Development and Alumni Affairs Office, HKMU, Hong Kong Videos

Videos by Development and Alumni Affairs Office, HKMU in Hong Kong. This is the official account of the Development and Alumni Affairs Office, HKMU

【情人節快樂 💕】情人節是分享愛的日子,不妨製造小驚喜,向特別的人送上祝福和愛意吧!祝各位情人節快樂!喵~

【Be my Valentine💕】The Valentine's Day is a time to show your love. Let’s give your loved one a pleasant surprise on this special day! Meow~

#心心眼一齊聽情歌 #任世間低估你 #但我真的喜歡你

#都大貓 #MUcat #Mumu #都大校友

Other Development and Alumni Affairs Office, HKMU videos

【情人節快樂 💕】情人節是分享愛的日子,不妨製造小驚喜,向特別的人送上祝福和愛意吧!祝各位情人節快樂!喵~ 【Be my Valentine💕】The Valentine's Day is a time to show your love. Let’s give your loved one a pleasant surprise on this special day! Meow~ #心心眼一齊聽情歌 #任世間低估你 #但我真的喜歡你 #邊首歌最啱你心情呢 #HKMUDAAO #HKMUAlumni #都大貓 #MUcat #Mumu #都大校友

獨樂樂不如眾樂樂,無論是獲獎的喜悅、創業的熱情或新婚的快樂,何不和大家分享你的喜訊?歡迎透過《校友零距離》和我們分享,和大家一同慶祝! It is much more joyful to share the joy than enjoying it alone. You are cordially invited to share your happy news, be it the excitement of winning award, the overwhelming joy of starting a business, or happiness of starting a new chapter of life, with the fellow alumni through Alumni Linkage! Let us make your special moment more special and celebrate in a more joyful way! --------------------------------------------- 分享喜訊 Sharing your good news:   截稿日 Editorial deadline: 14/1/2023 出版日 Date of issue: 1/3/2023 --------------------------------------------- #HKMUAAU #HKMUAlumni #AlumniLinkage #校友零距離 #HappyShare #都大貓 #MUcat #Mumu #都大校友

【聖誕快樂! Merry Christmas!】
【聖誕快樂!🎄 Merry Christmas!🎄】 各位校友會怎樣慶祝聖誕節?我打算先吃聖誕大餐再去看電影,然後欣賞聖誕燈飾,最後去卡拉OK和朋友一起交換禮物🎁。真的很忙碌! 😸 噢!差點忘記跟大家説聲聖誕快樂!~聖誕快樂 !! 🎉喵~ How will you celebrate Christmas? I plan to have a sumptuous Christmas dinner before going to watch a movie. I will then go to see the Christmas lights and festive displays around the city, and finally enjoy singing Karaoke and exchange Christmas presents 🎁 with my friends. What a busy schedule! 😸 Oh! I nearly forget to wish you all a happy Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone!!! 🎉Meow~ #都大貓 #MUcat #Mumu #DAAO #HKMUAlumni #都大校友

我們總會在不同的人生階段,達成一些引以自豪的事情。不論在個人事業上功成名就,還是家庭中增添新成員而感到幸福美滿,歡迎各位校友投稿《校友零距離》,與我們分享生活中經歷的美好事情,一同歡欣。 We will always accomplish something to be proud of at different stages of our life. Whenever you are flying colours in your career and individual achievements or welcoming a new member of your family, share your good news at Alumni Linkage. Let us share your happiness together. --------------------------------------------- 分享喜訊 Sharing your good news:   截稿日 Editorial deadline: 18/10/2022 出版日 Date of issue: 1/11/2022 --------------------------------------------- #HKMUAAU #HKMUAlumni #AlumniLinkage #校友零距離 #HappyShare

