Arcade at Cyberport 數碼港商場

It is a one-of-a-kind, high-end shopping arcade in the Southern District of Hong Kong.



The Arcade, situated in the core zone of Cyberport, is a 27,000 m2 retail and entertainment complex with an international mix of a


【 全球首個「梵高理想村」盛大降臨數碼港🌻】
【The Grand Arrival of the World's First “Van Gogh Digi Village” at Cyberport 🌻】

聽聞 #數碼港商場 最近出現咗文藝新地標?原來係由數碼港x藝術科技初創團隊 打造出全球首個「 #梵高理想村」✨!展覽為大家呈現梵高三部曲嘅一系列打卡及互動裝置,包括📍理想村落、📍理想人情,以及📍理想景色,以現代科技交織古典藝術美學,重新詮釋出不一樣嘅梵高世界。展覽更以香港為首站🌟,帶你穿越到 170 年前走進梵高嘅故居,感受當中嘅所見所聞,由即日起一齊打卡於「梵」花海中🌼,深入探索梵高世界啦!

Step into the enchanting realm of "Van Gogh Digi Village" at Arcade@Cyberport! Brought to you by Arcade@Cyberport in collaboration with an art-tech startup at .io, this innovative showcase reimagines Van Gogh's world in a contemporary light. Explore unique settings like 📍Ideal Village, 📍Ideal Relationships, and 📍Ideal Scenery. Transport yourself back 170 years and immerse in Van Gogh's legacy in Hong Kong🌟. Experience the beauty of the sunflower sea🌼 and embark on this artistic journey today!

🗓️ Date: Now until Oct 13
🕒 Time: Tuesday to Sunday, 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm (Closed on Monday)
📍 Location: Shop 316 and Shop 415, Arcade@Cyberport

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #梵高 #向日葵

Photos from Arcade at Cyberport 數碼港商場's post 30/08/2024

【 家的味道 1+2小廚登陸數碼港🍴!】
【Taste of Home: 1+2 Kitchen Arrives at Cyberport🍴!】】

充滿住家飯感覺🏠,方便快捷又有質素嘅1+2小廚,新登陸 #數碼港商場 啦!每日心思烹調🍳,供應近 15 款鑊氣小炒,配上新鮮香軟白飯🍚,熱騰騰又飽足嘅高質選擇,最啱忙碌咗大半日嘅上班一族,豐富菜式日日不同外,菜式會不定期更換😋,包你日日都有滋味驚喜!

Embrace the cozy home-cooked vibes 🏠! Convenient, efficient, and high-quality, the 1+2 Kitchen has just landed at Arcade@Cyberport! They offer deliciously prepared dishes🍳, 15 tasty side options, and fresh steamed rice🍚. It is ideal for busy individuals seeking a quick, satisfying meal. Enjoy rotating dishes and exciting new menu items😋, ensuring delightful surprises every day!

1+2小廚 1+2 Kitchen
📍Shop 408, L4 Food Court, The Arcade, Cyberport

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #新店進駐 #兩餸飯


【 夏日甜蜜暴擊 盡情散發粉色魅力💝】
【Embrace the Sweet Summer and Unleash the Splash of Pink 💝】

香港數碼港艾美酒店同大家延續夏日甜蜜💋,艷陽之下 x M‧A‧C “GlowPlay” 聯乘推出夏日滋味甜品拼盤🍰,充滿浪漫又活力嘅氣息✨,啱晒一眾甜品愛好者! #粉色夏日甜蜜拼盤 以粉紅色調設計三款精緻甜點🥄,搭以粉紅玫瑰酒做基調嘅清爽特飲🥂,巧妙平衡出甜而不腻嘅滋味。即日起至 9 月 29 日喺酒吧 Latitude 22 或戶外池畔🖼️都可以享受到滋味甜品拼盤,仲有機會獲得 M‧A‧C 免費皇牌產品體驗禮遇乙份*添!


Le Méridien Hong Kong, Cyberport continues the sweetness of summer with an extension 💋. Enjoy Au Soleil x M‧A‧C “Glow Play” to unveil a delightful summer dessert with a romantic and vibrant vibe🍰, perfect for all dessert lovers✨! The summer dessert platter showcases three exquisite pink-themed desserts🥄, accompanied by a refreshing glass of the signature rosé-infused special drink🥂. It strikes a delightful balance between sweetness and lightness. From now until 29 Sep 2024, you can enjoy this summer dessert platter at Latitude 22 and the hotel's poolside🖼️, and receive a complimentary set of M‧A‧C hero product samples*!

*Terms and Conditions Apply

🍰Le Méridien Hong Kong, Cyberport Le Méridien Hong Kong, Cyberport
📍Cyberport, 100 Cyberport Rd, Pok Fu Lam

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #艷陽之下 #夏日甜蜜拼盤

Photos from Arcade at Cyberport 數碼港商場's post 28/08/2024

【 愛茶之人福音!茶星人正式降臨數碼港商場✨ 】
【Tea Lovers Rejoice! E.Tea Lands at Arcade@Cyberport✨】

茶星人駕到🌟!本地人氣品牌茶星人正式降臨 #數碼港商場 喇🎉!數碼商場店嘅茶星人裝修風格以簡約為主,主打每日新鮮製造嘅水果茶飲🍊,喺傳統茶飲中大膽融合出唔同嘅創意配搭,令每杯茶飲都有自己嘅獨特味道同故事。店內採用嘅茶葉同珍珠等原材料🌱,分別來自台灣、意大利同歐洲等多地,嚴格控制每杯茶飲嘅水準!熱門之選有''水果大爆炸''、''蜂蜜紅柚四季春''、經典口味''芝芝芒芒'',以及每日限量供應嘅''手工芋泥烏龍奶茶''等等,多款口味值得一試🍹!

