ab concept

ab concept

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We are a design studio founded in Hong Kong, in 1999 by architect Terence Ngan and interior designer Design is a craft to enhance our quality of life.

We work as creative partners with many of the world’s leading hospitality brands to create compelling interior environments that make people feel present in the moment. We design furniture, lighting and textiles that are charming of character and easy to use. We believe in the power of good design to shape our human experience and leave a positive imprint on the mind. After more than twenty years


Gorgeous jewel tones not only give the space a light and luxurious atmosphere, but also play the role of undulating arcs, allowing each zone to flow naturally, like a kaleidoscope that is constantly changing and exuding new looks. In the jewel tones spectrum, colours range from the bright to saturated, including hues such as turquoise, ruby, emerald, sapphire and amethyst. From the perspective of the ab concept team, these inject pleasing brightness into spaces of different sizes and temperaments, and also appropriately complement each other, imbuing locales with depth and layers. They demonstrate this in large environments, where the generous touch of jewel tones surge from the ceilings, walls and floors to create a myriad of styles - such as the lounge and restaurant Peacock Alley at Xiamen Waldorf Astoria Hotel, where a clear emerald green has been used. Decorated with golden light, a dining atmosphere has been created for guests that embraces the new generation.

絢麗的寶石色調不但為空間賦予輕奢氣息,更肩負起伏弧線的角色,讓每個分區自然流動,活像轉換不停的萬花筒,每天活出煥然一新的面貌。從明亮到飽和的色澤,包括綠松、紅寶石、翡翠玉石、藍寶石、紫水晶等,在ab concept團隊的視角下,為尺寸大小、氣質各異的空間注進悅目的亮度,也恰如其分地為相對小巧的位置豐富深度和複雜性。面對偌大的環境,一抹慷慨的寶石色調從天花、牆面或地板洶湧而至,營造萬千氣派,像ab concept為廈門華爾道夫酒店打造的酒廊和餐廳羿庭,清麗的翡翠綠在金光點綴下,為賓客營造出擁抱新世代的用餐氛圍,莊嚴卻不拒人千里之外,鼓勵饗客在此度過親暱時光。

#aesthetic #設計事務所 #観光


Feel the change of seasons and experience the transition between day and night; the transformative Karuizawa residence of ab concept founders, Ed Ng and Terence Ngan, is not only their residence for living and coexistence with the great nature, but also a paradise for the two to escape from daily life. Ed and Terence are strong proponents of focusing on the interaction and perception between the home and the external environment and their design emphasises on transparency and coherence. Strong architecture, the use of cedar walls indoors, amalgamating with pine ceilings, oak floors and walnut wood furnishings bring closer the relationship between man and nature. Even the way the windows are positioned and angled to let in cool breezes and natural light induce all the senses - sight, sound, touch - and deepen one’s physical and mental enjoyment. Ed and Terence, and those lucky enough invited over to experience this space can truly witness magic unfold on a daily basis: the change of the four seasons, from morning to night, from midsummer to summer to the depths of winter. See the stunning changes of colour in leaves, the bloom of trees and depth and movement of light and shadows in full glory, perfectly interpreting ab concept’s philosophy, “About Being” - living in the moment and enjoying the true essence of every moment.

感受季節更迭,體驗白晝黑夜的轉變。ab concept創辦人Ed Ng 和Terence Ngan於輕井澤的私人住宅既是面向生活、與萬物共生的居所,也是兩位從日常中解脫出來的世外桃源。Ed和Terence重視置身家中與外界環境的互動和感知,強調通透度和連貫性,消減不同分區的封閉感。室內的雪松木牆、松木天花板、橡木地板,再加上大量胡桃木傢具的烘托,重塑人與大自然歸一的關係。窗戶的尺寸和位置、涼風與天然光的引入角度,不僅重視視覺的享受,同時深化人的身心感受,在屋中或戶外陽台近距離見證四時變幻:從早到晚、從盛夏走到寒冬,又或是教人驚艷的葉色轉變、光影變奏,盡收眼底,完美詮釋「About Being」,意即活在當下、享受當下的真締。

#空間設計 #建筑 #空間規劃


The enigmatic dragon epitomises prosperity and its powerful influences will make waves this year. Here, ab concept would like to extend our gratitude to all of you for your trust and companionship on our many creative collaborations. Embracing the future, all of us will continue to put our best foot forward in creating the best designs that integrate with life. As we step into the Lunar New Year of the Dragon, we wish you all luck, fortune, energy and strength to keep striving and soaring high!

