
我們是在倫敦生活的香港媽咪,深明香港家長的需要和口味,致力推介可培養閱讀興趣的英文好書,令小朋友學懂享受閱讀和享受學習。 Having trouble finding the right books for your kids? Not sure about the level of your kids?

Not sure which ones are suitable for them to read? We understand the importance of putting the right book in the hands of the right reader. We offer a wide range of stimulating literature that matches the ability of your child. We appreciate that your book budget is precious and that your time is short, so allow us to introduce you to a book range that covers widely publicised titles from award wi

Photos from Shopping.UK's post 19/08/2024

適合準備GCSE English Language 的考生(14-16歲)

Photos from Shopping.UK's post 18/08/2024


📙🐉 Wings of Fire 故事講述多個龍族之間的爭鬥,年輕的幼龍反戰,當中他們性格的養成、領導才能、忠誠的情操、克服險阻和困難的堅持,並在錯誤中成長的過程,都對Pre-teens有著大大的吸引力。現有Series 1-3,每個Series 5本。

📗🐈 Warrior Cats 是幾個貓族在森林中生活和爭霸,活生生的爭鬥刻劃迫真,有受傷、有死亡(細膽的小朋友可能會驚⚠️),但這些都是小孩成長必須面對的鍛鍊和掙扎,好在他們都不是單打獨鬥,朋友夥伴的支持和鼓勵也十分重要!現有Series 1-7,每個Series 6本。我個女追晒7個Series, 好誇張😝!
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Photos from Shopping.UK's post 18/08/2024


📘Synonyms and Antonyms 同義詞和相反詞練習本 / $135
● 一個英文字多數有超過一個同義詞,所以這練習本把相似意思的多個英文字分組來學習,小朋友更容易記億。大部分的練習有兩組同義詞,但意思相反,這樣小朋友更容易聯繫,學習更有效。
● 遇上不認識的英文字,建議你記下重温,那樣考試便一定更有把握!
● 全書122頁,附答案。

📗Basic English Vocabulary / $129
● 我特別喜歡此書內容分類和編排,簡單而見效。
● 生字以其意思分類,如Big and small、Tree and flowers、Body parts⋯等等,這樣的編排,小朋友特別容易記住。
● 一些練習前面有精簡的揶要,提醒小朋友!
● 另外有同音字Homophones、Idioms、同義詞Synonyms 和 反義詞 Antonyms等的練習。
● 全書有100個練習,146頁,附答案。

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Photos from Shopping.UK's post 18/08/2024

【適合9+】What’s Happening to Me (Boys and Girls) 2 books
小朋友悄悄地進入青春期,生理和心理都會出現變化,這本Usborne 出版的What’s Happening to Me 以小朋友的情感角度出發,表達親和友善,不僅介紹身體的生理變化,也解答他們心裡的疑問和困惑,建立良好的自我形象和社交。
Title: What’s Happening to Me (Boys and Girls) 2 books
Selling Price: 一套2本HK$135 (包一般工商速遞)
Features: 15 x 22.5 cm / Paperback / 2 books / 48 pages per book / 0.25 kg
● Girls
A sensitive, detailed and informative guide to female puberty, this book will prove invaluable for both young girls and their parents alike, tackling key subjects from the physical changes that occur at this time to practical matters, such as buying your first bra. Bright, original colour illustrations and diagrams reveal everything young girls need to know about the changes they will experience as they approach puberty. The stunning artwork is accompanied by witty, yet clear and informative factual text that helps to demystify this often confusing and tricky subject. Approved by a team of top-notch consultants, this remarkable and reassuring book is entertaining, approachable and authoritative.
● Boys
With bright, cartoon-style illustrations and clear diagrams this sensitive, detailed and informative guide explains male puberty in a reassuring and friendly way. It tackles everything from physical and hormonal changes to emotional upheaval. Ideal for libraries and schools, the contents and index pages make key topics easy to find.
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Photos from Shopping.UK's post 17/08/2024

