Development and Alumni Affairs Office, HKMU

This is the official account of the Development and Alumni Affairs Office, HKMU


🎉 Celebrating Excellence at HKMU! 🎓
On 27 June 2024, HKMU held its first Distinguished Alumni Award Presentation Ceremony to honour four remarkable alumni: Mr Jet Chou Sai-kit, Mr Oscar Lee Ka-chun, Mr Leung Kwok-shing, and The Hon Edmund Wong Chun-sek. The Award is to recognise their incredible achievements in their professions and contribution to HKMU and the community, and to inspire future generations to learn from the awardees.
🎨 Special performances added magic to the evening: Captivating sand art display by alumna Miss Charlotte Wong, inspired by HKMU's history, and an encouraging singing performance by students Miss Zoe Wong and Miss Chelsea Chan.
Check out the event highlight video and photo album on our event webpage!
Event highlight:

✨ 香港都會大學於2024年6月27日舉行了首屆傑出校友獎頒獎典禮,表彰四位卓越校友:周世傑先生、李嘉俊先生、梁國成先生和黃俊碩議員。獎項表揚他們對所屬專業界別、都大和社會的卓越貢獻,同時鼓勵學生向得獎者的經驗學習。
🎨 特別表演為晚宴增添了魅力︰校友王嘉雯小姐的精彩沙畫展示,靈感來自香港都會大學的歷史,以及學生黃小津同學和陳敏莉同學激勵人心的美妙歌唱表演。

#香港都會大學 #傑出校友獎


We are delighted to announce the election result of the third session of Executive Committee (ExCom) of the HKMU Alumni Association (HKMUAA). The new composition and membership of the Executive Committee 2024-2025 was appointed by Board of Directors of HKMUAA on 29 July 2024. To learn more about the profiles of Executive Committee members, please click the link:

Please join us in welcoming our new ExCom of HKMUAA. We look forward to working closely together to connect more alumni and to build a stronger community.





1. 香港都會大學校友會攤位
時間︰上午10:00 至下午5:00

2. 畢業茶聚2024
時間:下午3:30 至4:30


Happy Graduation, Class of 2024!
Development and Alumni Affairs Office has prepared a range of graduation decorations at Main Campus, Jockey Club Campus and Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare from 23 July 2024 (Tue) – 4 August 2024 (Sun) to add merriment to your big day!
We warmly welcome you to join the HKMU Alumni Association as members and join a series of activities we have prepared for you:
1. HKMU Alumni Association Booth
Date: 29 – 31 July 2024 (Mon – Wed)
Time: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Venue: Bank of China Lecture Theatre Foyer, -1/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building, Main Campus

2. Graduation Tea Reception 2024
Date: 30 July 2024 (Tue)
Time: 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Venue: Bank of China Lecture Theatre Foyer, -1/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building, Main Campus
Come and join us! For details and enrollment, please refer to our website


HKMU Distinguished Alumni Awards 2024 – Announcement of Award
We are pleased to announce the recipients of the first biennial “HKMU Distinguished Alumni Award” (the Award). This award recognises the outstanding achievements of our esteemed graduates in their professions, communities and contributions to the University.

The four Distinguished Alumni Award recipients are: (In alphabetical order of English surname)
• Mr Jet CHOU Sai-kit, Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Humanities (2008)
• Mr Oscar LEE Ka-chun, Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in Mental Health Care (2015)
• Mr LEUNG Kwok-shing, Bachelor of General Studies (2019)
• The Hon Edmund Wong Chun-sek, Master of Corporate Governance (2017), Master of Business Administration (2016)

These award recipients have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in their respective fields, as well as a strong commitment to community service and supporting younger generations of the University. We encourage you to visit the Award website at to learn more about the award recipients and their inspiring journeys.
Please join us in congratulating the award recipients on this well-deserved recognition.

