Teach For Hong Kong

We envision a future where all children in Hong Kong have equal opportunity to access quality education and realize their potential

Many often say “education change lives” but access to education is visibly unequal. Only 1 in 10 underprivileged students are admitted to university vs 1 in 2 from well-off families. How can we achieve social mobility when quality education is an exclusive privilege to the rich and a denied basic right to the poor? Also, if education plays a pivotal role in children’s growth and in our city’s futu


🧐 原來做航空業要英文好㗎?咁我試下努力學好啲英文啦!

上月TFHK Fellow Amy和Nicole帶同一班修讀旅遊與款待的學生到 #國泰城參觀。衷心感謝國泰整個團隊的接待以及與學生真誠寶貴的分享,讓學生能一探航空業的真實情況及接觸課本以外的知識。



What a wonderful experience for our students to visit City and discover the mysteries of the aviation industry from the insiders' perspective! We were delighted to connect with Cathay Pacific’s Talent Acquisition team with the support of Swire Trust and bring students, TFHK Fellows Amy Chan and Nicole Tam, and teachers from one of our partner schools to gain hands-on experience in understanding the Tourism and Hospitality industry beyond textbooks.

The immersive session let students step into the shoes of aviation professionals - from cabin crew to customer service officers. The best part was when a student who loved tourism but had never flown before made a big realization regarding her interested career pathway and hearing directly from the staff made her understand the real demands of the industry, igniting her passion and interest. At first, she was worried about the need to be proficient in English. But after the experience, she felt determined to improve her English so she could pursue her dreams. Witnessing this transformative impact was deeply rewarding.

Students were engaged in learning about careers ranging from pilots to flight attendants to ground staff. Thank you to the Cathay Pacific team for patiently answering the students' queries and sharing interesting stories!

This invaluable experience immersed the students in the aviation industry, providing them insights into the realities of pursuing their dreams and ignited a powerful motivation within them to learn and strive for greater achievements.

#基層學生 #教育平等#香港



非常感謝奕居 The Upper House的團隊為我們項目老師和一眾同學安排參觀酒店各部門的工作環境,並就業內就業方向和工作氛圍進行交流和討論,一眾同學們可以快速了解到酒店業的運作。

同學們對是次參觀十分期待和雀躍,對酒店內部不同設施和景色感到新奇,紛紛通過相機紀錄是次參觀過程,並會互相交流感想及踴躍向The Upper House 團隊發問,更加了解到什麼是酒店業和其發展方向。

The Upper House團隊通過Q&A session向同學們仔細介紹工作文化和同事之間的工作氛圍,他們表示全情投入和熱誠是The Upper House 最為注重的元素,建議有意投身酒店業的同學們,可以像對待摯友一樣服務客人和與同濟相處。

再次感謝奕居 The Upper House的團隊為我們安排的參觀和分享,是次活動令同學們了解到酒店業的工作環境及就業發展方向,釐清同學們對業內的疑惑,對自己的未來職業規劃有更多的想像。

Visit to The Upper House

"I am truly inspired and excited to join the hospitality industry in the future!"

Last month, The Upper House, one of the world's top 5 hotels, welcomed our TFHK Fellow, Danielle Palmer, students and teachers from a partner school for a hotel visit allowing us to plant the seeds of opportunity for many of our grassroots students.

Beyond the impressive physical aspects, the students gained deep insights into the inner workings and culture of the hospitality industry. They witnessed the staff's unwavering commitment to a people-centric approach, as well as the strong bonds and connections that existed throughout the organization. For many, this eye-opening experience served as a powerful trigger, sparking a strong interest in pursuing careers in the hospitality sector. As one student enthusiastically shared, she is eager to join the hospitality industry in the future. The career-sharing sessions led by K Ma and Eric C were particularly motivating, providing the students with a glimpse into the pathways to success within this dynamic field. Their stories and insights empowered the students to strive for excellence in their own professional journeys ahead.

Thank you to Swire Trust and The Upper House team for providing our students with this valuable learning opportunity.

The excitement and wonder reflected on the students' faces exemplified the immense value of experiential learning, which can truly transform lives and open up new horizons.