龍騰盛世,威震八方!ab concept感恩各界友好過去一年的相伴,攜手創造出多個彌足珍貴的設計時刻;展望將來,ab concept會繼續擁抱生活,擁抱設計。踏入龍年,我們在此祝願大家龍年如意,龍精虎猛,昂首騰飛!

#新年快樂 #龍年 #新年快乐 #龙年2024 #龙年 #aesthetic

Photos from ab concept's post 31/01/2024

Commencing the new year with their ever timeless beauty, ab concept reveals their first UK branch of renowned Milanese restaurant, Paper Moon London, located at the Raffles London at The OWO in London’s century-old landmark Whitehall. This marks the third collaboration between Paper Moon and ab concept. One of London’s most storied addresses and Britain’s former Old War Office, the building has been inhabited by Britain’s leading statesmen, including Sir Winston Churchill, and served as inspiration for Ian Fleming’s James Bond series.

ab concept’s design for Paper Moon London seeks to invoke the ambience of an Italian home within The OWO’s Grade II* listed Edwardian Baroque building. Featuring a warm tonal colour-palette, accented with golden textures and lush greenery, the 109-cover restaurant is divided into three sections: a foyer, bar and library, and main dining area. Several private spaces are offered, in addition to an outdoor courtyard. The design team has sensitively united the building’s original architecture, completed in 1906, with the finest of Italian fabrics, furniture, and natural materials for a sophisticated, atmospheric dining experience.

知名米蘭餐廳 Paper Moon 首間英國分店落戶倫敦百年地標白廳的倫敦 OWO萊佛士酒店,也標誌着Paper Moon與ab concept的第三度合作。這座原址為英國陸軍部大樓的二級歷史建築,採愛德華巴洛克式風格建築,擁有豐富莊嚴的歷史背景。

ab concept在尊重文化歷史的前題下,沿用建築物原有的窗戶幕牆,並選用暖色調,輔以金色紋理和綠植點綴,為空間賦予意大利家庭的溫暖氣氛,同時烘托Paper Moon優越的地理位置。餐廳可容納 109 人,劃分成門廳、酒吧和主用餐區三部分,並設私人用餐室與戶外庭院。

設計師妙用意大利精緻布藝、傢具和天然材料,如意大利天然石材品牌 Antolini 的天然石英吧檯、米蘭供應商 Materiae 的鏡面馬賽克瓷磚、Ceccotti Collezioni 的 Janine 扶手椅、Eichholtz 玻璃家居飾品裝飾、ab concept 與 Poltrona Frau 合作設計的 Viola 椅子等,每件精品在餐廳內互相呼應、對比,在這座建於 1906 年的大樓內營造讓人一見傾心的用餐體驗。

#室內設計 #空間設計 #建筑 #空間規劃 #裝潢設計

Photos from Home Journal's post 23/01/2024

Big Thanks to Home Journal!😍


Their intoxicating spaces lie in the design thinking that embraces you from all directions, whether it's the brilliant sights or touch underfoot - which is indeed the key to success in decorative design. From luxurious carpeting to magnificent marble materials, orderly parquet flooring to wooden floors with gold ornaments and nostalgic tiles, ab concept commences each design journey by integrating visual effects with sensory experiences, allowing the mood and language of each environment to be felt from every direction. By condensing colours, temperature and emotions, there are no longer boundaries that define the edges of rooms, and the floors, walls and ceilings all become seamlessly integrated.

令人陶醉的空間就是從四面八方把你抱擁的美學思維,不論是視野所及,還是腳下觸感,都是裝飾設計的致勝關鍵。從奢華知性的絨毛地墊、氣派萬千的大理石材、深淺有序的拼花地板,到拼上金飾的木地板和懷舊花磚,ab concept不單從純粹的視覺效果出發,更渴望引領空間用戶展開全方位的感官探索,由上而下感受專屬每個環境的情緒和語言,透過凝聚色彩、溫度與情感,模糊房間的邊緣,將地板、牆壁、天花無縫融合。