E.Tea have arrived🌟! The popular local brand E.Tea is now officially at Arcade@Cyberport🎉! The store’s design is about simplicity, focusing on freshly made fruit teas daily🍊. It creatively blends traditional tea with unique combinations, giving each drink its flavor and story. The tea leaves and pearls used in the drinks come from Taiwan, Italy, and Europe🌱, ensuring top-notch quality in every cup! Some of the popular choices include “Assorted Fruit Tea”, “Honey Grapefruit with Four Seasons Tea”, the classic “Cheese Mango Smoothie,” and the daily limited “Handmade Taro Oolong Milk Tea”. So many flavors must give it a try! 🍹

茶星人 E.Tea E.Tea茶星人
📍Unit 309a, Level 3, IT Street, Core D, Cyberport 3

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #新店進駐 #茶星人


【 隨心出發 攝下與大海擁抱之境🫂】
【Capture the Embrace of the Sea Set off at Your Leisure🫂 】


💁🏻‍♀️向大家誠意推介坐擁無敵海景之處嘅📍 #數碼港 ,你可以對住一望無際嘅海景放空成日,感受寧靜悠然漫活時刻✨,🐶帶埋毛孩嚟一齊沿住海邊漫步到📍 #數碼港海濱公園 ,打卡陽光散落嘅海景📸,想輕鬆寫意玩兩日仲可以喺📍 #香港數碼港艾美酒店 度假,由另一個角度欣賞無邊際海岸線🌅,齊齊打卡隱世秘景🌊!

Everyone knows about Hong Kong's beautiful sea views👀, but besides the famous Victoria Harbour🌊, do you know these hidden spots for great photos?

💁🏻‍♀️I recommend the stunning sea views at 📍Cyberport. You can relax and enjoy the endless ocean to experience moments of peace ✨. Bring your pet 🐶🐾 to stroll along the sea at 📍Cyberport Waterfront Park and capture the sunny sea views 📸. For a laid-back two-day escape, a stay at📍Le Méridien Hong Kong, Cyberport is also good to admire the vast coastline from a different angle 🌅. Discover these hidden gems by the sea 🌊!

🏖️Le Méridien Hong Kong, Cyberport
📍Cyberport, 100 Cyberport Rd, Pok Fu Lam

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #數碼港海濱公園 #香港數碼港艾美酒店

Photos from Arcade at Cyberport 數碼港商場's post 19/08/2024

【 ☕一杯咖啡 幫你掃走憂鬱星期一!】
【☕A Cup of Coffee Sweeps Away Monday Blues!】

☁️放完假返工真係需要好大勇氣⋯⋯我明!我真係明呀!等 #數碼港商場 幫你告別憂鬱星期一啦!多款香濃醇厚嘅咖啡為你打氣提神✨,成個 Office 即刻充滿朝氣呀!

☁️Returning to work after a vacation takes some serious courage… I get it! Let Arcade@Cyberport bid farewell to those Monday blues for you! We’ve got a variety of rich, aromatic coffees to boost your spirits and keep you energized✨. The office will be buzzing with positivity!

📍Concourse, L4, Core A, Cyberport 3
📍Portion of Unit 315, IT Street, L3, Core E, Cyberport 3
#麥芽可可冷萃咖啡 甜糯麥芽🌾加上絲滑朱古力🍫,再混合甘醇冷萃咖啡,沉浸啖啖綿密口感☁️
Enjoy the luxurious combination of malted barley 🌾, silky chocolate 🍫, and smooth cold brew coffee in the Malted Cocoa Cold Brew for a creamy and indulgent texture with each sip ☁️

#蜜糖紅西柚冷萃咖啡 完美混合蜜糖🍯、紅西柚同冷萃咖啡☕,恰到好處嘅甜味同甘香,保證帶俾你前所未有嘅清爽感覺🧊
The Honey Ruby Grapefruit Cold Brew promises a truly refreshing taste experience like no other – with the perfect amount of sweetness🍯 and tanginess☕.

☕Pacific Coffee
📍Portion of the Foyer Area, L4, Cyberport 2
#凍椰青美式咖啡 清甜凍椰青水🥥配搭經典香醇濃縮咖啡,帶俾你夏日清新口感🌴
Savor the refreshing Iced Coconut Water Americano, combining sweet coconut water 🥥 with rich espresso for a fresh tropical flavor 🌴.

🌟Pacific Coffee 宜家仲有 #咖啡迷狂賞卡 優惠^,只須 HK$599 就可以嘆到成 30 杯指定手調咖啡☕,千祈唔好錯過啦!


🌟Pacific Coffee now offers the Coffee Rewards Card^! For just HK$599, enjoy 30 cups of selected handcrafted coffees ☕.

^Terms and Conditions Apply

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #憂鬱星期一 #咖啡


【 全情投入數碼遊樂園 蠃盡豐富獎賞✨🎁】
【Immerse Yourself in the Digital Playground Reap Abundant Rewards✨🎁】

#2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇 今日正式開幕🎉!有飛嘅你記得準時入場,未買飛嘅記得把握最後機會即刻買啦!* 除咗嚟暢玩一系列嶄新嘅數碼娛樂活動之外💡,記得喺 #數碼港商場「邊玩邊賺」贏取超過 300 份嘅豐盛獎品啦🎁!只要完成指定遊戲任務,即可獲得積分以換取獎賞,宜家仲加碼送 Samsung Galaxy Smartphone、Dell Alienware x16 R2 遊戲專用筆記型電腦同 HoverAirX 等星級禮物🌟,數量有限,先到先得,換完即止㗎!

