The Hyperbera

The Hyperbera

The Hyperbera is the only company in Hong Kong that provided specialist cares HBOT service

港台電視 31 精靈一點 - 如何更有效協助不同病症的治療? 進一步認識高壓氧治療 20/04/2023

港台電視 31 精靈一點 - 如何更有效協助不同病症的治療? 進一步認識高壓氧治療 1300-1400 主題:如何更有效協助不同病症的治療?進一步認識高壓氧治療 嘉賓:周卓威醫生(急症科專科醫生) 1400-1500 主題:腸胃癌症診斷及治療 嘉賓:張源斌教授(中大醫學院外科學系上消化道及代謝外科教授)

Photos from The Hyperbera's post 18/04/2023



Basic and Cancer screening health check plan😍

Report explained by specialist!


The only company in Hong Kong that provide HBOT service with specialist monitoring.

All the treatment is evaluated by specialist doctor with extensive hyperbaric oxygen therapy experience both in Hong Kong and overseas.

The whole treatment process is monitored by specialist doctor to ensure safety and clinical outcomes!

Feel free to contact 69347334 for further appointment booking for consultation or treatment!


Long COVID-related fatigue can be debilitating, and may affect young people who were previously in economic employment.

The recent studies results suggest potential benefits of HBOT, with statistically significant results following 10 sessions.

If you are suffering from Long Covid,
Feel free to book at appointment at
+852 6934 7334 what apps
for specialist consultation and treatment!


Different experts has different opinion on HBOT. What I notice in various studies about HBOT is
Different physiological effect can happen during different pressure level of oxygen.

Keep our mind open!😄




The effects of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on early tendon healing in the treatment of Achilles tendon ruptures.

Histopathological study showed the amount of fibrosis was significantly higher in the hyperbaric oxygen therapy group than in the control group without the hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

The amount of inflammation and vascularization were significantly higher in the steroid administration group than in the no-steroid group.

There was a significant difference in the biomechanical properties of the groups in terms of maximum force, stiffness, elastic modulus and maximum allowable stress.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy creates a positive histological and biomechanical effect on tendon healing after Achilles tendon repair.


Combined branch retinal artery occlusion (BRAO) and branch retinal vascular occlusion (BRVO) is a rare event that has not been well-studied.

The exact etiology is unclear and the visual prognosis is very poor. Most of the patients have multiple cardiovascular risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and hyperhomocysteinemia.

One hypothesis is that hypertension causes distal compression of the retinal vein by the retinal artery at the crossing point, which leads to elevation of the branch retinal vein pressure and BRVO.

This high pressure then returned to the crossing point and re-elevated the pressure of the branch retinal artery, eventually causes hemorrhage due to vascular breakdown and BRAO.

Unfortunately, there is no proven effective therapy for this disease at present.

Several treatments had been reported, including intravitreal antivascular endothelial growth factor injection, or scattered laser photocoagulation when retinal neovascularization or macular edema was observed.

HBOT delivers 100% oxygen by a pressure greater than one atmosphere, increasing plasma oxygen transportation and diffusion, with positive effects in vascular perfusion and neuroprotection.

HBOT was proved to increase the volume of oxygen delivered to the damaged or ischemic tissue until spontaneous or assisted reperfusion occurs.


Skeletal muscle compartment syndrome (SMCS) is a medical emergency, and it occurs when intracompartment pressure exceeds capillary perfusion pressure, resulting in hypoxia and ischaemia of the supplied tissues.

Following injury or trauma, oedema or bleeding within the confines of a muscle compartment increases the pressure within that compartment.

When the increased pressure collapses the microcirculation, hypoxia and ischaemia follow, leading to a self-perpetuating cycle of oedema leading to tissue ischaemia and vice versa.

Early detection of SMCS is critical to maximising salvaged tissue and following diagnosis, with urgent fasciotomy indicate

HBOT refers to the breathing of 100% oxygen under increased atmospheric pressure, and numerous reports have identified its benefit in rhabdomyolysis and SMCS.

HBOT boosts arterial oxygen partial pressure, directly increasing oxygen supply to hypoxic tissue, as well as minimising cellular metabolic dysfunction.

This also helps stimulate angiogenesis and activate fibroblasts and macrophages to aid wound healing.

