀不回。 #王耀祖 說:「我哋知條數唔會收到,聽到佢哋喺台灣開3間舖頭,用閨家呢個概念做生意,唔想再有人受騙,丟香港人架。」貴花田直言:「感覺好澀,釋懷唔到。」

#曾志豪 接受《娛壹》訪問,坦言:「其實嗰兩次(第2及第3次)合作,幫佢哋做咗過百萬生意,我哋收唔到嘅數都有六位數字。對我哋小本經營,都少少肉赤。」



2)除了欠薪外,從2022年尾開始亦沒有為所有同事供強積金,但每月都有扣員工 部份的強積金供款,然而僱員及僱主部份全都沒有供款。
3) 2022年4月至10月拖欠屯門餐廳7 個月租金,最終結業收場,業主走上法律途徑(土地審裁處)亦沒有辦法追回所欠租金。
4) 幫「田豪祖」做特價優惠套裝所用的物流公司,沒獲找數,所以司機冇糧出,要搵「田豪祖」投訴。
5) 葵涌工場欠租起碼半年,最後也結業收場,業主走上法律途徑(土地審裁處)亦沒有辦法追回所欠租金。
6)Promoter agent公司款項超過120萬,追款多時亦無消息。


#閨家湯包 #娛壹

Amelyn Pardenilla - Live at The Murray 24/06/2024

Amelyn Pardenilla - Live at The Murray On June 28, 2024, acclaimed actress from hit TV Show "The Expat" Amelyn Pardenilla will take the stage at Cotton Tree Terrace, an intimate Jazz music venue in The Murray Hong Kong. Led by Amelyn Pardenilla, the band of Jazz lovers will showcase their exceptional musicianship. Enjoy free flow beverages and savory bites, as you pair innovative Jazz sounds with delicious food.


The Final Open Mic Gigs at Awa Lounge on this -
Thursday 9pm till late. Join us if you want to sing with us


今個星期五 (26/4 ) Cuz Band 將會為你帶來最頂級的爵士音樂演出,當中樂手包括來自日本的爵士樂鋼琴手 Toshi Horiguchi, 譚詠麟演唱會的低音結他手 Rudy Balbuena,鄧紫棋的打鼓老師 Lloyd Yamid 以及來自 Nicole Kidman 電影 The Expats 入面的歌手演員 Amelyn Pardenilla ,今個星期五讓大家能夠在「香港美利酒店」晚飯時段七點至十點,一邊享用美酒佳餚之餘,更加能夠近距離睇到我哋嘅演出,如果鍾意爵士音樂嘅你就唔好錯過呢一個機會,我哋Cuz Band 絕對能夠令你哋會有一個難忘嘅晚上

日期 : 2024年4月26日(星期五)
時間 : 晚上七至十時
地點 : 香港美利酒店 Cotton Tree Terrace ( LG Floor )

備註 : 如果天雨關係將會移師到 The Arch ( UG Floor )

This coming Friday 26th April, Cuz Band is proud to bring you the best jazz music in town. On stage the evening we have the brightest star musicians from the industry, including the renowned Japanese jazz piano master Toshi Horiguchi, Alan Tam’s bass guitarist Rudy Balbuena, G.E.M’s drum teacher Lloyd Yamid and singer/ actress Amelyn Pardenilla from The Expat of Nicole Kidman’s drama series. The Cuz Band cannot wait to deliver you a spectacular evening with top-notched live jazz music that no other places in Hong Kong could match, while you crave the favourite gourmet of your choice served by the team at the Murray HK. You are guaranteed to be astonished from 7pm-10pm, so come join us to indulge yourselves in the world of jazz surrounded by amazing people. See you this Friday!