Photos from ab concept's post 26/12/2023

The Shangri-La Jeddah (), also known as the Sail Tower, is the first property for the Shangri-La brand to open in Saudi Arabia. Situated along the corniche, this 240m tall hotel and residence marks the transition between the desert landscape and the Red Sea. This hotel is designed as a gateway sailing into an oasis pier, covering the astonishing view of both the waterfront and the handsome city whilst offering a soothing and harmonious escape for guests and residents with the outline of an oasis pier through natural patterns such as water, leaves and flora throughout the public areas of the property. ab concept highlighted the beauty of nature as their design blueprint. First of all, a raindrop-shaped gradient pattern was used to create a vibrant hotel door, followed by a wavy ceramic artwork placed at the background of the hotel lobby. An acrylic screen penetrates the changing outdoor weather into the indoors according to the passage of time every day, while scenes of swaying leaves and blooming flowers are also brought forth each week, ushering in fresh images for the reception area and grand banquet hall respectively. The Horizon Lounge and the client's design inspiration were taken from marinas and yachts, which was executed to not only exude an understated, luxurious atmosphere, but also paying homage to the cultural colours of Saudi Arabia.

素有「航海大樓」之稱的Jeddah香格里拉酒店,屬品牌在沙特阿拉伯開設的第一家酒店。達240米高的酒店和服務式公寓位於濱海大道沿岸,儼如沙漠景觀和紅海之間的完美過渡。此地標建築被設計為通往綠洲碼頭的門戶,飽覽妙不可言的海濱和城市景觀,與經悉心策劃的室內裝潢微妙和應。為展現酒店悠閒而純粹的品牌價值,ab concept再次以大自然之美作設計藍圖,先運用雨滴形的漸層圖案創造充滿活力的酒店大門,再配合波浪形陶瓷藝術品作為酒店大廳的背景,而亞加力屏風則會因應根據每日的時間推移,將變化不斷的戶外天色滲透到室內。搖曳樹葉的景象、繁花綻放的盛景也被一一帶到四周,分別為迎賓區和大宴會廳迎來清新意象。而Horizon Lounge和客戶的設計靈感則擷取自碼頭和遊艇,既洋溢低調奢華的氣息,也不忘向沙特阿拉伯的文化色彩致敬。

#aesthetic #設計事務所 #観光


With the joy of the new season dawning upon us, ab concept wishes you and yours the happiest of holidays. Spend your time lavishly with loved ones, reminisce on sweet memories and gain insights from the lessons learnt to prepare for the future. Challenges and opportunities lie ahead awaiting your foresight. This year, ab concept was delighted to collaborate with publishing giant, Rizzoli New York, to launch their third book, “ab concept: The Art of Timeless Spaces”, which we hope will play a part in all your design journeys. For all those who love life and beautiful things, this is a showcase of the timeless stories in spaces we have created. Keep on making these timeless memories.

萬眾歡騰的年度佳節即將到臨,在共享豐盛的節日裡,ab concept衷心祝願各位與所愛溫馨共聚,回味這一年的甜蜜回憶,從過去的大小經歷中有所領悟和啟發,為未來的挑戰和機遇作好準備。今年ab concept很榮幸與出版商Rizzoli New York合作,推出第三本珍藏書冊《ab concept:永恆空間的藝術》,與熱愛生活和美好事物的你展開一趟追尋永恆美學的旅程,讓閣下與摯愛在家中細味每個獨特空間背後的故事。

#室內設計 #空間設計 #建筑 #空間規劃 #裝潢設計

Photos from ab concept's post 19/12/2023

Situated in a prime location in within the former Central Police Station - the 1919 Police Headquarter block is Aqua Restaurant (comprising of The Dispensary , Statement and The Chinese Library), a reimagined development that forms a unique cluster of neo-classical buildings including the aforementioned police station, Central Magistracy and the Victoria Prison that were listed as Declared Monuments during 1995. With a rich history dating back to the mid-19th century, the site comprises some of the earliest structures built under British colonial era, a true piece of heritage that tells the story of Hong Kong’s eclectic mixture of Eastern and Western culture. ab concept has designed the dining space wisely, preserving the beauty of the past while breathing in fresh life with modern twists. With grand iron-balustrade stairs in front of the double-storey high window and original circular and crossed motifs, guests arrive through an ornate reception walkway to the restaurant. This particular pattern is repeated throughout the dining areas. Information boards, which are located on both sides of the wall, feature backlit police badges that provide a glimpse of the building’s heritage and history as well as a sense of the old Hong Kong police station atmosphere. Through their understanding of culture and times, ab concept always weaves a multi-sensory feast that transcends the palate.