非常感謝東隅 的團隊和 SwireTrust 為我們Fellows和一眾同學仔細介紹他們內部的工作文化和就著酒店業所面對的挑戰進行討論,亦帶領同學們參觀酒店各個地方,深入了解 EAST Hong Kong 的工作面貌。

🏨 EAST Hong Kong 以與社區緊密連接,讓每種個性都能找到屬於自己的一隅為核心理念,酒店各處皆呈現這個理念,如開放給大眾休息的酒店大堂,同學們能因此明白到如何連結社區和酒店業,甚至是各行各業。

🔎 同學們最為投入的活動是「房間找不同」,他們需要親身走入2間客房仔細觀察,尋找兩者之間的不同,例如牙刷的擺放位置、音響所面向的方向。通過這個小遊戲,同學們既能感受到EAST Hong Kong對細節的要求,亦學習到房務部的日常工作內容,酒店業相關的知識不再存在於書本上,而是切實發生在眼前。

🌏 EAST Hong Kong團隊亦安排與同學們就酒店業的現況和挑戰進行討論,同學們抱著好奇心提出發問,了解更多業內狀況;EAST Hong Kong 亦分享他們面對減塑議題時的經驗和解決方案,令同學們可以以酒店業視角看待和分析社會議題。

再次感謝東隅 EAST Hong Kong 為我們所準備的參觀和分享,讓同學們可以拓寬視野,了解不同行業的工作情況,對自己的職業規劃有更多的想像和可能。

🏨 Visit to EAST Hong Kong

We are excited to bring together students, TFHK Fellows, and teachers from one of our partner schools to visit EAST Hong Kong. This invaluable hotel visit experience was supported by SwireTrust which expanded students' imagination and deepened their understanding of their dream industries, the hotel industry!

Students embarked on a guided exploration, visiting the hotel's diverse facilities, from the restaurant to the fitness center, to gain a comprehensive understanding of how the hotel, through design and ex*****on, strives to deliver truly outstanding experiences for its clients. The highlight of the day was the detective game, designed by the hotel team, where students navigated the hotel rooms and underscored the critical importance of attention to detail for hotel professionals. Students also engaged in discussions with representatives from various hotel departments, learning about their diverse career journeys. These insightful exchanges revealed the hotel's dynamic adaptations to the rapidly evolving industry landscape, as well as its unwavering commitment to anticipating and exceeding the expectations of customers.

This immersive day of hands-on learning and going behind the scenes allowed students to understand the hotel operations and put their classroom learning into a real-world context.

#基層學生 #教育平等 #香港

Photos from Teach For Hong Kong's post 21/08/2024

Reg完科發現呢個Sem有好多時間唔想浪費?Youth Ambassador 等緊你地加入🌟 心郁郁的話就唔好猶豫,即刻報名啦!

Youth Ambassador 將與觀塘區內中學生一起,利用半年至一年時間去探索該區不同角落,並設計新奇有趣的任務來吸引更多青少年了解觀塘。🔎

我們將會提供豐富的培訓,讓Youth Ambassador 可以更好地帶領中學生們探索社區,引導他們思考未來發展方向。完成培訓及在校工作坊後,Youth Ambassador 可將獲得最多$2500 津貼作為鼓勵。❤️‍🔥

以下為Youth Ambassador 的工作日程 (暫定)
🔸 14 Sep - mid Oct: 出席TFHK所提供的週六培訓
🔸 mid Sep - mid Dec: 參與每週一次的在校工作坊,日子時間將日後確認
🔸 late Dec - Jan: 每週一至兩次協助TFHK 工作 [Optional]
🔸 30 Aug 2025: 閉幕典禮 [Optional + TBC]

我們誠邀一班有熱誠的本地大學生,成為我們的Youth Ambassador,與我們一同為教育平等努力!💪🏻


⏰ 截止報名: 2024年8月30日

✍🏻 Apply Now | Link In Bio

Youth Ambassador Application Is Now Open 🌟

If you are interested in exploring Kwun Tong with Secondary school students, and contribute to the personal development and learning of them, our new program, Youth Ambassador, might be a good opportunity for you! ✨