【2022 職場新角度】創業後,還要懂經營? 立即報名參加「營商解碼:創業與興業」網上講座!我們請來創業經驗豐富的陳禮善校友,他於1996年創辦「設計情報中心」,提供室內設計及裝修服務,至今已超過20多年。陳博士將分享他如何運用管理知識及創新思維開創自己的事業,以及在不同時代的抗逆經歷,暢談如何化危為機,讓生意穩步向前發展。 【2022 New Perspective for Career Development】How to Start and Sustain Business? Register for the online talk ‘Decoding BusineSS – Start and Sustain Business Growth’ now! Experienced entrepreneur alumnus Dr Kevin Chan, who founded the Design Information Centre in 1996, has been providing interior design and fitting-out services in Hong Kong for over 20 years. He will share insights and practical experience on how to make his business stand out in a crowd with his management knowledge and innovative mindset, and how to sustain business growth at times of adversity. ---------------------------------- ✏立即登記 Register Now: 📅日期 Date: 2022.9.14 (星期三 Wednesday) ⌚時間 Time: 晚上8:30pm 📢語言 Language: 粵語 Cantonese 💻形式 Format: Zoom Webinar ---------------------------------- 「職場新角度」網上講座系列詳情: Details of New Perspective for Career Development online talk series: #職場新角度 #NewPerspective #CareerDevelopment #HKMUAAU #HKMUAlumni #都大校友

【是日小暑】所謂「小暑過,一日熱三分」,小編決定放工後立刻買個西瓜解解暑! (天氣已經很熱了,還能再熱嗎?) Today is ‘Moderate Heat’, one of the 24 solar terms of the traditional Chinese calendar, after which the weather will become hotter and hotter. Let’s beat the summer heat with watermelon tonight! #HKMUAAU #HKMUAlumni #都大校友

認識都大貓咪畢業生Mumu Meet Mumu the MU cat graduate
【認識都大貓咪畢業生Mumu 😸】 Hello大家好!我是都大貓Mumu,畢業於香港都會大學。很高興可以成為校友大使,和各位校友保持緊密聯繫。大家可以透過以下短片認識我,同時亦可瀏覽我的個人檔案,又或是追蹤我的Instagram,掌握校友活動資訊,及知道我更多的秘密!喵~ 😻Mumu的個人檔案: 😻Mumu的Instagram: (@mumucat_meow) 【Meet Mumu the MU cat graduate😸】 Hello! I am Mumu, a cat graduate of Hong Kong Metropolitan University. It’s nice to meet you all! Check out the short video to get to know more about me! You may also view my personal profile, or follow my Instagram to keep track of the alumni activities and get a peek into my daily life! Meow~ 😻Personal profile of Mumu: 😻Follow Mumu on Instagram: (@mumucat_meow) #都大貓咪畢業生 #MUcatgraduate #Mumu #Meow #HKMUAAU #HKMUAlumni #都大校友

神秘都大畢業生即將登場!A mysterious HKMU graduate coming on stage!
【❓ 神秘都大畢業生即將登場!】 校友事務組特意邀請了一位畢業生出任校友大使,和大家互相認識,保持緊密聯繫。想知道他/她是誰?記得今個星期內密切留意校友事務組的網頁( 及Facebook專頁! 【❓ A mysterious HKMU graduate coming on stage!】 The Alumni Affairs Unit has invited a graduate to be our ambassador to make friends with alumni and keep contact with all of you! Stay tuned to updates in the alumni portal of the University website ( and the AAU page this week! #都大畢業生 #MUgraduate #敬請期待 #Staytuned #HKMUAAU #HKMUAlumni #都大校友

負能量滿載,實在需要注入正能量,為生活調味。誠邀各位與我們分享喜訊,你的投稿有機會於下期《校友零距離》刋登。 We have had enough of bad news and a positive-vibe reset is what we want more than ever. Share with us your happy news and your submission will be considered for the next Alumni Linkage. --------------------------------------------- 分享喜訊 Sharing your good news:   截稿日 Editorial deadline: 20/4/2022 出版日 Date of issue: 3/5/2022 --------------------------------------------- #HKMUAAU #HKMUAlumni #AlumniLinkage #HappyShare

初七人人生日人人快樂!祝各位校友生日快樂,笑口常開! Today is the seventh day of the first month of CNY and also everyone’s birthday. Wishing you the biggest slice of happiness! #放工記得買蛋糕 #HKMUAAU #HKMUAlumni

送舊迎新,迎來美好新一年!校友事務組祝你虎年大豐收,身體健康,一起過肥年! As we bid farewell to the Year of the Ox, the Alumni Affairs Unit wishes you a happy and prosperous Year of the Tiger! --------------------------------- 下載虎年電子賀卡Download our e-card:  --------------------------------- #記得下載我們的賀卡 #來吧倒轉地球全部摯友密謀送走擔憂要抖抖信開心會長壽 #校友事務組都抖抖初四啟市 #HKMUAAU #HKMUAlumni

