Arcade at Cyberport 數碼港商場, Hong Kong Videos

Videos by Arcade at Cyberport 數碼港商場 in Hong Kong.

【#LeisureinArcade 盛夏登陸數碼遊樂園🎪🌐】
【Summer Hits the Imaginative AI Fairground🎪🌐】

暑假去邊好?挭係去有嘢學又有嘢玩嘅 #2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇啦💡!#數碼港 由 8 月 16 日至 18 日起一連三日將會化身為創意無限嘅數碼遊樂園🎪,為大家介紹人工智能、 Web3.0 同先進嘅機械人技術等「智」新嘅科技🤖!除咗請嚟星級講者坐陣之外,仲有一系列運動及遊戲互動體驗、數碼創意工作坊,以及充滿文化藝術嘅打卡位,為你帶嚟沉浸式嘅數碼娛樂體驗✨,宜家仲有早鳥優惠*,你點可以錯過呀?

俾多個 tips 大家!宜家喺 #數碼港商場 消費滿指定金額就有機會獲得 DELF 2024 體驗通行證(價值 HK$120)同餐飲券🎫,快啲去睇獎賞詳情啦!

Are you looking for summer vacation plans? Have you bookmarked the “Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum‘’ (DELF) 2024 at Cyberport💡? From August 16 - 18, Cyberport will turn into an Imaginative AI Fairground🎪, showcasing the latest technologies in AI, Web 3.0, and robotics🤖. Featuring top speakers, interactive experiences, creative workshops, and cultural art spots, register now to fully enjoy an immersive digital entertainment experience!

You can redeem a DELF 2024 experience pass (standard price: HK$120), a dining voucher 🎫upon a designated spending amount at Arcade@Cyberport. Check out the reward details now!

^ Terms and conditions apply. For details, please refer to:

The early bird offer:

#ArcadeatCyberport #數碼港 #數碼港商場 #Cyberport #CyberportArcade #DELF2024 #2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇 #人工智能 #AI #Web3

Other Arcade at Cyberport 數碼港商場 videos

【#LeisureinArcade 盛夏登陸數碼遊樂園🎪🌐】 【Summer Hits the Imaginative AI Fairground🎪🌐】 暑假去邊好?挭係去有嘢學又有嘢玩嘅 #2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇啦💡!#數碼港 由 8 月 16 日至 18 日起一連三日將會化身為創意無限嘅數碼遊樂園🎪,為大家介紹人工智能、 Web3.0 同先進嘅機械人技術等「智」新嘅科技🤖!除咗請嚟星級講者坐陣之外,仲有一系列運動及遊戲互動體驗、數碼創意工作坊,以及充滿文化藝術嘅打卡位,為你帶嚟沉浸式嘅數碼娛樂體驗✨,宜家仲有早鳥優惠*,你點可以錯過呀? 俾多個 tips 大家!宜家喺 #數碼港商場 消費滿指定金額就有機會獲得 DELF 2024 體驗通行證(價值 HK$120)同餐飲券🎫,快啲去睇獎賞詳情啦! Are you looking for summer vacation plans? Have you bookmarked the “Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum‘’ (DELF) 2024 at Cyberport💡? From August 16 - 18, Cyberport will turn into an Imaginative AI Fairground🎪, showcasing the latest technologies in AI, Web 3.0, and robotics🤖. Featuring top speakers, interactive experiences, creative workshops, and cultural art spots, register now to fully enjoy an immersive digital entertainment experience! You can redeem a DELF 2024 experience pass (standard price: HK$120), a dining voucher 🎫upon a designated spending amount at Arcade@Cyberport. Check out the reward details now! ^優惠須受條款及細則約束,詳情請參閱: ^ Terms and conditions apply. For details, please refer to: *立即買飛,享受早鳥優惠: The early bird offer: #ArcadeatCyberport #數碼港 #數碼港商場 #Cyberport #CyberportArcade #DELF2024 #2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇 #人工智能 #AI #Web3

【#MovieinArcade 暑假動畫Chill 級 Fun🎬】 【Summer Animated Movies Chill Level Fun! 🎬】 小朋友鍾意睇動畫又有滿滿嘅好奇心?MCL 數碼港戲院一次過滿足哂小朋友嘅願望,一齊渡過 Chill Fun 盛夏☀️!一系列夏日必睇好戲輪住上映🎞️,無論係現代童話故事式動畫長片、日系動漫經典之作,定係大人細路都至 Like 嘅療癒系動畫《#玩轉腦朋友2》都會陪住大家渡過今個暑假!約定你哋嚟 Chill 住食爆谷睇好戲啦🍿! Are your little ones fond of watching animated films and filled with curiosity? MCL Cyberport Cinema fulfils all their wishes in one go, making this summer a season of Chill Fun ☀️! A series of must-watch summer movies are hitting the screens🎞️, Whether it’s modern fairy-tale-style animated features classic Japanese anime, or even the heartwarming series “Inside Out 2”, we’re here to make your summer break unforgettable! Let’s make a pact to chill out, munch on popcorn, and enjoy the show🍿! #數碼港MCL戲院 MCL Cyberport Cinema MCL Cinemas 📍Shop 103, L2, The Arcade, Cyberport #ArcadeatCyberport #數碼港 #數碼港商場 #Cyberport #CyberportArcade #夏日電影 #SummerMovie #電影 #Movie