Books for teen girls 💗


📕Cathy Cassidy The Chocolate Box Girls Series 6 books
📗Lottie Brooks 4 books
📘The School for Good and Evil 5 books
📘Geek Girl 6 books
📕Dork Diairies 5 books
📗Puffin Classics Story 10 books
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Photos from Shopping.UK's post 16/08/2024

【適合5歲以上有學習Oxford Reading Tree自然拼讀法的小朋友】
Oxford Phonics Spelling Dictionary 牛津大學出版拼音字典對學習串字和閱讀特別有幫助, 解釋為什麼'Sun' 和'Cinderella' 都是's'音開頭, 而'dance'有相同的's'音於尾, 也輕鬆地解釋為什麼'egg' 和'eat'同樣是e開頭, 但讀音有所不同。
✅內容包括4000個字, 以讀音排序, 非常簡單有效, 串字不再是難題了。

Title/書名: Oxford Phonics Spelling Dictionary
Dimensions/尺寸: 22 x 27.5 cm
Selling Price/售價: HK$137 (包一般工商區速遞)

This new edition of the Oxford Phonics Spelling Dictionary is an easy home and school reference tool.

With words ordered by their initial phonic sound and colourful illustrations of familiar Oxford Reading Tree characters, it helps children using synthetic phonics and prepare for the screening check. Supported by the Floppy’s Phonics Sounds and Letters Programme, it follows the Alphabetic Code Chart of sounds and alternative spellings that children learn at school. There are subsections to show how the same sounds appear in the middle or at the end of a word and a separate section of the long vowel sounds and their alternative spellings.

With this dictionary, it easy to explain how ‘sun’ and ‘Cinderella’ both start with the ‘s’ sound and how ‘dance’ has the same ‘s’ sound at the end, while ‘egg’ and ‘eat’ start with the same letter but different sounds.

● This unique phonics dictionary, with words ordered by their initial phonic sound, supports spelling and reading
● Illustrated with the favourite Oxford Reading Tree characters Biff, Chip, and Kipper and, of course, Floppy!
● Ideal for preparing for the phonics screening check
● Makes synthetic phonics easy with a full list of sounds and alternative spellings from the Alphabetic Code Chart

Our Code/貨號: PO248
Format/書包裝型式: Paperback 平裝
No. of Books/冊數: 1
Weight/重量: 0.338 kg



🛑遊戲機玩太多 ─ 遊戲機、網絡遊戲非常多的觀感刺激,節奏快,書本相對需要孩子放慢和耐心。
✅解決辦法:每天安排20-30分鐘的固定閱讀時間。嘗試漫畫書graphic novels。

🛑選錯書 ─ 書本題材本身並不吸引小孩。

🛑不明白閱讀的樂趣 ─ 小孩如果未試過追看小說或從閱讀喜歡的題材中學習到新的知識,是不明白閱讀的樂趣!

🛑書本太長太多字 ─ 很多時候,一大版英文字,小孩可能會恐懼。

🛑程度不對 ─ 常見到有小孩或許會因爲別人都在看Harry Potter而拿來看,而事實是他們還沒準備好。

坐言起行,這個假期餘下的時間,你就來試試不同的解決方法, !💪
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Photos from Shopping.UK's post 16/08/2024

如果屋企只買一本Grammar書,我一定推薦這本Help Your Kids with English!🎯👍
這本書我自己用了多年,倍女兒做功課和溫習,都係靠佢。中學生適用,我自己就由女兒小學開始擁有。學校的書很多時候都沒有這本寫得清晰明白,它的平面設計一流 (封面完全看不出來,那是敗筆!😮‍💨),語法解釋一看即懂!