1️⃣ 掃描體驗通行證嘅 QR code 註冊或登入
2️⃣ 出發到 30 個指定體驗專區完成每個任務後即可獲得 10 分
3️⃣ 根據每日獲得分數,可到數碼港 3 座 E 區 3 樓換領相關獎品(開放時間:上午 10 時至下午 6 時)

#數碼港 仲準備咗免費穿梭巴士接送🚌,即撳睇詳細交通資訊:

📍 旺角:旺角上海街(朗豪坊)
📍 金鐘:海富中心麥當勞外


Today is the opening day of the 'Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum' (DELF) 2024 🎉! If you have tickets, be sure to arrive on time. If you haven't gotten your tickets yet, grab them now 🚀!* Dive into exciting digital entertainment experiences and Play-To-Earn at Arcade@Cyberport for a chance to win over 30 fabulous prizes 🎁! Complete game tasks to earn points for rewards, including prizes like a Samsung Galaxy Smartphone, Dell Alienware x16 R2 Gaming Laptop and HoverAirX 🌟. Gifts are available while stocks last!

💫Check out the detailed guide for Play-to-Earn:
1️⃣ Scan the QR code on your badge to register or log in
2️⃣ Complete tasks at 30 experience zones to earn 10 points for each checkpoint completed
3️⃣ Redeem prize on Level 3, Core E, Cyberport 3, based on your total points per day (Opening hours: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm)

There will be free shuttle buses to make transportation a breeze🚌. Just click here to get more details:

Free shuttle bus pick-up locations 🚌:
📍 Mong Kok: Shanghai Street (Langham Place)
📍 Admiralty: Admiralty Centre, (outside McDonald’s)

*Ticket Details:

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇 #人工智能 #邊玩邊賺

Photos from Arcade at Cyberport 數碼港商場's post 15/08/2024

【 盡享品味數碼市集 一齊邊玩邊食🕹️😋】
【Immerse in Digital Entertainment at Gourmet’s Arcade Together🕹️😋】

#2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇 聽日正式開鑼啦✨!除咗買飛入場體驗一系列數碼娛樂嘅精彩活動之外⚙️, #數碼港商場 亦為大家窩心呈獻「品味數碼市集」🛍️,開放俾公眾免費入場,歡迎大家嚟現場品嚐土耳其沙煮咖啡☕、新鮮烘焙輕食🍪同購買毛孩最鐘意嘅凍乾特色小食🐾。已經買咗通行證嘅你🎫,宜家只要喺「邊玩邊賺」完成任務✅,仲即刻賞你爆谷🍿、牛角包窩夫🧇等限量免費小食,名額有限,先到先得,仲唔把握機會約埋親朋好友嚟邊玩邊食?*

📢提提大家,只要嚟 #數碼港商場 消費滿指定金額就有機會獲得 DELF 2024 體驗通行證(價值 HK$120)同餐飲券🎫。^


The annual ‘Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum‘ (DELF) 2024 starts by tomorrow✨! Apart from enjoying various digital entertainment activities⚙️, head to the "Taste the Digital Marketplace" 🛍️at Arcade@Cyberport for free. Come to enjoy Turkish brewed coffee ☕, fresh baked snacks 🍪, and buy freeze-dried snacks for pets 🐾. If you have a pass 🎫, complete tasks✅ in "Play-to-Earn" to get free snacks like popcorn🍿 and croffle🧇. Limited spots available, so invite friends and family for a fun day of food and entertainment!*

📢 Remember, spending a specified amount at Arcade@Cyberport gives you the chance to win a DELF 2024 experience pass (valued at HK$120) and dining vouchers 🎫.^

*Ticket Details:
^Terms and conditions apply. For details, please refer to:

🗓️Date: Aug 16 - 18
🕒Time: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Friday 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM)
📍Location: Arcade@Cyberport L2 Atrium and L3 Elevator Area

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇 #邊玩邊食 #品味數碼市集


【 8.15 國際放鬆日 泡沫之夏 Get Ready 🫧】
【8.15 Get Ready for a Bubbly Summer on National Relaxation Day🫧】

大家知唔知有一個節日叫 #國際放鬆日 呢?

香港人生活節奏咁快,趁聽日就係國際放鬆日,提醒大家要適時 Relax & Reset 好身心靈🫶! #香港數碼港艾美酒店 同 LUSH 攜手呈獻嘅「艾美艷陽之下」住宿套餐正正照顧大家所想☀️。住宿套餐包括雙人自助早餐🍳、意式雪糕杯🍦、免費 LUSH 汽泡彈及產品體驗裝(指定房型)等多款禮品🎁 ,應有盡有!立即預訂行程,放鬆享受每一刻嘅美好時光啦✨!酒店嘅所有客房都係寵物友善🙋🏻‍♀️,歡迎大家付費升級帶埋寶貝毛孩入住,一齊嚟盡情放鬆享受一「夏」🐶


Did you know there’s a holiday called National Relaxation Day?

In Hong Kong, where life moves at lightning speed, tomorrow's National Relaxation Day in serves as a reminder to Relax & Reset for our well-being 🫶! Le Méridien Hong Kong, Cyberport is partnering with to offer the ☀️ “Au Soleil by Le Meridien” staycation package. The package includes the daily breakfast for two persons 🍳, Le Scoop by Le Meridien🍦, a complimentary LUSH bath bomb and a sample set of LUSH products🎁 (for selected room types). Book your getaway now and savor every beautiful moment ✨! All hotel guest rooms are pet-friendly🙋🏻‍♀️ which is perfect for guests to top up and unwind with the furry babies for this summer staycation 🐶

Booking link:

🗝️Le Méridien Hong Kong, Cyberport
📍Cyberport, 100 Cyberport Rd, Pok Fu Lam

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #寵物友善 #寵物設施 #毛孩


【 「瑜」悅體驗夏日賞🤸‍♀️】
【Summer "Yoga&Pilates" Bliss Experience🤸‍♀️】

炎炎夏日更加要好好維護身心平衡⚖️,uumove 推出「瑜」悅體驗夏日賞✨,由即日起至 8 月 31 號報名,仲有同行優惠👭🏻,收工後同班朋友一齊參加普拉提同墊上伸展堂🧘🏻‍♀️,放鬆身心靈之餘,又可以舒緩壓力,恢復體力💪🏻,快啲嚟 #數碼港商場 uumove 體驗啦!