Hyperoxygenation achieved through HBOT induces vasoconstriction, reducing blood flow to damaged tissues by up to 20% as well as producing a direct osmotic effect, reducing local oedema whilst maintaining oxygen delivery

Cristiano Ronaldo buys '£15,000' hyperbaric oxygen therapy machine 29/01/2022

Celebrities use HBOT at home for wellness

Cristiano Ronaldo buys '£15,000' hyperbaric oxygen therapy machine Cristiano Ronaldo, 36, has invested in a special oxygen chamber in a bid to maintain his outstanding fitness on the football pitch.


There are different processes via which a muscle cell can utilize oxygen to make energy that will sustain activity. The type of activity and duration of activity will determine what energy system is used to sustain the activity being done.

Aerobic metabolism uses oxygen to sustain the energy demand. Oxygen is obtained from the air we breathe, and then transported to the cells though the myoglobin.

Although ambient air only contains 21% oxygen, it is enough to sustain life and energy needs. But what if the muscle cell could instead receive 100% oxygen?

The delivery method would be via hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) which supplies oxygen at 100% concentration under a minimum of 1 atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric pressure will affect the outcomes of consuming 100% oxygen.

Research supports positive findings on oxygen therapy under pressure and muscle cell recovery but much research still needs to be investigated.

HBO can be a safe option to enhance cellular recovery and cell function.

Orman turns to radical therapy for early injury return - Racenet 23/01/2022

“I’m not sure it actually helped that much to be honest, I did six sessions but at the end of the day I’m back now.”

Orman turns to radical therapy for early injury return - Racenet Queensland jockey James Orman turned to radical therapy in order to make his way back from injury quicker than expected at the Gold Coast on Saturday.

Hillsdale Hospital opens Center for Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine - Hillsdale Collegian 22/01/2022

Support opening of new Hyperbaric centre!

Hillsdale Hospital opens Center for Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine - Hillsdale Collegian Hillsdale Hospital opened a new advanced wound care center becoming the only facility in the county to treat non-healing wounds with oxygen.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves inhalation of 100% oxygen at supra-atmospheric ambient pressure.

HBOT is used as either a primary or adjunctive treatment in the management of infections such as gas gangrene, necrotizing fasciitis, diabetic foot infections, refractory osteomyelitis, neurosurgical infections and fungal infections.

HBOT acts as a bactericidal/bacteriostatic agent against anerobic bacteria by increasing the formation of free oxygen radicals.

HBOT restores the bacterial-killing capacity of leukocytes in hypoxic wounds by increasing tissue oxygen tensions. In addition, HBOT acts synergistically with a number of antibiotics.


“World-class athletes, including Lebron James, Jessie Graff and many others, are using hyperbaric oxygen therapy to speed up their recovery”

The group of athletes that received HBOT demonstrated a significant decrease in their cellular damage marker levels.

Therefore, the evidence suggests that HBOT can reduce cellular damage markers (creatine phosphokinase, glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase, and myoglobin), which can stimulate early recovery from muscular injury and reduce recovery time.

Additionally, other studies have demonstrated that HBOT can reduce inflammation and improve cognition.


COVID-19 is an acute respiratory infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2. The most common manifestations are pneumonia, high fever, myalgia, dry cough, and chest pain.

The death rate due to COVID-19 varies from 1% to more than 7%, and respiratory failure is the main cause. Research is underway to identify and evaluate the effectiveness and safety of interventions to treat the patients with COVID-19 based on their disease severity.

Approximately, 15–20% of hospitalized patients present with hypoxemic respiratory failure, accompanied by the need for oxygen supplementation.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been proposed as an alternative therapeutic approach to address COVID-19-associated hypoxia.

HBOT is recognized as an effective treatment for replacing any form of oxygen deficiency. HBOT is a non-invasive treatment and serves as primary or adjunctive therapy in various medical conditions.

HBOT could be a decisive treatment for improving outcomes in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, especially at early stages, and it could also be beneficial during the intubation period.


How Does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Work?

One method of HBOT involves a person receiving the treatment inside of a tube-like chamber. Some tubes are made of clear acrylic, allowing patients to see outside of the chamber.

This transparency may eliminate some of the potential anxiety a person may have of feeling trapped inside the tube.

During HBOT, a patient is instructed to lie down in the enclosed chamber and breathe the air inside the tube as the pressure is gradually increased.

Another mode of treatment is a multiperson hyperbaric oxygen room, where oxygen is delivered via a mask or a lightweight clear hood placed over the head. In this scenario, a person can sit or lie down in a lounge chair—there is no tube or chamber with this method.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in aesthetic procedures | CCID 16/01/2022

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) and aesthetics complications:

Complications from aesthetic facial procedures can be disastrous due to the risk of developing vascular occlusions and skin infections.