Timeline of Youth Ambassador (TBC)
🔸 14 Sep - mid Oct: Attends training Sessions on Saturday
🔸 mid Sep - mid Dec: Leads In-school program in Kwun Tong (1 session per week)
🔸 late Dec - Jan: Supports TFHK in consolidating students’ learning [Optional]
🔸 30 Aug 2025: Closing Events [Optional&TBC]

We would like to invite passionate local university students like you to join us. Together, we can make a greater impact on education in HK. 💪🏻

❗Application Deadline: 30th August 2024

#青年大使 #請人

Photos from Teach For Hong Kong's post 09/08/2024


TFHK實習生同新計劃 — Youth Ambassador 開始招募啦🥳

1️⃣ 對香港的教育有不同想法
2️⃣ 希望嘗試不同崗位的工作,全面了解NGO的運作
3️⃣ 利用平日空餘時間累積經驗,為未來作好準備

1️⃣ 有興趣與基層學生一起探索社區
2️⃣ 希望親身了解教育和青年發展工作
3️⃣ 用一年時間與基層學生規劃未來
就即刻報名參加 TFHK 新計劃 — Youth Ambassador 啦!


我們誠邀一班有熱誠和想像的本地和海外大學生,成為我們的Fall Intern (Unpaid NGO volunteer)和 Youth Ambassador,與我們一同為教育平等努力!💪🏻


⏰ 截止報名: 2024年8月30日

✍🏻 Apply Now | Link In Bio

Fall Internship and Youth Ambassador Application Is Now Open 🎉

If you are passionate about making a change in education, and determined to equip yourself for future development during the new semester, the TFHK Fall Internship might be a good opportunity for you! 💪🏻

If you are interested in community exploration with creative ideas, and contribute to the personal development and learning of underprivileged students, our new program, Youth Ambassador, might be a good opportunity for you! ✨

TFHK is an and education non-profit that is going to bring you completely different working experiences. We focus on your personal growth, and we value your opinions. 🧡

We would like to invite passionate local and overseas university students like you to join us as a volunteer. Together, we can make a greater impact on education in HK. 💪🏻

❗Application Deadline: 30th August 2024

#實習生 #請人


仲有兩日就放榜啦📅...喺等緊DSE放榜嘅呢段時間,你又會唔會被 #阿焦 主導了大腦控制台🧠,「如果唔夠分點算」、「一試定生死,冇就all lose 嘅啦」、「好驚跛腳呀」嘅諗法不斷浮現,令你一次又一次咁陷入咗「我做得唔夠好」嘅自我質疑之中呢?💭

當你們踏上這段充滿起伏和挑戰的旅程時,心情可能就像《 #玩轉腦朋友》中大腦總部的情景中一樣,情緒不停地密集轉換。你們可能感受到DSE結束帶來的喜悅🎉,同時也可能因未知的結果而感到恐懼😰。這些情緒交織在一起,可能會讓你措手不及。


當你在低潮感受到情緒的波動時,不用強迫說服自己快樂,嘗試對自己溫柔多一些去接受每一種的情緒,允許自己感受它們。 每一個為了夢想熬夜的夜晚,每一次挑戰和克服,都是你堅持不懈的證明。世界上有無數條道路,未來亦有無數未知的可能性,每一條都可能通向精彩和滿足的人生。你的每一份努力都不會被辜負,每一個挑戰都在塑造更好的你💪。


DSE results are out in only two days... Is taking over your brain's headquarters these days? Thoughts like "What if I don't get enough marks?" and "This is a one-shot deal" might keep surfacing, making you question your efforts repeatedly with "Did I do well enough?"

During this journey filled with ups and downs, your emotions might switch rapidly, just like the scenes at Headquarters in . Actually, these emotional shifts are completely natural and normal. Each emotion has its reason for being and multiple facets, and learning to coexist peacefully with them is important. For example, anxiety, often seen as a negative emotion, can also be a driving force, pushing us to prepare more for the future.

When you feel emotional fluctuations during low times, don't force yourself to be happy. Instead, try to be gentle with yourself and accept each emotion, allowing yourself to feel them. Every late night spent working towards your dreams and every challenge faced and overcome is a testament to your perseverance. The future holds numerous unknown possibilities, each leading to a potentially wonderful and fulfilling life. None of your efforts will be in vain, and each challenge is shaping a better you!