It is more important to maintain physical and mental balance during such summer days⚖️. uumove in Arcade@Cyberport has a special offer for the "Yoga&Pilates" Summer Experience ✨. From now until August 31, uumove provides peer discount for Pilates and stretching classes🧘🏻‍♀️, ideal for relaxing and refreshment after work with friends💪🏻!

Summer offer:
🤸🏻 Summer Pilates Sale (class at 10:30am / 18:30pm / 19:30pm)
HK$1500 for 6 classes
✨ Peer discount: buy 2 get 1 20% off
(Valid for 30 days)

🤸🏻 Summer Mat Stretching Course
HK$999 for 5 classes
✨ Peer discount: buy 3 get 1 free
(Valid for 30 days)

🧘‍♀️uumove UUmove
📍 Shop 313, L3, The Arcade, Cyberport

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #瑜珈 #普拉提

Arcade at Cyberport 數碼港商場 09/08/2024

【 DELF 2024 同你邊玩邊學 體驗多元數碼工作坊🛠️】
【Play-To-Learn at DELF 2024 Experience Diverse Digital Workshops🛠️ 】

8 月 16 日起一連三日就係 #2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇 嘅大日子喇!遊樂園工作坊同大家邊玩邊學,將創意結合人工智能技術🦾、機械人科技🤖,同虛擬數碼等多元化體驗🎮,仲有多款唔同主題任你揀,即刻睇下有咩學喇:

新手們友好嘅 AI 入門大法!由組裝機器人 Ohbot 帶大家齊齊上堂,由淺入深了解 AI 知識同應用,仲可以學埋點用區塊程式語言去編寫動作!

結伴組隊操作多功能機器人 UGOT 解決危機入侵,攜手拯救星球!

走進由 VoxEdit 打造嘅夏日幻想遊樂園!由零開始親手創造出屬於自己嘅 3D 體素資產!

📣除咗呢 3 個工作坊之外,仲有其他好玩嘅活動等住你!把握最後機會,一齊嚟體驗前所未有嘅數碼娛樂之旅。喺 #數碼港商場 消費滿指定金額都有機會獲得 DELF 2024 體驗通行證(價值 HK$120)同餐飲券🎫^!


Starting from 16 August 2024, it’s three days of the ‘Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum‘ (DELF) 2024! Join the workshops at Cyberport to learn and have fun with creative tech like AI 🦾, robots 🤖, virtual digital experiences 🎮, and more. Explore different themes and come see what you can learn:

🦾 Explore Artificial Intelligence
Learn AI basics with Ohbot, a friendly robot teacher. Understand AI concepts and how to code actions using block programming!

🤖 Robot Learning Experience
Team up to control UGOT, a versatile robot. Work together to save the planet from crisis invasions!

🎮 Virtual Digital Experience
Explore a fantasy amusement park created in VoxEdit. Create your own 3D voxel assets from scratch!

📣 Apart from the above workshops, more exciting activities await you to explore! Last chance to grab the ticket to experience an unprecedented digital entertainment journey together.

Spending a specified amount at Arcade@Cyberport to redeem a DELF 2024 experience pass (standard price: HK$120) and dining vouchers 🎫!^

*Ticket Details:
^Offers are subject to terms and conditions, for details please refer to:

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #人工智能 #虛擬數碼

Arcade at Cyberport 數碼港商場


【 家長們請注意📢毛孩夏日消暑樂⛱️】
【 Attention parents 📢 Summer Fun for Furry Babies ⛱️】


毛孩喺 #數碼港海濱公園 盡情奔跑之餘🐾亦可以入寵物友善嘅 #數碼港商場 一齊邊玩邊食邊降溫🧊!

📢 The weather remains scorching hot, so remember to keep your furry friends hydrated💦 at all times.

While your pets have fun running at Arcade@Cyberport Waterfront Park🐾, you can also take them to the pet-friendly Arcade. Enjoy playing, eating, and staying cool together🧊!

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #寵物友善 #寵物設施 #毛孩 #夏日玩樂指南


【 狂歡數碼遊樂園🎪 「邊玩邊賺」贏大獎🎁】
【Imaginative AI Fairground🎪“Play-To-Earn” Win Fabulous Prizes!】

#2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇 將會喺 8 月 16 - 18 日盛大舉行,今年特設 4 大主題互動體驗俾大家深入了解 AI、Web3.0 嘅世界🤖仲可以喺 #數碼港商場「邊玩邊賺」贏取獎品🎁,包括 Osmo Pocket 3 拍攝相機、Xbox Series S 、紅酒箱音響同禮品卡等,超過 300 份豐富獎品等你贏取🎉,禮物數量有限,先到先得,換完即止,約定你哋到時見!

📣由即日起喺 #數碼港商場 消費滿指定金額就有機會獲得 DELF 2024 體驗通行證(價值 HK$120)同餐飲券🎫,萬勿錯過!^


‘Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum‘ (DELF) 2024 is happening from August 16 to 18! This year, the experience zone will cover 4 categories of interactive activities to dive deep into the world of AI and Web3.0 🤖. Join the “Play-To-Earn” activity to win fabulous prizes at Arcade@Cyberport 🎁, including Osmo Pocket 3 camera, Xbox Series S, Red Wine Box Speakers, gift cards, there are over 300 prizes up for grabs 🎉. Gifts are available while stocks last💡. See you there!