【適合9歲+】Help Your Kids with English
⭐作者Carol Vorderman是🇬🇧英國有名的電影節目主持人,博學多才,在教育方面的著作很多,深受大眾追棒。
⭐這本書適合小學高年級以至初中生,涵蓋範圍全面,Grammar、Punctuation、Spelling和Communication Skills,解釋詳細易明,版面設計清晰,作為參考書,絕對可靠!
Title: Help Your Kids with English
Selling Price: HK$239 (包一般工商速遞)
Features: 20 x 24.5 cm / Paperback / 256 pages / 0.796 kg
If English is sounding like a foreign language, make it easy and effortless with the ultimate study guide.
This visual reference book takes you through all the different parts of the English language, leaving you ready to help your children tackle the trickiest of subjects.
Carol Vorderman's unique study aid encourages parents and children to work together as a team to understand and use all aspects of the English language, including grammar, punctuation, and spelling. This latest title in the best-selling Help Your Kids series combines pictures, diagrams, instructions, and examples to cover the components of the school syllabus, while building knowledge, boosting confidence, and aiding understanding.
With your support, children can overcome the challenges of English, leaving them calm, confident, and exam ready.
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Photos from Shopping.UK's post 15/08/2024

#現貨一套3本 #適合7-8歲
心算 閱讀理解 串字 補充練習


Complete Comprehension
212 pages
Comprising of teacher’s notes and photocopiable resources, Schofield & Sims Complete Comprehension is a whole-school programme designed to support children from their first steps in comprehension through to secure ownership and confident application of comprehension skills.

Written by a team of expert authors, the series breaks down the complex process of reading comprehension into separate skills. Each teaching unit targets one comprehension skill, which is introduced through a modelling session and then practised using test-style questions. Children engage with these skills through captivating texts that have been carefully selected by experienced teachers for each age group and are complemented by a wealth of enrichment activities, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience that encourages reading for pleasure and produces strong and successful readers.

Each book contains:

● a Skills guide, providing in-depth explanations for each comprehension skill
engaging text passages from a range of genres, including high-quality contemporary fiction
● a Lesson plan for each unit, including a Language toolkit to support vocabulary teaching
● extensive discussion and enrichment activities to build background knowledge
● photocopiable Target-skill questions and Mix it up! questions
● three informal Progress check assessments.

Photos from Shopping.UK's post 14/08/2024

這本PRO Word Wheels Book圓形外型有趣的工具書,提供了大量的✍️寫作提示,有words, phrases and sentences,分類為
● Openers
● Formal Essay Phrases
● Verbs
● Adjectives
● Emotions and Attitudes
● Academic Essay Phrasing
● Science Answer Styles
● Email Phrase
● Literary Devices and Effects
● CV and Job Applications
✅用法容易,例如你想寫Clearly, 書內提示你可用in all honesty, without a doubt, one must admit...等等
✅在不同的情況之下,寫作的風格和用字會有不同,想要在寫作之中讓人留下印象,這個Word wheels非常有效,即時提供建議,提高文章精準度。
⭕️一本10頁HK$189 (本地運費順豐到付)
【適合9 - 13歲】Advanced Word Wheels
【適合6 - 9歲】Elementary Word Wheels
Title: PRO Word Wheels Book
Selling Price: HK$189 (順豐運費到付)
Features: 30 x 30 cm / 0.11 kg / 10 pages
The PRO edition Word Wheel book is a handy reference tool for writing academic essays, building high-level vocabulary, writing letters, speeches, articles, applications and answering exam questions with style. Suitable for teenagers and adults, from 13+, GCSE and A-level preparation, through to university and even for professional articulacy in the world of work.
Every book contains 10 wheels:
● Openers: How to start sentences with style in creative writing
● Formal Essay Phrases: For essays, speeches, discussion and persuasion.
● Verbs: Hundreds of synonyms for walked, saw, said, ran, moved, laughed, cried, ate/drank.
● Adjectives: Hundreds of synonyms for big, small, fast, slow, pretty, ugly, good, bad.
● Emotions and Attitudes: Hundreds of synonyms for happy, sad, angry, scared, naughty, dishonest, calm, selfish, embarrassed, kind.
● Academic Essay Phrasing: Longer phrases for structuring paragraphs in various essay subjects..
● Science Answer Styles: Recognising different question types and how to answer each one effectively.
● Email Phrases: How to sound professional in an email - introductions, signing off, requests, confiding, confrontation, delivering bad news.
● Literary Devices and Effects: Understanding techniques in English literature and phrasing analysis.
● CV and Job Applications: Hundreds of synonyms for words that may be useful in a professional statement or application.
Whether in exams, interviews or on a form, we are all judged by our ability to communicate. No matter how creative, intelligent or capable a student may be, many struggle when it comes to expressing themselves in speech or on paper. The PRO book is the perfect aid for enhancing eloquence and supporting clear, stylish commication.

