


Photos from RainySky's post 22/11/2023

Excellent wayfinding and guidance systems are not designed to compete with architecture and interior design, but to appropriately convey information about the environment. Brain Park in Kraków is a new office development by Echo Investment, with a complex consisting of three ten-storey buildings. The wayfinding design prepared for this facility is minimalist and elegant – the whole has a unified, welcoming character that does not compete with the architectural and interior design. This was guided by the use of materials and the application of colours that appear in the spaces of the office building both in the architectural and finishing layers.

Each of the buildings has been assigned a main colour, which is also reflected in the design of the information carriers. However, in order to make the signage system unique and interesting, the main colour was complemented by dark blue and natural wood. The dark blue also appears in the outdoor area, being the leading colour for pylons and information boards. Wayfinding also uses the wood elements, which are present in the interior design as a distinctive feature of the representative spaces. The visual language has been complemented by geometrical, hand-painted elements using a single-colour, gradually fading gradient.

The typeface Di Grotesk, from the Polish typographic studio Threedotstype, was chosen for the primary use within the wayfinding system, using a Bold style for Polish texts and Regular for English texts. For more expressive applications, primarily building names, staircases and floor numbers, a unique character set was created based on the Eklips Semibold typeface (Letters from Sweden). The typographic messages were also complemented by the set of unique pictograms and designed on the basis of its characteristic elements.

優秀的標識導向系統並非與建築和室內設計爭妍鬥麗,而是恰如其分地傳遞環境的資訊。波蘭得獎設計工作室Blank Studio為 Echo Investment開發的新辦公大樓計畫Brain Park位於克拉科夫,由三棟十層樓高的建築組成,團隊先深入了解大樓的用途和定位,再結合出簡約而優雅的設計取向,讓客人在尋路時也感受到其對統一和溫馨的追求。

Echo Investment每棟建築都獲賦予一種特定主色調,Blank Studio決定把這特色帶到標誌系統的設計上,並綴以深藍色和天然木材,打造更有趣和吸引的視覺效果。而深藍色調更常用於戶外空間,也是資訊板的主色,方便人們建立記憶連繫,更輕易穿梭於大樓內各個專區。

大樓的尋路系統選用了波蘭印刷工作室 Threedotstype 的 Di Grotesk 字款,活用粗體樣式和常規樣式,來協助空間使用者辨認波蘭和英文字,而建築物名稱、梯階和樓層編號則以瑞典的Eklips Semibold 字體為本,創建出極具力量的視覺應用。時而加上單色或幾何漸變的手繪元素作補充,成功為大樓創造出實用美觀的導向系統。

Images courtesy of Blank Studio’s official website: studioblank.pl; Photography: Michał Jędrzejowski and Echo Investment

#aesthetic #建筑 #건축물 #内装デザイン #内装 #室內設計 #空間設計 #空間規劃


The connection between man and nature is something of prime consideration to architects and designers. Located in Kenting Bay, Wandering Walls built by Taipei-based architectural design firm, XRANGE architects 十一事務所 showcases an excellent example of this. The architecture is comparable to a strip of flowing ribbons, swaying in the wind. As the play of sunlight and shadows of the trees move before you, the site is an organic, graceful dance with nature.

This ecological B&B has a total of eight rooms, dividing the spatial interface between public and private spheres, the interior and exterior, architecture and landscape, allowing the lush acacia forest to form a natural windbreak barrier for the building. As well, it provides a unique experience of walking through the native forest.

Conceived by Grace Cheung, founder and chief architect at XRANGE Architects, this board-walled structure adopts a beamless design, allowing the curved walls on the three floors to open freely in the wind like ribbons. The interlocking flying walls form boundless openings between floors, reflecting the horizon of sky, forest and sea.