【#Arcadelifestyle 🌻「梵花活現數碼港」 帶你走入梵高的向日葵數字新世界! 】 【 🌻"Blossom All Around"@Arcade Taking You into the Digitized Realm of Van Gogh's Sunflowers!】
【#Arcadelifestyle 🌻「梵花活現數碼港」 帶你走入梵高的向日葵數字新世界! 】 【 🌻"Blossom All Around"@Arcade Taking You into the Digitized Realm of Van Gogh's Sunflowers!】 延續藝術三月嘅熱情✨,數碼港x藝術科技初創 聯手締造嶄新沉浸式觀賞體驗, 以梵高經典之作🌻 #向日葵 為主題,商場內設多個《向日葵》系列打卡位及互動遊戲,好似📍躍動的向日葵畫框、📍活力「梵」花打卡走廊,透過結合藝術與科技,帶你進入梵高的世界, 感受向日葵的繽紛和活力,拍下美好的回憶📸! 梵谷首個向日葵數位藝術療癒展覽 (Shop 415) 設有4個展區,如 📍3D向日葵《The Hidden Side of Sunflower》、📍「梵高的椅子」 的藝術裝置打卡點、📍與不同藝術家展現「梵」花數字藝術作品,展示多個結合科技與藝術的經典作品,除了欣賞各項藝術作品,亦可感受藝術帶來的力量及療癒。 即日起至4月29日嘅「梵花活現數碼港」購物賞,仲可以攞埋【梵高秘密遊香港】明信片同有機會參加「梵高向日葵油畫工作坊」! 🌻梵花活現數碼港約定你,今個週末一同走入向日葵花海的夢幻國度! 活動詳情請參閱 Continuing the passion of Art March, Arcade and the art-tech startup join hands to create a brand-new immersive viewing experience, with Van Gogh's classic masterpiece 🌻Sunflowers as the theme. The mall features multiple "Sunflower" series photo spots and interactive games, such as 📍The Frame and the 📍The Sunflower Garden. By combining art and technology, we will take you into the world of Van Gogh, allowing you to experience the vibrancy and vitality of sunflowers and capture beautiful memories with your camera! 📸 Van Gogh's first Sunflower digital art therapy exhibition (Shop 415) features four exhibition areas, including 📍3D S

【#LeisureinArcade 幾耐無試過枱頭望下嗰天🌌】
【#Arcadelifestyle 尋找鬧市中的憩靜】 【Searching for tranquility amidst the bustling city.】 想搵一個近得嚟又寧靜,有嘢玩得嚟又夠慢活嘅地方?嚟 #Arcade 就一次過滿足晒你嘅願望!襯住一個星期嘅中間,俾少少時間自己抖抖,感受 #數碼港商場 嘅魅力~▶️ 【#Arcadelifestyle Seeking Peace in the Bustle】 Looking for a place that's close yet serene, with plenty of things to do and a relaxed atmosphere? Look no further than #Arcade to fulfill all your desires at once! Amidst the hustle and bustle of the week, take some time for yourself to unwind and experience the charm of Arcade@Cyberport ▶️. 直達 #數碼港 巴士路線: 🚌73 數碼港 ⟺ 香港仔/淺水灣/赤柱 ; Cyberport ⟺ Aberdeen/Repulse Bay/Stanley 🚌30X 數碼港 ⟺ 香港大學/中環;Cyberport ⟺ HKU/Central 🚌970 數碼港 ⟺ 旺角/蘇屋;Cyberport ⟺ Mongkok/So Uk 🚌42C (平日)數碼港 ⟺ 北角; (weekdays)Cyberport ⟺ North Point 🚌107P (平日及星期六)數碼港 ⟺ 紅磡; (weekdays and Sat)Cyberport ⟺ Hung Hom 🚌33X (平日)數碼港 ⟹ 西灣河; (weekdays)Cyberport ⟹ Sai Wan Ho 🚌49X (平日)數碼港 ⟸ 小西灣;(weekdays)Cyberport ⟸ Siu Sai Wan 直達 #數碼港 小巴路線: 🚎69X 數碼港 ⟺ 銅鑼灣;Cyberport ⟺ Causeway Bay 🚎69A 數碼港 ⟺ 香港仔;Cyberport ⟺ Aberdeen 🚎69 數碼港 ⟺ 鰂魚涌, 太古;Cyberport ⟺ Quarry Bay, Taikoo 🚎58 數碼港 ⟺ 堅離地城/香港仔;Cyberport ⟺ Kennedy Town/Aberdeen 🚎10/10P 數碼港 ⟺ Causeway Bay (謝斐道);Cyberport ⟺ Causeway Bay (Jaffe Road) #ArcadeatCyberport #數碼港 #數碼港商場 #Cyberport #CyberportArcade #教你點行去商場