Date: 26th April 2024 (Friday)
Time: 7pm to 10pm
Venue: The Murray HK – Cotton Tree Terrace (LG Floor)

Note: In case of adverse weather, the event will be diverted to The Arch (UG Floor)

#香港美利酒店 #爵士音樂


4月10日 下午一點至兩點,新城財經台經濟午餐會有我嘅訪問,同時Facebook及 IG 都會有live直播,揸緊車嘅你可以者直接打開收音機收聽,Facebook 線上看嘅歡迎留言同我打招呼🙊

#新城財經台 #經濟午餐 #新城

Photos from CUZ Production's post 23/02/2024

好耐都冇做過婚禮嘅工作,今次唔係做婚禮司儀,亦都唔係婚禮統籌,我今次係做婚禮攝影師,今日再做婚禮嘅感覺係好似以前一樣咁開心,咁甜蜜,因為見到新人嗰一份喜悅係非常之幸福,我喺度祝福一對新人Joyce & Jayden 白頭到老,永結同心,多謝你參與你人生咁重要嘅時刻

p.s 搞到我好想復出做返婚禮

It has been years since my previous wedding job. This time, I am taking on another role rather than being the typical emcee or wedding planner. I am a wedding photographer today. Just feeling like the old days, I am honoured and delighted for the newly wedded. May happiness increase with age and love deepen with time for this lovely couple.

PS. Tempting to make my return in the wedding business.

#婚姻註冊處 #婚禮攝影


今日全香港嘅新聞報道「啟德體育園工程完成八成半」嘅新聞終於可以出街,呢個項目係由「新世界發展」及「協興建築」興建呢個香港一個新地標,一個世界級嘅項目「啟德體育園」 我哋Cuz Production 作為呢一個項目嘅主要拍攝團隊,過去幾年嘅努力,日曬雨淋,整個拍攝嘅策劃,攝影攝錄,後期製作,開會溝通… 等等嘅工作,今日終於可以同所有人分享一吓我哋嘅作品,我哋Cuz Production 團隊上上下每一位員工都真係覺得好榮幸可以參與一個咁重要嘅項目,呢一刻我哋嘅心情好激動同埋好興奮,因為我哋付出嘅汗水真係有血有淚,好難三言兩語,可以表達出呢一份滿足感,我要多謝相信同埋支持我哋嘅客戶,同埋感謝我嘅團隊一齊努力合作,先至能夠將呢件事做到最好,我哋今年會繼續努力,將餘下嘅工作同埋挑戰一一完成,我哋Cuz Team 嘅願望係一定要做到工程計拍攝嘅No.1

As of today, the Kai Tak Sports Park has marked a significant milestone with the successful completion of the Main Stadium exterior building facade panels. Designed with the captivating theme “Pearl of the Orient”, the new landmark project is led by local construction giants New World Development and Hip Hing Construction which is an iconic structure with a magnificent sight to behold. Cuz Production is proud to be the official multimedia production company for the project. The 2 years of tough work in video-planning, shooting, post-editing, countless meetings, sun-scorched and rain-drenched, contains every drip of our blood and sweat contributed into the project.

Now, we are able to share with the world our work. Every member of the team shares the same excitement that is beyond words can describe. For all we know, the hard work has been paid off and is well worth it. Cuz Production would like to extend our appreciation to the client New World Development and Hip Hing Construction for their patience, trust, and support. Our team will continue to strive for excellence in everything we deliver with a vision to be the leader of videography in the construction industry.

KTSP YouTube

KTSP Linkedlin


啟德體育園預計明年啟用 項目團隊冀園區成為世界級體育及娛樂新地標



From 8:45

啟德體育園主場館外牆竣工 2.7萬塊轉色面板象徵「東方之珠」 園區料明年啟用


Now 新聞
啟德體育園主場館外牆安裝完成 料明年啟用




#啟德體育園 #工程拍攝 #協興建築 #新世界發展 #香港政府


VS Lounge Open Mic Live Music
冰山大火 by Rainbow Chow 周文馨 and Cuz Band

二月份我哋仲有兩日Open Mic 同大家一齊玩,如果仲未嚟嘅,就快啲把握你哋嘅機會啦

Date : 15 & 22 Feb 2024 ( Wed )
Time : 1900-2200
Venue : AIA Vitality Park

Band Leader : Cuz Ngan
Singer: Kasey Pong
Pianist : Ko Fung
Guitarist : Gary Cheung
Bassist : Russell Sze
Drummer : Dickson Kui