極富殖民地色彩、前身為中區警察總部的大館,ab concept以獨特創作視角,為AQUA飲食集團開闢出別樹一幟的餐飲體驗。作為向執法和權威歷史致敬的雞尾酒吧,The Dispensary以浪漫的寒冬藍調與仿警察徽章的鏡子裝飾,跟香港警察的制服低調呼應。中央調酒吧由金屬護籠包圍,重現警察軍械庫登記處的外貌,調酒師身後的酒架則媲美昔日的警察儲備庫。ab concept尊重空間原為警察總部內食品大廳的歷史,保留了經典的黑白色方格地板,並以英式銀托盤為靈感,設計出酒吧桌面,透過對文化與時代的認知,交織出一場超越味覺的多感官盛宴。

#大館 #中環 #aesthetic


The ceiling can be said as the fifth wall in a space, allowing for unrestrained imagination to flow for those with the expertise. For ab concept, who love creating immersive experiences, they take their time to first of all, understand the structural conditions of each space, and leverage straight lines, undulating curves or decorative shapes to highlight the outline of ceilings, to interpret a layered, flexible style. In many of their projects, ab concept follows the flowing lines of the ceiling, and then brings in modern design with a blend of Chinese and Western aesthetics, to exude charm in a space from top to bottom. Examples include wave-like light strings, bringing soft light and shadow into the space to trigger endless reverie; a ceiling paved with vivid colours, extending the visitor's line of sight upwards and creating an interesting contrast with the purity of the floor down below. In addition, the team also adapts to the geographical advantages of the building, utilising unique materials to bring outdoor light and scenery in, and allowing nature, architecture, science and culture to all coexist harmoniously.

天花是空間的第五堵牆,能發揮天馬行空的狂想。熱愛創造浸沉式體驗的ab concept,先深入了解每個空間的結構條件,運用筆直線條、起伏曲線或不規則的裝飾造型,來凸顯天花輪廓,演繹豐富靈動的風格。在多個專案項目中,ab concept順應着天花行雲流水的線條,帶進現代設計與中西合璧的美學,從上而下散放迷人氣韻。宛如波浪的燈串為空間帶入柔和光影,引發無盡遐想;以鮮活色彩鋪飾天花,將訪客的視線往上延伸,與設計純粹的地板形成有趣對比;此外,團隊亦配合建築的地理優勢,精選獨特物料將戶外的光與景帶進其中,讓大自然、建築、科學與文化和諧共存。

#aesthetic #設計事務所 #観光


ab concept redefines the art of the evergreen in their new book published by Rizzoli New York, The Art of Timeless Spaces. Authored by Henrietta Thomson, with a foreword by Italian philosopher Emanuele Coccia this delves deep into ab concept’s remarkable world, unveiling the inspiring stories behind their most recent projects worldwide that have solidified them as a global design force since their founding in 1999. The designers’ belief in the profound impact of our surroundings on our experience and wellbeing is showcased throughout the pages, highlighting the team's ability to inspire powerful emotions and leave lasting impressions. Theirs is a philosophy that aims to bring beauty and magic into the world, enhance our quality of life, and inspire those who use and inhabit their designs in meaningful ways. Craftsmanship and storytelling run through every space and product, resulting in timeless designs that resonate with the human experience. “With this monograph, which is an in depth and beautifully illustrated retrospective on ab concept’s projects and collaborations over the past few years, we wanted to bring the studio’s design philosophy to everyone in the world. Over the years, I have learned that inspiration comes from personal experience and all the small things around you in everyday life. Design is about creating experiences that can be sustained and remembered. Ultimately, design is about being,” shares Ed Ng, co-founder of ab concept. Visit the Rizzoli website on how to order your copy: www.rizzoliusa.com/book/9788891837486/