Wishing all DSE candidates the best! Hope you can find your own spark on this journey!

# #文憑試 #記憶球 #教育 #教育平等 #香港 #情緒

Photos from Teach For Hong Kong's post 10/07/2024

💬當你或者你身邊嘅親朋戚友唔開心嗰陣,有冇聽到過其他人講類似於「諗開啲」、「 唔好成日諗咁負面啦」、「 其實你已經好過好多人啦」嘅說話呢?

以上嘅安慰說話雖然可能係出於好意,但佢哋更多體現出嘅係同情心, 而非同理心。咁同情心以及同理心又係咩呢?🤔

同情心是指在看到對方當下處境的感受產生關心和憐憫的情緒,但它更多是站在第三人稱的角度來看待對方的困境,有時並不能真正觸及對方的內心。相反,同理心則是會設身處地地思考並更加真實地理解對方的感受,並感同身受對方的情緒。而同理心又分為認知同理心(Cognitive Empathy)、情感同理心(Emotional Empathy)以及關懷同理心(Compassionate Empathy)。

在 Ernest Wong(2016-17 Fellow)的一年Fellowship旅程中,他深刻體會到了同理心和有效溝通的重要性。他的班上有一位留級生,而這位留級生對英語極度恐懼並經常因為無法克服這種恐懼而逃課。Ernest決定以同理心為出發點,花時間去了解這位學生對英語的恐懼來源,並採取具體行動幫助她重建自信。這樣的理解和支持逐漸讓這位學生在學習上取得了顯著進步。Ernest提到:「學生需要的並不是擁有豐富教學經驗的老師,而是願意花時間與他們溝通,向他們展現愛與關懷的老師💡❤️。」

✨ 一個充滿愛與理解的老師可以帶來無限可能。Ernest 用同理心走進學生的世界,幫助他們重拾信心和勇氣。每一個以同理心所出發的關懷,都能讓學生看到希望,並給予學生力量勇往向前。💫

下一屆Fellowship Program 招募將於9月開始🙌🏻

When you are feeling down, have you ever heard, ‘Think positively’, ‘Don't be so negative’, or ‘You're already better off than many people’ ? While these words may be well-intentioned, they often reflect sympathy rather than empathy.

Sympathy is feeling concern and pity for someone from a third-person perspective. However, empathy involves truly understanding another's feelings by putting yourself in their shoes. Empathy can be divided into cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, and compassionate empathy.

During Ernest Wong’s (2016-17 Fellow Fellow) year-long teaching journey, he learned the importance of empathy and effective communication. One of the grade-repeating students in his class feared English so much and she often skipped classes. Ernest approached her with empathy, understanding the underlying causes of her fear, and helped her rebuild confidence. His support led to significant progress in her learning. Ernest said, ‘I realized that all that students need is not a teacher with various teaching experiences, but a teacher who is willing to spend time communicating with them and showing love and care to them’.

Ernest's empathy helped his student regain confidence and courage. Every act of care starting with empathy shows students hope and gives them the strength to move forward.

#基層學生 #教育平等 #香港 #教育 #改變 #香港 #同情心 #同理心


🎉 歡迎新一屆Fellows加入Teach For Hong Kong的大家庭!🌟

在經歷了漫長的選拔過程後,我們很高興迎來 21 位充滿熱情、致力於改善教育平等的年輕領袖,他們即將在Fellowship Program中展開這段為期一年的創新旅程。✨

暑期培訓已經展開啦!相信這會是各位fellow 踏上新旅程的開端,在這段充滿挑戰和機遇的旅程中,各位fellow 你們將會透過跨界別領袖的各種分享交流以及親身入校,學習如何準備教學並培養領導力!相信這些經驗會為你們的未來奠定基礎!


Teach For Hong Kong亦會在這段旅程中與你們並肩前進,讓你們一步步實現個人和專業的發展,令你們全身心投入到啟發學生和改變社區的使命中。



Welcome to the new Fellows joining the Teach For Hong Kong family!

After a long selection process, we are thrilled to welcome 21 passionate young leaders dedicated to improving educational equity.