***e #周文馨 #冰山大火


Event : VS Lounge - Valentine’s Day Open Mic Live Music
Song Name : I’m Yours & Lucky
Performer : Kasey Pong & Cuz Ngan
Pianist : Vanessa Kwan
Guitarist : Gary Cheung
Bassist : Jeffrey Mok
Drummer : Dickson Kui

Date: February 14, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Location: Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA
Vitality Park
Admission: $198 (includes one beer and one snack)

每位嚟到Open Mic 嘅客人均可以用優惠價錢 HK$188 購買一條由專業攝影團隊為你拍攝的影片作為紀念以及分享,我哋下個禮拜四將會係今次二月份VS Lounge 最後一個Open Mic 表演,如果你都想參加一個全港最大型嘅OpenRice表演嘅話就快啲買飛入場啦


As we all look forward to seeing everyone at the Open Mic events, Cuz Band is to be at Palace Reserve Club at Wynn Macau this evening as usual, bringing you the utmost unique and iconic Open Mic performance that is solely available from us in Macau. For those who loves singing on stage, we are inviting you to come onto the stage and jam with our professional musicians every Friday and Saturday. We are honoured to have Lac Sinh renowned singer from Midlife Sing & Shine 2, to jam with us this Friday and Saturday! Limited seats available, make your reservation now!

Cuz Band 今晚繼續為大家喺永利皇宮 Palace Reserve Club 提供Open Mic 演出,現在暫時係澳門第一以及唯一一間酒店場地提供Open Mic表演,歡迎喜歡唱歌嘅你每個星期五及星期六來到同我哋一齊 Jam 歌3 小時,今晚同聽晚,一連兩晚我哋更加邀請到中年好聲音二參賽者,澳門歌手「駱星」同我哋一齊唱歌表演,今晚 9點至零晨12點見,座位數量有限,額滿即止

Date : Every Friday and Saturday
Time : 2100 - 0:00
Venue : Palace Reserve Club
COTAI, junto à Avenida da Nave Desportiva

***e #駱星 #中年好聲音二

Photos from CUZ Production's post 15/02/2024

Cuz Band at VS Lounge


我哋Cuz Band 每一次接到唔同音樂嘅工作,我哋每一位樂手都會全力以赴做到最好,當然能夠接到工作之前大家都需要經過Audition,然之後就需要經過漫長嘅綵排,大家每日見到我哋台上演出嗰三個鐘,背後其實真係好多辛酸


此外一個Event成功與否,係需要有好多唔同嘅人去配合,樂隊係表演嘅核心,歌手係帶動氣氛嘅主力,再配合專業Dancer 落力嘅演出先至能夠帶動到現場觀眾嘅反應

當然背後策劃嘅團隊絕對重要,由節目策劃,座位安排,舞台設計,燈光音響,因為整個節目嘅流程同安排都好複雜,同政府攞牌,舞台搭建,安排流動廁所,安排First Aid,仲有F&B … 等等 其實做一個節目係需要花費好大量嘅金錢,先至能夠完成得到,講咗咁耐我哋只係想講大家只係需要比$198,仲要包一杯飲品及一個小食,就已經可以欣賞得到背後團隊咁龐大努力嘅製作,所以呢個二月份,大家都一齊嚟支持吓本地嘅製作,希望呢一條片可以俾大家感受得到主辦單位VS Media 同我哋樂隊Cuz Band 一齊為大家提供嘅頂級戶外娛樂 。VS Lounge,希望能夠見到大家

樂隊表演活動日期 : 2月2號至25號
表演時間 : 晚上七點至十點
場地 : 香港摩天輪 AIA Vitality 公園
入場費用 : $198 包一杯啤酒及小食
網上售票 :

On every occasion when Cuz Band is gracefully commissioned for any music-related jobs, our musicians always strive for the very best we possibly can. To do so, tremendous amounts of auditions is required to ensure a flawless stage performance to be delivered to the audience. Our 3 minutes stage time truly underlays a great deal of blood and sweats.