香港都會大學傑出校友獎2024 – 得獎名單

• 周世傑先生 - 2008年中國人文學科文學士
• 李嘉俊先生 - 2015年護理學榮譽學士(精神科)
• 梁國成先生 - 2019年通識教育學士
• 黃俊碩議員 - 2017年企業管治碩士及2016年工商管理碩士

四位傑出校友不僅在各自的專業領域上有卓越的成就,在社會服務方面亦作出不少貢獻,更積極為大學扶掖後進,實為後輩學習的典範。 有關得獎者的介紹,請瀏覽以下得獎名單。


長洲太平清醮壓軸項目搶包山比賽於昨日凌晨展開,比賽競爭相當激烈 ,經過3分鐘平安包搶奪戰,最終由本校校友兼第一屆校友會副會長龔子珊奪得女子組冠軍 🥇。子珊以最快速度登頂並搶先掃走多個9分包,最終以全場最高分842 分贏出比賽。恭喜子珊成功獲封「包山后」🏆 !我們為你感到驕傲🥳🥳 !
Last night’s Bun Scrambling Competition at The Jiao Festival of Cheung Chau was intense! Let’s give a big hand to HKMU alumna and the Vice President of the 1st HKMUAA ExCom, Ms Janet Kung, “Queen of the Buns”🥇 ! Janet did a fast scramble to the top and snatched all the nine-point buns within reach and eventually hit a score of 842, which is also the highest score among all contestants, claiming the Champion (women category) in the contest 🏆. Congratulations again to Janet for her great effort and perseverance in Bun Scrambling Competition. We are so proud of you 🥳🥳 .
#長洲太平清醮 #長洲搶包山 #快狠準 #包山后 #龔子珊 #珊山
Image source: Instagram of 龔子珊 Janet Kung

Photos from Development and Alumni Affairs Office, HKMU's post 23/04/2024

The University hosted the inaugural HKMU Foundation Dinner under the theme “Uniting Excellence, Inspiring Future” to express its sincere gratitude to the Foundation members, supporters and friends, while raising funds for the University’s development. The event was generously supported by Dr Peter Lee Kwok-wah, Chairman of HKMU Foundation Advisory Committee and Title Sponsor of the Dinner.

更多精彩照片 Click here for more photos:


精彩活動第二炮- 健康評估🩺
所有參加者可獲精美紀念品及環保袋。名額有限,先到先得! 所有參加者必須預先報名登記,以取得QRcode進入校園。

Homecoming Day 2024🎡
Highlight event 2 - Health Assessment Booth🩺
Prevention is better than cure! Early detection can effectively help in taking preventive measures. Registered nurses will conduct basic physical examinations (including blood pressure and blood sugar), assess the risk of insomnia and sarcopenia.
All participants will receive a souvenir pack. Limited seats available on a first-come-first served basis. Please register online to obtain a QRcode for campus access.
📍日期及時間 Date and Time: 13 Apr 2024 (Sat) 10:30am-1:00pm
📍 地點 Venue: 賽馬會護理健康學院 Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare
📍 活動對象 Participants: 都大校友及全日制四年級生; 可帶同親友參觀 HKMU alumni and full-time final year students, feel free to bring your family and friends
📍活動詳情Event details:
📍報名表格 Registration form:
📍查詢Enquiry: 2768 6381 / [email protected]


🌸精彩活動第一炮- 香薰DIY工作坊🌸
所有參加者可獲精美紀念品及環保袋。名額有限,先到先得! 所有參加者必須預先報名登記,以取得QRcode進入校園。

Homecoming Day 2024🎡
🌸Highlight event 1- Make Your Own Aroma Workshop🌸
The registered aromatherapist will instruct on creating a customized aromatherapy blend using essential oils.
All participants will receive a souvenir pack. Limited seats available on a first-come-first served basis. Please register online to obtain a QRcode for campus access.

📍日期及時間 Date and Time: 13 Apr 2024 (Sat) 10:30am-1:00pm
📍 地點 Venue: 賽馬會護理健康學院 Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare
📍 活動對象 Participants: 都大校友及全日制四年級生; 可帶同親友參觀 HKMU alumni and full-time final year students, feel free to bring your family and friends
📍活動詳情Event details:
📍報名表格 Registration form:
📍查詢Enquiry: 2768 6381 / [email protected]


為慶祝香港都會大學35周年,發展及校友事務處與都會大學校友會聯手舉辦都大健步行x校友同樂日2024。此活動讓廣大校友社群聚首一堂,並展現大學發展成果。參與都大健步行,一睹全部校舍以及新校舍發展計劃的選址。接著另一個重頭戲 — 校友同樂日,將有各式各樣的校園導覽、環保及健康相關的工作坊,歡迎大家踴躍參與!詳情請瀏覽