人與大自然的連繫是建築師和設計師們極為重視的創作條件。駐台北建築設計公司十一事務所築構的墾丁灣臥民宿Wandering Walls便是成功例子,媲美隨風搖曳的帶狀弧牆,如影隨形的日光和樹影在你眼前不斷推移,在大自然中翩翩起舞。


在十一事務所創辦人兼首席建築師Grace Cheung的策劃下,這座板牆結構採無樑柱設計,讓三個樓層的弧牆得以如絲帶般自由地迎風張開。相互交錯的飛牆在樓層之間形成了無邊際的開囗,把天、林、海的地平線映入其中。

Photography: Kuo-Min Lee, Lorenzo Pierucci and Studio Millspace

#建築写真 #建築設計 #建築写真撮影 #建筑 #建築 #建築家 #건축물

Photos from RainySky's post 31/10/2023

When RainySky tackled the design project for the China Resources Research Institute of Science and Technology for China Resources Enterprise, they emphasised on several core components: flexibility, practical functions and the use of natural elements. The planned conference rooms and laboratories can be flexibly combined into large spaces, with movable seating designs and environmental functions, enabling it convenient for holding meetings, events, or even to function as a shared studio.

The RainySky team took advantage of the high-rise ceilings at China Resources Research Institute of Science and Technology, cleverly mixing in lively greenery, resting/ leisure benches, furniture and patterns infusing modern geometric designs, to greatly increase the fluidity and visual interest of the space.

From the design concept to the realisation of the project, RainySky needed to complete all processes within three months, and accurately understood the differences in corporate culture between China and Hong Kong. On the premise of seeking common ground while reserving differences, RainySky have created a thoughtful design space that reflects the core values of both, as well as a harmonious and flexible place to conduct work and research.




#aesthetic #屋宇署 #建筑 #건축물 #内装デザイン #内装 #室內設計 #空間設計 #空間規劃


Design knowledge comes from all directions. Not only do we look towards the future of technology, but we must not forget to capture the value of learning from tradition. Therefore, we recommend this classic book to you - “A Sign Systems Manual” published in 1970. Whether you are an employed designer or simply interested in learning more about graphic and wayfinding design, there’s much to be absorbed here.

"A Sign Systems Manual'' is written by creative masters Theo Crosby, Alan Fletcher and Colin Forbes. The book illustrates and describes a simple basic system for designing, constructing and displaying signs, together with examples of schemes which have been produced by leading international designers.

In the book, the author shares in detail the historical origin of letters, the development of typefaces and fonts, and provides recommended usage, spacing, and color codes. As well, they outline the direction and angle of arrows, as well as references for the production of street signs to present an outline for signage and wayfinding design.

設計知識從四面八方而來,我們既仰望未來科技,亦不忘學習傳統價值。我們熱切與你分享出版於1970年的經典好書《A Sign Systems Manual》,深信不論是就業設計師,還是有意了解更多關於平面設計或標識導向系統設計的人士,也定會獲益良多。

《A Sign Systems Manual》作者為創作大師Theo Crosby、Alan Fletcher和Colin Forbes,深入淺出地闡述設計的基本系統、符號的建構和展示,並活用頂級國際設計師的真實案例與讀者探討。


Images courtesy of The Print Arkive (https://www.theprintarkive.co.uk/)

Photos from RainySky's post 11/10/2023

New ideas sometimes come from a flash of inspiration, or may transpire from thin air. After seeing the signage and guidance system design created by Büro Uebele (büro uebele visuelle kommunikation ) for the Tuttlingen district council office in 2021, the team at RainySky were all drawn to their simplicity in spatial planning. Büro Uebele design team modestly commented, "We just needed to piece together all the clues scattered around, and the design itself formed naturally."

“When you walk into Tuttlingen‘s district council offices, you find yourself in a large hall from which you can access all the other spaces.” The Büro Uebele team restored the essence of minimalism, so that when visitors reach the centre of the hall, they only need to look up to see almost every potential destination, achieving their goal of a successful signage system.

Büro Uebele has selected extra large and clear text labels and a font colour that blends harmoniously with the light grey building to cohesively indicate the purpose and name of each space and department. This clarity has been achieved from the basement level, saving visitors trouble of finding their way, no matter where they are.