Photos from Shopping.UK's post 13/08/2024

【適合14-16歲】GCSE English Writing Skills Revision Guide
昨天發現原來這𥚃有好多家長的小朋友都快GCSE了,我們就來介紹一本寫作書✍️,其實要寫出強而有力的文章是有技巧的,而且寫作能力更是讀書以致工作時,一項關鍵技能。這本超值💰,不用HK$100, 。

This CGP Revision Guide is a brilliant way to help GCSE English students polish their writing style and pick up top marks in their exams!

It's suitable for all exam boards and packed with clear, accessible advice for the key writing skills needed for both GCSE English Language & Literature — including essays, short responses, non-fiction, creative writing and more.

Plus, there's a selection of helpful practice questions at the end of every topic and even a free Online Edition of the entire book. Trust us, you'll never be lost for words again!
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Photos from Shopping.UK's post 13/08/2024

🌠Stephen Hawking 霍金應該無人不識了吧,但你又知不知道他與女兒Lucy Hawking合作寫成的這一套兒童科幻小說呢?
【適合8歲+】George's Secret Key to the Universe Complete 6 Books Collection

Title/書名: George's Secret Key to the Universe Complete 6 Books Collection
Selling Price/售價: 一套6本HK$369
Features: 13 x 20 cm / paperback / 6 books / 1.535 kg

Written by science educator Lucy Hawking and her father - the most famous scientist in the world - and illustrated by Garry Parsons, George's Secret Key to the Universe will take you on a rollercoaster ride through space to discover the mysteries of our universe.

George's Secret Key to the Universe:
George's pet pig breaks through the fence into the garden next door - introducing him to his new neighbours: the scientist, Eric, his daughter, Annie, and a super-intelligent computer called Cosmos.

George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt:
George's best friend Annie needs help. Her scientist father, Eric, is working on a space project - and it's all going wrong. A robot has landed on Mars, but is behaving very oddly. And now Annie has discovered something wierd on her dad's super-computer.

George and the Big Bang:
Meet George. He's an ordinary boy with an incredible secret - the power to go on intergalactic adventures!Join him as he battles a sinister rebel-scientist, who's hell bent on sabotaging the most exciting - and dangerous - experiment of the century.

George and the Blue Moon:
George and his best friend, Annie have been selected as junior astronauts - part of a programme that trains up young people for a trip to Mars in the future.

George and the Unbreakable Code:
George and his best friend Annie haven't had any space adventures for a while and they're missing the excitement. But not for long . . .

George and the Ship of Time:
When George finds a way to escape the spacecraft Artemis, where he has been trapped, he is overjoyed. Surely now he can return to Earth.
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亞女在英國下年就正式開始 ,她的學校英文科和英國文學也選了AQA的考試,考試概要如圖📸。可以看到英文科Eng Language 主要考📚Reading和✍️Writing,而英國文學Eng Lit 除了考Shakespeare 之外,19世紀以至現代文學和詩詞也都佔了很重的比例(超過60%)!
我們有大量關於Reading (Comprehension)、Writing或相關的書籍可以推介,視乎你小朋友現在的年齡, 。
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Photos from Shopping.UK's post 12/08/2024

【為什麼要讀Shakespeare的書呢? 🩵】Shakespeare的故事都展現出複雜的人性和感情,對於我們理解世界有非常好的啟發。但原文不是❌現代的英文,很難懂啊🤔,那小朋友可以看嗎?