Celebrating HKMU's 35th anniversary, Development and Alumni Affairs Office and HKMU Alumni Association join hands to present HKMU Wellness Walk x Homecoming Day 2024. This aims to showcase the growth of HKMU and reconnect with our alumni community. Join our Wellness Walk to have a glimpse of all our campuses and the site of the new campus project. Then enjoy the Homecoming Day funfair to participate in a series of guided tours and workshops. Check out details at

#香港都會大學 #校友日 #校友


We are proud to announce the launch of the 1st biennial “Distinguished Alumni Award” (The Award). This prestigious recognition is designed to pay tribute to our distinguished alumni who have made substantial contributions to their professions, the University and the community. The Award also aims to motivate students to learn from experience and success of the Award recipients.

We cordially invite you to nominate fellow alumni who have demonstrated exceptional achievements and contributions in their respective fields. For more details, please visit the Award website and download the nomination guidelines and form. The deadline for nominations is 2 April 2024 (Tuesday).
Should you have any enquiries, please contact Development and Alumni Affairs Office at 2768 6381 or email to [email protected].
We look forward to having your support.

香港都會大學為慶祝35周年校慶,很高興宣布設立首屆兩年一度的「傑出校友獎」(獎項)。獎項旨在表揚優秀校友對所屬專業界別 / 行業、母校和社會的積極貢獻。同時,亦鼓勵學生從獎項得主的經驗和成功中學習。
如有任何查詢,請與發展及校友事務處聯絡(電話:2768 6381 或 電郵:[email protected])。

Award website 獎項網頁:




新年快樂! 🎉 踏入2024年,是香港都會大學創校35周年。多年來有賴大家的支持才得以建立強大的校友網絡,來年希望大家繼續齊心協力,讓大家在各自的專業領域互相扶持,攜手創造更多可能,推動大學更上一層樓!🎓🎂

Happy New Year, HKMU Alumni! 🎉 As we welcome 2024, we also celebrate the 35th anniversary of the university. Let's cherish our shared journey and promote synergy among the alumni community and encourage them to support one another in their professions. Here's to another year of success, growth, and making a difference in the world.

Happy 35th, HKMU! Let's celebrate this milestone and look forward to many more years of learning, innovation, and success! 🎓🎂


【Professional Trainee Programme (Information Technology Office)】現正接受報名🎉🎉🎉
專為香港都會大學的畢業生而設‼️資訊科技處誠邀您報名參加Professional Trainee Programme! 🎓
✅ Attractive salary and benefits
✅ On-the-job training
✅ Job rotation
✅ Mentorship
✅ Development and sponsorships
✅ Executive exposure
🔗 詳情及報名:
🗓️截止報名日期:2023年12月30日 (星期六)

【Professional Trainee Programme (Information Technology Office)】is open for application now🎉🎉🎉
Attention to graduates from HKMU‼️ The Information Technology Office is excited to invite you to apply for the Professional Trainee Programme! 🎓
📝 An Opportunity Not to be Missed 🌟
✅ Attractive salary and benefits
✅ On-the-job training
✅ Job rotation
✅ Mentorship
✅ Development and sponsorships
✅ Executive exposure
🔗 Details & Online Application:
🗓️Application Deadline: 30 Dec 2023 (Saturday)

#香港都會大學 #都大


象棋是老少咸宜的棋藝活動,為推廣此項優良中國文化,發展及校友事務處與香港都會大學校友會將於12月3日(星期日)合辦「棋樂無窮 ─ 象棋同樂日」🎪。活動將於賽馬會校園何息夷圖書館舉行,請來象棋界大師級人馬周世傑校友解構象棋攻略,分享象棋如何改寫他的人生。💡當日不僅設有象棋主題攤位遊戲、巨型棋盤和切磋區,還有圖書館參觀環節。參加者更可預先報名參加象棋車輪戰,一探國際知名棋手周世傑的實力。歡迎各位校友帶同親朋好友或子女報名參與!👨👩👧👦活動詳情請瀏覽