新念頭由靈光一閃產生,也可能是憑空想像。看過Büro Uebele於2021年為圖特林根區議會辦公室設計的標識導向系統後,我們無不被他們簡約而到位的規劃所吸引。團隊謙虛表示:「我們只需要把散落四周的線索拼湊起來,設計便自然形成了。」

「走進圖特林根區議會辦公室後,你會發現自己好像置身大廳般,能隨意穿梭不同空間。」Büro Uebele團隊還原極簡神髓,訪客到達大廳中央時,只需仰望即可看到每個潛在的目的地,直接了解當地實踐標識導向系統設計的首要目標。

Büro Uebele選用特大清晰的字句標籤、與淺灰色建築和諧融合的字體顏色,清楚指示着每個空間、部門的用途和名稱,從下一層往上望也一目了然,免卻訪客邊找路邊奔波的麻煩。

Photography: Stefan Müller-Naumann; Images couresty of Büro Uebele’s official website (https://www.uebele.com/)

Photos from RainySky's post 15/09/2023

RainySky loves to seek creative inspiration from around the world, in the realms of interior design, architecture and wayfinding systems. This time, inspiration is taken from the wayfinding created by Korean studio, Studio Baton, for Library tTsome - who have done a fine job in combining practicality and edge with inspiring design. We appreciate this balance of aesthetics.

A cross cultural space for teens and tweens who pursue relaxation and various experiences in everyday life, Library tTsome is forward thinking in its cultivation. Encouraging members to activate pursuits such as cook, create YouTube content and design furniture including wooden chairs and bookshelves, Studio Baton used blue as the main tone to represent the spirit of the organisation, and paired this with grey, red, and white to create Library tTsome's logo and wayfinding system.

Studio Baton's design approach is simple and eye-catching: they have used 58-degree diagonal lines to decorate the lift doors, bright red for warning signs, and carefully selected concise and comprehensive graphic symbols to convey specific and accurate information about the nature of the environment.

RainySky熱愛從環球各地物色創作靈感,範疇涉及室內設計、建築和標識導向系統,今次我們精選韓國工作室Studio Baton為Library tTsome創造的標識導向系統,欣賞他們如何在實用指示和具啟發性的美學之間拿捏平衡。

Library tTsome是為青少年和少年而設的跨文化圖書空間,鼓勵組織會員製作YouTube內容、烹飪、設計木椅和書架等,從日常生活中尋找獨立興趣。Studio Baton利用代表組織精神的藍色作主調,再配搭灰、紅、白色來創作Library tTsome的標誌和標識導向系統。

Studio Baton的設計手法簡約而矚目:工作室利用58度的斜線來裝飾升降機門、具警告意味的標誌利用鮮紅色標示、嚴選言簡意賅的圖形符號,具體準確地傳遞環境性質的信息。

(Photography: 김동규 | 이동웅; Images courtesy of Studio Baton)

#aesthetic #建筑 #건축물 #内装デザイン #内装 #室內設計 #空間設計 #空間規劃

Photos from RainySky's post 08/09/2023

In line with the Buildings Department’s founding mission of promoting green buildings, RainySky incorporated innovative yet environmentally friendly design and construction methods to transform the interior design of its Building Information Centre. These included a choice of high end recyclable materials, reusing the previous service counters, installing energy-efficient air-conditioning and lighting systems and real-time energy monitoring systems. This allows them to develop the architecture of the space, while simultaneously breaking the boundaries of a traditional government office with their unique creativity.

RainySky chose organic and natural forms as the design theme of the Building Information Centre, using curves on furniture, fixtures, ceilings and carpets to effectively convey the concept of "flowing of information". The "cloud" shape of computer counters represent the importance of an interactive dialogue between the department and the general public.

The design of the background wall of the podium is also unique, outlining the structure of Hong Kong's iconic buildings and depicting the cityscape of Victoria Harbour. If you look closely, you will find the landmarks of Hong Kong within. The office adopts an open design and indoor potted plants and greenery have been added to promote sustainability and enable employees to work in a natural atmosphere.