📣 Starting now, spend a certain amount at Arcade@Cyberport to redeem DELF 2024 experience pass (standard price: HK$120) and dining vouchers 🎫. Don’t miss out!^

^ Terms and conditions apply. For details, please refer to:
The early bird offer:

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇 #人工智能 #邊玩邊賺

立即買飛 01/08/2024

【 DELF 2024 必睇玩樂指南👀 玩盡 4 大主題區💡】
【DELF 2024 Must-See Entertainment Guide👀 Explore all 4 main theme areas💡】

身為頭號科技迷,一於同大家率先睇下🎉 #2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇 8 月16 至 18 日有咩精彩活動✨,同大家入場前熱定身啦!提提大家,宜家購買可以享有早鳥優惠*,嚟 #數碼港商場 消費滿指定金額,仲有機會獲得 DELF 2024 體驗通行證(價值 HK$120)同餐飲券🎫,快啲報名啦!^



親身體驗運動與科技嘅結合,超過 160 個關卡同 40 種緊張又刺激嘅 VR 運動遊戲等你嚟挑戰!

超過 4,000 萬全球手機安裝量嘅 The Sandbox IP,創建沉浸式 3D 世界同遊戲體驗,參加者可安全地儲存、交易同變現創作,一齊感受科技融入生活嘅便利!


Join us as a tech enthusiast to discover the fun activities✨ at the “Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum‘’ (DELF) 2024 Forum from August 16 to 18 🎉. Grab early bird discounts now*. Spend at Arcade@Cyberport for a chance to win a DELF 2024 Experience Pass (valued at HK$120) and dining vouchers 🎫. Registration now!^

🎨 Culture & Arts
What would you say if you had a second chance to farewell with your friends or family? "Till We Meet Again" allows you to retell your innermost thoughts that you had no time to say in the past.

By combining advanced robotics technology with creativity, you can interact with robots on the spot, experiencing impressive industry-grade robots!

⚽Sports & Gaming
Experience the combination of sports and technology firsthand. It provides a unique VR experience with over 160 levels and 40 exciting VR sports games for you to challenge!

📱Smart Lifestyle
With over 40 million global mobile installs, The Sandbox IP lets users craft immersive 3D worlds and gaming experiences. Participants can securely store, trade, and monetize their creations, experiencing how technology seamlessly integrates into daily life!

^ Terms and conditions apply. For details, please refer to:
*The early bird offer:

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #人工智能 #智慧生活 #運動與遊戲 #藝術與文化



【 喚醒夏日味蕾 暢飲消暑果漾特飲🍹】
【Wake Up Your Summer Taste Buds with Refreshing Fruity Coolers🍹】

🔥天氣咁熱又黐笠笠,如果可以拎住杯解暑凍飲周圍去就好啦⋯⋯好彩有 #數碼港商場 為大家帶嚟多款全新消暑特飲🧊,同你齊齊清爽解渴,喚醒夏日味蕾😎!

🔥The weather is so hot and sticky! Wouldn’t it be great to have a refreshing cold drink to carry around? Luckily, Arcade@Cyberport has got you covered with various new summer coolers 🧊. Stay refreshed and awaken your summer taste buds 😎!

🧊Starbucks Starbucks Hong Kong
📍Concourse, L4, Core A, Cyberport 3
📍Portion of Unit 315, IT Street, L3, Core E, Cyberport 3
#雲抹菠蘿芒果洛神花茶 由大師級呈獻,融合熱帶風情嘅菠蘿同芒果,加上洛神花茶泡沫,感受啖啖花香🌸
Summer Cloud Hibiscus Tea presented by expert chefs blends tropical pineapple and mango flavors with a hibiscus tea foam topping for a floral touch 🌸

🧊The Matcha Tokyo The Matcha Tokyo
📍Portion A of Unit 303, Level 3, IT Street, Core C, Cyberport 3
#鮮奶沙冰特飲系列 盛夏人氣登場,香濃茶香配搭綿密沙冰❄️,仲有高達 77 折夏日優惠,優惠供應由即日起至 8 月 5 日
Frozen Latte Series is here to cool you down this summer! Enjoy a creamy tea flavor and fluffy shaved ice❄️, and get up to 23% off with our summer special. Enjoy the offer from now to 5 August 2024.

🧊茶星人 E.Tea茶星人
📍Unit 309a, Level 3, IT Street, Core D, Cyberport 3
#菠蘿乳酸梳打 清新解渴之選,菠蘿嘅天然果香鮮甜結合微酸氣泡🫧,造就清爽獨特口感
Pineapple Lactic Soda is the ultimate refreshing choice! Enjoy the naturally sweet and tangy pineapple flavor combined with fizzy bubbles 🫧 for a refreshing taste.

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #夏日消暑暢飲 #夏日味蕾

Photos from Arcade at Cyberport 數碼港商場's post 29/07/2024

【 美食優惠巡禮 一嚐愛爾蘭滋味🇮🇪✨】
【Foodie Deals Tour Savor the Flavors of Ireland🇮🇪 ✨】

為食小編最鍾意周圍瓹窿瓹罅搵好嘢食,最好日日都有唔同滋味驚喜✨,仲可以試到特別菜色😋!正宗愛爾蘭酒吧 DELANEY’S 推出嘅精選美食優惠就啱哂我喇🍽️!每日都有唔同美食驚喜優惠,無論係 Tea Time,定收工後 Happy Hour 飲返杯,都好吸引到我呀!我要約埋班 fd 子嚟 #數碼港廣場 食愛爾蘭好西🍔!