【#LeisureInArcade 張國榮珍藏電影雜誌封面 NFT 現身數碼港🎬】【#ForeverLeslie Leslie Cheung rare movie magazine cover NFTs at Cyberport 🎬】
【#LeisureInArcade 張國榮珍藏電影雜誌封面 NFT 現身數碼港🎬】 【#ForeverLeslie Leslie Cheung rare movie magazine cover NFTs at Cyberport 🎬】 為紀念哥哥張國榮逝世 20 週年,mov 與《電影雙周刊》合作將哥哥多款雜誌封面製作成電子珍藏卡 NFT✨,包括《霸王別姬》﹑《夜半歌聲》等多個電影造型, 9️⃣ 月 1️⃣2️⃣ 日至 1️⃣7️⃣ 日喺數碼港商場長廊展出🖼️。 立即去片睇吓點嚟展覽,把握機會重溫巨星風采💫! To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the passing of Leslie Cheung, mov and City Entertainment Magazine have collaborated to create electronic collectible cards NFT✨ featuring various magazine covers of Leslie Cheung. These covers include his styling in films such as "Farewell My Concubine" and "The Phantom Lover”. The exhibition will be held at the Digital Media Mall at Arcade@Cyberport from September 1️⃣2️⃣ th to 1️⃣7️⃣th 🖼️. So let's watch the video to guide you the route to the exhibition, seize the chance to relive the extraordinary charm of this superstar 💫! #ArcadeatCyberport #數碼港 #數碼港商場 #Cyberport #CyberportArcade #LeslieCheung #張國榮 #哥哥 #展覽

【#LeisureInArcade 盛夏嘉年華即將揭幕玩盡至潮數碼娛樂🎉!】
【#LeisureInArcade 盛夏嘉年華即將揭幕玩盡至潮數碼娛樂🎉!】 【Get ready to unleash your digital entertainment frenzy this summer at Arcade! 】 今個夏天嚟 #數碼港商場 吃喝玩樂仲有嘢學👏🏻!#數碼娛樂領袖論壇2023 將於 8月 25 - 27 日登陸數碼港,帶你探索 Web3、AI 等嶄新科技!體驗區內設有一系列沉浸式藝術、極速刺激運動遊戲、創意工作坊等等,總有一項啱你玩!同場設有大量打卡熱點📸✨、仲有好多滋味小食等你歎🎪🍔🍦! 而家嚟消費仲有得賺!推廣期內喺數碼港商場指定商戶同日以電子付款方式消費滿指定金額,即送你以下獎賞🎁: 👉🏻滿 HK$100 ➡️ DELF 2023 體驗通行證 + HK$20 餐飲現金券一張 👉🏻滿 HK$500 ➡️ DELF 2023 體驗通行證+ HK$20 餐飲現金券一張 + MCL 數碼港戲院 2D 電影禮券一張 📆換領日期:即日起 至 換完即止 ⏰換領時間:上午 10 時至晚上 10 時 🗺換領地點:數碼港商場 – L1 顧客服務部 仲等?門票數量有限,送完即止!立即行動, Click 入 了解更多詳情。 受條款及細則約束。 Ready for the ultimate summer vacation? Let's head over to the Arcade@Cyberport for some fun, food, and learning👏🏻! Brace yourself for the mind-blowing arrival of the “Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum'' (DELF) at Cyberport on August 25-27. Get ready to dive into the coolest Web3 and AI entertainment experiences out there! With a plethora of interactive experiences zones, you can indulge in mind-boggling immersive art, thrilling sports games, and unleash your creativity at our wickedly awesome workshops. We've got something to tickle everyone's fancy! And hey, did we mention the abundance of IG-able photo spots? 📸✨ Plus, there are special booths and mouth watering snacks that will make your taste buds sing with joy! 🎪🍔🍦 Now, here's