To our dearest Fellows, the summer institute has begun! During this journey, you will learn how to teach and develop leadership skills through sharing with cross-sector leaders and hands-on school experiences. You'll also meet like-minded friends who will support and grow with you!

Thank you for joining our mission to promote educational equity. We will be with you every step of the way, helping you fully commit to achieving personal growth and inspiring students.

#教育 #教育平等 #香港 #未來領袖


🌧️你有冇曾經因為犯錯而覺得氣餒,甚至覺得無法前進? 當你面對咁嘅情況,你有冇出現過以下嘅諗法:「點解我成日都做錯?」「點解其他人成日咁順利?」當下嘅挫折會唔會令你開始質疑自己嘅能力同埋價值呢?🤔


✨在課堂上,Nikita Kan(Fellow 2016-17)用她的行動詮釋了鼓勵的重要性。Nikita 的學生在課後感想中提到:「當我犯錯時,她(Nikita)從不責怪我,而且每當我遇到困難時,她總是願意與我交談💬。」Nikita作為老師,不僅傳授知識,還努力創造出一個鼓勵性的學習環境。她了解每個學生都有不同的學習節奏和方式,並希望通過鼓勵和支持,讓學生在面對困難和錯誤時不必過於自責或氣餒,幫助他們在困難和錯誤中的掙扎中成長,就像鉛筆的擦膠一樣。


在Fellowship中,你有機會成為那個在學生犯錯時給予支持和鼓勵的人,幫助他們擦掉錯誤的痕跡,重新開始🔄。正如鉛筆上的擦膠,你的鼓勵可以賦予他們勇氣再次嘗試和努力。如果你對教育充滿熱誠,並希望成為在學生犯錯時依然支持他們、鼓勵他們重新站起來,Fellowship 等緊你!🎓

下一屆Fellowship Program 招募將於9月開始🙌🏻

Have you ever felt so discouraged by your mistakes that you questioned your abilities and worth?

On our life's journey, feeling frustrated after failure is a natural emotion everyone experiences. However, encouragement from those around us can provide the motivation we need to stand up again.

Nikita Kan (Fellow 2016-17) demonstrated the power of encouragement in the classroom. Her students noted, "When I make mistakes, she never blames me, and whenever I face difficulties, she is always willing to talk with me." Nikita's approach highlights the importance of creating a supportive learning environment. She understands that each student learns differently and aims to help them grow through their struggles and mistakes. Like the eraser on a pencil, she reminds students that they can erase their mistakes and giving them the courage to start again.

In the Fellowship, you might have the chance to be the person who offers support and encouragement to students when they make mistakes, helping them erase the marks of errors and start again. If you are passionate about education and wish to support and encourage students to rise after making mistakes, the Fellowship is waiting for you!

The next Fellowship Program recruitment will begin in September.

#基層學生 #教育平等 #香港 #教育 #改變 #香港 #語錄 #支持 #鼓勵 #成長



在讀書時期,Sabrina Chan(2021-22 fellow)很幸運地遇到一位渴望與學生建立關係的外籍老師👩‍🏫,這令她第一次打開心房並向老師傾訴煩惱,而老師亦很樂意去傾聽她的心事。從此,這位老師就成為她心目中最理想的教育者。所以當Sabrina成為一名fellow後,除了課堂相處,她也會利用小息等課餘時間與不同的學生聊天🗣️,深入了解他們的學習困難,同時也關心他們在生活上的問題。



下一屆Fellowship Program 招募將於9月開始🙌🏻

Do you still remember those student days when a Red/Black Rainstorm Warning or Typhoon Signal No. 8 was in effect? While some students in HK loved the extra sleep on those days, others missed seeing their teachers.

Sabrina Chan (2021-22 fellow) was fortunate to meet a foreign teacher who was eager to build relationships with students during her school years. This teacher made her feel comfortable enough to share her troubles for the first time and was always willing to share her burdens.

Inspired by this teacher, when Sabrina became a fellow, she emphasized engaging with her students both during teaching and outside of class, understanding their difficulties, and providing emotional support. Her efforts led to students sharing their lives with her through notes and snacks, expressing their trust. Sabrina says, "When innocent children pout and say to you,'If there's a typhoon tomorrow, we won't get to see you,'or 'Will you go to secondary school with us?', you'll feel that all the effort and time are worth it!"