Chinese Chess is an activity enjoyed by individuals of all ages. On 3 December (Sunday), the Development and Alumni Affairs Office (DAAO) and the HKMU Alumni Association (HKMUAA) will join hands to co-organise the "Chinese Chess Fun Day" 🎪. The event will be held at the Ho S*k Yee Library on the Jockey Club Campus. The Chinese chess master and alumnus Mr Jet Chou Sai-kit will deconstruct Chinese Chess strategies and share the inspirations brought by Chinese Chess. 💡 There will be interactive games, a mega chess board, a chess corner, and library tour session. Special highlight will be the Chess Simultaneous Exhibition where alumni are welcome to sign up to compete with Jet. Please do not hesitate to join this fun day with your family and friends! 👨👩👧👦 For details, please check out the event page at events-and-activities/chinese-chess-fun-day/

📅日期 Date: 3.12.2023(星期日 Sunday)
📍地點 Venue:何息夷圖書館Ho S*k Yee Library(賽馬會校園Jockey Club Campus)
🕰️時間 Time:2:00 - 5:00pm
🔖活動内容Programme:象棋主題攤位遊戲、巨型棋盤打卡點、切磋區、周世傑校友分享、車輪戰及圖書館導賞 (自由參與)Interactive game booths, mega chess board, chess corner, sharing and introduction to Chinese Chess by Mr Jet Chou, Chess Simultaneous Exhibition and library tour (optional)
🔍活動對象 Target:香港都會大學校友會會員,每位會員最多可帶3人。HKMUAA Members, each member can bring a maximum of 3 guests.
🗣️語言 Language: 粵語 Cantonese
合辦 Co-organisers: 發展及校友事務處、都會大學校友會Development and Alumni Affairs Office and HKMU Alumni Association
查詢 Enquiry: 2768 6381 / [email protected]

#校友 #校友會 #校友日 #象棋 #中國象棋 #同樂日 #家庭日 #家庭 #校園參觀 #大學


【 📢都會大學校友會會員優先Priority for HKMUAA Members】
發展及校友事務處將聯同Ocean Toastmasters Club及九龍普通話演講會舉辦「89大區冠軍巡演(香港站)」,邀請兩位演講賽事冠軍級人馬主講,分享演講的技巧。名額有限,先到先得,請即報名。

2️⃣「Zero to Hero – the Art of Impromptu Speaking」

The Development and Alumni Affairs Office (DAAO) of HKMU will join hands with the Ocean Toastmasters Club and Kowloon Putonghua Toastmasters Club to present the ‘‘District 89 Champion Speaking Tour (HK Station)’’. Two past speech contest champions will share their expertise in delivering speeches. Seats are limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. Please sign up now.

1️⃣ The Power of the Feedback (反饋的力量) (in Putonghua)
2️⃣ Zero to Hero – the Art of Impromptu Speaking (in English)

日期 Date: 25.11.2023 (星期六 Saturday)
時間 Time: 下午3:00-6:00pm
地點 Venue: 香港都會大學賽馬會校園三樓E0311長得福演講廳 Chan Cheung Tak Lecture Theatre, E0311, 3/F, Jockey Club Campus, HKMU

立即登記 Register Now:
活動網頁 Website:
加入校友會Join HKMUAA:

查詢 Enquiry:
國際演講會89大區代表 Anna (WhatsApp: 94775309),Ida (WhatsApp: 65792666)
發展及校友事務處Development and Alumni Affairs Office(27686381 / [email protected])



【護理及健康學院校友活動N&HS Homecoming Day】護理及健康學院誠邀該學院的校友回到母校,參觀位於常盛街的賽馬會健康護理學院,除了遊覽該校園內的一般設施,更會重點推介學院的先進實驗室,參加者並可以參與VR體驗,感受學生於實驗室內裝備自己成為專業的護士。

The School of Nursing and Health Studies (N&HS) is delighted to invite all alumni of N&HS to join the ‘‘N&HS Homecoming Day’’, which provides an opportunity for participants to tour the state-of-the-art facilities at the Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare (IOH) in Sheung Shing Street. They will be guided through various laboratories in IOH, and will also get the chance to experience Virtual Reality and gain insights into how our students are trained to become professional nurses. All N&HS alumni and their families are cordially invited to join. Please note that seating is limited and will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