【#DiningInArcade 大飲特飲仲夏滋味🍹🧊至Cool推介幫你鎮走暑氣】
【#DiningInArcade 大飲特飲仲夏滋味🍹🧊至Cool推介幫你鎮走暑氣】 【Cheers to summer! Cool Drink picks in Arcade have you cooling off in no time!】 炎夏天氣持續🌞,出街行兩步就大汗淋漓💦,梗係要飲杯冰涼特飲先夠舒爽暢快🎐!#數碼港商場 為你精選各大Cafe、餐廳新推出嘅夏日特飲🍹,即刻望吓 Guidebook 有咩推介👀,揀返杯幫你消暑降溫,掃走悶熱心情😎! Summer's here and so is the heat🌞! If you're sweating buckets after just a few steps outside💦, it's time to chill out with a frosty drink🎐! Check out the latest summer specials from various cafes and restaurants in Arcade@Cyberport🍹. Take a look at our guidebook for recommendations 👀, and grab a cool drink to beat the heat and chill like a boss😎! 香醇茶萃之選 Premium tea infusion selection — Flash Coffee ☕ 📍I.T. Street, Unit 309, L3, Core D, Cyberport 3 夏日限定嘅「香濃抹茶閃冰冰」同「醇厚焙茶閃冰冰」完美平衡茶香同牛奶嘅柔滑口感🥛☕,再加埋清爽沙冰同忌廉,每一啖都散發出醇厚滋味😋! The "Matcha Frappé" and "Hojicha Frappé" are the limited collection for summer, offering a perfect balance of creamy milk and aromatic tea flavors🥛☕, topped with refreshing shaved ice and whipped cream for a satisfying and indulgent experience😋. 幼滑冰沙之選 Icy-smooth perfection —THE MATCHA TOKYO HONG KONG 🍵 📍I.T. Street, Unit 303, L3, Core C, Cyberport 3 檸檬配抹茶嘅清新組合令你一解夏日煩躁感🍃!「抹茶檸檬冰沙特飲」,使用 100%有機抹茶、自家製檸檬蜜🍯製作出冰沙口感,入口回甘兼酸爽解膩🥰。鍾意幼滑醇厚口感嘅你就要試吓「抹茶鮮奶冰沙特飲」同「焙茶鮮奶冰沙特飲」喇!優質茶粉混合香濃牛奶及冰粒🧊,涼透心嘅冰沙依然突顯抹茶同焙茶🍵嘅甘醇清香,加埋鮮忌廉 topping 夠晒消暑又

【#GreetingsFromArcade 7.17 世界表情符號日 從 Emoji 感受夏日好氣氛】
【#GreetingsFromArcade 7.17 世界表情符號日 從 Emoji 感受夏日好氣氛】 【World Emoji Day 7.17: Emojify your summer with fun and laughter】 除咗笑喊😂、心心❤️、手指公👍🏻,大家又最常用邊幾個 emoji 呢?其實由 2014 年開始,Emojipedia 創始人 Jeremy Burge 就將 7 月 17 日定立為世界表情符號日,希望多啲人感受到用 emoji 嘅樂趣。呢排見人用得多 「🥵🔥🫠💦」 ,字裡行間都 Feel 到個溫度有幾熱☀️!即刻 click 入條片,睇吓抽中邊 3 款必用 emoji ,為你嘅文字增添夏日好氣氛啦😎! Besides the classic "face with tears of Joy " 😂, "red love heart❤️” and "thumbs-up" 👍, which emojis tickle your fancy the most? In fact, since 2014, Emojipedia founder Jeremy Burge designated July 17th as World Emoji Day to spread the joy of using these little pictograms. And lately, we've been seeing a lot of 🔥🥵🫠💦 emojis popping up everywhere, making us feel like we're standing under the scorching sun ☀️! Click the video right now to discover the three summer essential emojis that will make your messages sizzle😎! #ArcadeatCyberport #數碼港 #數碼港商場 #Cyberport #CyberportArcade #世界表情符號日 #WorldEmojiDay

【#PetlifeinArcade 國際沐浴日 擁「泡」寵愛每刻🛁】 【International Bath Day: Soak with your furry friends🛁】
【#PetlifeinArcade 國際沐浴日 擁「泡」寵愛每刻🛁】 【International Bath Day: Soak with your furry friends🛁】 日日都沖涼,你又知唔知原來沖涼都有節日😳 — 614國際沐浴日:相傳希臘數學家阿基米德,沖涼嗰陣發現排水法測可以量度物體體積,為紀念呢個重大發現因而命名🛁。一於趁今日 #國際沐浴日,帶心愛嘅毛孩🐶🐱嚟 #數碼港商場 嘅 The Barkyard - Cyberport 歎泡泡浴🫧,心情靚晒寵愛滿分🐾! Everyday bath time makes us relieved, and indeed there is a special day dedicated to celebrating the joys of bathing😳? June 14th is International Bath Day. The origin of the day can be traced back to ancient Greek, when the Greek Mathematician Archimedes discovered the principle of water displacement while bathing, which can be used to measure the volume of objects. Thus the day was named in honour of this significant discovery🛁. Let’s take the chance to bring furry friends🐶🐱 to The Barkyard - Cyberport at Arcade@Cyberport, enjoying a bubble bath 🫧, and creating a purrfect moment of love and care🐾! The Barkyard 📍 Shop 108, Level 1, The Arcade, Cyberport #ArcadeatCyberport #數碼港 #數碼港商場 #Cyberport #CyberportArcade #Barkyard #Pet #InternationalBathDay #FurryFriend #GroomingService #寵物 #泡泡浴 #寵物美容