For Sabrina, her biggest hope is that students will think of her when they encounter difficulties. Sometimes, a simple smile or a caring greeting can make students feel valued and understood.

The next Fellowship Program recruitment starts in September!

#基層學生 #教育平等 #香港 #教育 #改變 #領袖培訓 #香港



教育平等(Education Equality)是指每個學生都有接受教育的機會,就像圖中左面的三隻動物,牠們代表著三個來自不同家庭背景的學生,的而且確牠們都有接受教育的機會,能夠入學、享受校園生活和教學設備,但並不等於三人都可以有同樣的機會去探索世界,至於求學者的前途,例如社會經濟地位和生活際遇,還是要看家庭的背景、自身的條件和造化。一些弱勢社群如基層學生便面臨著這樣的困難,付出多少努力都難以脫貧,向上流動,導致「寒門難出貴子」的局面。

而教育公平(Education Equity) 則是指根據每個學生不同的需要和情況,去提供資源和協助,以達到一種相對公平的結果。就像圖中右面的三隻動物,正因牠們來自不同的家庭背景,要因應牠們的需要去給予相應的援助。對於基層學生,就應該讓他們有機會參與不同的課外活動以及就業方向的支援,使他們可以擴闊眼界,以多角度去探索世界。



Education equality focuses on providing the same resources to all students. While Education equity focuses on supporting students differentially according to their needs.

Despite universal education have already provided an opportunity for students to learn, disparities still persist among different groups, preventing true "educational fairness." Factors like family background continue to determine individuals' fates. To address this, we must provide support to underprivileged students, including emotional care, opportunities for personal growth, and exposure to the outside world. Teachers play a crucial role in changing students' perspectives and destinies, empowering them to overcome limitations and realize the multitude of paths available to them, without the need to compare themselves to others.

If you are interested in making a positive impact in education, the Fellowship program would be a suitable platform to begin your journey.

#基層學生 #教育平等 #教育公平

Photos from Teach For Hong Kong's post 22/04/2024

諗緊一陣個lunch/dinner堂食定係拎走?唔洗諗啦!一於「走」啦,我講緊嘅係「走塑」啊! 4月22日開始就實施對即棄膠餐具嘅管制,你唔係仲未準備好啊嘛?唔洗驚,我地已經為你預備好一對獨家製作、市面上絕對買唔到嘅餐具!由即日起至四月三十日,參與捐款嘅每位都可以獲得TFHK嘅獨家餐具一套!(內含一個餐具袋、一對木筷子以及一隻不鏽鋼匙羹)
捐款方法:銀行轉帳/通過Donor Box捐款(請掃瞄圖2的二維碼)
戶口名稱: Teach For Hong Kong Foundation Limited
捐款後請將交易記錄截圖寄至 [email protected] ,並在電郵標題中列明「環保餐具計劃」,以及寫上你想領取餐具的方法(可選擇郵寄方式或到TFHK辦公室自取)
捐款截止日期: 30/4/2024


Starting from today, disposable plastic utensils will be regulated. If you haven't prepared yet, don't worry! We have a special gift for you: a set of utensils created by TFHK, including chopsticks and a spoon. The donations will be used for future recruitment and training of the fellowship program, benefiting more underprivileged students with high-quality and comprehensive education. If you wish to support environmental protection and educational equity, you can consider making a donation. We look forward to your support!

#走塑 #餐具 #環保 #捐款 #世界地球日

Photos from Teach For Hong Kong's post 17/04/2024


💫 如果正在就讀大學的你對香港的教育有不同的想法💭,希望嘗試不同崗位的工作,全面了解NGO的運作🔍,亦希望利用暑假累積經驗、為未來作好準備💪🏻TFHK的實習計劃就可以一次過滿足你的願望啦!