#aesthetic #屋宇署 #建筑 #건축물 #内装デザイン #内装 #室內設計 #空間設計 #空間規劃

Photos from RainySky's post 23/08/2023

After RainySky was commissioned by the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park to design the signage system for its Advanced Manufacturing Centre, the company clearly grasped their client’s needs and preferences. At the outset, RainySky knew their client’s desire was to reflect futurism and technological innovation, and to demonstrate the revolutionary changes that come with the evolution of Industry 3.0, allowing users to sense its transformative impact. The expansive building features diverse floors with varying specifications, presenting a challenge for users to readily grasp the layout and orientation. After more than 100 meetings and design collaborations throughout five years, RainySky successfully established a distinctive brand positioning for the Advanced Manufacturing Centre. A large scale logo depicts the significance of the landmark, and the use of orange connects the space with HKSTP. Furthermore, a geometric pattern has been utilized for a modern sensibility, as well as a unique stencil font that pays homage to the aesthetics of Industry 1.0.


#aesthetic #建筑 #건축물 #内装デザイン #内装 #室內設計 #空間設計 #空間規劃

Photos from RainySky's post 17/08/2023

Sustainable design, which emphasizes reducing the impact on the environment, has become a global trend. When RainySky was responsible for the design of the Environmental Protection Department's Environmental Academy, it responded aptly to the city’s vision of meeting its sustainable development goals. The design team at RainySky custom designed an eye-catching yet environmentally feature wall for the multi-functional activity room, using natural lichens (that can improve air quality) to form the organization’s logos. They also collaborated with a local laser cutting factory to use recycled paper to create a new image of the Hong Kong skyline - an upgraded version of Industry 3.0, depicting landmark buildings in Hong Kong’s Special Administrative Region, to act as the perfect background for group photos. Meanwhile, reclaimed wood from the previous Wan Chai pier has been upcycled into environmentally friendly furniture, including coffee tables and high tables, which inject historical charm and personality into the space. RainySky has divided the space into three intimate areas, to help promote group interaction and facilitate different activities. The materials used throughout are highly durable, eliminating the need for frequent maintenance in the future.


#減廢 #可持續發展 #永續生活 #環保 #建筑 #건축물 #内装デザイン #内装 #室內設計 #空間設計 #空間規劃


Those who witness architectural design blending seamlessly into nature's wonder will always be deeply touched. Such is the case of the Monologue Art Museum in China, completed by Shanghai based architecture firm, Wutopia Lab. Settled in the park of SEATOPIA in Beidaihe, Qinhuangdao, the project emerges as an ensemble of three geometrical masses floating on a pool, all encircled by a white ring. The design team sought to generate an intimate and silent space where visitors could contemplate or hide their thoughts. Shares the architect, Yu Ting, "In an open green space at the intersection of three residential clusters in the Weilan Coast campus, I broke up the 1,300 square meter building into different monoliths combined with walls, corridors, and ambiguous spaces into a triangular-shaped 3,600 square meter place - the Monologue Art Museum. I see the boundary of the Monologue as a shifting ink line - I use white instead of black in the architecture. The starting stroke is the small oval theater. The point is the yoga room, the dried brush is the flower wall, the art gallery is the stroke that connects these, the thin and somewhat fast is the corridor with a nib, then it leans to become a side peak forming a slow thick line, the enlarged art museum, then the dance studio is a stroke slowly back to the nib."

融情入景的建築設計,任誰看到也必深受觸動。我們今次分享來自上海建築設計公司Wutopia Lab的獨白美術館,欣賞主持建築師俞挺絲絲入扣的美學語言。這個複合功能場所位於秦皇島北戴河SEATOPIA的公園綠地上,擁有形狀不一卻又相近的角落,可同時容納多位訪客,三五成群或是獨個兒走逛感受亦可。俞挺指:「我把獨白美術館的邊界看成這麼一條變化的墨線。在建築中我用白色代替黑色創作。起筆是橢圓形的小劇場。點是瑜伽室,枯筆是花牆,藝術長廊是聯繫這些的筆劃,細的有些快的是走廊,用的是筆尖,然後變成側峰形成慢的粗的線條就是放大的美術館,再慢慢回到筆尖用筆一頓就是舞蹈教室。」他利用傳統中國畫的線條在空間裡即席揮毫,規劃出心目中的理想光譜。