【#DiningInArcade 愛爾蘭每日精選推介🇮🇪滿足全日好心情】 【Feed your daily mood with Irish surprises🇮🇪: Delaney’s Daily Special】
【#DiningInArcade 愛爾蘭每日精選推介🇮🇪滿足全日好心情】 【Feed your daily mood with Irish surprises🇮🇪: Delaney’s Daily Special】 Blue Monday 想食脆口 Comfort Food,Healthy Tuesday 就想食清啲,Happy Friday 梗係要食豐富啲...有冇發覺日日心情唔同,口味都會變呢✨?#數碼港商場 嘅 Delaney's Cyberport, Hong Kong 就每日都有新驚喜,為你推出 Daily Special,只需 HK$99 即可歎盡每日精選推介,滿足你味蕾之餘,仲照顧埋你每日心情😋! 驚喜點止得咁少!仲有午市精選等你試💕,包括自家製 Soup of the Day,同埋 6 款愛爾蘭風味主餐任你揀(價格由 HK$108 至 HK$178 不等), 保證你大滿足,Keep 住全日好心情🎉! Crunchy on Monday, healthy on Tuesday, and lavish on Friday - your taste buds have mood swings too✨! But don't worry, Delaney's Cyberport, Hong Kong at #Arcade has got your back with daily special that changes every day😋. For just $99, you can bring your buds on a round trip to Ireland and satisfy your daily mood🤩! And that’s not all! They've got lunch specials that will blow your mind💕! Ranging from HK$108 to HK$178, you can indulge in their homemade Soup of the Day and six Irish-inspired main courses. Come on and see how a good Irish lunch can get your mood on a wild ride🎉! DELANEY'S 📍 Shop 314, Arcade@Cyberport #ArcadeatCyberport #數碼港 #Cyberport #CyberportArcade #愛爾蘭菜 #Delaneys #irishpub #IrishDishes #DailySpecial

【#SnapInArcade 毛孩打卡必學小貼士 📸🐾】
【#SnapInArcade 毛孩打卡必學小貼士 📸🐾】 【Must-Know Tips for Capturing Perfect Photos with Your Furry Friends 📸🐾】 難得帶毛孩出街,梗係要捕捉同毛孩溫馨共處嘅一瞬間啦🐶!以下為大家介紹 3 個簡單而實用嘅技巧,等各位都可以幫愛寵影出沙龍照! If you're taking your furry friend out for a walk, you'll definitely want to capture those precious moments of you and your pet together 🐶! Here are 3 simple and practical tips for taking great photos with your pet that will make them look like a star! 1️⃣ 確保環境有足夠自然光線☀️ Make sure there is abundant natural lighting 要影張靚相,拍攝時要有充足光線,去啲空曠嘅戶外地方例如 #數碼港商場 The Podium 嘅大草地就最啱喇!影完靚相之後仲可以攤抖下,請佢哋食啲小食做獎勵,創造溫馨時光。 A place filled with abundant sunlight is crucial for taking a perfect and impressive picture. It would be ideal for your furry friend to run around and be photographed in the sun at the spacious The Podium at the #Arcade. 2️⃣ 中軸線構圖 Center composition 將毛孩放喺相嘅中間位置,可以令人一眼就留意到主體,兩邊留白亦都可以增強空間感👍🏻。 Place your pet in the center of the frame to make them stand out. The ample space left on both sides can also enhance the sense of space in the background 👍🏻. 3️⃣ 善用小道具吸引注意力 Use props to attract your pet's attention 同毛孩出去玩時一定會帶佢哋嘅最鍾意嘅零食或玩具🦴,而毛孩對誘餌嘅抵抗力係「零」,大家可以將零食放喺鏡頭上方,佢哋自然好似識望鏡咁👀! Bring along your furry friend's favourite snack or toy 🦴 and put it on top of the camera. Your pet will naturally look towards the camera, giving you the perfect shot 👀! 🌟溫馨提示:記得拍攝時開啟「原況照片」功能,咁就唔會