今年暑假我們誠邀一班有熱誠和想像的大學生,成為我們的intern (unpaid NGO volunteer),與我們一同為教育平等努力!💪🏻


⏰ 截止報名: 2024年5月10日

🔍了解更多 | Link in Bio (https://tfhk.org/summer-2024-intern)

✍🏻 立即報名 | Link In Bio

Internship Application Is Now Open 🎉

If you are passionate about making a change in education, and determined to equip yourself for future development during winter break, the TFHK Internship might be a good opportunity for you! 💪🏻✨

TFHK is an and education non-profit that is going to bring you completely different working experiences. We focus on your personal growth, and we value your opinions. 🧡

We would like to invite passionate local and overseas university students like you to join us as a volunteer. Together, we can make a greater impact on education in HK. 💪🏻

❗Application Deadline: 10th May 2024

✍🏻 For more details & Apply Now | Link in Bio

# internship2024 #實習生 #請人



Sonam (Fellow 2020-21)當時在一間以非華語學生為主的中學任教,有一個女同學經常在他的課堂打瞌睡💤,Sonam總思考:是否這名學生懶惰呢?後來,在一次與女同學的傾談中發現,原來女同學因父母忙於工作,她需要身兼起父母的責任,每天早起為弟妹預備午餐,而放學亦會做兼職減輕家庭負擔。至此,Sonam總鼓勵她努力讀書,因為當有一技之長的時候,她才可以更好地幫助屋企。然而女同學就與很多少數族裔的學生一樣,他們身邊的親友皆為藍領人士,有些家長甚至希望子女在16歲後便工作養家。在這環境下,學生不單對自己缺乏信心,對未來更沒有任何想像。

Sonam明白到學生的生活圈子較狹窄,只停留在學校及所屬社區,所以他在Fellowship期間一直都尋找不同與企業合作的機會,舉辦與生涯探索有關的活動,希望學生有機會接觸外面的世界,更希望在擁有更多人力及物力資源下為學生帶來更大的影響。而其中一個最印象深刻的活動就是與企業合辦的Mentorship Program,當時活動以1位Mentor對2位學生的模式進行,兩位的女同學被分配到一位事業有成的Mentor。在對話中,雖然女同學對入讀大學有憧憬,但受文化及環境的影響,她們依舊沒有自信。有見及此,Mentor更會在空閒時間聯絡學生,分享一些背景類似的成功案例,務求能增加同學的信心💪🏻。



Sonam (Fellow 2020-21) taught non-Chinese speaking students at a secondary school. He observed that many students lacked confidence and had limited visions for their future due to their circumstances. To address this, Sonam actively collaborated with companies and organized career exploration activities. The Mentorship Program, co-organized with corporate volunteers, was particularly successful in boosting students' confidence and providing valuable guidance for their future endeavors.

In fact, many students from underprivileged backgrounds yearn for success in the future, but they lack crucial opportunities to connect with the broader world and build self-confidence. Cross-sector collaboration plays a role in enabling these students to break free from the confines of their circumstances. By engaging with individuals from diverse backgrounds, they can gain a deeper understanding of their own potential and sow the seeds of growth in their lives. This is a core principle that TFHK has consistently emphasized, as they are dedicated to promoting and fostering education, as well as facilitating cross-sector collaboration.

# #基層學生 #教育平等 #香港 #少數族裔


👧🏻又黎到一年一度小朋友專屬的日子啦👦🏻!Teach For Hong Kong祝大家 #兒童節快樂。



It's that time of year again for the annual day dedicated to kids! Teach For Hong Kong wishes everyone a happy 's Day.

Educational inequity may seem distant from Hong Kong, but did you know that the child poverty rate in Hong Kong rose to 27% in 2020, the highest in the past 10 years? One in every four children lives in poverty, and 80% of underprivileged parents cannot afford the additional expenses for their children's education. Underprivileged children face a lack of opportunities, limited access to networks, and a lack of imagination about themselves and the world. These factors also significantly reduce their chances of enrolling in college, which is 2.3 times lower compared to other children.

Therefore, TFHK is dedicated to nurturing a group of young individuals with leadership abilities to serve in grassroots schools for one year. Using the Fellowship program as a platform to encourage Fellows to collaborate with individuals and companies from various sectors, bringing resources from all walks of life to the education sector. By providing diverse experiences to students, we enable them to explore their potential and create more opportunities.

