Videos by Gaylord in Hong Kong. Located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, Ga***rd Indian Restaurant is a secret paradise.
Ever wonder how India eats in the winter? Uncover the secrets with our season-beating eats - from hearty spinach-based saag that nourishes body and soul to pooris and aloo that will have your insides doing a happy dance. Your taste buds will thank you! 有沒有想過,印度的冬天有什麼美食? 我們的禦寒美食,有溫馨的菠菜蓉芝士,滋養身心,也有混入酥炸麵餅及香著薯仔的咖哩,是最佳的選暖胃之選。來抱著感激的心﹐嚐嚐這些冬日滋味吧! #hkwinter #indianfood #hkrestaurant #hkfood #tsimshatsui
Discover the magic of Ayurvedic cuisine at Ga***rd. Our set menu showcases the perfect balance of taste and well-being, offering you a truly holistic dining experience. We look forward to you joining us! Details: Date: Until 11 November Time: 6pm onwards Price: HK$338 + 10% service charge 今個排燈節,Ga***rd邀請您一同探索Ayurvedic式的養生 美食!我們精心設計的菜單可讓您在品味美食的同時保持 身心健康,為您帶來獨一無二的用餐體驗。無論您是滋味 抑或追求養生,我們均能滿足您的需求。讓我們一同亮起 燭光,歡度今個排燈節! 詳情: 日期:即日起至11月11日 時間:下午6點後 價格:$338元加一� #香港美食 #hkrestaurant #hongkongrestaurant #topcitybiteshk
Ga***rd’s 50th Anniversary special cocktails bring your meal to life 😋💥 with a dash of nostalgia and a sprinkle of culture & flavour. 爵樂50周年慶祝雞尾酒,將為整頓餐飲畫龍點精!😋💥 一杯滿載懷舊和文化的獨特風味! #香港美食 #hkrestaurant #hongkongrestaurant #topcitybiteshk #hkdining #香港打卡 #indianfood #indianrestaurant #tst #tsimshatsui #tstfood #tsimshatsuifood #hkfoodguide #hongkongfood #尖沙咀 #尖沙咀美食 #美食推薦 #香港美食 #咖喱 #相機食先 #hkdrinks #hkcocktails #hkbar #hongkongbar #hkhappyhour ##instareels #hkreels
Each detail steeped in cultural grandeur. At Ga***rd, every sight and scent evokes the majesty of a royal Indian banquet. 爵樂印度餐廳不論室內裝修還是菜式風味,處處均透著文化氣息,讓人聯想起印度皇家宴會的威嚴。 #hongkongrestaurants #tsimshatsuifood #ambiance #indianrestaurant
At Ga***rd, the code of curry conduct is simple, yet symbolic of Indian hospitality passed down through generations. The paranthas, dipped directly into rich curries. The kebabs, enhanced by a generous squeeze of lemon. The naans, freshly baked and meant to be torn. The chutneys and pickles, exotic touches that transport the palate. 爵樂餐廳的咖喱文化代代相傳,具有深遠的象徵意義,表達出印度人熱情好客的文化精髓。 先將烤餅直接沾入濃郁的咖哩醬,再為烤肉串搭配檸檬汁增添滋味。把新鮮出爐的印度烤餅撕開享用,讓酸辣醬和醃菜為味蕾帶來異國體驗。 #hongkongrestaurants #indianfood #tsimshatsuifood #hongkongfood
Makki di roti, te sarson da saag - comfort food from the heart of Punjab, now in the heart of Hong Kong. 爵樂印度餐廳旨在將印度特色小食帶到香港中心地帶,呈獻源自旁遮普邦(Punjab)心臟地帶的芥末葉咖喱伴粟米麵包(Makki di roti, de sarson da saag)。 #hongkongrestaurants #indianrestaurant #tsimshatsui #streetfood
Make this Mother’s Day extra special with a feast fit for a queen - only at Ga***rd. Indulge in our Mother’s Day brunch buffet featuring an endless array of classic and modern Indian dishes, or treat your mom to an unforgettable dinner with our 50th anniversary special Sanjeev Kapoor tasting dinner menu. A versatile HENNA ARTIST, Ms Shabnam, will also be present all day, to give yourself and your mom a chance to adorn an artful experience to remember for a lifetime!! Book now: 若想過一個別樹一格的母親節,爵樂印度餐廳呈獻的滋味盛宴就最適合不過。母親節自助早午餐有數之不盡的經典和現代印度佳餚,另亦設有由名廚Sanjeev Kapoor的親自為逢爵樂50周年設計的金禧嚐味菜譜可供選擇。 今個母親節,更誠邀到印度Henna人體彩繪藝術家Shabnam小姐坐陣,讓您和媽媽有一個難忘的藝術體驗! #indianfood #hkrestaurants #tsimshatsui #mothersday
Savour the ever popular "Chicken Tikka" with a chilled Kingfisher beer 🍻 at our outdoor terrace overlooking stunning city views. ☎️ For reservations, call 2376 1001.