Photos from ab concept's post 21/11/2023

The best of Victoria Harbour, it’s all here. Since its opening, Argo - the destination bar at Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong - has won international acclaim, winning countless top awards and accolades from prestigious organisations. These include the 2022 Restaurant & Bar Design Awards, AHEAD Asia Awards, Hospitality Design Awards, World's Best 50 Bars, Asia's Best 50 Bars, A'Design Awards, and 2021 Gold Key Awards, Time Out's World Coolest Bars and Time Out's Hong Kong Bar Awards. On this masterpiece, Ed Ng, co-founder of ab concept says, "We wanted to make Argo a must go destination bar by combining the stunning views of Victoria Harbor and highlighting the vitality of Hong Kong.” This has been achieved by the moving design narrative, injecting light and depth, contrasting and illuminating materials and intriguing decor and accessories, so guests are filled with a sense of discovery. When it seems like there’s nothing left in this busy city to explore, Argo is a place that inspires with its secret charms, inviting one to linger…

維港之最,盡在這裡。香港四季酒店的特色雞尾酒吧Argo屬ab concept另一得意之作,源於傳統溫室的設計靈感讓Argo贏盡國際讚譽,榮獲多個知名頒獎禮的殊榮和表揚,包括2022年Restaurant & Bar Design Awards、AHEAD Asia Awards、Hospitality Design Awards、World’s Best 50 Bars、Asia's Best 50 Bars、A'Design Awards,以及2021年Gold Key Awards、Time Out's World Coolest Bars和Time Out's Hong Kong Bar Awards。ab concept聯合創始人Ed Ng指:「我們希望透過融合迷人的維多利亞港景色,突出香港精彩紛呈的生命力,將Argo打造成大家首選的特色酒吧。」經巧妙配置的鏡面映照令人屏息的美景,為空間注入光線與深度,再加上座位區上方懸掛的小型瓶式綠植,以及VIP房裝飾牆面的紙雕昆蟲藝術品,令客人彷彿闖進了鬧市秘境,流連忘返⋯⋯


Photos from ab concept's post 10/11/2023

The Grand Hyatt Kuwait has garnered countless attention for its unparalleled design, service and cuisine. In addition to MEI LI, shared earlier, ab concept was also entrusted with the design of Liberté, a modern French brasserie in the hotel. The team created an intriguing spatial narrative, imagining the eatery as a monarch pursuing eternity, using fantasy mirrors to transform desires into reality. Here, classicism is paired with innovative concepts; the lobby, reception desk, and dining area all embody unique flair, where contrasting hues and light and dark perspectives through mirror mosaics and wooden floors have been used to achieve an elegant, unrestrained dining atmosphere. Meanwhile, other design details such as the seamless combination of beige stucco ceilings, red-grey stone tabletops and black and white dining chairs, amalgamating with materials of glass, marble and green plantation, convey ab concept’s unique aesthetic.

去年九月開業的科威特君悅酒店,以國際化設計、服務和美食贏盡注目,除了早前分享的MEI LI外,ab concept還獲委託處理酒店另一餐廳Liberté的設計。團隊勾勒出耐人尋味的空間敍事,把餐廳想像成一位追求永恆的君主,借助奇幻鏡面將慾望轉化為現實。這家現代法式餐廳以創新理念重新詮釋古典主義,其大廳、接待台、用餐區域的設計各見心思,利用色彩對比、明暗反差,締造既優雅又奔放的用餐氛圍,如漸變鏡面馬賽克、木地板和米色灰泥天花板、紅灰色的石質桌面和黑白色的餐椅,以及玻璃、植物和大理石的無縫配合,有效傳遞ab concept不落俗套的審美觀。

#aesthetic #設計事務所 #観光

Photos from ab concept's post 30/10/2023

The view of the world from an aerial view is perhaps one of the most fascinating sights. For their capsule collection of four couture carpets for Tai Ping (), Ed Ng and Terence Ngan – so fond of storytelling – have found their inspiration from this very aspect, looking at the world from the sky. Therefore, it was only natural to name the set of designs Nephele, after the Greek goddess born from a cloud and Zeus. Polis, unfolding like a map, was inspired by flying above an illuminated city at night. The journey continues with Oread, depicting the millennial beauty of the Hong Kong bay, while Boreas reflects the always-shifting icebergs of Antarctica in the most subtle nuances of white, the design also forces us to face the fragile state of our planet with a new outlook on one of its most vulnerable elements. Finally, Syrinx is an ode to the ballet of high grass in the wind. All these creative perspectives stem from the city, the night, the light of the sky and the urban landscape, celebrating ethereal light and beauty of nature.