As such, they require prompt and effective therapy solutions. By utilizing highly pressurized oxygen diffusion to hypoxic tissues to enhance the vascularization of the face and given its bactericidal effects, HBOT serves a beneficial purpose in the wound healing process.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in aesthetic procedures | CCID Investigation of three cases with Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in managing minimally invasive aesthetic procedure complications. Read for more information.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Reconstructive Urology Wounds | RRU 12/01/2022

HBOT promotes wound healing and graft integration in patients undergoing the surgical reconstruction of urology wounds.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Reconstructive Urology Wounds | RRU Presenting a case series of reconstructive urology wounds which have been treated adjunctively with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, promoting wound healing.


Hyperbaric oxygen Therapy (HBOT) was conducted in healthy volunteers who received HBO2 treatment but did not have any eye disease.

Patients underwent detailed eye examinations including dilated fundus examination, visual acuity, and refraction before being admitted for HBO2 therapy.

Measurements were made before and immediately after HBO2 therapy. Enface images of the retinal vasculature were obtained from the superficial and deep retinal plexus (SP/DP). Quantitative analysis of the vessel density (VD) and foveal avascular zone (FAZ) area was performed.

Conclusion: The healthy retina responds to oxygen supersaturation with HBO2 therapy by eventually decreasing vascular density in all layers.


Treating critically ill patients with hyperbaric oxygen requires specialized equipment and personnel with intensive care unit skills and knowledge of the physiology and risks unique to hyperbaric oxygen exposure.

Like with all medical interventions, it is important to consider the risk vs. the benefit of hyperbaric oxygen for any given critical care disorder, but hyperbaric oxygen can be delivered safely to critically ill patients.

Many critical care environments without present hyperbaric oxygen capability may wish to consider offering hyperbaric oxygen to patients with hyperbaric oxygen-approved indications.


Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) increasing in oxygen partial pressure may benefit tumor suppression. The effects of HBOT on solid tumors, such as lung cancer. Non-small cell human lung carcinoma A549-cell-transferred severe combined immunodeficiency mice (SCID) mice were selected as an in vivo model to detect the potential mechanism of HBOT in lung tumors.

HBOT not only improved tumor hypoxia but also suppressed tumor growth in murine xenograft tumor models. Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule (PECAM-1/CD31) was significantly increased after HBOT.

Immunostaining of cleaved caspase-3 was demonstrated and apoptotic tumor cells with nuclear debris were aggregated starting on the 14th-day after HBOT.

In vitro, HBOT suppressed the growth of A549 cells in a time-dependent manner and immediately downregulated the expression of p53 protein after HBOT in A549 cells.

Furthermore, HBOT-reduced p53 protein could be rescued by a proteasome degradation inhibitor, but not an autophagy inhibitor in A549 cells.

HBOT improved tissue angiogenesis, tumor hypoxia and increased tumor apoptosis to lung cancer cells in murine xenograft tumor models, through modifying the tumor hypoxic microenvironment.

HBOT will merit further cancer therapy as an adjuvant treatment for solid tumors, such as lung cancer.


Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a brain insult due to external force, characterized by two stages: a primary injury from the direct insult, and secondary injury due to tissue swelling that causes inflammation, hypoxia and cell death.

Owing to the second response, HBOT has also been proposed to improve outcome of TBI. HBOT as a treatment of TBI has been extensively researched and results show overall efficacy but are rather inconclusive.

A Cochrane review published in 2012 assessed seven tri- als, indicating an overall improvement in mortality and a reduction in patients who remained in a severely disabled state.

However, since there was a significant change in the lower levels of Glasgow coma scale but not in actual clinical outcome, it may be inferred that HBOT lowers mortality but does not have a significant effect on morbidity.

Nonetheless, several recent studies show changes in higher functions following HBOT. The main pathology in these cases involves diffuse brain injuries, which are hard to detect by anatomical imaging yet noticeable in metabolic imaging. The current study tested the effectiveness of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

Another study examining the effects of HBOT on military subjects with both TBI and PTSD presented notable improvements in cognitive, physical and emotional symptoms as tested through physical exams, questionnaires and SPECT imaging.


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) can increase the circulation and delivery of oxygen under high pressure, making the tissue uptake more efficient and improve hypoxia in COVID-19 patients.

In addition, hyperoxygenation of arterial blood with plasma-dissolved oxygen during HBOT has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and may have a direct virucidal impact on COVID-19.