Photography: CreatAR Images & Seven W

#建筑 #건축물 #空間規劃 #建物探訪 #건축 #건축사진 #建築巡り #アート #當代藝術 #現代アート #イラスト #예술 #일러스트


While he was studying design more than 20 years ago, RainySky's co-founder and creative director, Penny Chan first met Japanese architect Tadao Ando and became acquainted with his well-known masterpiece: the Church of Light. Penny shares, "At that time, not many architects would use concrete as the focus of design. The simple and pure building facade, without any fancy design formed the ingenious design planning of Church of Light. Even without much artificial lighting source in the interior, the building's location on the east side allowed it to take advantage of the sun. Whenever the sun rises, the "cross of light" is lit up inside the simple concrete structure, and the interior space blends harmoniously with the light. In 2017, I was fortunate to visit Ando's exhibition in Tokyo - (TADAO ANDO: ENDEAVORS). Seeing his 1:1 model of the Church of Light, was also the first time I had a close contact with his design. I witnessed how he presented the admirable force of Japanese craft, transforming the originally ordinary concrete into something extraordinary. This renowned architect does not hail from an illustrious background, nor has he received any formal architectural training, but he has become one of the greatest masters in his profession. One can only respect and learn from this true inspiration."

二十多前修讀設計專業時,RainySky合夥創辦人兼創作總監Penny Chan首次認識到日本建築師安藤忠雄,以及他為人津津樂道的代表作:光之教堂。「那個年代,沒有太多建築師會運用混凝土作為設計重心。簡單純粹的建築立面,不加花巧設計,光之教堂在巧妙的佈局規劃下,即使室內不設太多人造光源,卻能把握建築座落東邊的條件,每當太陽徐徐升起,簡約的混凝土結構內部隨即亮起了『光的十字架』,室內空間頓時與光線和諧交融。2017年,我有幸在《挑戰—安藤忠雄展》東京展覽上,參觀到安藤忠雄安排的1:1光之教堂模型,也是我首次近距離接觸他的設計。他呈現了無可置疑的日本匠人精神,把原本平平無奇的混凝土發揮極致。這位建築大師沒有華麗的出身背景,卻憑一己之力從沒有受過正規建築教育的年輕人,成為國際首屈一指的建築師,確實教人甘拜下風。」

(Images source: , and via Instagram)

#安藤忠雄 #光の教会 #建築 #建築探訪 #建築探訪 #安藤忠雄建築 #建築写真 #建築巡り #建筑 #건축물 #内装デザイン #内装 #空間設計 #空間規劃 #現代美術 #當代藝術 #現代アート #イラスト #aesthetic


Hong Kong Science and Technology Park’s InnoSquare project by RainySky has won six major international awards; including the 2022-2023 Asia Pacific Property Awards, 2022 A' Design Award, 2021 IDA Design Awards Honourable Mention, 2021 Hong Kong Design Awards Corporate and Commercial Interior Design Silver Award as well as the 2021 Hong Kong Designers Association Global Design Awards and Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA). These accolades recognise and honour the company's excellence in space configuration, circulation planning, lighting and material use, aesthetic considerations as well as performance of practical functions.
For this project, RainySky took a majestic tree as its inspiration blueprint, expanding this from the root core to create many special areas throughout the co-working space for group communication, personal solitude, inspiration and leisure. Simultaneously considering the users of the space are mainly young professionals in the tech industry, RainySky reflected the uniqueness of this demographic through smart design. They leveraged bio-friendly materials that meet the principles of sustainable development as much as possible throughout the space - for example, the carpet on the second floor is made from zero-carbon-footprint materials, the wallpaper is made from recycled waste, and even its transportation was carefully monitored to achieve a zero-carbon footprint. In order to improve the indoor air and green environment, the team prioritised the health of its tenants as their main consideration, especially ordering organic mosses from Finland to assist with eliminating noise and absorbing chemicals.
RainySky憑藉香港科學園InnoSquare項目囊括六大國際殊榮,包括2022至2023年Asia Pacific Property Awards、2022年A' Design Award、2021年IDA Design Awards Honorable Mention、2021年Hong Kong Design Awards企業及商業室內設計銀獎、2021年香港設計師協會環球設計大獎和Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA),表揚公司對空間配置、動線規劃、燈光及物料運用、美學考慮和實用功能上的卓越表現。RainySky以宏偉樹幹作藍圖,從核心往外拓展,創造出許多適合群體交流、個人獨處、激發靈感和休閒的專區,同時考慮到用戶多為年輕的科技專才,為他們設計工作間時,也確切反映每個單位的獨特性。此外,RainySky亦盡可能運用符合可持續發展原則的生物友好物料,維護生態環境。二樓地毯以零碳足跡成分製作,牆紙則由回收廢料製成,就連其運輸過程也經過精心監控,以實現零碳足跡。而為改善室內空氣和綠化環境,團隊事事以租戶的健康為首要考慮,特別從芬蘭訂購有機地衣,發揮消除噪音和吸收化學物質的功效。