A successful show requires not just an experienced singer with considerable stage time, but one must be skilled with implementing various stage techniques at the right time. A singer with a good voice is just a fundamental element of being an average performer, as some has mistakenly thought that singing a couple of songs on stage is sufficient to be considered a professional singer, which is unfortunately far from reality. To be a competent singer, one must acknowledge the vibes and audiences’ reaction during the performance and adjust stage techniques accordingly to sustain the mood of a devoted crown.

With the integral coordination of every single member of the band and dancers, the crown is sure to indulge themselves into a show of their life. In addition, a huge amount of work and coordination of various stakeholders have been carried out to create this wonderful project for all to enjoy.

All of which is only going to cost you $198 which includes a drink and snack. Come and support the main event organizer VS Media and the Cuz Band for bringing you the top-notched outdoor entertainment at the VS Lounge. We hope to see you very soon!

Date: February 2 - 25, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Location: Hong Kong Observation Wheel & AIA
Vitality Park
Admission: $198 (includes one beer and one snack)

Friday to Sunday House Band Line up
Singer: Dan James
Singer : Amelyn Pardenilla
Drummer : Lloyd Yamid
Keyboard : Wendel Dionisio
Bassist : Kerwin Villasin
Guitarist : Gary Cheung


As we all look forward to seeing everyone at the Open Mic events, Cuz Band is to be at Palace Reserve Club at Wynn Macau this evening as usual, bringing you the utmost unique and iconic Open Mic performance that is solely available from us in Macau. For those who loves singing on stage, we are inviting you to come onto the stage and jam with our professional musicians every Friday and Saturday. We are honoured to have Rico Long, renowned singer from Midlife Sing & Shine 2, to jam with us this Saturday! Limited seats available, make your reservation now!

Cuz Band 今晚繼續為大家喺永利皇宮 Palace Reserve Club 提供Open Mic 演出,現在暫時係澳門第一以及唯一一間酒店場地提供Open Mic表演,喜歡唱歌嘅你,歡迎每個星期五及星期六來到同我哋一齊 Jam 歌3 小時,星期六晚我哋更加邀請得到中年好聲音二參賽者,澳門歌手「龍世傑」同我哋一齊唱歌表演,今晚 9點至零晨12點見,座位數量有限,額滿即止

Date : Every Friday and Saturday
Time : 2100 - 0:00
Venue : Palace Reserve Club
COTAI, junto à Avenida da Nave Desportiva

***e #龍世傑 #中年好聲音二

Photos from CUZ Production's post 02/02/2024

The biggest, unprecedented Open Mic event in Hong Kong will be launching at the iconic AIA Vitality Ferris Wheel for the very first time in history! We at Cuz Band is the only professional agency to have hosted Open Mic events at 5-star hotels in town, brining guests the highest quality of musical performances. Our clients include The Murray HK, Wynn Palace and this time VS Media, hosting the largest world-class Open Mic event, VS Lounge, at the central hub of Hong Kong!

For those who would like to take this once in a lifetime opportunity to perform with professional musicians on stage jamming their favourite tunes, you are cordially invited to join us every Thursday evening from 7pm-10pm in February. To make the event a memorable one for all, we will be providing professional video recording of your stage performance to capture those wonderful moments of yours at cost. Tonight marks the launch of the VS Lounge, feel free to purchase tickets online or on-site. Beverages and food are available to satisfy your appetite, along with great music and atmospheres! See you on the stage tonight!

全香港最大型嘅Open Mic 今晚將會喺「香港摩天輪 AIA Vitality 公園」舉行,我哋Cuz Band 是香港唯一一間為五星級酒店提供最高水準嘅 Open Mic 服務的樂隊,包括 : 香港美利酒店( The Murray HK ),澳門永利皇宮 ( Wynn Palace ) 以及今次由 VS Media 於中環海濱舉辦全香港最大型嘅Open Mic - VS Lounge

如果大家都想喺一個咁大型嘅表演場地一展身手,就記住把握今次嘅機會,喺二月份每一個星期四晚上七點至十點我哋約定你,此外呢個活動亦都會提供Video 拍攝服務,大家都可以購買自己演出嘅片段再同朋友分享,今晚係VS Lounge 開幕 Open Mic 演出,如果大家都想參與嘅話,可以網上購票或者現場買飛都可以,場地提供各種飲品,美食,大家可以享用美酒佳餚之餘仲一齊喺台上同我哋表演,我哋今晚見