【圖1-2】The Shakespeare Stories 16 books 👦🏻👧🏻小學生都啱睇的莎士比亞作品不容易,這套16本經典故事,每本只是64頁,有插畫,非常家長歡迎!

📙Shakespeare Stories by Leon Garfield 12部莎士比亞的戲劇被Leon Garfield改編成為故事,運用小朋友都能看懂的語言,還保留原文的精神面貌,人物的立體繪劃,故事情節等。絕對是【高小至初中】的小朋友的啟蒙閱讀之選!🔑
Leon Garfield 來頭不小,曾獲多個文學大獎🏆,擅長寫歷史小說。

📘Key Stage 3 Shakespeare 一套3本原文解讀Text Guide,適合英國升學的中學生學習之用。

📕Pop-Up Shakespeare立體機關版莎土比亞,寥寥數句介紹,精簡易讀,編排清𥇦,而且運用✅大量立體紙藝和揭頁。

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Photos from Shopping.UK's post 12/08/2024

【適合3+】Pirate Pete (Pop-in-the-slot story book)
This is a piratical pop-in-the-slot picture book where the reader gets to decide the story! Ahoy there! Pirate Pete is about to set sail on a buccaneering adventure. What will he see in the sky and in the sea? And what's in the treasure chest? The reader decides! On each double page spread there are six cut-outs to choose from. Slot them into the picture to create a new story time and time again. Each spread has six different cutouts to choose from. Just slot the one you want into the picture to create your own story - time and time again.


The incredible true story of a young and brilliant Princess who grew up to become our Queen Elizabeth, the longest-reigning monarch.
Once, a very long time ago, there was a little Princess called Elizabeth (or Lilibet as her family liked to call her) who loved to play and have fun with her horses, dogs and little sister, Margaret. But when she was ten years old, her life changed forever.
From growing up during the Second World War and training as an army mechanic, to celebrating VE day with the people of Britain and marrying Prince Phillip, The Duke of Edinburgh - the man she truly loved - this is the amazing true story of a little girl who became Queen Elizabeth II.
With fantastically fun, charming and playful illustrations by Pauline Reeves, this picture book is the perfect way to explore Queen Elizabeth II's life and legacy with younger readers.

Photos from Shopping.UK's post 11/08/2024

常常有人問想要升中的 ,這套📘Puffin出版的一套10本Classics 經典作品一定榜上有名。流行小說易讀,但在學習英語的領域上,💚經典名著往往給我們更大的參考價值,不僅反映當時的社會事實,更韻含文化精髓,詞彙豐富,寫作技巧優秀。/ $389

另外,📙The 也是十分優秀的作品。作者J. R. R Tolkien 是英國的一個知名學者,在小說中呈現豐富的相像力,善惡交集出現,危險魔幻的旅程,神秘詭譎而華麗的場景,在文學上影響深遠。/ $118

📗由Philip Pullman寫成的His Dark Materials Trilogy 是近年非常流行的parallel universes。這套書奪得多個獎項,包括嚴肅的文學大獎 🏆 Whitbread Prize and Carnegie Medal,實在不容錯過!/ $295

📙Louis Sachar's Holes and Small Steps 作者出色的storytelling技巧,淺白的語言,故事結構豐富,不但屢獲大獎,更成為課堂上的教材,被稱為👑現代文學經典之作,售出超過幾百萬本!/ $193

📘Kate Dicamillo Classic 6 books 獲得多個文學大獎的Kate Dicamillo, 作品帶給我們很多安慰和啟發。魔法故事充滿人性和感情。/ $265
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Photos from Shopping.UK's post 11/08/2024

Enid Blyton 英國無人不識的兒童文學作家
就連Harry Potter作者J W Rowling,小時候也都常看🧡Enid Blyton的作品!為什麼Enid Blyton的書值得你看呢?她直接簡潔的文筆,非常容易閱讀,就像張開雙手的母親,💗人人都喜歡撲進她的懷抱。生動的描述,令人信服的劇情,恰到好處正中小讀者的口胃,所以作為🔑開啟閱讀之門的讀物,她適合不過!