日期 Date: 13.12.2023 (星期三 Wednesday)
時間 Time: 下午5:00-7:00pm

立即登記 Register Now:
活動網頁 Website:
加入校友會Join HKMUAA:

查詢 Enquiry:
護理及健康學院School of Nursing and Health Studies ([email protected])
發展及校友事務處Development and Alumni Affairs Office (2768 6381 / [email protected])

護理及健康學院School of Nursing and Health Studies



【📣都會大學校友會會員優先Priority for HKMUAA Members】

• 醫療科學實驗室
• 土木工程實驗室
• 電機及電子檢測和認證實驗室

• STEAM工作坊
• STEAM教材演示

To stay connected with the University, we cordially invite you to “HKMU Science Laboratory Visits”. This event will provide you with an exclusive opportunity to tour around different laboratories 🧪🔬located at Main Campus (MC) and Jockey Club Campus (JCC). Dining coupons will be distributed to alumni participants to enjoy a drink and snacks 🥤🥪🌭☕at the canteen on JCC. HKMU Alumni Association (HKMUAA) members will enjoy the priority in registration. Seats are limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. Please sign up now.

1️⃣Visit laboratories on Main Campus and Jockey Club Campus
• Medical Laboratory Science Laboratories
• Civil Engineering Laboratory
• Electrical and Electronic Testing and Certification Laboratory

2️⃣Other activities
• STEAM workshop
• Demonstration of STEAM prototypes

📅日期 Date: 28.10.2023 (星期六 Saturday)
🕒時間 Time: 下午3:00-4:15pm

🔜立即登記 Register Now:
*成功報名將獲電郵通知詳情Email notification will be sent to successful registrants.

活動網頁 Website:

查詢 Enquiry: 發展及校友事務處Development and Alumni Affairs Office(27686381 / [email protected])

校園設施管理處Facilities Management Office
科技學院 School of Science and Technology



今期《校友零距離》讓我們認識一下簡銘佩校友(Mandy)。這位護理學系畢業生以其擅長的音樂、運動和研究結合,正在探討如何將彈奏管風琴作為復健運動。Mandy不僅熱愛運動和音樂,而且在學術上也表現出色。在學時獲大學教職員悉心指導,加上過往在護理前線的實踐經驗,Mandy銳意在自己的研究領域上開創新旅途。她計劃推廣彈奏管風琴的保健效益,並繼續對音樂與健康的研究。勇於嘗試,更深入地了解自己。畢竟,真正重要的是學習和個人成長的旅程!詳細專訪內容請瀏覽最新一期《校友零距離》: 人物誌。
Meet Mandy Kan, a nursing graduate who's rocking the academic world with her unique blend of music, sports, and research! Currently, she's deep into exploring how playing the organ can be used as a rehabilitation exercise. Mandy is a powerhouse who's not only passionate about sports and music but also excels in her academics. With the guidance of her dedicated faculty members and her hands-on experience in nursing, she's making waves in her field. But she's not stopping there! Mandy has her sights set on promoting the health benefits of playing the organ and plans to continue her exciting research on music and health. Dive in, try new things, and get to know yourself better. After all, it's the journey of learning and personal growth that truly counts! Do not miss out this interesting story from the latest issue of Alumni Linkage!
《校友零距離》2023年九月號Alumni Linkage September 2023 Issue:
訂閱我們的資訊 Subscription of new update from us:

Photos from Development and Alumni Affairs Office, HKMU's post 21/09/2023


Thanks to the enthusiastic support of alumni, ‘A Reunion Night – Homecoming Dinner 2023’ organized by the Development and Alumni Affairs Office (DAAO) has been successfully held in the evening of 13 September. More than 60 alumni members joined the campus tour and walked through the newly opened Medical Science Laboratory and the renovated Corridor of Learning. During the dinner, President Prof. Paul LAM Kwan-sing talked about the milestones and latest development of the University, and Vice President (Resources and Development) Prof. LUI Yu-hon briefed participants on the University’s proposed new campus. President of HKMU Alumni Association Mr LEUNG Kwok-shing also shared on visions and new plans for the year ahead.
More than 100 alumni members got together and enjoyed the buffet dinner. Photo booth was set up for participants and lucky draw was arranged. DAAO is dedicated to serving our alumni and please stay tuned for more delightful surprises. We look forward to seeing you in our future events.
For more event highlights:

#都會大學 #都大 #校友晚宴 #校友 #校園參觀 #都會大學校友會



本校致力聘請不同國籍和背景的教學人員,期望能以多元視野為大學教育和研究帶來突破。李兆基商業管理學院的兩位老師——來自迦納的Eric Adom Asante 博士和匈牙利的Richard Hrankai 博士與我們分享了他們的文化體驗,以及他們如何將這些經驗融入教學和研究當中。


【Bringing diverse cultures into teaching and research】

The University strives to diversify its faculty by actively recruiting academic staff members of different nationalities and backgrounds, looking to introduce various perspectives to education and research. Two teaching staff members at the Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration, Dr Eric Adom Asante from Ghana and Dr Richard Hrankai from Hungary, share with us their cultural experiences, as well as how these experiences affect their teaching and research at HKMU.

Full story:
MU Connect issue 5:

#都會大學 #都大 #多元文化 #教研 #都大與我

Photos from Development and Alumni Affairs Office, HKMU's post 05/09/2023




【Graduation project-inspired VR-based Driving Training System under R&D】

Several years ago, student Kelvin Mak Ka-wai and his teammates put forward a final-year project titled ‘VR Driving School’. Under the guidance and support of their supervisor Dr William Lai, a prototype was developed and went on public display at the Creative Arts Graduation Show. It was then spotted by Lee Kin Driving School, which offered to back a preliminary study on scaling up the system. ‘We were amazed to learn that Lee Kin Driving School was interested in our project!’ says Kelvin. On this basis, a more sophisticated VR-based driving training system was conceived, expected to enter practical use when it is completed.

Full story:
MU Connect issue 5:

#都會大學 #都大 #虛擬實境駕駛訓練系統 #畢業專題 #都大與我

Photos from Development and Alumni Affairs Office, HKMU's post 02/09/2023

【智能系統講座教授帶領跨學科研究 冀為社會帶來即時影響】



【Chair Professor of Intelligent Systems leads interdisciplinary research for immediate social impact】

Prof. Arul Lenus Roy Vellaisamy was newly recruited as the Chair Professor of Intelligent Systems at the School of Science and Technology. He is a holder of 21 granted patents and the brain behind numerous practical inventions that find applications in multiple areas. At HKMU, Prof. Vellaisamy actively fosters interdisciplinary research to leverage the synergies of multiple Schools to bring direct benefits to society. He is also looking to expand the University’s research portfolio and diversify its research student body.

Full story:
MU Connect issue 5:

#都會大學 #都大 #跨學科研究 #社會影響 #都大與我



Typhoon Saola is sweeping through Hong Kong, but it can’t stop us from delivering the September issue of Alumni Linkage. Apart from providing updates on the latest development of your alma mater, alumni events and news of HKMU Alumni Association, we also interview Mandy Kan, a Nursing graduate who is passionate about sports and music. Check out the story of this dream chaser who wishes to contribute to society with her talents in the two fields.

《校友零距離》2023年九月號Alumni Linkage September 2023 Issue:
訂閱我們的資訊 Subscription of new update from us:



Hong Kong Metropolitan University Alumni Association (HKMUAA)
Announcement of Election Result of 2nd session of HKMUAA Executive Committee


發展及校友事務處欣然宣佈香港都會大學校友會(以下簡稱「校友會」)第二屆校友會執行委員會(以下簡稱「執委會」)選舉已經圓滿結束,都會大學校友會董事會亦於2023年8月29日通過委任2023-2024年度校友會執委會。歡迎瀏覽網頁 ( ),參閱第二屆執委會內閣成員名單及資料。



Dear alumni,

We are delighted to announce the election result of the 2nd session of Executive Committee (ExCom) of the HKMU Alumni Association (HKMUAA). The new composition and membership of the Executive Committee 2023-2024 was appointed by Board of Directors of HKMUAA on 29 August 2023. Please click here ( ) to learn more about the profiles of Executive Committee members.