【#LeisureInArcade 復活節玩轉數碼港商場!】 【Fun-tastic eggs-periences at Arcade@Cyberport!】
【#LeisureInArcade 復活節玩轉數碼港商場!】 【Fun-tastic eggs-periences at Arcade@Cyberport!】 復活節快樂🐣!難得 4 日長假期絕對係一家幾口👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 ,小孩與狗🐕出遊嘅好時機,嚟 #數碼港商場 一次過滿足你多個願望💫 ! 想 Chill,可以喺戶外感受大自然氣息嘆返個野餐 Bunch 之餘,仲有「戶外電影」為你放映🎞。 想 Fun,場內有「HERSHEY'S 朱古力工廠📸」、「AR 尋蛋遊🥚」同「復活節工作坊」等你玩! 仲諗?快啲嚟一齊享受美好假期啦! Make the most out of the Easter holiday long weekend, hop into the season with egg-citing festivities at Arcade@Cyberport🐣! To chill, lay down your picnic rugs at the Waterfront Park, and snuggle up for an Outdoor Movie Screening 🎞. To have fun, hunt for virtual eggs at the AR Egg Hunting Game🥚, do some arts and crafts at the Easter workshops, or simply feed your camera with instagrammable photos in front of the HERSHEY'S Chocolate Factory📸! Head to Arcade@Cyberport this Easter and create egg-cellent memories together! #ArcadeatCyberport #數碼港 #數碼港商場 #數碼港海濱公園 #Cyberport #CyberportArcade #HappyEaster #復活節快樂 #復活節好去處

【#LeisureInArcade 即睇「 AR 尋蛋遊」攻略 輕鬆贏取 HERSHEY’S 朱古力🍫🍫!】 【Watch the "AR Egg Hunting Game" tutorial and win HERSHEY’S chocolate🍫 with ease!】
【#LeisureInArcade 即睇「 AR 尋蛋遊」攻略 輕鬆贏取 HERSHEY’S 朱古力🍫🍫!】 【Watch the "AR Egg Hunting Game" tutorial and win HERSHEY’S chocolate🍫 with ease!】 復活節必玩當然唔少得——#AR尋蛋遊 遊戲啦!大量復活節彩蛋經已遍佈 #數碼港商場,以 AR 相機集齊 5 個彩蛋嘅朋友,即可獲得 HERSHEY‘S 朱古力一包或其他精美禮品🥳(數量有限,送完即止)!想知尋蛋攻略?立即去片📲! Make this Easter egg-stra fun and egg-stra special at Arcade@Cyberport with the AR Egg Hunting Game! AR Easter Eggs are hidden all over the mall, collect them all and win HERSHEY'S chocolate🍫 or other gifts before they are gone! Check out the video now to see how you can win the game with ease📲. #ArcadeatCyberport #數碼港 #數碼港商場 #數碼港海濱公園 #Cyberport #CyberportArcade #HappyEaster #復活節快樂 #復活節好去處

【#LeisureinAracde 白色情人節🤍節目推薦】 【Discover the Perfect White Day Date at Arcade🤍】
【#LeisureinAracde 白色情人節🤍節目推薦】 【Discover the Perfect White Day Date at Arcade🤍】 祝各位白色情人節快樂🤍,幸福美滿,繼續珍惜及愛錫另一半🥰!不如就趁住呢個特別日子,嚟 #數碼港商場 留下專屬你哋嘅回憶啦! 上個月試過經典情人節晚餐,今個月一於搞吓新意思✨!我哋有多國菜式任你揀🥘🍜🍕,包括中菜、東南亞菜、甚至墨西哥菜都有,總有一款啱你心水!快啲嚟過一個美滿白色情人節啦🤍! Happy White Day🤍! We wish you all the love and happiness in the world. May you cherish the special people in your life🥰. Why not take advantage of this special day and create some unforgettable memories at #Arcade ? Last month, you savoured a classic dinner. This month, let us offer you something novel and exciting✨. Our esteemed establishment boasts a diverse selection of international cuisines, ranging from sumptuous Chinese delicacies to exquisite Southeast Asian fare, and even tantalising Mexican dishes that are sure to delight the senses. Satisfy your palate with a dish that speaks to your heart💕. Join us for an exquisite celebration of love and passion on this White Valentine's Day🤍! #ArcadeatCyberport #數碼港 #數碼港商場 #Cyberport #CyberportArcade #白色情人節好去處