樂隊表演活動日期 : 2月2號至25號
表演時間 : 晚上七點至十點
場地 : 香港摩天輪 AIA Vitality 公園
入場費用 : $198 包一杯啤酒及小食
網上售票 :

Kick Off Open Mic on 2 Feb Line Up
MC : Cuz Ngan + Nicola King
Singer: Dan James
Pianist : Ko Fung
Guitarist : Gary Cheung
Bassist : Russell Sze
Drummer : Lloyd Yamid
Guest singer : Welcome everyone reserved with us in advance.

Thursday Open Mic Line Up
Singer: Dan James
Singer : Kasey Pong
Pianist : Ko Fung
Guitarist : Gary Cheung
Bassist : Russell Sze
Drummer : Dickson Kui

平昌韓燒特約|2024婚展前必看!再有新人中招!海外Pre-Wedding拖延無了期 影完又收唔到相?|Channel C HK 27/01/2024


# @ #

平昌韓燒特約|2024婚展前必看!再有新人中招!海外Pre-Wedding拖延無了期 影完又收唔到相?|Channel C HK 快啲Follow我哋後備IG啦平昌韓燒由韓國人主理,與你共度歡樂今「燒」🔥樂富店電話:3904 1183地址:樂富聯合道198號樂富廣場A區3樓3104號舖旺角店電話:2612 1682地址:旺角西洋菜街1號兆萬中心13樓歡迎.....


The first Open Mic event in 2024 is to be hosted this Wednesday 3 Jan 2024. We are honoured to have Mr Orlando To as our guest to jam with us! But there is more, the night will be filled with top-notch musicians of the music entertainment industry. You sure not wanting to miss out such a quality Open Mic event, so book your table now and see you this Wednesday!

2024 首個Open Mic Live Music Jam今個星期三 ( 3 Jan 2024 )我們好榮幸邀請到星級嘉賓「杜德智」Orlando To 來到 The Murray, Hong Kong 同我哋一齊Jam 歌,除此之外,當晚亦都會有行內頂級樂手一齊參與,唔想錯過一個咁高質素嘅Open Mic 環節就快啲同我哋book位留枱啦,星期三見

Date : 3 January 2024
Time : 1900 - 2200
Venue : The Murray HK - Cotton Tree Terrace


Photos from CUZ Production's post 08/12/2023

Open Mic Live Music at Thr Murray Hong Kong
機會嚟啦,我哋Cuz Production 今年將會去到香港美利酒店同大家一齊倒數,當晚大家除咗享用美酒佳餚之外,仲可以上台大展歌喉,同你哋最心愛嘅另一半唱番首情歌送俾佢哋,此外,當晚仲會有最佳衣着大獎,最佳演繹大獎,獎品豐富,其中包括,酒店免費餐飲,免費住宿雙人房一晚…等等


The Murray, Hong Kong 於12月31 將會舉辦Great Gatsby Count Down Party﹐誠邀賓客一同踏進金碧輝煌的奢華新時代。詳情如下:

日期 :2023年12月31日 (星期日)
時間: 晚上8時至凌晨1時 (自助晚餐及無限暢飲套餐)
晚上9時至凌晨1時( 自助式雞尾酒小食及無限暢飲套餐)
地點: The Murray, Hong Kong, 25/F, Niccolo room

1. 自助晚餐及無限暢飲套餐
原價HKD 2,296.8
現經我公司預訂: HKD1962.7

2) 自助式雞尾酒小食及無限暢飲套餐 (需於12月22日前預訂)
原價: HKD 1086.8
現經我公司預訂 : HK 938.6

The Murray, Hong Kong is proud to be hosting the Great Gatsby Count Down Party on 31st December and sharing the wonderful moments of stepping into 2024 with our distinguished guests.