I love exploring hidden spots for great eats, especially when there’s a new surprise every day✨, and get to try unique dishes😋! DELANEY’S has some amazing food deals that are just perfect for me🍽️! With different daily food surprises, whether it’s Tea Time or a drink during Happy Hour after work, it’s all so tempting! I must gather my friends and head to Arcade@Cyberport for some delicious Irish treats🍔!

🗓️ MON (From 3 pm)
Buy one get one half-price Pizza Specials!

🗓️ TUE (From 3 pm)
經典滋味的炸魚薯條享嚐鮮優惠 HK$99
Try the classic flavors of DELANEY’S Fish and Chips for just HK$99!

🗓️ WED (From 3 pm - 7 pm)
During the Crazy Hour, enjoy a buy one, get one free offer on selected drinks!

享受熟成牛肉漢堡併特選愛爾蘭風味啤酒的雙重滋味優惠 HK$198
Indulge in a delicious Dry-aged Beef Burger and a Bottle of Young Master Pale Ale or a Pilsner for an unbeatable price of HK$198.

🗓 FRI (From 4 pm- 8 pm)
小食拼盤可享歡樂時光優惠 HK$298
Enjoy a delightful sharing experience with our snack platter for only HK$298 during Happy Hour.

Enjoy Happy Hour Deals all day on Select Cocktails.

🍽️ DELANEY'S Delaney's Cyberport, Hong Kong
📍Shop 314, Arcade@Cyberport

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #愛爾蘭滋味 #愛爾蘭 #愛爾蘭餐廳


【 盛夏登陸數碼遊樂園🎪🌐】
【Summer Hits the Imaginative AI Fairground🎪🌐】

暑假去邊好?挭係去有嘢學又有嘢玩嘅 #2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇啦💡! #數碼港 由 8 月 16 日至 18 日起一連三日將會化身為創意無限嘅數碼遊樂園🎪,為大家介紹人工智能、 Web3.0 同先進嘅機械人技術等「智」新嘅科技🤖!除咗請嚟星級講者坐陣之外,仲有一系列運動及遊戲互動體驗、數碼創意工作坊,以及充滿文化藝術嘅打卡位,為你帶嚟沉浸式嘅數碼娛樂體驗✨,宜家仲有早鳥優惠*,你點可以錯過呀?

俾多個 tips 大家!宜家喺 #數碼港商場 消費滿指定金額就有機會獲得 DELF 2024 體驗通行證(價值 HK$120)同餐飲券🎫,快啲去睇獎賞詳情啦!

Are you looking for summer vacation plans? Have you bookmarked the “Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum‘’ (DELF) 2024 at Cyberport💡? From August 16 - 18, Cyberport will turn into an Imaginative AI Fairground🎪, showcasing the latest technologies in AI, Web 3.0, and robotics🤖. Featuring top speakers, interactive experiences, creative workshops, and cultural art spots, register now to fully enjoy an immersive digital entertainment experience!

You can redeem a DELF 2024 experience pass (standard price: HK$120), a dining voucher 🎫upon a designated spending amount at Arcade@Cyberport. Check out the reward details now!

^ Terms and conditions apply. For details, please refer to:

The early bird offer:

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇 #人工智能


【 ViuTV 全城盛事 傳承狂熱@Cyberport 🇭🇰💪】
【ViuTV Citywide Event Passion@Cyberport 🇭🇰💪】

📢全城關注嘅體壇盛事正式開鑼喇!小編約定大家嚟 #數碼港商場 ,一齊喺大銀幕下集氣撐 #世一 香港運動員🇭🇰,屆時將會為大家直播焦點賽事📺,齊齊為港隊應援打氣,感受場內嘅熾熱氣氛🔥!

📢 The city is buzzing about a major sports event! Let’s meet up at Arcade@Cyberport to cheer on our Hong Kong athletes on the big screen🇭🇰. Watch key matches live📺, support the Hong Kong team, and soak up the exciting atmosphere🔥!

🗓Date: Jul 27 – Aug 11
⏰Time: 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm (Podium at 6:00 pm)
📍Venue: Giant TV wall .T. Street

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #香港運動員 #打氣


【 夏日Fun享:體驗室內極速飆車快感⚡︎】
【 Summer Fun Destination: Experience the Thrill of Indoor High-Speed Racing⚡︎】

想一嘗做賽車手嘅刺激體驗,但戶外熱辣辣🔥?等數碼港商場幫你安排啦! Formula Square 作為全港唯一嘅實體結合虛擬賽車體驗館🏎️,帶你用第一身感受仿如真實賽車嘅全感官體驗⚡,仲有專人從旁指導,邊學邊玩一樣無難度🏁,今個暑假嚟一嘗室內極限奔馳嘅樂趣啦!

今個暑假我哋連同 Formula Square Academy 將會舉辦暑期夏令營活動🌟,透過 STEAM 課程,等小朋友喺實體虛擬世界中吸收賽車知識,同時提高思考能力,小朋友都可以做新一代 RV 賽車手🏎️!


Experience the thrill of being a race car driver without the scorching heat outdoors at Arcade@Cyberport 🔥! Formula Square, Hong Kong's unique physical-virtual racing venue 🏎️, provides an immersive and realistic racing experience⚡. With expert guidance, it's easy to learn and enjoy🏁 the excitement of indoor high-speed racing this summer!

This summer we are organizing a summer camp activity together with the Formula Square Academy🌟. Through STEAM courses, kids can absorb racing knowledge and enhance critical thinking skills in our Real Virtuality world, to become the next generation of RV racing athletes🏎️!


🏁Formula Square
📍Shop 206, L2, Arcade@Cyberport

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #實景虛擬賽車 #暑期夏令營

Photos from Arcade at Cyberport 數碼港商場's post 22/07/2024

【 多重滋「米」驚喜 啱哂無飯不歡之人🍚】
【Multiple Rice Surprises Perfect for Food Enthusiasts🍚】

媽咪話 lunch time 嚟 #數碼港商場 食飯,要滿足廚藝高手又無飯不歡嘅媽咪,小編一早做好多重滋「米」驚喜準備,米飯唔同配搭加煮法,款款新鮮又開胃✨,真係諗起都想即刻去食🍚!