【圖1】 The Wishing Chair 3 books 🧚‍♀️結合魔法、精靈和手足之情的故事👧🏼👦🏻
【圖2】 Famous Five Colour short stories 5 books 原作的簡易版冒險短故事,全彩包內頁,插畫生動,每本80頁。
【圖3】 Faraway Tree Adventures 10 books 異想天開的國度,有趣的角色人物。原作簡易版每本70-100頁,內頁全彩色插畫。
【圖4】 The Mystery Series 15 books 🔎 5個好朋友及1隻小狗🐶的推理查案故事。

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Photos from Shopping.UK's post 10/08/2024

🚸【Back to school】快開學了!這套10本Life Skills for Children非常適合4️⃣歲以上的小朋友,其中Success at School上學應有的態度,當中有很多事例,看到別的小孩的行為,我們再提問自己的小朋友會如何選擇❓希望引導他們正面的行為!正好適合學期開始時看看!
#現貨 #免費順豐站自取

👯‍♂️👯‍♀️《The Children's Book of Making Friends》
💰《The Children's Book of Money Sense 》
幫助小朋友發現和明白錢的真正意義和如何有效地運用金錢。小朋友有零用錢, 但花費了在糖果和漫畫上, 致使在想買新出的遊戲機時, 沒錢可買! 又例如小朋友不小心保管零用錢, 以致掉失, 這書會問小讀者為什麼主角不能買想要的東西, 從而令他們明白儲錢和保管零用錢的重要性。另一書中有提及的重要概念還包括預算(Budgeting), 借錢(Borrowing Money), Value of Money 等。我認為最好的是這書還有涵蓋品德修養方面, 例如教導小朋友要小心使用財物, 如果弄壊了, 需要儲錢修理; 還有不應取笑同學的舊波鞋。事例生活化, 小朋友容易明白。
😊《The Children's Book of Manners》

Recommended Age/建議閱讀年齡: 4+
Selling Price/售價: 一套10本HK$425
Features: 16.8 x 22.6 cm / Paperback / 32 pages per book / 1.378 kg
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Photos from Shopping.UK's post 10/08/2024

【適合小學生】Oxford Primary Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Dictionary
⭕HK$129 (包一般工商區速遞)

With a clear, colour layout and quirky bird characters to make it fun to use, this is a dictionary with a difference. The book divides into sections - the first provides explanations for all the grammar terms required for the primary curriculum, the second, punctuation marks and when to use them, and the third section provides spelling rules, tips and examples. New for this edition is a fourth section on how to discover different words and to grow your vocabulary. This provides perfect support for building language in context and improving literacy skills at the end of primary school. Finally, there is an alphabetical dictionary of tricky spellings - with no meanings - but with hints and tips on how to avoid making spelling mistakes. These words are chosen using analysis of real children's writing in the Oxford Children's Corpus. It is a valuable resource for preparation for tests at the end of primary school. Online activities provide for easy practice at home or can be used as part of lesson starters or homework. For free downloadable activity worksheets, go to
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Photos from Shopping.UK's post 09/08/2024

學校不太會教人生哲學🫠,但不要以為哲學無用,Philosophy 一字源自古希臘,解作 the love of wisdom💙。
【適合8-9歲以上】這本Big Ideas for Curious Minds 書中提出的思考問題,有趣至極!
Why it's hard to know what you want to do with your life❓
What is fair❓
Why you feel lonely❓
Why do some people get paid more than more than others❓
Politeness matters