The night is to be filled with spectacular shows with live music and lucky draw, with prizes including a night-stay at the Murray Hotel and many other dining privileges. Guests are invited on stage to sing with their loved ones while craving over a sumptuous buffet feast and cocktails. What’s more, those who are best dressed or best performed on stage will be awarded with prizes sponsored by the Hotel! Lastly, guests are also welcome at Popinjays to attend the count down party at no charge. Let’s meet at the Murray Hotel Hong Kong to celebrate 2024 with friends and family!

Date: 31st December 2023 (Sunday)
Time: 8pm to 1am (buffet dinner and free flow beverages)
9pm to 1am (buffet cocktail snacks and free flow beverages)
Venue: The Murray, Hong Kong, 25/F, Niccolo Room

1) Buffet dinner and Free flow beverages
Original HKD $2296.8
Reserve through my company: HKD $1962.7

2) Buffet cocktail snacks and Free flow beverages (must reserve before 22nd December)
Original HKD $1086.8
Reserve through my company: HKD $938.6

Input [ cuz ] discount code to redeem 15% off



The Open Mic events in the Murray Hong Kong have been hugely successful, receiving acclaims and praises from distinguished guests. Being the pioneer in hosting Open Mic events in the hotel industry of Hong Kong, We are announcing the new cooperation with VS Media, where our band will be performing the first-ever Open Mic live event for Wynn’s VIP guests on 2nd-3rd December 2023. We are proud to set the trend of providing luxury Open Mic events at world-class hotels and casinos throughout Asia-Pacific regions. Once again, thank you Wynn Macau and VS Media for having us!

Date : 2&3 Dec 2023
Time : 2100 - 0:00
Venue : Palace Reserved Club
COTAI, junto à Avenida da Nave Desportiva



本公司「OPPA NOONA 韓式證件照相館 」近日發現有騙徒借用「香港華仁書院」之名義,進行詐騙行為,以及惡作劇行為,一位自稱陳老師的男子,聲稱校長需要為學校老師提供拍攝服務,當我們抵達學校時向保安查詢後發現,保安說學校並沒有這位陳老師,而我們已經不是第一間攝影公司被騙到校園拍攝,就有關惡作劇行為以及行使虛假文書行為,直接或間接透過商業詐騙行為要求我們提供公司資料,包括(公司銀行戶口號碼,公司商業收費及portfolio,WhatsApp 電話號碼,公司車牌號碼,等資料,就有關詐騙行為我們已向香港警方報案

OPPA NOONA 韓式證件照相 特此嚴正聲明




WhatsApp : 68133951
E-mail : [email protected]
聯絡人 : 顏先生

Solemn Declaration

Our company "OPPA NOONA Korean ID Photo Studio" has recently encountered a scam involving unauthorized impersonation of the renowned Hong Kong school namely “Hong Kong Wah Yan College" to conduct frauds and pranks to businesses. A man who named himself Mr. Chen, the school’s teacher, claimed that the school principal requires photography service their teachers, to which we agreed to provide the service the following day. When we arrived at the school on the agreed time, we inquired with the security guards and were notified teacher Chen does not exist in the school, and that we were not the first company to be deceived to the campus. Regarding pranks and false paperwork, we were asked to provide company information, including (company bank account number, company business charges and portfolio, WhatsApp phone number, company car license plate number, and other information). We have filed a case with the Hong Kong police regarding the relevant fraud.

We hereby must state clear:
Our company will not "actively request" anyone to upsell shooting services to individual customers and corporate customers, nor will it unreasonably require customers to provide "large deposits" or require "full payment" before actual shooting takes place.
Businesses in the photography industry in Hong Kong is urged to be alerted if you receive similar shooting inquiries.

Our company would like to remind the public not to provide personal information and money to third parties before thorough verifications. Our company has reported this matter to the police and Hong Kong Wah Yan College to note about the incident.