Mom says it’s lunch time at Arcade@Cyberport! To satisfy the culinary expert and rice lover in her, I’ve prepared a variety of delightful rice dishes. Each one is fresh and tasty✨, making me want to dig in right away🍚!

🍚 OhSushi 奧壽司 Oh Sushi
📍 Shop 307, L3, Arcade@Cyberport
#東京飯 ,多款日本新鮮直送魚生,件件厚薄適中,配搭日本香米,享受日式和風滋味。
Freshly imported sashimi from Japan, paired with fragrant Japanese rice, for an authentic and delightful Japanese dining experience.

🍚 HFT Life HFT Life
📍 Shop 401A, L4, Core A, Cyberport 3
#健脾開胃粟米南瓜瘦肉粥 ,結合粟米與南瓜嘅香甜,瘦肉配搭米粒的長時間烹調,形成濃郁又順滑嘅粥地。
Enjoy the tasty Congee with Corn, Pumpkin, and Pork, specially prepared for strengthening the spleen, creating a rich and creamy porridge.

🍚 Kam Kee Cafe 金記冰室 金記冰室 - 1967
📍 Shop 110, L1, Arcade@Cyberport
#鮮茄濃汁焗厚切豬扒飯 ,厚肉口感,搭配鮮茄酸甜香氣,再經焗烤帶嚟豐富層次感,係必食嘅港色風味。
Enjoy the thick juicy and sweet Baked Tomato Pork Chop with Rice for a rich and delicious experience that captures the essence of Hong Kong cuisine.

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #米飯


【 👩🏻‍🍳食品科學家大變身 帶你走向美食魔法世界🍳】
【Transform into a little food scientist👩🏻‍🍳 and experience an immersive culinary workshop🍳】

📣想培養小朋友做小小食品科學家?機會嚟啦!暑假限定呈獻 FutureChef FutureNow 沉浸式美食魔法工作坊🍽️用美食激發小朋友對科技嘅好奇心,邊玩邊食咁探索 STEM 奧秘🔎家長仲可以一齊嘆埋仲夏美食!唔講咁多,小編趕住 share 出去俾身邊嘅家長朋友,今個週末開始,約定你哋帶埋小朋友嚟體驗美食魔法嘅魅力啦🪄!


📣Want to nurture your child into a little food scientist? Introducing the limited-time FutureChef FutureNow immersive culinary magic workshop for the summer 🍽️. Ignite kids’ curiosity about technology, they’ll explore STEM secrets while playing and eating🔎. Parents can savour the summer delights too! Share this with your friends and families. Let's bring the kids to experience the enchantment of food magic🪄!


🍴Le Méridien Hong Kong, Cyberport Le Méridien Hong Kong, Cyberport
📍Cyberport, 100 Cyberport Rd, Pok Fu Lam

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #沉浸式美食魔法工作坊 #食品科學家


【 暑假玩樂指南 玩轉今個 Summer✨】
【Summer Fun Guide Unleash the Adventure ✨】

話說數碼港小編落商場巡鋪嘅時候聽到👂🏻兩位 high 緊 tea 嘅家長呻暑假諗唔到帶小朋友做咩好,一於睇呢個小朋友暑假玩樂攻略 post,動靜皆宜咩課程種類都有📕🏃🏻,小朋友可以邊玩邊學輕鬆過暑假,課程詳情快啲睇以下連結啦!

Cyberport editors overheard two tea-sipping parents at Arcade, scratching their heads about what to do with their little ones during summer break. Check out this comprehensive summer activity guide for kids—suitable for all interests and energy levels 📕🏃🏻. Whether it’s quiet pursuits or active adventures, let’s enrich this summer together!

The summer boot camp courses focus on blending technology with various themes, allowing children to unleash their creative universe and craft personalized little games.

📌⁠ILK Learning
With over a thousand summer courses, there’s bound to be one that’s perfect for your little one.

📌Chord Hero
融合 STEM 同數碼藝術科技推出嘅藝術科技夏令營,提供全方位獨特學習體驗
The Art-Tech Summer Camp seamlessly blends STEM and digital art technology to provide children with a holistic and unique learning experience.

📌Mochy Kid
提供適合唔同成長階段嘅夏令營活動,4 - 11歲以上嘅小朋友都玩得
Their summer camp offers activities tailored to different stages of growth. Kids aged 4 to 11 and beyond can all join in for fun.

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #夏假課程 #暑假玩樂指南


【 暑假動畫Chill 級 Fun🎬】
【Summer Animated Movies Chill Level Fun! 🎬】

小朋友鍾意睇動畫又有滿滿嘅好奇心?MCL 數碼港戲院一次過滿足哂小朋友嘅願望,一齊渡過 Chill Fun 盛夏☀️!一系列夏日必睇好戲輪住上映🎞️,無論係現代童話故事式動畫長片、日系動漫經典之作,定係大人細路都至 Like 嘅療癒系動畫《 #玩轉腦朋友2》都會陪住大家渡過今個暑假!約定你哋嚟 Chill 住食爆谷睇好戲啦🍿!

Are your little ones fond of watching animated films and filled with curiosity? MCL Cyberport Cinema fulfils all their wishes in one go, making this summer a season of Chill Fun ☀️! A series of must-watch summer movies are hitting the screens🎞️, Whether it’s modern fairy-tale-style animated features classic Japanese anime, or even the heartwarming series “Inside Out 2”, we’re here to make your summer break unforgettable! Let’s make a pact to chill out, munch on popcorn, and enjoy the show🍿!