#兒童節 #基層學生 #教育平等 #香港

Photos from Teach For Hong Kong's post 08/03/2024

【💼Teach For Hong Kong 招聘中】

TFHK作為一間推崇創新和進步的NGO,自 2015 年成立至今,我們招募了210位有領導潛質的年青人並配對香港基層學校成為一年前線教育工作者,為教育作出長遠改變。Teach For Hong Kong著重每一個人的成長🌱,亦重視你的意見和想法。在這樣的環境下,你可以發揮所學所長,為我們和香港教育帶來新思維。

1️⃣ 對香港的教育及青年培訓工作有不同的想法 💭
2️⃣ 希望嘗試投身NGO工作,全面了解NGO的運作 👀
3️⃣ 對市場變化具有敏銳觸角💡

🔸Project Officer/ Assistant

加入Teach For Hong Kong 攜手實現我們的願景為教育平等努力!💪🏻




TFHK is an NGO that advocates innovation and progress. Since 2015, TFHK has recruited over 210 promising young individuals, who are mostly fresh graduates and young professionals.

If you
1️⃣ Have different ideas about education and youth training in Hong Kong
2️⃣ Hope to work in an NGO and fully understand the operation of an NGO
3️⃣ Have a keen sense of market changes
We welcome you to join the TFHK team as a Project Officer/Assistant to attract the highest caliber young people to join our flagship Fellowship program.

If you are interested in this position, apply now via: https://tfhk.typeform.com/2425staffhiring

TFHK || Together, We Amplify Our Forces For Change

#教育平等 #香港 #搵工 #請人



Eric (Fellow 2020-21)當初抱住對教育的熱誠入到學校成為Fellow,但在參加Fellowship的頭幾個月後,他發現學生普遍的學習動機很弱,不太願意上課,對自身的發展沒有太多的想像、甚至沒什麼自信心。正因學生種種的表現,他開始找不到在教學的成功感,亦陷入自我懷疑,到底要如何才能幫助學生、到底我做的事是否能影響他們呢?


回想轉頭,有幸的是,Fellowship的路途上Eric並不孤單,當時Leadership Development Officer (LDO)的陪伴及定期的會面成為了他分享工作困難的出口,提供了心靈上的支持。更重要的是,在對話中,LDO慢慢引導他思考及找出問題的解決方案,令他走出困境。




The fear of adapting to the workplace and finding personal value is common among both recent graduates and those who have been working for a few years.

Eric, a Fellow in 2020-21, initially joined the school with a passion for education but faced challenges in motivating students and doubting his impact. However, with the support of the Leadership Development Officer and engaging in conversations, he found solutions and gained confidence.

Having experienced the importance of support, Eric aims to help others in similar situations when he becomes a leader. The journey of the Fellowship may include struggles and self-doubt, but these experiences contribute to personal growth and provide opportunities to help others facing similar challenges. If one is passionate about education and seeking a year-long challenge, the Fellowship is an option worth considering.

📢最後召集 3月3日
立即報名 | Link in Bio

#基層學生 #教育平等 #香港 #請人

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All changes begin in classrooms

Many often say “education change lives” but access to education is visibly unequal. Only 1 in 10 underprivileged students are admitted to university vs 1 in 2 from well-off families. How can we achieve social mobility when quality education is an exclusive privilege to the rich and a denied basic right to the poor?

Also, if education plays a pivotal role in children’s growth and in our city’s future, why are we discouraged to take up teaching careers? How do we energize our rigid mode of education when sustainable contribution from talented youths are with limit?

In Teach For Hong Kong, we envision a future where every child is empowered to fully unlock their greatest potential regardless of socioeconomic constraints. We believe in the passion and vitality of our young leaders to embark a transformative and experiential era of education.

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// 📣 錯過了第一輪招募?把握第二輪報名機會!|Missed Cycle 1 Recruitment? Grab Your Chance Now! //
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// ☀️ Shape the future of our education system | 教出你和香港的未來 //
TFHK Alumni Story - Sabina Cheng (Fellow 2019-20)
TFHK Fellows 2021-22 Story - Samanwita Sen



Unit E-F, 17/F, Centre 600, 82 King Lam Street, Cheung Sha Wan
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:30 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 18:00
Thursday 09:30 - 18:00
Friday 09:30 - 18:00

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