Any enquiries, please contact:
Phone: 28512555
WhatsApp : 68133951
E-mail : [email protected]
Contact person: Mr. Ngan

#詐騙案 #香港華人書院 #商業罪案調查科 #偽造文件 #침통한발표 #偽造文件 #反詐騙協調中心
#電話實名制係冇用嘅 #騙徒嘅手法層出不窮


The Murray OPEN MIC LIVE Jam 已經變成一班香港藝人歌手同埋專業樂手聚首一堂嘅場地,以前嘅 Backstage, Peel Fresco 都會聚集一大班專業嘅樂手同歌手,可惜時代嘅巨輪,疫情嘅影響令到呢啲屬於音樂人嘅地方相繼結業,為咗繼續保留香港音樂嘅文化,我哋Cuz Production 好榮幸能夠同 The Murray Hotel 合作,喺星期三搞OPEN MIC LIVE JAM 個目的都係希望能夠繼續推廣廣東歌同埋提供一個五星級酒店嘅環境俾一眾樂手聚一聚,酒店搞OPEN MIC 仲要係廣東歌,The Murray Hotel 絕對係第一以及唯一嘅一間願意作出呢一個嘗試,鍾意音樂嘅你如果都想感受一下我哋OPEN MIC 嘅威力,就快啲來一齊玩啦

The Murray OPEN MIC LIVE Jam has already transformed into a gathering event for all professional musicians in town. Since the days of Covid-19, musicians from the good old days including Backstage and Peel Fresco were not able to survive through the pandemic. Today, we at Cuz Production is proud to cooperate with The Murray Hotel and host the first and only 5-star hotel OPEN MIC LIVE JAM on regular Wednesdays in Hong Kong, with goals to reunite professionals of the music industry to enjoy an evening filled with unstoppable Canton-pop performances. You surely do not want to miss out the spectacular show of our highly regarded performers in a cozy environment. Make your reservation now and join us for the fun!

Date : 22 November 2023 ( Wednesday )
Time : 1900 - 2230
Venue : Cotton Tree Terrace, The Murray Hotel, HK
Reservation now : 31418876

#香港美利酒店 #林德信 #王梓軒 #波多野裕介


Cuz Production 今年繼續為香港不同嘅酒店提供現場樂隊表演服務,由即日起逢星期二至星期日 2030 - 2245 沙田麗豪酒店 - 仙吧,將會有現場樂手表演,新界東嘅朋友如果想聽現場樂手演出又有多一個選擇了

Cuz Production has been actively supporting various hotels throughout Hong Kong with our professional live music services. Starting today, our dedicated band will be playing at the Scene Bar in Regal Riverside Hotel Shatin, from Tuesday to Sunday, 20:30-22:45, every week. Music lovers must come and gather to mingle over exceptional cuisines and beverages while enjoying one of the highest quality of live music in town. See you there!

Date : Tue to Sunday 星期二至星期日
Time : 2030 - 2245
Venue : Scene Bar 仙吧
G/F, Regal Riverside Hotel, 34-36 Tai Chung Kiu Road, Sha Tin

Make your reservation now 21321231

Bar #仙吧 #麗豪酒店



#舊片 #有驚嚇成份 #仲恐怖過鬼 #恐怖在線 #七師父

Photos from CUZ Production's post 18/06/2023

Abby今日係妳設靈嘅日子,今日送別妳最後一程心情特別複雜,記得當時成為你的婚禮統籌,為你打點所有大小事項,現在回想起都歷歷在目,睇返當日幫你地安排嘅婚禮影片,WhatsApp對話,聽返你嘅語音個心都覺得好痛,希望你一路好走,往生極樂 遠塵離垢 彌陀接引 成菩提道,一句彌陀念便呆。恰如死了未曾埋。娑婆已竟多生債。 淨土 而今歸去來。南無阿彌陀佛

#蔡天鳳 #寶福山紀念館 #譚府治喪

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VS Lounge Open Mic Live Music冰山大火 by Rainbow Chow 周文馨 and Cuz Band二月份我哋仲有兩日Open Mic 同大家一齊玩,如果仲未嚟嘅,就快啲把握你哋嘅機會啦Date : 15 &...
Cuz Band Live Performance at VS Lounge
膽小勿看.請勿轉發.農曆七月#舊片 #有驚嚇成份 #仲恐怖過鬼 #恐怖在線 #七師父




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