Preliminary clinical evidence of HBOT treatment in hypoxemic COVID-19 patients demonstrated clinical improvement, reduce ICU admission and prevent transition to mechanical ventilation.

HBOT is regarded as a safe and low-risk intervention. There are no contraindication to the use of HBOT in patients with viral, bacterial or fungal infections.

The only major contraindications to HBOT are untreated pneumothorax and respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation.

Recent studies pointed out that HBOT could be a decisive treatment for improving outcomes in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, especially at early stages, and it could also be beneficial during the intubation period.


Early recovery from muscular injury is crucial for elite athletes.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been reported to be beneficial in terms of accelerating cell recovery and tissue repair, which are considered to be helpful for eliminating fatigue and recovering stamina.

Forty-one athletes with exercise-related muscular injuries were recruited and randomized into an HBOT group and a control group. All participants received 10 sessions of either HBOT or placebo treatment. The brief pain inventory (BPI) was completed, and serum samples were analyzed.

HBOT group showed prominent reductions in the levels of creatine phosphokinase (CK), glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT), and myoglobin (MB), which lasted until T4.

However, the control group did not present any statistical differences in levels from T1 to T4. In terms of pain intensity and interference, the HBOT group showed significant improvements at T3, while no improvements were observed in the control group.

In conclusion, HBOT facilitates the early recovery of exercise-related muscular injury.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is generally a safe procedure. Complications are rare. But this treatment does carry some risk.

Potential risks include:

Middle ear injuries, including leaking fluid and eardrum rupture, due to changes in air pressure
Temporary nearsightedness (myopia) caused by temporary eye lens changes
Lung collapse caused by air pressure changes (barotrauma)
Seizures as a result of too much oxygen (oxygen toxicity) in your central nervous system
Lowered blood sugar in people who have diabetes treated with insulin
In certain circumstances, fire — due to the oxygen-rich environment of the treatment chamber


Hypoxia causes a cascade of activity from the level of the individual down to the regulation and function of the cell nucleus.

Prolonged periods of low oxygen tension are a core feature of several disease states. Advances in the study of molecular biology have begun to bridge the gap between the cellular response to hypoxia and physiology.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a treatment for hypoxic- and inflammatory-driven conditions, in which patients are treated with 100% oxygen at pressures greater than atmospheric pressure.

This review discusses hypoxia, the physiologic changes associated with hypoxia, the responses that occur in the cells during hypoxic conditions, and the role that hyperbaric oxygen therapy can play as part of the treatment for many patients suffering from diseases with underlying hypoxia.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy used in malignant otitis externa

A total of 16 studies comprising 58 patients (mean age 68.0 years) were included. Diabetes was present in 94.7% of cases and Pseudomonas spp (64.3%) was the most common infectious agent. 

Cranial nerve VII was involved in 55.2% of cases. Overall, the disease cure rate with adjuvant HBOT was 91.4% and all-cause mortality was 8.6%. Among those who had cranial nerve VII involvement, 72.0% had return of function and 93.8% of them survived.

HBOT may be an effective treatment option for refractory or advanced MOE but its efficacy remains unproven due to lack of strong scientific evidence. 

However, its therapeutic value should not be underestimated given good results and few adverse events reported in this study.


A monoplace chamber compresses one person at a time, usually in a reclining position (see image below).

The gas used to pressurize the vessel is usually 100% oxygen. Some chambers have masks available to provide an alternate breathing gas (such as air).

Employees tend to the patient from outside of the chamber and equipment remains outside the chamber.

Only certain intravenous lines and ventilation ducts pe*****te through the hull.

Newer Duoplace chambers can hold two people. Their operation is similar to that of a monoplace chamber.


A 58-year-old man from Long Island is looking forward to chasing around his eight grandchildren this Christmas after Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy helped him keep his foot that doctors said would have to be amputated.

Merry Christmas
Wish you all healthy and happy!


Diabetes kidney disease is a leading cause for end stage renal disease in the western world. To date no treatment that can reverse renal damage exists.

Chronic hypoxia is one of the major key insults affecting the diabetic kidney, and many of the new treatments under study focus on it's consequences, but no treatment can improve the hypoxia as both increased renal perfusion and decreased renal perfusion may be associated with it's worsening.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) can improve renal hypoxia by increasing partial pressure of dissolved (non-hemoglobin-bound) oxygen without affecting it's demand.

HBOT also recruits tissue and peripheral progenitors and supplies the optimal environment crucial for their proliferation and for tissue repair.

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment was known for years as an effective treatment for diabetic ulcers.

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