【#PetLifeInArcade 又轉季喇🌸~毛孩都要裇個靚髮💇🏻】 【Your Pet Needs a Fresh Look, too! 🌸】
【#PetLifeInArcade 又轉季喇🌸~毛孩換新 Look 啦💇🏻】 【Your Pet Needs a Fresh Look too! 🌸】 各位毛孩家長~春天嚟到啦🌸!而家唔使戴口罩,係時候帶你嘅寶貝出去走動走動!同時,梗係要幫寶貝毛孩🐶🐱轉下髮型,等佢哋唔使咁熱之餘,仲可以用新形象見人😍!即刻嚟 #數碼港商場 The Barkyard - Cyberport 做返個 Grooming Session,打扮完之後仲可以去隔離草地識新朋友添🥳! Hey fur parents! Spring is here🌸! As we are gradually taking our masks off and taking our pets out more, it’s time for us, and our furry babies🐶🐱 to look fresh! A professional groom not only keeps your pets from getting too hot, but also prevents them from possible infections, ticks and fleas. Of course, what’s better than a fresh look that catches everyone's eye😍? At #Arcade, you can book a grooming session at The Barkyard to give your pets a fabulous look and a well-deserved break. After they're all dolled up, relaxed and refreshed, you can take them to the pet-friendly Cyberport Waterfront Park to meet new friends🥳! The Barkyard 📍Shop 108, Level 1, The Arcade, Cyberport #ArcadeatCyberport #數碼港 #數碼港商場 #Cyberport #CyberportArcade #寵物美容 #GroomingService

【#LeisureInArcade 祝大家婦女節快樂👩‍💼】 【Happy International Women's Day👩‍💼】
【#LeisureInArcade 祝大家婦女節快樂👩‍💼】 【Happy International Women's Day👩‍💼】 祝大家婦女節快樂💃🏻!趁住呢個歌頌各位女性嘅特別日子,要學懂寵愛自己。一於約埋閨蜜或者另一半嚟 #數碼港商場 買杯啡☕散吓步,享受午後悠閒時光,放低平日積累落嚟嘅壓力同煩惱,快樂地活在當下❣! Happy International Women's Day💃🏻! Let's give a round of applause to all the strong, powerful and incredible women! On this special day, pamper yourself and unfold a leisurely evening at the #Arcade with your BFF. You deserve all the relaxation and self-care! Whether you just want to grab a bite and coffee☕, or to buy something special for yourself, Arcade@Cyberport has all your bases covered for the perfect day out. Hop on over to Cyberport now, and have your well-deserved break❣! #ArcadeatCyberport #數碼港 #Cyberport #CyberportArcade #國際婦女節 #三八婦女節 #婦女節 #WomensDay #HappyWomensDay

【#SnapInArcade 3 式輕鬆拍出日落絕美照】 【3 tactics to capture the magic of sunset with ease】
【#SnapInArcade 3 式輕鬆拍出日落絕美照】 【Sunset Photography 101: Capturing the best Sunset Photos in Three Simple Steps】 今個 Weekend 想過得浪漫啲💞?一於同摰愛嚟 #數碼港海濱公園 草地,欣賞夕陽晚霞!小編教你三步輕鬆拍出日落絕美照,留住美好瞬間🌅! Spend a romantic weekend with your significant other at the picturesque #CyberportWaterfrontPark 💞! As the sun sets and the sky turns into a canvas of warm hues, you can capture the breathtaking beauty of nature with stunning photos. Here are 3 easy steps to help you create lifetime memories 🌅! 1️⃣ 提前預備 Getting Ready 留意每日日落時間未必一樣🕰,除咗要上網睇定日落時間,更要預時間搵心儀地方拍出最美角度!建議至少早半小時到場,慢慢準備就萬無一失啦! The sun sets at a different time every day. Hence, be sure to check the daily sunset time 🕰 online and find the best photo shooting spot in advance. Arrive at least 30 minutes earlier so that you have plenty of time to find the perfect spot and get ready to shoot. 2️⃣ 三分構圖法 Mastering Composition: The Rule of Thirds 三分構圖法即係將畫面分成九宮格,然後將重點放喺中間四個交叉點,增添美感之餘更可以突出主體!擺 Pose 時動作大啲好,影出嚟剪影會更大更清晰,例如圖中嘅心心 Pose 就 Perfect 喇❤️! The Rule of Thirds involves mentally dividing the frame into 9 equal parts with 2 horizontal and 2 vertical lines, and placing your subject at one of the four intersections to create a visually appealing and balanced image. You may even make use of the vibrant colours of the sunset and create silhouette photos! Choose a strong subject with a defined and recognisable shape so that the brightest light source is behind your subject. As shown in the example, a heart shaped pose will be perfect for creating a silhouette photo ❤️. 3️⃣ 調整