Title/書名: Big Ideas for Curious Minds
Selling Price/售價: HK$262 (包一般工商速遞)
Features: Hardback / 0.64 kg / 20 x 25.4 cm / 160 pages
Children are, in many ways, born philosophers.
Without prompting, they ask some of the largest questions about time, mortality, happiness and the meaning of it all. Yet too often this inborn curiosity is not developed and, with age, the questions fall away.
This is a book designed to harness children's spontaneous philosophical instinct and to develop it through introductions to some of the most vibrant and essential philosophical ideas of history. The book takes us to meet leading figures of philosophy from around the world and from all eras - and shows us how their ideas continue to matter.
The book functions as an ideal introduction to philosophy, as well as a charming way to open up conversations between adults and children about the biggest questions we all face.
What people are saying about Big Ideas for Curious Minds:
"This is an absolute must have for ALL children. It is absolutely fantastic and helps children understand a number of their daily struggles. In fact I take that previous comment back, this is an absolute must for EVERYONE. I have had read it from cover to cover, and as a 40 year old woman I have honestly learnt something new." Freddies Mummy UK
"This is a beautifully produced book published by the School of Life (founded by well known philosopher Alain de Botton). It is a very accessible starting point for exploring philosophy and how philosophical ideas can be applied to everyday life, in fact it is very explicit about this." Ewingel
"I can't stop reading and talking about this book with others. It is easy to follow and great for an introduction to philosophy for kids. Well written, great illustrations, ideas and clever how it relates the philosophers' ideas to the lives and issues that children have. 5 stars!" Thomas Leesa
"The book itself is genius with an introduction to leading figures of philosophy from around the world from all eras. Alongside that there are chapters teaching our children crucial lessons about life, about love, and about loss. Topics such as 'Why you feel lonely' , 'Politeness matters' , 'People are unhappy not mean' , and 'The mind-body problem' offer invaluable insights into philosophy in a way that our children can really get on board with. When the book arrived and I had a quick glance through it, my immediate reaction was that it was far too old for my children. And yet when I took the time to start reading, and to admire the beautiful illustrations, I found myself still sat there, an hour later, realising that this was exactly the kind of book I want each of my children to read as they grow." Five Little Doves
"The focus of these chapters are incredibly meaningful, some of my favourites include 'People are unhappy, not mean', 'Learn to say what s on your mind', 'Good things are (unexpectedly) hard' and 'Politeness matters'. The book has been written by the fantastic School of Life and it is suggested for curious minds aged 9+. I think most adults would also find these ideas incredibly helpful to reflect on; who doesn't need reminding that when someone is angry, maybe it's not you who is responsible?" Louise Treherne, Role Models
"Although Big Ideas for Curious Minds is aimed at children I have got a lot from it too and I wish I had read it myself as a child... This book has taught me, and LP, new ways of thinking and new ways of being." What the Redhead Said
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我們每天均會推介好書和優惠,在 Shopping.UK專頁上面「已讚好Liked」按「搶先看See First」,輕而易舉,不然我們是會消失於你的動態消息!!
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Photos from Shopping.UK's post 08/08/2024

閱讀和寫作的基本功 ─ 豐富詞彙
🥷🏻快來練好根基!Vocabulary Ninja Workbook 詞彙練習的主題以小朋友✅探索生活為依據,著重✅如何把生字應用於寫作之中,提供大量短練習的機會,到最後小朋友自信心自然得以提升。
📌分4個年齡級別,一本一個級別。下單時請說明要Ages 7-8, Ages 8-9, Ages 9-10 或Ages 10-11

Title: Vocabulary Ninja Workbook
Selling Price: One for HK$78 / Two for HK$140 (包一般工商速遞)
Features: 30 x 21 cm / Paperback / 32 pages / 0.154 kg each

Ideal for learning at home, Vocabulary Ninja Workbook encourages children to supercharge their skills and become Grand Masters of vocabulary!

Created by Andrew Jennings (), the bestselling author of Write Like a Ninja, this fun activity book is perfect for targeted practice at home, building children's confidence and further developing those all-important literacy skills taught in the classroom. With clear activities and lots of colourful illustrations, it can be used as a fun way to get to grips with reading, writing and spelling.