從機上俯瞰的世界之貌可能是最妙不可言的景象之一。ab concept巧妙地捕捉那變幻不停的瞬間,為太平地毯設計以希臘女神名字命名的Nephele地毯系列。四款高級訂製設計包括Boreas、Oread、Polis和Syrinx,分別描繪南極冰山的變化、香港海灣的不朽魅力、神秘圖案和高地草叢。創作視角源於對城市、黑夜、天空的光明和城市景觀的思考,歌頌大自然空靈飄渺的光與美。


Photos from ab concept's post 27/10/2023

For ab concept, every locale and community has its own unique story. When approaching London's landmark riverside residential project Thames City, principals Ed Ng and Terence Ngan focused on injecting uniqueness into the space and creating an immersive experience. Elements of Thames City are comparable to crown jewels, encompassing original intention, concept and experience. The design team took advantage of the prime locale at Thames River to create three leisure spaces for Thames City: the entrance lobby, the library, and a private dining room accommodating 18. A round concierge desk stands in front of the waterfall device in the center of the lobby, while beaded chandeliers, multi-layered limestone and wooden decorations, and herringbone flooring ensure richness, depth and material wonder abound. The library and private dining spaces offer subtle contrasts in atmosphere and style from a masculine and feminine perspective. Coupled with the Metropolitan Chandelier made by Viennese glassware craftsman J.& L. Lobmeyr and the Viola chair designed by ab concept in collaboration with Poltrona Frau, these add the finishing touches to the space, allowing residents to enjoy a stunning abode through and through.

對ab concept來說,每個城市和社區也擁有獨一無二的故事,在設計倫敦全新地標級河畔住宅項目Thames City時,主理人Ed Ng和 Terence Ngan便著力把這種獨特性滲進其中,讓置身Thames City時媲美皇冠寶石般矜貴,各具初衷、理念與體驗。設計團隊為Thames City打造三個休閒空間:入口大堂、圖書館,及可容納18人的私人用餐包廂,均善用泰晤士河畔的絕佳地理位置。鵝卵石般的圓形禮賓台佇立於大堂中心的瀑布裝置前,在珠串式吊燈、多層石灰岩和木質的裝飾,以及人字形地板襯托下,帶出細膩質感。圖書館和私人用餐空間從男女視角出發,展現出微妙的氣氛和風格對比。加上出自維也納玻璃工匠J. & L. Lobmeyr之手的Metropolitan吊燈和ab concept與Poltrona Frau合作設計的Viola座椅,為空間畫龍點睛,讓住戶盡享追憶一生的夢幻體驗。


Photos from ab concept's post 08/05/2023

Light is a symbol of hope that’s present everywhere and shapes our inner spiritual worlds. Often acting as the soul of the space, layered lighting offers both design function and beautification effects, enhancing every atmosphere and highlighting the connection between people and the environment. ab concept are master planners of light, distinguishing geographical conditions, user backgrounds and needs to plan a sequence of light and shadow. Through their ingenious designs, founders of the company, Ed Ng and Terence Ngan also cleverly integrate creativity with practicality, enabling different emotions to be conveyed wherever the light reaches. This result is always an infinite artistic conception.

光是希望的象徵,無處不在地形塑我們內在的精神世界。作為空間的靈魂所在,具層次的照明設計兼具功能與美化作用,讓氣氛升溫,彰顯空間與人共連的意識形態。以人為本的ab concept仔細區分不同場域的地理條件、使用者背景、用途功能,來規劃光影錯落的編序,甚麼時候需要精準的焦點光線、甚麼情況下應避免眩光、甚麼條件下可讓暗作主導來提升氛圍感,公司兩位主理人Ed Ng和Terence Ngan巧妙地讓創意巧思與實際用途合而為一,讓光所及之處傳遞出喜、怒、哀、樂的情緒,組構出無窮意境。

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Photos from ab concept's post 10/03/2023

Create new memories through the sense of taste, which also brings you and I closer. Gastronomic experiences are powerful in that they function not only to satisfy appetites, but as an effective medium to further emotional communication. When the ab concept team were faced with the design for Noi () - the Italian restaurant at the Four Seasons Hotel in Hong Kong () - owner and Michelin starred chef Paulo Airaudo () also had these key concepts in mind, taking “we” and “share” as the core of his vision, together with anecdotes from his personal life experiences to create an exciting dining atmosphere. Our design team brought this to life, utilising a combination of Japan’s vivid hues, pop art and a modern Italian Renaissance style highlighted to the max.