MCL Cyberport Cinema MCL Cinemas
📍Shop 103, L2, The Arcade, Cyberport

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #夏日電影 #電影


【 🌻梵花盛夏奇境 全感官再度登場】
【🌻Momentless Blossom Returns with a Multi-Sensory Experience】

梵花盛開迎接夏日☀️,大家對梵高經典之作 #向日葵 仲意猶未盡?把握機會親臨由數碼港x藝術科技初創 攜手再度合作🤝🏻嘅 #梵花盛夏奇境 沈浸式展覽啦!展覽延續《向日葵》系列設有全新卡打位及互動裝置,包括📍兩幅巨型10米嘅「五行梵花牆」及「幻真梵花畫海」📍梵花許願樹,📍浮動雲朵藝術裝置,以及📍感官交響曲,融合藝術同 AI 科技,打造無與倫比嘅體驗,即日起免費開放俾大家入場參觀,快啲嚟感受梵花綻放嘅異想世界啦🌻!

Immerse yourself in the vibrant "Momentless Blossom" exhibition showcasing Van Gogh's sunflowers☀️. Presented by Arcade in collaboration with, an art-tech startup, this captivating experience features interactive installations such as giant 10-meter-wide "Five Elements Sunflower Walls," “The Sunflower Wishing Field,” “The Spectacular Flooding Sky Installation,” and “A Symphony of Senses” that combines art and AI technology. Best of all, admission is free! Step into the world of blooming sunflowers🌻 today!

#數碼港 #數碼港商場 #梵高 #向日葵

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Videos (show all)

【#LeisureinArcade 盛夏登陸數碼遊樂園🎪🌐】【Summer Hits the Imaginative AI Fairground🎪🌐】暑假去邊好?挭係去有嘢學又有嘢玩嘅 #2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇啦💡!#數碼港 由 8 月 ...
【#MovieinArcade 暑假動畫Chill 級 Fun🎬】 【Summer Animated Movies Chill Level Fun! 🎬】小朋友鍾意睇動畫又有滿滿嘅好奇心?MCL 數碼港戲院一次過滿足哂小朋友嘅願望,一齊渡過...
【#Arcadelifestyle 🌻「梵花活現數碼港」 帶你走入梵高的向日葵數字新世界!  】 【 🌻"Blossom All Around"@Arcade Taking You into the Digitized Realm of V...
【#LeisureinArcade 幾耐無試過枱頭望下嗰天🌌】
【#LeisureInArcade 張國榮珍藏電影雜誌封面 NFT 現身數碼港🎬】【#ForeverLeslie Leslie Cheung rare movie magazine cover NFTs at Cyberport 🎬】
【#LeisureInArcade 盛夏嘉年華即將揭幕玩盡至潮數碼娛樂🎉!】
【#DiningInArcade 大飲特飲仲夏滋味🍹🧊至Cool推介幫你鎮走暑氣】
【#GreetingsFromArcade 7.17 世界表情符號日 從 Emoji 感受夏日好氣氛】
【#PetlifeinArcade 國際沐浴日 擁「泡」寵愛每刻🛁】 【International Bath Day: Soak with your furry friends🛁】
【#DiningInArcade 愛爾蘭每日精選推介🇮🇪滿足全日好心情】 【Feed your daily mood with Irish surprises🇮🇪: Delaney’s Daily Special】
【#SnapInArcade 毛孩打卡必學小貼士 📸🐾】
【#LeisureInArcade 復活節玩轉數碼港商場!】 【Fun-tastic eggs-periences at Arcade@Cyberport!】




The Arcade, 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport, Hong Kong Island
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 22:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 22:00
Thursday 10:00 - 22:00
Friday 10:00 - 22:00
Saturday 10:00 - 22:00
Sunday 10:00 - 22:00

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Langham Place 朗豪坊 Langham Place 朗豪坊
8 Argyle Street
Hong Kong, 852

擁有超過200間商戶,朗豪坊集購物丶娛樂及餐飲設施於一身,主要商戶包括LANGHAM BEAUTY、kkplus、香港首間LEGO Store等。

Mira Place Mira Place
118-130 & 132 Nathan Road
Hong Kong, 852

Welcome to Mira Place, located on the Golden Mile in the heart of Tsimshatsui, Hong Kong's premier commercial and retail district.

HarbourCity HarbourCity
3-27 Canton Road
Hong Kong, 852

Harbour City Harbour City
3/27 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong

This is the official English facebook account of Harbour City. For the Chinese version, please visit Or visit us on twitter

tmtplaza 屯門市廣場 tmtplaza 屯門市廣場
1 Tuen Shun Street
Hong Kong


將軍澳中心 Park Central 將軍澳中心 Park Central
Hong Kong


Level 3, Ocean Terminal, Harbour City
Hong Kong


Olympian City 奧海城 Olympian City 奧海城
18 Hoi Ting Road
Hong Kong


HK.apm HK.apm
Hong Kong

IG: 小紅書:

gi Mall gi Mall
Grandville Street
Hong Kong, 80

gi 一間網上零售的品牌,以英國、美、澳及日代購為主。另售賣韓國美容、?

新太陽廣場The Sun Arcade 新太陽廣場The Sun Arcade
Hong Kong, 0000

新太陽廣場位於尖沙咀心臟地帶,地點優越,鄰近港鐵尖沙咀站及港鐵尖東站,引進全港最大香港T廣場 (T Galleria by DFS) 旗艦店,匯聚近百國際著名美妝、服飾、珠寶及鐘錶品牌。

1 Austin Road West, Tsim Sha Tsui

ELEMENTS. ALWAYS A DELIGHT Find us on: Instagram - 微博 Weibo - 微信 Wechat - (ID) hkelementsmall