Key features of the Vocabulary Ninja Workbook:

- Features a variety of ✅ fun activities with ✅ full-colour illustrations including code-breaking games, creative writing and fill in the gap
- Helps children practise different vocabulary areas linked to the Key Stage 2 (KS2) curriculum, such as descriptive words, subject-specific terms and synonyms for overused words
- Boosts children's ✅ confidence and develops ✅ essential vocabulary knowledge
- Includes advice for parents on home learning, ✅ answers to the questions, and a downloadable certificate
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我們每天均會推介好書和優惠,在 Shopping.UK專頁上面「已讚好Liked」按「搶先看See First」,輕而易舉,不然我們是會消失於你的動態消息!!
1. 請直接在Post帖文下留言訂購數量 或 Whatsapp 55301977 提供截圖或書名。
2. 我們會儘快發出確認訊息,請你收到後,儘快入數到我們的銀行戶口。

Photos from Shopping.UK's post 08/08/2024

【適合6歲+】Roald Dahl 的小說有魔力大家都知道,他今次扭轉耳熟能詳的童話故事,加插少許黑色幽默、恐怖、令人寒心的情節!
Title/書名: Roald Dahl Revolting Rhymes
Selling Price/售價: HK$105 (包一般工商速遞)
Features: 20 x 13 cm / Paperback / 80 pages / 0.066 kg
I bet you think you know this story.
You don't. The real one's much more gory.
From Jack in the Beanstalk, Goldilocks and the Three Bears to Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs, wicked beasts, brazen crooks and a ghastly giant star in these hilarious nursery rhymes with BITE!
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Photos from Shopping.UK's post 08/08/2024


📘How to Write a Story 【適合7-11歲】21個story kits,每一個都有大量寫作提示、引導問題、生字配搭,提供大量練習機會!

📙Write Like a Ninja 【適合5-12歲】英文寫作手冊● 讓你快速掌握寫作要訣● 盡攬寫作精要包括Grammar, 各種句型,修辭手法,形容場境和人物的生字, 同義字等等● Pocket-sized 輕便就手

📙My First Story Writing Book 【適合5-8歲】書內大量故事寫作提示,不用怕沒有靈感,練習短可輕鬆完成。

📙Storyteller's Illustrated Dictionary 【適合7-11歲】生字以6個建構故事的主要部分分類,包括Action、Character、Emotion、Setting、Taste and Smell、Weather。硬皮書超過1000個以上的字,272頁內容。荷里活畫師創作生動活潑的插畫,記憶更容易。

📘Word Wheels 【Elementary適合6-9歲】【Advanced適合9-13歲】如果小朋友寫作的問題是缺乏詞彙🤔,這書特別有用,它預先把相關的字詞分類安排在同一頁,一打開已經有大量合用的寫作材料,又簡單又直接,你就再沒有藉口唔用啦!



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10個優秀年輕的球星⭐️都有自己不可思議的成長故事,從小在公園踢足球至現在在各大聯賽舞台上施展精湛球技, 怎不令你為之雀躍! 【適合6歲+】Football Rising Stars Collection 10 books / HK$312
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A Day in the Life of a Caveman, a Queen🫅🏼 and Everything in Between 適合6歲以上 卡通漫畫🤣反轉你對歷史既定沈悶的印象 128頁內容 #comics #history #c...
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⬆️增加知識廣度 Introduction to History 10 books 不要少看小朋友的好奇心,一些複雜的歷史大事💣、前人事跡🧭、歷史建築🏰等等,他們也會有興趣,但家長很難三言兩語說清楚,一齊看書📚就最好啦!一戰、二戰、偉大的探...
Football Rising Stars 10 books - 10個優秀年輕的球星⭐️都有自己不可思議的成長故事,從小在公園踢足球至現在在各大聯賽舞台上施展精湛球技, 怎不令你為之雀躍!要訂購就即刻PM我地啦!
Football Rising Stars 10 books
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