你最近創業一嚐做老闆的滋味?即將出書分享經歷及知識?或者剛踏入人生新里程?歡迎你投稿《校友零距離》,與各位校友分享當中的喜悅! Have you launched a new business venture or written a new book? Or are you going to reach the next milestone in life? Do share with us! Your submission will be considered for next Alumni Linkage. --------------------------------------------- 分享喜訊 Sharing your good news:   截稿日 Editorial deadline: 21/2/2022 出版日 Date of issue: 1/3/2022 --------------------------------------------- #HKMUAAU #HKMUAlumni #AlumniLinkage #HappyShare

【如🐯添翼「再」賀新年 ‘Roar’Again for Chinese New Year!】 「如虎添翼賀新年」第二批新年電子賀卡現已登場,歡迎下載全套六款造型可愛的虎年電子賀卡,為親朋好友送上窩心祝福。此外,虎年終極小挑戰將於下星期一(1月24日)上午10時在校友事務組Facebook 專頁快閃推出,成功挑戰的校友將有機會贏取$100超市購物禮券,敬請期待! 🐅下載虎年電子賀卡: The 'Roar’ for Chinese New Year activity has been well received and here comes more festive delights! We are excited to present to you the second batch of CNY tiger e-card. The set of six cards in lovely design is now available for downloading and sharing with your friends and family. We have also prepared the final tiger challenge which will be available in our page at 10 am next Monday (24 Jan). Try your luck and win home $100 supermarket shopping coupons. Please get yourself ready! 🐅Download the CNY Tiger E-Card: #HKMU #香港都會大學 #都大校友 #HKMUAAU #校友事務組 #第二批賀卡正式出場 #小編都想可以去旅行 #預祝大家YEAH住過新年 #虎年行大運 #記得星期一留意我們專頁

畢業季節已接近尾聲,畢業生要把握機會,在各校園畢業主題佈置留影,留下美好回憶! - 校園打卡位: - 開放日期:今日起至12月30日(星期三) 提提各位:如回校拍照請預先在網上登記,每名畢業生可帶同最多三名親友。 With the end of the graduation season approaching, don’t miss the chance to take your graduation photos at our photo hotspots and celebrate your achievement. - Graduation hotspots: - Opening period: From now until 30 December (Wednesday) Warm reminder: Please register online if you wish to come back to campus for photo-taking and each graduate may bring up to three guests. #HKMUAAU #HKMU #HKMU打卡位 #ClassOf2021 #期間限定

「冬大過年」,大家再忙也要記著今晚與家人相聚。校友事務組祝各位冬至快樂! Nothing is more important than the gathering with your family and loved ones tonight. The Alumni Affairs Unit wishes you a Happy Winter Solstice!

分享你的跑步時刻!Share your running moments!
【#見字齊跑 分享你的跑步時刻!📷】 享受跑步的同時,不妨與我們分享沿途風光或心情記錄!誠邀各位參加者以個人照、風景照等形式拍攝照片,記錄你的「見字齊跑」難忘時刻。在完成項目後提交記錄時,可透過上載記錄的網頁,同時分享照片和對未來保持健康生活的展望。我們會為參加者提交之其中一張照片和宣言加上活動專屬相框,以作留念。照片經收集整理後,將於網頁展示分享,讓各位參加者回味精彩片段。照片一經選用,參加者更有機會獲得購物禮券! 【#RunwithMU Share your running moments! 📷】 Running is fun! All participants are cordially invited to share your memorable moments while enjoying your running. You may record the precious moments in any form such as taking selfies or scenery pictures, and upload the photos together with a statement of committing to a healthy lifestyle when you submit your running records. An exclusive photo frame will be added to one of the uploaded photos to mark the completion of the run. Also, the shared photos will be showcased in the photo gallery on the webpage. Shopping coupons will be given to those with photos shortlisted! 📅活動詳情 Event details: 📢立即報名 Register now: #HKMU #香港都會大學 #都大校友 #HKMUAAU #校友事務組 #跑步打卡 #記錄自己的健康生活 #分享你的跑步時刻