#室內設計 #空間設計 #空間規劃 #aesthetic #建筑 #건축물 #内装デザイン #内装

Photos from RainySky's post 17/07/2023

Futuristic design at its very best is achieved when ingenious design meets avant garde scientific concepts, as showcased by the Chinese Academy of Sciences conceived by RainySky. Entering the premises, a characteristic zigzag wall providing great visual impact welcomes guests through the gate, while the metallic paint reveals the prelude to a futuristic design style, leading through to a three-dimensional virtual world. The partition wall of the meeting room has been constructed from intelligent materials of UMU laminated glass. With a single touch, the dynamic effect of switching between virtual and reality can be realised to meet the needs of different occasions. Wide open spaces have been used to foster artificial intelligence and robotics demonstrations. Automatic revolving doors with flexible operation functions were installed in the area to simplify logistics, while projectors and screens were installed to enhance audience participation. In the lifestyle arenas, the tea room doubles as a leisure space for communication and sharing. Throughout this soothing, warm aesthetic design, the space is successful in relieving stress and improving work efficiency.

#aesthetic #建筑 #건축물 #内装デザイン #内装 #室內設計 #空間設計 #空間規劃

Photos from RainySky's post 03/07/2023

With the vision of uniting the construction industry in Hong Kong, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) is committed to promoting a sustainable communication platform, strengthening occupational safety awareness and enhancing the skill development of industry talents. When RainySky was commissioned to handle CIC’s design project, the team sought to reflect the organisation's founding goals in terms of structural design and wayfinding signage. RainySky pioneered an industry first for this organisation - unifying the image design of all training venues in Hong Kong according to the positioning of the CIC, and emphasising the core principle of prioritising people, conceived in response to the education and cultural level of its users. The result is a wayfinding and signage system established for the council that is direct, professional and easily comprehensible. In addition, RainySky has also established a system that can be changed and adapted according to the training itinerary of the day - this structure uses solid materials that do not require heavy maintenance, while considering the outdoor wind conditions for easy moving and transporting to achieve an environment that is highly efficient.

#aesthetic #建筑 #건축물 #内装デザイン #内装 #室內設計 #空間設計 #空間規劃


A successful wayfinding system is a rigorous yet unified universal language, starting from the overall principle, and then deriving from this visual elements such as materials, typeface and colour tone based on specifications. Says Penny Chan of RainySky - a respected architectural firm who specialise in way finding systems and interior design - “We must take into account the coordination between the environment with the design of the wayfinding system. In terms of material selection and content creation, we must match the project's architectural style and industry attributes to reflect the unique cultural temperament of each space.. For example, scientific research institutions emphasize logic and rigour, academic institutions want to emphasize creativity, vitality and hope, and medical spaces need an elegant and soothing atmosphere. Only with in-depth cognition and expertise can we create an overall image and approach that reflects the soul and exterior of the space.”


#室內設計 #空間設計 #空間規劃

Photos from RainySky's post 16/06/2023

Innovation, the pursuit of knowledge and cooperation are the blueprints to a successful future. When RainySky was commissioned to conceive the 18,500 square-feet InnoSquare at Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, they drew inspiration from the characteristics of trees that grow naturally, branch outwards, and meet the principles of sustainable development. They also sourced materials and textures accordingly to complement this objective. This organically channels the fresh perspective of "new ideas, new future, new generation".


#内装 #室內設計 #空間設計 #空間規劃

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