Under the design requirements of Chef Airaudo, we divided the restaurant into two special arenas: Italian Silhouette to accommodate 22 people, and Doodle Garden - a wine lounge boasting panoramic views of the harbour. Artistic elements throughout, as well as the patterns inspired by the retro tattoo of Chef Airaudo, embrace guests from multiple angles. For those looking for a more intimate, noble experience, enter the private suite as you walk through the secret door. Two private boxes are separated by a boutique wine cellar, each of them connected to the wine cellar by a passage. This immersive experience connecting multiple senses is waiting for you to wander and stay awhile.

讓回憶透過味覺延續,把你我拉近,美食不僅為了滿足口腹之慾,更是促進情感交流的有效媒介。當我們處理香港四季酒店意大利餐廳Noi的設計項目時,主理人兼米芝蓮星級大廚Paulo Airaudo便懷着這份心思,以「我們」和「分享」為核心理念,再加上他的個人生活寫照,整合出動人心弦的餐飲氛圍,把日本色彩、波普藝術和現代意式文藝復興風格的結合發揮極致。在Airaudo主廚的設計要求下,我們將餐廳劃分成供22人用餐的意式剪影和坐擁香港全景的葡萄酒酒廊塗鴉園兩大專區,鋪天蓋地盡是五光十色的藝術元素,以及啟發自Airaudo主廚復古紋身的圖案設計,多角度地把客人一擁入懷。渴望更親暱的尊貴體驗?走過暗門自會來到私人套間,兩個私人包廂以精品酒窖分隔,各設通道與酒窖相連。一場沉浸式體驗靜待你徜徉其中。

Photos from ab concept's post 22/02/2023

Historic buildings allow us to learn from the wisdom that mankind has inherited. We had the honour to design such a historical treasure - the flagship restaurant at Four Seasons Hotel London. Named Mei Ume ( "梅花" in Chinese and Japanese meaning “plum blossom”), the restaurant is located in the 1922 headquarters of the Port of London Authority at Ten Trinity Square, cleverly fusing Eastern and Western heritage. Originally a gateway for traders from the East to trade commodities such as tea, silks and ceramics, Ed Ng and Terence Ngan sought their inspiration from the building’s history.

At the entrance, an impressive screen made using an enamel paint technique on glass with colourful plum blossoms greets. This screen is suspended from two metal columns encompassing the design of typical portholes that are repeatedly seen throughout the space. Meanwhile, bold red accents accentuate the main dining room, where the most notable feature is an ornate three-layer gilded triptych with each panel depicting a story. Another piece of art opposite is suspended and depicts a market scene from the Song Dynasty (AD 960) in China. With all the original columns from the 1922 building remaining intact, Ed and Terence faced the unique challenge to preserve the original mouldings, yet reinvent them with a new spirit and purpose. Intricate metal motifs have been erected on top of each column suspending three halo structures and resulting in three cosy alcoves for diners seeking privacy. The English heritage of the Grade II listed property establishes itself in the form of custom table lamps lining the large bronze-framed windows, facing the hotel’s courtyard. Meanwhile, the bar is covered in a pavilion-like structure and illuminated with custom modern lanterns. A semi-private dining space alongside is separated by hand painted silk embroidery panels showing distinct black and white brushstrokes in the form of bamboo - these images create a poetic dining experience within a bamboo forest.


我們榮幸獲邀為倫敦三一廣場內的倫敦港務局1922總部構思其中一間旗艦餐廳Mei Ume (名字起源於中文與日語裡的「梅花」),並以建築充當昔日歷史上英國與東方國家交易茶葉、絲綢及陶瓷等的通商之門為靈感,點亮中英文化交流。大門以瓷漆技巧所繪製的梅花屏風、呈鏤空舷窗圖騰的金屬柱為這跨時代空間定調,來到以鮮紅色調作主題的主廳,則見以紅漆畫框裱起的三層鍍金三聯畫,細訴古時盛宴的故事,另一藝術傑作則描繪了公元前960年中國宋代市集遊人絡繹於途的情境,一窺傳統歷史的日常。


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