Please join us in welcoming our new ExCom of HKMUAA. We look forward to working closely together to connect more alumni and to build a stronger community.

Best regards,
Development and Alumni Affairs Office
Hong Kong Metropolitan University

#香港都會大學 #香港都會大學校友會 #都會大學



🚰 尋找清涼場所,避免在烈日下暴曬
🚫 盡量避開高溫時段,注意身體訊號


The dazzling sunshine and blue sky of summer bring us good mood and remind us that the long, hot days of summer are here. Don’t forget to drink water and pay attention to your health, especially when you are having outdoor activities. Here are some tips to beat the heat:
🌡️Drink sufficient amount of water to replenish fluid lost
🏊Take frequent breaks and avoid prolonged outdoor activities
🚰Look for shelter and avoid excessive sun exposure
🚫 Avoid peak sun hours and pay attention to your body's signals

Take care of yourself and have an amazing summer! 📸🌴🌊

#夏日安全 #提防中暑 #都大貓 #都大校友

Photos from Development and Alumni Affairs Office, HKMU's post 25/08/2023

【灌籃好手 投入滿分熱情服務社會】



【Basketball enthusiast rejuvenates youngsters with game-changing community service】

Alumnus Leung Kwok-shing has formed an indissoluble bond with basketball since childhood and was a member of the Hong Kong Team before. After bringing the curtain down on his basketball journey, he started using basketball to serve the community. He founded the non-profit charity organisation Hoops for Hope Basketball Asia to provide free basketball training to children and teenagers from grassroots families in Tin Shui Wai, and gradually expanded the service to other districts. As he said, ‘Playing basketball has made many children become active and gregarious, and has also enhanced their self-confidence and sense of responsibility. Some of them even became our volunteers when they grew up.’

Full story:
MU Connect issue 5:

#都會大學 #都大 #籃球 #校友 #關愛社會 #都大與我

Photos from Development and Alumni Affairs Office, HKMU's post 18/08/2023

【ChatGPT 與教育:從人工智能辨識到教與學應用】

ChatGPT 發布的一刻旋即引起哄動。不少人在好奇心驅使下測試這聊天機器人的能力,也有不少人憂慮人類在不久將來會被無所不能的機器人取代。然而,人們還是意識到科技發展早已勢不可擋。在高等教育界,主流氣氛漸漸由關注學生抄襲轉向審慎接受新科技。那麼,都大的立場又如何?


【ChatGPT and Education: From AI-detection to AI-empowered teaching and learning】

ChatGPT immediately caused a stir as soon as it was released to the public. The curious tested the chatbot’s abilities, while others began to worry about the prospect of almighty human-like machines. Soon, it dawned on the world that this technological trend would be unstoppable. In the higher education sector, the sentiment gradually shifted from concern over plagiarism to cautious acceptance of the inevitable. So, what is HKMU’s take?

Full story:
MU Connect issue 5:

#都會大學 #都大 #人工智能 #教與學應用 #都大與我

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獨樂樂不如眾樂樂,無論是獲獎的喜悅、創業的熱情或新婚的快樂,何不和大家分享你的喜訊?歡迎透過《校友零距離》和我們分享,和大家一同慶祝!It is much more joyful to share the joy than enjoying...
【聖誕快樂! Merry Christmas!】
我們總會在不同的人生階段,達成一些引以自豪的事情。不論在個人事業上功成名就,還是家庭中增添新成員而感到幸福美滿,歡迎各位校友投稿《校友零距離》,與我們分享生活中經歷的美好事情,一同歡欣。We will always accomplish s...
【2022 職場新角度】創業後,還要懂經營?立即報名參加「營商解碼:創業與興業」網上講座!我們請來創業經驗豐富的陳禮善校友,他於1996年創辦「設計情報中心」,提供室內設計及裝修服務,至今已超過20多年。陳博士將分享他如何運用管理知識及創新...
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初七人人生日人人快樂!祝各位校友生日快樂,笑口常開!Today is the seventh day of the first month of CNY and also everyone’s birthday. Wishing you t...
送舊迎新,迎來美好新一年!校友事務組祝你虎年大豐收,身體健康,一起過肥年!As we bid farewell to the Year of the Ox, the Alumni Affairs Unit wishes you a happ...
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