【#都會與我 #無限可能】 都會,有著無限可能,勇於想像,敢於求變,成就更好的自己,成就更美好的都會,讓我與你譜出都會新樂章! [#MeAndYou #BeyondLimits] A metropolis is with limitless possibilities. We dare to dream and achieve, for a better me and you. Together, we compose a magnificent metropolitan symphony! #新校名 #新里程 #勇於想像 #敢於求變 #香港都會大學 #都大 #HKMU #HongKongMetropolitanUniversity #brandvideo

校友事務組舉辦的「#職場新角度」網上講座系列已正式推出,由電台DJ盧詩棓校友擔任主持,訪問不同領域的職場達人校友,分享實戰經驗及心得🤓。 第二場講座請來具備逾三十載管理經驗的李漢財校友,他將傾囊相授面向不同世代的管理哲學及心得,分享在工作崗位上由共事、管理以至領導層層遞進、現時成為團隊領軍人物的心路歷程和體會。各位職場新鮮人及管理人員💼,萬勿錯過! Online talk series ‘New Perspective for Career Development’ launched by the Alumni Affairs Office has been kick-started💡. Hosted by alumna DJ Ms CPui Lo, the talks feature alumni from various sectors sharing wisdom and experience at the workplace. Coming next will be the talk on ‘Management 3.0 – from managing to leading📈’. Don’t miss the chance to meet seasoned administrator alumnus Mr Keith Lee Hon-choi who will share his managing ideology developed from the three decades of challenging work, and offer insight and tips on management derived from the role of co-worker, manager, and leader when climbing up the career ladder throughout the years. ✅Register NOW 立即登記: Date日期: 2021.7.8 (四 Thu) Time時間: 下午8:30pm Language語言: Cantonese 粵語 Format形式: Zoom Webinar --------------------------------------------- #Restart2021再起動: --------------------------------------------- #校友事情組 #OUHKAAO #香港公開大學 #OUHK

你對自己的事業發展是否充滿困惑?校友事務組為你帶來網上講座系列—「職場新角度」,由電台DJ盧詩棓校友擔任主持,訪問不同領域的職場達人校友,分享實戰經驗及心得。 首場講座請來曾游走演藝界、財經界,後來轉戰飲食界,開設花藝蛋糕工作室和經營食品工場生意的陳慧儀校友,暢談如何應對工作轉變及分享箇中體會。 Feeling confused about your career? The Alumni Affairs Office presents to you the ‘New Perspective for Career Development’ online talk series to prepare you for the challenges ahead. Hosted by alumna DJ Ms CPui Lo, the talks will feature alumni from various sectors who will share wisdom and experience. Alumna Ms Vindy Chan Wai-yee will be the speaker of the very first talk. Having moved across industries throughout the years, she will be walking through her fascinating career journey and sharing tips on coping with career transitions. • Register for this talk立即登記: • First talk 首場講座: 轉換職場跑道 Navigating a career change • Date日期: 2021.6.3 (四 Thu) • Time時間: 下午8:30pm • Language語言: 粵語Cantonese • Format形式: Zoom Webinar --------------------------------------------- Restart 2021再起動: --------------------------------------------- #2021再起動 #Restart2021 #OUHKAAO #OUAlumni #OU校友

【最後召集🔈】#蜜蜜煮溫馨食譜大募集(第二回),星期日便截止了。再次召集各位校友廚神👨🏻‍🍳👩🏻‍🍳大展廚藝,分享暖入❤的滋味。菜式及作品數量不限,入選校友可獲港幣400元超市禮券,支持你繼續「蜜蜜煮」(名額五個)。請把握最後機會參加🏃🏻! 活動網頁: 截止日期:2021年5月16日 【Final call🔈】“Call for recipes of care🥰” is closing this Sunday. Grab your chance to share your sweet ideas now! There is no limit on the number of entry so you can share as many good food ideas as you can. Each of the home cooks👨🏻‍🍳👩🏻‍🍳 of the five shortlisted recipes will receive a gift voucher of HK$400. Event website: Closing date: 16 May 2021 #母親節活動 #父親節活動 #分享好煮意 #Restart2021 #OUHKAAO #校友事務組 #OUHK #香港公開大學