【浪漫隨心走💞情人節即興行程❤️】 【Psst! Here’s your extempore romantic plan for Valentine’s Day】
【#LeisureinArcade 浪漫隨心走💞情人節即興行程❤️】 【Psst! Here’s your extempore romantic plan for Valentine’s Day】 首先祝各位情人節快樂❤️,繼續甜甜蜜蜜,每日 sweet 到漏油✨!對你嚟講可能日日都係情人節,不如今日就為另一半隨心送上驚喜,搞搞新意思👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻! 想享受不一樣嘅安排,不妨考慮嚟 #數碼港商場,帶另一半體驗戶外影院🎞️,攤喺碧綠寬廣嘅大草坪,睇返齣浪漫喜劇,必定別有一番風味!兩小口想反傳統,唔食情人節套餐🍽️?數碼港商場除咗西餐、仲有日本菜、粵菜、墨西哥菜、泰菜同越南菜任你揀😋,快啲同 BB 嚟過一個 #勁浪漫超溫馨 嘅情人節啦👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻! Happy Valentine’s Day to all❤️! May you and your beloved one stay sweet and happy forever✨. Love may be a 365-day affair, but it still deserves a special shoutout on Feb 14. Turn up the romance at Arcade@Cyberport today! Begin the day with a romantic comedy movie at our outdoor #GIANTscreen.🎞️Best for a lovey-dovey date, you can sit on the greens and snuggle up in a blanket. Kick back and have a good laugh! After watching a great movie, it's time for having a feast 🍽️. Want to do something different from traditional V-day😵‍💫? Rest assured! At Arcade@Cyberport, you have variety of choices from staple steaks, dim sum, Japanese rice bowls, Mexican, Thai to Vietnamese cuisines, there’re so many options available at the Arcade which will surely offer you a satisfying meal😋. Head on over for a luscious Valentine’s Day 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻! 戶外電影放映 Outdoor Movie Screening 📍數碼港2座L4數碼廣場 The Podium, L4, Cyberport 2 🕒日期及時間 Date & Time:14/2 17:30* **第IIA級,偶有粗俗用語 IIA classification with occasional coarse language 💰免費入場 Free admission 電影以英語播放及提供

【 #DELF2021 LIVE - 北歐時刻-樂趣無極限:透過數碼娛樂渠道將快樂感染全世界】
【 #DELF2021 LIVE - 北歐時刻-樂趣無極限:透過數碼娛樂渠道將快樂感染全世界】 Nordic Hour - Fun without Limit: Spreading the Happiness of Nordic to the Rest of the World through Digital Entertainment 全球遊戲與電競產業於疫情帶動的新常態下席捲全球,在後疫情時代勢必繼續稱霸娛樂世界。本節邀請到各大遊戲公司代表分享香港數碼娛樂進軍海外北歐市場的進程! • 北歐創新匯香港社群總監 Binh Johansson女士 • Unity Technologies 工程部高級總監 Matti Räty先生 • Game Habitat行政總裁 Peter Lübeck 先生 • Neogames Finland首席營運顧問Suvi Latva 女士 更多精彩環節盡在DELF線上活動平台: Riding on the blockbuster year for the gaming and esports industry from the global lockdowns, the industry is set to take over the entertainment world in the post-COVID era. This presentation has invited representatives from gaming companies to share on the global scaling of Hong Kong Digital Entertainment! • Binh Johansson, Community Director, Nordic Innovation House Hong Kong • Matti Räty, Senior Director, Engineering, Unity Technologies • Peter Lübeck, CEO, Game Habitat • Suvi Latva, Chief Business Advisor, Neogames Finland More mind-blowing sessions on DELF virtual event platform: #數碼港 #Cyberport #DigitalEntertainment #hybridevent #Gaming

【#行樂提案:有開心冒險亦有動作震撼 大人細路各自精彩!🎬】
【#行樂提案:有開心冒險亦有動作震撼 大人細路各自精彩!🎬】 "#InspiredVisit: Amusing and astonishing films for both adults and kids! 🎬" 今個7月,大人細路各自各精彩!小朋友可以跟住小海獸遊走意大利臨海小鎮,展開刺激友情之旅;亦可以跟住百厭兔仔衝出後花園,玩轉世界!大人就梗係要窺探女超級英雄嘅神秘過去,一齊解開Marvel電影宇宙嘅種種謎團!即刻睇下MCL數碼港戲院仲有咩精彩好戲等緊你喇: No matter how old you are, you can revel in movies available at MCL Cyberport Cinema this July! Apart from chilling out in an Italian coastal town with little sea monsters, kids can follow in a naughty rabbit's footstep to run away from the garden and make some noise in the city! How about the adults? Set off on a mysterious journey to uncover the secrets of a superheroine and the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Visit to have a good look at MCL Cyberport Cinema's new movie lineup! #數碼港 #數碼港商場 #MCL數碼港戲院 #行樂提案 #Cyberport #Arcade #MCLCyberportCinema #InspiredVisit #ACinemaForAll #MCLCinemas